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Author Topic: CheesyBits's OS Collection (WMatsui, MaYuki, KojiYuu & others)  (Read 58178 times)

Offline BbSis

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Hehuehuehe i liked both os o/

I got to confess that I get bit scared with the first one huahauahuah but I came to love it in the end o/

I loved the second one :heart: and got hungry too ;]

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
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Offline Amakuchi

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LOL. xDD I just saw those words under your post and... = _ =+ Heck, you really sang that? xDD

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Offline CheesyBits

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LOL. xDD I just saw those words under your post and... = _ =+ Heck, you really sang that? xDD

That was the first time I heard that song D: *Im honest*   :hand:
Apparently, it's also your fault [x and rhin's and chichay's xDD jkjk

Offline kahem

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I'm hungry too now lol
l wanna do the same thing than Mayuyu but I can't rofl

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Me: *reads the story*

Me: HUNGRY!!!!!

Me: *eats some food*

Me: Still HUNGRY!!!

Me: *light bulb appears*

Me: Please, post another update!!!

Me: It might satisfy my hunger..  :twisted:

Writer:  :nervous

Me:  :deco:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline ChuuuPuffss

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Not sure whether you just cursed us cheesy people or smth ._.
But meh.. Yes~ I was having Katy Perry Fever that time xD
And no. You type too much xD Just kidding :P

Oops! I forgot to puut "," LOL So, it's supposed to be, "Dai cheesy, ppl!" :3
I have no words for that ._.
I don't type too much oAo
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

Offline Amakuchi

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LOL. xDD I just saw those words under your post and... = _ =+ Heck, you really sang that? xDD

That was the first time I heard that song D: *Im honest*   :hand:
Apparently, it's also your fault [x and rhin's and chichay's xDD jkjk

LOL. And that song was not even one of the latest. DX
LOL. I take full responsibility. XD Hohohohohohoh~! xDD

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Offline Playgirlz

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Hahahaha I love Mayu's hungry *evil smiles* I'm sure she knows how to make Yuki jealous XP

It's great, i love it xDD Thank you for writing it, if you don't mind...pls more Mayuki xD

Offline CheesyBits

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Re: CheesyBit's OS treasure box: [Bromance](SaeYaka)
« Reply #28 on: November 14, 2012, 07:38:23 PM »
Here is the fic that is supposed to be posted long time ago but my bloody club activities is on the way.

*WARNING*: This is a yaoi story.


Bromance (SaeYaka)


      Today is Miyazawa Sae's 13th birthday. He lives in a small barn that's near a forest. He is poor and only has a few friends. His best friend, Kashiwagi Yuki, who is also poor like him and younger than him, is now with him to celebrate his birthday.

"Nee~ Yukirin~ Let's go there!" Sae said as he points to the forest.

"Yadaa~ It look scary there." Yukirin said as she grabs Sae's shirt to show that she is scared.

"It's ok! I went there before!" Sae said in an energetic way.

"Are you sure? We won't get killed right?" Yukirin panicked.

"Of course not! It's completely safe!" Sae comforted Yukirin then held her hand.

Sae and Yuki went to the forest. As they entered the forest, they heard an animal cry. "uho! uho!"

"Kyaa! What's that!? Let's go now, Sae-kun! It might be dangerous!" Yukirin panicked and hold Sae's hand tighter.

"It sounds like a baby gorilla. Let's check it out!" Sae said.

"Nooo! It might be dangerous!" Yukirin said.

"Alright then.. Let's climb that tree to take a look at it so that it won't be dangerous." Sae said.

"Ok.." Yukirin said and let go of Sae's hand. Sae let Yukirin climb the tree first as he is scared that Yukirin will fall. He then climb the tree after Yukirin safely climbed the tree. The both of them rested in a strong branch and take a look of the crying animal. It's a baby gorilla that is beside it's dead parents.

"uho! uho!" cried the gorilla again.

"It's parents must be hunted by the other farmers.. I think I should keep it." Sae said.

"Do you know how to keep a pet?" Yukirin asked.

"No but I'll do my best." Sae replied. Sae climbed down the tree before Yuki then both of them ran to the baby gorilla. Sae carried the gorilla to his barn with Yuki.

-5 years later-
   Sae still kept his pet gorilla and is now in a relationship with Yuki. Sae is now alone with his gorilla in his barn after a date with Yuki.

"Nee.. I'm glad I have you as a pet, Luis." Sae said.

"UHO!" *I'm glad you're my master too. I hope you can understand me right now.*

"Even if you can't talk, I'll still talk to you okay? I hope I don't bother you.. Haha.. What am I saying? I'm always talking to you."

"UHO! UHO!" *You seem upset.. I know something is wrong.. Please tell me.*

"You know.. I feel like going to work in Tokyo to be a basketball player. But I can't leave you and Yuki here." Sae said and went to sleep.

"UHO! UHO!" *Please stay.. I need you here.* The gorilla stayed by Sae's side as he sleeps.

-The next day-

Sae and Yuki are having a date in Sae's farm. They are now in their making out session until Yuki's phone rang.

"Sorry.. I have to answer my phone.." Yuki said.

"Sure. I'll wait here." Sae replied.

Yukirin went outside the house to talk to the caller.

"Hun.. Please don't call me at this time. I told you I'm having a date with my "boyfriend" remember?" Yukirin said to the caller.

*That's why I called you. I wanted to break your date with him. When will you tell him that we're going out?*

"I will soon. I just have to find the right time."

*Just come here now. Tell him that you need to go now. I need to see you so bad!*

"Fine.. Fine.. I'll be there soon"

*I love you, Kashiwagi Yuki.*

"I love you too, Watanabe Mayu" Yukirin said and ended the call. She went back to the house. Unlucky for her, Luis heard her and followed her back to the house

"Ja.. Sae.. I have to go. My parents called." Yukirin told Sae.

