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Author Topic: MaYuki: My Stalker Can't This Be Cute! (Chapter 9: One Lazy Afternoon) update!  (Read 26288 times)

Offline sastio13

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@kenjoy12: Yes. As long my brain won't go lazy.  XD
@MayuxMatsuixMusic: Haha. Mayu really should and show Yuki her cute side too. :on GJ:
@Kirozoro: Thank you for reading! Yes they're fated!!   :wub:
@48matama: Thank you.  :) :) I'll be working with a wmatsui moment after I got more idea. :D
@RenshuChan: I also wonder lol. XD Our Mayu is an expert stalker and she'll be able to take picture without fail.  :kekeke:

a/n: Anyway... Here's another update. I am really hesitant to post it since I found it a little lacking. But... Oh well... It's better to post than to leave it on my docs and be forgotten away.  :lol: :lol: Enjoy~! :thumbsup

Chapter 7: Unexpected Kiss

With all the boxes and bags lying on the solid ground, Yuki arrived to her new apartment earlier that it should be. She was in front of the three-floored apartment building, scanning the exterior and stared blankly by the wooden sign at the left corner of the building. She coughed to clear her throat, and began to read aloud what was written in the wooden sign:

‘Welcome to Watanabe Apartment’

As usual, the word Watanabe caught her attention again and her eyebrows twitched, ‘There’s a lot of Watanabe, however I would not be surprise if I’d be bumping on the same person all over again.’ Yuki heaved a sigh as she looked by the newspaper she got before, and the wind, again, gushed into her face softly.

Shortly after that, a girl appeared by Yuki’s sight. It was not was the girl Yuki is expecting to see, but she recognized the voice. It was the one she had a talked over the phone. ‘Kashiwagi Yuki, right? The girl in front of her had asked.

‘Yes. I’m the one who called yesterday.’ Yuki gave her a smile and bowed lightly.

‘Oh, welcome to Watanabe apartment! My name is Watanabe Miyuki. I’ll be gladly to assist you for today.’

Yuki for the first time had felt wonderful just because it was a different person in front of her, not the one she had been thinking a while ago. After their small conversation, Miyuki helped her moved Yuki’s boxes and bags by her apartment in the last door of the third floor, numbered 304. Miyuki explained that the water and electricity has not been fix yet, and her cousin goes to the agencies to have it work by 3 o’clock in the afternoon. ‘If you ever need electricity for charging your gadget or need to take a bath or even have a drink, please don’t hesitate to knock on my apartment, numbered 101,’ Miyuki said after they have finished moving Yuki’s boxes and bag.

‘Thanks. I would be sure to pay a visit after I’ve fix first my things.’ Yuki replied before Miyuki left.

Feeling satisfied by her new apartment, Yuki continued unpacking her things and carefully placed them by her new cabinets. Her new apartment was a little spacious than her previous one. It took her about three and half hours to settle her things to the right place. Just then Yuki looked at her wristwatch, it is already five in the afternoon and Yuki was confident that the electricity and water are now both working. She decided to take few minutes of break and after that, she went to her new bathroom to have a warm bath.


‘Eh!’ Yuki’s eyes widen. She opened first the light yet it did not open. Yuki did not continue bothering instead continue to remove her now sweaty clothes as it might be just the light bulb that has a problem, and went over the shower area. With all her clothes removed, Yuki opened the shower but… no water came out. ‘What?’ Yuki asked annoyingly as she glared over the shower. ‘They completely forgotten it, did they?’

Quickly, Yuki wear her clothes, came out the bathroom and walked down the first floor at Miyuki’s apartment. Before she can even knocked by the door, she was halted by a loud voice inside. Miyuki was talking by her phone, likely angry.

‘What? What do you mean you forgot?’ Miyuki yelled. ‘Do you think I will be able to explain to her that easily? You better go home, now!’ Miyuki turned off her phone before the other line can speak and throw herself to the sofa as she was thinking of an excuse.

Yuki somewhat understand what happened from what she heard. Miyuki’s cousin unbelievably forgot about Yuki’s electricity and water line to be fix today, afternoon. ‘So does this mean I will take my bath by public baths?’ Yuki thought as she began to walk back her apartment and decided not to knock. However… when Yuki was walking back she was by accident got hit by a bicycle running in full speed.

 ‘MOVE OUT!’ said the mysterious driver.


