I wanna give thanks to The Marks Family, for giving us such a great man in Tim aka Jabronisaur. We cannot fathom the pain you are going through. Chuck, thanks for keeping me informed. These have been trying times no question but we are there for you.
And to those who are struggling, with mixed emotions of sadness, guilt, anger. I feel you. Remember. The Bamboo Warrior, We will Bend, but never Break. Jab would want us to be POSITIVE and keep on fighting, never letting negative in. By following Jab's EPIC example, we will be stronger than ever.
You know. Putting these thoughts into words has been really difficult. But the time talking to the peeps. Reflecting on his shows and fics, the healing process begins. I remember homegirl tama's instant txt in response to the news was "Stay strong man!"
The Soldier If you have checked his profile, it says "Registered in 2007" but in fact he has been a member since the early 2005s. Probably lost when the site crashed. A big contributor to The Perv section and esp. when we had to duck The Feds (ah 2257) He made a livejournal account
http://jabronisaur.livejournal.com/ just for our underground dealings.
We quickly hired him in the second half of 2005 and quickly added his own twist, keeping everything in check. Ange and him were gonna do some Shining Musume scanlations too at one point. Always his own harshest critic, he took a break ...but he came back with a vengeance though last year, seeing the vacancy and was ready and willing to be taking on both tasks of The Perv. He knew The Foundation and made sure we preserved it.
The JPH!P Moderator is a different kind of kat, and he took the task to heart. Making everyone feel special and welcome, no matter if you are a lurker or massive postwhore. To say he is the epitome of a JPHiPster is an understatement, he is the epitome of an extradordinary human being. Judging by all the responses from people who have seen him at Anime Expo, I need not explain further.
The way he pimped

at AX, OMGASS. Meeting all the Morning Musume girls, giving Aika one our bracelets. He was in charge of handing out glowsticks and we got rid of those quickly. We shit talked about the people we met and he said "I can't wait to see the registration numbers after today!" Ironically, it was the day of his passing when we set our most online record. Seeing the new members posting, saying they saw and talked to Jab brings a smile to my face.
His service to JPHiP will never be overlooked and will forever be a Crack Staff. To continue his legacy we must.
The BrotherJab made me a better man. Reeled me in when I got too crazy. Like when I played maliciel's karaoke hits for the millionth time, he got upset at me and let me have it, deservedly so. We always looked after each other. He'd check up on me after a draining week. I'd call him up when his computer would go bonkers.
Last year, he wanted to go with us to Orlando to meet Sexy Beam and Puerto Rico meet Rei-chan. Unfortunately, circumstances prevented it yet there he was, giving me and Kuno_Thunder tips on places to visit. He was the first person I called when I touched down, and lol told me to check in the hotel instead of checking out the booty. We kept him informed along the way as if he was on the trip.
As Sexy Beam mentioned, and in the sig she made up...we were walking through Universal rushing to the Spider-man ride before closing, when we stopped in our tracks. DAMN! That's the same Magneto in his pic in the Junks thread!! He later told me that photo we took meant the world to him, and that he got it framed. Like he was there with us!
That's why he made sure not to miss the LA Anime Expo 2009 trip. He was so excited, telling me he got a camera ready. Ready to pimp and recruit LOL. Before we went to LA, he told me on IRC:
<Jabronisaur> alright i'm outta here. wish me luck
<Jabronisaur> if anything happens to my plane, love ya bro
Right back atcha bro.
Always thinking of others before himself, telling us to go have fun while he guards the Hangry & Angry poster from a shady limo driver. Getting autographs for hipsters who couldn't make it. The photo in the front page is him going "Hey! Masa loves Jolt Cola" and bought some to pose. Priceless.
This is JPH!P. And we Celebrate The Life of Jabronisaur. The Jab Tribute Project begins now:
http://forum.jphip.com/index.php?topic=19786.0Keep posting your thoughts and prayers in this thread. The more we talk, the more we discover his influence on the vast web. We are sending our finest HiPsters to Tampa Area to pay our condolences to one JABRONISAUR AKA TIM MARKS. And to think, we were shit talking about a JPH!P Museum when we won the Hangry & Angry poster - complete with Hall of Fame members, a marimari wing. Damned that we have to build a Jabronisaur wing but that we will.
This is JPH!P, expect nothing less Brother.