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Offline Nakamii

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 4
« Reply #120 on: May 31, 2012, 04:26:43 AM »
Finally! Update~ I've been waitin' for this. This one seems so Depressing. Rena died and Atsuko soon to be like Rena, maybe? But, you should continue this, anyway.

~ Why this page is a Topper, anyway?
« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 04:44:35 AM by Nakamii »
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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 4
« Reply #121 on: May 31, 2012, 05:35:23 PM »
i love this fic! thank you for updating  :on lol:
acchan lost her arm  :pleeease: bring it back  :pleeease:
atsumina moments  :shy1:

Offline ichikawa

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Heroes -- Chapter 11 - Searching for the power
« Reply #122 on: June 02, 2012, 09:26:16 PM »
 :mon angel: I'm glad to know you are waiting for the update, minna~  :mon cute:
Thank you Chichay12, xxx220, pen-pen-chii, msst28, Megumi, Nakamii, miayaka, d_ruffi, ILOVESAEYUKI-WMATSUI

First, I'd like to say sorry for Atsuko (lost an arm) and Rena (lost her life)   :mon ouch:
 :mon whimper:  Please don't kill me  :mon cry:

Finally I finish chapter 11
Please forgive for my bad english. Hope you enjoy ~


Chapter 11
Searching for the Power

Persona (Atsuko’s room)

“Ugghh…” Atsuko slowly opened his eyes.

“Acchan!!” Minami hug him and rubs her face on him.

“Ah… Minami, hurt… my ribs, my wounds…” Atsuko complained.

“Sorry” She sticks out her tongue, “How do you feel? Something weird or pain?”

“I feel great~” Atsuko fake a smile. How can he feel great when he lost an arm. “By the way, how did we get out from that city?”

“It’s our parents… They came to save us” Minami said with sad expression.

“Really? Just like what I thought, they are alive. Where are they? I want to see my father.” Atsuko gets up from the bed vigorously and looking at Minami with shining eyes.

“They… They die…” Minami can’t face him. “Just when we all get back in persona, the city explode… and become sea of fire…”

Atusko freeze on his spot, can’t move. He wants to cry but he holds back the tears. His heart feels like breaking apart and it’s hurt so much. He clenches his fist so tightly that his palm starts bleeding. Minami went to comfort him, trying to loosen his fist.

“Acchan, don’t be like this” Minami hugs him and put his head on her shoulder. “Just cry, you’ll feel better”

“I can’t, Minami. I promised father… I won’t cry…” Atsuko distanced himself away from Minami, “I am useless… I lose in the fight, I lose an arm, I lose my father… and you are hurt” Atsuko gently touched Minami’s head which is still in bandage. “I can’t protect the crilyst, I can’t protect you… I am useless”

“Don’t say that, you did your best. If you didn’t shield me that time, maybe I am the one that dying. You are not useless, you’re always the best in my heart” Minami leaned in and attached their forehead together.


A half-human bird suddenly bumped from the window, rolling on the floor. Sae comes in from the window and took the bird out through the window and disappeared. Once again Sae appeared at the outside of the window and apologize to them.

“Sorry about the window, I’ll fix it later. Please continue to your heart content. See ya later~”

“What is he doin-”

BAAAAMMMMMMM (persona is bumped by something in the air)

“They’re attacking again?” Minami went to the window and saw unknown bird-like creatures are attacking their airplane. Yuki was flying in the air to tackle down those monsters. Sae and Haruna were on the deck to fight the monster.

“What are those?” Atsuko asked.

“You’ve been unconscious for two weeks, since the day we escape from the city” Minami sighed, “monsters are coming out and attack people. We’re travelling from one to another place to banish those monsters but it seems limitless”


Command deck of Persona

Finally, those half-bird runs away. They’re all gathering in pilot room.

“How is it going?” Minami and Atsuko walked inside the pilot room.

“Acchan! How do you feel? Anywhere still hurt?” Yuko approached him to examine his body. Haruna looks like getting a bit jealous and pouted at Yuko. When she saw how Haruna reacting, she shows more touches and get more closer to Atsuko.

“Ehem...cough cough” Haruna is walking toward Yuko and hold her arm, “Happy to see you awake, Atsuko. I’m gonna borrow Yuko for a while to take care of my wounds” then he took Yuko away.

“Eh? You’re wounded? Where?” Yuko asked while Haruna keeps quiet.

Yuko smirks, “Is it your lips hurt?”

“No” Haruna answered shortly.

“Then why are you pouting at? Don’t tell me, you’re jealous?” Yuko put her index finger on his lips, “Wanna try my special treatment?” she pouted her lips and moved forward to Haruna.

“No, thanks” Haruna instantly pushed Yuko face far from him.

“Are they going out?” Atsuko asked Minami and she nodded rapidly. He laughs at Yuko’s behavior, “Since when she becomes a pervert like uncle Oshima?”

“Pervert is the trademark in their bloodline~” Minami said jokingly.

“Hey, Atsuko! You’re awake” Kuu greeted.

“What are those creatures?” asked Atsuko.

“They are harpies, half-bird monster. They should have vanished 250 years ago” said Yuki.

“Yes, they shouldn’t appear again in this land… in human lands” Sae continue to tell them the story.

In ancient times, there are two dimensions of world… Human and nonhuman. Nonhuman creatures are forbid to get in human world. Legend said it’s because those creatures are violent against human and often killed human just for fun. Some heroes appear and get rid of those creatures, then it comes to a deal between the heroes and the Queen of underworld. It didn’t say what deal they have made, but the Queen promise to forbid any other nonhuman beings to step on human lands.

“I see…” Kuu said, “So, that black dressed woman is Queen of underworld?”