The loud crashing made Yuki and the unknown rider fall down the ground. Miyuki was surprised by the loud sound and opened her door immediately, and found Yuki and her cousin on the ground, completely out of place. Yuki got herself faced the floor as the other figure had her head glued on the floor and the bicycle’s chain flew over the rider’s forehead, miraculously. 

‘Yuki-san, are you all right?’ Miyuki helped Yuki instead of her cousin, the rider, who suffered more of pain than Yuki.

‘I’m fine. Just a few headaches,’ Yuki said as she lightly opened her eyes and regained her balance. The other figure also stood up as she hurried to bow down before Yuki, to apologize. Just when Yuki had a perfect glance over the so-called cousin of Miyuki, she literally jaw-dropped and had her index finger crook pointedly over the figure in front.

‘Ah… Why am I not surprise to see you… again?’ Yuki’s cheeks twitched, giving an unpleasant face.

Of the entire person, – Oh, how many times did I, the author, have said this same line before? – Scratched that. I am sorry….

‘Eh!’ As Miyuki’s cousin lifted her head, she gave a real surprised face. ‘W-What are you doing here, Yuki-san?’ It is no mistake was the same Watanabe Mayu. Yuki’s classmate, workmate and probably her new neighbor now.

‘Don’t go ‘e’ me and don’t give me that what-are-you-doing-here-Yuki,’ Yuki thought herself, as she was not ‘really’ surprised to bumped on her again. ‘I’ve rent an apartment here and I have a huge guess that you forgot about my electricity and water line, did you?’ Yuki eyed Mayu.

Mayu immediately invaded the eye contact of Yuki. She was not prepared by her excuses on how she forgot about those things. ‘I – ah… I let you borrow my emergency light?’ Mayu gave Yuki a small apologetic smile. In the other hand, Miyuki apologized too and promised to lower Yuki’s rent for her first month. 

‘I’m really sorry for my cousin’s idiotic nature. Just for this night I’ll let you stay over Mayu’s apartment and by tomorrow I will have it fixed.’

‘Eh?’ Mayu asked. It is indeed a good opportunity for Mayu  to get close with Yuki, although she is afraid if she suddenly acted strange in front of her.

‘Don’t just go ‘e’ us, Mayu. It is your fault and you must do something in return, and besides you knew each other, right?’

‘I agree with the don’t-just-go-e-me part, just that part.’ Yuki thought. ‘I don’t really mind if I sleep without light over my apartment.’ Yuki said, ‘And –’

‘Oh, no… There would be no problem over me and to Mayu. So just for this night, I really beg you to. We don’t want our client, on her very first day, have an awful experience.’

Yuki does not seem to agree with last sentence. From the very first day of her high school, she had already encountered many awful things. On top of that, Watanabe Mayu was involved. Was it just a mere coincident or it was a destiny that the gods had written for the both of them? No one knows.

‘I guess so…’ In the end, Yuki accepted it just because she had no choice and Miyuki was very persistent.

After they all agreed, Miyuki went back to her own apartment while, Mayu and Yuki began to walk to Mayu’s apartment in which it was also located in the third floor and unexpectedly just the next apartment before Yuki’s.

‘Wait here…’ Mayu commanded Yuki as she quickly shut her door, closed. She came in first to her apartment to settle few things that she does not want Yuki to see. In a matter of two minutes, Mayu quickly hid all her picture albums, her diary and locked them by her study table’s drawer with a key. Those things would greatly put Mayu in danger if Yuki saw it and that would definitely reveals her secret.
‘I’m sorry to keep you waiting,’ Finally Mayu showed up and with an emergency light in her right hand, ‘Since the sun is all down I figured that we’d need this to have your other things transfer in my apartment temporarily, like your futon and  get clothes to change with.’

‘Yes, that would be good.’

The both of them went to Yuki’s apartment as Mayu hold the emergency light. Yuki went inside her apartment, pack some sleeping clothes with her, and get her futon. After that, they locked the apartment and went back to Mayu’s.

‘Otaku…’ Yuki murmured as she entered inside. Mayu’s apartment was full of anime-related things. From the very first step from the door, there were few anime posters glued by the wall. Taking another few steps, a glass divider can be seen full of anime figurines and manga collections. ‘A typical otaku,’ Yuki thought.

Mayu insisted that Yuki to have the first shower while she will have a dinner prepared. Yuki nodded and went by Mayu’s bathroom to have a shower and relax herself longer. The warm water sprinkled in her skin gave her a form of relaxation as the tiredness she got from the day slowly fades away. On the other hand, Mayu who was in the kitchen can clearly hear every drops of the water from the bathroom. The kitchen and bathroom are just next to each other.