"Ahh~ Sure. I'll see you tomorrow then?" Sae said then stood up and kissed Yuki in the lips.

"UHO! UHO!" *STOP! She's cheating on you!*

"Un. We'll meet tomorrow. See ya." Yukirin said and went out to the farm. Luis dragged Sae easily and followed Yuki.

"I see.. So you want to have a walk huh? Sure.." Sae said without knowing that Luis is following Yuki.

"UHO! UHO!" *I know you can't understand me so I will just show you the truth*

Luis followed Yukirin while Sae just followed Luis. Once, Yuki reached Mayu's house, Luis stopped. Yuki and Mayu kissed outside Mayu's farmhouse.

"What is it, Luis?" Sae asked Luis, the gorilla. Not knowing what's happening in the surroundings as he is just looking at the gorilla.

"UHO! UHO! UHO! UHO!" *Look! It's your girlfriend! She's kissing with her another boyfriend!* Luis made growling sounds and stares at Yuki and Mayu. This action from Luis made Sae look at the direction where Luis is looking too.

"YUKIRIN!" Sae said and rushed to Yukirin while Luis follows Sae.

"SHE'S MY GIRL SO BACK OFF!!" Sae pushed Mayu away from Yuki and punched Mayu in the face.

"SAE! STOP!" Yukirin shouted at Sae and tried to stop him from punching Mayu.

"What the hell dude!? She's my girl now! We've been in a relationship for a year now!" Mayu said and gave Sae one punch in the face. Sae wanted to fight back but Yukirin pushed him to the ground.


"FINE! SO BE IT! WE'RE OVER!" Sae said and ran back to the barn, crying. Luis followed him back too.

"UHO! UHO! UHO!" *Please don't cry! You're making my gorilla heart ache."

Once they reached the barnhouse, Sae cried non stop.

"UHO! UHO!" *Stop crying please! I'm here! I can replace her."

Sae cried for hours and finally stopped because he ran out of tears.

"It's decided. I'm going to tokyo tomorrow." Sae said and looked at Luis.

"I'm sorry. You were a good gorilla to me.. But I can't bring you to Tokyo. They might kill you." Sae hugged Luis and kissed the gorilla's fluffy forehead. Sae packed his things for Tokyo.

"LUIS~! Come here, boy~!" Sae called Luis. Luis responded to the call and went to Sae.

"UHO! UHO! UHO!" *I know what you're up to! Please don't send me back to the forest! I need you!*

Sae went inside the forest with Luis. Sae is holding a bunch of bananas to lure Luis.

"Jaa.. I guess this is the end now.. I love you, Luis. You are the best pet ever! But now, I have to release you so that I can move on with my life." Sae said then hugged Luis and kissed Luis' fluffy forehead again. Sae hugged Louis for a long amount of time.

"Go Luis~!" Sae ordered and threw the banana far away.

"UHO! UHO! UHO! UHO! UHO!" *I guess this is it then. Goodbye my friend. You are the best master ever. I won't forget you. We'll meet again, someday.* Luis ran to get the banana.

"GOODBYE MY FRIEND!" Sae cried as tears formed in his face. After that he ran back to the barnhouse.

-Luis, the gorilla's POV-

The gorilla is now sleeping and is having a dream. A dream where he is in the land of the Gorilla Goddess.

Luis: UHO! UHO! UHO! *Please make me a human, my dear great groddess of gorillas, Umeda Ayaka.*

Umeda: Give me a three valid reasons for that and let me warn you, you cannot turn back to be a gorilla again.

Luis: UHO! UHO! UHO! *I wanna see that person smile. I want to make him happy. I want to take care of him.*

Umeda: Your wish is granted. But are you really sure?

Luis: UHO! *Yes, oh goddess of gorillas."

Umeda: Don't say I didn't warm you.


Umeda: You're a human now. I have given you the knowledge of how humans speaks and their common knowledge.

-End of POV-

-Few Years Later-

Sae is now in a building to go to his new job. He is now a basketball player and his basketball group is called AKBasketball.

"It's good that we have you to join AKBasketball, Miyazawa-kun. I'm Akimoto Yasushi, the manager of the team." Akimoto welcomed Sae.

"Nice to meet you too Akimoto-sensei. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu." Sae said.

"Akimoto-sensei! You called me?" a tall handsome guy ran to Akimoto-sensei.

"Ohh yes.. I want you to meet the new ace of the team, Miyazawa Sae. Miyazawa-kun, this is the captain, Akimoto Fernandez Luis." Akimoto-sensei introduced.

"Akimoto Fernandez Luis desu. You can call me Luis. Yoroshiku." Luis introduced himself.

"Miyazawa Sae desu. You can call me Sae. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu~!" Sae said cooly.

"Jaa.. I'll leave the two of you now. Please take your time to practice your basketball skills." Akimoto-sensei said.

"Hai~~!" Luis and Sae said at the same time.

Both of the guys went to the gym to practice their basketball skill.

"Nee.. Did you have a pet gorilla before?" Luis asked Sae as he shoots the ball in the ring.

"Haii~ How did you know?" Sae asked back while dribbling a basketball ball.

"You just look like you keep a gorilla pet.." Luis said as he takes his basketball and shoots again.

"Ahahaha~ Do I really? You're the first person to ask that." Sae said and shoots the ball.

"Oh really? Hahaha! That's cool. Nee.. Do you have a girlfriend?" Luis asked.

"Umm no. I used to. But she cheated me for another guy. Sigh.. What about you, Luis-senpai?" Sae said and did a layup.

"Uhh.. I'm rooting for someone. By the way, drop the senpai off." Luis said and did a three-pointer shoot.

"Hai~ That girl must really be lucky. Hope you get her soon senp- I mean Luis-san" Sae said and did a layup again.

