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Author Topic: #A Ghost's Story# -- Chapter 11 - COMPLETED  (Read 67516 times)

Offline ichikawa

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#A Ghost's Story# -- Chapter 11 - COMPLETED
« on: January 11, 2012, 06:56:50 PM »
Minna~ I was reorder my file week ago and ended up watching AKB48's PV  :mon heh:
And this fic idea is just went inside my brain after watching Sakura no ki ni narou PV   :mon study:

What do you think about this?


================   ================   ================
#A Ghost’s Story#

Beautiful cherry blossoms, it’s always the same. I’ve been here for two years… in this tree, enjoying all views at this school, wandering the city, and… watching this girl’s doing. I can’t reach her, can’t talk to her, and can’t even be seen.

Yes. I am a ghost, a wandering soul... I died by an accident two years ago, exactly at the first day for entering the same high school as her. I’m even haven’t meet her. Pity, don’t I?

And this girl… She’s my childhood friend. Best friend I ever had. She’s my first friend. Her parents often come to orphanage – the reformatory to help us people and that’s when I met her.

Flashback in childhood time

It’s not my fault for being a new comer. But I can’t get along with the others, all I can do is cry and cry... Yeah… I am such a crybaby. Thanks for my parents vulgarity, make me end up here and being not able to talk like normal kid have. I’m in fear to talk. Each words came from my mouth will get a slap.

There’s a light came through the darkness…   It’s her who changed me… Her warm eyes, her cheerful laugh, her kindness, and a bond… bond of our friendship.

We play together, fight together, and so many many things we’ve done together. Until one day, she fell down from the hill. I tried to save her but indeed of fallen together downward the hill. In the end, we’re both saved by adults. But she was unconscious for several days.
I hate myself for not being able to save her. It was my fault for being weakly, the one who fell should be me. She called my name again and again. She called me to save her, but I’m failed.

I am too spoiled by her. She’s stronger than me and always fights for me when I’m being bullied. And when she’s in danger, I can’t save her. I can’t do anything. I am really unforgiveable… I feel ashamed for myself… Seeing her lying at hospital make me don’t know what to do.

Finally, she woke up. And guess what? What she said? And those words make me wanna die.

She opened her eyes, sit up for a while and face me… which standing beside her. She said, “Who are you?”

I am really shock about this. This is a joke right? How can she say something like this. Is she mad of me? Before I can say anything, she said, “Do you know me? Can you tell me who I am?”

What? I can’t believe it. She remembered nothing!? God, please don’t make fun of me!

Tears burst out from my eyes, I ran away… I can’t believe it, why did she ask something like that? Her expression is cold, Her eyes reflect nothing. I know I shouldn’t befriend with anyone. I am cursed. I always bring bad omen to anyone that kind to me. I know I deserve this. I deserve to live alone… all alone… Then what purpose I am live on? I just lost my friend… I am lost again…


Dou~? (*´v`*)


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Re: #A Ghost's Story#
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2012, 07:14:55 PM »
You give me goosebumps.. and me almost in tears... need to know what happen next!!!  :tantrum:

Offline Megumi

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Re: #A Ghost's Story#
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2012, 11:11:25 PM »
What a sad one! But ichikawa-san you have to continue! pretty please with a cherry on!  :bow:

Can't wait to know who the pairings are but I might know atsumina?! is my OTP after all..

Arígatou!  :kneelbow:
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Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: #A Ghost's Story#
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2012, 04:20:14 AM »
This is so sad :cry:
But please continue this, I want to read more :kneelbow:
Thank you for the update :thumbup

Offline ichikawa

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#A Ghost's Story# -- Chapter One -- Unbelievable Meeting
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2012, 06:31:59 PM »
Thanks d_ruffi, Megumi, s34l, Yagami.Rai, Sok, Popsicle, Flean
Thanks for comment, I'll try to make this fic more interesting  :roll:
Hope you enjoy this chapter~  :kneelbow:

A Ghost’s Story

Chapter 1 – Unbelievable Meeting

================   ================   ================

Maybe I am cursed? I always bring bad omen to them who care about me. I wish I can die and now I really die. Live in this misery… as a wondering soul who got no direction…


The days after her parents bring her home, I got new parents. That person is my uncle. My uncle came to pick me. They know I am abandoned by my parents. His wife was so nice and gentle, same as my new sister. They all treat me really good, just like their own children. How many days I’ve been in this warm family? I want to stay just like this but I am not happy. I’ll bring bad omen to them, so I decide to run away at night.

