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Author Topic: [NMB48's fanfic] How to get a girl? - COMPLETED  (Read 7895 times)

Offline Yu_oshi

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[NMB48's fanfic] How to get a girl? - COMPLETED
« on: May 18, 2014, 09:13:36 AM »

*Midnight* *Somewhere in Hyogo, Japan*

*Voice came from the radio*

--'the theme was Date...
Rika-chan always tell me that it's absolutely great to date me, if Rika was a boy then she definitely chose Akari as girlfriend ..etc, but we really close, always next to each other and sharing thought, she's really much like a big sister figure. So if I choose her then fans might think we're really dating."


Rikanyan slowly turned off the radio next to her bed after hearing what Akari said about her. Really, she wonder what should she do? She had taken on liking Akari since the time they first got into NMB. It's more than 3 years already, never once she changed her feeling. She's not even afraid to show it at all. But that all Rika got from Akari - she became her big sis.
If there's anything can be worse than friendzoned, that will definitely be sisterzoned.


*The next morning* *On NMB's practice room*

*Crack* *Door opened*

"Eh? Rika-chan, why are you here? I thought everybody would used this last day of golden week going out or something?"

Kinoshita Haruna walked in to find that her teammate practise some dance moves. Base on the sweats, she must be here for sometimes now.

"Eh? Then what's about you? Came here for practice too?"

Rika asked back, a little bit of surprised to see Haruna was also here. As Haruna tried to came out with an answer, Rika remembered something, last night radio.. the dating theme... Kanako had chosen Emichi.

"Wait! Don't tell me... it's Teppen radio last night, wasn't it?"

Like she just realized everything, Haruna answered without a second thought.

"Rika-chan, you too... right?"

"Unfortunately, yes"

A double sights can be heard in the silent room. Both girls looked at each others and shake their heads.

"Want to catch something to drink?"

"Sure, let's go"


*At the corner of their dressing room* *after buying a various types of drink from the vending machine*

"I don't get it! I meant to pick someone close to them, they definitely gonna choose us. But when talking about dating and all, it'll be another person!  What was that? It's like... it's so unfaithful!!!"

Haruna said with a fuming voice and took a sip from her can.

"I know you, you and I are just the same. I've liked Akarin for 3 full years, and you're into Kanakichi just as long. I mean, I've never changed my feeling, you know? All I have ever done was just to treat her nice and always be there for her. But it's like she never see me more than just a sister figure. I even confessed to her multiple times!! I don't know what should I do anymore "

It's Rika to complaint this time, she's quite depressed. Why did everytime when she had the chance to be Lovey-dovey with Akari, not longtime after, the girl would post something to confirmed that they're just sisters?
That wasn't necessary at all. And even shutdown her hopes everytime.

"I feel you, bro. Kanako tended to blur all my confessions, too. Even I'm into her that much, I know that she already knew about my feeling but... she just take me as her best friend, a comrade, a buddy. I tried to be sweet, tried to be together with her always, I took her out on a trip, to the festival, I brought her to my home,.... I don't know what should I do anymore? It's not like I can just give up on her. I tried that some months ago... and I still go back to her."

Haruna sighted again, she was also trapped.

"One frendzoned and one sister-zoned! Great!"

"I guess that why they said good guys always finish last..."

A silent took over the room as they didn't know what to say more.

"If I can wait 3 years then I don't mind waiting for some more ... but I think we need to change our ways of approaching girls. I don't want to waste it anymore "

Rika said firmly.

"But what are you going to do? If we could do it then we wouldn't have to wait for 3 years"

Haruna asked back, it's not like she didn't know that she should change some ways but she didn't know how to do it, and how to make it right.

"We need a pro about this. Someone has experienced of flirting with girl..
Someone that good at getting girls... some kind of bad guy that girls dig. Someone can tell us all about that and close to us...."

"Do you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Oh yeah! There's no one else beside that person"

To be continued

Since it's not gonna be a popular members or couples so I guess I just do this for my own pleasure. :p
« Last Edit: October 21, 2017, 07:20:37 PM by sophcaro »

Offline kuro808

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Re: [NMB48's fanfic]How to get a girl? (Undecided pairing)
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2014, 09:16:59 AM »
well TBH it's better than not doing it... (thinking about his fics)

I like the start of it :thumbup
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Offline Yu_oshi

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Re: [NMB48's fanfic]How to get a girl? (Undecided pairing)
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2014, 09:24:31 AM »
@Kuro_808 Yeah, I like to type out what I have in mind to my phone so this would probably stack on my notes anyway :))))

The next one

====Chapter 1====

*Morning* *At NMB's shared house*

"Oi oi oi!! Open the door Geicchi"

"It's close to noon already! Wake up Jonishi Gei"

As both Haruna and Rika knocked on Keicchi's door, they also raised up the volume, to what all they heard was a murmur

"Get lost! It's only 9 a.m"

"If you don't open up right now, we will personal knock it down! You already know how big Rika's shoulder is!"


Keicchi sighed from inside the room, it's like the only day they got to enjoy the Golden week and she has planned to sleep in all day... but those two must came and ruined it. What's so urgent anyway?

*Door click*

"Finally, you wake up. You're still young, stop drowning yourself in slumber!"

Rika said in a fake serious tone but Kei was too sleepy to care about whatsoever.

"Make it fast! I need to go back to my sleep now"

Kei replied with a yawn.

"We want you to tell us how to get girls"

Haruna stated simply.

"2 types, 1. Being a fashion model, 2. Get a haircut like Sayanee. You may have more fangirls. That's all"

Kei said back with unfazed face and climbed back to her bed at the same times. Got herself comfortable between the cushion and blanket.

Just then, Rika came and flipped her over like flipped some omelette.

"We're not talking about fangirls, we're talking about other girls! Our girls"

Keicchi felt more sober at this line.

"Wait! You guys mean that for real? Are you serious?"

