@Haruko: Keep your eyes out on Tumblr then in the near future! I don't really write those kind of thing, but I guess I could do one more and it'll be Tumblr-only, LOL

Guess my last OS there made you three pretty sad. Hopefully this Valentine's OS could ease that (delayed) emotional "feelz."

You guys do not know how hard it was writing these pairings. (Gomenasai to SayaMilky fans. I had to remove them since I got burnt out in the end...) Anyway, short stories for each of them on Valentine's Day! Hopefully it isn't crappy (for I am a terrible terrible romance-genre writer). And... I didn't edit it because I'm too tired to....

Valentine's Day OS
[Yokoyama Yui x Shimazaki Haruka]
Valentines Day. The day that Yokoyama Yui was able to express her love to Paruru (also known as Shimazaki Haruka). Standing in front of her house's entrance door, she gulped in nervousness. In Yui's hand was a box of chocolate that she had made with her own hands not too long ago. It was freshly baked and the smell of the heart-shaped chocolate from underneath the red wrapped box could still be sensed.
Yui had always liked Haruka the moment she laid her eyes on the girl. At first though, she was unsure of her feelings and decided to keep her distance for a short while. Not to mention that she was shy whenever Haruka would approach up to the girl, so that doesn't seem to help make the situation any better. However, over time, the girls were beginning to grow closer to each other. Opening up to each other. Day by day, week by week and soon month by month. Even during their idol works and school, the two always managed to find some spare time to goof off and expressed their love to each other. But today was the day she was going to actually confess her love to Haruka.
Sure, she had said multiple times that she loved the girl during interviews and text messages, but she thought that Haruka might've taken it as a love that close friends share. What she really meant though was actual love. Love between two people that are unbreakable and unshakable. She wanted to make it clear to her.
But waiting this long after ringing the doorbell and knocking on the door was making Yui nervous.
'Why is it taking Paruru so long? Is she taking a nap or something? Oh... If she is, then maybe I should come back later on? Ahhhhh~ I'm so nervous!'
Her train of thoughts were soon interrupted by another person's voice.
The voice. The familiar voice that Yui knows instantly without even having to think about it. Quickly turning around, she saw the person that she was looking for the entire time. Shimazaki Haruka was standing in front of her in her cute white collared shirt accompanied with a red checkered skirt. There was a brown paper bag in one hand as the girl stared at the person that's standing in front of her doorway.
"P-Paruru!" Yui's voice squeaked up a couple octaves higher than usual. She could imagine that an imaginary sweat drop was running down her face as Haruka blinked at her direction. "S-So you weren't home then after all!"
"Have you been waiting out here for long?" she asked with a concerned expression. Her eyes trailed from Yui's embarrassed face to the red box at her two hands. They squinted once the pair laid upon it. "What's that in your hand?"
That caught Yui off by surprise. Nearly dropping the box, she struggled to keep a calm composure. "I-It's... some chocolate I made...." Her words trailed off and unconsciously blushed. "It's... for you."
Then walking up to Haruka, who was shocked at the words that came out of her mouth, she urged the younger girl to take the box. "Happy Valentines Day, Haruka," she said with a smile.
Speechless, it took Haruka a couple of good seconds to regain back her voices. Coughing into her hand and also blushing, she also urged Yui to take the brown bag from her hand. "I made you some chocolate too... Though I'm not sure if it's as good as you would expect it to be-" Her words were cut off when Yui's index finger was placed against her lips, silencing the girl. In one movement, she leaned in and gave a short-lived kiss on them.
"Anything that Paruru makes for me will always be good and meet my expectations-no, even more," she replied back. Haruka in front of her might as well turn into a bright red tomato from her face alone. Surprised at what had just happened, a smile too crossed her face. The two then exchanged their gifts to each other and hugged together.
"I love you, Yuihan."
"I love you too, Paruru."
[Kitahara Rie x Sashihara Rino]
"Oi, Happy Valentines Day yo!" Kitahara Rie was taken by surprise when her best friend, Sashihara Rino, leapt on her back. She was busy reading the daily newspaper on the edge of her chair in the dressing room. Nearly falling forward and face planting herself with the floor, she stabilized her balance for a bit before turning her attention to Rino.
Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Rino smiling at her like a goofball with a box of chocolate in her hand. She shook the box, hinting Rie that she should take the box. And she did. Or so she thought. Rino retracted her hand away from Rie's grabbing hand and grinned. Rie frowned and tried to grab the box away from the other girl, who doesn't seem to want to let go of the chocolate.
"Tsk tsk, wait for your turn Rie!"
'Wait for my turn?' Rie was confused with what Rino had just said there. So lowering the newspaper on the table in front of her, she watched Rino tore open the nicely wrapped and packaged chocolate box. Lifting the lid up, Rie swore that she could have drooled if she didn't hold it back. All sorts of assortments were in the box. Different shapes and designs were marked on each one. They looked simply delicious.
As her eyes took in the information and examined each individual chocolate carefully, she immediately noticed Rino grabbing one and popping it into her mouth. "Eh? What are you doing with that-!" Her question was answered when she felt Rino's lips on hers right away. The chocolate. Rie could taste the chocolate within her mouth just as Rino was. After a couple long seconds, the two separated and blushed deeply. "T-That was bold of you..." Rie commented in a tiny voice while trying to look away.
A grin crept on Rino's face. With a giggle, she pinched the side of Rie's face and pulled on them lightly. "Will you be my Valentine?"
Brief pause. Then the answer that Rino was looking forward to. "O-Of course!" Rie stuttered with her red face. A smile for her victory, she winked at the girl and took another one of the chocolates. Placing it in Rie's mouth, she smiled. "Then prove it to me." Once more, the two girls came together for their second round.
[Kojima Haruna x Oshima Yuko]
Oshima Yuko was literally bouncing up and down from her spot as she waited for Kojima Haruna to come out of Team B's practice room. The girl that she loved so much (aside from oppais and oshiris), she had bought a necklace just for her. A golden pendant that contained the picture of the two girls together. Yuko thought this would be the perfect gift for Haruna.
Other members and adults that were passing by her raised their eyebrows at such act Yuko is putting up. But they moved on, going through their own businesses. One can see how excited this squirrel was getting to be.
'Ahhhhh, Nyan Nyan~ When are you going to be out?' She was impatient, crossing her arms and tapping her feet on the wooden flooring beneath her body. 'It's been 30 minutes already!'
After waiting for a couple more minutes, Haruna finally came out of the practice room along with a couple other Team B members. "I'll see you later Yukirin," she waved to the ex-Team B captain as she walked out of the room. Little did she know that there was a shorter girl just waiting to ambush her from the corner of her eyes.
"Nyan.... NYAN!" Yuko exclaimed gleefully as she tackled the taller girl. Not prepared for the sudden attack, she was knocked down by the shorter girl. Her back landing against the floor, she winced slightly in pain while Yuko was on top of the girl. "Yikes! Y-Yuko!"
Yuko simply giggled and rubbed the side of her face against Haruna's. "I have something for you, Nyan Nyan!" Haruna blinked dumbly while Yuko sat up on her stomach and pulled out a small, blue box. "It's for you!"
Before Haruna took the box, she shooed Yuko to get off of her while she sat up from the ground. Taking the box, she popped it open and widen her eyes from the object within. "Yuko... This is..." She was speechless. Her right hand took ahold of the pendant and observed it with glimmering eyes. Gently placing aside the box, she opened it up and saw a photo of the two of them together. Tears of happiness might as well run down her face now. "I really love it, Yuko." Turning her attention back at the squirrel who was now smiling like an idiot, she gave her a peck on the cheek. "Thank you so much."
A blush crept across Yuko's face as she scratched the back of her head. "Haha, anytime for my Nyan Nyan! Happy Valentine's Day!"
[Takahashi Minami x Maeda Atsuko]
It has been a couple months since Atsuko had graduated and left AKB48. It has been... Lonely to be honest. Though it is true that it's stressful and there's a heavy burden on her shoulder, she felt empty without a certain presence in her life. And that presence is none other than Takahashi Minami.