That night was a stormy night. I was about to leave and how coincidental, they’re just back from the party. I was stand there in front of the door. They saw me, they’re waving hands at me, smiling at me, then I hear a sound, I saw a truck sliding toward us. The truck crashed the car and not stopping yet. My new parents died in front of my eyes, I am freeze from what I saw. I brought bad omen to them.  I was a cursed child. I deserve to die. I don’t want to move from my place, I wanna get crashed by the truck too.

The truck stopped. All I can hear is the sound of the raindrop. I open my eyes and saw the truck which is just an inch before me. My heart is bleeding, screaming, “Why don’t you crash me!!! Damn truck, WHY DON’T YOU JUST CRASH ME!!!!!”

That night, I cry out loud. I keep hitting the truck with my fist. My sister came out and dragged me back, asked me if I am okay, asked me for what happened. I cry out loud, “Dad, Mom, crashed…” I keep trying not to cry. I know what my sister feel now. She was freeze, just like me before. I saw tears coming from her eyes. She hugged me tightly. That night really was a stormy night.

Time passed away. I am now in second year of high school. I don’t have any friend. I want to keep distance with everyone. Even at home, I acted cold to my sister. I know she’s hurt, but I don’t want anything bad happened to her. I’ll always keep distance with everyone until the time’s come.

At the opening ceremony, I saw her. She wore the same uniform as mine. So, she was one year younger than me. Yes, she is my first friend. I can tell she is. Her eyes are same as before. I can feel some kind of warm in those eyes. I wonder if she got her memories back, if she remembered who I am, if she can recognize who I am. I want to be her friend again… No, I must keep my distance far far from her. I don’t want anything bad happened again.

At the end, I end up following her. I want to know where she lives. How’s she going? How are her parents? I’m curious on everything about her. I just want to know…

That day, she went to bookstore before going home. She accidentally dropped her student card. I pick it up and ran toward her. She was across the road. I walk over and suddenly a car came with high speed and I got crashed. That is the end of my life…

Flashbacks End

I am a ghost now. Neither going heaven nor hell, wandering around... I’ve been following her for two years. I really enjoy this two years. I talked to her day and night although she can’t hear me, but I feel happy. You know, we ghost can’t touch anything, can’t grab anything, especially human. When I try to touch her, I ended up got shock all over, I felt some kind of electric wave running inside me and it’s painful. I wonder if she wore some kind of amulet or charm that against ghost.

Today as usual, I follow her to the school. Yes, she is now in senior year of high school. After classes are over, she went to the library. She is in library club. Her schedule is checking and relocating the books every Thursday. It’s 3 p.m. now… students are going home. Some of them did not put back the books and let it on the table. She went to clean up the table and put the books to its right place. The place is high enough that makes her need to climb the ladder.


I hear the sound from the ladder. It is unstable and shaking a bit. I try to hold it but I can’t touch it.

“Acchan! Hurry comes down. Don’t climb anymore higher” I panicky yell at her and of course she can’t hear me. I don’t know what should I do and just keep calling her name.


The ladder is making sound again, and it cracks. “AHHHH!” She startled and fell down.

I automatically went to catch her. God, please. Just once, I want to save her... don’t let her get hurt.



At that moment, just a few seconds… I feel like I can touch her. She landed on my body? Or I should say she landed on my soul? The fact is she landed on me and didn’t get hurt. We both sat up and looked at each other. “Are you okay?” she approaches me and reaches her hand to me.

I nodded, “I’m okay. What about you? Anywhere hurt?” Wait a minute… she can see me? I was surprised and somehow happy. I ask her once again to make sure, “You can see me?”

She giggled at me, “What a weird question, of course I can see you. Thanks for saving me” she reaches out her hands to help me get up. But when she’s trying to hold my arm, her hands touch nothing. She blinks her eyes several times and look confuse.

My heart beats faster. I am like having a heart attack in this moment. Does ghost have heart too? Haha... I am happy that she can see me in this moment but I also afraid if she finds out the fact that I am a ghost. I want to move but my body won’t move. Oh, please. What happened to me?

I see her coming closer and reach her hand to touch my face. She is touching me, not really. She is touching the air. Her hand goes through me and touches nothing but the air. She is waving her hands towards me rapidly and shocked. She steps back and covers her face with hands. I can see her expression which tells me that she didn’t believe at what she is getting on.

