Replies: MaYuki x JuRena: Hello!

Thank you for reading. I appreciate it. Hahaha. If only school is not keeping me busy I'd definitely write 'em.

And regarding the Stalker's Diary part 2, I still don't know as I already revealed on the chapter 8 Mayu's intentions... But I may still make one in future updates.
Kairi65: And here's the update
Kirozoro: Hahaha. In this chapter you can find more of how dangerous Yuki is
PS: I forgot to make replies on my last post. I'm sorry

And disregard that semi-hiatus I mentioned (for now)
a/n: I just updated just because it's August 2

The birthday of this fanfic. Although I am very sorry to say... Less MaYuki in this chapter.


Chapter 9: One Lazy AfternoonIt was four o’clock past in the afternoon, and the short president was seated by her comfy chair in the most middle of the their club room. She gazed throughout the room as she was humming – not a hum of happiness, as something is really missing. ‘Something is not right…,’ Yuko paused for a moment as she gaze through the room again and rubbed her imaginary beard, figuring what is not right in her eyes.
‘Everything is not right!’ She yelled.
Why, of course everything is wrong. The room was nothing but enveloped with silence, only her alone. The squirrel sighed. Where could be the other members of the club, and most of all that she must concern with is, they still haven’t got activities at all… It has been two weeks since the school has started and even if with new members, none activity was ever done. Ever.
‘Members,’ she shouted, ‘where are you?!’ Definitely, no one will answer, as she was all alone in the rectangular room. Realizing it was useless, Yuko decided to look for her unenthusiastic members – unenthusiastic, meaning they care less to their stupid club – and stomped her way out of the empty room.
First stop was the student council. Takamina was the first who greeted Yuko and taking a look farther the room sat the ever busy student council president with tons of paper works dumped in her wooden table. ‘Now, what is the photography club prez wants to us?’ Takamina asked.
‘Well, I am looking for my dumb members… Have you seen them?’
Takamina’s eyes furrowed. Normally, Yuko would only goes to student council to have some tea or teased Takamina, but today it seems like she was in a different mood. She’s very serious rather than the usual pervert squirrel.
‘I have not… Why?’
‘They don’t attend the club and most of all we still have no activities ever done to present…’
‘That’s bad…,’ the busy Atsuko lifted herself upward, ‘the deadline for submissions of monthly club activity report is in 3 days.’
‘Ughh… I know… I’m going to sew them all if ever the club was pulled out…’
Yuko bid her goodbye after the useless information she got. She then went to her next stop, which is the school’s cafeteria. Now, who could be the first member she could find? Or who could this two member be? Since it was already 4 hours past the lunchtime, everything, of course, is quiet, compare during lunch time where students rumbles to food stalls to get the best serving of food.
Now who caught her attention…? The ever melon-pan lover was seated near the window, enjoying piles of different melon-pans on the table. Munching melon-pans as though tomorrow never comes. And by her lap, comfortably lies a giggling puppy.
‘Rena-chan, say ahh…’ The puppy commanded the melon-pan lover as she stuffed her with melon-pan. The taller followed and opened her mouth. ‘How does it taste? I ordered this from Hokkaido.’
‘Deli-nom, cious-nom, nom…’ No one could understand a person who talks while munching foods and that was Yuko has thought as she was staring at them from a distance. But Jurina understand Rena’s words.
‘Really? Then have some of this! Say ahh~’
Although, before they could continue enjoying melon-pan feast, Yuko immediately dash toward them and gobbled up the melon-pan Jurina was holding. ‘Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom…!’ Yuko talked in an angry manner, though Jurina and Rena cannot understand a single word.
‘I said what you two are doing here when we supposed to have club activity…’
‘Afternoon date, woof~,’ the puppy replied with her curve smile. ‘Care for another melon-pan?’
