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Author Topic: Murder, OTN Wrote  (Read 21185 times)

Offline rokun

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Re: Murder, OTN Wrote
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2007, 02:37:36 AM »
That's right, Amarghetta.  It's a reference to the movie Moulin Rouge.
Funny, I haven't seen that one.
Haha, that's even more impressive that you guessed Ewan McGregor there not having seen Moulin Rouge, Amarghetta. Good one, er, OTN! I didn't catch that right away. :) And I even love that movie... although I've not watched it for a long time now...

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Re: Murder, OTN Wrote
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2007, 04:46:22 AM »
Wow, yeah, JFC.  I think you took this story a little too seriously.  Hahaha, glad you figured out it was mostly a big joke.
Took me a while since my ass was only working one cheek (half capacity). :P

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline OTN1

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Re: Murder, OTN Wrote
« Reply #22 on: September 27, 2007, 10:15:27 AM »
Funny, I haven't seen that one.
Haha, that's even more impressive that you guessed Ewan McGregor there not having seen Moulin Rouge, Amarghetta.
  I'll say.  Good one!

It's an excellent movie that I would recommend to anyone who enjoys music and a bit of good, angsty drama.

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Re: Murder, OTN Wrote
« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2007, 07:11:03 AM »
A bit of spare time today was used to write this:

Murder, OTN Wrote II

"You've really done it this time, Shige-san.  Really done it."

"I didn't do anything!  I have no idea why I'm here!"

A disappointed look, a heavy sigh, a shake of the head.

"Didja know they threw me in here for a couple of days 'cause they thought I did it?"

"Really?!  Why'd they think that?"

"Uh... that's not important.  The fact is that you're a murderer, you're in jail, and we don't have enough money to hire you an appropriate lawyer."

Stunned silence.

"Excuse me?  I think I was traumatised as a child and thus am a little slow.  I thought you just said there's not enough money."

"That's exactly what I said."

"... How the hell can Upfront Agency have 'not enough money'?!"

Unconcerned shrug.

"Don't ask me.  I don't own it.  Anyway, that really limits what you can do here, now, doesn't it."

"Fujimoto-san, you can't do this to me!!!"

The prisoner looks desperate.  Perhaps like she'll kill someone.  Again.

"I'm not doing anything to you.  All I'm saying is that you'll have to come up with the money for a fancy lawyer by yourself."

"And you won't help?"

"Hey, I have bills to pay and I've gotta eat, not to mention having to buy off Aya-chan every time she gets moody or threatening."

"...! You b-"

A third party interrupts.

"Time's up, prisoner."

Two heavily armed guards approach the small girl and cuff her, dragging her off to her cell.

"You can't do this to me!  You've gotta help me!!"

She disappears through the doors.  The visiting Miki sighs.

"Sorry, Shige-san, but you did this to yourself.  I can't do much, but I'll do what I can.  I'll call the one person you can afford.  Good luck, my friend.  Good luck."

Then with a wary look, she makes sure nobody has caught her talking to herself in the style of a cheesy drama.  Satisfied that nobody appears to be watching, Miki stands up and leaves.

What she will never know is that two security guards watching live footage of the visitor area are now in stitches, howling with laughter.  But what Miki doesn't know won't hurt her.  Not in this case, at least.



"I need a favour."

"Umm... You know, I don't really swing that way, but I've got this cousin who-"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Eep!  Nothing."

"I need you-"

"Fujimoto-san, I already told you-"

"-to call Shige-san.  Can you do that?"

"Call... Oh.  Sayu.  Oh!  Okay, yeah, sure.  Anything you say!  Oh!  Yeah."

"Uh... good.  She needs your services-"

"Listen, I know that you think it's fun, but me and Shige are just-"

"-in her trial.  For god's sake, girl.  Could you let your imagination stop running wild for once?"


"Go see her tomorrow.  She needs your help."

"Ah, got it."

Click.  Miki hangs up.  Her work is done.


"Michishige.  Your lawyer is here to see you."

Sayumi looks up from her comic book.

"My lawyer?  I thought they couldn't afford one," she mutters aloud.

"If he's mistaken, we'll send him back," comes the mocking reply of the guard.

He's taken a disliking to Sayumi because she's simply too cute.

"No no no!" she gasps in horror.  "I'll see him."

The guards cuff her and lead her out to the visit area.  She's un-cuffed and pushed into the area.

Sitting at a table, she sees the backside of her so-called lawyer.  She walks around and faces him.



Disbelief.  Gratitude.  Regret.

The visitor stands

"Shh!" the Musume hisses.  "Kamezou.  Eric Kamezou.  Representative attorney.  I'm here to win your case."

Sayumi's eyebrows furrow.

"Um, who are you trying to kid?"

"Just shut up and go with it," Eri hisses.  "They wouldn't let me see and help you if I wasn't a lawyer."

