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Author Topic: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.  (Read 398893 times)

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #260 on: July 19, 2009, 10:58:29 AM »
Rest in Peace, we will never forget you!
I'm not the signature, I'm just cleaning here.

Offline canongirl

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #261 on: July 19, 2009, 12:41:52 PM »
It's taken me a while to know what to say because I am still struggling with this (I'm still crying about this days later).  I joined JPH!P at my friends urging because I happen to like chat rooms.  I never really have listened to j-pop before (even though Sara's been making me cds of it), and one of the first people to greet me when I joined was Jab.  Even though I told him I was a complete metal-head, he said it didn't matter and I laughed.  When I happened to mention that the year was for shit so far for me, he asked me why and I told him about my aunt (who's been in the hospital since my 30th bday January 31st).  From then on, every time I popped in IRC, he'd ask me how she was doing, or about my own health (as I've been sick a lot).  He was always one of the first one's to greet me and it always made me smile.  When he needed someone to pick him up from LAX for Anime Expo weekend, I was happy to go pick him up.  Sara and I had a hard time finding him (his picture on here was kinda grainy), I told Sara to tell him to look for the 2 chicks with the big boobs and I could hear his laughter through Sara's phone!  When we walked outside, still trying to find him, I turned around and saw him, pimping JPH!P with his shirt!  And the first thing he did was walked right up to us and hugged the hell out of us.  Even though he didn't say it in as many words, I could tell that he was excited as we were to finally be meeting JPH!Psters in person.  When we told him that we needed to run a few errands before we met up with everybody at LACC, he was happy to join us (and yes tenkei, this was where we "kidnapped" him).  When I mentioned to Sara that I was hungry, he offered to buy us lunch (and he did :) ).  We had a great time talking to him on "day zero".  When we were all sitting outside waiting for the concert to start, he was visibly happy and was talking with all the JPH!Psters, passing out glow sticks.  I came back on Sunday by myself, wanting to hang out with y'all one more time before everybody went home.  When I took him back to the Mayfair to drop off the Hangry & Angry poster, he walked me back to my car and gave me a big bear hug.  "Thanks for coming" he said.  "I hope to see you and Sara again soon.  Make sure you text me when you get home so I know you got home okay."  Even though I didn't know him for that long, he was always looking out for everybody.  I was touched by his constant thoughtfulness.  I feel honored to have met him, but even more so to have met him in person.  When I first read that he had passed, I had my nephew in my room with me and I had to struggle very hard not to cry in front of him.  As soon as my brother picked him up, I started crying in earnest.  Jab was such a bright light for all of us, and it just kills me to know that he was taken from us so soon.  He will be greatly missed by all of us here, and I know he will be watching out for us from above, laughing at all our funny discussions, still being there when we're sad or not feeling good and cheering us on in our accomplishments.  WE WILL ALWAYS MISS YOU AND THINK OF YOU JAB!!!  YOU'RE THE MAN!!!!!

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #262 on: July 19, 2009, 03:21:22 PM »
RIP :cry:

Offline zay05ohayou

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #263 on: July 19, 2009, 03:23:49 PM »
oh man, i just saw it now.  :cry: I didn't really know him well but he was nice to me in IrC. I was hoping he'd get better too after the post from days before of him being sick. R.I.P Jab.

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

Offline BigDnm01

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #264 on: July 19, 2009, 06:18:04 PM »
My condolences to Jabronisaur, his family and friends and to everyone who known him on this forums. 

I myself hadn't met him, but from all your accounts, He seems like a great guy and I am sad that such a great guy had left him us so soon. 
Rest in Peace, Tim Marks, aka Jabronisaur.

Offline champloofan

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #265 on: July 20, 2009, 03:27:04 AM »
Man, this is such sad news. I remember when I first stumbled upon this website he welcomed me with open arms. He'd send me PMs asking what's up from time to time too. Such a nice guy.

