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Author Topic: ~ame's SS~ Time After Time - Chapter 4 (NTako) [31.12.2017  (Read 17575 times)

Offline ametakarano

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~ame's SS~ Time After Time - Chapter 4 (NTako) [31.12.2017
« on: September 03, 2015, 11:52:24 AM »
MINNA-SAMA! I, Takarano Ame, presents to you my short stories thread.  :heart:

This is where I'll be dropping off my precious short stories.



Alice's Mischief (Rena X Kei/Yuki/Jurina) [SEE BELOW]
Time After Time

Alice’s Mischief
(Rena X Kei/Yuki/Jurina)

Chapter 01

“Rena-sama…” A voice called from behind. The pale girl with the long, black hair remained unmoved in her high-back chair.

The one who called her is a tall lady with long, straight, jet black hair. She walked towards the front of the seated girl named Matsui Rena.

“My lady called for me that’s why I’m announcing my presence…” Jonishi Kei said as she bowed Before Rena.

“Very well, Keicchi…” Rena smiled slyly. “Anyways, I’m wondering where my other two dolls are loitering by now…”

“Yours truly didn’t know where they might be…” Kei answered straight-forwardly. “Would you like me to search and fetch them for you?”

“No need, Kei… They’ll be here soon. I can sense it.”

After Rena said that, the door swung open and another girl entered the dim lit room…

The newly-arrived girl, who is the eldest of Rena’s three so-called dolls, is named Kashiwagi Yuki. She shyly entered the room.

“G—gokigenyou, Rena-sama… Forgive me for my tardiness.”

“Explain why.” Rena said with an unforgiving voice.

Yuki was afraid. She didn’t want seeing Rena upset. “I—I ran into some old friend whilst I was going here and she started talking about so many—”

“Enough. I don’t want to hear it anymore.”

Rena was totally upset.

The girls glanced at each other, exchanging worried looks.

“Change into your costumes now.” As she stood up, Rena said with a superior voice.

Yuki and Kei had seen it coming.

So, they started walking out of the dim lit room with slow steps – leaving Rena there all alone…

The two girls headed to their dressing room. Upon entering, they can already see lots of sexy, bunny costumes hanged on the clothes’ rack.

Keicchi let out a sigh as she grabbed a piece of cloth. “I wonder where she is…”

“Ah, Jurina-chan? I don’t have any idea…” Yuki grabbed a costume, too.

The two girls started undressing themselves and putting on the clothes made of light materials and frills and laces everywhere…

Then, they looked at each other…

They looked miserably pitiful wearing those sexy costumes…

It has been like this for almost two weeks already…

The three of them have been Rena’s dolls… She, doing everything she wanted without any complaints from them.

They knew that they were just toys in Rena’s eyes…

But none of them had the courage to leave her. And the reason why…? It was obvious. They were obviously in love with Matsui Rena.


Rena was waiting inside her large play room, a special room adjacent to her own bedroom.

She composed herself. She had been really quite moody these past few days…

She was lost in deep thought when she heard few soft knocks on the wooden door.

“Come in…” She said, keeping up a stoic face.

Yuki and Kei both entered the room with racing hearts. Rena’s eyes scrutinized almost every exposed part on their body. Both felt like melting before Rena’s cold gaze…

“Keicchi… Have a seat right here…”

Kei did what she was told to do.

“Yukirin… I want you to lie on the bed.” Yuki was as nervous as hell. She laid herself on the bed. “No… Lay on your stomach.”

She turned to lie on her stomach… Rena went over a cabinet. She pulled out the drawer and reached for something inside…

Kei’s eyes widened when she saw it… and so did Yuki’s.

“Rena-sama… Wha—”

“Silence, Keicchi.”

The thing Rena was holding was a whip.

“My dear Yuki… Forgive me but…”Rena traced the whip along the back of Yuki’s thigh up to her back. “I’m going to punish you for your tardiness…”

Yuki shut her eyes closed as she felt the object ran through her body. “Rena-sama… I—I’m sorry…” She pleaded.

But Rena didn’t answer to Yuki’s pleading. Instead, she aimed the whip high in the air…

“Rena-sama! Please don’t—” Kei protested but she was stopped by Rena’s deadly glare.

“I said be quiet, Keicchi.”

She then proceeded back on her target. Yuki closed her eyes and silently prayed that Rena will not continue what she’s planning to do.

Again, she aimed the whip high up in the air.

But before it landed on Yuki’s soft white skin, the door banged open.


It was her third doll, Matsui Jurina. The short-haired, young girl stood there. “We need to talk.”

She went and gripped Rena’s wrist, dragging her out of the room. The two other girls sighed of relief. Thanks to Jurina, Yuki didn’t have her punishment.

Meanwhile, Jurina dragged Rena into the latter’s own bedroom.

“Rena-sama… I quit!” Jurina started what she wanted to say.

Rena wasn’t saying anything as she sat on the edge of her bed. She just stared at Jurina with dark blank eyes.

“Are you listening? I said I don’t want to be your doll anymore, Rena!”

“Oh, really?” Rena swiftly grabbed the edge of Jurina’s shirt, tugging it towards her. The action caused the girl to lose her balance and fall, seating right at Rena’s lap.

The latter took advantage of the situation and embraced Jurina.


“Are you sure you wanted to quit…?” Rena said this as her hands traced along Jurina’s tummy.

The young girl gasped. Rena’s touch never fails to make her knees weak.

Rena moved her face close to Jurina’s ears. “I need your answer, Jurina… Do you really want to quit…?”

Jurina cannot answer. Rena’s warm breathing tickles her skin.

Jurina gasped once again when she felt Rena’s hands trailing up, closer and closer to her chest.

“R—Rena… S—stop.”

But Rena pretended not to hear Jurina’s pleading. Her hand caressed Jurina’s now developed mounds.

“Are you sure… that you want to quit?”