“GHOOOSSSTTTT!!!” she cried and then faint on the ground. Her hands hit the ladder and cause the ladder moved a bit. It touched a book beside it and causing a bunch of books fall and hit Acchan’s head, covers her face.

“Acchan!” I went to put the book away from her and of course I can touch nothing but the air. My hands transparent going through and can’t touch anything.

I blame myself for going to near by her. I shouldn’t get near to her. I will only bring bad omen to anyone near me. Even I am a ghost now, I still bring bad omen to people. I want to cry but no one hear me, I want to bang my head to the wall but I just went through it. I want to die but I can’t die anymore. What did I do? Why did this happen to me?

“How stupid are you!” a voice came out from my behind.


Dou~? (*´v`*)

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: #A Ghost's Story# -- Chapter One -- Unbelievable Meeting
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2012, 06:58:09 PM »
Yea!! Thank you so much for the Update :D
It was so sad.. :cry:
I wonder who's Minami's sister?? :?
And who's the voice that say 'How stupid are you?'
It's kinda complicated :k-crazy:
Minami's sister and Acchan is different person ryt??
And why so many sad things happen to Minami?? :(

Please update soon :mon cute:
I want to read more of this XD
It's getting interesting :)


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Re: #A Ghost's Story# -- Chapter One -- Unbelievable Meeting
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2012, 07:05:08 PM »
OMG!!! I was listening to a sad OST while reading the first part.. Gah!!! you made me almost cry!!!  :OMG:

This is really interesting!! A ghost story...  :on GJ: and I'm curious about that voice too..  :dunno:

Update soon.. Hope I can continue following your story..  :on lol: my school starting next week...  :depressed:

Offline kahem

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Re: #A Ghost's Story# -- Chapter One -- Unbelievable Meeting
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2012, 11:22:05 PM »
Oh really interesting! At the begining I was scared and wondered if I should read it or not lol I thought it was horror thing xD

Offline Mika ~

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Re: #A Ghost's Story# -- Chapter One -- Unbelievable Meeting
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2012, 01:56:54 AM »
so sad  :cry:
But .. why acchan can see ghosts??
And, Acchan can touch the ghost..but the ghost [takamina??] can't touch acchan.... why??
wooo so many questions 

Offline Megumi

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Re: #A Ghost's Story# -- Chapter One -- Unbelievable Meeting
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2012, 10:03:48 PM »

Waa I knew it AtsuMina!  :wriggly:

Sooo interesting! I can't wait for the next update and I'm curious who that person is   :hee:

Arígatou!  :kneelbow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline ichikawa

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#A Ghost's Story# -- Chapter Two -- Ghost Friend
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2012, 09:40:39 PM »
Thank you Yagami.Rai, Flean, haru9210, kahem, Sydney W, s34l, MESS, Megumi, d_ruffi, Mika

@ Yagami.Rai : Sorry for confusing you  :banghead: Of course Sister and Acchan is different  :roll:
@ Flean : Thank you for following my fics  :heart: Actually I am busy with my study too :doh: but I can't concentrate full at my study  :P (always visit jphip when I start my computer)
@ kahem : I have no courage to write horror things  :P because I am afraid at horror things too~ and I supposed to make this fic more comedies?
@ Mika ~ : Ghost can't touch human will be explain in this chapter. But why Acchan can see ghost? that will be in mystery~  :roll:
@ Megumi : Thank you for comment. I'll try my best to make it more interesting  :)

Sorry for late update  :kneelbow: I am too busy with my study...  :frustrated:
Stress out from study... ended up writing this chapter~  :depressed:

Hope I don't confuse you in this chapter...
Sorry if it's bored  :kneelbow:
Please enjoy reading~ Thanks  :kneelbow:


A Ghost’s Story

Chapter 2 – Ghost Friend

================   ================   ================

I am so happy today. I got new friend, my first ghost friend. She is the second friend I got after Acchan. It’s funny to know that she shared the same name as mine, Minami. My name is Takahashi Minami, and my new friend’s name is Minegishi Minami, I call her Mii-chan. She’s been ghost for three years in this school. Today, she teaches me how to lift up things. She said that even if we can’t touch anything but we can lift up things by our concentration.


“How stupid are you!”

I turned back and saw a girl about the same age as me. She is wearing school uniform with dark blue sweater. Her hair is black and long, she has big eyes and buckteeth… almost like gachapin. She approaches me, stand beside me and raise her hands toward those books which cover Acchan’s face.

