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Author Topic: ✰Adventure48✰ - Heroes - COMPLETED  (Read 96915 times)

Offline ichikawa

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Heros -- Chapter 8 part 2
« Reply #60 on: December 09, 2011, 12:29:56 PM »
Thanks all  :heart: for reading~
Hope this chapter won't disappoint you  :)


Chapter 8
Meeting the vampire

Part 2

“Ne… where are you guys going?” asked Sae.

“We’re going to that old dull castle northwest from here” answered Kuu.

“EH?! You’re going to that old castle?”

“Any problem?” asked Atsuko.

“Don’t you know the folks’ story about that castle?” All of them shake their head and looking curiously at Sae. They are now gathering in pilot room.

“It was said that castle has been there for centuries and… cursed. Once you go inside, there’s no way back” said Sae with spooky voice. “It is said long ago there’s a prince come from nowhere land and build that castle in order to find her ‘eternal’ partner. He met a princess from this kingdom and fall in love but the king and the queen objected them. The princess agreed to elope with the prince… at the night they was about to leave this land, the king sent armies to kill the prince and get his daughter back. But something unknown happened. With just one night, those 4.800.000 armies died… within prince’s own hands…”

Yuko start clinging to Haruna and looking at him with glowing eyes, “aww… romance~”

Sae continued, “Unfortunately, someone stabbed the prince from behind and gave him a sudden dead. The princess’ eyes went red and she lost her mind. A powerful energy came out from nowhere and a huge tsunami wave hit this land for thousands mile. Many people were dead from that incident. All houses, plants, and building crashed and vanish from tsunami, and strange things happened. The castle is stand still there, no scratch, no damage, its backyard also in its wonderful condition. There was said that the princess still live in hate and is cursed there. Whoever dare to step their foot into her territory will only received dead” Sae gave out a breath and took a sip of drink.

“Touched story…” Yuko looking at Haruna with teary eyes.

Haruna gave Yuko his handkerchief, “It’s just a story, folks stories are always excessive.” Yuko stare at him and punch his chest repeatedly, “You’re not romantic at all”

“Haha… such a lovely couple” Sae commented

“Of course~” Yuko began to hug Haruna again.

“NO WAY!” Haruna keep pushing Yuko away from him. “Behave yourself in front of princ- umm… in front of…Mi…Minami?!” Haruna and Yuko paused when she saw Minami. All of them turn to see Minami who is sobbing hard, her tears can’t stop flowing from her eyes while Atsuko sat quietly beside her and keep wiping her tears with handkerchief and squeeze the tears into the bucket.

“Minami already crying like this from the start” Atsuko sigh.

“So…sorry. *Sob* … The story is sad” Minami apologize.

“Wow! Incredible! The bucket almost full with your tears” Kuu gave an amazed expression and put both his thumbs up.

“Mi..Minami-chan. Will you stop crying? Don’t waste your tears into some story like this. Your tears is too precious to be waste for this nonsense story.” Haruna try to comfort her.

“I don’t know how to stop it... It just flows.” Minami sob.

“Don’t worry. Acchan always have ideas to make her stop crying” said Yuko.

Atsuko smirk, he cupped Minami soft cheek and pressed their lips together… softly…in a quick kiss. Incredibly, Minami’s tears stop flowing anymore.  “Good girl” Atsuko patted Minami’s head. Her face is now as red as tomato and somehow they can see some steam visible above her head.

“How can you…? That’s highly inappropriate! How could you kiss her in front of me!” Haruna about to sway his sword towards Atsuko but a fireball flashed with high speed and hit Atsuko on the face made him thrown a few meter away.

“Who said you can kiss me in public!” Minami pouted and pointed her finger to Atsuko, scolding him.

Atsuko sat reluctantly and gave her a bright smile, “did you mean… we can kiss in private?”

“Yes… umm…NO!... definitely No! Acchan no BAKA…” Minami blushed madly and launch a fireball to Atsuko again, then run hurriedly to the exit.