Rena just repeated her question. Jurina cannot think clear, especially with Rena’s hands distracting her.

Rena’s actions were turning Jurina on…

She can clearly see that the young girl was containing her moans.

Rena was enjoying this. She loved watching girls getting aroused. But she loved it better when girls were being teased, being left on the edge just as they were fully turned on. She loved those disappointed and quite pissed look on a girl’s face – it looked so pitifully lovely.

But she had no mercy.

That was her nature…

She wanted to see more of Jurina’s aroused state so she moved her lips close to Jurina’s neck. She kissed it lightly.

The light contact lingered on Jurina’s skin, bringing electric impulses on her body.

She bit her lower lip to suppress the moan that almost accidentally slipped out of her mouth.

Rena isn’t getting what she wanted. That’s why she roughly kissed and sucked Jurina’s sensitive neck while she continues massaging her breasts…

Jurina cannot take it anymore. The lovely torture Rena was giving her makes her heart race and her knees turn to jelly. A soft moan escaped from her when the older girl lightly bit on her neck.

At last, Rena got what she wanted… but she needed to hear more! So, she continued her pace, pressing her body closed to Jurina’s. Another moan echoed in the room – much audible than the first one. Jurina’s hands arbitrarily gripped on the bed sheet. The pleasure she was getting was too torturous.

“I—I need to… stop her!!” Jurina thought to herself.

Rena felt Jurina gently arching her back. This is exactly what she wanted…

“Stop.” Jurina held Rena’s wrists and moved it away.

“Ooooh… So you’re resisting now?” Rena crossed her arms.

Jurina stood up and faced Rena.

“Why are you doing this, Rena?!”

“Because I wanted to.” Rena’s cold stare pissed off Jurina. “I’ll ask you one thing, Jurina… Why did you agree… and come with me in the first place?”

The question almost left Jurina speechless. “Because I…”

“You wanted this, too, right—”

“No! You don’t understand anything, Rena!”

“I perfectly understand. You are my little doll, Jurina…”

Rena showed no emotion at all. There came a hint of sadness on Jurina’s eyes.

“I—I loved you, Rena…”

Rena, after hearing that, almost had her mouth gaped open.


“I loved you, Rena. Back then.”


Jurina didn’t move at all. She just stood there with a fired up glare.

“I said leave me alone!”

Rena was now totally mad. Jurina did turn to leave the room, banging the door close and leaving Rena with a confused mind.

“She loved me? That can’t be true. Nobody loves me – nobody ever will.”


That's it, for now.

I'll post the next chapter maybe next week.

I'll appreciate your comments, minna-sama. Thank you~  :on slopkiss:

Offline ChibiRine

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Very interesting and cute. :glasses:

Waiting for the next update~ :mon bye:


君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

Offline niineechan

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Sado Rena!!  :twisted: :twisted:
Rena x harem!! :fap :fap
Love it!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
You made me fly to heaven~~~~
:mon angel:

Offline KashiwagiRena

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THIS IS INTERESTING!!usually i read about J x harem but this R x harem!! :inlove: :inlove:

Offline sastio13

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i dont know what to comment
S&M theme with Rena x harem....
 :on bleed:
“She loved me? That can’t be true. Nobody loves
me – nobody ever will.”
i pity you
Yo, i'm sastio! i like to read fanfics! :)
a silent reader :grin:

Oshi: Shinoda Mariko,
Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena, Yagami Kumi, Okada Nana, Shinobu Mogi, Thalia, etc.
overall, i like all members hehe

every pairing is fine, as long as i enjoy :)

Offline ametakarano

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hi, minna-sama!

thanks to all who left a comment! ChibiRine, niineechan, KashiwagiRena, and sastio13:deco:

uwaaaah. i'm very much sorry for being away for so long. at last, i finally have posted an update!  :peace: :panic: :sweatdrop:

Chapter 02

(Kei’s POV)

A day have passed since Rena-sama locked herself inside her room… She doesn’t want to talk to any of us. I wonder… will she be fine?

“Keicchi! Are you ready yet?!” Akarin’s loud voice called from outside my room.

I quickly put my things inside my bag and opened the door.

“You know… it’s weekend today so we can’t afford to be late! There’ll be lots of customers for sure!” Akarin began firing her words again. I just smiled at her and dragged her out of our shared apartment.

Yes, we live in the same apartment. She is my best friend since grade school and for many years, she had been my confidant. We’re like sisters… I would love it if she was my real sister.

Akari and I strolled downtown to the bakery where we work.

“By the way, Keicchi… You haven’t talked to me where you’ve been going these past two weeks…” She began asking.

It surprised me actually, about her questioning me of some things. Yes, I haven’t told her anything about Rena…

But… how can I tell her…?

I don’t really know how to.

“Oi, oi, oi, Keicchi!” She waved her hand in front of my face.

“Well…” I scratched the back of my head and diverted my eyes to the ground. “I—I’ve met a new friend…”

“Oh… Really?” For a moment, she had a surprised look on her face but she managed to quickly regain her normal face expression back. “I didn’t expect that… Anyways, why haven’t you told me? And who is this new friend of yours?”

I gulped… wondering where to start. I’m lucky we’re almost at the bakery. “I’ll tell you later… We’re almost here.”

“Oh, yes! We came just in time…” She said as she glanced at her watch. “You’ll tell me later, okay? Let’s go!”

The day passed by slowly. Akarin kept on bugging me all day asking me about my so-called new friend. I had her wait until we finally arrive back home…

As soon as we settled ourselves to the soft couch, Akari started bugging me again.

“Keicchi… Oi, Keicchi…”

“Hai… Hai…” I gave up already. I just hope she’ll understand me. “Well… do you remember Matsui Rena?”

“Matsui Rena… Hm… You mean our school mate when we were still at high school… She’s your new friend?”