“Absolutely” Jurina added. “I saw her changes her skin, she can change her appearance and she has tails!! I believe she is the one who controlled my father and told him to collect crilyst, so I ran from home and joined you. Even so…” Jurina remember his father death, “I’ll get my revenge on her”

Mayu leaned her back at the wall and said, “The only way to stop her is to find the dark crilyst. She has wind, water and lightning. We have Fire and light, is not enough to fight her”

She continued, “Wind defeated by fire. Fire defeated by water. Water and lightning lose against light. The only way to defeat her is get the dark crilyst”

“After examined all the treasure maps I have, we decided that the dark crilyst might have been hidden in this forbidden forest” Mariko shows the map and the location of forbidden forest.

BIP BIP BIP BIP (sudden alert sound)

“Oh, NO! Persona left wing is broken” Kuu panicked and lost the control of the plane.

The plane began rolling in the air, and all of them are rolling inside the plane. Mariko managed to get on the seat and tried to maintain balance of persona. The plane becomes more stable then before.

“That was a good job, Mariko” Jurina praised.

“Useless brat” Mariko mocked at Kuu.

“What did you call me?!” Kuu pushed Mariko away from his seat and take the control of the plane, without knowing there’s a mountain right before them, Kuu speed up the pace of the plane. “Let me show you my skill”

“LOOK OUT!” Sae screams in horror.

“WWWAAAAAAAAAA” everyone scream in horror.


The plane is crashed, fortunately they managed to get out from the plane before it crushed. Haruna, Yuko, Minami and Atsuko were thrown out by the powerful collision. Jurina managed to hold Mayu in his arms and jumped out through the window. Sae was thrown up by a blast and Yuki went to chase after him. Kuu insists to take the control of the plane till the last seconds with Mariko.

===========   ===========   ===========

“SAE!” Yuki thrusts down to reach for Sae.

“Ah~ Yuki~ hurry, save me. I don’t want to die now” Sae said with teary eyes. The distance is getting more and more nearer to the land.

“Got you” Yuki put her arms around Sae’s waist and pulled him closer, floating in the air.

“YUKI! I LOVE YOU~” Sae said as he hugs Yuki tightly and kisses her cheek repeatedly.

Yuki blushed and accidentally throwing Sae away without hold back her strength. Sae fell down into the forest, sliding on the ground and ended up into a cave.


===========   ===========   ===========

“Mariko, where are you?” Kuu searched for Mariko within bunches of broken parts of the plane. The plane crushed into the forest near a dark valley, above them is covered by the leaves from the big trees surround them and is too dark to see. Kuu have to depend on his audibility to find Mariko.

“I’m here” Mariko answered.



“It’s too dark here, I can’t see you. Can you make some sounds?”

Mariko thinks for a while, then she took out her gun and knocking at the metal thing. Her legs are trapped under the broken parts of the plane that she can’t move.

“Brilliant, keep knocking. I’ll find you soon”

Kuu walks and walks and his foot kick something hard. He bends down to rub his foot then his head knock something.

“Ouch!!” both of them yelled.

“Ah, you’re here” Kuu reached out his hands and groping in the dark to search Mariko.

Gasp” Mariko is shocked by something that moving on her chest.

// Hmm…? What is this, so soft… // Kuu moved his hands upward after groping Mariko’s chest. His hands travelled to her neck, her jaw, and ended up to touch her lips.

“What - are – you - doing!!” Mariko growled.

“Eh? Don’t tell me that soft thing is your c––AAAHHHHH” Kuu’s hand got bitten by Mariko. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!! I don’t know it is your c––AAAHHHHH” Mariko strengthens her bite.

Finally, Mariko let go Kuu’s hand and command him to pull her out, “My legs are stuck, I can’t move. Hurry pulls me out”

hiks… Okay” Kuu started to pull Mariko out from the broken parts of plane. “HYAAAAA”

Just a little more, Mariko’s legs are going to move out from the steel. At the last pull, Kuu accidentally ripped off Mariko’s shirt. Kuu immediately step backward and ready to run but Mariko is faster, when her legs are free from the metal thing, she grabbed Kuu’s collar instantly and ready to give him a punch.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

Kuu keeps struggling over Mariko and tripped over something which makes him to fall. Both of them begin rolling on the sloppy ground and fall into a hole.

“WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” They are sliding inside the big hole and ended up inside a cave.


===========   ===========   ===========

Mayu and Jurina land into the forest. The rain began pouring down hard.

“Mayu, are you alright?” Jurina asked.

“Baka, you shield me with your body. How can I get hurt” Mayu gets up and walks away. She paused there, just realized that her leg got ankle when they land. To prevent Jurina hit the land badly, Mayu support him by her legs.

“Your leg got ankle” Jurina said.

“None of your busines–” before Mayu ended it, Jurina stopped in front of her and giving her a piggy back. “What are you doing? Put me down”

“You always ask me for a piggyback when we’re kids, remember?” Jurina smiled as he recalled his childhood memories.

“I forgot” Mayu lied.

“Ah, that’s pity” Jurina sighed.

“Put me down” Mayu asked.

“No way~”

“I know you are hurt too. Your legs are bleeding. Just put me down” Mayu complained.

“I will put you down when we found a shelter. Your leg will hurt if you walk in this rain”

“Why… you always being good to me…”

“Well…” Jurina thinks for a while, “… because I like you”

// Stop being like this to me, Jurina. You’ll only get hurt. I’m sorry, but I have to... //

“CAVE!” Jurina yelled. “There’s a cave, let’s go there for a shelter~”


===========   ===========   ===========


Haruna and Yuko fell from the sky onto the forest. Fortunately, they land on soft grassland, filled with many flowers.

“Argh… Yuko, are you alright?” Haruna asked without realizing that his hands are on Yuko’s chest.

