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Author Topic: Valentine Special OS -- Katsuo X Mayu  (Read 81253 times)

Offline zansh

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Valentine Special OS -- Katsuo X Mayu
« on: December 05, 2011, 04:04:30 PM »
-- INDEX --

~Christmas Special~

Willful Christmas #Mistletoe# (below)


~Valentine Special~


Hope you like it
Thank you

Willful Christmas

24th December

“Ta~ka~mi~na~” Atsuko skipping toward Minami and hug her from back. She then rested her chin on Minami’s shoulder. Looking their figures in reflection from the mirror “Are you done yet? Let’s go home together~”

“I’m sorry Acchan… I still have a meeting with Akimoto-san” Minami turn back to face Atsuko then looked down. “And I think it will be long… sorry, you might have to go home… alone…?”

“Hmmph… you left me alone again” Atsuko pout and cross her arms.

“I’m so sorry. This meeting is so sudden…” Minami gave Atsuko puppy eyes pleading for forgiveness.

“Hmmph… but don’t forget, we have Christmas party tonight at my apartment. Don’t be late, okay?” Atsuko reminded Minami about the Christmas party they decide to hold in Atsuko’s apartment since she is living by her own now.

“Acchan, I love you so much” Minami gave her a hug then she walk away while waving her hands, “I won’t be late. See you tonight”

“Geez… why are you always being so adorable, Minami…” Atsuko is looking at Minami until she disappeared from her sight. She took out her phone and calling for Mariko.

“Moshi moshi. Mariko desu…”

“Mariko, have you done buying foods and drinks? Can you drive me home? Minami have a meeting and I have to go home alone.” Atsuko said.

“No problem… give me 10 minutes.” Mariko said.

“Thank-..” Atsuko was cut out by the voice from the other side on the phone.

“Mari-chan! Help me bring these… I can’t see my way…”

“Eh! Baka! That’s too much! How can we eat them all? I’m going to put some back to its place”

“Mari! Don’t! I want eat that! Give me back!”


Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut

Atsuko sweat drop hearing that, “what the hell are they doing?”

In Atsuko’s apartment
10:00 p.m.

“Yuki, give me that star”

“Be careful, Sae” said Yuki as she give the big star to Sae.

“Here it go! Done! We’re done decorate the Christmas tree” Sae jumping on the ladder happily.

“Sae, don’t jump like that! It’s dangerous!” Yuki scold.

“I’m fine…” just as Sae finished her words, she fall down from the ladder.

“SAE!” Yuki try to grab Sae but ended up being pulled by her and they both fall on the floor, with Yuki on top of her.

“Oucchh.. Yuki, how much weight you gain in this month” Sae pretend that Yuki is so heavy for her.

“You meanie!” Yuki said as she pinch Sae’s cheek. Yuki was about to get up but Sae hug her tightly. “Sae, let’s get up”

“No… let’s stay like this for a while. I want to feel your warm”

“Hey, you two. Go get a room. We have underage girl gere.” Mariko said as she pointed at Mayu who was blush while helping Atsuko arranging the table set.

At the same time in the kitchen

Haruna is assigned in the kitchen and Yuko is her assistant.

“Yuko, ketchup” ordered Haruna.

“Here” Yuko hand the ketchup in fast movement.







“Done!” Haruna clap her hands together and smiling proudly, satisfied with her own cooking. Yuko start clinging at her again.

“Ne.. nyan nyan.. am I doing good?” asked Yuko.

Haruna pats her head “Yes, you are very obedient today.”

“Can I have my reward now?”

“hmm…? I don’t remember about giving you reward” said Haruna confusedly.

“Then… can I have a reward?” asked Yuko with puppy eyes.

“Hmm…” Haruna think hesitantly for a while, “okay, what do you want?”

“nyan nyan.. kiss.. kiss…” Yuko sticks herself onto Haruna like glue and pout her mouth asking for a kiss.

Haruna try to push Yuko away from her but Yuko is just like glue. Haruna hit her head making Yuko’s hands move from her and run away but Yuko push her down to the floor and crawling towards Haruna. “Nyan nyan.. kiss…kiss…”

“Mariko! Help me!” Haruna cried for help.

Mariko come and pulled Yuko away from poor Haruna. Yuko keep struggling against Mariko while calling “nyan nyan” non-stop. Feels annoyed by Yuko, Mariko whisper something at Yuko to make her stop. Magically, Yuko stop struggling and walk away to the living room with big smile on her face.