“Let me help you a little”

Within seconds, the books fly away to its ordinary place.

“Acchan!” I approach her and try to pull her up. As I try to grab her arm, I got shocked and felt electric wave all over my body. The girl pulled me away from Acchan and hit my head.

“Do you wanna die? Don’t you know we ghost is forbid to touch human!” she scold me. “If you touch human, you will get electric shocks all over your body and your soul will vanish little by little and… shruussshh… you will vanish forever.”

“I know… I know we can’t touch human but I just wanna to help her” I look at her with teary eyes, “I just want to lift her up and put her to somewhere safe. What if the books fall again and hit her again?”

She moved her index finger then a book flying toward me and hit my head, “Tsk… don’t look at me with those eyes” she complained. “Step back, let me show you my strength”

She raised both her hands and looks concentrate to where Acchan was. I’m waiting patiently behind her and look carefully. Acchan’s body is being lift up from the ground and move. She place Acchan’s body carefully on the chair.

I am amaze by her strength… I want to learn this so that I can protect Acchan, “How did you do that? Teach me! Teach me!” I asked.

“Say, how many years have you been ghost?” she asked back.

“Umm… about two years…”

I saw she face palmed and raised her eyebrows, “You’ve been ghost for two years but don’t know how to lift up things?” I nodded and she sighed.

“Please~” I beg her and give her teary eyes look.

“On one condition…” she paused a while and give me an annoyed eyes. “Let’s be friends” she said it with a wink.

I am so happy to hear that. For many years I restrict myself from society and be a loner. No one dare to approach me and talking to me. That’s the same when I’m a ghost… I wondering around but no one approach me. I guess I have to open up a bit since I am a ghost now…

“Thank you!” I hug her tight and she keep push me away. This is my first ghost friend.

After minutes of learning I put all the books to its right place. Mii-chan leaved after I got used how to lift up objects. Acchan is still unconscious on the chair. Not long after I heard someone step into the library. He is tall and good looking, he is wearing glasses and has a mature charisma. I saw he went to where Acchan is and touch her face.

“Hey! How dare you touch my Acchan!”

I fly and stop behind Acchan and keep scolding him. Of course he can’t hear me, but I can’t control myself and keep bubbling, scolding him behind Acchan. I raise my hands towards him and concentrate to push him away from Acchan and nothing happen. “DAMN!”

“Atsuko? Atsuko?” He is calling Acchan and gives her a gentle slap to wake her up.

Acchan open her eyes slowly and looked confuse. That person leaned in and caressing Acchan’s cheek. “Are you okay?”

“Hey! You are too close! Too close!” wait… Acchan is blushing? I saw Acchan blushed… so cute… but I HATE IT! I hate it when Acchan is blushing because of others person! (pT^T)q Acchan~ Is this what they called jealous? Am I jealous? Why am I get jealous over my friend?

He lifts up Acchan in bridal style and went out from the library, “You’re so weak. Let me send you home.”

“Sorry for troubling you, Shinoda sensei” Acchan answer shyly.

Flashback End

Maeda Apartment

“Thank you, Shinoda sensei” Acchan thanks to him for sending her home.

“No problem. See you tomorrow”

Acchan stayed in front of her house and looking at Shinoda’s car till it disappear from her sight. “Shinoda sensei is so kakooiii” she is smiling by herself and went inside the house. I follow her inside her house as usual. I am used to following her around like a puppy inside her house. But today, I better distance myself so that she won’t see me. I am so annoyed to see that Shinoda can make Acchan blushing, he must be a bad guy! bad guy!

“Tadaima~” she paused as she opened the door and found it is dark inside the house. She moved her shoes and turn on the light. A note can bee seen on the table in living room, it was from her parents. They said that they’re going to a party and will be home late. Acchan reluctantly throw her school bag on the sofa and went to kitchen, finding something to eat.

To think about it, I’ve been wondering around her for two years and she can’t see me. But why she can see me this afternoon? Actually I am very happy that she can see me but I am sad too. The expression when she saw me this afternoon… I saw how she scared of seeing me.

“Instant noodle~ instant noodle~” Acchan was searching instant noodle on the kitchen shelf above her. I saw her hand accidentally hit the bottle above her when she’s trying to find instant noodle, caused the bottle fell from its place.

“Watch out! Above!” I tried to warn her and she seems can hear me. She lifts up her head to see a bottle fall right on her face. She closed her eyes to receive the pain but nothing happen. I use my concentration and keep the bottle still in the air, just an inch from her face.