"We're might have a great sense of humor but when it came to love, nothing is just a mere joke"

Rika said seriously then high-five with Haruna like a boss without looking at her.

"Why so sudden?  I mean what happened that made you guys that aggressive?"

Keicchi asked wonderingly. Rika loves Akari, Haruna love Kanakichi was something that be known by almost every members. It's not helping at all with them both showing it and didn't mind talking about it freely, too. But to see them like this and talked with such nonsense is quite rare.

"I'm guessing you didn't listen to Teppen Radio yesterday "

"Give me a good reason for why should I?"

Kei answered wriggling her eyebrows.

"Good point!.. Long story but.. Haruna! Talk to Keicchi about it"

*1 hour later*

"... and Kanakichi didn't choose me even the truth was we're always together and I do everything for her, and of course Akarin-san said that Rika-chan just like her big sister...... Eh? What are you guys doing? Wake up both of you!!"

Haruna couldn't help being furious since both Rika and Keicchi are in the state of unconscious.

"I don't want to be rude but... I kinda lost it at your love story in the 2nd year..."

Keicchi said with a big yawned, had been woken up again. She's very willing to listen member's problem.. but not such a long one like a novel.

"I told you to tell her all, but not all, literally! It's like hearing some boring audio book !"

Rika spoke frankly.

"But the point is, have you got it now Keicchi?"

"I understand your behavior right now but I still can't understand what's it has to do with me?"

Keicchi answered truthfully, why came to her when they need to get other girls? Don't tell her that because they think she's like a player or something

"Because you're the biggest player on our group!"

Oh goddamn it!

"Let's be clear! I haven't date anyone. I'm still single. How can I possibly be a player?"

"Because you always refused them when they confessed or asked you out"

Okay, that kinda reasonable enough and shut Kei up. They all knew that Keicchi tended to made all the girl fell for her without known about it, but she never accepted anyone. At first there's lot of girl but as time gone by and they understand more about what Kei really was. There's almost no one wanted to fall for Keicchi's charm again.

"But don't you think Sayanee would be a better person to talk about this with? She has the cool looked, cool personality, cool talents ... girls tend to fall for that right?"

"No, because Sayanee herself is into Maachun too much but never has any sign of succeed"

"Which again lead us to Maachun, who had desperately fell for Riichan but ... as I said, it is desperate!"

Rika and Haruna shrugged the shoulder stimulated.

"But you! Keicchi ... I knew you and Akari once had some moments when you guys were together. I don't deny that Akarin did somewhat into you at that time, and I don't deny that made me jealous but all is history and I forgave you"

"At first Kanakichi was kinda had some crush on you too, but that's just a fling so I'm gonna let it slide"

Keicchi raised an eyebrow.

"I don't even know whatever you are talking about. But I'm totally not seeing Kanako that way! She's cute and I saw her as my little sister. That's all.
And about Akari, ... I want to tell that she's like my little sis too but she kinda twice as big as I am so... but I still she her as a kid."

"It's fine, Geicchi, we're all good now, no need to explain. What we need is your help to win our ladies's hearts"

Rika said and put an arm over Kei's shoulder.

"Fine, I don't know what can I do but I'll  help you"

"That's the spirit! Now hurry up! We have a plan to made".

To be continued

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Re: [NMB48's fanfic]How to get a girl? (Undecided pairing) - Chapter 1
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2014, 09:29:05 AM »
I guess being a player by just playing the hearts without dating them XD

Keicchi to assist them :thumbup
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Offline Yu_oshi

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Re: [NMB48's fanfic]How to get a girl? (Undecided pairing) - Chapter 2
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2014, 04:17:58 PM »
====Chapter 2====

*At the shared house kitchen*

"Oh, Rika, this was really good! I know you're great when it come to food. How about staying at the shared house with me? Your home is a bit far from our workplace too right?"

Keicchi cried out of joy while enjoy the breakfast or an early lunch Rika made for her. It's not like Renapyon or Saepi are bad at cooking but to have something really delicious is a different level. Beside, Kei really love eating so she just felt all happy now.

"Yeah, but I'm an only child so I don't want to be faraway from my parents. You know? They only have me to take care of them, that's my duty"

Rika answered as a matter of fact.

"Wow, you're really cool talking about thing like that, Rika-chan, I'm woo-ing you a little here"

Haruna said half jokingly and earned a slap on the head by Rika.

"Haruna is right though. Let's see. You're good at cooking, very good sense of humor, very strong and athletic rather calmed and secretly nice to every members. I still remembered that time when we went to night kayak in Okinawa and you faked to lose for Miru. That was really cool, I don't know if I can do such thing like that.
But I mean, you have all that and you still can't get girl?"

Keicchi asked out loud.

"You forget to mention Rika-chan also has a really, like really gigantic shoulder for anygirl to cry on, and her faithfully love for Akari 3 years only grows more and shows no side of laying down"

Another truthfully hit direct at Haruna again. Rika just shrugged her shoulder.

"I don't think I'm the type that was likeable. You know what they said, good guys always finish last. As much nice as I am, the more sister-like that I'll be in Akari's eyes"

"Look on the bright side, there's always Megumin for you, that girl seem to adore you a lot!"

Haruna can help but teased Rika again and Rika just tired of hitting her so she just threw Haruna her death glare.

"We'll talk about your problem later, Haruna. So don't make Rika take revenge on you later.
... but true to say, ironically enough. Megumin is indeed a substitute for Akarin (on team N stage). No pun intended."

Keicchi and Haruna laughed and high five at the words made Rika almost high five their face.

"Cut the crab and going to the main point"

Stop laughing, Keicchi talked with more serious tone

"I think it's because you're too ... dull. Don't take that wrong. You're really interesting and made everyone laugh at your words but... I've never seen you acting sweet and compliment Akari before, right?"

"I do! It just ... I'm not good with sweet words or pick up line.. etc"

"Yeah, Rika-chan once said Akari-chan is cute just like her pet dog..."

Most people wanted to facepalm at this very moment.