I nodded. “Rena was the top student back then, if you can remember…”

“Yeah! The really quiet and quite a loner… It’s weird… You know back them there’s a rumor that she’s a creepy sadist!” She blurted out.

“Well, personally… I really like her since before…” I said.

“You don’t care if she really is a sadist?!”

“Well… That rumor is in fact, true.”

“What?! W—what do you mean?!” She stared at me with wide-opened eyes.

“Akarin…” Her eyes begged for an explanation, I can clearly tell. It triggered me to come out in the open. She’s my best friend and we promised not to keep secrets from each other… That’s why… I’m obliged to tell her about this… “I’ll tell you everything now.”


Almost two weeks ago…

Akari’s sick. I need to buy her some medicines and other stuff. It was past midnight already… Too lucky that few blocks from here lay a convenient store opened 24-hours a day. I grabbed my jacket and a cap and headed outside…

It was definitely a breezy evening…

The cool wind gushed almost ghastly, making all my exposed body parts freeze in the cold.

In a few minutes, I’ve reached the convenience store…

There are totally few customers: a long-haired teenage girl (too bad I didn’t see her face), a middle-aged am whom I suppose was a construction worker mainly because of his body built, and myself. This scenario didn’t really surprise me. In fact, I was more or less prepared because of the pepper spray inside my jeans’ pocket…

I bought everything that I needed. After doing so, I headed back home…

It was weird… I fancy hearing footsteps behind me. That’s why I turned my head and saw that there’s someone following me.

It is the man from the convenience store. I picked up my pace and walked faster. But the man did the same! I’m now certain that he’s following me! My heart thumped loudly as the distance between us shrunk…

Help! Someone please help me!!

I started running. It was when I was approaching a junction road that someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me, hiding both of us in the darkness.


“Silence.” She whispered. I’m sure that it is a girl’s voice. She covered my mouth with her soft hand.

From our position, we can see the man run, looking for me. He looked everywhere but failed to see me. Pissed, he stomped his feet and marched away.

The girl let go of me.

I breathe out a sigh of relief. “That was close… Anyways, thank you—”

The light slowly illuminated the girl’s face. It was more than a familiar face. It was someone I look up to, back then…

“Matsui-san…” I muttered.

“It’s dangerous strolling alone at midnight.” She stared at me. “You look familiar.”

“W—we attended the same high school… I’m Jonishi Kei…”

“Oh, yeah… I remember you. You’re the drummer of the school band, right?”

I nodded.

“Why are you still at the street at this hour?” Rena asked me. I explained to her why I was and asked her the same thing she asked me.

“I went to buy some food. I forgot to eat dinner. Anyway, my house is just around the corner.” She pointed at a dark road. I can’t see clearly where she’s pointing at. “Do you want to come over and have tea?”

“I’m sorry if I’m going to decline your invitation. I need to hurry home. My friend’s alone. Maybe sometime, I’ll make up to you… and thank you properly.”

Rena accepted my apology and smiled. “Sure. We’ll see each other again…”

We went on separate ways. I looked back at her as she was slowly being hidden beyond the vast darkness of the horizon…

That night passed very slowly. Rena’s image kept on flashing back on my mind, keeping me awake all night…

The following morning, I went to work alone. I suggested to Akarin that she should stay at home and rest…

The day went the same just like the usual, but after we closed the shop and was about to go home, I saw someone. Yes, it is Rena-sama…

“Ah! Jonishi-san… We’ve met again.”

“Yeah… I’m about to go home…”

“You want to hang-out for a while…?”

I checked my watch. It’s still a bit early… Well, I’ve already phoned Akari to check out on her, so I guess it’s fine…

“Sure…” I smiled at her and she smiled back. Whoa! She’s really pretty!

“Would you mind coming over to my house? I have some really good tea and homemade cake…” She invited.

“O—Okay.” When those brown orbs stare at you, you won’t be able to reject Rena-sama’s invitation.

She held my wrist and lightly dragged me along. Her hands are unusually warm, totally contrasting her cold personality… or maybe I just really don’t know her well…

We walked and arrived at her house within a short journey. It was really huge and quiet. Rena told me that she lives here alone…

“Are you not afraid?” I asked her.

“Why would I be afraid? I’m perfectly capable of living alone.” She said.

She showed me around her house, perhaps calling it a mansion would be appropriate.

Reaching the end of the hallway, we stood in front of a large door.

“And this is my…” My eyes gawked in amazement as she pushed the door open.


Rena and I were both shocked to see someone inside.

“Why are you… here?”

“Rena-sama… I wanted to…” The girl named Yuki lowered her voice and glared at me. “…surprise you.”

Yuki was wearing frilly clothes which I think was made of really light materials. She was a real beauty and her curves are almost reaching perfection.

Rena let out a sigh. “Come on. Let’s have something to eat while we chat…”

We went out of the large hall and walked back to the living room. Yuki and I sat facing each other. Rena went to the kitchen to prepare the tea and cake.

“I’m Jonishi Kei…” I said, finally breaking the ice. “Yoroshiku ne.”

“I am Kashiwagi Yuki. Yoroshiku.”

“May I ask something, Kashiwagi-san?”

“You are already asking something, Jonishi-san…”

“Oh, yeah… I’m curious… How are you related to Matsui-san?”

“Me…? I am Rena-sama’s—”

Yuki hasn’t finished what she was about to say because Rena came inside the room. It was her who finished Yuki’s words.

“She is my… personal doll.”

“W—what do you mean—”

“I’ll explain. Here, have something to drink…” Rena offered me a cup of orange pekoe tea and a plate of coffee cake.

“Thank you…” I took a sip from the cup and the tea really tastes good. Rena was smiling mischievously at me.

Yuki looked bothered. I’m quite confused.

“You liked it? I personally brewed them and ad…” I don’t know why, but it felt like I can’t hear her. “…xtra speci…” My vision was blurry, too. “…are you okay, Kei-chan?”