“Hahahaha…. You guys are funny” Sae laugh hardly. “ehem… what make you want to go there? Is it some rare treasure hidden there?” asked Sae.

“Nope. We just need a castle. That’s all.” Answered Kuu.

“Even we just met today, I still suggest you not to go.” Sae suggested.

“It’s just a story. Don’t take that too seriously.” Haruna disagreed with Sae.

“Yeah… I’m still going” Kuu jump onto the table and asked “Who’s with me?”

“I really want to go with you, Kuu. But, I’ll stay here with Minami” said Haruna. Atsuko glaring at him disagree with his statement, “I can accompany her, you just go with them”.

Feeling the heat, Kuu stood between them and wrap his arms on their shoulders, “boys go, girls left here. Fair enough?” Atsuko and Haruna nod as agreement. Yuko raised her hand, “I’ll tag along with you guys. You’ll need me to heal you if there’s unwanted things happened”

“Okay. Then, Sae. Can you stay here accompany Minami tonight? I’m trusting you with my plane” asked Kuu.

Sae winked and thumb up, “Leave it to me” only earned deathly stare from Atsuko and Haruna. “Don’t worry, she’s not my type” he said to ensure them. // My only interest is this plane //
“Ja! Let’s go!” Kuu drag them out from the plane and went to the castle.

Minami come back from the washroom found no one left in the chamber but Sae, “Eh? Where are they?” she asked.

“They went to the castle.” answered Sae.

“EH?! How dare they left me behind!” Minami complained.


That night Atsuko, Haruna, Yuko and Kuu set out to the castle leaving Minami and Sae inside the plane. Fortunately the plane fell near to the castle, they just need an hour walk to reach it. After an hour they reached the castle gate.

“Spooky…” Yuko grab Haruna’s sleeve as they start to walk inside.

Only silent fill the castle, even they can hear the sound of theirs breathing and heartbeat. It was very dark there, the only source of light they have is moonlight. Bones and spider web scattered almost everywhere along the hallway they pass through. Four of them stayed silent and keep walking to explore the castle until Yuko decide to break the silent, “why do we have to explore it at night. Let’s go back… we better come again tomorrow morning. I don’t feel well inside here.”

“Me too. I got goose bumps from the start.” Atsuko agreed with Yuko. Haruna observe surround them and agreed with Yuko “I agree with Yuko. If we take a look in circumstance we’re in now, it will only disadvantage for us in a fight if something really happened.”

Kuu sighed, “three against one… I lose… okay, let’s come again tomorrow morning.”

When they reached the main door, suddenly the door closed. All of them went to pushed the door but it won’t move. A female voice rang from nowhere, “Ruka… Ruka… is that you?” A chill spread all over their body remembering the story which Sae told them. They freeze there and afraid to make a sound.

“Ruka…? Is that you…?” the voice rang again from nowhere.

“Is it ghost?” Yuko hug Haruna’s arm tightly. Haruna place his hand on Yuko’s in attempt to make her relieve a bit.

“Who’s there! Not Ruka… YOU’RE NOT RUKA! GIVE ME BACK MY RUKA!” suddenly the castle is shaking powerfully like having an earthquake.

“ARGGHHH!!!!!!!!” Atsuko, Haruna, Kuu, and Yuko yell in pain… an extreme pain. Their body being held up to the air by unknown power and they can’t breath like someone choking their neck, their body feels like in ice, freezing in pain.



Dou ? ♪( ´▽`)

(o_ _)o Feel free to comment

Offline douya08

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Re: Heros -- Chapter 8 part 2
« Reply #61 on: December 09, 2011, 01:03:32 PM »
eeeeeeeehhhh??? what...what happened to them??  :panic:

“NO WAY!” Haruna keep pushing Yuko away from him. “Behave yourself in front of princ- umm… in front of…Mi…Minami?!” Haruna and Yuko paused when she saw Minami. All of them turn to see Minami who is sobbing hard, her tears can’t stop flowing from her eyes while Atsuko sat quietly beside her and keep wiping her tears with handkerchief and squeeze the tears into the bucket.