Since this is a very special day where lovers would spend quality time with each other and singles would consider it 'Only a Thursday,' Atsuko decided to spend some time with the person she loved ever since the two first met. Humming 'Flower' under her breath, she skipped toward Team A's theater. Team A after their morning practice had nothing else to give to the members and many of them were hanging out with their friends and family. However, there was only two people that stayed within the building.
One was Shinoda Mariko, the new Team A captain and Takahashi Minami, the General Manager of all Group 48. A couple of words were heard coming out of the room through the barley closed door. As Atsuko approached, she heard giggles within inside. "Oh really, Mariko? Are you sure she's really going to like that?"
"Yes yes. I'm sure that's the perfect gift for her, midget."
"Oi! Who're you callin' midget!?"
Their voices rang out happily into Atsuko's ears, perking up her curiosity. 'I wonder what they're talking about?' she asked herself as she eavesdropped on the conversation.
"So... Is this going to work?"
"Yep, I'm sure it will."
"...Are you sure? I don't want to see that it's another one of your trolling methods-"
"Yada, it's not that Takamina~ I'm sure of it."
"...I trust you on that."
Then the door in front of Atsuko opened up. Revealing Mariko, who was standing right in front of her, she whistled with a small smirk on her face. "Looks like we have an unexpected visitor~"
Before Atsuko could even say anything, Mariko disappeared from both her and Minami's sight. The two were left blinking dumbly in their spot. In a couple minutes though, the two finally focused on each other.
"L-Long time no see, Acchan!" Minami exclaimed as she got up from her chair from the desk. She made a cute salute as though she was a soldier greeting a returning captain. Atsuko couldn't help but giggle at the sight and run up to the smaller girl. She gave her a bear hug, grinning widely. "It's been a while, Takamina~"
The two separated and laughed in harmony. "So what were you doing, Takamina?" Atsuko asked, which made the other girl tense up just slightly. To her surprise, there was a faint color of pink on Minami's cheeks after she had asked. Minami's hands soon came together and the thumbs were toying with each other. Twidling with them, she nervously spoke, "I-I was... um... w-writing something!"
"And what were you writing, hm?" Atsuko must've trapped her in the corner for she wasn't able to properly respond back without making incomprehensible words. Impatient for Minami's answer, she decided to look over at the desk. On top of the desk was a piece of paper. There were a couple of crumpled paper balls nearby along with many white outs and pink erasers leftovers from its usage scattered around. Shoving the shorter girl to the side, she reached out for the piece of paper. "A-Acchan!"
Ignoring Minami, she picked it up and began skimming it. The other girl was trying to get it back from her, only to fail for Atsuko is much taller than her. Easily dodging the girl's attempt to grabbing it back, she continued to skim at it. She noticed that it was just finished and smiled throughout the entire time. Once finished, she returned the paper back to the person she loved. Minami did not hesitate to take it back and muttered a couple of words under her breath that Atsuko couldn't catch. Without warning though, she was met with a peck on the cheek from the ex-ace of AKB48. "Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Minami~"
[Watanabe Mayu x Kashiwagi Yuki]
Valentine's Day is the very day where one can exchange each other gifts, chocolates and not to mention some love. Love is in the air after all. For Kashiwagi Yuki, she was willing to give Mayu some chocolates she had just baked-oh wait. Truth be told, she had actually had two separate batch. One was the ones she baked and the other... was the one she had bought from a nearby supermarket.
Yuki was clearly aware that she is a bad chef. No. Bad isn't even a word that could fully describe how terrible she is at the kitchen. But efforts and love into is what counts, right? Knocking on the door of Watanabe Mayu's home, she shifted in her position uncomfortably. Impatient. 'When is Mayuyu going to open the door and let me in?' she mentally asked herself as she stared on to the dark red wooden door.