"Guys love through his stomach and girls love through her ears... and Akari is just a tsunsere. My advice for you is just... compliment her more, be more spontaneous and buy her something cute, sometime take her out. But at the same time, be cool about all that. Don't fawn all over her, just give her some here and there and simply like that. You look straight into her eyes, tell her something sweet, flash her a smile and walk away~... that's quite classic move."


"Or when you go out with her, I supposed you already knew everything about her right? Then just order her something she like before she can do it, some may think it's rude not asking for other opinion first but for a girl that loved to be spoiled like Akari, do that and she found you're someone she can lied on. You're at the sister-zoned, right? Then let her see that what you do is not sisterhood. Be more flirty, not to only her, but other members too. If you caught you be too much flirt with anyone, just said what I always use 'You're still the only one I look at that way'. That kind of words along with a deep look in the eyes. Works everytime! But remember, the key is to left her hanging. Done give in "

"You said you don't know anything... but you just have all of this planned already, don't you"

Rika squinted her eyes at Keicchi. As much as she gladful for the advice, she was somewhat worried about what Keicchi can possibly do with Akari if she wanted it.

"Thay just my nature, I'm still not interested in it that much though"

Kei just let it slide, she likes being nice to everyone, she also loved it when others show her their happy face, so she tend to do all the thing she think it would made everybody pleased.

"My turn yet?"

"Okay, Haruna... let's see. Your strong points are.. you're funny, you're rich... "

"Oi! What kind of treating is this? Why am I only have those thing?"

Haruna cried out annoyed.

"I can help you named more of your weakness though, like you're stupid, you're still a kid despite your mature look. Talking about that, your mature look despite your young age is another disadvantage. Kanako looks too young for you."

Rika can't help but got her revenge on Haruna. She laughed as Haruna let out a pout.

"Since Kanako is a bit different case, I think I need time to think "

"You're sure into this kind of thing, don't you Keicchi?"

"I already said that's my nature!!"

To be continued

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Re: [NMB48's fanfic]How to get a girl? (Undecided pairing) - Chapter 2
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2014, 12:54:26 PM »
I don't know many things about NMB girls, but I do like the story. Especially, Keicchi's nature XD LOL She's an expert in love stuffs!

Keep writing! I'm waiting for the next chapter (∩_∩)

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Re: [NMB48's fanfic]How to get a girl? (Undecided pairing) - Chapter 3
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2014, 04:34:02 PM »
Thank you for reading this  XD

Go on now

====Chapter 3====

“About Kanakichi… I want to know if you’re really meant it or not. Because for such a girl like Kanako, to make her cry is a crime. So if you gonna do something wrong to her. I won’t forgive it”

Keicchi suddenly said with a stern voice and showed her seriousness.

“What? Why you’re saying such things like that to me? I’ve into Kanako from the moment I laid my eyes on her. I haven’t change my mind ever since even just once. For someone as popular as me at school, I had turned down most of my friends invitation just to take Kanako out for many. I tried to get her closer with my family, even my mother wrote her a letter for her birthday. How could I not meant it! And why are you saying like that? Are you having something towards Kanako too? Because that’s what I won’t let it go easily!”

Haruna replied in a furious way

“Easy tiger. I think Geicchi here just worries about Kanakichi as a protective sister. And I can see why she’s worried. You’re young and easy to get out of control”

Rika explained in a simple way. She must admit that Kanakichi is a girl that if you hurt her, you might be the worst man alive.

“I’m just wanted to make sure though, but according to your reaction. I think it’ll be safe. It’s not like you’re going to get her that easy”

Keicchi shrugged her shoulder as she states that. Earned a look of “WTF?” from Haruna

“Ok, ok… I’m just kidding…. now let’s see…
You’ve been friendzoned by Kanakichi right? You have tried to confessed to her many times but she just refused it, right?”

“Can you just get to the point and stop reminding me about all that?”

“Kanako, outside she looked like a sweetheart, a cute innocent girl. And indeed she is. But she’s much more than that. She’s also very strong-willed and very, very independence girl. She has a free mind but at the same time, very hardworking. So what’s type of person that she might like… she’s not the type that fall easy just by some sweet words… I think she want someone mature, someone calm, think before they do anything. Someone that’s firm, not just for her to lean on, but the one that strong enough to stay beside her through up and down. Someone that always be there and treated her kindly. So… Haruna, do you find anything I just said that you might have it in you?”

Kei asked, wriggled her eyebrows towards Haruna.

“Let’s me answer that for her as a third person point of view…. None! I mean I still remember how you guys went out at some festival and you got too competitive at some games, or when she slept on your shoulder you just shook it and complaint about your pained… I mean there’s a ton of stories that show you’re such a kid and you guys are just bestfriend!”

Rika took over Haruna’s turn to say anything. Instead all she can do was just glared deadly at Rika.

“Just tell me what should I do?”

“This involve the development of nature. You’re going to be more mature as time gone by, but at the same time, Kanako still be more adult than you because she’s older than you. I can’t ask for you to be more mature right now because even if you can do it, that’ll be a faked one. So my advice for this… just think 7 times before doing anything. Remember to bid her a good night everyday – this go the same with Akari too, Rika, and cheers her out a little. Be more reserved, and asked her to talked whenever you think she’s not herself but not too aggressive. If you’re going out then do other thing for her like a guy would do to his girlfriend. Do anything she want, spoiled her a little. Your key words here are be kind and be calm. It’s different to Rika, Rika-chan need to take the wheel of relationship, you don’t. Rika-chan should be more aggressive and neglected Akari a little, you don’t. All you need to do is gradually become Kanako’s family, someone she can count on and feel safe being with that person. If Rika’s story is like a storm then your should just be like a stream. You get what I meant?”

“You’re really have all of this planned out, don’t you?”

Rika asked again with suspicion along with Haruna’s constant nodding.