She jaw dropped to see me, her body is trembling and I can saw fear in her eyes. “You… are you the ghost from before?”

“I am sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you. I just…” I quickly put away the bottle and bow at her. I don’t want to scare her anymore so I decide to leave “I’m leaving now”

“Wait!” she come closer to me. “Thanks for saving me twice today” she smiled at me.

Oh… her smile is so cute… “It’s nothing… I just happen to pass by there” I lied, the truth is I always follow where you go. “Are you not scared of me? I am a ghost”

She shakes her head, “I was scared the first time when I saw you… because I never see ghost before. I thought ghost is fierce and scary but you are so kind. Hope we can meet again” she smiled at me again.

She is smiling at me again~ I feel like I’m melting… she said she hope we can meet again? Does it mean she want to be friend with me? I am so happy...

“My name is Takahashi Minami. Just call me if you have trouble and I’ll be there for you”

“Why are you so kind to me?” she confused.

So, she really lost her childhood memories. She even forgot my name. I force myself to smile at her, “I wanna be friend with you…”


We stayed in silent for a while until she began to move closer to me and give me a warm smile.

“It is obvious that I have a ghost friend. But I don’t mind it, let's be friends. My name is Maeda Atsuko, you can call me Acchan”

Thank you... thank you for becoming friends with me again... Acchan...


To be continue ???


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Re: #A Ghost's Story# -- Chapter Two -- Ghost Friend
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2012, 03:00:20 AM »
woah!!! Taka got jealous over Shinoda sensei~  :hehehe:  This is interesting... :on lol: 

Miichan also a ghost!!! need the next chap...  :on GJ:

Offline Mika ~

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Re: #A Ghost's Story# -- Chapter Two -- Ghost Friend
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2012, 03:15:32 AM »
Miichan is also a ghost .. nicee  XD
Mariko is one man?? LOL

Acchan will remember the Takamina nee?? But how will Acchan dating a ghost??

Next chap please..

Offline ichikawa

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#A Ghost's Story# -- Chapter Three -- Try to Remember
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2012, 09:32:56 PM »
Thanks MESS, JunTakeshi, s34l, d_ruffi, Megumi, Yagami.Rai, Flean, Mika ~
Thanks for the comment and reading my fic
My apologize if this is boring  :kneelbow:

I will add some mystery in this chapter~
Please enjoy this chapter~  :hee:


A Ghost’s Story

Chapter 3 – Try to Remember

================   ================   ================


“Ah… I forget to bring my homework…” Acchan is searching for her book in her bag.

“Acchan, what are you doing?” a brunette named Itano Tomomi approach Acchan. She is her best friend in this school, they always together.

“Tomochin, I forget to bring my homework.” Acchan puts her bag on the table desperately and sit down.

Tomomi raises her eyebrows in confuse, “Isn’t your homework is here?” she pointing the book on Acchan’s table.

“Eh? It isn’t here before…” Acchan looks around the classroom and found me sitting on the table in front of the blackboard. Yes, the truth is when Acchan looks trouble in finding her homework, I fly back to her house and bring her homework here. I hope no one saw the book flying in the air. Hahah…

She simply smiling at me and pretend she didn’t see me. How many days have past? I don’t know… I didn’t count it. Being with her… I really enjoy these days that she can see me, talking with me, and I can help her. Little by little… our distance becomes closer and closer. I can accompany her all day if she wants. Since the class has started, I will go to find my another friend - Mii-chan. I'll come back to accompany Acchan when her class is over.

Today as usual, I will go to library to find Mii-chan since the class has started. To tell you, I am curious at how Mii-chan died and why she is wandering in this school. When I ask about it, she just smiles weird while saying “How I die? It’s something silly and embarrassing. I don’t wanna remember it…” and she will go away or talking some other topics to avoid this question. What I know is she always wandering all rooms in this school like she is finding something or someone? But she will never let me know.

“I FOUND YOU!” I heard Mii-chan shouting over someone in the corridor from the building across us. I turn back and saw Acchan and Shinoda sensei walking together in the corridor. She is helping Shinoda carrying some papers. Mii-chan’s soul is full with angry aura around her. She raised her hands and aimed where Shinoda was.

“Shinoda Mario! Whatever how you change your looks neither if you turn into ashes, I will never forget you… finally, I found you… I can take my revenge now!” Mii-chan is throwing the skeleton from the room near them toward Shinoda.