"But you're not a lawyer.  And Eric's not a real person."

Eri chuckles.

"How little you know," she says as Sayumi looks at her for explanation.  "Eric Kamezou is based on a real man.  Lovely chap from Peru.  Died in eighty-three."

Sayumi can hardly believe any of it.  That Eric Kamezou was a real man from Peru.  That Eri is going to try and impersonate him in order to free her from prison.

"But if he's dead, the court will know," Sayumi sighs.

"Oh, Sayu-chan.  How little you know.  How little you know," Eri clucks with a smug look on her face.  "Do you think I could have impersonated Mr. Kamezou on television for all that time if we hadn't bought the rights to his image?"

"How in the world do you buy a man's image?!" Sayumi screeches.

"Shh!" Eri says, yanking the murderer down to sit down on the chair beside her.  "We just did."

Sayumi tumbles into the chair.

"I'd rather have that money to get me a real lawyer to get me out of here," the accused whines.  "The air is stale and making my skin dry, and they don't have real conditioner in the showers."

"Well, since the money's already been spent, there's nothing we can do about that," Eri says in a cheerful manner.

Sayumi squirms uncomfortably and wonders what Eri is going to do next.

"Now first I need to hear the whole story from you.  What you did and why you did it."

Sayumi opens her mouth to start speaking, but Eri jumps up to her feet, pointing a finger to the grey ceiling.

"But I need the truth!" she yells dramatically.  "You must trust me as your best friend!  Um, I mean lawyer!  Your very male and Peruvian lawyer!"

Sayumi sighs.

"It'll take some time."

"Time, my friend, is something I have much of."

Sayumi screws her face up in a weirded out expression.

"Okay, but could you stop talking so weird?  You're kind of creeping me out.  Majorly."

Eri laughs nervously.

"Sorry.  I'm just trying to get into character, Sayu-chan.  Now talk!"

With yet another sigh, Sayumi opens her mouth to tell the whole story.


Sayumi had been agitated for weeks.  She hadn't let it show, but it was there bubbling beneath the surface of her skin.  It was present in every look, in every turn, in every note sung.  Nobody knew to look for it, though, so nobody saw it.  After all, one does not see what one does not want to see.  One won't see what one does not believe in.  And it was with the help of these two immutable facts that Sayumi hid her rage.

The cause of her rage was, in truth, reasonable.


It had all started with criticism years ago.  When she first became an idol, she was criticised to no end.

She couldn't sing, she couldn't dance, she had no personality, she was too stuck up, her speaking voice sounded like she had marbles stuck at the back of her throat.

She knew that she wasn't as talented as the other girls and that she lacked charisma, but she felt it was unfair to be torn into so viciously by the media, by supposed fans, and even by her fellow Project members.  Was she not human?  Did she not have eyes to see all the articles written about her untalented performances?  Did she not have ears to hear her co-workers whispering and giggling every time she went off key and got scolded?  Did she not have a heart and feelings that could be easily hurt by the insensitive remarks of others?

Sometimes people forgot.  Sayumi was not a robot.  She was not supposed to be perfect.  She was supposed to be a role model for those girls who couldn't make it to the Hello Project auditions.  She was supposed to show them that even a common girl could become part of a famous group of talent.  She was supposed to give other girls hope and confidence.  They didn't have to be perfect.  She wasn't, so why should they be?

But it somehow backfired.  Because she had that role, she became the scapegoat.  The butt of all the jokes about clumsy girls.  The laughing stock of the entertainment world.

In response to the overwhelming bitter and harsh reviews thrown around about her, she started to develop her personality.  She clung onto the childish innocence that she'd come into the Project with.  That characteristic of hers had been misdiagnosed as a deep interest in self.  As a stuck up, I'm-the-cutest-thing-in-the-world act.  And while it had honestly been merely her lack of exposure to the outside world that had led her to sometimes make assertions that sounded so self-absorbed, she began to milk its misinterpretation for everything it was worth, and she fashioned for herself a character that thought she was the cutest girl in the world.  She thought that if she could at least take a stance and show that she was confident enough to establish herself as a character that the common person may not immediately take a liking to, that in fact the reverse would happen and she'd be praised for being so honest about who she was and brave enough to step out into the world and admit that she liked herself quite a bit, thankyouverymuch.

No such luck.

Just as her character began to solidify, her beauty came out.  She grew up, became more and more gorgeous, and suddenly when she looked in the mirror and then into the camera and said "I'm the prettiest girl in the world!" everybody resented her because it was true.  She really was the prettiest girl, and to hear her saying that aggravated everyone.

This led them to be even more critical of her and for her to become more and more depressed.

But remember, it was not just strangers and fans of Hello Project that badmouthed her.  It was sometimes her own friends.  They didn't always mean it in a malicious way, but the effect was all the same.


Reina tripped in dance practice.  A rare incident.