"I think I'm lucky to meet that person instead. Hahaha~" Luis said while dribbling a ball.

The boys practiced their basketball skills until their tired. After that, they went to a private bathing room to have a hot bath.

"Why are we in a bathing room?" Sae asked as he takes off his clothes.

"Hot bath is always the best to refresh ourselves after a practice." Luis replied as he also takes off his clothes. The two went on the hot bath, nude.

"Ahh~ you're right. It does feel refreshing." Sae said and looked at Luis.

"After every training, I always go here alone. Good thing that I have someone with me to accompany me now." Luis said then look in Sae's eyes. Sae and Luis were looking at each other's eyes. Luis started to lean closer to Sae while Sae just look confusedly at Luis.

"Ano.. Luis.. You're getting too cl-" Sae said but was interrupted when Luis kissed him.

*Doki! Doki! Doki! Dok- Wait? Why am is my heart beating so hard? I'm not gay!* Sae thought and tried to push Luis away. Luis is too strong for Sae so Sae didn't manage to push Luis off. Luis pulled Sae closer causing Sae to feel his abs.

*OH MY GOD! What's happening? But.. it feels good - wait? What? Like I said, I ain't gay!* Sae thought. Luis kept kissing Sae as he waits for Sae to kiss back.

*it feels soo good.. uhh..* Sae thought and moans in his thoughts. Unconciously, Sae kissed back. The two of the guys started make out.

The two guys were having a make out sessions for an hour until they reached their climax.

"Ughh.. That felt soo good." Luis said as he moaned exhaustedly.

"Yes.. I guess that felt better than my make out sessions with my ex. I guess I'm gay now." Sae teased Luis.

"Ahahaha~ What can you expect from your gorilla? Your gorilla always make you happy just by seeing him after your date with your ex, right?" Luis said.

"Yeah~ He always do.. Wait.. WHAT? How'd you know?" Sae said.

"Oops looks like information slipped." Luis said.

"I guess I gotta say it after all. Sae, you may think I'm joking or not but I am Luis, your gorilla. I asked the goddess of gorillas to make me become a human after you released me in the forest because you wanted to come here and become a basketball player." Luis said.

"Oh my god.. LUIS!! I love you!" Sae said and hugged Luis.

"I love you too. Ya know.. I love you ever since you picked me up in that forest." Luis said then kissed Sae.

"Me too. I love you more than I loved Yukirin back then." Sae said then kissed Luis back.

End of Bromance (SaeYaka)


So.. That's the bromance fic.. For all those who wanted it to be more naughty, Im sorry that I didn't since I'm underaged  :bow: :bow:
My next os fic will be KojiYuu so please stand by!  :bow: :bow:
Thank you for reading~  :cow:

Offline BbSis

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Re: CheesyBit's OS treasure box: [Bromance](SaeYaka)
« Reply #29 on: November 14, 2012, 08:17:33 PM »
uehuehueheuheu cutie funny^^

I usually don't go for gender bender but this one was really good *.* thank you o/

Sae accepted realy easy that the other guy was his gorila pet =p

does it mean he was in some kind of furry? (I don't know if it's the cerrect term xD) :?

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
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Offline chichay12

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Re: CheesyBit's OS treasure box: [Bromance](SaeYaka)
« Reply #30 on: November 15, 2012, 12:07:33 AM »
Are u really sure ur 14?

I dont really like yaoi,but ur fic is so cool!


Offline CheesyBits

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Re: CheesyBit's OS treasure box: [Sired To You](KojiYuu)
« Reply #31 on: December 03, 2012, 09:52:04 PM »
I threw my original plan about the KojiYuu fic that I was supposed to post weeks ago but I changed it to this as I wasn't satisfied with it. The witch was supposed to be Kanon because of the Eien Pressure PV but I changed it to Annin as it’s her birthday today.

*WARNING* This fic is based on vampire diaries couple: Tyler and Caroline. But I'm changing the characters. Oshima Yuko as Tyler and Kojima Haruna as Caroline.


Sired to you (KojiYuu)


     My name is Kojima Haruna. I’m a new vampire as I was bitten and turned months ago. My mom is the sheriff of the town and is a vampire hunter too but she accepted me. The worst thing happened today. My friends are here to search for that “problem” of mine. We were supposed to celebrate the witch’s birthday, Iriyama Anna, whom we call An’nin, here at my house.
Oshima Yuu. My little hybrid, a half vampire and a half werewolf. The man that I used to hate and still loves suddenly vanished. I may or may not know the reason why. Either he left town to protect me again, like he usually does, or  the worst, he could’ve been taken away from me since the original hybrid, Shinoda Mario, died. Like what the older vampires say, “once the original hybrid dies, all hybrids will die”.

“Haruna! We found a letter in your closet! It seems like it’s from Yuu.” An’nin shouted to me from my room to the living room. I rushed to my room to look at the letter that An’nin is talking about. Once I reached the room, An’nin reached out the letter to me. “I didn’t read it. Since I believe it’s for you.”

I took the letter from An’nin and opened it. I can recognize the handwriting.. It’s Yuu’s. All of my friends’ gathered around me, werewolves, vampires, a witch, a doppelganger and my ex boyfriend. “Read it out loud for us will ya?” Takahashi Minami, my ex boyfriend said.

“Oshima Yuu’s letter,” I read out loud.


“  My dearest Kojima Haruna,
    You are the person that I used to hate a lot for being soo bitchy and slutty, and hated me too, is now the one the I love the most. I fell for you before you and I knew it.It is because of your big heart that  you didn’t leave me alone in my hardest part of my life even if you hated me. Right now, I’m going to tell you my point of view in our past days.