“Harunyan~” Yuko said with husky voice and seductive eyes while her face is burned red.

“Why is your face so re–WAAAAAAAAA” He then realized what his hands are doing. He immediately put his hands up and step backward.

“I don’t know, you’re so pervert~” Yuko is crawling toward Haruna, “Harunyaan~”

“Yu-Yuko. Hold yourself”

Yuko jumped on top of Haruna just like a koala, hugging him. Suddenly, the grassland below them collapse and they fall into a black hole, sliding around like roller coaster, and ended up inside a cave.


===========   ===========   ===========

Me and Atsuko fell into the sea. Because Atsuko’s health hasn’t full recovered, he fainted. I am holding Atsuko safely in my arm and struggling toward the wave. I heard thunders from the sky, lightning appears from above and it begins to rain. A sudden maelstrom appeared right in front of us and it’s dragging us closer. I swim faster but it’s useless. The power of the maelstrom absorbs us into it. I feel dizzy and lost my strength. Everything becomes blur in my eyes.

Don’t worry, I won’t let you go. I’ll hold you tight, Acchan

Before I close my eyes, I saw a shining thing approach us. It was blur and kinda like a human form. A golden short hair man with shining armor. He is giving me something, he is whispering at me something, but I can’t hear it clearly. I almost give up… I am tired… the only thing in my mind is…


When I was about to give up, a light come trough us. We’re come out from a hole on the wall. I opened my eyes and saw someone is flying toward us. In the end, we bumped together and falling to the ground, hardly…

End of Minami POV

At the same time

Sae was sliding into the cave, not long after he saw Mariko and Kuu fell down from one of the hole inside the cave, then he saw Jurina carried Mayu in. When he gets up and cleans his face from the mud, a loud screaming voices came from above him. It was Haruna and Yuko fell down and bumped landed on him.

“Hey! Get off! You two are sure heavy!!” Sae complained.

“Eh? What a coincidence?!” Jurina came in and greeted the others.

“Mariko, what happened to your shirt?” Yuko saw Mariko’s shirt is worn and showing a bit of her sexy black underwear. A pervert mind comes inside Yuko’s head, “Don’t tell me that Kuu is–”

“NO! It just an accident! I’m not doing anything to her!” Kuu defended himself.

“I didn’t though you were that kind of man” Haruna sighed.

“No, it’s not that. How will I interested with this fierce woman?” Kuu accidentally blurt out what on his mind.

“What did you say? Fierce woman?!” Mariko grabs Kuu’s shirt, “Let me show you what is F-I-E-R-C-E!” Mariko lifts Kuu and throws him.


There’s a loud of voice echoing in the cave. Not long after, there’s many water flow inside through a hole above the cave. After the water, Minami and Atsuko came in and bumped with Kuu, falling to the ground. They are all wet inside the cave, thanks to Minami.


“Minami! Atsuko!” the others gathering around them.

“Eh? What a coincidence here” Minami asked.

“Yeah, we’re surprised too. Is Atsuko alright?” Haruna asked.

“He fainted. I’m sure he’ll be okay” Yuko said as she checked Atsuko’s condition.

Everyone concentrate their vision on Atsuko and neglected Kuu who is left behind. There’s a sudden thing appeared before him capture his eyes. A girl which is wet because of the water before. She is wearing a pink robe, and the pink robe somehow becomes a bit transparent that shows her bodyline. Her wet hair makes her more sexy and her pouted lips makes her more attractive.

“Chiyuu??” she looked confusedly at Kuu.

Kuu is drooling at her, “Sexy….” He is floating in the air, his body floats horizontally and fly toward the girl, “chuuuu~”


Before Kuu reached the girl, Mariko hit him hardly on his back, makes him fall to the ground once again.



To be continue…

Thanks for reading, minna~
Hope it didn't confuse you^^

Offline Megumi

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 11 - Searching for the power
« Reply #123 on: June 03, 2012, 12:27:44 AM »
Haha this update is so LoLOLOL

Yuki blushed and threw Sae  :rofl:

MarikoxKuu: She's like a animal biting him
YukoxHaruna: Flower field? what a romantic place to land on..
JurinaxMayu: Aww piggy ride how cute
AtsukoxMinami... ah they ended up in a cave *puh!

At first I tough what's with chiyuu~ did they kiss or what?
Ahahhaha so it seems that a new person will be introduced... and that culprit saw everything hahaa

Thank you for your update totally hilarious ah it was a great switch after
the sad incident at the town  :(

ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 11 - Searching for the power
« Reply #124 on: June 03, 2012, 01:03:14 AM »
Ur update is the best they are going to meet tomotomo now ~ :)

chiyuu~~~~ :)

Offline Nakamii

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 11 - Searching for the power
« Reply #125 on: June 03, 2012, 04:46:43 AM »
Yay! Atsuko's awake. and, Wow. He's unconscious for to weeks. That's long. LOL. What's up with 'Chiyuu', anyway? I'm glad they're Alright. Thanks for the Update.
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Heroes -- Chapter 11 - Searching for the power part 2
« Reply #126 on: June 04, 2012, 06:33:15 PM »
@ Megumi : Yes, another culprit will be introduce~  :D
@ saeyukilover : just like what you said~ it is in this chapter  :yep:
@ Nakamii : Chiyu is ... chiyu~  :P the answer is in this chapter~ thanks for reading^^


Chapter 11
Searching for the Power
Part 2

“Who are you?” Mariko asked.

“Chiyu~” said that pink robe with her hands under her chin and tilt her head a bit to the right.

“Do you live here?” asked Haruna.

“Chiyuu~” she said with a smile.

“Kawai…” Haruna dazzled by her cuteness.

“What did you say?” Yuko is staring at him.