Though she waited merely for three minutes, it felt like a very long time for her. The door before her eyes soon opened and she saw the person she wanted to see. A smile broke out on her face. "Mayuyu~"
"Yukirin!" Mayu's high pitched voice squealed out in happiness as she leapt towards the older girl. By accident, she nearly knocked over the two small red bags in her hands. "Whoa! Careful there, Mayu!" She couldn't help but chuckle when the other girl bounced off of her and bowed repeatedly, apologizing.
"Gomenasai, Yukirin," Mayu said with a sweat drop running down the side of her face. Yuki then laughed and wave one of her hands in the air. "No need to apologize, haha! You're just happy to see me, so that's understandable."
It has been a while since the two got together. After they had been separated into two different teams thanks to the Tokyo Dome shuffle, it's getting difficult for them to meet up. Once in a while if they both had any spare time, they would hang out and have small dates. But today must be their lucky day for the two had enough time to spend the rest of their evening together.
Entering into Mayu's home, Yuki immediately noticed that her parents aren't home. "They're not going to be home until next week," Mayu explained as though she has read the other girl's mind. The younger girl of the two walked over to the living room and sat down on the sofa. There were a couple of crumpled paper balls scattered here and there on both the table and carpeted floor. Taking off her shoes, Yuki followed after Mayu and sat down next to her.
Silence crossed between the two girls as they stared into space.
"Ano..." Yuki broke the silence. "I wanted to... give you this for Valentine's Day." Mayu flicked her attention over to her left, which Yuki extended out a small red bag with her own baked chocolates. "I know it must be bad as always due to my low quality cooking skills but I also bought some from the store if you wanted instead-" Her words were cut off when Mayu snatched the bag that contained Yuki's homemade treat from her grasp.
"Mmmm... I like Yukirin's cooking no matter if they're bad or good," she commented and opened up the bag. Taking a piece of black coal-er, pardon, BURNT CHOCOLATE PIECE from within the bag, she did not hesitate to pop the foreign and possibly poisonese object into her mouth. She could be seen trying hard not to change her facial expression as she munched on it. (or more like trying to crack open a rock with her bare teeth) "They're... my favorite no matter what."
She then flashed a smile at Yuki once she, with difficulty, swallowed the small chocolate through her throat. Yuki's face turned red from her words and fidgeted with her index fingers with each other. "Mou... You're just trying to make me feel better-"
"Why would I be lying to you, 'okaa-san'?"
"....Hehe, thanks, Mayuyu." Then Yuki leaned in to give Mayu a small kiss on the lips. "Happy Valentine's Day."
The so-called cyborg girl might as well have her internal hard drive system overheated from Yuki's actions. Face burning red, she stuttered back, "H-H-Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Y-Yukirin!"
[Miyazawa Sae x Akimoto Sayaka]
'I wonder if Sae would like my gift for her?' Sayaka was inside of the airport, thinking deeply. She was currently staring at a handwritten card she had done at hand. 'I did buy her chocolate too, so maybe she'll also like it?'
Both Miyazawa Sae and Akimoto Sayaka were quite close. The two famously known as 'Twin Tower' of Team K in AKB48, they were unstoppable. Supporting each other through their good and bad times. However, Sae was in Shanghai, China for SNH48. Today though, Sayaka has heard she was returning back from her trip to visit Team K and a couple other members upon return. She swears her heart is going to leap out of her chest once she had heard of this news a couple of days ago. Unable to contain her excitement and knowing that Valentine's Day was getting nearer and nearer, she took plenty of time to carefully choose and create the perfect gift for Sae.
She glanced up at one of the many airport digital signs, signaling which plane was ready to take off, delayed or arriving. Her eyes flicked over to the name of the airplane that Sae was on. 'Five more minutes...' This tall girl has been waiting for Sae since two hours ago, hoping to get to her quickly before the crowd pushes through and, well... delays the two of them meeting. Sayaka is a patient girl, but if it's about the person she really loves, she can't even wait a full second without the urge to complain.
'Come on... Just a couple more seconds... Ah! Her plane is finally here!'
