Wonderful new pic of Maaaaami-chan that we have Rina-chan to be thankful for~
>w< Rina is so awesome. She's the one member, I think, who has the least pictures of just herself on her blog, than the rest of them. Sure, she has pics of herself, but it's not that frequent, and usually she's with another member. So selfless. >w<
Anyhow, gaah, Mami-chan's so cute! >w<
EDIT: Whoa! Awesome find, Sushi~ =3 You must tell me your source! NOW! I mean....*ahem* Err, yeah.
*obsessive fanatic/fangirl* >_>
EDIT 2: And nah, it's not that I didn't want the pat on the head. I relish those, it makes me feel liked. I just rawr....I dunno why. Just cuz I'm weird like that. *nods head as if she's cool like that, too*