RIP friend.
be all you can be

Offline Yo Jimbo

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #266 on: July 20, 2009, 06:13:45 AM »
Sorry if this seems late but I was only able to get on the net now since I heard about this but I send my deepest condolences to his friends and family. It was really shocking to hear than someone died let alone from a place where we all had been. I don't think we have met even at one of the jph!p parties for AX but I have seen his posts and all the same, we'll miss you man.

Rest in peace.
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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #267 on: July 20, 2009, 08:16:09 PM »
It is not too late. I can't even formulate thoughts to words, but I will do it ASAP to find some peace of mind. If you haven't already. Please use the sigs in the first post, or just jack em off me.

Getting off my emo ass and going ahead with The Jab Tribute. I wanna thank arian for the forum banner. Crack Staff for being so swift in JABifying the forum. The JPHiP DJs for their touching tributes. And all the peeps who have come near and far to pay their respects. It is truly appreciated. Even on 2ch. JPHiP really is all about breaking down the borders, cuz in the end, we love the same things.

Got reply from Yaz. MM Handler. After I emailed and posted on

Hi <Dai Gong>,

I am truly feel sorry about the news.
I remember him and plush Banana. I repacked and send back to Japan.

I hope he had good memories at AX and JunJun. His beautiful spirits goes to heaven.
I will pass this news to Japanese Management for sure.

Please send my regrets and heart to his family.

Rest in Peace.


Truly, a touching message. Thanks Greg aka OpsMonkey for buying those bananas for him. I remember how we were like "D'oh! Forgot em in the hotel, and we went to give it back to him."


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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #268 on: July 20, 2009, 10:45:15 PM »
RIP dude.


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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #269 on: July 20, 2009, 10:54:25 PM »
Later Jab :heart:

Offline daigong

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #270 on: July 20, 2009, 11:45:26 PM »
I wanna give thanks to The Marks Family, for giving us such a great man in Tim aka Jabronisaur. We cannot fathom the pain you are going through. Chuck, thanks for keeping me informed. These have been trying times no question but we are there for you.

And to those who are struggling, with mixed emotions of sadness, guilt, anger. I feel you. Remember. The Bamboo Warrior, We will Bend, but never Break. Jab would want us to be POSITIVE and keep on fighting, never letting negative in. By following Jab's EPIC example, we will be stronger than ever.

You know. Putting these thoughts into words has been really difficult. But the time talking to the peeps. Reflecting on his shows and fics, the healing process begins. I remember homegirl tama's instant txt in response to the news was "Stay strong man!"


The Soldier

If you have checked his profile, it says "Registered in 2007" but in fact he has been a member since the early 2005s. Probably lost when the site crashed. A big contributor to The Perv section and esp. when we had to duck The Feds (ah 2257) He made a livejournal account just for our underground dealings.

We quickly hired him in the second half of 2005 and quickly added his own twist, keeping everything in check. Ange and him were gonna do some Shining Musume scanlations too at one point. Always his own harshest critic, he took a break ...but he came back with a vengeance though last year, seeing the vacancy and was ready and willing to be taking on both tasks of The Perv. He knew The Foundation and made sure we preserved it.

The JPH!P Moderator is a different kind of kat, and he took the task to heart. Making everyone feel special and welcome, no matter if you are a lurker or massive postwhore. To say he is the epitome of a JPHiPster is an understatement, he is the epitome of an extradordinary human being. Judging by all the responses from people who have seen him at Anime Expo, I need not explain further.

The way he pimped :hipheart: at AX, OMGASS. Meeting all the Morning Musume girls, giving Aika one our bracelets. He was in charge of handing out glowsticks and we got rid of those quickly. We shit talked about the people we met and he said "I can't wait to see the registration numbers after today!" Ironically, it was the day of his passing when we set our most online record. Seeing the new members posting, saying they saw and talked to Jab brings a smile to my face.

His service to JPHiP will never be overlooked and will forever be a Crack Staff. To continue his legacy we must.

The Brother

Jab made me a better man. Reeled me in when I got too crazy. Like when I played maliciel's karaoke hits for the millionth time, he got upset at me and let me have it, deservedly so. We always looked after each other. He'd check up on me after a draining week. I'd call him up when his computer would go bonkers.