From the clear glassed window to her right, she saw the plane descending upon the ground from the clear blue sky up above. It took the plane a couple good minutes to park itself right where the passengers could exit out safely and into the airport. Many family members around Sayaka was heard excitedly chatting to each other about their awaiting relatives/friends.
The first person that came out ran toward the nearby family and hugged them tightly in his arms. Then the second person to their friends. And so on. Each individual that passed through the gate was not Sae. Until the last person that left the plane, Sae was yet to be found.
"Eh? Where is Sae?" Sayaka asked out loud while scratching the side of her head. Left and right she searched only to no avail to finding the person she was looking for. After a couple minutes of examining throughout the crowd, she was about to ask the flight attendance when someone poked her from behind. "Peek-a-boo, my Twin Tower sister."
She slowly turned around to find Sae smiling up to her face. Tears suddenly formed from the corner of her eyes. In a matter of seconds, the two were hugging together. "I miss you so much, Sae," Sayaka spoke through her tears. Sae squeezed back and rubbed her back. "I miss you too, Sayaka. I miss you too."
Once they had separated, Sayaka quickly fumbled around with the card and Valentine's treat in her hand. "This is for you, Sae. Happy Valentine's Day."
[Matsui Rena x Matsui Jurina]
Rena had her arms crossed, waiting for the other Matsui from school. Standing a couple of feet away from the entrance, she patiently watched the clock from above. The top of the school's building proudly showed off not only its mascot of a lion but also the clock with roman numerals for the numbers. Once it has struck three o' clock, the school's bell was heard ringing out throughout the campus. In a matter of seconds, students scrambled out of the building. One could see that many were excited and glad that school has finally ended.
"Oh my god, is that Matsui Rena?" one student's voice could be heard among the emerging crowd.
"Wait, are you sure that's Rena?"
"O. M. G. It is her!"
The many voices soon was calling out to Rena, cheering and squealing with both surprise and happiness. Of course. It's rare for any idol to simply walk into a public area, especially the popular ones. Rena simply smiled nervously and waved her left hand at the students. In hopes of getting away from the rapidly huge crowd that formed before her eyes, she created a distraction. "O-Over there! There's Yagami Kumi!" Their attention were immediately away from hers and onto the area where Rena had pointed her finger at. Using this spare and rare chance to her advantage, she quickly made a mad run away from the students.
As she ran, she hid behind a bush. Knees close to her chest as she laid low, she kept still for fear of having the students pointing her out. 'Jeez! I guess I should've worn a disguise next time I make an attempt to picking up Jurina from school!' A sweat drop ran down the side of her face as she sighed silently. Since it was Valentine's Day and honestly, Rena hasn't been hanging out with Jurina in a while. She was too busy frolicking over Furukawa Airi (due to her obvious cuteness for Rena could not hold herself back) and felt bad. So she decided that today she'll give some special treatment just for Jurina.
"Oh, Rena! Didn't know you were hiding out here," a sudden voice startled poor Rena badly, almost making her jump up a couple feet into the air if it weren't for her feet being rooted to the ground. Her eyes widen and quickly looked up, only to frown. "Jurina! Don't go blowing off my cover here!" she whispered harshly. The girl wearing a high school's uniform was standing right above her. A smile was on her face; an imaginary dog tail and ears could be visualized in attempt to picture Jurina's happiness.
Too kneeling down on her knees, she whispered back to Rena. "What are you doing here? This is my first time seeing you come here to my school. Something happening in SKE that made you come here?"
"No... I... um... I just... wanted to pick you up from school."
An 'o' shaped was formed from Jurina's mouth once she understood why Rena was here. Then a grin. "I'm guessing you didn't come here in preparation, hm?"
"Oh shush, Jurina! Now that I found you, let's get out of here first and let me treat you to a dinner."
Jurina's ears perked up from hearing such news from Rena. Grinning so wide from one end to the other of her face, she nodded happily like a puppy. "Hai hai~" When the two finally stood up from staying down, Jurina without warning hugged Rena tightly. "Daisuki~"
There was a slight pause before Rena giggled and pecked the side of Jurina's cheek. "Happy Valentine's Day, Jurina~"
[Itano Tomomi x Kasai Tomomi]
Itano Tomomi and Kasai Tomomi were sitting outside on a table. Drinks sat in front of them as they drank through the white bendable straws. The two fashionable girls were in the cafe, hanging out with each other.