It all started because of an incident.. An incident where your ex boyfriend and my best friend, Takahashi Minami, and another girl named Shimazaki Haruka tried to kill me because they were drunk or should I say compelled by another vampire to turn me into a werewolf. I know this because I trust our best friend. I accidentally killed Haruka which switched the werewolf side on. They say that if a person who has a werewolf blood kills a human, they will be able to turn into a werewolf in a full moon. I didn’t know what to do then and I thought that you knew something about it..

The next day of incident, I kept pestering you which made you annoyed. I got annoyed at you too because I thought that you know something about me and you were one of the werewolves too. I went inside your house without you or your parent’s permission and waited for you to come home. I can remember the incident clearly and I’m going to write it out for you to remember.

“What are you doing here?” you asked.

“I know-“ I said but I was cut off by you. “Breaking and entering the sheriff’s house? That won’t give you an award.”

“Go ahead.. Keep dodging.. Keep changing the subject.. But I know.. You’re just like me aren’t you?” I said.


“Keep it up but I’m not buying it. I saw how strong you were. I’m not leaving here until you tell the truth.”

“Oshima..” you said suspiciously.

“You’re a werewolf. Say it!” I commanded but you just giggled it off which made me pissed off. I grabbed you by the collar and pinned you to the wall. “Stop lying!!”

“I’m not lying!!”

“Just say it!!” I shouted then slapped the wall, causing your photo frame to fall and break. Then you pushed me and grabbed me by the collar pinning me to the wall in a blink of the eye with your vampire skills then showed me your vampire fangs. I got scared then which caused me to fall down and tried to escape in fear but I didn’t escape fully as my heart told me to stay.

“I’m not werewolf.. ok?” you said. After that you calmed down so fast and led me to sit down on your sofa. We talked about the differences and details of vampires and werewolves in their transformation while drinking some alcohol. I told you about how lonely and scared I am in the transformation and you hugged me after that as you were lonely in your transformation to become a vampire too. Your hugged made my chest beats so fast and hard that I haven’t felt it before in my ex girlfriends and it even calmed it. We even promised each other not to tell everyone about our real selves/creatures.


You helped me to find more details of becoming a werewolf so that my transformation will be successful and so that I won’t die or kill someone in the process. When we saw some information, it looks so painful I got scared again but you comforted me by saying that you will be beside me when I’m going to transform. The days past by so fast with you until full moon came and it was time for my transformation.

I tied myself in chains as the information instructed me to do and took off my clothes while at it.. I heard you took a deep breath which made me smile as I know that it’s a sign that you’re attracted to me. Hours passed and I broke almost all my bones of my body because of the transformation. I told you to leave me alone a lot of times because I was scared of hurting you but you still stayed by my side. You hugged me in the process of the transformation even if it hurts your ears because I was screaming in pain but you ran when I started to form the werewolf’s teeth. I don’t recall much when I turn into a wolf but when I was back to normal human, you came to me and hugged me again to give me warmth as I was cold naked.

The next day after my first transformation, we talked in school and you told me that I didn’t hurt anyone. I was glad. We celebrated a little bit because of my successful transformation. We had a lot of long eye contacts because I can’t help but look at you in the eyes that time. They’re so beautiful that I can’t explain it until now. I fell for you more when you told me “Legends say that a werewolf bite can kill a vampire”.  That sentence didn’t get out of my mind because I could’ve killed you in my last transformation.

I waited for you to come home outside your house that night as that sentence didn’t leave my mind. I remembered our conversation clearly when you came and I’m going to write it out.

“Hey! Where have you been?” I asked.

“Uhh.. School.. Umm.. What’s up? What do you want?” you asked in a confused yet shocked manner.

“We need to talk.”


“…” I stood there speechless.

“What’s wrong with you?” you giggled despite the serious atmosphere.

“I don’t get one thing.”


“Why would you risk it? If a werewolf bite kills a vampire, why would you risk it?” I asked while looking deep into your eyes.

“Because.. You needed help.”

“I could’ve killed you.” I said. But you nodded it away saying “But you didn’t”. I got confused because this is the first time someone ever done that to me.

“I don’t understand you, Haruna..” I said confusedly.

“Why is it soo hard to let someone else open to you?” You asked irritatedly.

“That’s not it.”

“Yes it is, Yuu! It’s like you don’t want anyone to care about you. I’m sorry I cared. I CARED, YUU! So forgive me if I overstep my boundaries by actual giving a-” You said but I cut you off by kissing you. You kissed back but stopped kissing me. “You can’t do that.” You said.

“I-I’m sorry.. I..” I stuttered but failed to say what I wanted to say because you cut me off right away.

“EVERYONE JUST NEED TO STOP KISSING ME!!” You shouted and went inside your house leaving me with a ‘WATDAFUQ?’ expression.


Days passed after that.. Our little promise was broken when another werewolf friend of mine, told me that you lied. I was so angry that I waited for you outside your house. When you came, I immediately dashed to your and grabbed you by the collar. I shouted at you and you were scared at me because of the sudden anger from me then I left. My werewolf friends were still angry at you as they hate vampires. They tried kidnap you and I tried to keep you away from them but they kept on persisting me. They were successful and kept you in a cage. I guarded you until they left then I unlocked the cage to set you free but as you were about to leave, a werewolf in its human form pinned you to the wall and put a gun in your head and was about to shoot you. I stood there scared, not able to do anything about it until your vampire friends rescued you. I’m truly sorry about that incident.

I knew you hated me then-for not saving you in that incident.. I plan on leaving town the next day after that incident so I went outside your house to see you for the last time. I rang the doorbell to say sorry to you. Thank god you opened the door but..

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“…. I’m fine.” You said in an angry tone.

“I had no idea that they would do this to you.”

“Do you know what they did to me?” you said as tears form in your eyes.

“I’m sorry.. But.. It’s crazy now, ok. I don’t know who to trust. You lied to me.” I apologised.

“I lied to protect my friends-I lied to protect you. Don’t you get that?” you cried.