“Minami already crying like this from the start” Atsuko sigh.

I lol at this part  :mon lmao: seriously.. Minami, how could you already crying when the story just started??  :mon lmao:

and Prince Atsuko always know how to make the princess to stop crying..  :on lol:

Offline Sok

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Re: Heros
« Reply #62 on: December 09, 2011, 04:26:50 PM »
Yay! update.  :on woohoo:
Thank you.  :kneelbow:
Wooo. Interesting.
Now I wanna know if this prince Ruka is Sae in a past life. But who maybe the princess?

Plaes update whenever you can. Thank you.

Offline Megumi

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Re: Heros
« Reply #63 on: December 09, 2011, 09:32:16 PM »
Kyaaaaaaa!  :panic:

I hope it's "her" that is looking for Ruka/Sae in past life maybe?
The story of the Prince and the Princess was so  :cry: like Minami cried before the story even start LoL!

Thank you for your update!  :bow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline virgo_shaka

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Re: Heros
« Reply #64 on: December 10, 2011, 02:33:01 PM »
I don't know but the part that our heroes need a castle and a vampire in it seems like Suikoden II for me.

Offline cielly

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Re: Heros
« Reply #65 on: December 11, 2011, 04:04:29 PM »
lol. Aachan is a boy. very rare.

Nice fic by the way! :) :twothumbs

Offline Haruko

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Re: Heros
« Reply #66 on: December 12, 2011, 12:06:35 AM »
hahaha atsuko kiss his wifey like a boss..

come on yuuchan fight for you men!!

Offline kahem

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Re: Heros
« Reply #67 on: December 12, 2011, 06:26:57 PM »
Eh!!! Ruka? The girl is Yuki?

Offline haruhi16

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Re: Heros
« Reply #68 on: December 13, 2011, 04:08:52 AM »
I need an update!!! and please don't make Yuko suffer from Haruna's tsundere!! lol xD

Offline ichikawa

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Heros -- Chapter 8 part 3
« Reply #69 on: December 14, 2011, 01:31:33 PM »
Thanks d_ruffi, Megumi, Sok, haru9210, kahem, RenaChii, virgo_shaka, cielly, Haruko, haruhi16 and all for reading :heart:

@ Sok, Megumi, kahem : please keep reading and you'll know  :) thank you :heart:
@ virgo_shaka : now you mention it ( ̄□ ̄;) it really feels like suikoden (ノД`) Gomenasai! O(_ _O)
@ haruhi16 : maybe in next chapter?  :)

Please enjoy this chapter O(_ _O) thank you  :heart:

Chapter 8

Part 3

At the same time in persona

Sae grab some sleeping powder inside his bag and blow it right at Minami face.

“What-” with that Minami faint asleep on the ground in seconds.

Sae smirk as he went near to the pilot chamber, sat on Kuu’s pilot chair analyzing the buttons function and the monitor. “Ja! Let’s see… hmm…. Maybe this is the engine starter.” He pressed one of the buttons, the engine started and light shown up in the monitor. “YESSSSS!!! I got persona! Persona!” He yelled in happiness managed to get the ship.

Preparation completed, Thief net launch… 3…2…1… (sounds come out from machine).

“What?” Sae puzzled with those words. Suddenly a set of nets shown up from his right side, left, above, front, and back side and trapped him inside it. “Ya da~!” He was now trapped in the net like a fish struggling against it.

There were two villagers doing patrolling in the corridor, they heard the alert sound coming from pilot chamber and went in, there they found Sae struggling in the net with his head upside down on the chair. “THIEF?!” shouted the villager.

They saw Minami laid on the ground “Minami-sama!” one of them is shaking Minami body to wake her up. “What are you doing to her?” he asked madly to Sae.

“Hello, hehe… I unintentionally pressed some buttons and got trap here. Can you help me out?” Sae asked. Villager1 grabbed Sae’s collar and put a knife on his neck, threatening him, “What are you doing to her?”