“I don’t! And all of this was my nature as well as some experience. So take it or leave it”

Keicchi facepalmed herself again and wondered why she told them all of her thought, she herself didn’t know if it works or not. But when her friends in troubles, she will just do her best to help them.

“I myself think that’s a hard task for Haruna, but I guess you need to work it out somehow kids. At least we can thank God that grand shuffle did not seperated us with our girls”

Rika had her arms around Haruna’s shoulder and gave her a squeeze.

“Yeah yeah yeah, I’ll try”

“Now since I believed our job has done for now, I may go back to my home and enjoy the last day of this golden week with my family. Salute “

Rika bid both girls goodbye and walked out the kitchen room, left behind Keicchi still eating and Haruna was in some deep thought.

After Rika’s departed for a while. As Kei was got to her last spoon of her meal, Haruna raised her gaze to Kei and asked

“About the advice that you gave Rika-chan,…”


“Was it for real?”

“Eh? What do you mean by that? How is it not real?”

“It’s just… you gave us advice thanks to you experience right? And Akarin-san did like you,… a lot. I remembered she said it with Kanako before, and I think Akari did confess to you, so you must know about it right?”

“Just take it as if I said that’s the true, then what’s it gonna do with my advice?”

“Well, if it’s true then… seem like she didn’t like you because you were what you just told Rika-chan. You’re still a nice to every body and just like a dork at that time. Especially, you never done anything like what you told Rika-chan to Akari. So I just wonder if your advice was right or not?”

“Ahhh… about this. Let’s just say I don’t even know why a girl like Akari had feeling for me. So from my point of view, she’s the type of girl like that, and I told Rika-chan tricks to get that kind of girl. But at the same time, Rika-chan hasn’t has the privilege of Akari’s romance feeling towards her, so she probably just need to change everything to get a fresh start. That’s all my point of view only so I don’t know if it’s may works or not. So if there’s something out of plan. Just tell me “

Keicchi explained clearly as she stood up and headed toward the sink to clean the finished dish.

“So that’s it… Okay then, you probably would just go to bed again so I would went out for some new clothes”

With that said Haruna bid Keicchi goodbye and now it’s just Kei alone.

‘I should just back to sleep already’

Shook herself of her own thought, Kei walked back to her room.


To be continued

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[NMB48's fanfic]How to get a girl? (Undecided pairing) - Chapter 3
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2014, 06:55:54 PM »
Hope the advice works for all of them or suffer some major consequences XD
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Re: [NMB48's fanfic]How to get a girl? (Undecided pairing) - Chapter 4
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2014, 11:03:21 PM »
===== Chapter 4 =====

*A few weeks later*
*At the practice room*

"Oi!! Geicchi! I think we need to talk about 'that' , so meet me after the break and bring Haruna too"

Rika whispered to Keicchi quickly as they stay next to each other at some dance part.
Keicchi replied with a nod and continued focus on the dance.

Akari accidentally noted from the corner of her eyes but decided to shrug it off, still she's a little bit curious about what they're saying.

--- Break time---

"So what's up?"

"You want to talk about those plans, Rika-chan?"

As three of them occupied a rare corner in the hallway far far from the practice room. Rika let out a sigh and started to answer

"I wonder if what Keicchi said really effective. I mean I'm not as fawning over Akari much like I do but I don't think Akari even care about it! How can I make her an impact on her by pretending to be a flirt when she didn't even care if I do it or not?"

"How about you Haruna?"

"Hey! I'm the one with problem right here!!"

Rika asked for attention when she heard Kei's question for Haruna

"I just want to know it a whole first! So how about you Haruna?"

"I think I'm getting use with this. Think 7 times before speak out loud is kinda good, it's help me calm down and get along with everything "

"Heh? It's nice to see you ft it well but I may say when something happens too sudden, I afraid you won't have time to think 7 times or you won't even have enough sane to think"

Rika replied frankly

"It's quite true but you don't need to ruin Haruna's way to be more thoughtful.
Anyway, so far, the only thing I can conclude is, you guys didn't do exactly what I said, don't you?"

After Keicchi voiced out her question and took the silence as an answer, she continued.

"To be franked, I doubt that you guys even take it 50% truthfully. And don't worry, I'm already know about it so I don't mind"

Kei shrugged her shoulder snugly. Make Haruna and Rika a little bit awed at what she said.

"Don't be surprised. I mean, you guys may came to me to ask for some advice, but only fools may need someone to teach them about the one they loved. You guys are much better than that. Beside, human nature is unchangeable. What I said is quite nice to hear but not what you might chose to follow. You might agreed with some part and tried it. But mostly every acts will come from you, yourself."

"I don't get it! If you already knew we not gonna do what you tell us, why bother saying those things anyway?"

Haruna asked curiously, if Kei said she knew it all, then why waste times with nonsense?

"Firstly, it's sound like an advice, what you guys looked so desperated to have at that time. Secondary, everybody loves it when chatting about other people. You must admit what I said seemed very reasonable and you're quite interested to hear such a thing.I sounded like a pro, didn't I? I did read a lot of mobile novels along with movies to have those words in stored"

Keicchi answered like it some matter of fact.

"At the same time, you wasted all those weeks of us for that mean-nothing words?"

Rika asked furiously, don't tell her Keicchi was tried to troll them

"Oh come on, you don't really need my help on your love life? You just said it because you were sensitive at that time. You're my friends but trust me, asking someone how to have the girl they loved is just like asking someone to love that girl for them. The only help I can do for you is leave when I should  and stay beside you when you need me. Of course, some words of wisdom when you're down too."

Rika and Haruna had to admit that Keicchi had a point. There's no denied that what she said was wrong. And to tell the truth, even if they did love their girls one-sided but they did manage to balance it through 3 years along with works and all. So they knew how to deal with it.... but sometimes, they just wanted to change everything. They didn't want to see their situation just keep repeating everyday.
But of course, change is always hard. Especially to change a person is even more close to impossible.

"Okay then genius, I guess you just got us this time. But any words of wisdom this time?"