Mayu tried herself to keep calm as she cuts the carrots in cubes. Although, the shower sound distracted her and her hands trembled as she cut the carrots, making it in a not-perfect cube shape. She cannot not really concentrate as though the shower was also inviting her. ‘This is bad as I thought.’ Mayu blushed hard as she continue cutting another batch of veggies she would need in her cooking. ‘Must continue to stay calm…’ Told herself as she brushed her thoughts away.

When Yuki came out of the bathroom, it was really expected a silence would fall over them. Although, things went different as Yuki smell something nice from the kitchen that made her tummy rumbled with sound. 

‘Smells good.’ Yuki mentally commented as she went near the stove where Mayu was cooking, and inhale the delicious smell.  Yuki looked by the big bowl and found saw beef curry. She gulped on how tempting the food looked. She never thought Mayu can cook this good, or maybe she should learn from her instead of continuing to have negative thoughts about her.

‘Ah… dinner’s ready.’  Mayu offered a bowl filled with rice-curry and a spoon to Yuki. Yuki without hesitation ate with pleasure. Mayu only seated in front of her, watching Yuki eat.

‘You know what…’ Yuki spoke while she eats, ‘I really thought you are very creepy person.’

‘Huh?’ Mayu furrowed her brow.

‘You’re all quiet during the first day of school and sort of have different aura,’ Yuki said straightforwardly, ‘So I thought you’re not a normal.’

‘Ah… really?’ Mayu’s lower lip curved down a little, as she apparently does not really know what to say.

‘But,’ Yuki eyed Mayu as her hands hold her chin before continuing, ‘I guess I was wrong… I think your normal and just an idiot otaku like your cousin told.’

That was an unexpected honest Yuki had told Mayu. ‘Ha-ha.’ That was only thing Mayu could respond with as she scratched her head with a cute manner. ‘I am an idiot to Yuki-san… I see…’ Mayu thought.

After the dinner, Mayu had taken a bath while Yuki prepared her futon for her to sleep. Yuki was all tired and immediately fell asleep before Mayu had done taking a bath.

In a few minutes, Mayu came out the bathroom and found Yuki now sleeping. Mayu blushed as an idea came inside her. This would be the first time she would be seeing her beloved Yuki sleeping deeply and she could not let this opportunity to be wasted. ‘I badly want a picture… However, I want to steal a quick kiss too…’ Mayu keep on battling with her thoughts, as she was getting nearer over Yuki’s sleeping face while holding her cell phone.

‘Collection first!’ Mayu settled with taking picture as she was done battling with her thoughts. Using her phone, Mayu took five shots and giggled as she looked at how cute it was. Although busy looking over the picture, an unexpected scene occurred.

 The sleeping Yuki, without her full conscious had suddenly grabbed Mayu’s hand, like a pillow hugging it. Mayu automatically fell besides Yuki, her phone fell the other way and what was more unexpected happened is they kissed without Yuki knowing. Mayu froze as her lips were touching Yuki’s. The sleeping Yuki did not even know what happened. All she knows is that she grabbed a pillow and hugged it near her.

It was their unexpected first kiss.

~To be continue.  :) :)
Yo, i'm sastio! i like to read fanfics! :)
a silent reader :grin:

Oshi: Shinoda Mariko,
Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena, Yagami Kumi, Okada Nana, Shinobu Mogi, Thalia, etc.
overall, i like all members hehe

every pairing is fine, as long as i enjoy :)

Offline Archer1992

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  • I love Atsumina, Mayuki, Kojiyuu, Saeyaka, Wmatsui
Mayu ganbatte whit yuki hahahaha this relationship is very funny
Continue soon

Enviado desde mi HTC One mediante Tapatalk

Offline leipyon

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With this fanfic almost getting its one year in 3 days, to be honest I'm quite lost with the plot of this fanfic... I don't even know what to do  :nervous I really hope I'm on the right track XD. If you guys have questions, please do ask  :) :)

And...  I'll be putting this fanfic on semi-hiatus... (I know, even if I don't mention it, this fanfic update very slow)

Anyway... a short update :D I hope you guys enjoy~

Chapter 8: Dangerous Lips

Just as the bell rung, immediately, Yuki shove her things back to her bag and dashed out by the room even though their sensei was still inside. Everyone was surprise as all their gaze fell upon the hurried Kashiwagi.