Last year, he wanted to go with us to Orlando to meet Sexy Beam and Puerto Rico meet Rei-chan. Unfortunately, circumstances prevented it yet there he was, giving me and Kuno_Thunder tips on places to visit. He was the first person I called when I touched down, and lol told me to check in the hotel instead of checking out the booty. We kept him informed along the way as if he was on the trip.

As Sexy Beam mentioned, and in the sig she made up...we were walking through Universal rushing to the Spider-man ride before closing, when we stopped in our tracks. DAMN! That's the same Magneto in his pic in the Junks thread!! He later told me that photo we took meant the world to him, and that he got it framed. Like he was there with us!

That's why he made sure not to miss the LA Anime Expo 2009 trip. He was so excited, telling me he got a camera ready. Ready to pimp and recruit LOL. Before we went to LA, he told me on IRC:

<Jabronisaur> alright i'm outta here. wish me luck
<Jabronisaur> if anything happens to my plane, love ya bro

Right back atcha bro. :jphip:

Always thinking of others before himself, telling us to go have fun while he guards the Hangry & Angry poster from a shady limo driver. Getting autographs for hipsters who couldn't make it. The photo in the front page is him going "Hey! Masa loves Jolt Cola" and bought some to pose. Priceless.

This is JPH!P. And we Celebrate The Life of Jabronisaur. The Jab Tribute Project begins now:

Keep posting your thoughts and prayers in this thread. The more we talk, the more we discover his influence on the vast web. We are sending our finest HiPsters to Tampa Area to pay our condolences to one JABRONISAUR AKA TIM MARKS. And to think, we were shit talking about a JPH!P Museum when we won the Hangry & Angry poster - complete with Hall of Fame members, a marimari wing. Damned that we have to build a Jabronisaur wing but that we will.

This is JPH!P, expect nothing less Brother.


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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #271 on: July 20, 2009, 11:54:03 PM »

no worries, posts redacted

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #272 on: July 21, 2009, 12:48:13 AM »
I'd never talked to him, but I've seen his posts around, of course.

Judging by everyone's stories, it seems like calling him a nice guy is a major understatement.

RIP.  :(

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #273 on: July 21, 2009, 01:11:23 AM »
I took a short break from JpH!P and the first thing I saw was this. Sad to hear that he's passed away. I didn't get chances to talk to him, but I know what he meant to everyone and the community.


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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #274 on: July 21, 2009, 01:40:29 AM »
Thanks for those posts, daigong.  That is so nice of Yaz to send you that e-mail.  Tris-chan was saying in chat a few nights ago that she felt MM/JunJun should be told about Jab.  Maybe it'll get to them through Yaz.  Stryfe, bittersweet indeed, but a true treasure for life.

Let's celebrate his life the best we can.  Thinking up what I can for the Jab Tribute.

And on a personal note, I've been conflicted the past few days.  Obviously been down, and my mind's been wandering along the same path (Jab) when I'm not doing anything.  Or actually, even when I'm doing things.  I started to tear up while jogging a few days ago.  Trying to fall asleep is toughest.  I've been able to smile, laugh, and listen to happy music this weekend, but soon after, I feel guilty.  I know that people here are gonna say (and have been saying) that it's ok to feel what you're feeling, and that it's a confusing time right now.  I understand that in theory, but it's just hard to put it into practice.  I'm not searching for forgiveness because I know I haven't done anything wrong.  I guess I just want to share that, and maybe it can comfort anyone else who is feeling the same thing.  I haven't had to deal with much death in my life, and maybe some of you out there are like me in that respect.  I'll try to laugh and smile and not feel bad about it, because that's the Jab thing to do, and it's the best way to honour him.
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #275 on: July 21, 2009, 04:22:50 AM »
I've meet  Tim back in college and we hit it off right away there were times that I will never forget that we shared  where we laughed for hours telling our other friends both Him and I came up with the catchphrase "Asian Hi" which meant that there was a beautiful Asian vixen close by and he would always egg me on to talk to one of em and sometimes i was too nervous to and others I crashed and burned after college i met my wife and out of our little group of college friend He gave me the most support when my first son was born he was there to lend me an ear because I was so scared that i was becoming a parent one of our favorite games we played together Constantly was Marvel vs Capcom 2 which he tried to understand how to pull off air combos but When Soul Calibur was on the screen it was all over no one could beat him when he was Lizardman /sophithia everytime that he came to visit it was always a good time . whenever i felt down about the many unfortunate things that keeps happening  to me He always taught me to look on the situation in a lighter fashion
when i got the news from chuck that he passed I felt like I didnt just lose a friend but I lost a brother R.I.P Tim I love you and I'll never forget you. Thank for all the Precious memories


