Pew, a short update.
Chapter 5
As the two walked outside, Mayu grabbed Yuko's hand and clung to her like glue, happily strolling the city.
"Mayu, where do you want to go?"
"I don't know, somewhere fun?"
Yuko smirks, "Somewhere fun with loud music, sparkling lights, hot dancefloor and beers?"
"Yuko you're crazy, don't we have an important shoot tomorrow?"
"Chill, Mayu, it won't get out of control, now let's go, JuJu's club is near this area, we should be there by 5 mins on foot"
Mayu groans, "You won't stop no matter what I do to you, right?"
Yuko smiles, "Nope"
"God, fine, but no heavy alcohols okay?"
"We'll see about that", a playful grin could be seen on Yuko's face. Oh man, this is going to be a long night.
They arrived in front of the famous Matsui party club, with rich looking people hanging out outside, Yuko smiled, Mayu frowned. Everytime she goes with Yuko to a club, she end up carrying her drunk bestie back. This one will be no different.
"Come on!", Yuko dragged Mayu inside.
- - - - -
Inside the Club
Upon entering, a young looking girl noticed them and waved her hand, "Yuko! Mayu! What brings you guys here?"
Yuko went to the young puppy-like girl and pats her shoulder, "Hey Jurina! How have you been?"
Jurina smiles, "Never been better! Come on guys let's head to the VVIP room, it's been a while since I talked to the both of you! Let's have some quality time!"
They all went to the largest, most sophisticated room in the club, with the whole dancefloor view available through the balcony. Yuko and Mayu sat on the expensive looking sofa, and Jurina followed soon with a bottle of Chivas in her hand.
Jurina opens the bottle and poured the alcohol in three different glasses, passing them to her guest before grabbing the last one for herself, "So, how have you guys been doing?"
Yuko took a sip, "We're cool, got an art gallery up and running 4 blocks away from here, Mayuyuko's Art House, you should come visit sometimes"
"Aah, so Mayu paints, right? I'm sure they sell like mad cause you're really gifted, you know", Jurina smiles.
Mayu downed one shot and chuckles, "Bitch please, Jurina! Everyone knows you're the best in art class back in the university!", Yuko added on, "Yeah, if only you didn't quit halfway through it..."
Jurina fills her empty glass, it's her second shot, "Hah! University is so not my thing, remember that one time I argued real bad with that stupid lecturer? They want to make the case go big so I just call it quits. I didn't regret it. Hell, I'm so glad I did! Look at my club now!", she sounds really proud. Well, she's the owner of one of the most famous club around, so of course she would be.
Mayu and Yuko nods in unison, agreeing with the puppy, then they continued on talking while their glass keeps on refilling as well.
"Mayu, how's things going with your girlfriend?"
Mayu shakes her head, drinking more, "We're over"
Yuko downed another glass before adding, "They broke up not long after graduation"
Jurina's eyes widened, "Really? Geez, sorry to hear that, man... but you guys are like the hottest couple in the whole uni, you two are so made for each other"
Mayu groans, "Naah, it just didn't work out. How about you, JuJu? Any luck with love?"
"Nope, no girlfriend and no boyfriend. Though I have a slight crush on a regular customer here."
Yuko's eyes flashed with interest, "Who is it?"
Jurina giggles, "I don't know, Yuko... she's usually with her groupies, they're like a bunch of models or something, cause they're always looking good"
Mayu and Yuko laughs, "Jurina? Are you really Jurina? Since when you're shy to approach people you like?"
Jurina blushed, "Shut uuuup! You will see why I'm shy if you look at her, she looks like a princess, so out of reach...", she stood up and went to the balcony, "Come on, you both, lets do some sightseeing"
Mayu and Yuko followed, still having their glass with them. They could see people dancing their hearts out to the loud music on the dancefloor. Some of the others are flirting, drinking, making out, and what not.
Jurina was scanning through the whole place and her eyes caught something interesting, her lips form a smirk, "Hey, that's the girl I'm talking about. Lets go down"
Yuko couldn't find the one that JuJu mentioned, so she just nod and followed her lead, same goes for Mayu. They went down and head to the bar table.
Yuko saw two girls in their early twenties, looking really good, gorgeous to be exact. One has pale skin, dark black hair, and princess looks. This one must be the one that Jurina talks about. The other... has long, dark brown hair, pointy ears, marvelous curves, and Yuko stopped herself from ogling the girl further.
Mayu pokes Jurina's arm, "Is that her? White dress, black hair?"
Jurina nods.
"I can see what you mean by looking unapproachable", Mayu chuckled.
Yuko joined their convo, smiling widely, "So you gonna talk to her or not?"
Jurina sighs, "What? No."
Yuko grins and went over to the two girls mentioned earlier, but before that, she raised an eyebrow at Jurina, "Watch me, pussy"
"Oh really, Yuko? Really? You're on", Jurina followed Yuko, not wanting to lose and be called a pussy.
Mayu, on the other hand, is sitting on one of the bar chairs, sighing, facepalming. 'This is why I hate these two... sooner or later they're going to do something stupid and I'll be the one to clean up their mess... just like those times when we're still in college...argh...'
Yuko tapped the shoulder of the dark haired girl, and she turned to face the short squirrel, "Yes?", then her eyes widened and she smiles, "Aah, Yuko?"
"Mhm, how are you, Rena?"
"I'm good"
"Oh, I want you to meet someone", Yuko gestured Jurina to come closer and she did, "Rena, this is Jurina, owner of this lovely club"
Jurina smiled sheepishly, "Heya, I saw you here quite often, you like it here?"
Rena eyed Jurina from head to toe, liking everything she sees, she has been drinking quite a lot, maybe it's the alcohol? "Yeah, your club has this really nice feel to it, plus the drinks aren't expensive"
Jurina sat on the empty chair beside Rena and they started chatting right away. While Yuko takes the spot next to the brown haired girl, hoping to get to know her.
She's drinking without a care in the world, she kept on asking the bartender to fill her glass with the heavy alcohols. She sighs and plays with the glass in her hand. Yuko saw the opportunity and strikes in a line.
"Hey, you sure you can handle that much?"
The other girl looks her way and rolled her eyes, "I'm fine"
"Okay then, let me buy you another one?", Yuko called out to the bartender and ordered one for the girl and one for herself.
The taller girl looks puzzled, nevertheless, she gulped down the alcohol Yuko gave her, "Thanks..."
Yuko downed hers quickly, "So, what's your name, cutie?"
"You're Rena's friend?"
Haruna drank another glass, "Yeah, same agency..."
"I see...", both of them continued talking about unimportant stuffs while drinking, and Yuko is reaching her alcohol tolerance limit.
"You know, you look really hot, Haruna...", Yuko is eyeing her with a glint of desire.
Haruna blushed slightly, "Thank you, you are too, Yuko..."
Was it the drinks? Yuko doesn't care anymore, she kissed the taller girl and to her surprise, Haruna didn't resist, instead, she kissed her back. It was brief, but both was left wanting more. Yuko put her hand on Haruna's waist, "Lets continue this somewhere else?"
The taller girl nods, "Your place."
Mayu watched the whole scene with bored eyes, this always happen when Yuko goes out drinking. 'Sheesh... guess I won't be getting any sleep tonight...'