Thanks d_ruffi, Megumi, kahem, RenaChii, Sok, virgo_shaka
@ virgo_shaka : Hehe.. because I don't know what to name for their elements, so I borrowed blue moon and sun rune from suikoden^^ suikoden is my favorite besides FF♪( ´▽`)
@ kahem, Sok : hmm... I'm still thinking who will be partner with Kuu..

Please read o(_ _o)
Chapter 9
Friends and Foes
art 1// So, this is Majijo Castle where they live? It looks poor and ugly…//
“Help! Help!” said a hooded girl running towards the castle.
She’s being chased by two well-built men who wear like a robber. One of them swaying his knife while the other launching the hemp-rope towards her. The robber throw the knife on her and cute her forearms, while the other succeeded to twined her legs making her falling to the ground. The girl won’t give up and keep running towards the castle gate.
“Help! Help!” the girl cried.
Fortunately, Sae and Yuki were taking a walk near there. The hooded girl run into Sae and hug him.
“Help me! They’re robbers!” the girl cried.
Sae raise his hand up high borrowing the solar energy of the sun and launch it to the two robbers. Their eyes were in pain because of the brightness and the hot they received.
“AHhh…! Run!”
The two robbers run away. The hooded girl still hugging Sae and crying on his shoulder.
“Thanks… thanks for saving my life.”
“Nah… it’s okay.” Sae sratches his hair and give a wink to that girl.
The hooded girl tip toe and give Sae a kiss on his cheek, “Thank you…”
This acts raised Yuki’s anger, she went beside Sae and trampled his foot very hardly… giving him an annoyed face and walk away. Sae squatted down and rubs his toe in pain.
“Are you okay?” asked the hooded girl.
“It’s okay… by the way, what is your name? Why are they chasing you?” asked Sae.
The girl began crying, “My name is Mayu, Watanabe Mayu… I am with my parents having a trip to the city of Iimiram. Those guys appeared in the middle of way and attacked us… my parents…sob… killed by them…”
“Poor girl… I’m sorry to hear that.”
“No… I’m grateful that you helped me. By the way, is she your girlfriend? I guess she’s really mad when I kissed your cheek…”
“Umm… you can say that she is my… Wife??” Sae answered doubtly.
“Oh… I guess I have to go for an apologize then.” Mayu went after Yuki.
Back Garden of the CastleYuki sat on the bench and frowning her face, mad at Sae about why he let that girl to kiss his cheek. Someone walks slowly approach her and put a flower crown on her head.
“I’m sorry for what I did before… I don’t know you are his wife. I’m just want to say thanks for saving my life.” Mayu said.
Yuki took the flower crown and smiling, “This is beautiful… thank you.” Yuki smiled at her. “You don’t have to apologize, I was mad at him not you.”
Mayu clap her hands together and act cute, “Yokatta…”
“Come, sit here”
Yuki and Mayu get along very well. They’ve met just now, but they already chats like sisters. Mayu told Yuki about her miserable incident, Yuki cheering her… and now they’re chatting and laughing together…
Sae is peeking at them behind one of those pillars in the corridor. “She was so mad at me … and now she’s laughing and having chit chat with the girl who kissed me…?” Sae put his hand under his chin and thought, “I should observe more about my past-life wife’s behaviours…”
// Phase 1 complete... They are nothing just a fool. So easy to be deceived. I guess this mission will last no more than 2 weeks //===============
City of IIMIRAM--------------
Kuu POVWow! This is the cleanest and neatest city I ever walk through. Workshop here and there, alchemist shop, weapon shop, potion shop, inn, theater, fashion shop, antique shop, food streets, and brothel. Hmm… should I try the brothel? Haha… I’m going to test all the foods in this town first…I wandering inside the city testing the foods and exploring the antique shop hoping can found the material I want for my dearest plane – Persona. There’s a small bridge across me, I walk there to take a rest and having my meal. As I walk through into the small gang before going there, I heard people shouting “Stop right there!”
Soon after, someone bump into me. This person is taller than me, wearing a black wool cabby hat with short brown hair, white shirt inside and a black long coat. I saw something drop from his pocket but this person ran downward the bridge and out of my sight before I can call him.
Curiously, I picked up the box and opened it… and guess what? Inside it is the material I’ve been searching for!! “
Snow Violet Crystal Shard!!!” I quickly closed it again and pressed my mouth with hand, turn my head to the right, to the left, and finally hide it in my pocket smiling cunningly.
There’re more people run through here, they were all wearing black coat. I heard them shouting and cursing someone for stealing their trading goods. Maybe this is the stolen goods, but that’s not my business, just ignore it. I am very happily walked back to the castle. I finally can repair my Persona and renovate it into multifunction plane.