For all his online friends Im currently making a webcomic  loosely based on our college days  that will be dedicated to him once it's completed   email me at mastergodai for more details 

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #276 on: July 21, 2009, 05:52:38 AM »
It is not too late. I can't even formulate thoughts to words, but I will do it ASAP to find some peace of mind. If you haven't already. Please use the sigs in the first post, or just jack em off me.

Getting off my emo ass and going ahead with The Jab Tribute. I wanna thank arian for the forum banner. Crack Staff for being so swift in JABifying the forum. The JPHiP DJs for their touching tributes. And all the peeps who have come near and far to pay their respects. It is truly appreciated. Even on 2ch. JPHiP really is all about breaking down the borders, cuz in the end, we love the same things.

Just a quick translation of that post:

The poster wasn't sure if that was the right place to post, so he is sorry if isn't. He couldn't translate it very well, but summarizes that Jab passed away from a terrible illness after going to AX. Even though he never talked to Jab, he still feels sad. He has heard that many people who went to AX got sick afterwards and is worried.

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #277 on: July 21, 2009, 12:12:47 PM »
Dang, my condolences, everyone.

I've never met the guy, however, reading everyone's testaments here, he seems to have been quite an awesome person.

And hell, anyone that likes JunJun is automatically awesome in my book.

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #278 on: July 21, 2009, 04:27:49 PM »
ok, well i honestly didn't know Jab for a long time but it feels as if i lost a family member. We actually met @ anime expo while i was waiting in line to get my poster signed by morning musume. we ended up having a conversation about our favorite members and etc. then when it was time to part ways, i said we should hang out next time morning musume is in the US. Now, for me its hard to believe that Jab is gone and we won't be able to hang out. When i got the news about him passing away, i was really shocked and saddened by this.
In remembrance of him, I've decided to make a bumper sticker of his R.I.P. signature and slap it on my car. And me being a car guy, i don't really like stickers on my baby but this once I'll do it and leave it on there. Jab this is for you man. Rest in peace man.

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #279 on: July 21, 2009, 08:53:55 PM »
I like that. Just convo in a lineup. Welcome AiloveTakitty, and all those who had a brief encounter with Jabby. I wonder if the cute girl he was talking to in the concert will appear lol, he'd like that.

Whoa. I had no idea you knew Jab IRL Mastergodai. I can't wait to see the webcomic. He most def was the great guy IRL for the short time that we were togther, I can't wait to hear more stories of The Legend of Jab!

Thanks Fen!! Japanese fans are really special in that regard, hoped my grammar wasn't too bad to translate.

Glad the photo made it to ya Stryfe. One of the first things I did for Jab when I came home....

Totally Comrade. I wanted to go to the No Doubt concert but just couldn't...I was too worried about Jab and that day, he ended up passing. Esp. guilty is that we left him alone in the hotel room that last Sunday....just gripping my brain. We coulda spend some extra hours with him but he was guarding the Hangry & Angry poster. But I can't be feeling sorry for myself. I have to be ready and supporting The Marks Family as they go through this painful times. And to all the other HiPstaz, let's talk it out. IRC, forum. Celebrate The JAB!

This was one of the highlights of the AX Trip, we're rushing back to the hotel to send Flyp off. When I was like! WAIT! Pose in front of the Westin where MM stayed! Then we were like WAIT! Do the CLASSIC....

* Flyp jabs Jab!

* Jab flips Flyp!

..IRC poses. They did it in one take. TOO GOOD.

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