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Author Topic: All Aboard! [Chapter 26! --sorry for the wait]  (Read 101381 times)

Offline JFC

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« Reply #20 on: March 10, 2007, 05:56:16 AM »
Quote from: Estrea;325390
@JFC: You just gave me ideas with the "looking for booty" part! XD Good thing I have *cough* as a *cough* later. ;) No more spoilers! :P
Oooooooooooooo score one for me! :D

sending him stumbling back and toppling over the railing and into the shark-infested sea below
It's just not a proper pirate story if there aren't any sharks in the water. :yep:

Miki had sat down on a nearby barrel and was cleaning her many knives which she pulled from various places on her body. Yossi still didn't know where she hid all of them, and how she did it, really.
Miki is DAMN vicious with those knives. :w00t: This part was particularly hot. :twisted:

Miki was quite entertained by watching the twins torment one of the mercenary guards that had been hired to guard the slave ship. The two of them had tag-teamed the poor boy, barely more than eighteen judging by his features, and broken his arms and kneecaps so that he couldn't fight back or escape them. Currently, they were doing water torture on him by sticking his head into one of the water barrels and holding him down, but letting him up to get a breath before he drowned, and then repeating the process. It was all a bit sadistic, but Miki couldn't bear to spoil their fun. After all, if the twins let out their frustration by doing this, they were less likely to execute their worst pranks on their own crew. Besides, it was kinda fun to watch them play like this too.
Funny as hell, and in a demented way, kinda cute too. :D

Yossi herself was the only one who had undergone professional sword training in her youth, and was the only sabre-using pirate among the crew, which was a sort of a rarity since such a weapon was usually seen only in the military corps, or amongst the higher ranking warrior families. She was one of the most skilled fighters they had, and the years onboard Yuko's ship had honed her battle awareness to a fine edge.
That's true, it's usually said that pirates have traditionally used the shorter-bladed cutlass because it's well-suited for frantic, close-quarters fighting that would occur on board ships at sea.  A sabre has a longer, slightly thinner blade, and the traditional slashing-type motions that would be involved in using a sabre would be more suited to dueling as opposed to a big swordfighting "rumble".

The fact that Yossi has/uses a sabre instead of a cutless makes me wonder, she used to be in the naval corps? If so, was she fired? Captured? Deserted on her own to lead the life of a pirate? What?

Oh, and Yuko's "Drunken Sword Style" = :damnfunny

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline katatsumuri

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« Reply #21 on: March 10, 2007, 11:43:06 AM »
Your humor and descriptive writing is a great joy to read.:thumbsup :thumbsup

Offline coachie

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« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2007, 03:44:53 PM »
I'm surprised at myself, while I'm perfectly happy with Miki being her sadistic evil self, Aibon&Nono torturing this guy just made my stomach turn around.
Good thing Yossie made him a quick end.

For some reason I was hoping Ayaya would be among the freed slaves XD
But maybe she's the captain and out to get Miki (in one or another way) or it's Rika.

Can't wait for the next chapter!

edit: just realized... 200th post CHEERS!!!

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« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2007, 04:12:12 PM »
Weehee I'm back with a new chapter! And all the reviews! Happiness! :)

Hi katatsumuri and orangesocks, happy to have you onboard! XD *bad pun* :P

Too lazy to reply individually to everyone, but!

Thanks for the hardhat Yuuyami! *puts it on* Yep, much better. :)

Keep wondering about the choice of weapon JFC, it's good for the mind to exercise some more. Hehe. Glad you liked the chapter.

Sorry for making your stomach turn, coachie! *feels bad* And lol, you just read my mind...a bit! Why is everyone reading my mind?! I need to install a firewall around my brain...haha. And congrats on your 200th post coachie! :)

Ok, the next chapter will be up within the next ten minutes. I'm still editing it. XD Thanks for reading everyone!


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Estrea

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« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2007, 04:27:11 PM »
Meh, I felt that this chapter wasn't as good as the other two, at least not in terms of humor. *feels bad* The scene switches to the Navy this chapter, so we won't get to see wacky pirate humor this time round...but they'll be back!

Oh and I apologise in advance for some OOCness in some of the characters, I think. Oh well. Hope you guys won't be too disappointed.

Chapter 3

The Lieutenant was on a hunt. The target: a certain Ensign who didn't appear at their agreed meeting place during lunchtime.

Lesser seamen got out of the Lieutenant's way hastily, recognising the determined look in those fiery eyes, carefully keeping their eyes at a respectful level and saluting as the Lieutenant brushed past with barely an acknowledgment. It was too urgent a mission to be slowing down for insignificant people.

There were only a few places the errant Ensign could have been. The warship was only so big after all. The Lieutenant bumped right into someone, who bounced almost right off after the direct collision. A newbie, it seemed. Well, the Lieutenant wasn't quite as hard-hearted as first impressions went. Besides, the rookie was a cute little girl. Who could resist cute little girls? A lazy smirk formed on luscious lips as the Lieutenant extended a hand to help the startled young girl up, taking a look at the name sewn in on the sleeve: KAMEI ERI.

"Ss-sorry, Lieutenant..." Eri blushed as she was finally upright again. "I'll be more careful next time." She tried inching away, but the Lieutenant hadn't let go of her hand just yet, so she couldn't move much further anyway.

The Lieutenant grinned at the shyness of the rookie, and was about to say something when someone else piped up first.

"Flirting again?" The voice was dry, ironic, and familiar. The Lieutenant half turned around, frowning down at the shorter woman who had just come up behind her. Who not only had a military rank up on her, but was also First Mate to her Second.

"I was not flirting, I was being nice." She huffed indignantly.

A raised eyebrow. "Really? Then why are you still holding on to her hand?" A triumphiant look.

The taller lieutenant dropped the hand she was holding and tried to glare at her counterpart, but failing miserably. The shorter woman reached up and patted the younger girl's cheek.

"There there Gocchin, we all know how boring it can be out at sea with no entertainment. I understand perfectly." Abe Natsumi, First Mate of the warship Defiance, smiled sunnily at the spluttering Goto Maki, who was struggling to find a good rebuttal but coming up empty.