“Umm…. K-kowai!” Haruna laughs sheepishly and rub his neck, avoiding Yuko’s eyes.

That chiyu girl closed her eyes and recites a strange spell. The entrance of the cave suddenly closed by a dark cloud. The whole cave become dark, then slowly and slowly the cave is glowing. Many little spot appears on the wall inside the cave and glowing like stars. There’s a huge shining star appears above of Atsuko and suddenly dropped down on him. His body become bright that makes the other to step back and closed their eyes. When the light is gone, they reopen their eyes. Atsuko regain his conscious and now is floating in the air.

“Acchan?” Minami asked worriedly.

“Minami” Atsuko replied with a smile.

“Chiyu~” That chiyu girl flying toward where Atsuko was and dancing around him.

“Who is she?” Atsuko asked.

“We don’t know. We met her just now” Minami answered.


That girl flying above of them and start dancing again. Minami and the others feel light, their body become light as feather. They are now floating in the air just like Atsuko. That girl invites them to dance with her. Kuu voluntary himself to dance with her, he flies to where the girl is.


“CHUU” Kuu pouted his lips as he flies to where the girl is. But he is stopped by Mariko. She pinched Kuu’s ear hardly, “I..itai! Itai!” Kuu screamed. The others laugh non-stop looking at that couple.

“Chiyu, who are they?” a figure appeared in the darkness. He has long straight golden hair which is the same color with that chiyu girl.

That chiyu girl flying toward the other figure and put her arms around his neck, hugs him from behind and landed a kiss on his cheek, “Chiyuuu”

Suddenly the dark cave becomes bright. Their surroundings become different. The cave is now becomes a chamber. A chamber with table and chair in it, also the others supplies, accessories and furniture. Atsuko and the others paused in the air then fall down to the ground.


“Ouch!” they all growled in pain.

“So, your plane crashed and you all gathering in this place together?” asked the figure.

“Who are you? How do you know about us? What is this place?” asked Atsuko while he helps Minami to get up.

The figure took a sit on the chair and mentioned the other to sit as well. “My name is Tomo and she is my partner, Chiyu”

“Chiyu~” Chiyu bowed at them.

“Welcome to forbidden forest, heroes” Tomo said.

“EEHHHHHHHHH?!!!” all of them yelled as they don’t believe that they actually has been in forbidden forest.

“This is forbidden forest?!” Haruna asked once again to make sure.

“Yes, this is forbidden forest” Tomo gets up and click his finger. A white board appeared from nowhere and shows a map. He took out a thin rod and pointed at some places. “This is forbidden forest. You all fell down and landed separately on each place in this forest. Lastly, all of you gathered in one place… this cave”

Chiyu comes back with tea on her hands. She served each of them a cup of tea. Tomo finished explaining the map and claps his hands, the white board disappeared, “I know you come here for the dark crilyst…”

“Who you exactly are?” asked Sae.

“Don’t you remember me, Sae? I am the keeper of this crilyst”

“Did I know you?” Sae confused.

“Chiyu chiyuuu chiyuu” Chiyu explained something to Tomo.

“I see. You’re reincarnated and lost some memories” He said as he gestured them to sit down again. “Let me tell you a story…”

A long time ago, there’s chaos in this world caused by queen of the underworld. Monsters everywhere attacking human and destroying anything they see. Then heroes appear to banish those monsters. Time after time flows by… some of them died, some of them wounded, and some of them still fighting for the living. One day, we met the queen, we fight, and sadly and surprisingly… the queen fell in love with one of the heroes…

“What?!!! I am reincarnation from one of the heroes? Is that the queen fall in love with me?” Sae said jokingly but Yuki take this joke as true and she is releasing her dark aura beside Sae. He immediately calms down Yuki, “Kidding, that was just a joke”

“Your narcissism is always same” Tomo said and all the others laugh at Sae. “Ehemm…”

She fell in love with our leader, a one sided love. To stop her from attacking this world we live on… our leader agreed to a contract she made. That is… to go with her to the underworld. She handed out her dark crilyst and wait for our leader at the gate. Sadly, before our leader reached the gate, he passed away. Without dark crilyst, she can’t use her true power. So we can seal her, prevent her to get on this land…

“Hiks… this story is sooo sad” Yuko leaned on Riku’s shoulder and sneezes on his sleeve.

“To tell you the truth, that queen snatched our water, wind, and lightning crilyst. To win the fight, we need dark crilyst. Can you lend it to us?” Minami asked.

“I can’t” Tomo replied shortly.

“We really need this crilyst to defeat the queen. Please lend us. We promise to hand you back once we defeat that monster” Jurina begged.

“That’s not something I can decide.” Tomo whispered something to chiyu then he continue, “You can’t choose the crilyst, we can’t choose the crilyst… the crilyst will choose you” he explained.

“I don’t understand” Jurina confused.

“If the crilyst don’t choose you and you decide to use it, it will only hurt you, damage you, control you, overtaking you and you will lose yourself. It’s the same as when you use a rune. If it doesn’t suit you, you’ll lose control on yourself”

Listened to his explain, Jurina remembered how her sister is. When Rena using the power of beast rune, she lost control and thirst for blood.

“How can we know if the crilyst choose us?” asked Yuko.

“Chiyuuuuuu~~~” Chiyu dancing around then eight holes appeared behind where Tomo sat.

“Just go in there, you’ll know” Tomo said.

Without saying another word, Jurina ran into the hole. Not long after, the hole disappeared. Atsuko becomes worried and went grabs Tomo’s shirt but Tomo disappeared and appeared behind him, explaining, “The hole can be chosen only once. Each of them holds different kind of way to the power”

“Yoshh!” Kuu followed Jurina and ran into the other hole.

“I want to go the same hole with Haruna” Yuko said as she clinging on Haruna’s arm.