‘Nee… Sae-chan what happened to Yuki-chan?’ One of their classmate came beside Sae and had asked.

‘Oh… Yuki got a part-time job, and to think of this is her first day, she doesn’t want to be late…’ Sae replied.

‘Oh, I see. Yuki-chan must be on time.’

Mayu overheard their conversation by chance yet she paid less attention. Her head felt heavy, as though someone have been hammering it, and that was she most concern for now. She felt sick during the whole school hours. ‘That Yukirin,’ Mayu muttered quietly as she flinched, remembering what had happened, ‘she gave me so much headache of figuring how to sleep last night…’

Yes… Last Night… She could clearly remember it… How the world stop spinning with her after the split second of that moment that her alone knows.


Just after what happened, she was temporarily speechless with mixture of astonishment building inside her. Hugging her knees tightly by her chest and seated by the darkest corner of her room where the twinkling of stars are her only source of light. Facing her mirror emotionlessly as though she failed to a major examination or had lost something that bears a sentimental value, her heart throbs violently. Throbbing violently, and violently, as that moment kept on repeating on her now-damned mind.

Disregard the cold weather that night as droplets of sweat had formed in her forehead, and beneath her eyes grew blackened curves. It was passed midnight and yet our dear Mayu  still awake and troubled with the queer emotions building inside her even though she did not even took a cup of coffee before – or was that kiss contained a deadly chemical substance for her to not to sleep?! No doubt, it was very effective. Thanks to the peacefully sleeping goddess in front of her…


Those sweet and soft lips of how they miraculously met with hers. Lucky stalker, she was. Their first night together under the same roof and their first kiss, though Yuki was not in her complete conscious.  Mayu flinched, bringing her soul back to her body again. She shook her head back and forth, as it hit her palms, giving a light slapping on cheeks. Repeatedly it haunted her, the kiss.

If only she did her job, her cousin had told her. She would never felt sick like this but… How idiot she is to even forgot it! She was not that old enough to even have memory errors! BUT no, she did it on purpose – but of what reasons? Why did she? Everything was planned since the beginning. Everyone knows that… Of course, as she ‘s a stalker – a cute and amateur  stalker, as the most perfect definition to describe our dear Watanabe Mayu.

Soon after she had the information by her cousin, she made the steps.  The electricity and water was already connected beforehand! Only Mayu knew that… She lied to her cousin and to her precious Yuki. She is clever enough to just turn off the main switches and acted as though she did forget it. Her main purpose was of course collections of her goddess’ pictures. Although, the following consequence of that was not calculated by her mind.

A kiss was just an optional, but came unexpectedly. And with that, Mayu suffered from lose of sleep and headaches. If only Yuki knows how victorious her lips was, definitely she can be a good bully to Mayu. Oh, how I, the author, loves to see those scenes for the upcoming chapters… A genius bullying her stalker…


Kashiwagi Yuki who was an hour earlier, was greeted by her bosses by the entrance of the café. Yuki gave her most famous reactions as she saw Mariko and Haruna wearing panda and kitten costumes. ‘Weird café, as I always think,’ a thought of Yuki.

‘Fine weather isn’t it, Yuki? And good afternoon too!’ Mariko said as she removed her panda cap. ‘Today, you’ll be under my supervision at the kitchen. But before that, let us get your body measurements, right Haruna?’

‘Good afternoon too. Yes indeed, fine weather today…. And body measurement?’

‘Un,’ Haruna nodded. ‘We create our employee’s uniform as it saves more money than hiring others to create. Haruna explained, and then without further ado, Haruna took Yuki’s hand and went by the staff room. Mariko on the other hand, was left to the counter to serve her upcoming customers.

In minutes afterwards, came the dizzy-headed mouse by the entrance. She’s well… wearing facemask and looked sickly. Almost going to faint any minute.

‘How do you do, Mayu? You looked awful sick…’

‘Nothing very serious Mariko-sama… A lack of sleep, that’s all…’

‘Sure are you? Maybe you can have some day-off?’

‘I’m fine... Think I’ll just be doing counter works for now…’

Well she never once think of skipping her work for now and onwards. Why of course she wanted to see Yuki in a maid uniform or in their other types of uniforms the café have. Prioritizing collections, indeed. The staff room opened a moment later, and came out to was Haruna and Yuki. Haruna came out with a smile carved in her face as she have a good news to be announce.