"Hey, Reina-chan.  Did you and Sayu-chan switch bodies?" Eri snickered.

"That's not funny!" Reina barked.

"Eriiii!" Sayumi whined.

They laughed and continued their practice.


Risa messed up her lines in a skit.

"Channelling Shige-san again, huh?" Yossi asked.

"Uh!  As if!" Risa sputtered.

"Heeeey," Sayumi pouted.

Everyone laughed and returned to rehearsing.


"That's so cute!" Sayumi squealed when she saw a tiny stray kitten wandering around in the parking lot where they were filming a promotional video.

"Funny," Miki snorted jokingly under her breath to Ai.  "She actually finds something other than herself cute."

Everybody chuckled.

"I heard that!" Sayumi cried out with a cute glare.


Nobody was innocent.  Everybody was guilty of making fun of Sayumi, whether meaning to or not.

And one day, one final criticism made her snap.

She had just arrived for a dance rehearsal and had found herself in an elevator with Abe Natsumi.

"Shige-san, how are you?" Natsumi asked.

"I'm fine!  You?" was Sayumi's usual cheery reply.

"Way too tired to be here," the elder of the two groaned in a rare moment of honesty with a younger member.

"Yeah, me too," Sayumi agreed, allowing herself a little honesty, too.

Natsumi clucked her tongue and gave the girl a reproving look.

"I'm old so I'm allowed to think that, but you should think more enthusiastically about being here and shaping and improving yourself."

Sayumi was left speechless by this sudden one-hundred-eighty degree switch of mood.

"Yes, Abe-san," she managed to croak.

"And while we're on the subject," Natsumi continued, all traces of nicety gone from her voice and demeanour, "you should become a little more serious.  There have been some complaints about you holding everyone back."

Sayumi's heart sank deep into her shoes.  She wanted to collapse and cry.  However, years of handling harsh words quietly helped her avoid causing a scene, and so she fixed her eyes on a spot on the carpeted floor of the lift and listened.

"If you were more like Maeda-san, we wouldn't have this problem."

Maeda Yuki?  That nobody? Sayumi couldn't help but think.  What does she have that I don't have?  I mean, really.  Besides a powerful voice.  Does she have a personality?  Does she have a fun job?

Unwittingly, Sayumi began to do what everyone had been doing to her for so long : judging, criticising, lambasting.  She had never had any problems with Yuki before - barely any communication, in fact - and yet she found herself hating the girl the more she thought of her.

The elevator let out a cheerful tone to let the two know they'd reached the next stop.  When the doors opened, Natsumi's entire demeanour changed, and she smiled.

"But that's a little harsh.  Hang in there, Shige-san.  It'll all work out!"

She skipped off, leaving Sayumi all alone in the metal box whose doors closed and carried her up to the next floor.

Sayumi stood still, staring at the uninteresting spot on the floor, her mind racing with thoughts.  Thoughts full of violence she'd never imagined.  And while a part of her mind told her that her anger should be aimed at Natsumi, it somehow took a detour and ended up being pointed entirely at Yuki.  Maeda Yuki, the perfect person that everyone was supposed to emulate.  Maeda Yuki, the person whose shadow Sayumi would forever live in no matter what.

It clicked then.  She had to get rid of Yuki.  Give her food poisoning, break her ankles, ruin her vocal chords... something to make sure she couldn't work.  The elevator came to the final stop and Sayumi walked out in a zombie-like way.  She didn't notice the yelling just down the hallway or her fellow Musume - Yossi, Ai, and Eri - standing frozen outside Miki's dressing room and listening in fear to a loud scolding.  She had her mind set on one thing, and that was getting rid of Maeda Yuki.

She walked into her own dressing room just around the corner and started to plot.


Rehearsal passed by without her noticing.  She attended physically, but her conniving mind was off in a small room, plotting and planning in a cool, calculated way that did not suit her outward appearance.

That evening, she made a list of things she needed to acquire, and by the time she woke up the next morning after wild dreams, she was convinced that if Maeda Yuki no longer walked and breathed on this Earth, her own life would be perfect.

With a smile, Sayumi picked up her phone and called a friend.  A non-Project friend.  A very special friend.  Special because her father was a licensed hunter.

They made plans to get together in a few days.


The next three days passed by far too slowly for Sayumi.  Her hands began to twitch with the need to take action.  She felt the complaints piling up about her, and every look aimed towards her she interpreted as nasty and resentful.

"Stop it stop it stop it," she muttered under her breath when nobody was within hearing distance.  "Get rid of Maeda and it'll all stop."


The fateful day arrived when she would meet with her friend.  They went out shopping, ate ice cream, and giggled about everything silly.  When the end of the day rolled around, Sayumi received the invitation she'd been waiting for all day.

"Do you want to come over for dinner?  We're making gyoza!"

Sayumi smiled toothily.