“Mariko what did you say to her?” asked Haruna anxiously hoping it’s not a bad thing.

Mariko just smiled “why don’t you just ask her?” before she reached the living room, she spots Mii-chan stealing food. She slapped Mii-chan’s hands and drags her to living room. “No stealing food. We have to wait for Takamina first.”

At the same time, Atsuko was sneakily putting something in the Christmas tree and grinning mischievously before join the others.

Somewhere on the street

// I’m the dead man now… blame to that stupid meeting, I am very very late now… Acchan must be very very mad on me now… //

“Umm…sir, can you drive more quickly? I’m in hurry” asked Minami politely to the driver.

“Okay! Hold on tight!” the driver speeding up towards Atsuko’s apartment.

At Atsuko’s apartment
00:48 a.m.

Minami push the bell many times but no one came to open the door. She sighs and took out the key and opens the door by herself. When she opened the door, she pinches her nose because of the alcohol smell. She went directly into the living room only found Yuki half asleep on the very very mess table while Mayu help cleaning the mess.

“Yo! Takamina.” Sae walk out from the bathroom.

“Sae, where are the others?” asked Minami.

“Yuko, Haruna and Miichan got drunk. Mariko sent them home.”

Ding dong (door bell’s ringing)

“Ah… It must be Jurina. Umm…I’m going home now. Bye, Takamina! Bye Sae! Bye Yuki!” Mayu stop cleaning and went to the door. Before she go out she turn back and bow at them once again.

“Have a nice Christmas!” Sae shouts to them from inside.

Takamina take her sit near the Christmas tree because the other area was still in mess, full of beer cans around. “Umm… where is Acchan? Did she get drunk too?”

Sae pointed her back with her thumb, “Bathroom… she is-”

Mi~Na~Mi~” a bubbly voice interrupted and tackle Minami down to the ground.

Minami blushed at Atsuko who was now sitting on top of her. “A…Acchan, what-”

“Mi~hic~nami~  Leaf!...” said Atsuko grinning at her while pointing at something above them, “… with ribbon…and~hic~green and white things…”

“Eh?!” Minami stared at the leafy thing where Atsuko pointing. Green leaves, white berries, and red ribbon…. “Mistletoe?!” Suddenly something flashed inside her mind Mistletoe…you’re supposed to kiss under mistletoes…. Mistletoe?! Her eyes went wide and she is blushing madly as she repeated what she saw, “MISTLETOE?!

“Mmm… now we’re like this…” Atsuko trailed down ominously towards Minami.

“A… Acchan… you’re drunk… Minami gently pushed Atsuko away of her and turned to Sae… who wasn’t there anymore. A chill shivered down her spine, she blinked, glancing around the very very empty room and gulp. She froze when Atsuko climbed back on top of her, grabbed her wrists, and pinned her down.

Atsuko grinning mischievously, “You know what they say you have to do when you are under the… missy… mister… missile… hic~ toe… hic… umm… leafy green and white things?” she is looking at Minami with innocent eyes. “mmm… Mi~na~mi~”

// Darn! Her seduction is… No! Minami! Behave yourself! // Minami tried to get off from Atsuko, but her body won’t cooperate with her mind.

Atsuko leant down, letting her breath brush against Minami’s lips. It was really hard to think with Atsuko’s body so close to her… and her very generous chest pressing against her… “Wait… Acchan… Are you sure this is-”

Atsuko cut her off by gently pressing their lips together. It was… warm… soft… and wet… // wet?! Was that… tongue?! // Minami’s mind was shouting crazily inside because of Atsuko’s action. She can’t do anything considering her mouth was currently occupied by Atsuko. Very pleasant occupied.

After minutes they parted because needs of oxygen. Minami’s face was now as red as tomato. Atsuko giggled and tangling her fingers in Minami’s hair, pulling it out of its ponytail. They kissed again and part again, but this time Minami frowned.

“Wait, you’re not drunk… There’s no taste of alcohol” Minami complained.

“Don’t you know? I am a good actress” Atsuko remarked. “I have to punish you because you are late” Then, without letting Minami say anymore, she leant down and kissed her again, Minami moaned into the kiss, putting her hand around Atsuko’s neck and pulled it closer to deepen their kiss. Atsuko’s hand was now sneaks inside Minami’s shirt and traveling the soft skin of her beloved… and…

(You can imagine the rest… I can’t write anymore =.=''')
« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 09:55:43 PM by zansh »

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: Christmas Special
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2011, 04:22:48 PM »
Yea!! Atsumina XD
Acchan pretending to be drunk LOL :lol:
It's really nice :wub:

Thanks for the Update :thumbup :thumbup

Offline Sydney W

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Re: Christmas Special
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2011, 04:45:56 PM »
Acchan being mischievous pretending to be drunk....... hilarious....


