Here's the first chapter... ENJOY READING!!!!!!

Chapter 1: New StudentThe class hasn’t start yet with their sensei so students go to their respective friends and having some conversations. The classroom’s sliding door opens, revealing a girl wearing denim jacket over her seifuku, her violet Sennheiser RS120 Wireless Headphone was hanged on her neck, her accessorized blue bag that slings on her left shoulder. She brings a 110 cm x 45 cm x 15 cm suitcase.
She went on her respective seat which is in the fourth row, in front of the window and put her things carefully. Then she saw her friend coming at her.
“And I thought you’ll gonna be late, you’re in 5 minutes before the class starts.” The boyish-looked girl crossed her arms in annoyance.
“And there’s an elevator right? I’m not that slow, Nishishi.”
“By the way, where’s the new student, Kumi?” Nishishi asked.
“Oh, she’s in the principal’s office for the discussion of rules and some important things.” Kumi said.
“Souka. Oh I forgot to say that we will gonna do that today.” Nishishi said.
“Not that again. And I thought it’s already consistent?” Kumi sighed.
“Her Kumi!” Kumi saw the two girls approaching to them.
“Ah, Churi and Airin! Ohayo.”
“Are? Why you’re late?” Airin asked with playful tone.
“I’m not late, Airin. We still have 5 minutes before that thing starts.”
“It was announced all of sudden. I wonder why they need to do that again.”
“It’s because the school wants to balance every classes.“ They saw another two girls approaching them.
“Rena and Jurina, ohayo.” Kumi said
“Ohayo.” Rena said while eating melonpan.
“Balance?” Churi and Airin tilts their head.
“Yup. Balance, in numbers, strengths, knowledge and talents.”
While their chatting about the event today. Kumi opens her suitcase revealing two folded semilunar-shaped blackish-silver colored blade with its razor
edge on the outer curve and handle holder in the inner curve about 30 cm near to the pointy edge and two 15 cm handle. She assembles her weapon, revealing two scythe-like tonfa.
“You more look like a shinigami holding a scythe rather than an Okinawan martial artist holding a pair of tonfas.” Churi chuckled. With that, Kumi extended the handle to 75 cm long.
“Or rather a shinigami holding two scythes.” Kumi smiled
“Whatever.” Churi opens the suitcase she carries, and then assembles all the parts.
“Zastava M93 Black Arrow, Serbian bolt-action anti-materiel sniper. It has an effective range of 1,800 meters but I modified it to maximum effective range of 2,750 meters. Even with a wind strength of 50 mph, my sniper can still shoot at straight line.”
“Wow Churi, since when did you have expertise in sniping weapons?” Rena asked.
“Since third grading? Come on, you know that I like sniper rifles. This is my most favorite.” Churi hugs the black sniper rifle.
“As you like birds? Did you inherit the eyesight from your pets?” Nishishi asked.
“No? It’s in my birth that I have 20/5 vision.”
“How far can you see clearly from that vision?” Jurina asked while playing her yoyo.
“It’s like; I can see Jurina’s face very clearly from the rooftop of this building to the outer gate of this school.”
“Sounds like not human to me.” Airin said as she fixing her retractable recurve bow.
“Airin, I thought you’re my bestfriend.” Churi pouts.
“Hai hai. I’m sorry, ok?” Airin puts down her weapon and hugs Churi.
“Apology accepted.” Churi smiled and hugs Airin too.
“Guys, if you want to make out do it on your own room, not on the classroom.” Kumi sighed.
“Ma-ma-making out?” Hearing that word, Churi and Airin separated to each other very fast and blushed furiously.
The sound of the opened sliding door turns silenced to the whole class. A middle-aged woman walks to the table and puts her thing on it.
“Good morning class. Before we start on the introduction to that event, I will introduce you to the new student.” The whole class whispered on one another.
“Ano, Mai-sensei. Is the new student come from the wealthy family?”
“Good question, Mukaida-san. Unfortunately, she’s not come from a wealthy family. Her parents are also graduated from this school 20 years ago. She’s
only receiving a recommendation letter from this school because they saw her capabilities.”
“Kizaki-san, you may now enter.” The class focuses their sight on the girl appeared from the door. She wearing hoodie jacket with green Beyerdynamic RSX 700 Wireless Headphone hanged on her neck. Her backpack was slung on her right shoulder and she carries a 110 cm bag. Then she went to the table and picks the chalk to write her name on the blackboard.
“Beyerdynamic headphone? Is that very expensive?” Churi whispered.
“Yeah, and that headphone costs 70 euros.” Airin replied.