Nacchi 1, Gocchin 0

Behind the two of them, Eri was backing away and unconsciously pushing herself into a small space between the cannons, trying her darndest best to become invisible and hopefully unnoticed by the two ranking officers of the ship. Being shy by nature, and this being her first major voyage, she was naturally nervous in the face of authority. Not that the two officers in front of her were acting particularly officer-like at the moment, with Maki halfway between glaring and pouting, and Natsumi smiling beatifically, as if the lights in her eyes came from the sunlight shining through the back of her head.

"Looking for Yuuki again then?" Nacchi decided to ease up on her junior for once, since she was in a good mood today and decided to give the poor girl a break. Maki scowled. "Damn boy disappeared when I turned around to talk to someone else."

The older woman giggled. "That's only because you keep watching him like a hawk. He's a big boy already, you should give him a bit of time on his own. Can't keep coddling him forever." The tone was playfully disapproving, but carried underlying notes of concerned wisdom. Maki muttered mutinously under her breath.

Changing tack, the shorter officer continued. "Anyway, the Captain wants to see us." She paused. "Well, actually, she didn't say so specifically, but I think she could use the support now." Maki eyed her questioningly, prompting an elaboration. "Our 'guest' is with her now." The taller girl went "oh" and nodded in understanding.

The two changed direction and walked off towards the captain's cabin, completely forgetting about Eri, who by now had managed to lodge herself in the space between two large cannons and was finding it strangely comforting. As the footsteps faded in the distance, she decided to get out, standing up and pushing herself out. Or at least, she tried to.

With one leg folded awkwardly under her, the positioning of her body left her very little leverage to hoist herself out of her hidey hole. Eri felt the first, faint trill of panic run through her as she struggled to get out. What if she remained wedged here forever? The thought frightened her, and she redoubled her efforts, but to no avail. She would have screamed for help, but was too embarrassed to let others see her stuck like this. Torn between panic and indecision, Eri felt faint and passed out.

On the upper deck, Maki was scratching the back of her head as she headed with Natsumi towards the Captain's cabin. I think I'm forgetting something...

Inside the Captain's cabin, a discussion was taking place. At least it looked like a discussion on the surface. In truth, it was just a cover for a verbal catfight. Not that the participants would ever admit to that, of course.

"I wonder if the restrictions on my movement will be lifted." Let me move around you bitch.

"I regret to inform you that those restrictions are in place for your own safety." No way in hell.

"Do you know who I am?" I can get your ass fired.

"Regardless of who you are, we are out at sea on a ship, and I am the captain. According to marine laws, the captain's word is final." This is my turf, I call the shots here. Take it or leave it.

The tension between the two was escalating when a sharp rap on the door interrupted their staring contest.

"Enter." The seated captain said coldly, her eyes never leaving her guest's.

The First and Second Mates of the ship entered cautiously, sensing upon arrival the explosive animosity that positively reeked in the air. Maki thought that if she lit a match in the cabin, the whole room would explode, so tense was the atmosphere. Natsumi remained characteristically cool and optimistic, still having a positive expression on her face despite the definite tension that permeated the enclosed area.

The door swung shut with a sense of finality, leaving the four alone in the room.

"Was there something?" The captain finally let her eyes settle back on her friends and shipmates, with considerably less intensity in the gaze. After all, the three of them had sailed together several times before, and were on fairly good terms. Maki smiled goofily back at her childhood friend, the two having gone through naval academy together, prompting an answering smile from the formerly frowning face.

Natsumi took the opportunity to step in. "Well captain, it's been almost 4 days since we've left harbor, and the lady hasn't been allowed out of the room much. Why not let her get a bit of fresh air?" It was a calculated move. Natsumi was older than their youthful captain, and had more experience. Furthermore, she had been instructed by the Admiral himself to keep an eye on his still relatively inexperienced daughter. That was a known fact amongst them.

The captain frowned, obviously not liking the idea. To soften the impact, the sunny First Mate added. "Well, of course she'll be under supervision to keep her safe. Maybe one of the friendlier crew to escort our ladyship here?"

"Well, if you put it that way..." Maki didn't like the wrinkles that were currently working their way into a permanent residence on her best friend's face. Oh, to hell with it. Throwing all military decorum aside, she strode right up to the stern-looking captain...and tickled her.

The transformation was as instantaneous as it was startling. The stern presence broke down into a laughing fit of uncontrollable giggles, and the captain looked to be no more than a young girl barely out of her 20s, rather than the serious captain old beyond her years.

"Gocchin....ahahahha...stop it...ahaha...stop...!" There were tears at the corner of her eyes. The other two women in the room exchanged startled glances, but both had hints of a smile dancing at the edges of their lips. Natsumi bit back the urge to laugh. At least they were in private...well mostly. Otherwise she would have been appalled by their childish behaviour.

Maki stepped back smugly after halting her impromptu assault. It was a good thing she was such good friends with the captain, otherwise she would never have gotten away with such a stunt. And besides, seeing her break down in laughter was so much better than having a permanent scowl set in on that face. Almost good enough to withstand whatever payback the other would surely devise.

"I'll get you for this Gocchin." Maki smirked again.

"I would love to see you try, Aya."

Captain Matsuura Aya, eldest daughter of the Admiral Matsuura Kenji, youngest captain of a warship in the Royal Navy. Some wondered if her position was artificially bestowed due to the influence of her father's exalted position in the naval corps, but that could not be further from the truth. Only a few of the inner circle knew how hard Aya had worked to live up to her family's proud legacy, being the eldest daughter of the Matsuura family, a journey made tougher by the fact that she was a girl. The heavy weight of her family name, as well as the fact that there were no males to carry on the legacy, had ignited within her an overwhelming responsibility to uphold the family's traditions. Every man in the Matsuura family was a sailor to the bone, and in every generation before her, the men had served the Royal Navy well and proudly, often reaching high ranks and earning the favor of the throne.

Her father had always mourned that he had no sons to continue this proud legacy, and even as a young child, Aya had felt the disappointment radiate keenly from her father. She had initially been upset that she had not been born a boy, the better to carry on the family name and tradition, but decided not to let it get her down. In fact, she resolved to enter the naval corps herself, to prove to her father that she was worth something despite being a girl. On her 13th birthday, she had run away, cut her hair short and entered the naval academy under disguise. She would prove to her father that she could work her way up the ranks on her own, without banking on her family name or any other help to succeed.