‘Well everyone… I think we got Yuki a maid uniform today!’ Winked, Haruna. ‘Though, it was mine I thought of fixing it for Yuki to have hers now and here she is now…’ Haruna grabbed the shy Yuki out of the staff room, and their she was dressed in a common black gothic maid uniform.

‘Mariko approved!’ The trolled Mariko gave thumbs up to Haruna and Yuki. ‘Perfectly fitted, right Mayu?’ elbowed Mariko to Mayu.

‘Uhh… Yes, it is…’ 

Too much words running inside Mayu’s head to say words of describing how Yuki was good in a maid uniform. Goodness, if she had a SLR camera with her, without wasting seconds, she’ll rapidly press the capture button. Although, with a glimpse of eyeing to Yuki’s lips, immediately Mayu stepped out of her thoughts.

‘Though…. Something must be taught and something must be learned…’ Mariko snapped her fingers and in seconds Haruna took again, Yuki’s hand and they went by the entrance of the café. Mayu shrugged, as she knows what will happen next.

‘Now Yuki, you need to learn how to smile perfectly… First let us see your smile…’

‘Sure… I think that’s easy for me.’ Yuki gave her cutest smile to them. And of course, as Mayu staring in Yuki’s lips made her heart throbs as though it was forcing her not to forgot that unexpected kiss she was not prepared of.

‘Mariko approved!’ Again, Mariko threw a thumbs up to Yuki. Afterwards, they proceeded with basic training in handling customers. It wasn’t hard for them to lecture and train Yuki as she herself did perfectly with the trainings, though with the upcoming lesson to be learn in cooking, hopefully she can do good also.

‘No… Yuki we need not to boil eggs…’

‘Mix it gently Yuki… Use the spatula carefully…’

‘It should be only 350 degrees for cookies about 8 to 10 minutes!’

‘Ack… Remove them Yuki they’ll burn.’

‘Haruna get the fire extinguisher, now!’

With Mayu took in-charge of the café while the two older trained Yuki in the kitchen, she was more relaxed and calm again, with her earphones by her ears. And since there was no single customer for now, Mayu took a rest. Those lips of Yuki were dangerous enough for Mayu for her to suffered headaches. And If there such thing as kiss that contained a dangerous chemical that may give anyone headaches, to Mayu, it is definitely Yuki’s lips.

~To be continue  :) :)  :)


I'm sorry. I know. I'm a silent reader.  :barf:

---kind of BUSY---

Hi, Im new here. Nice to meet you :D

JPOP lover
-AKB48 (oshi: Mayuyu, Yukirin, Sayaka Akimoto)
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Offline MYJR

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Just notice this fic......
...I LIKE IT  :mon thumb:


Oh, how I, the author, loves to see those scenes for the upcoming chapters… A genius bullying her stalker…

You not the only one author-san..... your readers also dying to see those scene... :mon lovelaff:

Can't wait for next chapter and also stalker diary part 2

Offline Kairi65

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cant' wait for the next chapter!

update soon~~ :thumbsup

Offline Kirozoro

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  • WMatsui, Atsumina, Mayuki couple forever!!
Poor Mayu suffer because of the dangerous lips of Yuki

Update soon

Offline leipyon

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MaYuki x JuRena: Hello! :D Thank you for reading. I appreciate it.  Hahaha. If only school is not keeping me busy I'd definitely write 'em.  :banghead: And regarding the Stalker's Diary part 2, I still don't know as I already revealed on the chapter 8 Mayu's intentions...  But I may still make one in future updates. :D

Kairi65: And here's the update  :)  :)

Kirozoro: Hahaha. In this chapter you can find more of how dangerous Yuki is XD

I forgot to make replies on my last post. I'm sorry  :sweatdrop:  And disregard that semi-hiatus I mentioned (for now)  :P :P

a/n: I just updated just because it's August 2 XD The birthday of this fanfic. Although I am very sorry to say... Less MaYuki in this chapter. :nervous Enjoy~  :peace:

Chapter 9: One Lazy Afternoon

It was four o’clock past in the afternoon, and the short president was seated by her comfy chair in the most middle of the their club room. She gazed throughout the room as she was humming – not a hum of happiness, as something is really missing. ‘Something is not right…,’ Yuko paused for a moment as she gaze through the room again and rubbed her imaginary beard, figuring what is not right in her eyes.