‘Nope, I think I’m full and you two are going with me.’
After finding the two members, Yuko continue to look for the other two members. Now where could they be? Yuko wondered. ‘Anyone from you two knows where could Mayu and Yuki are?’
The two waved their head back and forth. ‘No, we haven’t,’ Jurina replied.
‘Maybe Sae-chan, Yuki’s friend, knows…’ Rena suggested.
Yuko followed Rena’s suggestion and they head outside to where track and field members are practicing.
~On the field~ ‘Good afternoon, Sae-san,’ Rena greeted.
‘Hi there, I find it really tiring to jog around the oval and you must be very good with it’ greeted the puppy.
‘Hello… Hhh... there.. Hhhh… Miyazawa-san,’ Yuko greeted Sae as she catch up with her breathe. Miyazawa looked behind her to find the Photography club members jogging with her. Rena and Jurina looked fine and were able to jog perfectly like Sae, however the Photography president is not good with running stuffs so she was left few steps behind.
‘… Hello and good afternoon. Uh… What can I do for you?’ Sae asked while they all continue jogging, ‘Would you guys want to stop by the shed and discuss something?’
‘Oh, no… This will be fine. We really wouldn’t like to disturb your practice, so we’ll just ask you while you’re on practice. Don’t worry with us; we can keep up with you.’ Rena replied. However, In Yuko’s head, she really wished for them to stop even just a minute for she was losing some air. Thankfully, Rena was useful and she did all the asking instead of the president herself.
‘Un!’ Jurina agreed.
‘Ok, if that what guys want…’ Sae replied.
‘Where just here to ask…,’ Rena paused for a moment as they change the direction, turning left, back to the starting point of the oval with Sae at the lead follow up with Jurina, Rena and Yuko as the last, ‘if you have seen Yuki and Mayu around… We need to talk to them and it’s emergency.’
‘I know nothing about Mayu of whereabouts, only Yuki. She is probably working in a café right now…’
‘Yuki, was?’ Jurina asked.
‘On part time job… A café named Panda Café…’
‘Thank you very much, Sae-chan. Will take our stop here. Good day…’ Rena and Jurina stopped jogging, ‘hear that Yuko?’ They turned around to Yuko, but no Yuko to be seen. How on earth did Yuko disappear? They panicked and jog back to where they previously went. Not far from their current place, they found a figure lying on the ground.
‘Pervert kaichou!’ Jurina yelled.
‘Yuko!’ Rena also yelled.
Upon their arrival to the lying figure, immediately they found Yuko fainted. Hurriedly they move her to a cool place and Jurina took some cup of water from a nearby drinking fountain and let Yuko drink of it.
‘Kaichou, please don’t leave us! We know nothing about photography…’ Jurina weep.
‘I promise to give you half of my melon-pan, just don’t leave us behind!’ Rena almost teary said.
Yuko was of course, could hear their sobs. Actually, she just tripped over while jogging and did not bother continuing as she know she couldn’t have catch up with them. ‘I’m not dying idiots and I am not leaving this earth before I can even be a professional photographer.’
‘Gee, I wasted my tears for nothing…’ Jurina said, whipping her tears.
‘Me too… And I would not share my melon-pan,’ Rena nodded.
‘WHAT?’ Yuko asked.
‘I mean we already know where Yuki is. Woof~’ Jurina said, changing the topic.
‘Ah… Yes! We know where Yuki was. Uh… Woof~’ Rena said as also acting as a dog like Jurina.
Now continuing their journey of finding their other members, they walked downtown, looking for a certain café of which Yuki is employed with. They stopped first by a café they first seen but it was not the café as it has a different name to what Sae told them. Occasionally they would stop to buy few things with them like ice cream and cotton candy as though they were on a trip instead on looking for Yuki. After they reached a certain point from where an area was not likely visited by people, they finally saw the café. The odd-looking café with an odd name: Panda Café
‘Do they serve cake made with panda?’ Jurina wondered loudly.
‘Or a hot chocolate made with panda?’ Rena asked.
‘Or a coffee made with panda?’ Yuko asked.