Of course, she wasn't quite alone in that venture. Maki had been close friends with her since they were children, the older girl being a member of a minor noble house, but the two had hit it off immediately at a party when they got into trouble together for the first time, and not for the last time from then onwards. It wasn't an easy task for Maki to slip out of home, but with the somewhat reluctant help of her younger brother Yuuki, the two had managed to get away and enter naval training together.

It had taken a long time, a lot of trouble, and even more crazy adventures with Maki along the way, but they had earned their sea legs and gained recognition. Admiral Matsuura had been very surprised when the top student of the graduating class had come up to him to receive the award, the toothy grin and defiant expression all too familiar to his eyes. Aya had regained her true identity that day, her surprised father too shocked (and very proud of course) by the whole turn of events to object to anything.

That was several years ago, and Aya had worked hard to prove herself every inch of way, never backing down or showing weakness in front of the other men. It helped that Maki was also always beside her, also working hard, and they proved themselved in battle again and again, to the point that even the Admiral could not help but admit that his daughter did indeed cut a fine figure not only as a sailor, but as a true warrior of the sea, as befitting the legacy her ancestors had left behind.

Still, now her reputation was hanging by a thread in front of the sole stranger in that room. She didn't get to where she was by being a weak, giggly girl, and she didn't want her "guest" to underestimate her. After all, what did a lady of a noble family know of her exploits at sea?

Wait, scratch that, a renegade noble lady. The circumstances of which said lady had found her way onto the warship were...questionable, to say the least. Aya couldn't help but smirk a bit when she remembered that morning, 4 days ago...


The rapid thuds of running feet against cobblestones, the sound of the waves lapping against the wharf, the raised voices in pursuit of a lone lady, clad all in white.

The Goto siblings were standing at the rail, aboard the warship Defiance, even as other men were busily preparing for their imminent departure. The outcry raised caught their attention, and they stared curiously at the running figures.

The ship was ready to depart, the great vessel easing slowly off the wharf. The running woman appeared to be heading in their direction. The Goto siblings were soon joined by Natsumi, and the three stared disbelievingly at the ruckus on the wharf. What was going on?

The pursuers were catching up to the woman, and she was running out of wharf to run. Even as the three onboard the warship looked on, the woman gathered up her skirts jumped off the wharf, an impressive leap indeed.....and caught onto the mooring rope of the Defiance.

The wind caught the raised sails of the warship, and they moved out of the harbor, the lady still clinging desperately to the rope, even as they gawked on down at her. Natsumi was the first to recover from her amazement, and was first to start tugging up on the rope, the other two joining in to help haul the ragged woman up onboard the ship.

Maki was helping her up, watching her dust off her clothes. Natsumi stared at the young woman, feeling a faint hint of recognition, as if she had seen her somewhere.

"Wait...Ishikawa?" The First Mate gasped. The younger woman froze.

Maki eyed the lady next to her. "Aren't you supposed to be somewhere else? a church, maybe?" For indeed, Ishikawa Rika was clad in full bridal dress, though a bit torn and dirty by now after all her exertions.

"I have my reasons." Her face was set in an expression of resolute determination. Natsumi and Maki exchanged a look. Yuuki cleared his throat.

"Well, we should take her to the captain, right?" He suggested tentatively. The two officers looked at each other, then shrugged.

"Might as well."

Aya stared at the ragged-looking Ishikawa Rika before her, a imperturbable expression on her face. "You ran away from your wedding?"

Rika looked defiant. "So? Are you going to send me back then?"

Aya said nothing for a moment. Then she looked up. "The groom...Tachibana, was it?" Rika nodded, her eyes wary.

"Oh alright then. Welcome aboard."

The others in the room all gaped at the sudden change in demeanour. Rika blinked. "Why are you helping me?" She asked uncertainly. "You don't even know me."

Aya shrugged, leaning back in her seat. "I might not know you, but I know your groom." She waved a dismissive hand. "You're better off without him."

-End Flashback-

And now here they were, their opinions clashing. Aya was keeping Rika inside for her own good, really. After all, she was on board a warship with many men, and some of them wouldn't hesitate to be a bit more...forward with her person. Rika didn't have the protection of rank and reputation as Gocchin and Nacchi had, nor the extra combat training that all the female crew had been personally given by Aya herself. Even if Rika had the Ishikawa name as a matter of social backing, it wouldn't matter at all on board ship. After all, different rules applied at sea. Aya could forbid them to her heart's content, but she couldn't ensure that every single one would abide to her decision. The more honorable soldiers would obey her, but the common sailor? Aya really rather not risk the safety of her guest, but she had trouble articulating her thoughts in a direct way, probably something she inherited from her father.

Ishikawa stood there, arms folded and head held high. A proud woman, this one was. A spirited one too. Running away from her own wedding! Aya had to give her props for that. She respected strength of character, and this woman in front of her had plenty of it.

Taking a deep breath, Aya made her decision. "Fine, I'll allow you more freedom of movement. But, you must have someone I put with you at all times. That's the condition you must accept if I am to grant you this favor." The young captain steepled her fingers together in front of her, resting her chin on them as she looked straight at Rika.

Their locked gazes was fairly supercharged, and no one moved during the exchange. Suddenly, Rika smiled. "I accept."

"Good." Aya paused, looking thoughtfully at the ceiling for a moment. "So...who do we put with her? Gocchin? Nacchi? Opinion?"

Her officers looked at each other. "We have work..." Maki started slowly. "So we can't be with her at all times."

Natsumi snapped her fingers. "Hmmm it! The rookie!" Maki stared blankly at her at first, then her eyes lit up. "OH. That one. Yeah, she's a nice one. Can she handle it though?"

Aya raised an eyebrow. "Mind telling me who you've got in mind?"

Natsumi looked at Maki. Maki shrugged. "Yeah I saw her name...Kame-something..."

"Turtle?" Nacchi and Aya blinked simultaneously. Rika just looked like she was about to laugh.