“I want to take the second hole from the left, do you want to take the third?” asked Haruna gentlemanly to Yuko.

“Okay~ I follow what you say” with that they went into the hole.

“Which one you want to go, Acchan?” Minami asked.

“Whatever you choose for me~” Atsuko said sweetly to Minami.

“You have to decide on your own” Minami poked Atsuko’s cheek.

“You go first, I follow up” Atsuko gave his best smile to ensure Minami. As she went inside the hole, Atsuko turned to face Tomo, “Can I skip this?”

“Can I skip it too?” asked Mariko.

“Why? Why didn’t you go in?” asked Tomo.

“Maybe it’s a trap” Mayu is staring at Tomo.

“I’m not interested” Mariko answered shortly. “I rather sat here and enjoys the tea”

Chiyu walked near Mariko and threw a gun in front of her. Mariko surprised as she saw the gun. That’s her father’s gun, “Where did you get that?”

“Chiyuuu~” Chiyu is pointing to the hole. Without a doubt, Mariko runs immediately into one of the hole.

“Don’t you want power?” asked Tomo once again.

“I don’t need power” Atsuko said with a sad expression. “I have lost an arm… I will only be a burden to them”

“Maybe you will find an arm in there? Maybe you will found new power in there… and maybe, you will die in there too…” Tomo smirks at them, Atsuko and Mayu.
“What did you mean?” asked Atsuko.

AAAAARGH!!” Jurina’s voice in pain.

“What happened in there?!” Mayu asked angrily at Tomo.

“Who knows… why don’t you go inside and see?” Tomo sat at the chair and took a sip on his tea with Chiyu messaging his shoulder. Atsuko and Mayu prepared to attack him.


Minami is screaming in pain, Kuu, Haruna, Yuko, Mariko also.

“Let me tell you one thing” Tomo paused to take a sip of tea then she continue, “The hole is linked”

Mayu and Atsuko immediately run into the hole. They can’t stand the voice of their beloved. They can’t think anything besides saving their beloved…

“Chiyu chiyuuu?” (translate: so, there’re two person were chosen by the dark crilyst?)

“Yes, which one would you like to chose, Chiyu?” asked Tomo.


To be continue…….

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 11 - Searching for the power part 2
« Reply #127 on: June 05, 2012, 03:22:36 AM »
what's in my mind is different from urs , I really thought tomochin will be the owner of dark crilyst  :smhid tsk tsk~~

But still ilove ur update  :wub: tomotomo r so cute together :)


Offline Megumi

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 11 - Searching for the power part 2
« Reply #128 on: June 05, 2012, 09:44:56 AM »
 :shocked *running in circles Can't wait fr the next update!

“Chiyuu~” she said with a smile.

“Kawai…” Haruna dazzled by her cuteness.

“What did you say?” Yuko is staring at him.

“Umm…. K-kowai!” Haruna laughs sheepishly and rub his neck, avoiding Yuko’s eyes.

Hahahahaha!  :rofl: Kowai!


“CHUU” Kuu pouted his lips as he flies to where the girl is. But he is stopped by Mariko. She pinched Kuu’s ear hardly, “I..itai! Itai!” Kuu screamed. The others laugh non-stop looking at that couple.
Kuu is such a player!

“What?!!! I am reincarnation from one of the heroes? Is that the queen fall in love with me?” Sae said jokingly but Yuki take this joke as true and she is releasing her dark aura beside Sae. He immediately calms down Yuki, “Kidding, that was just a joke”
“Your narcissism is always same” Tomo said and all the others laugh at Sae. “Ehemm…”
Yuki is still scary hahaha!

I wonder who those 2 are...maybe Atsuko and Mayu.
And what's with Marikos fathers gun?

Thank you for your update!
ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
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Offline bunny_rabbit

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 11 - Searching for the power part 2
« Reply #129 on: June 05, 2012, 01:56:17 PM »
yay thank you for the update :onioncheer:

“Do you live here?” asked Haruna.

“Chiyuu~” she said with a smile.

“Kawai…” Haruna dazzled by her cuteness.

“What did you say?” Yuko is staring at him.

“Umm…. K-kowai!” Haruna laughs sheepishly and rub his neck, avoiding Yuko’s eyes.
nice reflex haruna...from kawai to kowai :on lol:

so TomoTomo are the manifestation from dark crilyst or just Chiyuu :dunno:
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 02:01:40 PM by bunny_rabbit »

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 11 - Searching for the power part 2
« Reply #130 on: June 05, 2012, 02:13:23 PM »
omg! please bring atsuko's arm back!!  :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 11 - Searching for the power part 2
« Reply #131 on: June 05, 2012, 02:26:16 PM »
somehow in this story I like tomotomo couple the most.. :ptam-shy: :luvluv1:

wondering what happen to all of them
hope you can update soon

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 11 - Searching for the power part 2
« Reply #132 on: June 07, 2012, 12:44:46 PM »
@ saeyukilover : hehe.. because i'm a bit lazy to write more characters to fight the queen, so tomotomo will just appear in this chapter  :sweatdrop:
@ Megumi :  :doh: sorry to confuse you about mariko... hmm... there's a summary about her below  :sweatdrop:
@ bunny_rabbit : yes  :yep: tomotomo are soul from the late heroes who keep the crilyst.
@ miayaka : since you want me to bring back atsuko's arm  :cry: I'll make a poll for it, okay?
@ msst28 : thank you for reading  :heart: :heart:

Summary about Mariko:
Mariko is daughter of the famous pirate. One day, her father disappeared all of the sudden. When her father is gone, she used to disguise herself as guy to inherit her father’s position as a captain in order to protect her father’s ship and the crew members. She leads the ship and sailing over the sea to find her father but got attacked in City of Iimiram, then she met Kuu and the others and joined them for the journey. Seeing the gun of her father appeared right before her, she thinks that maybe her father is trapped in this forest and when to search for him.