“I didn’t know what to do!” I half-shouted.

“You help your friend. That’s what you should do.” You said. This time without shouting.

“I’m sorry…” I apologised again.

“No.. It’s too late, because we’re not friends anymore and what happened to me tonight, that will never happen to me again. So go back to your little werewolf pack and get the hell out of my house.” You said angrily and slammed the door right in front of my face.

The next day, I took my stuff and prepared to leave but I went to the nearest bar where Takamina works. He was still your boyfriend then. But then I saw you again. I wanted to say sorry to you again but you ignored me and left the bar. I went to Takamina and had a conversation about you. I don’t remember the conversation but I remember saying one thing.

“I’ve been going through a rough time. Something I can’t really talk about. Haruna’s been helping me. She’s been there for me than anyone has been there in my entire life.. I kinda fell for her.. I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t coz she’s pretty incredible.” I said then paused. “She loves and she needs you and to be honest, she deserves someone like you. So you be good to her… Okay?”

“Of course.” Takamina replied.

“See you around, Takamina.” I said then left without waiting or expecting a reply. After that I left the town without saying goodbye to you and our friends. I didn’t say goodbye to my parents either. If you wanted to know why I left town, it’s because I want to be independent in my transformation as I thought you hated me and I also wanted to protect from the other werewolves.


Months have passed.. I went back to town because I heard that my mother was being hospitalized. I straightly went to the hospital with my friend, Matsui Jurina. When I saw my mom in the hospital bed, I felt soo depressed so I left the hospital with my friend. As we were about to get to the car leave town again, we saw each other. I can still remember our conversation too.

“Yuu..” you looked at me with happiness in your eyes but without smiling. “Jurina…” you said Jurina’s name with a jealousy look. I had no idea how you know Jurina and I still don’t but I didn’t dare to ask you that.

“I’ll give you a few minutes.” Jurina said. “Just a few, Yuu.”

“I got it.” I replied back. “She’s just making sure I’m safe.”

“So the two of you are life friends now?” you asked suspiciously with jealousy.

“She’s been helping me… How are you?”

“I.. I heard about your mom.. I just came to check in on her.” You said. The jealousy was gone and it formed a smile when you looked at me in the eyes.

“She’s kinda dead but.. She’s be ok..” I said and we stared at each other’s eyes. I felt like the world stopped at that instant moment.

“Umm.. How’s everything with you?” You asked as you broke the ‘awkward’ atmosphere.

“I’m hanging in there.”


“Yea… I should get going. It’ll be bad if there’s gonna be a traffic.” I said and was about to get to the car where Jurina is.

“You’re leaving again!?” You asked. I turned around to look at you and replied. “I left for a reason Haruna..”

“Your explanation must have gotten lost in mail-along with your goodbye.” You said sarcasticly.

“Well.. Take care of yourself.” I said then went to the car.

“Yuu!” You shouted and tried to catch up with me but a witch stopped you by brainfreezing you. I tried to help you but another witch brainfreezed me too and then I passed out.

I woke up in a cellar. I was tied in chains and so were you, you were still unconscious. I stared at you until you woke up.


“You alright?” I asked.

“Yea.. I think so.” You said then tried to pull off the chains from the wall. “I already tried..” I informed.

“Those witches vervained me.” You said. [CheesyBits: Vervain is a vampire’s weakness.]

“Who were they?” I asked.

“I think they’re with Shinoda.”

“Who the hell is Shinoda?” I asked again but with a more confused tone.

“Shinoda Mario. A hybrid.” You said. “Yuu.. You shouldn’t have come back here.”

“Why not?”

“Shinoda needs to sacrifice a vampire and a werewolf to turn into a full hybrid.

“And you think that’s why they grabbed us? To be his sacrifice?”

“Yes..” You sighed. “Why didn’t you say goodbye? You just left.. Why did you leave me?” You changed the subject.

“I knew you hated me.”

“I could never hate you, Oshima Yuu.” You said but suddenly another vampire friend of yours whom I know came to rescue you. Miyazawa Sae, the brother of Kashiwagi Yuki’s boyfriend, Miyazawa Mayu.

“Sae?” you said.

“Your boyfriend’s outside with a loaded rifle. He knows about you.” Sae said.

“Wait.. Takamina!?” you half shouted.

“Takamina knows about you!?” I asked shockingly.

“No! I –“ You said but was cut off by Sae’s whispering to you that I can’t really hear. He took off the chains and grabbed you by the wrist and tried to drag you out of the cellar but you resisted. “I’m not leaving without him.” You said and pointed at me.

Sae went to me and broke the chains that tied me then said “Don’t make me regret this.”

After that we escaped. Sae went back to his own house while you took me to your house. When we entered your house. You led me to your bed. I got scared of my feelings because ever since I became a werewolf, I’m horny all the time. You pushed me and kissed me. I can’t hold my feelings back so I kissed you too. We had our first make out session. *censor*

I woke up with you on top of me, sleeping. I hugged you and it felt like the best thing ever. It took you hours to wake up that time, you know?  Then, I suddenly remembered about Takamina.

“Hey.. What about Takamina?” I asked.

“We already broke up.”


“Because of you.. And.. It’s a long story.” You said then giggled.


We had our fun and romantic days of being together until Shinoda Mario who recently became a full hybrid made me a hybrid by feeding me the doppelganger, Kashiwagi Yuki’s blood by force.  If only her boyfriend, Miyazawa Mayu wasn’t compelled by that Mario, I won’t be able to drink Yukirin’s blood. But I won’t blame it on him as I’m also glad to be a hybrid as I don’t need to break all my bones every full moon. But there’s a consequence of being a hybrid and that is to be SIRED to Mario.

My siredness to him almost made us broke up but we managed to be strong and got through it. I got back to my old arrogant self We also had our small arguments. I can remember 3 small arguments we had so far..