Maki was massaging her temples. "Um no...wait...what was it...OH YEAH!" She snapped her fingers. "Kamei...Eri, I think." She nodded decisively. "Yeah, Kamei Eri. Cute girl, shy though."

"Kamei Eri...oh yes, the newbie. First long-haul voyage, I think." Aya mentally recalled the personnel list. She had made the point of going through the whole thing before setting off and memorising every detail. Maki used to laugh at her for being overkill with her obsession with details. But it did have its advantages.

"I remember working with her. She needs a bit more confidence, but she's competent. Good then, we'll place her on bodyguard duty, give her a bit of a boost." Aya nodded decisively. She then turned to Rika.

"I trust you will behave yourself, don't disrupt the normal workings of the ship and don't get into trouble. Try staying away from the men if you can, I don't want them to be distracted, and let's not give them a reason to be tempted. It's for your own safety." Aya smiled, looking far older than her relatively young age. The young captain then shot a sidelong glance at Maki, who was not-so-discreetly checking out their guest. "On second thoughts, stay away from some of the women too." Aya added laconically, giving a pointed look at the distracted Second Mate. Nacchi snickered, and Rika just smiled.

"Of course, I appreciate your concerns and I will certainly be discreet. Thank you Captain." Rika was about to curtsey, but the borrowed clothes (shirt and breeches) didn't seem to fit well with the move, so she settled for nodding politely instead.

"I'm glad. Gocchin..." Aya glanced at her friend, who still wasn't paying attention, and changed her mind. "Nacchi, can you escort Lady Ishikawa back to her room please? And bring me this Kamei Eri so I can brief her on what to do. Dismissed." Natsumi saluted and left with Rika in tow.

Aya sighed as she turned to look at Maki, who seemed kinda lost in her own fantasy land somewhere far beyond this world.

"Oy Gocchin." No response.

"Yoohoo~" A bit of drool trickled down from one side of those full lips.

Aya rolled her eyes. "Plan B then." She stood up...and stomped on the older girl's foot.

"Ouch ouch ouch ouch!!!" Maki reacted instantly, clutching one foot and hopping around in pain.

"Now that I've gotten your" Aya's voice was firm.

"No what?" Maki asked, rubbing her aching foot.

"You know what I mean. Control yourself girl, we've only been out 4 days! Sheesh, I can't imagine how you're going to survive the voyage." The young woman paced around behind her desk, her hands clasped behind her back.

"I can always get you drunk again if I get desperate..." Maki muttered under her breath. Unfortunately for her, Aya heard it...and blushed, albeit faintly.

"NO WAY. Not again. Never again. Go bother Nacchi or something." Aya blew out a long breath to steady herself.

"And who says I haven't?" Maki said, half-jokingly, winking at a shocked Aya.

"Goto, you didn't!"

"You can go ask her yourself."

"Oh no no no. I don't want to know." Aya was on the verge of wanting to thud her head against the wall of her cabin repeatedly. "Out." She pointed at the door.

Maki pouted. "Awww I thought I was your best friend!"

"Out. Now."

The Second Mate didn't need another hint and left, but not before bowing mockingly at the fuming Aya. The young captain sighed. Why couldn't she have more normal friends?

Meanwhile, near the cannons...

Niigaki Risa was whistling to herself as she went to fetch something she had accidentally left belowdecks earlier. Finding the object in question, she was about to leave when she saw a splotch of color stuck between two cannons. Curious, she walked closer to it and saw a familiar person seemingly sleeping in the small space between the cannons.

"Kamei?" Risa blurted out. She wasn't expecting to see the girl she shared the crew's quarters with. Eri woke with a start, blinking blearily. "Whaa...Niigaki?" The rookie almost burst out in tears of relief. "Please help me! I'm stuck!"

Risa formed an 'o' with her mouth in surprise, but seeing the genuine distress on the other girl's face, she chuckled and decided to lend a hand. A moment or two later, Eri was free, and thanking Risa profusely. Risa grinned.

"Come on, we're going to be late for the meal." Risa extended a hand to Eri, who after a moment of hesitance, took it.

"You can call me Risa, or Gaki-san, if you want." Eri blinked. "Brat?"

Risa smiled sheepishly. "I got stuck with that in the academy. But I don't mind now." She assured Eri.

"I think...I'll just call you Risa." Eri said shyly. Risa grinned. "And I'll just call you Eri, ok?" Eri nodded, a small smile on her face. Risa then suddenly pumped her fist in the air.

"We gotta run, or there won't be any food left! Come on Eri, let's go!"

Eri smiled to herself as she was half-dragged along by Risa. This was turning out to be a better day than expected after all.

If only she knew what assignment was waiting for her later...


Hmm I hope Maki wasn't too out of character. Eh, whatever, I kinda just wrote the dialogue on the spur of a moment. Completely spontaneous. Haha.

And oh right, I'm planning to start another thread to write the side stories of "All Aboard!". Stories that I can't quite fit into the main body of this fic itself, so I'll put them in a different thread to avoid confusion. They will mostly be snippets pre-story, like background info on some of the characters, some funny moments that I couldn't quite place in the fic proper, and stuff like that. I hope you guys will like it. XD


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline len.chan

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« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2007, 05:24:46 PM »
I knew Aya was the Captain! no one else could be:ONwahaha: :ONwahaha:
I smell a hot battle here...
A kidnapped lady falling in love with a pirate maybe? XDXD
C'mon! I wanna read more!

Offline magicnumber

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« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2007, 11:25:07 PM »
HOMGAH. I love this story terribly... I ... I.. pirates + H!P = *me babbling quietly for a moment* Hilarious, crack-filled, wonderfully written-- it's a joy to read :3 perv-Maki was funny (and not too OOC). So many other great bits, and I loved all the H!P references...

"The groom...Tachibana, was it?"
I'm... hoping that a certain young Captain and knife-throwing pirate cross paths eventually. And, you know, uh... :tfr9a7wg:

Definitely looking forward to the rest of the story!

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« Reply #27 on: March 10, 2007, 11:53:14 PM »
I agree with Magicnumber, I really hope that the certain captain prodigy and the certain sadistic yet lazy knife-loving pirate come in contact :]!

