Happy 15th Birthday
It's been an amazing year for Sakura
She has created so many legends for herself and made cherries blossom in so many hearts
I'm going to try to summarize all the things I love about Sakura here, which is going to be really hard although I've only known her for a year.
1st is Melonpan Sakura, which was one of the things which fueled her early popularity

2nd is her love, passion and talent for acting and her clear dream of becoming an actress

3rd is her high sense of responsibility and regard of fanservice or interaction with fans
Sakura was the first to suggest setting a goal for each theater/stage performance and helped quite a few members (especially graduated member Komori Ui) in dancing etc. This is one of the reasons she's often referred to as being a yuutousei (honour student)
She also has one of the highest numbers of posts within the whole 48G on google+ and thinks up a variety of programs like "Sakura's Infinity challenge" and "Sakura Say Yes", and some generic ones like Q&A as well.
Last but not least is Sakura's dorky self

From Evangelion style running to running around sumo ring to turning fart cannons against ninjas to countless other legends which very few fans have prob watched on aruaru yy, this girl really makes a show fun to watch.
I'm sure we can expect more to come from this amazing girl this year as well.
I hope she had a great birthday and a great year ahead!