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Re: Christmas Special
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2011, 05:11:21 PM »
Gah!!! Acchan!! I luv ya!!! so mischievous!!! XD  Yeah!! Gosh!!! She even got Taka on the floor and~~ :lol:

Nice kurisumasu fic~~  :twothumbs

Offline kahem

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Re: Christmas Special
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2011, 06:15:24 PM »
GG Acchan! I wonder what Mariko told Yuko.

Offline Haruko

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Re: Christmas Special
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2011, 06:43:09 AM »
jajja we know that sexaddichan enjoy teasing takamina.. and some people says that atsuko is not a good actress :D

yeah we need the next chapter what mariko told to yuko.. maybe yuko also going to show her actress skill?

Offline AKBlover_99

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Re: Christmas Special
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2011, 07:06:08 AM »
Woah! Interesting! :mon crazyinlove: I liket it. :mon innocent:
All the pairings were cute    :mon lovelaff:
Update soon.  :bow: :bow: :bow:

Offline ichikawa

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Christmas Special #Being a good girl#
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2011, 03:46:06 PM »
My old ID just recover  :nya:
I will re-use my old ID again...
Hope I don't make you confuse. Zansh = Ichikawa = same person  :kneelbow:

Thanks Yagami.Rai, Minami-chan, dee1711, Megumi, khryz0421, haru9210, Tejinashi, d_ruffi, blughise, kahem, RenaChii, Sydney W, Flean, Haruko, AKBlover_99

Hope this won't bored you..
Sorry if I have disappointed you for this shot...  :kneelbow:

Willful Christmas
#Being a good girl#

At Haruna’s house

Just make her drunk later… after that, you can do whatever you want…

Yuko’s dimple became more deeper remembering what Mariko suggest her before. Haruna was drunk, she can’t even walk by herself. Now they are in front of the door with Haruna clumsily searching her keys inside her bag.

“Haruna, you are drunk. Let me help you find the key.” Yuko attempted her best to hold on Haruna with her own height. Because the effect of alcohol, Haruna can’t stand straight, she steps right and steps left while searching the key, not long after she slipped and fall down with Yuko beneath her.

Haruna giggled and poke Yuko’s nose with seductive eyes, “bad squirrel, are you taking advantage on me?”

Yuko was flushed and stunted by Haruna sudden behavior. This is the first time ever she saw Haruna acts like this. Don’t know how to response, she just lay there quietly. // Oh my goddess… is this really my nyan nyan? She’s so… sexy like this… //

Haruna crawled on top of her, laying her hands beside of Yuko’s neck. // Is she going to kiss me?! Nyan… nyan… // Yuko closed her eyes and pouted her mouth, she waits but feels nothing. “Here’s the key” said Haruna as she grabbed a bunch of keys near Yuko’s head. She stood up and went to open the door. Yuko sighs heavily, disappointedly, but still her heart was still beating fast. She follow Haruna went inside the house.

Haruna walked in directly to the living room, throw away her bag and shoes, lay down on the sofa and snooze. “Nyan nyan…. Don’t sleep there, you’ll catch cold.” Yuko reminded her, but Haruna already fell asleep. Yuko went closer, staring her nyan nyan cute face for minutes.

Hachiuuu….” Haruna sneeze, sat up, rub her nose, and then back to sleep again. Yuko giggled at her and go to Haruna’s bedroom to bring some blanket for her. After put the blanket over Haruna, she takes her bag and shoes and put it right to the place. She even help her arrange the magazine neatly on the table. // Surely, I’m really become nyan nyan’s housekeeper // Yuko said to herself and feel proud about it.

Yuko stretch both her arms after doing some housework for her nyan nyan. She simply sat next to her and kept staring at her. She gently move some stray of Haruna’s hair to put it behind her ear. Haruna move a bit and murmured something in her sleep. “Yuu-chan… I love you…”

Yuko eyes widen as she hear that, her smile become wider make her dimples deeper. She cares Haruna’s cheek and place a soft kiss on her forehead, “I love you more, nyan nyan…” she paused a while “I guess I won’t touch you tonight, I’ll sit here obediently. I’ll be a good girl just for today. Merry christmas nyan nyan… please dream of me” Yuko smile to herself till she fell asleep beside her nyan nyan.