"For Haruna, keep trying. For Rika, ... Let it go."

"What the hell"
Rika almost landed a knock on Keicchi's small head but Keicchi dodge it on time while Haruna laughed out loud.

"Okay, okay, I'm just joking... but yeah, good luck"

Kei patted on Haru's and Rika's shoulder in a sympathetic way.
And the chase began.

----- Sometimes later-----

*At some hotel*

'Ding ding'

Keicchi opened her phone upon hearing the notice tone.

'Hey! Today I'm alone in my room. Come and visit me'

As she read up the message , she let out a sigh, tell her roommate that she's going out for the night.

Kei slowly walked through the hallway towards "that" room. She wondered what's she really doing. She didn't know if it wrong or it's her that made this thing wrong. Was it simple or she just made everything became complicated?

*knock knock*

"Come in"

The sweet voice cam out behind the door. Kei opened it and walked in.
But she immediately be suffocated by the warm arms that held on her closed

"Why didn't you look at me recently? I don't like it when you ignore me"

The taller girl said like it's some complaint as she pouted.

"I'm sorry, Akari. I just forget it"

Kei said with a smile as she returned the bear hug and patted gently at Akarin's back.
But Akari just made a space between them and looked at her with displeased look

"That's all you can say?"

"Because I do much more. And I'll make it up for you today"

Keicchi answered with a smirk and a hinted look at the same time as her hand locked the door. After that she made her way back into Akari's embrace again.

'Ahh.. just let it go'

That's the last thought Kei had as they fell down on the softness of the hotel mattress.


To be continued

As much as I like Rikanyan, but yeah.. I'm still an AkariKei shipper much much more :D

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Re: [NMB48's fanfic]How to get a girl? - Chapter 4
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2014, 11:15:56 PM »
Crazy to just get the advice and let it stew in the mind to only get the opposite XD

Kei playing the game to prove the point  :nervous
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Re: [NMB48's fanfic]How to get a girl? - Chapter 4
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2014, 02:39:22 AM »
keicchi, why you sly little alien lizard :on lol:

but that's your nature so can't really blame you :bigdeal:

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Re: [NMB48's fanfic]How to get a girl? - Chapter 5
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2014, 01:29:22 PM »
Sometimes I wonder what am I writing? :p

==== Chapter 5 ====

"So... how are you and Rika-chan recently?"

Keicchi asked out of blue as she laid on Akari's bed with Akarin's arms drafted around her.

"Still good... we're good friends.. she's nice.."

Akarin answered with her eyes half closed, didn't mind much about the question.

"Rika-chan really like you... you know that right?"

Those words caught Akari's attention as she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Keicchi

"Why are you saying that now?"

Kei let her eyes avoid Akari's gaze and look at the ceiling ...

"It's just... she has liked you for 3 years now. So I think she maybe serious about this. Beside, Rika-chan is really the type that others can count on..."

"Yeah, you're probably right..."

Akari said as she let go her arm around Keicchi, turned over to lied on her back and  gazed up the ceiling too.
None of them speaked out anything after that, it's seem like there's an invisible wall between them. But that's not the first time so they already get use to it.
Sometimes Kei wondered what's their relationship? Definitely not lovers... none of them care to tell each other the love word. And while in or after some of their sessions, Kei might talked about Rika, Akari might talked about whoever Keicchi's interested at that time. But they both never denied those thing...
Maybe the "Friends with benefit" is the right term, but sometimes there's feeling involved too.
Of course Kei knew she's being a jerk, the worst friend ever, but she didn't know how to stop it, especially when even Akari compromised with it.
So both of them tried to keep it low as much as they can and didn't let any members know about it.
After a while when Kei took it as Akari has been in her deep slumber. She silently got up, collected her clothes and get dressed. Take a look at her partner one more time, she gently draped a blanket around Akarin, laid a soft kiss on her forehead. Then she slowly made her departure.

"4 A.M already... I should got back and prepared for work later"

Kei let out a sighed as she looked at the clock on her phone.

"Eh?... Haruna? Why d..."

Before Keicchi could finished her question, Haruna already took her by the collar and pushed her to the hallway's hall in an aggressive way.

"You did it with Akarin already, didn't you?"
Haruna asked with her deep voice along with some anger inside.

"What's in high-school girls head nowadays? What is 'did it'?"

Keicchi answered with uneasiness.
If they're not in a silence hallway and every members is still sleeping at this time, Haruna might had shouted it out of anger but she tried to hold it back and grunted each words to Kei

"You did sleep with Akari, didn't you? You betrayed Rika-chan, didn't you?"

Kei let out a big sighed, looked at Haruna with guilty eyes.

"Yes I did"

Haru seemed like she couldn't held back herself anymore and had her hand curled up a fist.

"Just hit me but don't hit the face, we need to keep this in front of the media"

Somehow Kei's words made Haruna more angry. The truth was even they were on yhe same team and same generation, she's never that kind of close to Keicchi - she wasn't into any kind of player that closed to her Kanako, but Rika-chan is just like her best friend, and Rika was friend with Keicchi. And now, to know that Kei did those kind of thing toward her friends... as her fist about to land..

"Stop it!! What's going on around here? Haruna! You let Jonishi go immediately! Why are you hitting her?"


Both of Kei and Haru stop at once to find Sayanee was standing not so faraway from them, wearing her sport outfit.

"Both of you need to explain this to me at once"

Sayanee looked at them with the strict eyes.
How a captain should feel when found 2 of her teammates about to hit each other at 4 in the morning?
They better have a good explanation for this.

"Okay, I'll tell you all"

Haruna let go of her hold on Keicchi on a distasteful way.


As them three sat down on a bench on the hallway. After heard everything Haruna had to tell and understand mostly of it. Sayanee also felt so disappointed about Keicchi but still she need to talked to Kei about this later.

"So, tell me how did you find out about this Haruna?"