Sae put both his hands up “Hey… calm down, clam down. I didn’t do anything to her. she’s just asleep.” Villager1 still won’t let go of him and slightly slice Sae’s neck, there’s a bit of blood come out, “I won’t hesitate to CUT off your head…”

“Ouch…! I’m not lying. She’s really just sleeping! Left side on my bag has a small blue bottle, that’s the antidote, let her smell it and she will wake up. Just stop slicing your knife on my neck, please” Sae begged the villager. Villager1 pull his knife away and search for the antidote inside Sae’s bag. He threw the antidote to Villager2.

Villager2 pulled the bottle cap and place it around Minami’s nose. Not long after, Minami wakes up. “Ugghhh…” Minami shakes her head a bit.

“Minami-sama, I’m glad you’re awake. There’s a thief trying to steal this plane” said Villager2. Minami stood up and saw Sae upside down in the net. “What should we do with this thief?” asked Villager1 who still stand next to Sae.

“Minami-chan~ You are the most beautiful person I ever met in my life. I know you are a very good-heart person in this world. Why don’t you tell them to free me and let me go? We’re still friends right?”

Suddenly Minami feel her heart hurts, her whole body feels like burning inside. “Ughh..” Minami grab her shirt, kneel down hold out her pain. // the crilyst is reacting inside me…Is it Acchan and the others are in trouble? //

“What’s going on with her?” villager1 put his knife against Sae’s neck. Sae waving her hands and shakes head, “I’m not doing anything. I don’t know what happen to her this time. I swear! I swear!”

“Stop! Don’t hurt him” Minami ordered. “Relase him” Sae let out a breath, feel relieve.

“But…” villager1 disagree. Minami stood up with a serious face, “I need him take me to where Acchan and the others are now.” Villager1 nod and slice the net unwillingly.

Back to the castle

As they arrive at the castle gate, Sae stop, “I’m done here. I don’t wanna go anymore further…It’s-”


They heard Atsuko and the others screaming, the sound was creepy enough to make you goosebump. Sae steps back and gulp, “I told you… I told you not to come here. I gotta go now. See ya!” he turn around and run away.

“Acchan!!!” Minami run towards the main door and pushed it with all her might, but it still didn’t move a bit. Those two villagers also keep pushing the door with Minami.

“Acchan!!! Acchan!!!” Minami steps back and launch several fireballs at the door. She cries even more as she heard their screaming inside the castle. Those two villagers also keep hitting the door with their Nen power. The door still won’t move.

“Step back” Minami ordered those two villager, they followed. Minami gathered her power, flames appeared on both her hands, the flames are getting more and more surrounds her body, “God of True Fire, grant me strength… RAGING WAVE!” like sea of fire, the flames hit the door powerfully. Things around them starts shaking, the door is slightly open up a bit. But her strength still not enough to hold it. // I won’t give up… Acchan… hang on there…// A sudden light beam passed through her and hit the door, help her pushing the door more wider.

“SAE?!” Happiness started to form on Minami face.

“I just can’t bear seeing a cute girl exhausted like this” Sae winked at her.

HIIYYAAAAA     Minami and Sae increase their Nen power.

A light burst out and the door finally opened. They run inside the castle, “ACCHAN?! YUKO-NEE?!, HARU-KUN?! KUU?!” Minami called but no one answer. Inside it was so dark, Minami casted the fires on each torch in the castle makes it lighten up a bit. In front of them is a hall with stairs on the both left side and right.

“Minami-sama! Look at there!” Villager2 shouted. They saw something between those stairs. Their eyes widen to what they saw. Atsuko, Haruna, Kuu, and Yuko were hanged up in the air in cross position (like Christ) between the stairs at each side, blood over their face and body. “Acchan!” Minami called.

Atsuko opened his eyes heavily and whisper, “Run… hurry…”


But it’s too late, the door closed again. The villagers run next to Minami in order to protect her. A girl in white night dress appeared on middle of the stairs.

“Who’s there!” shouted Villager1.

That girl disappeared into the dark, “Sinner… pray for your own blood…in this perfect moonlight…” she appeared below where Atsuko and the others were hanged up and disappeared again to nowhere.