Somewhere in the city“Chief Mario, we must find the material soon for the ship. Otherwise, we can’t get out from this city” said one of his followers.
“Damn! Must be dropped somewhere when I’m running” Mario walk around in circle in front his desk and recall the place he ran through, “
Must be that boy… find all the boy between 16~20 years old and bring him to me!! NOW!”
“Yes Sir!” the men disband themselves to follow the order.
Mario sat at his chair, looking at the photo at his necklace. “I won’t let you down, father. I won’t denigrate your name in mafia family. I’ll lead those brothers to better live”
At the city gateKuu was so happy walking to the exit of this city. Suddenly his vision became black. There’s two men in black covered him with black sack and kidnapped him into underground black market café. Outside the café, there can be seen so many boys in tied and blind folded, black sacks thrown aside. They went inside the café and take the lift to upper floor. They arrived at third floor of an old building in the middle of the city.
“Chief, is this the person you want?” the men took Kuu out from the sack.
“He-” Kuu surprised when he saw the person right in front of him.
Chief Mario came closer to examine Kuu. He narrowed his eyes, “Garb him tight!” he ordered.
“Hey! What are you going to do with me?! I have no money!” Kuu struggling.
Chief Mario searched his body and found the small box of violet crystal shard. “This is it”
“No! that’s mine! Give me back!” Kuu shouted.
Chief Mario kicked Kuu stomach and punch his face, “This is MINE! I know you picked it up on the street before” he gave Kuu a devilish smirk.
“Give me back!” Kuu use his Nen and throw away two men who grabbed him. He dash into Mario, making the box slipped away from Mario hand and flying in the air. They launch kicks and puched rapidly in very fast movement. While the box is still in the air, they both jumped to catch the box and Mario hand is closer to the box because he is taller than Kuu. Knowing this disadvantage within the height, Kuu use his Nen by controlling the air and make the box flying to his side.
“Height has no use against me” Kuu run away and break the window, jumped downward.
“CHASE HIM!” Mario ordered his henchmen. He punch his hand at wall, breaking it. “Don’t let me see you again, otherwise don’t blame me to be cruel on you”
Back at the castleKuu happily go back to the castle to inform the others that he found the material for his ship. Just as he opened the door, he saw Yuki and Sae having tea together with the others.
// Sae… vampire girl… laughing… chatting with others…? //Kuu hastily took out his gun and pointed at where Yuki was, “Vampire girl! What did you do to them? Are you hypnotized them? Controlling them? Or… you turned them into vampire too?!!!”
“Kuu… let me explain…” Sae approach him.
“No! don’t come anymore closer!” Kuu was about to pull the trigger. Sae gain his Nen and use the solar power to melt Kuu’s gun.
“Ouchh… hot~ hot! Hot!” Kuu throw away the gun. He steps back and bump into somebody.
“Ouch…” a girl fell on the floor and spilled the tea she brought.
“Sorry, are you okay?” Kuu offered his hand to help the girl stand up.
“I’m fine. Thank you’ the girl smiled cutely to him.
// Wow… such cute girl… // Kuu was gaze at her for seconds.
“Umm… could you let go of my hand?” asked the girl.
“Oh… haha… sorry…” Kuu apologize. ”I am Kuu. Minegishi Kuu. What’s yours?”
“My name is Watanabe Mayu, nice to meet you” Mayu gave him her cute smile again.
“Umm… I’m sorry to make your clothes dirty… how about we go to have some shopping this afternoon. I’ll pay for your clothes” Kuu offered a date to Mayu.
“It’s okay. I’ll just get some change in my room. Please excuse me” Mayu smiled and get out from the room. Kuu followed her from behind but stopped by Sae who grab his shirt collar.
“Easy…easy, you’ll scare her” Sae said teasingly.
“Eehem… looks like somebody fall in love~” Atsuko said teasingly. Minami and Yuko gave him a whisle.
Kuu finally snapped out from Mayu charm and going panic again, “VAMPIRE!! I am now in vampire nest! Oh no!”
Sae shut his mouth with hand, “Shut up! Hear me first! Let me tell you the story”
After some minutes, Kuu began to understand the situation.
Sae explained all the things about his past and this vampire girl named Yuki also introduce herself, and also explained about how Mayu came and stay in this castle.
Somewhere in the castle
// Damn! If that bastard didn’t show up. They already drunk my poison tea.//************************************************************************
Thanks for reading ( ´▽`)
Hope this chapter didn't confuse you
Q : did you notice the name of the city?