"Akari chatted with Kanakichi alot, and I almost stay with Kanako 80% everytime we have to shared room, so sometimes I heard Kei's name mentioned. I just got some doubts... but until today, I woke up early so intended to get Rika and Kei go out for a walk. Since Keicchi room is closer so I decided to take her first, Uuka told me she went out from last night and hasn't returned. My doubt lead me to Akari's room, and I saw her walked out from it... and you know the rest"

Haruna still looked at Kei with a despite look.

"How about you came back to your room and let me take care of everything from here?"

"Okay, I'm sick at looking at her face anyway. "

Haruna said quickly and stood up to head towards her room.

"Hey! Haruna.. I know I shouldn't say this but.. can you not tell Rika all this when you saw her tomorrow?"

Furious at what Sayanee's asked, Haruna left out an answer immediately

"No! Are you trying to cover up what that jerk was doing to her friend?"

"No no, trust me! It's just this is something Jonishi need to take responsible for. So I want Jonishi be the one who talked to Rika-chan... if you don't want it then just leave it out a week. After a week and Jonishi still not sorted this out. Do what you wanna do!"

"Okay then... I believe you Sayanee... but Kei! Hey! I'm telling you! Stay away from my girl"

With that said and Haruna left behind 2 people sitting on the bench.
With both of her eyes stick to the ground, Keicchi mind when blank.

"Do you have anything to say about this?"


"How will you tell Rika though.."

"I don't plan to tell her..."

Hearing those thing from Keicchi made Sayanee felt a little angry. She didn't want to jugde everything too soon but with Kei being like this. She didn't know if it's a right thing when she asked Haruna a chance for Kei to redeem.


"First, let's think about it in a simple way. Is Akarin and Rika already an item? They're not. Second, am I stepping in and steal Rika's chances to get Akari? No because we're just friends with benefit. I didn't affect any of Akari's feelings towards Rika. Third, why I need to tell her some thing that cost her - her long lived love, her friend, and broke her heart when it wasn't meant to be that much of damaged. "

Kei spoke out what's she can content in her mind at that time.

"Then right from the start! Why did you lay your hand on Akari? Of any member you could chose! Why did it has to be with Akari? You already know how much Kishino like her. I thought you just played with others and forget them when they came to like you back?"

"There's always a first for everything. I guessed I didn't think much when we did it the first time... and then I'm just keep falling in deeper "

Kei let out a long sigh again

"What you did is not wrong when it came to your definition. But it's always wrong to do something knowing it will hurt your friend. To tell the truth, whatever you may explain, I still see it as totally wrong and you deserve a punch in the face from Kishino. I mean at least respect her as your teammate  and let her know what happened between Akari and you. Even if it'll hurt her but she still need to know the truth. Stop lying to her. She's too nice to suffer this"

Sayanee tried to convince Keicchi again. Sometimes she wondered what's going on that little head of Kei.

"I think I can call it off with Akari so maybe it'll be no need to tell Rika about this"

Kei came out with a conclusion.

"You think? And what's wrong with Akari too? How could she do that to Kishino? They might not a couple but Kishino treated her nicely... she know Kishino liked her for all those time. She always said she just think of Kishino as her sister but never gave a proper refusal... what's kind of girl is she?"

Sayanee might not want to believe in anygirls from now on.

"A smart and a normal one? ... Akari herself knew how nice is Rika and what we had together is just a mere personal need to her. It's nothing anyway"

Keicchi said in a bitter way. This wasn't went unnoticed in Sayaka's eye.

"Do you have feeling for her or something?"

"No, I think not... I can't stop seeing her though. But I guess I may stop it now."

Kei answered half hearted. It's quite irritated Sayanee since they didn't get any point

"Look, the main problem here is you need to tell Kishino about all this! She deserve to know the truth! Then the 3 of you can deal thing later in your way. Just don't hide her anymore, the more you hide, the more hurt she'll be."

"I may think about this... thank you for defending me, nonetheless "

Kei said as she stood up about to go back to her room.

"I wasn't defend you, I just don't like violence..."

"That why I said nonetheless .. I may go now"

With that Kei slowly dragged herself back in some what distressful way. Sayaka watching her back getting smaller as she went away, then she gave out a sigh and shout loud enough for Keicchi to hear

"Just came talking to me if you need, Jonishi. Don't hide"

And Keicchi kept walking without looking back.


To be continued

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Re: [NMB48's fanfic]How to get a girl? - Chapter 5
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2014, 12:58:41 AM »
Keicchi sounds like a bad boy ... I like the Kei and Akari's "friend with benefit" scene XD

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Re: [NMB48's fanfic]How to get a girl? - Chapter 5
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2014, 01:03:15 AM »
The lust between the two driven them and Kei knows that it wasn't her business to get involved but it was enough to finally get it into Akari's head that there is someone wanting you :nervous
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Re: [NMB48's fanfic]How to get a girl? - Chapter 6
« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2014, 10:10:03 PM »
I'm back again =)))))) just need some reason to write this.

===== Chapter 6 =====

*5 days after the encountered*

"Moshi moshi"

"Hey, Akarin,... listen, do you have any freetime right now?"

"Of course, it's almost midnight now. Is there any problem?"

"I just need to talk to you about something... not over the phone"

"Can it wait until tomorrow?"

"I think I better tell you straight about this"

"Okay... just come to my house, be careful on the way"

"Don't mind, I'm fine. See you later"


It's 5 days after the accident in the hotel, Keicchi hadn't spoken to Akari, Sayanee or anyone involved about that. She just needed sometimes to think about it clearly.
Sayanee and Haruna were right. She's suck a jerk. Whatever she had to defense for herself is just proved that she had no regret hurting her friend at all.
Kei knew she might not be the greatest friend ever but at least she didn't want to do something that hurt her companion. So she decided to fix it all this time.
Dressed casually, she got out of the shared house and take a cab to Akari's house.
Her mind went blank as she looked outside the window at any household that she passed by.
Until the driver stopped the car at a corner of road that near Akari's house. She payed him and walked there by herself.
After a few minutes waited in silence until Akari appeared and lead her in the house.
They tip-toed towards the kitchen as they didn't want to wake any one up.