“I—I’m feeling a bit… diz… zy—”

And then, neither I could see nothing nor feel anything anymore.

Black out.


thanks for reading!


Offline ChibiRine

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Hey now! This is superb! I bet Akari's jealous. :mon XD:

Waiting for the next update! :mon bye:


君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

Offline niineechan

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Hoho.. Bad Rena.. I believe she put something in Kei's drink. :kekeke:
No matter how long, i'll wait for the update. :mon determined:
Matta ne.... :on woohoo:

Offline key17

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sadistic rena is always interesting!!

i will wait for next chapter too :D

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline ametakarano

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~ame's SS~ Alice's Mischief - Chapter 3 (Rena X Kei/Yuki/Jurina) [30.12.2015]
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2015, 09:13:15 AM »
@ChibiRine; @niineechan; @key17: To those who commented~ Sorry if it took me too long to update, but here it is~  :kneelbow: :luvluv1:

Sorry for the really late update. But... I don't want to leave stories hanging, so please bear with me.

An update, finally!

Thanks for everyone who reads this... and my other fics too~

 :wigglypanda: :wigglypanda: :wigglypanda:

Alice's Mischief
Chapter 03

(Kei’s POV)

I woke up with the sight of Rena staring at me, it startled me actually. I was supposed to sit up the bed but I felt my wrists tied up on the bed posts.

A mischievous smile was once again painted on her face. It was then that I noticed that I wasn’t wearing any of my clothes before but it was rather the same as what Yuki wears. I looked at Rena unbelievably.

“Forgive me for not telling you what lies beyond my invitation, Keicchi…” Her cold hands reached for my cheeks and stroked it lovingly. “I want you to be my personal doll, too… Kei…”

She was staring at me intensely; it was as if her eyes were drawing me closer and closer. My lips felt dry and trembling; I need to moisten it. As if I was jinxed, I shifted my face closer to hers and pressed our lips together for quite a long time.

When I broke the contact, I remained staring deep into her eyes. She flashed a smile, a sadistic one. “I suppose that was your answer. Very well, Keicchi…”

And everything started there… I don’t even know why or how I agreed in the first place…

But almost every day after my working hours, I spend few of my remaining time with Rena. Yes, by being her doll and attending to what she wants…

Somehow, having her by my side was enough to satisfy my desire.

A week passed, Yuki and I were starting to become close, too. We talked about ourselves and also share the same feeling for Rena-sama…


Akari stared at me in awe until the end of my story… I don’t know what to make up about her reaction except for the fact that it really surprised her.

“Sorry if I didn’t tell you about this before…”I said, breaking the momentary silence among the two of us.

She didn’t say a word, though. It bothered me actually, to hear nothing from her.


She diverted her gaze away from me. “I wish I shouldn’t have asked you about this, Kei…”

She said in a very cold tone, which kind of surprised me.

“W—What do you mean…?” I asked her.

“Do you really… like her that much?” Asked Akari.

“Yes. I think so…” It was an honest answer from me.

She let out a light laugh before turning her head to look at me…

My eyes widened when I saw her face. Her eyes are reddish and she was biting her lower lip to control her tears. I didn’t expect this kind of reaction from her… but it somehow brought a pain on my chest.

“A—Akari… What’s wrong?”

But she just smiled; a bitter one.


“Akari… Hey…”

“T—This is nothing.” Her voice started to shake and her tears started to fall.

“Then why are you crying…?”

“I’m disappointed… of myself, Kei… I’ve kept this for so long… I love you.” She blurted out.

The revelation shocked me. Really.

Akari stood up, ran, and locked herself inside her room. I don’t know what to do right now. I don’t think she would want to talk to me again.

I went out of our apartment, and dialed a certain phone number.

Right now, things are quite bizarre.

(Yuki’s POV)

The evening is drawing near when I received a call from her. Her voice tells me that she was far from a good condition so I immediately asked her where she was at the moment.

“At the park.” She briefly answered; her voice still sounded a bit nasal which I assumed was due to crying.

“Wait for me… I’ll be there in a while, okay?” I heard her say yes before the call has been ended.

I grabbed my coat and rushed to the park where I found her seated on a swing.

“Keicchi…” I softly said as I approached her. She glanced up, letting our gazes meet.


Before I knew it, she was already in my arms, crying.

“Why? What’s the matter?”

Kei managed to compose herself. Each of us sat on a swing. She began to tell me what happened to her…

I can somehow relate to her…

“Now, the question is… who is more important to you?”

Kei just stared at me in silence.

“You don’t need to answer it right away… It’s just that…” I let out a sigh as I swung myself lightly, feeling the wind brush on my exposed limbs. “You need to figure out what or who you really wanted right from the start…”

“I—I can’t understand…” Said Kei.

I just smiled at her remark as I suddenly remembered my own same experience. “Maybe you were just seeking out for attention… and it happened that it was Rena-sama who can give it…”

“You mean…” She paused as if having doubts on continuing her words, but still proceeded anyway. “I’m just using Rena-sama… for my own self-satisfaction?”

“That could be—”

“Don’t tell me… you were—”

“Partly yes…” I guiltily nodded. “I found my long-time girlfriend cheating on me… I was very mad that time and I went to a bar to drink myself to death, that’s when I met Rena-sama… She approached me with her mysterious smile. I’m telling you, her eyes are somewhat hypnotic.”

I paused to take a breath then proceeded again. “She asked me right away if I’m willing to be her doll, and I accepted it… I know it was kind of selfish on my part… but it will be the way wherein I can get the attention I wanted. I never knew that I’ll come to like her, but as days passed I found myself wanting her, reaching for her somehow…”

“Did she know that?” Asked Kei.

“I told her about my past, but not about my true feelings for her…”

“Me too…” Kei said as her hair was being blown by the wind. “Did Rena tell you anything about herself?”