"Really?  Is it okay?"

"Of course!"

"Aw, Kaneko-chan.  You're the best.  Thanks!"

And so Kaneko took Sayumi home and up to her room where they continued to gossip until dinner was ready.

"Girls!  We're going to start making the gyoza!" Kaneko's mother called up from the kitchen.

"I'll be right back.  Just going to the washroom," Kaneko said quickly, and she dashed off.

Sayumi wasted no time.  She knew the house fairly well, and she knew she had one minute - a minute and a half if she was lucky - to do what she had to do.  She scuttled off to Kaneko's parents' bedroom and began to look through the drawers.  Nothing.  She opened up the closet, and was met with her reward.  A plethora of guns awaited her scrutiny.

She had no time to think, however, so she took out the handkerchief tucked in the waistband of her skirt and used it to pick up the smallest gun she could see.  She then tucked that into her waistband along with the handkerchief and quickly shut everything in the room to make it look untouched.  She then skittered back to Kaneko's bedroom and slipped the gun into her purse, zipping it up just as Kaneko came back in.

"Ready?" Sayumi asked, standing up quickly.

Kaneko nodded and they walked downstairs.

As Sayumi made and ate gyoza with her friend's family, all she could think about was the gun in her purse upstairs.  She was sitting there in the house of the man whose gun she had stolen.  Sitting and enjoying a family dinner.  She should feel something like guilt.

All the years of resentment, however, kept her from feeling anything of the sort.  She was filled with glee and was extra talkative, telling the enthralled Kaneko and her family tales of her job.

If only all people were like this family, Sayumi thought, then I wouldn't have to kill Maeda.  If everyone was like them, I'd be respected.

She revelled in the impressed looks Kaneko and her parents gave her, and she made a silent promise to reward them somehow for their good natured loyalty.


The moment Sayumi got home, she unplugged her home phone and donned a pair of thin gloves.  She inspected her newly acquired weapon, finding out what make it was.  She then searched on the internet for all the information she could find regarding the usage of the weapon.  She spent the entire night studying and learning, and when the sun started to rise, she spread out her futon for a short nap before she had to be at rehearsal.  Things were going perfectly.


Sayumi walked by a room.  From within, she heard Melon Kinenbi practicing the song "Happy Birthday".  As a passing thought, Sayumi recalled that Melon, W, and Aya would be doing a concert down in Kobe on the weekend and that it was Aya's nineteenth birthday.  It would be wise to carry out her plan well in advance of the event, for if Aya's birthday ended up overshadowing the unpopular Yuki's death, it would bring Sayumi even more glee and feelings of self-worth.



It was eleven o'clock in the evening.  Sayumi walked down the street and shivered in the hot, humid weather.  She shivered with excitement and a bit of disbelief.  She couldn't believe what she was about to do.  It seemed like years ago when she'd decided what she had to do.  Now her dream would finally be fulfilled.

She felt through her purse and was comforted by the hard metal barrel of the gun that lay there carefully, two pairs of thin gloves beside it.

"She'll never know what hit her," she mumbled.

Suddenly, she stopped.  She saw a familiar person walking in her direction.

What is Fujimoto doing here?! she thought, panicking.

She ducked behind a vending machine and watched the older girl approach.  Miki was carrying a long bag and seemed lost in thought.  She hadn't noticed Sayumi.

Okay.  She's going somewhere.  Not Maeda's.  Not chasing me.  I'm safe.

Sayumi darted from her cover and ran the rest of the way down the street to the station.

She hopped on a train and got off five stations later.  Since she'd planned out her route carefully, she wasted no time looking for the right exist and scurried to Yuki's apartment, which was conveniently near the station.

All feeling left her body as she wandered into the large apartment building, and she felt no guilt, no fear about what she was going to do.  She simply felt ready.

Knock knock.  Knock knock.  RING!

She announced her presence in a cheerful way.

The door opened.  Yuki looked surprised to see Sayumi standing there.

"Michishige-san.  Can I help you?"

She seemed a bit concerned about the younger girl.

All an act, Sayumi thought disgustedly.

"I really need to ask you some advice, Maeda-san.  Do you have some time?  It's kind of, um, urgent," Sayumi said sweetly.

Yuki opened the door, and with a calm smile let Sayumi in.

"Would you like some tea?"

Sayumi refused, Yuki offered again, and Sayumi accepted.

"Please have a seat.  I'll be with you in a moment."

Sayumi feigned a wide-eyed look of awe that one usually used when in the presence of a senior.  Yuki went off to make tea, and Sayumi sat on the floor, putting her purse in her lap and undoing the latch at the top.

"I hope nothing's wrong," Yuki said conversationally as she came back into the room and set two teacups on the table. 

Sayumi closed her purse smoothly and shook her head.

"Nothing bad.  I just want to ask some things about life and stuff."