Akari passed Keicchi a tea-cup as she taking one for herself.

"Thank you"

Keicchi looked at the cup with a blank face and started taking a sip.
After a few more sips, seeing no sight of any conversation from Kei, Akari decided to ask first.

"So what's the problem?"


"The reason why you dropped by my house at this holy hour?"

"Ah, yeah..."


"... I think we should stop seeing each other"

'Cough cough'

Akari almost choked on her drink as Keicchi said those line. After regain a little, she replied simply

"We can't stop seeing eachother, because we're not in just the same group, but also the same team. Beside, if you're talking about that, it's not like we're dating anyway. There's no pressure."

"I think you should accept Rika-chan's feeling and stop playing around."

"Is that what all this about?"

"Just admit it. It's not everyday you find someone that good and can be faithful to you for 3 years. You know it, that's why you never really denied her but always find another way to keeping her close. I think it's time for you to finally giving her what she deserved. Be smart and choose her."

Keicchi said with her calming voice and her gaze round the cup. Not looking at Akari.

"What's about you?"

"I'm fine, I think I should find myself someone I can lie on though, someone more mature than me. I guess Harupyon is available."

Akari showed a bitter smile at what Kei just said.

"Just like I thought, after members it'll come to the manager"

She murmured but still Kei could heard it. She decided to let it slide though.

"It's just,... we shouldn't do each other again. Just... don't want to hurt anyone anymore."

"I get your point..."

Without both of them looked at the others. Some silence started to fill in again.
Keicchi breathe in a big gulp of air and advert her gaze straight at Akarin. She must do this properly this time.

"So, are we cool with this?"

"Yeah, it's doesn't mind that much though. You can just talk about this on the phone. It'll save more time."

Hearing Akari's cold answer made Keicchi somewhat broke a little inside. She should had guessed about this.

"Yeah, I guess that just my stupidity doing again "

Fake a smile, Keicchi replied coolly.

"I think I need to go to bed now. It's late so you can take the guest room."

Still avoid looking at Kei, Akari speak fastly as she rinsed off her cup and set everything back in place in the kitchen.

"Don't mind, I'm going back the shared house now. The taxi's still waiting."

"Suit yourself then"

With that Akari hurried made Keicchi her way out and bid her a formal goodbye.
And the end of their secret relationship just like that. Fast, and no meaning.
Kei let herself wandered back wishing she didn't bump into any bad guys. She should find a cab soon, so she thought.

*The morning after*

As the new team N gathered around for their practice again. Keicchi finally had a chance to talk to Sayanee in private. She didn't want to bother their busy captain at all but then she didn't think she could talk to anyone else about this beside Sayanee.

"Hey! I have something I need to tell you about that stuff "

"Okay, just meet me at the rooftop after the break"

Kei nodded and made way back to her position. Akari gave her and Sayanee a slight look but soon shrugged it off. She didn't want to care about that person anymore.

*At the rooftop*


Keicchi turned to look as she hear the voice from Sayaka.

"Bad sleep yesterday? You look like a panda"

Sayanee asked her jokingly and Kei returned with a soft smile.

"So, what do you want to talk about? "

"I broke it with Akarin. We won't have any kind of relationship beside teammates from now on"

Kei blurted out, straight to the point. Made Sayaka surprised a little. After almost a week hearing no news from Kei, and that's the first thing Keicchi had to say.

"So what?"

"So please don't tell Rika about this. This is all my fault. Please don't make her suffered for what I did"

"But she deserves to know the truth"

"Not when this truth is meaningless and going to hurt her.
...Please Sayanee, you're the only one who can stop Haruna now. Please don't let Rika know. Rika finally gonna have her chance with Akari. They might really made it this time. Don't make all her works and feeling be hurt and disappeared "

Kei said almost like she was begging Sayaka. She's not the type that easy to beg someone. But this time, she needed to take responsible for this mess.

"I don't think Akari deserve Kishino. And I don't want Kishino be deceived by Akari anymore. Just tell her the truth!"

"No, Akari is a good girl, she did nothing wrong. What between us is just a mere fling. It was me that deceived Akari  into liking me. But at the same time she liked Rika too. She's just confused. I made it clear for her yesterday. Rika-chan did choose the right girl, she just chose the wrong friend.
So please, this is what I can do at least, don't ruin the image of the one Rika-chan loved for many years. It'll be more than cruel to do such a thing. Rika deserve to be happy. Just let them be happy together. "

Kei said sincerely. Rikanyan was a really great girl, she'll be the perfect one to Akari.

Sayanee let out a sigh. She couldn't denied what Keicchi said did have a point. But everytime having a conversation with Keicchi made her confused. She couldn't believed she's being persuaded into believing what she knew very clear was wrong is actually a good choice for this situation. Kei must be damn well of a talker.
After thinking for some moment. Sayaka signed Keicchi to got closer.
As Kei got to the perfect distance. Sayaka threw up a punch towards her. But it's stop perfectly before landing on Keicchi's face.

"Jonishi, I swear if you lie to me this time. This punch won't just stop here"


Knowing she had succeed in persuaded Sayanee. Keicchi showed a relief smile.
To Kei at this point, there's no border between lie or truth. There's only what's good and what's not.
She didn't know since when she got stuck in this mess she made for herself. She didn't even know how to get out any more...

To be continued

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Re: [NMB48's fanfic]How to get a girl? - Chapter 6
« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2014, 10:27:32 PM »
Well Keiichi did the right thing to not hurt anybody anymore but to save her sanity is to open the door for another person to get their opportunity although Sayanee should have socked her to get the point
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Re: [NMB48's fanfic]How to get a girl? - Chapter 6
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2014, 12:49:10 PM »
*walk in silently*

====Chapter 7 ====

*At some restaurant*

"So... what made you invited me to dinner?"