1.   The scene where I kissed you and you saw a blood in my T-shirt.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Vampire rule number 1. Don’t bring your breakfast to school.” You said irritatedly and slapped me hard on my chest.

“Chill out. It’s just a bloodbag.”

“From where?” you asked suspiciously.

“Shinoda Minami hooked me up.”

“Miichan?” You said jealously.

“Why are you even taking that to her for?”

“Mario told her to keep a watch on me.. As his new asset.”

“Why are you amused by this?” you slapped the air.

“I’m his first successful hybrid, Haruna. Don’t you think that’s the tiniest bit awesome?”

“Ohh.. I cannot believe you just said that.” You laughed sarcasticly.

2.   When Miichan showed her cheerleading moves.

I was also being a bitch that time by compelling my coach in American football to stop the training as it was too tiring and troublesome. You came up to me and tried to bring my new self back.

“You gotta be more settle, Yuu.”

“Are you the queen of settlety? Relax.. I’m in total control.”

“Then why are you acting like this?”

“Drop it, Haruna. I’m fine. I’ve never been better. Mario is giving me this ‘gift’.” You were about to respond until someone shouted “Hey check out Miichan!”

Miichan was showing off her moves by doing a cartwheel and then a backflip then a split in a row.

“God..” You said.

“Damn.. Girl’s got moves.” I said earning a jealoused and a ‘WATDAFUQ?’ look from you.

3.   When we were decorating a car for our school festival.

I was using the glitter gun to decorate the car.

“Hey can you give me the glitter gun?” You asked. I passed it to you quickly but you passed it to someone else instead.

“Hey.. Can we diss the decorating and go grab a bite?” I asked as I was thirsty for blood.

“Oh, I have a bloodbag in my bag.” You said with a pun.

“I mean a real bite. Miichan know some people who like to be fed on. They’re into to it, we don’t even have to compel them.”

“Look, the last thing I want your mother to see is me in a weird vampire threesome with her son. Secondly, quit hanging out with Miichan, that evil blood slut.” You said.

“Mehh.. Not like I can do anything about it.” I teased you.

“This is a sire thing isn’t it?” you asked suspiciously.

“Ughh..” I groaned.

“Please tell me this is some weird family extension of your sire bond to Mario.”

“I am here decorating cars and glitters all over my hands. If I’m sired to anybody, it’s you.” I said then pointed at you. It left you speechless, didn’t it?

My sire bond with Mario got worser that sometimes he will command me to break up with you and give you to him as his girl and sometimes he tells me to bite you with my werewolf fangs. My love for you is stronger than my sire bond to him. I searched for possible ways to break the sire bond-ness and I found that the only way to break it is by having my bones broken thousands of times by turning into a werewolf. I didn’t tell you about and I secretly went to a cellar to transform myself and break my bones thousands of times.

I didn’t tell anyone about being to my ‘new’ self again.. Even you but you realised that my sired-ness to Mario was gone. I believe that you were happy about it, weren’t you? Mario knew that it was gone when I tried to rescue Yukirin from being kidnapped by him. Mayu took Yukirin to safety while I was stuck with Mario.

“I told you to keep an eye on her not to set her free.” Mario said.

“I’m not your little bitch anymore.”

“How did you break the sire bond?” he asked with a mischievious smile on his face.

“By breaking every bone of my body thousands of times for the girl I love.” I said.

“That’s impossible.”

“Is it? Or maybe real love is stronger than fake loyalty.” I said then he punced on me and tried to kill me but luckily, I escaped.


Days, weeks and months passed and I became good friend with your vampire friends including An’nin and Yukirin. We tried to hunt and kill Mario down even though we know the consequences. I’m sorry for keeping this a secret from you. Yesterday, we successfully killed Mario and I stayed alive so we celebrated for our big success. You were there too remember? I even said things that we were celebrating about.

“Do you hear that?” I said suspiciously. Everyone stopped talking and doing what they’re doing to listen.


“That’s the sound of Mario free life.” I said then earned cheers from your friends and you.

But.. It seems like the legends are true that if the original hybrid dies, all the hybrid will die as I can feel myself burning up now. I’m pretty sure that I will turn to ashes soon. So I will now tell you the things that I always wanted to say to you ever since.

“This arrogant, bully and selfish hybrid of yours, loves you so much Kojima Haruna and my sire bond to you is unbreakable no matter what we go through.”  “


My tears is forming up.. My legs feels weak. I can’t help but cry about Yuu turning into ashes and leaving me alone for the rest of my life.

“I love you too, Oshima Yuu.” I whispered in the air as my friends looked at the space to grieve.

End of Sired To You (KojiYuu)

« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 06:56:05 AM by CheesyBits »

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Re: CheesyBit's OS treasure box: [Sired To You](KojiYuu)
« Reply #32 on: December 04, 2012, 02:24:56 AM »
I don't know anything about vampire diaries, but it was pretty cool!

And what's with that end?! :( :cry: :bleed eyes:

Thank you for this touching OS o/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
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Re: CheesyBit's OS treasure box: [Sired To You](KojiYuu)
« Reply #33 on: December 04, 2012, 05:36:50 PM »
I'm very happy that someone wrote about KojiYuu.
But excuse me, can you tell me what Haruna lied to Yuuchan about ? I can't understand that part.
Aside from that, this is a great story :D
Keep up the good work XD
♥ I do what I like and I like what I do ♥ Oshima Yuko ♥

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Re: CheesyBit's OS treasure box: [Sired To You](KojiYuu)
« Reply #34 on: December 04, 2012, 05:51:18 PM »
Oops sorry if it wasn't clear. It's about keeping themselves being a werewolf or a vampire as a secret from anyone. But Haruna broke it and told her vampire friends.