But before I speculate further, I simply MUST ask...

Will there be the obligatory femmeslash that is well loved by the fanfic-section members in your story? Because you know, straight couples never really make the cut over here xD

Wonder how this Aya met Tachibana though xD I'd imagine that it's something hilarious xD And How Rika got into that mess too, roffle xD! Here's to hoping that there's lovely lovin' between the Captain Prodigy and the Knife-throwing Pirate! <3

-pats hardhat-

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« Reply #28 on: March 11, 2007, 12:37:22 AM »
I see a wonderful tale filling out in the sprawling pages of the internet. I can't wait for more.

Offline orangesocks

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« Reply #29 on: March 11, 2007, 02:09:14 AM »
Aya shrugged, leaning back in her seat. "I might not know you, but I know your groom." She waved a dismissive hand. "You're better off without him."
eheh, way to weave Keita into the story!

::waiting excitedly for Aya x Mikitty contact::
...and Ishiyoshi...?!

Gaki's so kind, isn't she? X)

Offline Amarghetta

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« Reply #30 on: March 11, 2007, 02:20:31 AM »
Lol @ Rika being a runaway bride. XD

I didn't know Aya was the captain, at first I thought it was Nacchi... :oops:

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« Reply #31 on: March 11, 2007, 02:44:50 AM »
Aya's the Captain!!! :w00t: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sparks are gonna fly when this crew meets teh pirates!!! :D :D :D

Eri getting caught in between the cannons was so CUTE!!! :baa60776:


Makes sense that the officers would be from nobility. Back in those days nobles were the only ones able to afford the cost to attend military academies. Usually the only times a "commoner" would gain an officer's rank is through promotion due to some heroics done on the battlefield.

Of course, Rika has to be the "princess". Love the runaway bride routine, especially
"The groom...Tachibana, was it?" Rika nodded, her eyes wary.

"Oh alright then. Welcome aboard."

The others in the room all gaped at the sudden change in demeanour. Rika blinked. "Why are you helping me?" She asked uncertainly. "You don't even know me."

Aya shrugged, leaning back in her seat. "I might not know you, but I know your groom." She waved a dismissive hand. "You're better off without him."

Aya sighed as she turned to look at Maki, who seemed kinda lost in her own fantasy land somewhere far beyond this world.

"Oy Gocchin." No response.

"Yoohoo~" A bit of drool trickled down from one side of those full lips.

Aya rolled her eyes. "Plan B then." She stood up...and stomped on the older girl's foot.

"Ouch ouch ouch ouch!!!" Maki reacted instantly, clutching one foot and hopping around in pain.
DROOL!!! :damnfunny :damnfunny :damnfunny

"I can always get you drunk again if I get desperate..." Maki muttered under her breath. Unfortunately for her, Aya heard it...and blushed, albeit faintly.

"NO WAY. Not again. Never again. Go bother Nacchi or something." Aya blew out a long breath to steady herself.

"And who says I haven't?" Maki said, half-jokingly, winking at a shocked Aya.

"Goto, you didn't!"

"You can go ask her yourself."

"Oh no no no. I don't want to know." Aya was on the verge of wanting to thud her head against the wall of her cabin repeatedly. "Out." She pointed at the door.

Maki pouted. "Awww I thought I was your best friend!"

"Out. Now."
Like I said...she's teh PLAYAH!!! :pimp:

The young captain sighed. Why couldn't she have more normal friends?
Because abnormal friends make life more interesting. :yay:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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« Reply #32 on: March 11, 2007, 03:32:45 AM »
Looks like even though Eri might like small spaces, she can still get stuck. Yay for Risa rescuing her. And Yay for Goto and Aya interaction.

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« Reply #33 on: March 11, 2007, 04:07:42 AM »
Ehehe, what a way to start the day, seeing so many people amused and eagerly anticipating the next chapter. Hehe.

To all those who asked, yes, there will be femmeslash, so don't worry. :P I've been writing nothing but femmeslash for the past year or so. :P I have quite a bit of practice in that area, so I don't think it will be that bad. XD

I'm glad a lot of you noticed the Tachibana/Keita reference. :P I just wanted to let Aya to be all dismissive of him. Call it personal satisfaction on my part. XD

Hmm, is anyone curious about how Aya met Keita and came away with that particular impression? If you are, tell me and I'll think of something to write up. :P It won't be the last we'll be seeing of him, fortunately or not. :P

Rika the runaway bride...well this part was actually made so that she could legitimately get on the warship (did you notice I just put DEF DIVA on the same ship? :P), because she has her own part to play later. Fufufu. This is going to be fun. XD Rika might look all princess-y on the outside, but she's tougher than she looks. Hehe.

*nods at JFC* Yeah the whole social rank thing is fairly important. Important note should be that Nacchi herself is not from a noble family, but was kinda taken under the wing of Aya's father, earning rank and recognition on her own merits. She's sort of a family friend too, so Aya knew her before and sort of sees her as an elder sister of sorts. XD Hence the horror at Maki having been "involved" with her. XD

Well I'm glad everyone liked the chapter. I have a few ideas on how Chapter 4 should be like, but I need to settle on one first. I think I'll swing back and forth between pirate and navy until they both meet...somehow. *already knows how the first meeting will be like* Muahahaha.

Thank you for reading everyone! Oh, and I think I'll be working on the chapter later tonight, since I'm going out in the afternoon, so expect the chapter somewhere in the wee hours of the morning (for me anyway)...but that's only if I have the inspiration. Hehe.

*goes off to plot some more*
« Last Edit: March 11, 2007, 04:21:46 AM by Estrea »


Currently writing:
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I'm also on AO3!

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« Reply #34 on: March 11, 2007, 04:43:45 AM »
Quote from: Estrea;326500
I'm glad a lot of you noticed the Tachibana/Keita reference. :P I just wanted to let Aya to be all dismissive of him. Call it personal satisfaction on my part. XD

Hmm, is anyone curious about how Aya met Keita and came away with that particular impression? If you are, tell me and I'll think of something to write up. :P It won't be the last we'll be seeing of him, fortunately or not. :P
If you do this, just please be sure to make it so that he ends up GROSSLY disappointing her (in whatever ways possible). :lol: (something ilke, his personality turns out to be less "manly" than Aya).