Funny to think of those things, but of course they do not serve those kind stuffs. It was just an ordinary café with an unordinary name, and a café in which serve cakes, coffees or anything that a normal café would serve its customers. Nevertheless, they went inside the café and they were greeted by –
‘Mayu! You also work here?!’ Yuko was surprised that she even talked before I, the author, could finish narrating my part.
‘Oh, Look free taste cookies!’ Jurina grabbed loots from the basket from the counter. And she munch it.
Sometimes we are fooled of how a food it looks like but when we have a taste of it, they taste unbelieving. If only I, the author was a major, major character in the story, definitely I will tell Jurina of how horrible those cookies would taste. Even the tasteless queen, Itano Tomomi, I know, would eventually describe those cookies as horrible. Too bad, it was late as she already stuffed her mouth with it. With her joyous expression turned awful, she spit all the now-crumbled cookies out of her mouth.
‘bleh…’ Jurina grimaced on how awful it was.
‘There were never free cookies stated on the basket in the first place, Jurina…’ Mayu said.
‘But who even baked these cookies? Taste really awful…’
‘You wouldn’t want to know.’ Mayu shrugged.
Just then another employee came out of the staff room. Dressed in her maid uniform came out Kashiwagi Yuki. And in her hands are cookies wrapped in a colorless plastic. Now Jurina got what Mayu means. ‘I thought I’ve heard someone familiar and came here – Oh, Yuko, Rena and Jurina. Why hello there guys…’
‘We’ve been looking for you two.’ Yuko said.
‘And we needed to discuss about our club activities…’ Rena added.
Yuko and the rest of them discuss about their upcoming club activities inside the café. Jurina, Rena and Yuko ordered something in café, and told Mayu to give them anything aside from Yuki’s handmade cookies. They were given some Strawberry short cake, red velvet cupcake and heavenly chocolate cupcake as Mayu’s recommendation.
‘How about some photo shoots?’
‘We need models and I know none…’
There were left again in silence figuring about what would their first activity. Suddenly, the bell in which was hanging in the entrance of café rung, indicating a customer came, but today it was not a customer but the two owner of the Panda Café.
‘Welcome back Mariko-sama and KojiHaru-san.’ Mayu greeted them. ‘Uhh… customers from our Photography club.’
Rena was surprise to see Mariko and Haruna, but not as surprise as Yuko was the moment she heard the name Haruna. The other two were also surprise to see them, and gladly to see them again. Yes, they knew each other. Since they also graduate from Maeda High, Yuko and Rena knew them. Not to mention but Haruna is Yuko’s loooong time crush. The only person who can put Yuko in silence or daze whenever she sees her. Ironic for she’s known for being pervert and acted all shy when she’s around Haruna.
‘Oh! Long time no see Rena-chan and Takamina’s height twin Yuko.’ The troll Mariko greeted them.
‘Don’t compare me with Takamina…’ Yuko said. ‘Still the same Maritroll ever…’
‘Yes, it’s been awhile, Mari-chan. How are you two doing? And where’s Miichan?’
‘Miichan was abroad taking culinary; she’ll be back next month…’ Haruna replied. ‘Nice to see you both again.’
‘Since you’re here let’s throw some party.’ Mariko winked at them, ‘Order what you want and I’ll charge nothing.’
‘Really?’ Jurina asked. ‘Matsui Jurina by the way…’
‘Hello Jurina, nice to meet you too. Yes of course, for today you can order what you want.’
‘Great! Just in time I made moore cookies.’ Yuki came out of the staff room while holding a tray of cookies.
‘Uggh…’ All of them glare at the cookies Yuki was holding. In their eyes, Yuki was more of killer than a pastry chef. Everyone knew how dangerous those cookies are. One bite is enough for someone to get stomach aches. Second bite is... better phone an ambulance or you'd be dead on spot. The appearance was more terrible compare to the other cookies she made before. It looked sort of purplish-black with dots of undefined ingredient.
‘It may look ugly but I assure you it really taste good!’
Dear oh dear… Now I, the author, am grateful to be not major character of this fanfic. Really, I am contented just being a narrator.
-To be continue