“Mii-chan! No! You can’t harm human! You will attract shinigami to come here and snatch you into hell!” I gain my concentration to prevent the skeleton hit Shinoda.

Human have human rules, ghost have ghost rules too that we are forbid to human. We can’t touch human, we can’t harm human, we can’t have any relationship with human. Actually being seen by human is also forbid… but I didn’t care since shinigami (Death God) didn’t come to arrest me.

I’m success to prevent the skeleton from hitting Shinoda. Unfortunately the skeleton hit Acchan’s back and make her fall. I hurriedly fly across the building to where they are. I saw Shinoda grab Acchan’s arm to prevent her fall backward. But he step on the skeleton and slipped, he falls forward and land on Acchan.

I was like having a heart attack in that moment. I just freeze at there watching the scene… that… Shinoda kissed Acchan… on the lips! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?!!!!! I was so blank and freeze at my spot, don’t know what to do… my mind is screaming of wanting to kill this Shinoda.

“I’m sorry…” Shinoda gets up and apologizes to Acchan.

Acchan just nodded and run away from him. I saw she is blushing hard. She runs and runs and went into a class room and locked the door. I follow her and went inside to that room.

“Aahhhhh!” she screams a bit louder when she saw me. “Minami, you’re scaring me. At least knock the door first before you came in”

“I’m sorry, but I am a ghost… I can’t knock the door.”

“I’m sorry… I forgot that you are a ghost. Sorry” she laid her back at the door.

“It’s alright…” I just stay at my spot and waiting for her to say something.

“You saw it?” she paused and touched her burning face, “the kiss…” she continues, “Actually, I have crush on him… since the first time I saw him in school opening ceremony. He is really charismatic and cool sensei among the others. He is also gentle and caring. He often ask me to help him doing some paperwork, I wonder if he also has the same feeling toward me. Do you think I should confess to him?”

I’m sorry Acchan, I can’t hear this anymore. I don’t like him, I don’t like him being around you.

I saw an old dusted piano laid in the centre of this room. I went and sat on the dusted chair and start playing the piano. It’s a tune that I like… I learn it in from a sister in orphanage. She is a gentle person and always smiling at me even I always show bad attitudes on her.

I felt Acchan walks closer to me. She stopped beside me and listening to the tune I’m playing. I heard her murmured something, “This tune… is so familiar…”

My mouth formed a smile to hear it. I look directly into her eyes and whisper something in my heart.

Try to remember, Acchan… try to remember me… so that I can rest in peace…

At the same time in the corridor

Mii-chan is so angry about that Shinoda and tries to attack him again. She makes the skeleton stands and talking with her voice. “Mari-kun… Don’t you recognize me?”

“Who… who are you?” Shinoda is scared and steps back from the skeleton. “How can I recognize you since you are already a skeleton”

“Don’t you recognize my voice?!” Mii-chan asked angrily.

“Who are you? Why have I done to you, Ms. Skeleton? Don’t scare me like this?”

“What have you done?! You are the one who killed me! You murder! I will keep pestering you until you remember who I am! From tomorrow, you will have a series of unlucky things happen! Muahahahahahaha…. Muahahahahaha….”

Mii-chan left with her laugh echoing along the corridor

Try to remember…

Try to remember…

Try to remember...

Shinoda Mario is frightened. He just sat at there until the skeleton out of his sight. “What the hell happen on me?”


Dou~? (*´v`*)


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Re: #A Ghost's Story# -- Chapter Three -- Try to Remember
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2012, 12:15:00 AM »
Yeay~ you update!!!  XD  but now I need to go to class... I'll edit my comment later...  :nervous

edit :

My mouth formed a smile to hear it. I look directly into her eyes and whisper something in my heart.

Try to remember, Acchan… try to remember me… so that I can rest in peace…
This part gives me goosebumps.. somehow I can Imagine how the scene are..   :mon hanky:

« Last Edit: February 01, 2012, 07:34:43 PM by Flean »

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Re: #A Ghost's Story# -- Chapter Three -- Try to Remember
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2012, 05:56:00 AM »
Yea! Thanks for the Update XD
But.. :cry: No!! Acchan likes Shinoda sensei.. :pleeease:
And.. What?!! Mii chan says that Shinoda sensei killed her??!!! :shocked What exactly happened??!!!