He's coming back? Well then, I guess he'd have to try and chase after Rika now, wouldn't he?  I hope he runs into the pirates (*cough* Miki-sama *cough*).

Quote from: Estrea;326500
*nods at JFC* Yeah the whole social rank thing is fairly important. Important note should be that Nacchi herself is not from a noble family, but was kinda taken under the wing of Aya's father, earning rank and recognition on her own merits. She's sort of a family friend too, so Aya knew her before and sort of sees her as an elder sister of sorts. XD Hence the horror at Maki having been "involved" with her. XD
That sounds like it would make a nice sub-plot. :yep: A way to let Rika get to know the officers better.

Quote from: Estrea;326500
Thank you for reading everyone! Oh, and I think I'll be working on the chapter later tonight, since I'm going out in the afternoon, so expect the chapter somewhere in the wee hours of the morning (for me anyway)...but that's only if I have the inspiration. Hehe.

*goes off to plot some more*
No rush, quality over quantity, I say. :)

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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« Reply #35 on: March 11, 2007, 12:33:21 PM »
Nice fic so far, funny and intriguing. I wouldn't worry about any maki OOCness. But if you get stuck just remember:      
Horny Maki characterization = good Maki characterzation.

I would also like to start the baseless rumours about Yossie being some how related to Aya. (illegitimate sister perhaps?)

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« Reply #36 on: March 11, 2007, 03:48:30 PM »
As much as I love bad guys and Miki and Yossie and Yuko and Kei... right now the action aboard the "good guys" ship sounds more fun to me.
And I love how you implanted all the small references (AyaXKeite relationship, Kame in small spaces, and "Defiant" like in DS9?)

btw something I remembered this moring, wasn't it so that for a long time women were forbidden on ships because they meant bad luck or something? (ok, we all can guess why they were really forbidden to go an ships)

This story makes me all natsukashii XD
I want to watch some old pirate movie from the 50's or 60's now, I loved them as a kid.

No rush, quality over quantity, I say.


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« Reply #37 on: March 11, 2007, 07:08:29 PM »
Argh, this chapter came out a bit weird towards the end, probably because my focus was totally shot at 2am in the morning. I apologise for the abrupt degeneration at the end of this chapter. And yes, it is sort of filler-ish, though I did manage to push in a bit of character development along the way...well, I tried. Not a very funny chapter, unfortunately. Gah. Hope you guys won't be too disappointed. It should get better next chapter, when I come to the scene I want to write. XD


Chapter 4

Reina was fishing. At least, the fishing rod was propped in front of her, the line cast out into relatively calm waters of a darkened sea. The girl herself was leaning against a small, flat rock, her cap pulled over her face, apparently asleep. Her harpoon lay handy by her side. The rest of the crew were either on the ship itself, or hanging out on the rocky outcroppings of the secret cove they were currently at. Most were sleeping, but there would always be at least one person awake, always watchful. Such was the life of a pirate, to be ever watchful...or die an early death.

The moon was out, only a small sliver of it, and the only lights in miles around were from the oil lamps swinging from various parts of the pirate ship. They were at anchor, within a complex reef formation that most ships didn't dare enter due to the fear of ripping out the bottom of their ship on some hidden crag underwater. Yuko had mapped that area out several years ago, so she knew exactly where all the hazards were, and thus this was a relatively safe place for them to hide from any pursuers, especially when they couldn't go to certain harbors for fear of being captured as pirates. The neutral harbors didn't usually care, and certainly not the pirate-run ones, but some of the ports had garrisons stationed nearby, and most sensible pirates avoided them like the plague. After all, it didn't make sense to go running headlong into imperial soldiers when one had a sizeable bounty on one's head.

It had been an eventful week since their first raid on the slave ship. It appeared to be a busy season for the slavers, or so it seemed. They had run into, and boarded, 2 other slave ships, and had gained quite a bit of loot from the gold aboard the ship. The slaves they didn't need, so they simply set them free and left them to their own devices.

It was not always easy to raid those ships though. The last one they had boarded carried a large number of mercenary guards, and unlike the usual second-raters, these were actually making a decent attempt at earning their pay. It had been a long and ferocious battle, and while they had eventually overcome the defense, they had sustained quite a few injuries to their own.

Mari had a fairly nasty stab wound in her side, and Yossi was limping after spraining her ankle when she was knocked off her feet. Miki had suffered a glancing blow across the back of her head, the gash bleeding profusely, though the injury barely slowed the ferocious woman down in the wake of her receiving it. In fact, she instead headbutted the man who had hit her, disemboweling him and yanking his intestines out with a vicious twist of her knives, and then passing out not long afterwards from the concussion. Had the twins not fought their way to her side in time, Miki would surely have lost her life then.

The crew of the Red Dawn had been badly bloodied and bruised after that encounter, and although the plunder was plentiful that time, they had to retreat to this reef formation to lick their wounds for the time being. Kei and Kaori did their best to tend to all their injuries, but it would be a while before they were fighting fit again.

Miki was getting restless. Kei had sternly told her to stay still and rest as much as possible, since head wounds were tricky ones. But the young pirate hated the whole idea of being told to stay still. Sure, she could happily not move out of her bed for days, but not when she was ordered to. Besides, there was only so much inactivity one could take without going mad first.

Miki pondered her choices. One, she could stay still and not move. Two, she could sneak out and poke around the reef. The second one would undoubtedly earn her a resounding lecture from the "doctors" of the ship, but since when did Miki ever care about these things? Besides, she was sure Kei was just being paranoid. The woman probably needed to get laid, Miki concluded. She was far too antsy and naggy for her own good.

Poking her head cautiously out of her cabin, she let her eyes accustom to the dimness of the outside before proceeding any further. The deck was empty, and the sound of the waves making a soothing sound to her ears. It was a beautiful night, truly. Miki liked being out at sea, especially at moments like these. Not a soul in sight for hundreds of miles, except for those of her crewmates, but Miki had no doubt about the fact that their souls were all badly tarnished. None of them were angels, not even Makoto, who looked perfectly harmless with her girl-next-door image. Had Miki not seen for herself the way that placid-seeming girl had casually set another ship on fire, she wouldn't have believed it either.