‘Everything is not right!’ She yelled.

Why, of course everything is wrong. The room was nothing but enveloped with silence, only her alone. The squirrel sighed. Where could be the other members of the club, and most of all that she must concern with is, they still haven’t got activities at all… It has been two weeks since the school has started and even if with new members, none activity was ever done. Ever.

‘Members,’ she shouted, ‘where are you?!’ Definitely, no one will answer, as she was all alone in the rectangular room. Realizing it was useless, Yuko decided to look for her unenthusiastic members – unenthusiastic, meaning they care less to their stupid club – and stomped her way out of the empty room.

First stop was the student council. Takamina was the first who greeted Yuko and taking a look farther the room sat the ever busy student council president with tons of paper works dumped in her wooden table. ‘Now, what is the photography club prez wants to us?’ Takamina asked.

‘Well, I am looking for my dumb members… Have you seen them?’

Takamina’s eyes furrowed. Normally, Yuko would only goes to student council to have some tea or teased Takamina, but today it seems like she was in a different mood. She’s very serious rather than the usual pervert squirrel. 

‘I have not… Why?’

‘They don’t attend the club and most of all we still have no activities ever done to present…’

‘That’s bad…,’ the busy Atsuko lifted herself upward, ‘the deadline for submissions of monthly club activity report is in 3 days.’

‘Ughh… I know… I’m going to sew them all if ever the club was pulled out…’

Yuko bid her goodbye after the useless information she got. She then went to her next stop, which is the school’s cafeteria. Now, who could be the first member she could find? Or who could this two member be? Since it was already 4 hours past the lunchtime, everything, of course, is quiet, compare during lunch time where students rumbles to food stalls to get the best serving of food.

Now who caught her attention…? The ever melon-pan lover was seated near the window, enjoying piles of different melon-pans on the table. Munching melon-pans as though tomorrow never comes. And by her lap, comfortably lies a giggling puppy.

‘Rena-chan, say ahh…’ The puppy commanded the melon-pan lover as she stuffed her with melon-pan. The taller followed and opened her mouth. ‘How does it taste? I ordered this from Hokkaido.’

‘Deli-nom, cious-nom, nom…’ No one could understand a person who talks while munching foods and that was Yuko has thought as she was staring at them from a distance. But Jurina understand Rena’s words.

‘Really? Then have some of this! Say ahh~’

Although, before they could continue enjoying melon-pan feast, Yuko immediately dash toward them and gobbled up the melon-pan Jurina was holding. ‘Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom…!’ Yuko talked in an angry manner, though Jurina and Rena cannot understand a single word.

‘I said what you two are doing here when we supposed to have club activity…’

‘Afternoon date, woof~,’ the puppy replied with her curve smile. ‘Care for another melon-pan?’

‘Nope, I think I’m full and you two are going with me.’

After finding the two members, Yuko continue to look for the other two members. Now where could they be? Yuko wondered. ‘Anyone from you two knows where could Mayu and Yuki are?’

The two waved their head back and forth. ‘No, we haven’t,’ Jurina replied.

‘Maybe Sae-chan, Yuki’s friend, knows…’ Rena suggested.

Yuko followed Rena’s suggestion and they head outside to where track and field members are practicing.

~On the field~

 ‘Good afternoon, Sae-san,’ Rena greeted.

‘Hi there, I find it really tiring to jog around the oval and you must be very good with it’ greeted the puppy.

‘Hello… Hhh... there.. Hhhh… Miyazawa-san,’ Yuko greeted Sae as she catch up with her breathe. Miyazawa looked behind her to find the Photography club members jogging with her. Rena and Jurina looked fine and were able to jog perfectly like Sae, however the Photography president is not good with running stuffs so she was left few steps behind.

‘… Hello and good afternoon. Uh… What can I do for you?’ Sae asked while they all continue jogging, ‘Would you guys want to stop by the shed and discuss something?’

‘Oh, no… This will be fine. We really wouldn’t like to disturb your practice, so we’ll just ask you while you’re on practice. Don’t worry with us; we can keep up with you.’ Rena replied. However, In Yuko’s head, she really wished for them to stop even just a minute for she was losing some air. Thankfully, Rena was useful and she did all the asking instead of the president herself.

‘Un!’ Jurina agreed.

‘Ok, if that what guys want…’ Sae replied.