After both of them fell asleep, someone fat in red-white clothes with white beard on his face appeared from nowhere. He is pouring some blinking powder towards the two sleeping beauty, “Hohohoho… I always grants presents to them who are obedient and being a good kid today… Have a nice dream, Yuko… Hohohoho…”

That person disappeared to nowhere… he has granted Yuko to share the same dream with Haruna… that night, they was really happy inside their dreamland.


Sorry, no kissy kissy scene...

Dou? (´・ω・`)

Offline kahem

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Re: Christmas Special
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2011, 06:28:26 PM »
I wanna see their dreams!!! Mou, such a teaser!

Offline AKBlover_99

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Re: Christmas Special #Being a good girl#
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2011, 06:43:34 AM »
Kyaa! KojiYuu! Yay~    :gmon twirl:

Haruna crawled on top of her, laying her hands beside of Yuko’s neck. // Is she going to kiss me?! Nyan… nyan… // Yuko closed her eyes and pouted her mouth, she waits but feels nothing. “Here’s the key” said Haruna as she grabbed a bunch of keys near Yuko’s head. She stood up and went to open the door.
Poor Yuko! Haha! :mon blblbl:
Thx for the update and update soon!  :bow: :bow: :bow:

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Re: Christmas Special
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2011, 02:48:17 PM »
waaahhh   :mon inluv: I love this Christmas fic... Atsumina & KojiYuu!!

Acchan always teasing Takamina  :rofl:  :rofl:

Yuko's key incident  :mon lmao:

please..please... want more :mon whine: Update soon  :twothumbs  thanks

Offline ichikawa

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Christmas Special #Drunk Fight#
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2011, 03:33:32 PM »
Thanks for reading  Yagami.Rai, silllythings, kahem, AKBlover_99, haru9210, smarty0821, crazywota

@ kahem : Gomen... I was supposed to end kojiyuu there..  :kneelbow:  but maybe I'll try write about their dreams later
Please enjoy this chapter  ^-^


Willful Christmas
#Drunk Fight#

Inside Mariko’s car

“Mii-chan, stop disturbing me. I’m driving now” Mariko scold Mii-chan who was sat next to her.

Mii-chan was also drunked, she ignored Mariko and keep singing and moving her hands in weird moves. She even poked or hit Mariko’s arm intentionally. Reaching her temper limits, Mariko pushed her speed to the max and stopped the car all of the sudden at the side of the road. Mii-chan was unable to keep her balance and bumps her head hardly to the window beside her.

“HWAEHWAEHWAE…hic… HUWAEHUWAE…!” Mii-chan cried very loud and non-stop in the car.

Mariko shut her ears with both hands. “WILL YOU SHUT UP? JUST STOP CRYING!” Mariko rise her voice fiercely, but this is just makes Mii-chan’s cry more louder. Her cry is louder enough to be heard by the passenger near them. Those people began to whisper at each others. Fortunately, her car’s window is so dark that not allowed the passengers to see through inside.

“I should have stop you from drinking that much” Mariko pressed her hands hardly on Mii-chan’s mouth to forbid the voice come out but ended up bitten by Mii-chan. “Ouchh..” Mariko move her hands away and hit Mii-chan’s head hardly. Mii-chan finally stopped crying. Mariko let out a heavy sigh and started the car engine, “I’ll send you home soon. Please be quiet all the way till your home” Mariko sighed “Can you become more mature this year?”

A sudden chill run out in Mariko’s spine, she turned her head only found Mii-chan glare at her with very murderous eyes. Without warning, Mii-chan launched her hands pulling Mariko’s hair, messing it, and pinch her cheek. Feeling annoyed, Mariko remove her safety belt and push Mii-chan back to her seat. She slaps her face repeatedly in order to make her back to senses.

“You don’t love me! hic I HATE YOU! hic…HATE YOU! hic HATE YOU…!” Mii-chan begins to shout non-stop again. Mariko grabbed both Mii-chan’s wrist, pinned her back to seat and kissed her roughly to shut her mouth. As Mii-chan didn’t struggle anymore Mariko parted away and attached their forehead together. “You’re so stubborn…” when she about to move back to her own seat, Mii-chan pulled her for another kisses. Mariko kisses back gently and her kisses began to travel down on her neck.