Shaking my head lightly, my lips curled into a little smile. “She was very secretive when it comes to her personal information… I couldn’t even ask her because I don’t like seeing her angry…”

Rena’s image flashed on my mind and it kind of made me sad somehow. I didn’t notice the tears that formed on the shore of my eyes and were now slowly flowing down my cheeks.

I look miserable but I don’t care. Kei soon broke down into tears again… That moment, we shared the pain of being attached to Rena.

“I wonder… did she even care for us?” She blurted out.

“I don’t know either…”

“But that doesn’t matter anymore, Yuki…” She wiped her tears away by her bare hands. “Do you still want to be like this? To live like this?”

The question left me speechless.

Can I? I don’t know. But I wouldn’t know if I don’t step up and do what I think is right… This time I might need to consider getting stronger by myself…

I shook my head as a smile appeared on my face. “No… Not anymore, Kei…”

She smiled back at me as she reached for my cheeks and gently wiped the tears away.

“We should stop this fantasy before this consumes us totally…” I know Kei’s words will be remembered forever…


Offline ChibiRine

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Akariiiiiiiin. :mon zoom:

That broke my heart. :depressed:

Yuki and Kei are finally woke up and realized their true feelings. :frustrated:

This fict is so good I can't even express what I want to feel and day. :mon XD:

Waiting for the next update! :mon bye:


君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

Offline key17

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haaaa!!!!! i'm forget about this fic! sorry!!!!
i wonder what'll happen to rena...
waiting for next chapter! don't make me wait too long, ok!

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline ametakarano

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Sorry, I haven't updated for moooonths. I'm really sorry...  :kneelbow:

But, yeah, I don't like dropping my stories without finishing them.

That's why, here's an update! At last, an update!

@ChibiRine and @key17: Thanks for the comments! And I'm really really sorry for taking it too long to update. Anyways, I hope you still follow this fic. And thank you very much!  :farofflook: :kneelbow:

I hope you enjoy this and please keep on supporting this fic!  :wigglypanda: :wigglypanda: :wigglypanda:

Alice's Mischief
Chapter 04

(Jurina’s POV)


Why does it have to hurt like this? Why am I feeling this way?

I hate it – this feeling…

It was like something was pinching the inside of the chest. And the worst thing is that I’ve been feeling this way since I left her side…

This is my decision. This is for my own happiness – for my freedom. But do I really desire this kind of freedom? I don’t know. I don’t really know.

Rena is the most important person to me…

We’ve been childhood friends inside the orphanage. She was older than me but the nuns there said that I have the same case as her. We were both left and found at the doorstep of the Matsui Orphanage. Because of that reason, I can somehow relate to her. We have been very close since childhood.

But the day came when a couple adopted her. They were a decent couple with high status in the society but the man wasn’t capable of having a child. That’s why they resorted to adoption so that they can have an heiress of their wealth.

I can still remember that lonely day…


“I don’t want to go. I want to stay by your side, Jurina…” Pleaded Rena with tears on her eyes. I, myself, am now crying for I’m sharing the same sentiments with her.

“But… This is your chance! You can have your own family, at last!” I said to her, still convincing her to go even though it was against my own will.

“But you’re my family, Jurina!”

Her words made me break into more tears.

“Demo… Rena-chan… You can now have your own mom and dad.” I articulated, trying my best to smoothen my all shaky voice.

“But that would mean that I wouldn’t have you.”

“You can always visit here! I’ll wait for you!”

“Promise?” With teary eyes, she showed me her pinky finger. I linked mine with hers and smiled.


A week passed but Rena never paid a visit. It was the time when a couple decided to adopt me. The legal processing had been very quick and after another week, I was already about to have my own family… I was supposed to be happy but ever since Rena left, I never even had a smile on my face…

Why didn’t she even visit me once?

We promised to each other…

I left without speaking a word to my co-orphans. Inside my heart, I’m hoping that Rena would even show up before my departure. But I just got my hopes down again. She never showed up.

Years passed but the memory of Rena didn’t leave my mind. I often dream about her. I never heard a thing from her until an unexpected event just a week ago…

I was walking home from school that warm afternoon when I passed by a new ice cream parlor along the street. It was very hot that day and I somehow craved for some cold sweets.

I entered the shop crowded with students and kids. I thought of buying something for takeout since I bet there wouldn’t be any empty seat left. I roamed my eyes and I was lucky enough to spot a table with only one person sitting. I ordered a strawberry-flavoured ice cream and ran to the table.

“Excuse me? Can I sit here?” I asked the girl who was reading a book.

“Sure.” She said. I don’t know why but I felt my heart skip a beat after hearing her voice. I shrugged the weird feeling off and sat on the spare seat in front of the girl. Her order was a chocolate parfait which has already melted since she was too much absorbed in reading a book entitled “And then there were none”.

“Never mind about her.” I said to myself before starting to dig into the eye-appealing pink dessert. I smiled after having the first taste of it.

“Strawberry-flavoured? You haven’t changed at all…” Said the girl. The voice gave me creeps and as I looked at her, my gaze has met a very familiar one. “Hisashiburi.”

“Masaka…” I dropped the spoon after realizing who she really is.

“That’s too clumsy of you, Jurina.”


I sat there, dazed at her until I felt my visions going black…

I opened my eyes only to see her face right in front of me. The blue sky adorned her innocent features as her fingers carefully stroked my hair. I blushed immediately after she flashed a gentle smile.

It has been years...

The passing time changed her features a bit. But she still has that gentle smile and deep eyes. I felt my heart racing when she leaned in close and spoke, "At last, you're awake."

"Yeah... W--What happened?"

"Didn't expect that you would faint after seeing me." She chuckled as she moved her face away. I sat up and took the empty space of the bench beside her... "It has been a really long time, Jurina."