Yuki smiled pleasantly at the younger girl and went off to finish making the tea.

Probably thinks I'm an amusing pet that can be given five minutes of attention and then kicked out.

Sayumi opened her purse, a coldness gripping her heart and mind.  She began to remove the gun.

"Oh dear!  I left the oven mitts in my bedroom with the rest of the dried laundry!" Yuki cried out in explanation as she dashed out of the kitchen, giving Sayumi no time to put away her weapon.

She panicked, but she had no reason to, for Yuki ran right by her and into her bedroom.

"Now or never," Shige said, steeling herself.

She stood up and followed Yuki to her bedroom. 

Yuki was standing over her bed, sifting through a pile of freshly cleaned and dried clothes.

It was all quite simple.  Sayumi lifted the gun, pointed it at Yuki's back, and waited.  When Yuki turned around, she didn't have any time to react.  Sayumi pulled the trigger and a bullet ripped through Yuki's chest.  Dead centre.  In a bit of awe, Sayumi released the trigger and shot again by accident.  A second bullet pierced Yuki's chest, slightly to the left of the first bullet's entry hole.

Yuki swayed, her face caught in a strange expression.  It looked like she was about to say something but her mouth wouldn't work.  Her jaw fell slack, followed by her entire body.  She hit the bed and then slid down to the floor, a puddle of blood accumulating on the tatami below her.

Sayumi snapped out of her trance and walked back to the living room.  She wrapped the gun in her handkerchief and then wiped the tea cups of Yuki's prints.  The less prints, the better.

Then without even a second glance at the dying (or was she dead already?) Project member, Sayumi left the apartment.  Once she stepped out into the fresh air, a huge smile spread across her face.  She felt like she had been reborn.  Now she would no longer be compared to Maeda Yuki.  Maeda Yuki was dead.  Michishige Sayumi was alive.  Alive and ready to overcome anything that was thrown at her.  In a few days, after Yuki's death was discovered, she would go out and celebrate.  She'd do some karaoke and get drunk.

And nothing would ever go wrong for her again.


"... But I made the mistake of leaving the gun in the change room after handling it with my bare hands because I wasn't exactly thinking straight.  And then they came and arrested me one night when I got home from partying."

Sayumi finishes speaking and Eri sits there in shock.  A tear rolls down her cheek.  She doesn't bother to wipe it away.

"Did we really treat you that badly?" she is finally able to rasp out.

Sayumi has become quiet, and she shrugs.

"It's okay.  I know you didn't mean to."

Words of forgiveness coming from a murderer.

But why had she become a murderer?  It could almost be said that it was through no fault of her own.  She'd been pushed, pressed, hounded, and teased into it over many years by strangers and close friends alike.

"I'm s-so sorry, Sayu-chan," Eri stammers, sniffing, more tears spilling down her face.

No wonder Sayumi has snapped.  She has had to endure so much.

"It's okay, Eri-chan.  It just means a lot that you're, um, that Eric's here to help me."

She's been betrayed by everyone.  She is innocent in all this.  It is everyone else that should be arrested.  Charged with murder of a girl's spirit.  Charged with driving a good girl into indescribably sinful activity. Charged with being careless, pathetic excuses for human beings.

"Sayu-chan..." Eri says, her hoarse voice unsteady.  "I'm going to get you out of here."

Sayumi blinks.  She hears something definite and immediate in her friend's voice.

"I don't know if you can.  It's pretty obvious I did it."

Eri shakes her head and squeezes her eyes shut.

"No," she says, her voice hardening into something more confident than she feels.  "I mean I'm going to get you out now.  Right now.  Fall on the floor and don't get up until I tell you to."

Sayumi recognises this rare courage in her friend's voice.  Eri is going to do something she might regret later but that she believes is necessary.  Like that time she made Sayumi bike through a red light with her right in front of their work building so that they wouldn't be late for the live airing of a radio show .  Except this time it's much more serious.

"Okay," Sayumi agrees.

"Fall!" Eri whispers harshly, and Sayumi does just that.

Her body simply flops down on the ground, her chair tipping over and crashing against the weak metal frame of the table.

"Help!  We need a doctor!" Eri - or rather Eric - cries out.

A guard opens the door and runs in. 

"She went into a seizure and collapsed," Eri explains in a panic.

The guard reaches for her radio to inform another guard that they need paramedics when Eri grabs the man's truncheon and clubs him over the head three times with it.

"Okay, get up and go!" Eri screams, and Sayumi springs up, looking down at the collapsed guard as Eri runs and pulls her by the wrist.

"What are you doing?!" Sayumi cries out in horror.

This is not going to work.  They're just going to be caught again, and this time Eri will be in trouble, too.

"Don't think!  Just move!"

Sayumi runs after Eri, and the two try not to scream in terror as an alarm starts blaring.  They barrel down the hallway and right into a gate.