When she finished writing her name, she bowed in front of the class.
“Kizaki Yuria-desu, from Aichi Prefecture. My favorite drink is strawberry milk. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu.”
‘She’s really cute.’ Kumi thought.
“Kizaki-san, you may now sit where you want.” Yuria then went to Kumi’s company.
“Hi Yagami-san, thank you for helping me.” Yuria blushed.
“You don’t need to thank me, Kizaki-san. It’s my pleasure to help someone.” Kumi blushed too.
“Now that Kizaki-san joins to our company, you have 5 minutes to prepare whatever you have. After that we will gonna start that event.” Mai-sensei
walks out to the class. Then the noise comes back again.
Before Yuria prepares what’s inside of that long bag, she was being surrounded by some student.
“Hi Nakanishi Yuka-desu, I’m the class representative of SKE department.”
“Kizaki Yuria-desu.”
“The one who holds that black sniper rifle is no other than bird-lover, Takayanagi Akane.”
“Hi, Takayanagi Akane-desu. You can call me Churi. And just like this tomboy said, I like birds.”
“Hey! Don’t call me tomboy!” Nishishi shouts.
“Takayanagi-san, the sniper that you hold. That’s M93 Black Arrow right? It’s made by Zasterva Arms in Kragujevac, Serbia on 1993.”
“It seems that you know all about guns ehh.” Churi said.
“It’s just like, I’m a gun otaku. So I need to know all about guns.”
“This is Furukawa Airi, the one who holds a bow. Like Churi, she’s a sharpshooter too.”
“This puppy-face girl is Matsui Jurina, she’s a throwing expert.”
“Chotto! Don’t call my face a puppy, mou.” Jurina pouts.
“Kawaii.” Rena pokes Jurina’s cheek.
“And the one who pokes Jurina’s cheek is Matsui Rena.”
“Two Matsui? Are they relatives?” Yuria asked.
“We’re only having the same surname but it doesn’t mean that we’re relatives.” Rena explained.
“Oh ok.”
“If you need something, you can talk to us.”
“Arigatou Gozaimasu.” Yuria opens her long bag and pulls something inside, revealing two identical 100 cm katana. The hilts are color navy blue and their sheaths are color azure. Their guard are also identical, an eight-petal shaped guard. Each sheath is tied with cloth, with the thickness of 5 cm, 10 cm near to the guard for special handling.
“What a beautiful sword.” Kumi commented.
“Thank you.” Yuria unsheathes her two swords, then the whole class silent as they awed at the beauty of Yuria’s sword. The blade is shimmering in silverfish-golden color. The one sword was tattooed with flaming design while the other sword was tattoed with electric design, symbolizes of the two strongest elements, fire and lightning.
“Her sword, it’s not only beautiful. It’s a masterpiece from the heaven.” Airin said with her eyes shone like a star.
“Who’s the famous blacksmith who made the perfection of beauty?” Rena asked.
“I didn’t ask any blacksmith to make this.”
“Then who made it?” Jurina asked.
“It was me.” An awkward silence occurs. Yuria counted from three, two and one.
“EHHHHHH??!!! YOU MADE THAT??!!” Their eyes widened in surprise.
“Hahahahaha. Your face, you should see it. Hahahahahaha.” Yuria laughed at their exaggerating reaction. Kumi just smiled at her friends.
“Do I mind to know what materials do you get to make that perfect sword?”
“It’s an alloy of diamond, titanium, copper, tungsten, osmium, iridium and aluminum; and it was coated with melted silver-nickel alloy.”
“Really? So that’s how it is. And could you please stop having your jaws dropped to the ground. If the fly enters, I don’t know what will happen to all of you.” Kumi chuckled.
Mai-sensei enters the room and signals the class to silent so that they could listen to their teacher.
“The Board decided that the SKE Department will hold the Class Shuffle Games on the penthouse. So you will have 15 minutes to go on the highest floor. Dismiss.”
Then the class walks out to the room, making their way to the very top floor of the building.
“Kizaki-san, may I accompany you to penthouse?” Kumi asked.
“Sure Yagami-san, arigatou.” Yuria thanked.
“Drop the –san, it’s too formal. You can call me Kumi.”
“Then you should call me Yuria, Kumi.” Yuria smiled at her.
“Hey, what are you blabbering about?” Churi appears on Kumi’s side while Airin appears on Yuria’s side.
“Nandemonai, let’s go.” Kumi said.
‘Class Shuffle Games? I wonder what it is.’ Yuria thought.
To be Continued
Dou?? How is it???