A sound of flashes heard beside them but they see nothing. Within seconds, those two villagers around Minami fell down and dead, theirs body blow up and crush into pieces. Blood splash on Minami face…She was freeze, shocked… her brain can’t process what just happened.


God! What have I gotten into? Is she the cursed princess in rumor?

I saw that girl appeared again beside Minami, “Move away!” I dash to her and bump into that mysterious girl, keep pushing that girl until she hit the wall. I lifted up my head to see her face.

she looks familiar… where have I seen her…? Her red eyes are emotionless… but somehow I feel like its fill with so many words she want me to know…

A pair of cold hands cupped my face, I saw her shed a tear, “Ruka…?” she said to me with tenderness. “Ruka… I miss you …” She’s looking at with those eyes again, I feel like I’m melting by those eyes.

No, Sae… wake up! don’t fool by her trick. Yes, this is a trick… or maybe not? I saw her looking at my neck, slice wound from before. “You are bleeding...” she snuggle against my neck and lick the wound. Is she... is she going to suck my blood?! she look into my eyes again with tenderness which make my heart melt... My body was freeze now, it's like I get hypnotized by her gaze... without warning she leaned in and pressed her lips with mine.

What the-? I was shock at first, but being kissed by a beautiful girl like her makes me hard to pull away. No… this is wrong. I shouldn’t do this…Damn body! Move! I try hard to push her away.



That voice echoed in my mind again, it’s sounds so familiar. It’s the voice in my dream. My Dream?! She is the girl in my dream?! Suddenly my head hurt, it hurt so much that I can’t move from where I am now.

“Sae! Move back!” Minami throw flaming wave to her and hit her directly, break me apart from her. I saw her cold eyes come back again, she raised her hand pointing where Minami was. “Argghhh!” Minami was lift up in the air and looks in pain. I gathered Nen in my fist and punch her face and launch my rolling kicks towards her. She was thrown away and hit the wall, stuck in it. Minami and the others released from her control and fell down to the ground.

They all lay on the ground weakly, “Blood…she controls blood in your body…” Kuu said weakly before he fell unconscious. Haruna and Yuko were laid there unmovable, Minami run to where Atsuko was and examined his wound.


She is moving again. I saw her crying… her tears are red as blood… her gaze was completely empty “Why… Ruka…? No… You’re not Ruka!!!” she stood there and launched a spell towards me. “Raise of the Blue Moon… within the shadow… pray me with your sin… with your blood… TSUKI NO KAASU!”

Feeling the pressure of her Nen, I began to recite my spell as well, “Descendant of the Sun… grants me your might… lighten up all the darkness through its soul… ZEROSUM TAIYOU!”

Dark blue light fight against bright yellow light dazzling over the hall, I can feel increasing of gravity around me, pulling me down to the ground. My power near its limit, my body began limping, I shut my eyes and soon… my world filled by white light.


Hope this chapter won't boring you... :(
Feel free to comment  :)

Offline Sok

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Re: Heros
« Reply #70 on: December 14, 2011, 05:36:52 PM »
It's not boring at all. It's very interesting.
Thank you for the update.
Can't wait for the next.

Offline kahem

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Re: Heros
« Reply #71 on: December 14, 2011, 06:53:38 PM »
Ehh!!! She can control blood ??? What does Sae control
More and more interesting ^^

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Heros
« Reply #72 on: December 14, 2011, 10:59:28 PM »
I want more Sae X mysterious girl (or Yuki?)~

Offline Haruko

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Re: Heros
« Reply #73 on: December 15, 2011, 06:50:22 AM »
of course is yuki!! right ¬_¬

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: Heros
« Reply #74 on: December 17, 2011, 09:13:57 AM »
OMG!! I wonder who is the cursed Princess :w00t:
I can't wait to read what happen next!!! :panic:

Thanks for the update :thumbup :thumbup
Please update soon :mon cute:


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Re: Heros
« Reply #75 on: December 17, 2011, 01:18:20 PM »
owh.. forgot to comment before...  :P  Please update soon...  :bow:  I need to know what happen next...  :bow:

the cursed princess!!!  :panic:

Offline ichikawa

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Heros - Chapter 8 part 4
« Reply #76 on: December 19, 2011, 02:18:46 PM »
Thanks Yagami.Rai, Megumi, RenaChii, kahem, d_ruffi, Sok, Haruko, Flean

(´・ω・`) recently feels like my story is going far from the main storyline....
Sorry if my story was a bit mess up... (。┰ω┰。)

Please enjoy this chapter o(_ _o)


Chapter 8

Part 4


When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a white world. Everything here is all white, bright, empty and seems endless. Is this where they called heaven? Then where’s the angels? I keep walking and hoping that I could meet someone.

“Anybody here?”

After walking for so long, I found a door hidden within this white wall. Just as I opened the door, a huge typhoon blows me to nowhere. “WAHHHH!” and now I was in a garden, flowers here have nice scent, the sunlight shimmering through the glasses roof. There’s a couple laughing and playing with their little son, my heart feels so warm…

Suddenly, all my surroundings fade away… not long after, I was back in another scene, another place in  bloody scene… two bodies lay lifeless in front of me… a woman in all black dress lick her fingers which covered by blood. I am trembling hard looking at her green eyes… I can’t move… I lost my strength to move because of her aura. She turn at me and launch attack on me. I shut my eyes and my surroundings fade away again.

I saw a teenage boy visit a grave, his parents’ grave in middle of grassland This place is so calm and warm, winds brushes gently at my skin. The tombstone clearly showed pictures of a couple. That’s the couple I saw before… I wonder if this boy is the same kid as before. After cleaning the tombstone, he turns back and walks towards my direction. I was shock from what I see. That face… this boy has the same face as mine?!! Our face, height, body structure are all the same, except his hair… he has silver hair.

The scene fade away again… my head is now fill with many pictures of someone… this girl is the girl I fight before. Many scenes of her calling me with the name of ‘Ruka’, I love her smiles, I feel like I’m being hypnotized everytime if I look at her eyes, her gaze freeze me.

Suddenly my surroundings going dark, examining around I realize that I was back in the castle. Same castle with different situation… this castle is in fire and filled with lifeless bodies scattered on the ground. I’m surprise to see my reflection in the mirror… I was in all white royal uniform… my hair is silver… I looked exactly the same with that silver haired boy from before.

I saw that girl is being captured by a woman, the black dressed woman I saw from the scene before.. Suddenly someone stab my back, his sword go through my heart, pierce it. I swing my right hand to lift them up high on air and crash their bodies into nothing. I pulled this damn sword out of my body and throw it towards the black dressed woman, she easily dodge it.

“RUKA! RUKA! Don’t die!” She’s calling my name over and over again.

“Hahahahaha… now is your turn, princess” that black dressed woman straighten her long fingers aiming that girl’s heart. I dash in and fight back but I am too weak that I got thrown away and my body crashed the wall.


I saw her going berserk, that girl’s eyes become red. As a newbie vampire, she can’t control herself, she continue attack blindly and caused many people die. The black dressed woman lose against this girl’s strength and step back disappear nowhere.

“I have to stop her now…” I get up and hug her to calm her down. “Yuki! Calm down!” She finally stop struggling, I apart from her and cupped her face. She’s smirking at me, somehow I feel that her smirk is frighten. I feel some wet liquid run down in my body, I look down and find her hand is inside my chest. She smirk again and pulled out my heart. I saw my heart pumping in her hands… she smirk again and crushed it. The blood splashes on her face make her gain her sense, her eyes turn back to black.

“I’m glad you’re back to your senses… Yuki… I love you…” I gave out my last breath and close my eyes.

Once again, I’m back into all white room. A voice greeted me from behind, “Are you enough with those memories?”

This couple seems familiar… They are the boy’s parents!!

“What with ‘The boy parents?!’we are your parents!” said the man.

“My parents?”