Holding on to the doorframe to steady herself, Miki stood upright for what seemed like the first time in days (well, actually it was only less than 24 hours) and stretched. Her head was still throbbing stubbornly, but Miki wasn't going to back down just because of that. She was going to explore a bit, and nothing was going to stop her, least of all a persistent headache.

Weaving about unsteadily, the normally confident pirate staggered out, cursing softly under her breath her own weakness. Luckily no one else was out here, she would have hated to let them see her in this state. Maybe Kei had been right and she needed the rest...but like hell she would listen.

Making her way slowly to the side, she paused as she saw something interesting. It was, as she had noticed earlier, too warm and stuffy inside her cabin. Evidently, she wasn't the only one to have made that observation.

The twins were sleeping in a corner out on the deck, Kago using Tsuji as a pillow, the older girl leaning against some piled up sacks while holding her partner-in-crime close within her arms. That position couldn't have been the most comfortable for Tsuji, but Miki could clearly see the content expression on both their faces. It was all rather cute, but Miki would never have been caught admitting it in broad daylight. Heck, the fact that she was even thinking about it must signal some sort of lingering aftereffect from her head wound. Otherwise she couldn't have been so soft as to...

The growl rumbled away in her throat even as she found herself walking unsteadily across to the soundly sleeping twins, and actually leaning down to pull the fallen blanket up around the two of them. Had Miki been in a more self-aware state, she would have been horrified by her own actions. But feeling woozy at this point, Miki couldn't quite gather up the energy to be the cold and aloof creature she was renowned to be. All she vaguely thought was that the two would catch cold without the blanket and...

Now now, put on the blankets...don't be getting sick now~

Feeling a sudden hot pain sear through the back of her head, Miki clutched the railing she was holding tighter, squeezing her eyes shut. Where had that come from? Disgusted by her own weakness, she pushed that voice, that memory, away, and resolutely set off to explore the reef.

Behind her, Nono opened one eye slowly, watching Miki climb over the rail and off the ship. A small smile curved the teen pirate's lips. Best not let Miki know that she knew what the other had done. Miki might be tempted to feed her to the sharks just to erase the evidence of her kindness. Closing her eyes, she pulled Aibon nearer to her, careful not to disturb the other girl's peaceful sleep. She would most definitely get a backache sleeping like this in the morning, but if her best friend was comfortable...well, nothing mattered more than that.

Aibon made a funny noise and snuggled her face deeper in Nono's chest, eliciting a surprised yelp and a faint blush from the older "twin". Sighing softly, she tried to get comfortable and fall asleep as well. It was going to be a long night.

The fishing pole trembled ever so slightly, hardly noticeable in the dark. It twitched again, jumping up a little. A pale hand suddenly seized it, yanking it up and reeling the caught fish in. The hat fell off and rolled onto the rocky ground next to the flat rock. Reina smirked as she pulled in a large fish almost as long as her own leg. One reason why she loved fishing around the reef here.

Unhooking the still frantically flopping fish, Reina casually tossed it into a dugout hole in the ground next to her that she had filled with water. It was already half full with large fish that was to be their breakfast in the morning. The reason she kept them alive was to ensure that they would be fresh in the morning. Being quite literally born and raised at sea, Reina knew how best to survive at sea. She could fish with a pole, haul them in with a net, spear them with a harpoon, or even catch them with her bare hands, if it really came down to that.

A movement somewhere off to the left behind her. Reflexively, Reina picked up her harpoon and hurled it without a second thought. There was a startled oath, followed by a familiar voice uttering all sorts of vulgarities degrading everything from her intelligence, her personality, to her ancestors and her probable descendants. Reina blinked. She hadn't even heard of some of those insults, and she had been raised around foul-mouthed people all her life.

An irate Miki stomped up to her, holding her precious harpoon with a grip that threatened to break the weapon in half. Thankfully, that weapon was well made, intended to survive spearing even creatures the size of whales, but Reina knew that Miki could and would probably find a way to destroy it. She decided she had to find a way to apologise to the other woman before Miki decided to shove her own weapon up her ass.

"Ano...Fujimoto-san..." Her voice came out squeakier than she intended, and inwardly she cringed at the sound of own voice. Tanaka Reina did not sound like that. She refused to be intimidated by a wounded woman who happened to be holding her favorite weapon.

"Give me a good reason not to shove this up your ass, Tanaka." Miki managed to sound rather menacing despite her condition, although it didn't have quite the usual frosty bite that could effectively send lesser men into shock just by listening to it. Reina swallowed nervously, then took a deep breath and stood up. She was shorter than Miki, but she refused to be cowed by the other woman, and stared straight back into Miki's eyes.

"It was a mistake. Don't sneak up on me when I'm on watch." Her tone came out more confident than she actually felt, but Reina was remembering something Yossi had told her before. Don't show weakness in front of Miki, she'd only exploit it. Well, Yossi had better be right. Reina mentally braced herself to be skewered by her own harpoon, even as she bravely met Miki's eyes and refused to look away. More like was unable to. That woman's eyes were disturbingly hypnotic.

Their locked gazes lasted for god knows how long, but it was suddenly broken by a satisfied smirk. Reina fumbled a bit when Miki tossed her harpoon back, her fingers slipping a little before she found her grip back, clutching it close. The demon woman stalked over to her catch, eyeing it with a certain hungry approval.

"Looks like you have some skill Tanaka." The voice was gruff, but Reina knew a compliment when she heard one. And one coming from the fearsome Fujimoto Miki? Reina couldn't help but wonder if that head injury had managed to alter Miki's personality somehow. She didn't voice that though. Changed or not, an injured tiger was still an injured tiger. She rather not risk it and start pushing her luck or something.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" It was impudent, just a little, but it was very much like her to say it. Miki smirked. "Since when did I listen to that old hag?"

Reina stifled a chuckle. Miki could be funny when her sarcasm wasn't aimed at oneself. Reina felt a certain similarity between her and Miki's personalities somehow, but she wasn't quite sure where. Maybe it was the attitude...