A locked gate.  A locked gate guarded by guards.

"Great thinking, Eric!" Sayumi snaps bitterly.

Eri tears at her hair trying to think of a solution, when suddenly the gates open.  Sayumi and Eri shoot the guards a questioning look.

"Just get her out of here.  I can't stand her!" the leader of Sayumi's hateclub tells Eri.

Nobody has to tell the two girls twice, and they run like they've never run before.  Rather than slow down, they gain more and more speed as they near the entrance.  With a final burst of energy, they bowl over a crowd of waiting people and jump out the door, which has just opened to admit two lawyers who are working on a high profile robbery case.

"Sorry!" Eri screeches, unable to help herself from being polite.

They run and run and run and run and run...

And then they stop.  They're out of breath.  Out of energy.  Out of adrenalin.  They're exhausted.  They collapse against a vending machine along a tiny side street and catch their breath.  After two minutes, Sayumi speaks up.

"We're fugitives.  We can't stay here.  We can't stay in this country.  Oh my god, Eri.  What have you done?!"

She's not sure if she's angry at Eri for doing something so stupidly reckless or glad that she's no longer in that smelly prison.

Eri doesn't pay attention to what Sayumi is saying because she's busy shedding silent tears.

"Sayu-chan, I'll never treat you badly like that again.  I promise.  Can we still be friends?"

She speaks slowly and seriously and looks at Sayumi with overwhelming guilt.

It has never been Sayumi's intention to stop being Eri's friend.  Somehow she's known all this time that out of the countless people that have teased her, Eri has done it out of friendship.  Eri and a few others.  Reina, Miki, Yossi, Risa... She knows there is good in these people.  She has somehow aimed all her blame at one person - Yuki - and now that that one person is gone, there's nobody left to blame.  She can start anew.  It's a twisted philosophy, but now that she's a fugitive on the run, she has more important things to think about anyway.  Now it no longer matters what the newspapers will have to say about her weak voice.  Now what matters is dodging the eyes of the police.

She grasps Eri's hand.

"We've always been and always will be," she says in a moment of seriousness.

Eri smiles, but she still feels guilty.  She's still part of the reason why Sayumi is in this mess.

But she knows the real Sayumi better than most people around.  She knows that Sayumi means what she says, and so she is comforted.

"Now let's get out of here and get our cute butts overseas," Sayu says, pausing for a moment to inspect herself.  "And ug.  I totally need new clothes before we go.  Orange prison suits don't do my cuteness justice."

Eri smirks at her friend, and they share a laugh.  An odd time to be laughing, but they're not the most normal of girls.

"Come on!"

They run off, away from the authorities and into an adventurous new life.

The End

(All of it is highly unlikely.  Yes, I know.  But hahaha, did it at least make some people like Sayu a little more?)

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Re: Murder, OTN Wrote
« Reply #24 on: October 18, 2007, 08:34:24 AM »
oh wow there's a part 2 to this  :w00t:  lol, the first chunk was really funny.  Especially with money issues and Eri's crazy imagination.  I've always loved the bunny girl and you are just too good at writing.  The explanation behind Sayu's actions seem so possible the way you put it that it became a little disturbing to read....but you know I just can't stop reading your work and I so love how it ended!  Eric to the rescue  :wub:

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Re: Murder, OTN Wrote
« Reply #25 on: October 19, 2007, 12:50:24 AM »
And here I thought the first one was a one-shot. :P

"You've really done it this time, Shige-san.  Really done it."

"I didn't do anything!  I have no idea why I'm here!"
Oh man, Sayu's in jail!

The fact is that you're a murderer, you're in jail, and we don't have enough money to hire you an appropriate lawyer."


"... How the hell can Upfront Agency have 'not enough money'?!"

"And you won't help?"

"Hey, I have bills to pay and I've gotta eat, not to mention having to buy off Aya-chan every time she gets moody or threatening."
She could always just give Aya some rabu-rabu action instead. ;D

The visiting Miki sighs.

"Sorry, Shige-san, but you did this to yourself.  I can't do much, but I'll do what I can.  I'll call the one person you can afford.  Good luck, my friend.  Good luck."

Then with a wary look, she makes sure nobody has caught her talking to herself in the style of a cheesy drama.  Satisfied that nobody appears to be watching, Miki stands up and leaves.

What she will never know is that two security guards watching live footage of the visitor area are now in stitches, howling with laughter.  But what Miki doesn't know won't hurt her.  Not in this case, at least.
Miki  :cool2:

Security guards = :on lol:


"I need a favour."

"Umm... You know, I don't really swing that way, but I've got this cousin who-"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Eep!  Nothing."
HOLY SHIT! The lawyer thought that...  :mon lol:

"I need you-"

"Fujimoto-san, I already told you-"

"-to call Shige-san.  Can you do that?"