‘Where just here to ask…,’ Rena paused for a moment as they change the direction, turning left, back to the starting point of the oval with Sae at the lead follow up with Jurina, Rena and Yuko as the last, ‘if you have seen Yuki and Mayu around… We need to talk to them and it’s emergency.’

‘I know nothing about Mayu of whereabouts, only Yuki. She is probably working in a café right now…’

‘Yuki, was?’ Jurina asked.

‘On part time job… A café named Panda Café…’

‘Thank you very much, Sae-chan. Will take our stop here. Good day…’ Rena and Jurina stopped jogging, ‘hear that Yuko?’ They turned around to Yuko, but no Yuko to be seen. How on earth did Yuko disappear? They panicked and jog back to where they previously went. Not far from their current place, they found a figure lying on the ground.

‘Pervert kaichou!’ Jurina yelled.

‘Yuko!’ Rena also yelled.

Upon their arrival to the lying figure, immediately they found Yuko fainted. Hurriedly they move her to a cool place and Jurina took some cup of water from a nearby drinking fountain and let Yuko drink of it.

‘Kaichou, please don’t leave us! We know nothing about photography…’ Jurina weep.

‘I promise to give you half of my melon-pan, just don’t leave us behind!’ Rena almost teary said.

Yuko was of course, could hear their sobs. Actually, she just tripped over while jogging and did not bother continuing as she know she couldn’t have catch up with them. ‘I’m not dying idiots and I am not leaving this earth before I can even be a professional photographer.’

‘Gee, I wasted my tears for nothing…’ Jurina said, whipping her tears.

‘Me too… And I would not share my melon-pan,’ Rena nodded.

‘WHAT?’ Yuko asked.

‘I mean we already know where Yuki is. Woof~’ Jurina said, changing the topic.

‘Ah… Yes! We know where Yuki was. Uh… Woof~’ Rena said as also acting as a dog like Jurina.

Now continuing their journey of finding their other members, they walked downtown, looking for a certain café of which Yuki is employed with. They stopped first by a café they first seen but it was not the café as it has a different name to what Sae told them. Occasionally they would stop to buy few things with them like ice cream and cotton candy as though they were on a trip instead on looking for Yuki. After they reached a certain point from where an area was not likely visited by people, they finally saw the café. The odd-looking café with an odd name: Panda Café

‘Do they serve cake made with panda?’ Jurina wondered loudly.

‘Or a hot chocolate made with panda?’ Rena asked.

‘Or a coffee made with panda?’ Yuko asked.

Funny to think of those things, but of course they do not serve those kind stuffs. It was just an ordinary café with an unordinary name, and a café in which serve cakes, coffees or anything that a normal café would serve its customers. Nevertheless, they went inside the café and they were greeted by –

‘Mayu! You also work here?!’ Yuko was surprised that she even talked before I, the author, could finish narrating my part.

‘Oh, Look free taste cookies!’ Jurina grabbed loots from the basket from the counter. And she munch it.


Sometimes we are fooled of how a food it looks like but when we have a taste of it, they taste unbelieving. If only I, the author was a major, major character in the story, definitely I will tell Jurina of how horrible those cookies would taste. Even the tasteless queen, Itano Tomomi, I know, would eventually describe those cookies as horrible. Too bad, it was late as she already stuffed her mouth with it. With her joyous expression turned awful, she spit all the now-crumbled cookies out of her mouth.

‘bleh…’ Jurina grimaced on how awful it was.
‘There were never free cookies stated on the basket in the first place, Jurina…’ Mayu said.

‘But who even baked these cookies? Taste really awful…’

‘You wouldn’t want to know.’ Mayu shrugged.

Just then another employee came out of the staff room. Dressed in her maid uniform came out Kashiwagi Yuki. And in her hands are cookies wrapped in a colorless plastic. Now Jurina got what Mayu means. ‘I thought I’ve heard someone familiar and came here – Oh, Yuko, Rena and Jurina. Why hello there guys…’

‘We’ve been looking for you two.’ Yuko said.

‘And we needed to discuss about our club activities…’ Rena added.

Yuko and the rest of them discuss about their upcoming club activities inside the café. Jurina, Rena and Yuko ordered something in café, and told Mayu to give them anything aside from Yuki’s handmade cookies. They were given some Strawberry short cake, red velvet cupcake and heavenly chocolate cupcake as Mayu’s recommendation.

‘How about some photo shoots?’

 ‘We need models and I know none…’

There were left again in silence figuring about what would their first activity. Suddenly, the bell in which was hanging in the entrance of café rung, indicating a customer came, but today it was not a customer but the two owner of the Panda Café.