Minna-san, at first I make Atsuko lose an arm.  :cry: :cry: (don't hate me)
Since miayaka want Atsuko's arm back, i am confused to continue the story. Should I bring Atsuko's arm back?
So I add a poll to decide about Atsuko's arm. Please feel free to vote about it. Thank you  :kneelbow:

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oh please please bring her arm back.. we don't like an armless atsuko, she can't hug minami fully..  :cry: :cry: :cry:
i trust your can bring her arm back!! ganbatte ne! :fap

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I want Mariko to be all lovey dovey to Kuu <33

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bring back atsuko arm!!
How can atsuko hug minami properly if she have one arm!!pls,bring back her arm!!
By the way!
nice update!! :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline bunny_rabbit

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one armed atsuko sounds cool to me... keep on fighting with just one arm, showing how though he is :cool1:

but if you decided to bring atsuko's arm back, i hope it will become his ultimate weapon :kekeke:

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Yay the Tomotomo appeared!!!!!!
Marimii is so funny^^

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 11 - Searching for the power part 2
« Reply #138 on: June 09, 2012, 10:50:18 PM »
@ Megumi :  :doh: sorry to confuse you about mariko... hmm... there's a summary about her below  :sweatdrop:

Summary about Mariko:
Mariko is daughter of the famous pirate. One day, her father disappeared all of the sudden. When her father is gone, she used to disguise herself as guy to inherit her father’s position as a captain in order to protect her father’s ship and the crew members. She leads the ship and sailing over the sea to find her father but got attacked in City of Iimiram, then she met Kuu and the others and joined them for the journey. Seeing the gun of her father appeared right before her, she thinks that maybe her father is trapped in this forest and when to search for him.

Ahh now I get it thank you! :kneelbow:
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Offline ichikawa

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Heroes -- Chapter 11 - Searching for the power part 3
« Reply #139 on: June 18, 2012, 04:44:16 PM »
Minna~ the poll decided to bring Atsuko's arm back!!!  :D :D

aside for haruhi16 request :
I want Mariko to be all lovey dovey to Kuu <33
Hmm... I make some scenes for those two~ hope you'll take it as lovey dovey  :nervous

Here's the last part of chapter 11


Chapter 11
Searching for the Power
Part 3

“Chiyuuu!! Chiyuu yuuu!!”
(They can’t hold any longer. They’re not ready for this. If we don’t release them, they will die)

Tomo takes a sip of tea, “They won’t get new power if they can’t past the test. I believe in them, let’s wait more longer”

Inside the hole is another dimension that reflects something deep in their heart and something they fear the most either something they treasure the most…

Mayu POV

This place is completely hell. Everything is dark and seems limitless. Jurina, where are you?


I scream his name over and over again but there’s no answer. Suddenly, I heard a cry… I saw a kid crying there. She has two long black ponytails. In front of her, two figures appear lying there lifeless. This scene seems so familiar to me. I approached that girl to comfort her, just when I reached my hand to her, my hand become transparent and went through her body.

“Come here, don’t be afraid. I’ll take care of you” a black figure appeared.

Don’t tell me that little girl is…

I saw the figure walk closer… I saw her face… she is the black queen. She approached that little girl and held that girl in her arms. That girl turned to see her parents for the last time. I saw that girl’s face… that girl is… me… I remember how the queen adopted me and raises me to become a killer, a spy and it feels like I have become her puppet.

All the things become blurred and spinning, another scene appears around me. I saw my other self is killing and torturing rabbits. I saw her smiling wickedly as she examine the blood which comes out from the rabbit’s body. I can’t believe it. This is not me… that is not me… my head hurts, hurts so much.

“Don’t lie to yourself. That is you, the same as you here” the queen appeared behind me.

“Mother… I…”

The queen brings me some rabbit, white rabbit and a squirrel, “Can you show me how to give this little thing a small surgery? Let’s take the rabbit’s head and put on squirrel’s body?”

“Mother, I… I can’t”

My body stars trembling. I am afraid… I am fear when I stand close to her. I can feel her cold, strong hand grabs my arm. She grabs on me so tight that I can feel my bone will broken. I don’t want to do it, I don’t want to kill but I can’t refuse her. She adopted me and raised me… I must repay her… I must do anything she told me to…

“DO IT!” she commands me to do killing again.

I am forcefully holding the rabbit in my left hand and a dagger is ready in right hand…

“DO IT!!”

“Don’t!! Mayu, don’t kill them!”

I heard Jurina’s voice. I saw 7 years old Jurina is approaching me to stop me from killing the animals. The black queen stops him to come near me. She grabs his neck and lifts him up from the ground.

“Mother, don’t! Don’t kill him. I beg you”

“Do it!” she commands.

“No, Mayu-chan… don’t…”

I saw Jurina painful face then I look at the rabbit in my hand. “I’m sorry…”

Mayu POV End

===========   ===========   ===========

“Chiyuuu!!!” Chiyu is worried about Mayu.
(She will die if she kills the rabbit!!)

Tomo just sits on his chair, tighten his hold on the cup.

===========   ==========   ===========

At the other side

Atsuko POV


I saw Minami is fighting with King Matsui. I run and run toward them, but the distance between us seems further and further. Minami becomes weaken and now falling on the ground. King Matsui holds his sword up high and ready to slay Minami. Somehow, this scene is familiar with the incident in City of Iimiram. I remember how my left arm was cut off… my legs stop running, I can’t move my body… I am trembling to see the sword, the blood, and the dark aura surrounds the king. If I use my right arm to shield Minami, I will lose two arms…

“Useless…” I heard my father’s voice echoing inside my head.