"Listen, I know that you think it's fun, but me and Shige are just-"

"-in her trial.  For god's sake, girl.  Could you let your imagination stop running wild for once?"
:mon lmao:

Sitting at a table, she sees the backside of her so-called lawyer.  She walks around and faces him.


Huh?   :stunned:

"Shh!" the Musume hisses.  "Kamezou.  Eric Kamezou.  Representative attorney.  I'm here to win your case."

"Now first I need to hear the whole story from you.  What you did and why you did it."

Sayumi opens her mouth to start speaking, but Eri jumps up to her feet, pointing a finger to the grey ceiling.

"But I need the truth!" she yells dramatically.  "You must trust me as your best friend!  Um, I mean lawyer!  Your very male and Peruvian lawyer!"
Eri/Eric =  :cool1:

Sayu =  :mon huh:

Sayumi had been agitated for weeks.  She hadn't let it show, but it was there bubbling beneath the surface of her skin.


The cause of her rage was, in truth, reasonable.

Awwwwwwwwww...poor Sayu. So she must have been unable to deal/cope with all the criticism and just snapped one day, huh?

Just as her character began to solidify, her beauty came out.  She grew up, became more and more gorgeous, and suddenly when she looked in the mirror and then into the camera and said "I'm the prettiest girl in the world!" everybody resented her because it was true.  She really was the prettiest girl, and to hear her saying that aggravated everyone.

This led them to be even more critical of her and for her to become more and more depressed.
:mon waterworks:

"I'm old so I'm allowed to think that, but you should think more enthusiastically about being here and shaping and improving yourself."

Sayumi was left speechless by this sudden one-hundred-eighty degree switch of mood.

"Yes, Abe-san," she managed to croak.

"And while we're on the subject," Natsumi continued, all traces of nicety gone from her voice and demeanour, "you should become a little more serious.  There have been some complaints about you holding everyone back."
Whoa, Nacchi dealing out the harshness.  :dizzy:

Sayumi's heart sank deep into her shoes.  She wanted to collapse and cry.  However, years of handling harsh words quietly helped her avoid causing a scene, and so she fixed her eyes on a spot on the carpeted floor of the lift and listened.

"If you were more like Maeda-san, we wouldn't have this problem."
Oh shit here we go.  :shocked:

She didn't notice the yelling just down the hallway or her fellow Musume - Yossi, Ai, and Eri - standing frozen outside Miki's dressing room and listening in fear to a loud scolding.  She had her mind set on one thing, and that was getting rid of Maeda Yuki.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaait a sec...there was yelling coming from Miki's dressing room?  About what? Who? :?

With a smile, Sayumi picked up her phone and called a friend.  A non-Project friend.  A very special friend.  Special because her father was a licensed hunter.

They made plans to get together in a few days.
A licensed hunter? :O  That's not encouraging.

"Stop it stop it stop it," she muttered under her breath when nobody was within hearing distance.  "Get rid of Maeda and it'll all stop."
At this point, I'm thinking that maybe Sayu can get away with pleading insanity?

Sayumi wasted no time.  She knew the house fairly well, and she knew she had one minute - a minute and a half if she was lucky - to do what she had to do.  She scuttled off to Kaneko's parents' bedroom and began to look through the drawers.  Nothing.  She opened up the closet, and was met with her reward.  A plethora of guns awaited her scrutiny.
Damn, I knew it. Why bother going to the trouble of buying a gun when you know where your friend's dad keeps his?

She revelled in the impressed looks Kaneko and her parents gave her, and she made a silent promise to reward them somehow for their good natured loyalty.
The last part of that sentence is just...creepy.

What is Fujimoto doing here?! she thought, panicking.

She ducked behind a vending machine and watched the older girl approach.  Miki was carrying a long bag and seemed lost in thought.  She hadn't noticed Sayumi.
A long bag? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...I wonder what's in it? :pig huh:

Sayumi pulled the trigger and a bullet ripped through Yuki's chest.  Dead centre.  In a bit of awe, Sayumi released the trigger and shot again by accident.  A second bullet pierced Yuki's chest, slightly to the left of the first bullet's entry hole.
"Shot again by accident"? Somehow...that just sounds odd the way it's described.

Sayumi finishes speaking and Eri sits there in shock.  A tear rolls down her cheek.  She doesn't bother to wipe it away.

"Did we really treat you that badly?" she is finally able to rasp out.
This is the thing about teasing. Regardless of what they'll tell you, you never really know how it REALLY affects someone.

I'm going to get you out now.  Right now.  Fall on the floor and don't get up until I tell you to."
Oshit, I'm sensing jailbreak!

Sayumi runs after Eri, and the two try not to scream in terror as an alarm starts blaring.  They barrel down the hallway and right into a gate.

A locked gate.  A locked gate guarded by guards.

suddenly the gates open.  Sayumi and Eri shoot the guards a questioning look.