"So," Kasai started to speak after she took a small sip through her mocha. "Since we're both graduating from AKB48... That means we get to have more free time with each other, chiyuu~?"
A small giggle came from the other girl, pushing aside a strand of brown hair on her shoulder. "I suppose we can say that, Tomo~mi."
Happiness was seen on Kasai's face and grinned widely while drinking. "Chiyuu~ I wonder what we should do~?"
"Just work with some production company that have requested for us?"
Kasai shrugged her shoulders and sighed. "No no, not work. I meant in terms of life itself. What are we going to do? I mean, we're not going to be very busy like we were in the idol group."
"True..." Itano sipped through her strawberry smoothie and wondered. "Maybe I'll just hang out with my friends? Like Atsuko and possibly some AKB members too-... Oi. What's with that face?" She blinked when she saw Kasai making her lips pucker, pouting. "What about me, chiyuu?"
This made Itano laugh and want to just pat the top of the girl's head due to her cuteness. "Kawaii and yes, I'll hang out with you too of course." This brought a smile back to Kasai's face and unexpectedly, a kiss on Itano's cheek. "Chiyuu!"
Blushing madly, she cupped her own cheeks and frowned at the other girl. "W-What were you thinking?!"
"It's Valentine's Day silly." Kasai stuck out her tongue. "Don't tell me you've forgotten!"
[Kimoto Kanon x Yagami Kumi]
Kanon peeked through the corner of the room with a small, finely red wrapped box holding chocolates from within. The small and young girl was watching Yagami Kumi, who was busy interacting with another SKE48 member, Kizaki Yuria.
"Ah! Soudesune!" she exclaimed in understanding as she bobbed her head up and down at Yuria. Yuria grinned and too nodded her head along with her. Her hand came up to Kumi's shoulder and pat on top of it. "Ganbatte, Kumi! I'm sure you'll need it!"
The two continued to converse with each other for a bit longer. This made Kimoto Kanon here curious of what exactly they were talking about. 'What's this about Kumi's luck?' she questioned herself and retreated when she thought Kumi's attention turned to where she was standing. Little did she know that Yuria was reassuring Kumi that she would deliver her gift to the person she loves also. Hiding behind the wall of the backstage theater, she held her breath. The box she had at hand was pressed against her chest. Kanon was praying that Kumi doesn't find her here.
One second. Two seconds. Three seconds. Five seconds. Ten seconds.
Still no repsonse about Kanon's hiding spot. She then heard them talking again. Almost sighing out loud with relief, she was just about to turn around and peek out once again when she bumped into a certain someone.
"I-Itai..." she winced and rubbed her forehead with her spare hand. Her eyes were squinted close due to the pain. "S-Sumimasen..."
"Kanon-chan?" That voice. The familiar voice that rang inside of Kanon's eardrum. She snapped her eyes open to find that she had bumped into none other than Yagami Kumi herself. The taller girl of the two blinked at Kanon. "Ah, good to see you here!"
If Kanon wasn't able to keep her mouth shut, she might as well squeal out in embarrassment and run far far far FAR away from where she was now standing. But her feet stood rooted to the floor beneath. Gulping, she flashed a nervous smile at Kumi's direction. "K-Kumi, I-I-"
"Here!" Kumi interrupted her stuttering sentence with a heart-shaped box in her hands extending outward towards the younger girl. "I wanted to give you this, so Happy Valentine's Day!"
Kanon swore that if she was a tomato, she might become the brightest red tomato anyone could've seen in their life. Still blushing, she too extended out Kumi's present. "H-Happy Valentine's t-to you too!"
[Suga Nanako x Furuhata Nao]
"Pocky game?"
"Eh?" One of the two girls, Suga Nanako, lowered the fashion magazine that she was flipping through. She was sitting on the floor of the Team S's practice room. Nobody was in the room other than the two, so there was no one to disturb their conversation. Nanako looked up to see Furuhata Nao standing right above her; her hand gripping a hold of a strawberry pocky box.