“Useless…” my mother’s voice too.

Useless… useless… useless…  That word keeps repeating inside my head, it feels like my head gonna broke apart.


I heard Minami is calling my name. I saw her weak body lay on the ground, she is looking at me for help. I can’t stand to see her being hurt. Even if I will lose my life, I will protect her till the end. Without thinking too much again, I run toward her to prevent the sword getting her.

=========   =========   =========

“CHIYUUUU!!! Chiyuu chiyu yuuu!” Chiyu is jumping beside Tomo.
(NO! if he use himself to shield the sword, he will die inside!)

Tomo’s cup is broken in his hand because he holds the cup so tightly.

“Chiyuuuu! Chiyuu chiyuuuu yuuyu chiyuu yuu!”
(Haruna, Yuko, Minami, Kuu, Mariko, Jurina… all in danger!)

Suddenly a hole opened up on the wall, Sae and Yuki comes out from it hand in hand.

“How did you get out together?” Tomo seems a bit surprised at them.

“I am a vampire, those illusions have no effect on me” Yuki smirks at them. She then look at Sae and rub his cheek with another hand. “I saw Sae is crying inside there like a child, so I get him out”

Sae pouted at Yuki, “Mou, didn’t I told you to keep it as a secret!”

“It’s okay, You look really cute when you’re crying like that” Yuki gives a playful wink at him.

“Those illusions are true or just a random illusion?” asked Sae.

“Those illusions come out from your own memories. Half of it were true, it just want to give you a test… that’s all” Tomo explained. He saw Sae gave out a sigh of relief, he continue, “But, if you fall in the test… you will die for sure inside it”

“Seriously?!” Sae was shocked.

“Itai… itai… I-T-A-I-I !!!” they heard Kuu’s screaming.

It was Kuu and Mariko comes out from the same hole. Mariko is pinching Kuu’s ear hardly, almost break it apart. Kuu struggling against her and finally escape from the devil’s hand then he runs behind Sae for help.

“What happened again with you two?” Sae is pissed.

Mariko’s Flashback

I was running into that black hole and searching for my father. I saw my father at the edge of a ship and jumped off. Following my father’s step, I run to the top of the ship and was about to jump. Then I heard some annoying voices, that’s Kuu annoying voices. I turn back to see what happened and guess what? He is drinking and playing with some babes. Hot and sexy babes.

Seeing him like that makes me fire. Inside my head full of fire burning through my vein. I went to where Kuu is and pushed all the girls away from him. Suddenly all the girls and the ship disappeared, then a tiny light showed up. I pinched his ear and dragged him walk along the path and get out here.

Flashback End

“Want me tell them that you are flirting with hot babes inside there?” Mariko mocked at him.

“What?! You’re having fun with girls in there?!” Sae shouted.

Yuki went behind Kuu and pushed him to Mariko, “I don’t like him”

Mariko pinched Kuu’s ear again without hold back her strength.

“Chiyuuuu chiyuyu yuchiiyuuuu chiyuu yuu chi chi cyuu yuuyu-”

“Stop! I don’t understand!!” Sae complained.

“He is lucky that Mariko saw him. If he steps into those girls’ trap and doing something nasty, he’ll turn into dust within seconds” Tomo translates, “Mariko is also lucky to meet Kuu. If you jumped down from the ship to chase your father, you’ll be dead instantly inside it”

“See, it’s me who saved your life. Get off your hands on me!” Kuu complained.

“If I don’t push those girls away from you, you already die inside!” Mariko shouted back.

“What’s up with you? You always being mad suddenly when I’m talking to other girls”

“…………………” Mariko became quiet and let go her hands.

“Hey, answer me!” Kuu stepped in front of Mariko to prevent her avoiding him.

Mariko grabbed Kuu’s shirt and pulled him close… close enough to lock their lips together. After a quick lips lock moment, Mariko pushed Kuu away, “This is my answer”

“Chiiiiiiyuuuuuuuuuuu~” Chiyu is cheering at them and Sae imitate what Chiyu said.

“Hey, what did you do to me?! This is not fair!” Kuu pouted and pulled Mariko for a kiss. She pushed Kuu away but Kuu holds her tight in his arms.

“Go get a room, you two!” Tomo closed his eyes with both hands and walked away.

“Chiyu~~” Chiyu moves her index finger then a wall appeared surrounds Kuu and Mariko, blocking those scenes.

===========   =========   =========

“WAAAAAAAA!” Haruna screams as he sliding out from the hole, falling down with his head dropped first on the ground.

“Welcome back, Haruna” Kuu greeted him with a big hug. “How are you doing there?”

Haruna gulp and shows a desperate expression, “It was scary inside…” he paused to take a breath then continue, “There’re many Yuko chasing me! Harassing me! They almost catch me! I keep running and saw a hole, I jumped into it and manage to get out. Look, my sleeves are worn out”

Hahahahaha…. They all laughing at Haruna.


Yuko fell on the ground with badly wounded. Haruna saw this and immediately went to her side, “Yuko, what happened inside?”

“Minami… she is fighting… danger…” Yuko passed out after saying that.

Haruna begin to feel worry, “Who hasn’t get out from there?”

“Jurina, Mayu, Atsuko, and Minami…” Sae answered.

“Let’s see who will be chosen by the dark crilyst~” Tomo gave them a smirk.

===========   =========   =========

Mayu POV

“I’m sorry… mother…”

I threw the dagger in my hand toward the queen and stabbed it directly on her chest. She let go of Jurina and growled. Many dark clouds flowing out from her body, those clouds are now surrounding us. I immediately carried little Jurina in my arms and run away from her. But it’s too late… the dark clouds wrapped me. I can’t see, I can’t breath, I can’t feel anything…

Mayu POV End

===========   =========   =========

Atsuko POV

“Minami!” I stopped in front of her and stretch my only arm to shield the sword.