After minutes of kissing, Mariko decided to stop, “Time’s up…” Mariko showed her watch, “It’s time for me to send you home, your parents must have worried”.

Mii-chan won’t let go and keep hugging her, “I don’t wanna hic go home!!” she pouted.

Mariko pinches Mii-chan’s nose gently, “I have promised your parents to send you home safely” she moved back to her seat. Mii-chan took out her phone, dial a number, and waiting for response.

“Mom! Mariko was hic drunk… she can’t hic drive me home. I’ll be staying at Acchan’s home hic… Merry Christmas! Hohohoho... don’t forget my present, mom! Good night” Mii-chan hang up the phone and start clinging to Mariko. “Mari~chan~ let’s sleepover at your home~”

Mariko raised her chin and smirked at her, “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure~” said Mii-chan with husky voice.

“I’m still gonna send you home” Mariko grinned.

“Of course! To your home~ right? Mari~chan~” Mii-chan keep rubbing her cheek on Mariko’s arm.

“You’re really a stubborn kid” said Mariko.

“Mari-chan~ hoooaaammm…” tired from crying and shouting before, Mii-chan is now half asleep.

Mariko smiled and gently put her back to her seat, put on the safety belt and drove the car to her own home. “You’ll regret it. I won’t let you sleep tonight”


Sorry if it's boring...

Dou? (´・ω・`)

Offline AKBlover_99

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Re: Christmas Special #Drunk Fight#
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2011, 03:52:53 PM »
“Mom! Mariko was hic drunk… she can’t hic drive me home. I’ll be staying at Acchan’s home hic… Merry Christmas! Hohohoho... don’t forget my present, mom! Good night” Mii-chan hang up the phone and start clinging to Mariko.
LOL!    :hiakhiakhiak:
Wow....Interesting! I like it! Thx update! :mon trannie:

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Re: Christmas Special
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2011, 06:45:51 PM »
Oh~ go Mariko go! ^^

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Re: Christmas Special
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2011, 07:29:47 AM »
sorry but marimii are not my favorites couples..

but kojiyuu jajaj funny.. but poor yuko doesnt have her goodnight kiss.. we know that haruna likes to play with her squirrell :D

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Re: Christmas Special
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2011, 08:38:19 AM »
I like MariiMii !! <333 This is so cute!! I need more of this funny couple!!! please!! <333333

Offline ichikawa

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Christmas Special #Spinning Spin#
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2011, 06:44:15 PM »
Thanks for reading my fic  :heart:

@ kahem, Haruko : since you like kojiyuu couple, I'll try to add some scene for them  :)
@ haruhi16 :Thanks haruhi, I'll try to write more for MariMii too (hopefullly)  XD

Hope you like this fic. Thank you and sorry for my poor english.


Willful Christmas
#Spinning Spin#

Somewhere in the park

Sae was slipped away bringing Yukirin along as soon as Atsuko tackle Minami to the floor. They are now in the park somewhere near their house. Sae always walks Yuki home because their houses are near with each other. They usually dropped at the park having some chats before go home.

      Kimi to boku wa sono tabi ni
      Nando KISU shita darou
      NOERU no yoru wa~ Sunao ni nareru ne~
Kyou dake wa tokubetsu sa~
KYANDORU no hi ni~ Terasare nagara~
Dakiatte nemurou~

Yuki was singing “noel no yoru” and dancing cutely in front of Sae who was sitting on the swing, looking at her girlfriend with loving eyes. Seeing Yuki in her white piece dress and her long hair flowing perfectly within the dance makes her recall the scene they’re playing in infinity. // she has become more beautiful now… even more cute when drunk like this // Sae giggling to herself. // she looks like an angel, so smooth, so curving and so beautiful. Her face, her figure, her lips...her...// Sae flushed as she murmured to herself, “I guess I got infected by Yuko’s virus now~”

“Sa~hic” looks like the alcohol gotten her a bit, Yuki cover her mouth with hands making an Oops expression. “Ah... It's snowing... Let’s dance together~” Yuki grabbed Sae’s hands and pulling her spinning around.

“Whooo…. Slow down Yuki… slow down. My heads are getting dizzy…” Sae complained but Yuki ignore it and spin faster. “I am dizzy now~ !!”

Suddenly Yuki let go her hands, making Sae falling and rolling to the ground.”Wooooo!” Sae was now laying on the ground with her arms and legs stretch straightly and face down to the ground.