Please Update Soon :bow: :bow:

Offline Sydney W

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Re: #A Ghost's Story# -- Chapter Three -- Try to Remember
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2012, 09:41:29 AM »
Acchan you have to work harder to remember Minami, "try to remember x3" !
Update the next. Thanks

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Re: #A Ghost's Story# -- Chapter Three -- Try to Remember
« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2012, 10:14:28 AM »
Mario killed Miichan???

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#A Ghost's Story# -- Chapter Four -- Dreams or Memories X Naughty Skeleton
« Reply #18 on: January 29, 2012, 06:50:51 PM »
Thanks JunTakeshi, kahem, d_ruffi, Megumi, Flean, Yagami.Rai, Sydney W

@ Flean : Thanks for comment  :D
@ Yagami.Rai, kahem : Yes, Mario killed Mii-chan... in a silly way...  :roll:
@ Sydney W : Thanks for comment and read my fic.  :D

Hope you enjoy this chapter  :kneelbow:

================   ================   ================

A Ghost’s Story

Chapter 4 – Dreams or Memories X Naughty Skeleton

================   ================   ================

 “Hiks… hiks… mama, where are you?”

A little black-haired girl is walking and sobbing along the corridor. This is her first day visiting a orphanage with her parents. She was distracted by a butterfly and chasing for it, don’t realize how far she went, she got lost back at the garden.

(sound of piano playing)

Hearing the sounds of piano inside a room beside her, she wiped her tears and took a peek. Inside it was a ponytail-haired girl playing a beautiful tune. She opened the door slowly try not to disturb the other girl’s playing. She went closer and closer and sat at the chair behind the other girl, enjoying the tune she is playing.

Few minutes past, and the girl finished playing the piano. The black-haired girl claps her hands as a compliment but it shocked the ponytail-haired girl. The girl turns to face her then she runs away to the exit. The black-haired girl is afraid of being alone and chasing her. They’re running along the corridor in the back garden.

“Wait for me! I don’t want to be alone!” the black-haired girl shouting.

The ponytail-haired girl raised her pace and ignored the other girl behind her.

“Aghhh…” the black-haired girl sprained her ankle and fell on the ground “Hiks… my leg hurts”

The ponytail-haired girl stopped running and turn to look at the girl behind her. Looking at the girl’s pain expression, she run back to where the girl was, “Can you walk?”

Black-haired girl wipes her tears and try to stand up. It really hurt that she can’t keep her balance and began to fall. The other girl reaches to hold her. Without saying anything, she turns her back towards the girl and carrying her on her back.

“Eh? You don’t have to piggy back me. I… can walk…” black-haired girl feel embarrassing to be carrying by the girl who was shorter than her. But the girl didn’t say a word and keep walking.

“Aren’t I heavy?” black-haired girl asked, and receive the same treatment… silent…

After walking for sometime, black-haired girl is trying to start a topic again, “My name is Maeda Atsuko, just call me Acchan. What is yours?”

The girl still didn’t say a word and keep walking. Walking and walking, she finally stopped in front of a room. She put down Acchan and supports her to stand steadily. She took out a handkerchief and wrapped it around Acchan’s ankle. “It’ll be better” the ponytail-haired girl finally spoke.

Suddenly the door beside her opened, Acchan’s parents and the orphanage’s owner walk out from the room. “Acchan! Where have you been?” her mother saw her ankle wrapped by handkerchief. “Are you got hurt?”

Atsuko lifts up her arms to ask for a hug from her mother. She hugs her tightly, “I’m sorry, I was lost on the way chasing for a butterfly” She leaned back and give her mother puppy eyes to beg for forgiveness, “I sprained my leg while running. She carried me along the way here”. Acchan pointed the ponytail-haired girl.

The ponytail-haired girl bowed to them and then run away without saying a word.

“Wait! Can I know your name?” Acchan’s calling.


// Finally, the sun rises. I am sitting on Acchan’s balcony. For you to know, before she can see me, I always sat beside her and watch her sleeping… but know it’ll be weird if she knows. She’ll think that I am weird or something pervert, to watch her sleeping. From the day she saw me, I always spend the night at the balcony without her knowing.// Minami is smiling by herself.

“Wait…!” Acchan's screaming.

Minami heard Acchan’s screaming and hurriedly went inside her room to see what happen. // She is still laying on her bed, I guess maybe she is having a bad dream.//

“What a weird dream…” Acchan rub her eyes and sits up from her bed. Her face is pouting, trying to recall the dream she had. Their face is just an inch away when she sat up. Her eyes become wider when she saw Minnami.