“I know you are confuse” the woman hold my hands and explain, “You are our son, Ruka. After you die, you reincarnate as a human named Miyazawa Sae”

“So… that is all my memories?” I asked.

“Yes. We’re sorry have to leave you since you’re kid. All we can do now is to bring back your memories, our kingdom really in a mess because of that bitch. We are really happy if you can take over the crown” said the man.

Tears form in my eyes, “Father! Mother!” I hug them.

“Reunion time over. Now, hurry go back to where you are” mother said as she break apart from me.

“Look there!” father pointing the direction behind me. I turn to see what he’s talking about, ended up receive a kick on my butt and I fall down like sky-diving. “AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!”

“Live well my son! Don’t come here again!”

That was the last words I heard from him.


At the same time in the castle

It’s been ten days since the incident, Atsuko, Haruna and Kuu are laying on the bed while Minami and Yuko taking care of their wounds. Haruna is still can’t move from his bed, his wounds are heavier than others because he uses his body as a shield for Yuko whenever she was about to be hit by the spell. After applying herb balm on his body and replace new bandages (Haruna is half-naked), Yuko feed him foods.

“I can eat by myself.” Haruna complained.

“Look! Your hands are trembling like this. You can’t even hold a spoon. Just let me serve you.” Yuko motioned him to open his mouth. Haruna just obediently open his mouth and let Yuko feed him. Looking at the wounds on Haruna body, Yuko felt guilty and she looked down for a moment, “Don’t do this ever again… don’t shield me with your body again… my heart hurts a lot…” tears started to form in Yuko eyes.

Haruna wipe her tears gently, “I won’t… I won’t let you get into a fight anymore so that I don’t have to shield you. You’re really a burden to me” Haruna said jokingly but that makes Yuko cry even more and unable to control herself to hug Haruna. “Ouchh… hurts”

“Sorry…” Yuko leaned away, wiping her tears. She picked up the bowl and continued feeding her beloved nyan nyan. “Say ah…”

// Aw… so cute… I think it’s worth protecting her. Wait?! What am I thinking? Since when this annoyed pervert girl become CUTE? No... no... no… I serve only to Minami-chan.// Haruna fight against himself in his own mind. But seeing Minami feeding Atsuko the potion as usual lovey-dovey moment, demoralize him. // Maybe I should start accept her? //

Poor Kuu have to do self-service and enviously looking at them. “I can’t accept this anymore!” Kuu growl and exit the room. “Why am I the only one who got no partner…hiks” he even make a fake sob. He walked to another room to visit where Sae and that creepy girl were.

After the fight, they found both Sae and that girl laid on the ground side by side with mysterious visible blue glowing light surround them like womb. The light still visible until now, they don’t know how to separate those two from that womb. So, they just place them in a room and analyze the process.

“Couple here… couple there… I guess a little shopping is perfectly suit me now” Kuu sighs and went to the city.

The villagers move to the castle as well after the incident. They were all warm-hearted and diligently rebuilt the castle. They were very happy to find this new home rather than living in a plane and having airsick. The castle was now fresh with new air and green hayfield with beautiful flowers bloom in the garden. Minami and Kuu often take a walk into the neighborhood town and village to help miserable people and invite them to live in the castle.



Next chapter will add a new mafia companion  !!(★▼▼)o┳*-----------------●));´ロ`))

@ kahem : Yuki have blue moon to control blood, Sae has the element of Sun which control light and solar...

Feel free to comment for my improvement

Offline Sok

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Re: Heros
« Reply #77 on: December 19, 2011, 05:42:09 PM »
Very interesting chapter.  :ding: Thank you for updating.  :kneelbow:
Poor Kuu still got no partner.  :gmon fry: I wonder who the woman in the black dress was.  :mon dunno: Please update soon.

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Re: Heros
« Reply #78 on: December 19, 2011, 07:00:03 PM »
Ah moon and sun, I see.
Poor Miichan, always alone. Will he find his partner during shopping?

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Heros
« Reply #79 on: December 20, 2011, 09:34:48 AM »
YEEEEYYYY~!! It's getting more interesting~!! SAEYUKI~!

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