"Yes. What happened to you for the last years?"

"Long story... Want to talk about it at my house?" Suggested Rena. I didn't reject the request and soon stood up after she did. The breeze felt a bit warm, I don't know why. Or was it my heart... Which has found its warmth again?

We took a bus as we reached the bus station. The whole ride has been quiet and all I can do was to stare at her, still trying to convince myself that what's happening isn't a delusion nor a dream. Everytime she catches my gaze towards her, she would always flash a smile. And that smile was enough to make my heart thump wild.

When we reached the last station, we got off the bus and walked several meters until a certain huge house came into view. "Is that your..."

"Yes. Let's hurry." She said before grabbing my wrist and dragging me to the building.

"It's so huge!" I said after staring at the whole house.

"Let's come inside?"

Rena opened the gate and then she held my hand as we walk inside. It was a bit dark inside and too quiet until I saw two girls walking to approach us.

"Okaerinasai, Rena-sama." They said in sync with a bow. The girls are wearing frilly maid costumes. They both glanced at me. I can say that those two are real hotties because of their nice bodies and bewitching smile.

"Tadaima, Yukirin and Keicchi." Said Rena. "By the way, I'm with Matsui Jurina. Jurina, she is Kashiwagi Yuki or Yukirin and this one is Jonishi Kei or Keicchi." She introduced me to the girls. They had a small smile for me and bowed.

"Yoroshiku.." I murmured.

"We'll get going. I'll talk to you two later." Said Rena which the two only responded with a bow. Without looking at me, we walked further along the hallway.

We entered her bedroom and she let me sit at the edge of her bed while she took the space beside me.

It was too quiet and I wanted to break the silence. "Who are those girls? Your maids?"

"Not really maids. I prefer to call them my dolls." Answered Rena.

"Ah.. So what happened to you since the last time we saw each other?"

"Well.. To make the long story short, I became the heiress of this mansion and a small company after both of my foster parents... died." Answered Rena without any emotion.

"Oh, I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to..."

"It's fine. People live and die. That's reality. And that's normal."

Then, silence consumed us again.. I was too anxious because I can feel my heart beating fast and I'm afraid that she might hear it. "But... why didn't you visit me at the orphanage Rena? If you did.. I might have told you my address and we might have been kept in touch of each other."

"We went to my foster parent's summer house for three weeks. I can't do anything to reach for you for that long time.. And when I came back to this town, I went to the orphanage only to find out about your departure."

"I was too lonely that you forgot about our promise."

She caressed the back of my hand and embraced me, whispering.. "That was a promise, our promise. How can I forget about it?"

My heart skipped a beat and I know I was blushing really red. "Rena-chan.."

"I want to ask you something, Jurina." She broke the embrace and stared at me with her deep brown eyes. She didn't wear a smile nor didn't exhibit sadness on her face.

"Do you want to be my personal doll?"


Sorry if it's a bit short..

But the next update will be the last chapter of this short story!  :sweat:

Thanks for reading... and please do comment.  :shy1:


Offline LuckyMatsui

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Excited for the next update Ame-chan  :twothumbs
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

Offline key17

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Ha~ Finally~
I'll wait for the last chapter! Thanks for updating XD

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline ametakarano

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@MatsuiLee & @key17: This is it!! The final chapter!!

Hope you enjoy!!

 :wigglypanda: :wigglypanda: :wigglypanda:

Alice's Mischief
Chapter 05

(Rena's POV)

"Do you want to be my personal doll?"

That stupid question.


And a more stupid answer...

I let out a sigh and stared at the ceiling. Why am I feeling like this -- pained, sad? It was long ago when I felt truly sad. It was a long time ago since I last cried. I don't even know why I'm shedding my tears!

I have been alone for a long time. Secretly, I wished that I never was adopted in the first place. That certain moment killed all the happiness inside of me.


"Where are we going?" I asked my foster mother as we rode the black, elegant car of his husband, my foster father.

"To our summer house." She replied with a very sweet smile. She was indeed beautiful, and has that air of elegance.

"When can I visit the orphanage?" I asked out of the blue.

"The orphanage? We just came from there and you want to visit it so soon already?" Said my foster father while continuing the driving.

"Yes. When?"

"You can't go there anymore, Rena. You're our child now."

What?! Just what did that white man said?!

"B--But.. I promised that I'll go visit Jurina."

"Forget about that already, Rena. Forget about her, about your past.." Added mom.

I wanted to complain but words can't seem to flow out of my mouth. How can I forget someone whom I shared my wonderful childhood? I bit my lip hard and squeezed my hand into a fist. The suggestion angered me but now that I'm already here, I can never go back again.

We spent three weeks at the summsr house where I did nothing but to snooze at the veranda where a cool breeze went to greet my cheeks always. I didn't get too close with my foster parents. I realized that they only adopted me so that they can have an heiress for all their wealth. I didn't feel like I was their child at all, I am nothing but a mere business partner to them.

Things went straight and normal for a year until one night...

I woke up in the middle of the night because I had a very bad dream. I got off the bed and went by the window, I looked at the dark horizon outside when something caught my eyes. Just by the corner of the garden, I saw my mother talking with another man. It clearly is not her husband because the man she was talking to has a bigger body build than father.

They are talking extremely close to each other until I saw the man leaned closer to mom and kissed her.

I was too shocked of what I saw that's why I turned away and shut my eyes close. Is this just a continuation of my dream? But I knew that it isn't because when I pinch my arm it felt painful. I tried to go back to sleep with a clouded mind.

Series of events passed and one day, when I arrived home from school. I saw lots of police cars and an ambulance parked in front of our house. I didn't really know what the matter was but then a police went over me and asked, "Are you Rena?"

I nodded as a reply then he held my wrist and walked me up to an empty police car.

"What happened?" I asked him but he just looked at me with a faint smile.