“KYAA!” she throws Minami with her pillow and of course the pillow went through her and hit the wall.

Minami hurriedly distance herself from Acchan, “I’m sorry… I heard you screaming then I come in then you wake up… I didn’t mean to scare you like that”

// Baka Minami.// she scolded herself.

Knock Knock

“Acchan! What happen?” Acchan’s mother is asking her outside the room.

“Umm… Nothing, Mom. It’s just…it’s just… a cockroach flying above me!”  Acchan excuses.

“Cockcroach…?!” Minami made an annoyed face towards Acchan. She just simply stuck out her tongue and tilts her head a bit.

Acchan gets up from her bed and stretches her arms, “I’ll go down after changed my clothes, Mom”

She went to the closet and took out her school uniform. “Umm… Minami, could you please go out for a while? I want to change my clothes.”

“O…OKAY! I’ll be waiting in your classroom…” Feels embarrassing, Minami immediately fly out from the window.

Acchan is blinking her eyes several times, “Her face is glowing red… is she blushing?”

She paused for a while in front of her mirror, thinking about the name of the kid in her dream.

Is it my memories or it just a dream? Why can’t I remember her name?

In the School

The school is normal as usual, except one place…
The usual calm and silent library has become a war arena today…

Shinoda Mario, 26 years old is a charismatic librarian who’s working in this school. Start from yesterday, he is pestering by an annoying skeleton. It will go everywhere he goes and making trouble here and there.


“Mii-chan, what are you doing behind this skeleton?” asked Minami.

“Because he can’t see me, I’ll use this skeleton to pestering him until he remembers who I am” Mii-chan smirked mischievously.

“Is he really the one who killed you?”

Mii-chan stared at Minami and nodded, “Absolutely”

“Then I must distract Acchan from him…” Minami is thinking seriously. “But how did he kill you?”

Mii-chan just walk away with the skeleton and ignoring Minami’s question.

Flashback End

“Stop following me!” Shinoda scolded at the skeleton (or Miichan) behind him.

The skeleton begins dancing and jumping behind Shinoda, “I’ll keep pestering you~ pestering you~” she throws all the books which is just arranged by Shinoda.

“Stop doing that!” he picks up the books and put it back again.

Kakakakakakka (sounds of gnashing teeth)

“Stop gnashing your teeth! That’s annoying me!” Shinoda shouts.

Kakakakakakka (sounds of gnashing teeth)

“Arghh…! I can’t concentrate in my work!” he grabbed a ruler and attacked the skeleton. “You’ve reached my limit! I don’t afraid of you!”

Mii-chan is so aggressive in controlling the skeleton and dodges every attack from Shinoda. He stabs the ruler at the skeleton and went through the hole in ribs. Seeing no movements from the skeleton, he grinned and saws the rib with the ruler.

“B-A-K-A” Mii-chan laughed at Shinoda’s stupid action and launched skeleton’s hand to slap him.

Shinoda dodged it and stepped backward. He threw the ruler at the skeleton and stabbed its eye. Mii-chan tilt her head and smiled, making the skeleton tilt its head too and touch the ruler. He runs and launches his kick directly at the skeleton’s head. The skeleton’s head separate from its body and rolling on the floor.

“My head~” Mii-chan acts like she is really the skeleton and runs to chase its head which is rolling on the floor. She picks up the head and put it back, “Stinky Mario! I hate you!” she runs dramatically with the skeleton toward the window and jumps down.

“Hey!” Shinoda chase for it but it’s too late. The skeleton crushed on the ground “Stupid skeleton!” watching at the skeleton below, something flashes into his head.

Stinky Mario! I hate you!

“Stinky Mario…no one has called me that anymore…” a small smile forms in his face.

“Wait… it can’t be… is it… Mii-chan?!!!”

At the same time

Minami arrive at the school and found Mii-chan jumps down from above… with the skeleton…

“Mii-chan!!!” Minami kneel beside Mii-chan who is laying on the ground beside the crushed skeleton. “Mii-chan! Don’t die”

Mii-chan let out a heavy sigh and gets up, “Minami, I already died… years ago…”



Offline Sydney W

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Re: #A Ghost's Story# -- Chapter Three -- Try to Remember
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2012, 07:08:22 PM »
So Mariko killed Miichan but how ?? I hope the next chapter explain it. ^^

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