Don’t!! Atsuko, don’t!  A voice whispered in my head.

A sudden push from behind makes me move forward and my hand launches a powerful blow of Nen toward King Matsui. I turned back to see a man glowing in bright with short golden hair floating in the air. Beside him, I saw my father…

“Father?” I can’t hold my tears and let them wet my face.

“A man doesn’t cry” he reached his hands and wipes my tears. He puts his hand on my shoulder and touches my sleeve. “Poor kid…”

“I’m sorry father, I’m useless”

“No, you are brave, my son”

“Your time is limit” the golden haired man said to my father.

“Okay, I’ll settle it in no time”

Atsuko POV End

===========   =========   =========

“Arghh…” Minami comes out from the hole.

“Minami!” Yuko went to give her a big hug, “I’m so worried about you, anywhere hurt?”

“I’m fine, Yuko nee-chan. I met a golden haired man inside there, he helped me to wash out all the monster”

“Golden haired man?” Tomo surprised to hear what Minami said.

“Ugghh…” Mayu appeared next to Minami. “I finally get out of that place” her face scratched a bit but still bleeding.

“Chiyu~” Chiyu went to hold Mayu and guide her to the chair while Yuko helps Minami.

BUUKK  (another person fell down from the hole)

“Acchan!” Minami runs toward him and give him a big bear hug, but she feels something different. She steps back and saw something glowing behind the cape. Atsuko got a new cape and it is covered from half of his left side. Minami brave herself to open the cape and found water like thing forms an arm, a blue glowing arm.

Atsuko rubs his neck with right arm, “I know I’m weird now”

“Chiyuuu~” Chiyu flies next to Atsuko and lands a kiss on his glowing arm. His arm slowly and slowly began to metaphor into man’s arm.

“Wow!” Atsuko surprised, “Thank you, Chiyu” he smiled and can’t hold himself to give Chiyu a hug and a kiss on her cheek.

Chiyu blushed and floating in the air, flying around Atsuko. Tomo got jealous and went to drag her away from Atsuko. Meanwhile, Minami is staring at him with deadly glare. She stepped on Atsuko’s foot hardly which makes him growled in pain. He holds his feet and jumping in front of Minami, then he gives Minami a wicked grin. With a flash movement, he pulled Minami into his arms and holds her tightly, “Minami~ I can hold you properly now~”

Minami is struggling to free from his embrace, but she can’t win against him, “A-Acchan, let me go. This is embarrassing” Minami said shyly.

“It’s okay, just pretending that they are nothing but air” Atsuko said naughtily.


“She said, do you want me to give you a private room just like Mariko and Kuu?” Tomo translated.

“Okay!” Atsuko nods rapidly.

“NO!” Minami shakes her head rapidly.

“Jurina…” Mayu interrupted. “Where is Jurina?” she becomes worry because she didn’t see Jurina here. The others becomes to feel worry too. It’s been a while since they go into the hole. Jurina is the first person to get in there but now he hasn’t come back yet.

// Jurina… // Mayu feels pain inside her heart, remembering the scenes where the queen almost killed him. She can’t imagine how will she live without Jurina.


“Yahoooooooo~” Jurina comes out from the hole riding a dragon. “Look, what I got! A dragon!!” he yelled happily and flying around.

“He becomes a dragonite, huh?” Tomo smiled.

Jurina commanded the dragon to land on the surface then he jumped off and approached Mayu, “Mayu, that is cool. Wanna have a ride?” Jurina offers his hands to Mayu.

Mayu slapped Jurina’s hands away, “I’m not interested”
That sure gives Jurina a broken heart.

Suddenly, the bright room becomes dark. A purple crilyst appears floating in the air, floating in the center of them. Tomo steps forward and standing below the crilyst, Chiyu is following him. “The first condition to hold the dark crilyst is having dark aura”

“That will be Yuki, since she is a vampire” Sae guessed.

“Yes, it will be easier to defeat the queen if Yuki becomes the holder” Kuu added.

“The holder must have the same dark aura from queen of underworld, she has to be somehow related with her power…” Tomo continued.

The dark crilyst glowing brightly and moves to where Mayu is. Mayu stretches her hand to touch the crilyst and it fall on Mayu’s hand gently. A dark magic circle appeared under her feet. Mayu growled as she feels the power of the crilyst runs inside her body.

“Congrats to you… please use it well” Tomo is disappearing into the dark.

“Chiyuuuuuuu~~~” (sayonara) Chiyu is also disappearing into the dark.

Let me give you a ride, you can use that glowing circle to teleport into your human land…

The room becomes wild grassland. They’re on top of a mountain and their plane, persona is also landed there, crashed. There’s a glowing circle floating in the air, just a few feet in front of them.

“We made it?” Kuu said unbelief.

“We got the crilyst…” Haruna added.

“Let’s fight the queen!” Atsuko said vigorously.

“YEAH!” all of them said in unison.

“Let’s get going to that circle one by one~” Yuko said.

They stand in line and jump into the circle on by one. First is Atsuko following by Minami, then Yuko, Haruna, Kuu, Sae, and Yuki. The next is Mayu and the last is Jurina with his dragon. Before Mayu went into the circle, she stabbed a needle on Jurina’s neck.

“Mayu…? Why–” Jurina fell unconscious on the ground.

“I’m sorry Jurina. I won’t let you die… I don’t want you to die there, everything will be okay when you awake…” Mayu landed a kiss on Jurina’s forehead then jumped into the circle.


What is Mayu doing?! Is she a friend or foe?
That golden haired man appeared twice to save Minami and Atsuko, who is he?

To be continue…….

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