"Well, you see, I can't be the one to explain the situation to you...”

"Why not?"

"I can't explain too.. But please come with me. I'll have someone tell you everything."

"My parents... Where are them?"


Just before the officer tells something, a woman approached us. "Is she Rena?"

The officer nodded and the woman approached me. "You look smart. I know you've been asking him. I'll tell you everything, Rena-chan." Said the woman as she smiled at me.

The woman went inside the police car and sat beside me. "Where are my parents?"

"We already called an ambulance. Rena-chan, they were assaulted by a notorious criminal. Did you see anyone went by your house over the past days?"

I told him about the scene I saw late night last time then I posted another question. "Will they be alright?"

"That I can't say. For the meantime, we'll track them down to the hospital to see."

"Thank you.." I said to her as the car started.

Few moments passed and we arrived at the hospital only to find out that both of my foster parents died. I cried my eyes out..

Am I fated to be deserted?

Am I fated to be alone?

The officers and concerned people had done their best to take me into their custody. I'm glad that the head maid of the house decided to stick with me.

But since the head maid is getting really old, her children has taken her into their custody after a few years of serving me.

Then, I'm alone again.

I inherited plenty of money and got to finish my studies to run the company left to me. But then I met a guy...

He's an employee of my company and had been eyeing me since before. He was a bit older than me. We dated, yes, we did.. And had entered a relationship.

At first, it was happy.. I felt happiness. But then one day, he changed. He visited my house and we spent the whole day chatting, eating, and having fun. Until the night came, we were inside a room adjacent to my bed room. That is where I used to put my books and paintings. I was showing him my art works when he cupped my cheeks and kissed me.

He took my first kiss. His kisses became deep and rough and it was like leaving bruises inside my mouth. I know I didn't want this yet!

I resisted but he was too strong that all my efforts were put to waste. His hands roamed all over, touching and feeling my body.

And you know what happened next. He robbed me my purity. Not only that, with all the filthy things he has bestowed upon me. Not long then, he left me. Broken and humiliated.

From then on, I lived alone. Alone with my heart tarnished by filth. I hated the fact that everyone was leaving me...

I want to hurt someone. Somebody.

I want someone to feel this way, too.

Why did I end up like this?


Why is my fate like this?

Am I really fated to be this way? To feel all these loathe inside my heart?

But, nothing can relieve this until I dominate someone. I need to.

Then, I set out my plan. To find girls whom I can play with...

I met Yuki, then Kei...

Playing with their hearts and body sure did something good to me. But then, I happened to cross paths with Jurina, who had been my best friend before. I can still remember those cheerful eyes and the warm smile.

And I felt envious. She had always told me that she loved my eyes because they are brimming. But now, they look dull. I want to take away those brightness of her eyes and make it mine.

And I found my way to meet her...

"Excuse me? Can I sit here?"

But then, I felt my heart pound after hearing her voice. I shrugged off the feeling and told myself that I was just getting excited.

"Sure." I managed to speak, at least. But the pounding of my heart seems to be faster and louder. It is definitely hard to conceal the joy that the meeting brought.

And then when I showed my face, she fainted all of a sudden! I carried her out of the parlour and waited until she regains her conciousness.



I want you back.

This time I wouldn't fool myself.

(Third Person's POV)

Rena went to the trouble of going to the school Jurina was attending. She arrived there few hours before dismissal and waited long at the school gate. School girls have passed her way but she is certain that Jurina wasn't yet.

But then she caught sight of the lady. She walked towards her... but... Jurina was with another girl and they were holding each other's hands. She looked happy and Rena felt something pinching her heart.


Jurina's gaze landed upon Rena and she was more than surprised to see her. More than fury and loathe, she was more than happy to see Rena. But, one thing that she didn't expect was to see a stream of tears flowing from Rena's eyes.


Jurina realized her true feelings once more and as she was about to reach for her, Rena turned back and ran.

What should Jurina do? Let her go again?

Meanwhile, Rena felt the warm tears flowing down her cold cheeks. "Baka! You're stupid, Rena!"

She kept on running until a warm hand grabbed her arm.


The voice. It was none other than Jurina's.

Rena's heart skipped a beat when Jurina pulled her for an embrace.

"I love you, Rena."

The embrace was warm, and so are the words. Rena felt her cheeks getting hot.


She locked her gaze with hers. It was drawing her closer as she sealed it with a kiss.

"I have been in love with you since then. I'm stupid for not realizing it sooner."

"Rena... I'm so happy."

"Sorry for everything, Jurina. I hope you'll forgive me.."

"I will always, Rena. And it wouldn't stop me from loving you."

Jurina kissed her again this time. It was the sweetest kiss Rena ever had. She had given Jurina her truest heart and there wasn't any doubt or regret on it because she know that Jurina will take care of it.

At last, Rena felt the joy of being truly loved.


Please wait for the next short story. :)

Thanks for reading and I hope you liked it  :sweat: :sweat:

Comments, criticisms are accepted!! Please do so. It'll help me improve!  :on woohoo: :wriggly:

Shameless promotion..

If you have time, may you watch this vid of mine? I need comments to improve my performing skills. LOL

Offline key17

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It's short  :cry: but thanks for this chapter  :twothumbs
I will wait for your new work ;)

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline ametakarano

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~ame's SS~ Time After Time - Preview [14.07.2016]
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2016, 10:45:46 AM »
@key17: Thanks for reading~ :shy1:
Anyways, this thread is for short fics only so assume that it would have 5-10 chapters only.  :sweat:

@Miniju: Thanks to you, too.  :nya:

Anyways, I'll be back with another fic.  :whistle:

Sorry for not being able to update The Rosehouse Ladies and Marimite and Bloodstained, too.  :kneelbow:

I just am into this pairing right now.  :frustrated: :hee:

I hope you enjoy!!