"Just get her out of here.  I can't stand her!" the leader of Sayumi's hateclub tells Eri.


They run off, away from the authorities and into an adventurous new life.

The End
W...T...F... :mon one:


Hmmm...scary yelling from Miki's room, a "long bag" (with "long stuff" inside it, of course), and an "accidental" second shot.  All we need is a grassy knoll and for Yuki's apartment to have been next door/close to a book repository. 
 :mon uggh:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Murder, OTN Wrote
« Reply #26 on: October 19, 2007, 05:09:51 AM »
I've been so busy lately that I haven't been checking back here as often.  I finally decide to see if there were any new OTN1 epics, and I find this continuation instead.  And this is fine with me!  It was very amusing and maybe made me like Sayumi a little better... just a little.   I'm surprised that you managed to keep yourself in check and keep it from turning into something about miki/aya again.

Also Eric Kamezou was the best thing about the six gen (naturally excluding Miki).

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Re: Murder, OTN Wrote
« Reply #27 on: October 19, 2007, 01:37:10 PM »
"Your very male and Peruvian lawyer!"


Gosh, I love the randomness in this story :lol:
I also love how Sayu never really gets to regret her actions xD

You know, you could do a "Oh my God, they killed Yuki! You bastards!" series xD Or any other H!P member for that matter, seeing your fondness for killing characters xD
« Last Edit: October 19, 2007, 01:37:58 PM by ChiruChaCha »

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Re: Murder, OTN Wrote
« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2007, 09:02:56 AM »
You know, you could do a "Oh my God, they killed Yuki! You bastards!" series xD Or any other H!P member for that matter, seeing your fondness for killing characters xD
Does anybody remember Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki?  Before you all start pointing fingers at me for being morbid and killing people, check that story out. :lol:  Vikitty's really got it in for all of H!P.  (By the way, it's one of the best (possibly THE best) fanfictions I've ever read.  Very well done.)

I'm surprised that you managed to keep yourself in check and keep it from turning into something about miki/aya again.
You and me both.  I'm pretty proud of myself for resisting!!

Hmmm...scary yelling from Miki's room, a "long bag" (with "long stuff" inside it, of course)
Hahaha, those are things that overlap with the first story.  If you re-read part 1, you'll be able to spot them.

It's a pretty silly story, but I think it deals with an important topic (uh oh, here I go being all moral), and that is bullying.  They say that bullying often comes from the most unexpected place - your own circle of friends.  This story is an exaggerated worst case scenario, but it really makes you think twice about the whole issue and maybe your own behaviour.

Wow.  It's like Aesop's fables intact with a lesson.  Please ignore me.

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Re: Murder, OTN Wrote
« Reply #29 on: October 20, 2007, 11:13:57 PM »
I noticed you changed your icon and signature set xD

-falls over laughing, remembering the Hokkaido sisters in general-

Now if only you can somehow create "dramas" from the H!M skits... Ohhhhhh that will be so golden... xD

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Re: Murder, OTN Wrote
« Reply #30 on: October 20, 2007, 11:22:11 PM »
You know, you could do a "Oh my God, they killed Yuki! You bastards!" series xD Or any other H!P member for that matter, seeing your fondness for killing characters xD
Does anybody remember Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki?  Before you all start pointing fingers at me for being morbid and killing people, check that story out. :lol:  Vikitty's really got it in for all of H!P.  (By the way, it's one of the best (possibly THE best) fanfictions I've ever read.  Very well done.)
Particularly Aichan. :lol:

But yeah, that was definitely an epic fanfic. :thumbsup

Hmmm...scary yelling from Miki's room, a "long bag" (with "long stuff" inside it, of course)
Hahaha, those are things that overlap with the first story.  If you re-read part 1, you'll be able to spot them.
* JFC reads


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...Damn, I gotta remember that you have a habit of doing that. XD

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Murder, OTN Wrote
« Reply #31 on: October 22, 2007, 11:08:48 AM »
Now if only you can somehow create "dramas" from the H!M skits... Ohhhhhh that will be so golden... xD
Hahaha, that would be fun!

JFC, in reply to your comment in the other thread: dude, yeah.  I got bored of my old skin.  Decided to go with something a little more lighthearted.  And remember, it wouldn't be an OTN story if you didn't have to go back and read it a second time to get everything. :lol:
« Last Edit: October 22, 2007, 11:09:31 AM by OTN1 »

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Re: Murder, OTN Wrote
« Reply #32 on: October 22, 2007, 07:53:43 PM »
JFC, in reply to your comment in the other thread: dude, yeah.  I got bored of my old skin.  Decided to go with something a little more lighthearted.
It's cute Miki, so it works for me! :wriggly:

And remember, it wouldn't be an OTN story if you didn't have to go back and read it a second time to get everything. :lol:
True. :lol:  It's part of the fun!

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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