"Pfft, I'm bored. Nothing to do around here. Yuko's going to finish all the rum around here, so I can't even get drunk right now." Miki complained as she flopped down on the rock that Reina had been resting on previously. Reina shrugged, leaning on her harpoon to take the pressure off her wounded leg. She had been slashed across the thigh, not too deep, but it still hurt when she walked. Miki eyed her shorter comrade, and made a bit of space of the rock.

Reina gaped at the suddenly semi-friendly Miki, who was currently poking the caught fish in the hole. Did she really hit her head hard enough to switch personalities? Or had someone kidnapped the real thing and put an imposter as a replacement? She was briefly tempted to whack the other girl on the head just to check her reaction, but common sense (and instinct for self-preservation) kept her from doing so. She was still staring, when Miki very slowly and deliberately turned her head to stare right back. Reina started backwards a bit at that, but decided to just go with the flow and sit down next to Miki.  

The two sat in silence for a while, before Reina decided she might as well start fishing again while waiting out her guard shift. Miki wasn't paying attention to her, her eyes half closed and head cocked to one side, as if listening to something that only she could hear. Reina shrugged. It wasn't often that Miki wasn't being confrontational and grumpy, so she might as well enjoy the moment a little. That is, until she felt cold fingers slip under her shirt...

Reina nearly jumped off the rock, but ended up sliding off it instead, and landed with a thump on her butt. The impact jarred her wounded thigh, making her hiss as pain arced up her thigh. The pole she was holding slipped out of her hands when she clutched at her wound, wincing.

"Are you alright?" Miki sounded almost genuinely concerned for once, but one could sense the darkly teasing undertone in her voice. Reina shivered when the older girl leaned in, far too close for her liking, almost breathing into her ear. What the hell is wrong with Fujimoto?! Her mind screamed in panic as it frantically tried to process the dual sensations of hot breath against the sensitive skin of her ear, and the icy cold fingers reaching under her shirt, drawing slow circles on the small of her back, moving higher and higher...

A sudden, evil chuckle, and everything stopped. Reina slumped forward, her breath coming hard, and her heart jumping around like crickets in mating season. Already she felt that positively demonic presence of her fellow pirate depart almost as abruptly as she had appeared. Damnit, caught off guard by that devilish woman! She was no innocent herself, but there was something about Miki's aura...

Dangerous. That woman was evil. Pure evil. No doubt about it. And to think that she had thought that she was being nice for once...!

A familiar admonition made by Mari came back to her. Do not trust Fujimoto Miki. Especially when she's bored.

Damn straight. Reina tried to resist the urge to scream out curses at the uncaring sea in front of her.

Over on the ship, behind the captain's cabin, Yossi was awkwardly sprawled out on the deck, leaning against a barrel, a bottle of rum she had managed to filch from Yuko's stores in her hand. Next to her, Mari, who had stubbornly insisted on moving around despite literally having a hole in her side, was half-leaning against Yossi's shoulder while staring blankly up at the night sky. It was too painful to sleep, so the two had decided to try and get drunk together instead.

Yossi passed the bottle over to Mari, who absently took a swig from it and passed it right back. They had been doing that since 5 bottles ago. In the distance, they thought they heard someone swearing at the top of their lungs. Mari burped.

"Ya hear that?" Yossi slurred, pointing somewhere in the general direction of her foot. Mari squinted short-sightedly at the planks of the deck. "Nu-uh..." The pint-sized pirate giggled almost childishly.

Yossi took a long drink from the rapidly emptying bottle, draining it dry at one go, then tossing the bottle aside. The crash of shattering glass made Mari frown sleepily as she groped the air around Yossi's hands for the already gone bottle. "Gimme..." The smaller woman growled aggressively. Yossi made an incoherent sound, trying to fend off Mari's hands, when the First Mate suddenly rolled over onto Yossi, her face moving closer to the confused Yossi's...

...and then promptly passing out. The conked out Second Mate muttered random obscenities in a garbled way, before she too, succumbed to the pull of sleep.

Morning came more quickly than anyone had anticipated. As expected though, Yossi and Mari had ended up with massive hangovers, as they didn't have quite the alcohol tolerance of Yuko herself. Reina was doing a fair impression of Miki on a bad day, with her scowl and death glares in Miki's general direction whenever the latter was within sight. Nono did have backache at first, but after Aibon noticed and decided to do an inpromptu massage, Nono ended up in bed with a worried Aibon cuddling close to her and apologising profusely. Miki was doing her best innocent look when Kei sternly asked if she had moved from her cabin at all the night before. Yuko actually managed to look less drunk, probably since her First and Second Mates had managed to pilfer the last few bottles of her stock. Makoto and Kaori were probably the only ones who looked like normal...or as normal as they could ever be.

Clearing her throat, Yuko addressed her motley crew of pirates, who were mostly not paying any attention to her in the first place.

"....blah blah...resupply...blah...port...blah blah...trouble blah....understand?" Everyone nodded even if they didn't know what they were agreeing to. Yuko didn't care. They would figure it out on the way.

"Ahoy mateys, let's get a move on!"


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« Reply #38 on: March 11, 2007, 07:44:07 PM »
Miki couldn't quite gather up the energy to be the cold and aloof creature she was renowned to be. All she vaguely thought was that the two would catch cold without the blanket and...

Now now, put on the blankets...don't be getting sick now~
Yay for sweet Miki!

"Are you alright?" Miki sounded almost genuinely concerned for once, but one could sense the darkly teasing undertone in her voice. Reina shivered when the older girl leaned in, far too close for her liking, almost breathing into her ear.
...and horray for the entrance of gropey-Miki!!! XD

I'm really enjoying this fic, Estrea. I'm terribly curious where you're going to take it...

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« Reply #39 on: March 11, 2007, 07:44:51 PM »
It was cute seeing how they would spend their day resting <3 So peaceful...

I got slightly confused at one point, but it could be just me xD So if I read correctly, Miki was groping everyone's favorite wonky-eyed sea-woman? xD As much as I love to see Aya and Miki pair off in this story, Miki and Reina should suffice for now :]

And seeing Miki being nice is a lovely thing to see too <3! She's potentially a good character to work on developing over the story from what I see so far of your writing <3

-pats hardhat- <3

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