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Re: CheesyBit's OS treasure box: [Sired To You](KojiYuu)
« Reply #35 on: December 04, 2012, 08:35:09 PM »
Cheesy-san!  XD

Wow! This is so cool! But I wished Yuu is alive.   :nervous
owh yeah, and MaYuki is a couple in here.  :inlove:
You're so promising! You're so young and your stories are cool!  :thumbsup
Hope to see more of your work. (MaYuki please)   :deco:

Thanks for this one-shot, CheesyBits-san.  :bow:  :bow:

I hate using "so" in a sentence.Sorry.  XD

Offline CheesyBits

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Re: CheesyBit's OS treasure box: [Sired To You](KojiYuu)
« Reply #36 on: December 05, 2012, 08:47:26 AM »
Cheesy-san!  XD

Wow! This is so cool! But I wished Yuu is alive.   :nervous
owh yeah, and MaYuki is a couple in here.  :inlove:
You're so promising! You're so young and your stories are cool!  :thumbsup
Hope to see more of your work. (MaYuki please)   :deco:

Thanks for this one-shot, CheesyBits-san.  :bow:  :bow:

I hate using "so" in a sentence.Sorry.  XD

Take off the "-san" >.<
Hehehehe~ MaYuki? Suree~~ :3

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Re: CheesyBit's OS treasure box: [Sired To You](KojiYuu)
« Reply #37 on: December 17, 2012, 02:48:47 AM »
wah.. great stories.

my fav. is the last one about vampire haruna....

well thank's for the story, hope to see the next one soon.

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: CheesyBit's OS treasure box: [A Players' Game](JuriMayu)
« Reply #38 on: January 11, 2013, 08:27:32 PM »
This is the JuriMayu that was requested.  :cow: Please enjoy~ :3

A Player's Game

"What is LOVE? They say that when you love some, she is your happiness and your heart skips a beat when you see her. My girls always make me happy and my heart skips a beat whenever I see them. Is that love?  If that is love, then people are wrong about sticking to one person." Jun thought.

        Matsui Jun is known to be the heartthrob and a player in his school. Even if all of the girls knows about his player-ness, they still want him for their own. Though, he has a girlfriend named Matsui Rena, Jun still pimps with the girls and his 'BEST 5'. This results to arguments but it end because of Jun's cheesy lines to Rena.

His 'BEST 5' are:

1. Watanabe Mayu: A playgirl. Has more than 3 boyfriends. Dislikes Jun.

2. Matsui Rena: Used to hate Jun but she eventually fell for him. Jun's 1st girlfriend.

3. Takayanagi Akane: Best friends with Jun. Does not know that Jun's pimping on her. Dislikes his pimpness.

4. Watanabe Miyuki: Jun likes her because of her seductive trait. Has a boyfriend called Yamamoto Sayu.

5. Iriyama Anna: Emotionless but gorgeous. Unknown feelings.

Jun enjoys flirting with them no matter the situation is. You can call him a masochist since he never gets tired of their slaps of rejection.


        It's late in the night, early in the morning. Jun just got outside his two-story house and is now unlocking the door of his house. Jun unlocked the door quietly and went inside. It was dark and silent... Until..

"YOU IDIOT!! HOW DARE YOU COME BACK TO THIS HOUSE WHEN IT'S ALREADY SO LATE!? GET OUT!! WHERE DID YOU GO!? I BET YO-" a woman shouted. It was obviously Rena's since she has a spare key for Jun's house.

"Wait.. Wait.. Isn't this my house?" Jun said.


"I had to do a school project in my group mate's house. We played video games for a bit and I totally forgot about the time. I'm sorry, alright?" Jun assured Rena and switched on the lights. Jun walked to Rena and gave her a hug. As expected, Rena hugged back and they hugged for minutes until something ticked off.

"Is that a woman's perfume I smell?" Rena asked then sniffed Jun's clothes again. "YOU'RE DOING IT AGAIN!" Rena said while pushing Jun away.

"Look this is nothing.. I don't think that the other women are as good as you in bed. So please, I won't even bother having them in bed." Jun said.


"Please don't say that. I beg you.. Please.. I love you!" Jun said.

"YOU LOVE ME? THEN PROVE IT AND TRY HARDER IN GETTING ME BACK!" Rena shouted at Jun and left the house, leaving Jun behind.

"Sigh.. ARGHHH!!!" Jun roared and kicked the air. "Why does it hurts so much!? Why does it feel like the first time I got rejected by her, my first love!? ARGHHH!!" Jun screamed inside his head and grabbed his t-shirt where his heart is located at then felll to his knees.

More than half an hour has passed. Jun decided to go to a nearby park to relax even though there are a lot of drunken men and women there. He ignored all the drunk people but one drunk woman who was wobbling around, caught his attention. Jun took a closer look and it was Watanabe Mayu, wobbling around while holding a bottle of vodka in her right hand. Mayuyu was about to fall and get a faceplant to the ground but Jun rushed to her and caught her quickly then helped her to stand up.

"This is my chance.. Thank you my 'BEST 5'! Funny how I get to get my best 1 tonight."

"You're drunk. You should go home." Jun said.

"I'm not shdrunk! I'm freedom! WOOOHOOO!" Mayuyu said drunkly. "I THROW MY LOVE AWAY SOMETIMES SAYING AYYOOOO~ GOTTA LET GO~!!" Mayuyu sang and threw her hands and vodka in the air. [CheesyBits: Dynamite by Taio Cruz]

"....Alright.. You're really drunk. I'll take you home. Here, climb onto my back."

"Yayyyy~~~!! Fweee wride!!" Mayuyu giggled in excitement and climbed onto his back as commanded. "Take. Me. Home. Handsome." Mayuyu whispered in Jun's ear seductively.

"Of course, I will. Like I know where your house is." Jun said then smirked. "Correction to the one I said just now. I'll make you mine, Watanabe Mayu."

