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Author Topic: [MG2] The Episode 6 Discussion Thread - "Ue ni wa ue ga shita ni wa shita ga"  (Read 9907 times)

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The Episode 6 Discussion Thread

« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 10:56:58 AM by BarrieV »

Offline hibachifinal

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How to Win Friends and Influence People  :lol:

シャイニーくももかがやくよKY PP FCpixiv@hibachifinal

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Compared to last week's episode this one was quite boring.. maybe subs will make it a bit more interesting. Anyway, my fav members missing :/
Oh well, at least Gekikara didn't die  :)
I'm so looking forward to episode 7! CHOKOKU!! Oh hellz yeah, Sayaka boxing and kicking Jurina's ass  :rockon:

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Random thoughts while watching:
- Kanon could be Gekikara's imouto? lol, that would be funny.
- Kanon also stabbed Center?
- Center and Gekikara feel bonded now?

- Nezumi in black  :thumbup she's moving her eyes too much, it's losing effect  :lol:
- Based on the quick Maeda action Shibuya doesn't stand a chance.
- Suuchan's pretty cool
- Team Under are weak :/

- The background music during janken x shaku was lolzy. The fight was sorta boring..
- I lost to janken with janken  :lol: I also had scissors
- lol, Team Under switched sides again

Offline Anariel

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- Kanon also stabbed Center?

Yeah, it was clearly after watching 5th episode.

6th episode is kinda boring. I am not Miichan hater, but she looks wrong in majisuka (not her place here).

Offline boykun

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lol can't wait for next week's

but anyways, I thought the Shaku v Janken fight was cool :lol: Good old yankee brawl at a playground. The music made it kinda cute.
More fighting, less deep ideals shit please, cus I have no idea where this show is heading.

This episode gets a 6, because I like Miichan.

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dance many times a bloody nose :P
how Atsuko & Otabe shown to meet
Team Under has become a follower of shaku

Offline hibachifinal

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I sure hope this isn't the end of Miso  :(

シャイニーくももかがやくよKY PP FCpixiv@hibachifinal

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- The background music during janken x shaku was lolzy.
Its a Mario~ :lol:

Preview. Amakuchi looks all healed up already. :heart:

Offline Rayle

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Lol, it's like Mayu suddenly discovered that she could use eyebrows to act and can't stop.  XD XD XD
In other news, looks like Nezumi's also gone off the deep end, what with the mirror scene. Needs moar random dancing to celebrate!

Awww, so much for our hopes that Shibuya also got shivved by Miso. On the other hand, they're probably saving Miso as the final push for Center to become loyal to Majijo. Looks like she had admiration for Gekikara at the least so that Nezumi's "don't care about those caught in the crossfire" approach is troubling to her. So much for CenterxNezumi helping redeem Nezumi, too. Can'[t wait for the subs for that scene and if Nezumi knows about Center's past or not.
Speaking of which, it looks like Gekikara, not Yuko, is the real center of Rappappa. XD

Still no sign of the Oshimas. What was the point of that plot thread again?

To be honest this episode was filler. Shaku developing into a proper yankee was heartwarming an all, but she's just as useless as the rest of rappappa since she can just barely beat Janken. The choreography for the fight was pretty sweet though.

Yui can't act. Yui can't act. Yui can't act. Yui can't act. But her character's pretty awesome, so that's okay. Anyone who pisses off Nezumi that much through their competence is awesome. In the flashback they were wearing Minami's uniform, so I hope there's another connection there. Even if it's as fucked up as Yui being responsible for Minami's death. I wonder why's she interacting with Center now, and if she'll go about it with brains(countering Nezumi's propaganda) or brawn.(beating respect into Center) 

I was fooled into hyping up the ShakuJanken fight, so I'm not gonna get my hopes up for the Chokoku vs. Center. Looks like it's time for another "and where are they now, Majijo graduates edition" episode. Probably the remaining eps will go through the rest of the missing main characters now that all of Rappappa sans Maeda/Otabe have been defeated. Hmmm, 6 eps left, and we got Black, Torigoya, Sado, return of the Oshimas/Maeda, the defeat of Miso, and the defeat of Shibuya still left for episodal arcs.

Lol, so Gekikara takes all of one episode to recover from a stabbing, Bungee, Shaku, and Nezumi all could go back to school after their beatings, but the Kabuki Sisters, Gakuran, and non-Bungee Hormone are all still nowhere to be seen?

Needs moar Hormone, less Fondue.

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That was fast! Thank you!

I was seriously happy when I saw Gekikara up the next episode. I lol'd at Miichan when she put on Gekikara's necklace. I thought she was strong or would get stronger after putting it on. Oh well, at least the fight was fair.  :wth

Center and Yui. Hehe.. I smell W Matsui.  :twothumbs

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Fab fanart from Pixiv.

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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