@Sakura_drop_ : Consider the YukoNyan moments done lol and have you seen 2NE1's live preformances of I love you on youtube ??
Yatta!! YukoNyan oncoming!!!

And yes, I watched every performance I was able to find. They are my MOST FAVORITE NUMBER ONE KOREAN GROUP, AFTER ALL. 2NE1 HWAITING!!! Aren't they awesome? Especially CL, she just brings the best on stage, she's my number one korean idol/singer/rapper!!! (enough with my rambling

oh and does anyone here watch AKB0048 I was so annonyed that it finished at ep 13 and said to the next stage in 2013 at the end lol leaving us on a cliffhanger
Acctually, i was not annoyed, as I was expecting something like this. We;;, I really hope Takamina be still in Takamina's position, Acchan to show up (why then she was brought up anyways, if she was not going to appear). Also, Chieri becoming sweet from time to time, I expected her to give a chance to Nagisa. And cliffhanger is a good thing, as it provides us with Stage 2. Yay for conyinuation

also what would you guys think if i done a chieri and nagisa one shot ???
please write one. I'll be looking forward to it

Oh and who knows when Acchans graduation is ??
If I remember clearly, on 27th of August
P.S. My 999th comment seems quite informative yet short

oh well, I hope the 1000th will be better (I have some plans about it already