Jun got home fast with Mayuyu on his back. He took her to his room and laid her down in his bed but he didn't do anything bad to her.

"urhmmm~ Comfehhh~" Mayuyu moaned then fell asleep fast. Jun took his clothes off because of the warm environment and switched on the air conditioner then laid down beside Mayuyu and hugged her till he fell asleep too.


Mayuyu's POV

       Mayuyu woke up because of the warm alcohol running through her system. Mayuyu was too drunk to realize her surroundings.

"Urghh~ Atsuii~!!!" Mayuyu groaned then took her clothes leaving herself in her underwear and went back to sleep.

End of Mayuyu's POV


The next morning
       "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Someone screamed causing Jun to wake up in surprise. "WHAT HAPPENED!?"


"This is my house. Look around you." Jun said then sat in his bed and grinned at Mayuyu.

"Did you do something to me!? OMG! I can't believe you took my first!" Mayuyu said.

"LOLWUT? I didn't even do anything. I just laid down beside you because I don't have anywhere else to sleep!"

"Don't lie!!" Mayuyu blushed.

"I'm not. I mean like, if it was your first time, you will feel something painful down there."

"O-Oh..." Mayuyu looked down on the floor and kept quiet because she's embarrassed to say anything any more. Awkward silence filled the air. Jun broke it because he did not like it.

"Rena broke up with me last night."

"So..?" Mayuyu said and raised her eyebrows at Jun to show cold feelings towards him.

"Just letting my feelings out." Jun sighed.

"My last boyfriend, Kashiwagi Yutto, broke up with me last night too." Mayuyu sighed. "Seems like I need to find another one." She said then sat on her place.

"So.. You gave up your player-ness, Jun?"

"I 'onno" Jun shrugged.

"Shut up."

"What? You asked me a question." Jun grinned again. "Want to play a game?"

"What game? I bet it's lame since your the one who thought about it."

"Ohh stop being a tsundere. I know you have feelings for me." Jun teased.

"HECK NO! EW~! Anyways, what game is it about? Im bored so I might as well play."

"Let's pretend to be lover for one year and the one who falls will lose. Well, since your a playgirl, it will be too easy for you. Kisses and normal couple stuff are also included in the game so-"

"Challange Accepted."

"...Really? But beware, there will be a punishment if you lose" Jun smirked. "This is too easy for me."

"I won't even fall for you, stupid."

"Ohh stop being a tsun already. It starts now."


      Days has passed since the start of the game. Mayuyu and Jun are now having their first date in an amusement park. They are now paying for the rides.

"So.. Roller coasters or Haunted house?" Jun asked.

"Haunted house. I hate roller coasters."

"Roller coasters then. Two tickets for the roller coaster ride please." Jun bought two tickets for the two of them.

"What the.."

"I lovee roller coasters." Jun teased Mayuyu and winked at her. Like a normal couple, they were holding hands ever since they met in the park for the date. They rested in a fast food restaurant before riding the roller coaster. They were chatting and laughing until someone interrupted them.

"So you gave up on me, huh?" a woman asked. Jun recognised the voice.

"Nope not yet. Never." Jun looked at Rena and winked at her.

"Well, too bad, I already have a gentlewoman named Furukawa Airi. Goodbye." Rena said and left.

"Ouch. Gentlewoman? Hahaha. That won't changed anything." Jun thought.

"Tsk. Are you okay?" Mayuyu asked.

"How rare. You never ask that. And no, I'm not fine. Kiss me and I'll be fine."


"We're still playing the game, remember?"

"Okay fine!" Mayuyu said then kissed Jun on the cheek.


      Months passed, Jun and Mayuyu's friendship grew to more than best friends. They look like the happiest couple from other people's view but they are only playing the game, even the girls and boys in their school stopped approaching them because they look so happy with each other. They had lots of dates already and they even slept together for nights. Mayuyu is also living in Jun's house now. They even call each other 'honey' or 'love' Right now, Mayuyu is alone at home. She just recieved a message from Jun.
[Meet me at the nearby park. It's an emergency.] is the message.

Mayuyu went to the park with only her house clothes and searched for Jun. Mayuyu found Jun quickly as he was just sitting in a bench.

"What do you want, Honey? What's the emergency about? I see nothing wrong."

"Nothing's wrong but it's really an emergency."


Jun knelt down in front of Mayuyu and took out a small box.

"Watanabe Mayu. I lost the game. Will you be my real girlfriend?"

"I lost too. Haha.. And~ YES!!"

"WOOOHOOO!! Here, open it." Jun gave the box to Mayuyu. Mayuyu opened it and it was a ring- or at least she thought.. It was just a normal fishing hook when she took it out.

"What is this...?"

""Want to go fishing with me together? LOL just kidding. Here." Jun reached something out of his pocket and took out a real ring this time. Mayuyu reached her left finger out to Jun so that Jun can put the ring into her ring finger.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Jun stood up and kissed Mayuyu. True enough, she kissed back.

End of A Players' Game (JuriMayu)


Extra scene from the kissing scene

     Rena was hiding behind the trees with her friend, Furukawa Airi. She is crying because Jun totally gave up on her now.

"Never mind, I'll find someone like you~

I wish nothing but the best for you, too~

Don't forget me, I begged, I remember you said~

Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead~

Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead~" Rena sang while crying. [CheesyBits: Adele - Someone like you]

~End of extra scene~

Finally it's done~! Sorry for the grammar mistakes in the fic since I'm sleepy. Sorry if it's too short too >.<
Anyways, for the next OS fic, I'll make a SaeMaYuki family fic requested by fuukun ^_^

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! :D

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Re: CheesyBit's OS treasure box: [A Players' Game](JuriMayu)
« Reply #39 on: January 11, 2013, 09:46:00 PM »
poor Rena-sama... But I really loved this OS, thank you Cheesy~  :)
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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