‘Welcome back Mariko-sama and KojiHaru-san.’ Mayu greeted them. ‘Uhh… customers from our Photography club.’

Rena was surprise to see Mariko and Haruna, but not as surprise as Yuko was the moment she heard the name Haruna. The other two were also surprise to see them, and gladly to see them again. Yes, they knew each other. Since they also graduate from Maeda High, Yuko and Rena knew them. Not to mention but Haruna is Yuko’s loooong time crush. The only person who can put Yuko in silence or daze whenever she sees her. Ironic for she’s known for being pervert and acted all shy when she’s around Haruna.

‘Oh! Long time no see Rena-chan and Takamina’s height twin Yuko.’ The troll Mariko greeted them.

‘Don’t compare me with Takamina…’ Yuko said. ‘Still the same Maritroll ever…’

‘Yes, it’s been awhile, Mari-chan. How are you two doing? And where’s Miichan?’

‘Miichan was abroad taking culinary; she’ll be back next month…’ Haruna replied. ‘Nice to see you both again.’

‘Since you’re here let’s throw some party.’ Mariko winked at them, ‘Order what you want and I’ll charge nothing.’

‘Really?’ Jurina asked. ‘Matsui Jurina by the way…’

‘Hello Jurina, nice to meet you too. Yes of course, for today you can order what you want.’

‘Great! Just in time I made moore cookies.’ Yuki came out of the staff room while holding a tray of cookies.

‘Uggh…’ All of them glare at the cookies Yuki was holding. In their eyes, Yuki was more of killer than a pastry chef. Everyone knew how dangerous those cookies are. One bite is enough for someone to get stomach aches. Second bite is... better phone an ambulance or you'd be dead on spot.  The appearance was more terrible compare to the other cookies she made before. It looked sort of purplish-black with dots of undefined ingredient.

‘It may look ugly but I assure you it really taste good!’

Dear oh dear… Now I, the author, am grateful to be not major character of this fanfic. Really, I am contented just being a narrator.

-To be continue  :) :) :)



I'm sorry. I know. I'm a silent reader.  :barf:

---kind of BUSY---

Hi, Im new here. Nice to meet you :D

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-AKB48 (oshi: Mayuyu, Yukirin, Sayaka Akimoto)
-SKE48 (oshi: wMatsui)
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Offline Kairi65

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Hmm? E-eh? i'm starting to get confused here :?

great update by the way :twothumbs

Offline MYJR

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I'm grateful that i'm just a reader.... :sweat:
I'm safe from those cookies... :lol:
although I want to taste one.. :mon cute:

Thanks for the update leipyon-san..Woof~ :mon baby:

Offline DC2805

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Yuki can also part time as an assassin…using the homemade cookies of hers!
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline sastio13

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thank goodness we're not major character so we're safe from yuki's awful-poisonous-homemand-cookies!
Yuki can also part time as an assassin…using the homemade cookies of hers!
how horrible the taste of yuki's cookies! thank god juripuppy still alive :lol:

and about the photoshoot.... i think they've found the model!
mariko & haruna could be their models, right?
thanks for your update btw :bow: XD
Yo, i'm sastio! i like to read fanfics! :)
a silent reader :grin:

Oshi: Shinoda Mariko,
Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena, Yagami Kumi, Okada Nana, Shinobu Mogi, Thalia, etc.
overall, i like all members hehe

every pairing is fine, as long as i enjoy :)

Offline Seira10048

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I would love to eat those cookies that Yuki made. Even though I will die, but I will die in peace  :wriggly:

Thank you for this chapter Leipyon-san. I'm looking forward to the next update :)
Kaze no you na sonzai sa~
Keberadaan yang seperti angin~

Offline crosteks

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ahhhhh!!! cam't wait for next chapter plssss.... make it fast  :twothumbs :twothumbs :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
 :jphip: :jphip: :jphip: :jphip: :jphip: :jphip: :jphip: :jphip: :jphip: :jphip: :jphip: :jphip: :jphip: :jphip: :jphip: :jphip: :jphip:

Offline Kirozoro

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  • WMatsui, Atsumina, Mayuki couple forever!!
on the hunting journal for their members

Wmatsi being lovely dovely >///<

LOL, didn't know Yuko was bad at jogging

Indeed, Yuki cooking is the most dangeros thing in the worlds

Update soon

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