It took Nanako a couple of seconds to comprehend what exactly was going on. Her face was flushed as incomprehensible words exited out of her open mouth. The magazine she once held at hand now dropped down right beside her. "W-W-W-W-What?!?!"
Nao couldn't help but giggle as she too sat down right in front of the speechless girl. Pulling out one of the many sticks inside of the box, she stuck one end right into Nanako's open mouth. She used her other hand to clamp the other girl's mouth shut. Satisfied, Nao then bit on the other end.
The two didn't make any move just yet. Nanako was too shocked to even be doing anything while Nao smirked at her reaction. "Kawaii," she murmured with the chocolate stick still in her mouth. Then without any warning, she began nibbling. This prompted Nanako to suddenly join in with her, also nibbling at her side. They nibbled and nibbled the chocolate away, tasting the candy's flavor.
But the two then were just a centimeter apart from each other's lips. Their breaths mixed in with each other and their noses nearly bumped together. Nanako's blush darkened as Nao had an amused expression. Before they knew it, their lips came together. It was expected but still shocked Nanako. They quickly separated, causing her to cover her face with her hands.
"MOU...." she squeaked out while hiding behind her hands in a failed attempt. Nao simply laughed and hugged the girl in front of her. "That's my Valentine to you!"
[Shinoda Mariko x Minegishi Minami]
"Mii-chan! Yo!" Shinoda Mariko's voice was heard from behind Minegishi Minami. The two girls were inside of the dressing room, Minegishi packing up her belongings for practice has already ended. The shorter girl, who was bent down on her knees quickly stood up straight and turned around so she was facing the oldest member of AKB. "Hello there, Mariko!" she exclaimed happily and waved at her.
Mariko smiled and pinched the side of her cheeks with her two hands. "Kawaii, Gachapin~"
"Mou, I am NOT a Gachapin!"
The other girl pouted, puffing her cheeks and scrunching her eyebrows together from such comment. This caused Mariko to, instead of apologizing, laugh and pat the top of her head. "Haha, you're really cute." Then she quickly changed the topic at hand. "Have anyone for Valentine's Day?"
A long pause. Minegishi didn't seem to answer until five full minutes have actually passed. "Nah, I don't have anyone..."
"Hm..." Mariko placed her hand under her chin. "Well, I could tell that Acchan is with Takamina right now..."
"Yuko's got Nyan Nyan," Minegishi added.
"Yuihan's with Paruru if I remembered from this morning after practice..."
"I saw Yuki dashing out in hopes of being with Mayuyu..."
"I also saw Sasshi visit Kitahara today..."
"And who else was there?"
"Ah, Jurina-chan. She's still at school and maybe just got out, but I remember hearing from one of the members that Rena is picking her up..."
"Sae is also returning from China, so gorilla Sayaka is now at the airport..."
"Double Tomomis going out to a cafe..."
"And for the rest of the other groups... I don't even know what they might possibly be doing and who's going out with who..."
"SKE48 have quite a lot of girls going out with each other if I remember from the fans' comment-"
"No no no, not SKE48. SGAYE48, Mariko."
"Okay okay-oh wait. Why the hell are we talking about other members going out while the two of us haven't even found our pair for this special occassion!"
"I wonder too!"
"....Neh... I was thinking..."
"Thinking of what?"
"I was thinking that... Maybe us two should just go out for just today?"
"...I don't see why not. Besides, I don't want to be marked 'Forever Alone' as my status on this occasion."
And thus, both Mariko and Minegishi spent Valentine's Day together. Thankfully the two almost 'FOREVER ALONE' individuals came together for a brief, but special day.
Whew! I'm pretty tired now~

Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day, Happy Single's Day, Happy Thursday and of course, HAPPY SATHDAY.

Edit: Does anyone know how I can link each post separately? I want to make a table of contents (as you all can tell from the first post) AND.... I have no idea how to do that, haha.....