“Hahahha… Sae no baka… do you like kissing the snow  that much? Hahahah…” Yuki squat down holding hers stomach, can’t stop laughing at the poor Sae who still didn’t move from her position.  (note: in japanese, snow = yuki)

“Mou~ Yukirin! You meanie!” Sae stood up and chasing Yuki. “hic~” Yuki make an Oops expressions again and run away from Sae. They were running around in the park until Sae manage to grab her hand and pulled her into a hug. “Of course I like Yuki (snow), I LOVE YUKI” Sae grinned widely and leaned in to kiss Yuki. Yuki tickled Sae making her let go her hug, then she running along the way home with unstable steps. Because Yuki run with unstable steps, Sae couldn’t catch up on her this time.

They are now stop in front of Yuki’s house and breathing heavily. “How can you run that fast?” Sae laid her back at the wall beside the door.

“Because I am Black” said Yuki with ‘black’ expression just like in majisuka. Not long after she smiled as usual and hush Sae away, “It’s late now. Hurry go home.” Yuki took out her key and opened the door, “Ughh… I’m in heavy rotation now~ my brain are spinning inside”

Before Yuki step into the house, Sae hold her arms, “You still owe me something” said Sae pouting her mouth. Yuki giggled and place a kiss on her cheek, “Goodnight”

“Not there~” said Sae as she keep pouting her mouth.

Yuki wrapped her arms around Sae’s neck and leaned in for a kiss on the lips. She plant a quick kiss on her lips and parted away, “Done~ I’m going in now. See you tomorrow~”

Sae didn’t let go and pulled Yuki into another kiss... and another passionate kisses... she parted for a moment and whisper beside Yuki’s ear with a gently breath, “I’m not satisfied yet” her lips move on Yuki’s neck, her chin, her nose, and back to capture her lips again. The kisses become more passionate, Yuki was trapped between Sae and the wall. Seconds passed, Yuki turn her position and push Sae back to the wall. Without realize, they spin and spin like this till they reach the door and Sae slowly guide her inside the house, As they steps into the house, Yuki parted and attached their forehead together.

“My… my parents aren’t at home… I think you should go hom-” before Yuki finished, Sae shut her with a gently kiss, “I’m so lucky. I wish they're not coming back till tomorrow~” Sae keep kissing Yuki again while closing the door behind her and lock it.

The door closed… I guess you know what will happen when lovers stay together alone… with no one disturb them…


Sorry if it's boring...

Dou? (´・ω・`)

Please feel free to comment  :)

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Re: Christmas Special
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2011, 07:11:15 PM »
Sae gg ;) enjoy your 'snow'

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Re: Christmas Special
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2011, 11:04:53 PM »
Www Christamas fic are so romantic!
Sorry I didn't comment on all so I'm doing it now :yep:

Atsuko grinning mischievously, “You know what they say you have to do when you are under the… missy… mister… missile… hic~ tole… hic… umm… leafy green and white things?” she is looking at Minami with innocent eyes. “mmm… Mi~na~mi~”
AtsuMina-LoL Acchan is such a great actress...

Haruna move a bit and murmured something in her sleep. “Yuu-chan… I love you…”
KojiYuu- For once Yuko wasn't perving on Harunyan here super cute ^^

“HWAEHWAEHWAE…hic… HUWAEHUWAE…!” Mii-chan cried very loud and non-stop in the car.
MariMii Hahaha somehow I can see Miichan crying here because of the Majisuka PV. Mariko at the end hahaha Miichan won't get any sleep on Christmas...

“Hahahha… Sae no baka… do you like kissing the snow  that much? Hahahah…” Yuki squat down holding hers stomach, can’t stop laughing at the poor Sae who still didn’t move from her position.  (note: in japanese, snow = yuki)
“Ughh… I’m in heavy rotation now~ my brain are spinning inside”
Seconds passed, Yuki turn her position and push Sae back to the wall. Without realize, they spin and spin like this till they reach the door and Sae slowly guide her inside the house, As they steps into the house, Yuki parted and attached their forehead together.
SaeYuki ROFL! So much spinning I laughed the whole time!

Thank you for your Xmas fic they are so cute/fun& of course romantic!
Arigatou! :kneelbow:

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Offline virgo_shaka

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Re: Christmas Special
« Reply #19 on: December 09, 2011, 02:07:00 AM »
hare kumo ame YUKI ok. :D

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