 :wigglypanda: :wigglypanda: :wigglypanda:

Offline ametakarano

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~ame's SS~ Time After Time - Chapter 1 [15.07.2016]
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2016, 12:56:27 PM »
Minna-sama, here's my new story..

Time After Time

Chapter 01

New York City was once a dream to me. Yet here I am now, taking a stroll at the sidewalks of the famous metropolis. The streetlights make the place feel much livelier during the nights. My first few days of stay here somehow took my mind off the burdens of the life I lived back to my home. This really is why I went to New York City -- to forget.

I passed by a certain building where there is an ambiance of my country. I looked up at the signage where the word "Orient" came flashing. I decided to check out the place and found out that it was a bar...

"Maybe, I could go get some drink tonight..." I told myself. You know, a change of pace sometimes. I myself don't use to drink alcohol back then, except for rare occasions but I assure to drink in the minimal level. I never saw myself got drunk and I never plan to.

The room was half-filled with customers which are mostly Asians. Maybe they were looking for some place which can remind them of their home... I sat at the far-end of the counter and ordered some sake. I started drinking the oriental rice wine and the taste lingered on my mouth, making me feel nostalgic.

I can hardly believe that I've gotten this far in terms of my journey to oblivion. The memories are still clear to my mind as if things happened yesterday yet a month has already passed. My cheeks felt rather warm and I immediately wiped the small stream of tears. "No, you said you wouldn't shed a tear for that jerk, right?" I told myself as I took another gulp of the wine.

I ordered some sushi since I realized that I haven't eaten dinner yet. It was tasty, good enough to fill my empty stomach. I finished my food quickly and went back to my drink. The faint smell of an incense came through my senses when I started to feel a bit tipsy. A performer went into the tiny stage on a corner, really far from where I am. I tried recognizing the face but only a vivid image came on my sight. She sat by the chair and got her guitar in place. Might as well try listening to her, I muttered as I ordered more sake.

"Good evening, everyone.". Her voice was clear yet she still has that distinct accent when she started speaking. I noticed some people went near the stage and settled there to have a better spot to watch her.

"Maybe she's *hik* popular--" I muttered lowly.

"She sure is. She performs here regularly every Friday night." The bartender said to me as he handed me my drink.

"Oh, I see..." I said before looking back at the stage.

"I'm going to sing this song by Ms. Cindy Lauper. Please listen~"

The crowd applauded and cheered for her loudly. She smiled under the bright spotlight and started strumming her guitar. "Time After Time..."

Lying in my bed
I hear the clock tick and think of you

It seems that the lyrics made me remember something again. Why...?

Caught up in circles
Confusion is nothing new

Confusion. Yes, I am confused. Up until now. Why did that thing happened to me?

Warm nights
Almost left behind

Yet I was the one who was left behind.

Suitcase of memories
Time after
You picture me
I'm walking too far ahead

Too far, too far from you. But you don't care. You will never care even how much I go farther from you. If you will, then you wouldn't leave me in the first place. But though reality hurts this much, I need to accept my twisted fate.

You're calling to me
I can't hear what you've said

Are you? Or was it my imagination? Besides, why would you call out to me?

Then you say, Go slow
I fall behind
The second hand unwinds...

I felt my tears falling again. This time, they wouldn't stop. I drank the sake, emptying the cup and had another one but my teardrops started dripping one after another into the sake cup, mixing with the drink. Her song made me realize that I am not really over with my past. Even though how much I wanted to move on, I can't and I don't know why. I drank the sake mixed with my tears then I wiped again my cheeks before telling the bartender, "A glass of beer, please."

If you fall, I will catch you
I'll be waiting
Time after time...

I hope someone will be there to catch me if I fall. If there is, then I would want to fall for that someone right at this moment!

The bartender served me a glass of beer. I chugged down the beverage in just a few seconds. I ordered for some more and continued to drink until it was all empty. My heart seemed empty, too. And so does my brain. My head felt heavy and dizzy as I tried to stand up...

I tried to sit back, but then I lost my balance and fell over somewhere until I saw nothing more but darkness...

I woke up inside a familiar place.

"What the?!" I muttered, when I realized that I am inside my room back there at Japan. How the hell did this happen! I'm at New York now!!!

But the thought left my mind when I roamed my eyes and saw myself by the mirror, trying out the wedding gown we bought for my wedding. I looked really happy as I looked at my reflection on the mirror wearing the beautiful gown. I remembered imagining what my fiancé would say once he sees me like this...

I laughed at the foolish thought and walked to the door. I turned the knob and walked out but... the other side of the door lead me into the church.

The church where I had my heart broken severely...

I saw myself by the center of the aisle, crouched into the ground and looking blankly into the empty space, the bouquet of flowers torn by my side. All of the people were looking at me. They were as shocked as I am. His parents walked out of the church after saying way too many apologies to my parents and me... But their words don't seem to enter my ears.

I just sat there blankly when my parents walked into me and assisted me to walk. I walked out of the church, still bewildered... I watched myself walking out and it still felt painful.

I can still remember what happened when I got back home...

The memories were still clear. I cried buckets of tears and I even torn the wedding dress into tiny pieces then I burned it to ashes... But still the pain didn't go away. I locked myself in my room for maybe three weeks... But then my parents suggested that I go abroad to clear my mind. I accepted the offer and packed my bags and went to New York...

I can see my image from the past, crying and cursing my fate. That's still the same me. A drop of tear fell down my cheek and it brought me back to reality...

I woke up from that dream. Good thing that I was able to wake up!

Stars on the ceiling? Am I still dreaming?

I pinched myself and it hurt. But... This is no where like my room. A mix of white and ivory on the walls and a wooden floor?!

But then when I realized the unfamiliarity of the place, I heard a voice singing and the soft strumming of a guitar...

"If you're lost, you can look and you will find me. Time after time... If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting... time after time~"

It sounds familiar... but first things first--



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