"Well, can I just spoil the baby of our 1st Gen sometimes?"

"That'll be Mirurun if you using the word 'baby'"

Haruna replied immediately hearing from Sayanee. She might not be that much mature and she knew she still very young, but definitely not a kid.

"Okay! This is about Jonishi"

Sayaka decided to cut down the chase and get to the point.

"How surprise ~… what's about Jonishi Kei?"

Haruna simply raised an eyebrow. She very well aware about this. After all, a week already passed by.

"I know you may think this is ridiculous and I shouldn't believe her. But I think she's right. We don't need to tell Rika about all this."

"You're right!..."

"Really? !? That's fast"

Sayanee a bit surprised at Haruna's response.

"You're right! I think you have been fooled and you shouldn't believe her..."

Haru just continued talking with her straight face.

"I did expect you to be more sensible! But you just fell for her trap too!"

As hearing the girl grunted the last sentence, Sayanee felt a little taken aback.

"Listen to me first! I wasn't fell for Jonishi's trap or anything like that. It's just.. that's the best for both side! No one will get hurt"

"Now that ridiculous! ! Since when lies are made up to be the best for everyone and help hurting no one? It's the lies itself has been the root of evil. You're just become unreasonable"

Haruna feel like she wanted to flip the table in front of her. Why the one she trust keep telling her what's wrong was actually right?

"Hear me out! Jonishi had called it off with Akarin and promised to never get involve with her again. Now we just need to get them a chance and made their ways back to normal"

"And no punishment at all? For Keicchi, the one that slept with the girl her best friend loved? You're not being fair at all. Tell me, we all know that you like Milky but haven't known if she feels the same way yet. And if you found out that, your buddy! Have tap her body many more times than you have a chance to kiss her. Now how will you feel about that?"

Haruna just getting more angry.

"That's exactly why I don't want Rika to know about this anymore! Do you wanted Rika to feel that?
What Akarin did with Jonishi is her choice. Akari has never accepted Rika's feeling so that mean she's free and can do anything with anyone she like. In this case, she had chosen Jonishi. So we just cannot blame it all on Kei about this.
Beside, the reason why Jonishi was keeping this low is because there's not much between them aside from the bed. It's understandable for girls at those age and crawled for love. It's just a phase! Non of them are at fault.
Now when Jonishi had put an end for it, Akari still the same one that Rika loves for 3 years. Nothing change."

"You're giving me the headache. You're turning the thing that everyone know was damn wrong, into something that no one at fault!! What the heck is that! Keicchi and Akari had cheated on Rika-chan! They both lied to her! This is not what is reasonable or need any kind of words to prove it right or wrong! This is what we're feeling! We know it wrong because we can feel everything was wrong! Screwed all those sophisticated explanation."

Haruna felt like she might walked out any time now since she didn't want to have any headache. Why Sayanee consistent on defend for Keicchi? To her, there's only one rule. The worst man ever is the one that betrayed your friend.

"How about taking it this way, if Akari did choose Jonishi and Jonishi also liked Akari. Then was it wrong if they got together just because Rika loved Akari?"

Sayanee raised up a question,  she felt like what Keicchi once told her had really came up to her.

"No, but they should let Rika know about it. She deserve to know."

Haruna answered aggressively.

"Then what if Akari had something that she needed someone to help her, she chose Jonishi for it and Keicchi accepted. Will it be their fault to not tell Rika just because Rika loved Akari?"

"What's your point?"

"My point is just... may be what between them is like what Jonishi said, just a mere fling. It's mean almost nothing for them both. Jonishi also stop going any further and she said that Akari finally will give Rika a chance this time. Then why do we have to stir thing up when they're going to settle down"

Sayanee tried to explain everything that Keicchi once put in her head to Haruna.

"So you just gonna let this slide and those jerks will just get away without nothing on them?"

Haruna gritted her teeth.

"That's the cost for Kishino's happiness. But tell me, even if Kishino know about this, what's the different? Can she punish them? No! Don't you see that if Jonishi really want to hurt Rika, she would just showed it all out and hit it off will Akari in public. Even if happened that way, Kishino still can do nothing about it and as a matter of fact, Akari did choose Jonishi. I think we should just let it go. It wasn't our problem to take care. It's about them 3, and Jonishi did take care of it. She gave up for Rika. Think it like that and let it slide this time."

Sayanee let out a sight. The truth is no one has the right to punish Keicchi or Akari. They're free to do what they want. Rika was the unlucky guy to get involve with those 2. At least Jonishi is still good enough to stop everything and take all the fault.

"Do you believe her?"


"Keicchi, do you believe her? Or more important, can we believe her? She said she gave up, and stop everything. But will she really do it? She's a player for goodness sake."

"I think we have no choice, beside, like I said. If she really want to hurt Rika, she just need to show it all out. But she keep hiding everything because she thought it's mean nothing so she didn't want to bother Rika with this. At least she still good enough to think about this, I think we can believe her"

"What ever! I gonna eat the biggest dinner ever and you'll have to pay for it all"

Haruna decided to give up and shrugged it all out, such a headache like this she didn't want to think any more.
Sayaka just let out a long sights again and nodded her head. 'Jonishi, you own me big time this one'


*Later that night*

After the dinner with Haruna, Sayaka decided to call for Milky. The truth is she felt like something was missing in the whole story, something that Jonishi seem to let out all the time. And then she came to realize, she never really know much about Akari. So she found the need to know more, beside the member that know Yoshida Akari well, she couldn't think of many, but Milky might be a good choice. They looked a bit similar and girls like that tend to understand each other well.
Lucky for her, Milky is quite free that evening. So here she sat, waited for Milky to come.
A moment later, noticed a well masked girl came close to her place, she knew that the one she's waiting for.

"Did you wait for long?"

"Not much, I didn't want to move much anyway"

Still the soft voice that can fish anyone, hearing those some how made Sayaka feel more comfortable. May be that's the power of Milky, good for your heart.
After ordered, Milky wriggled her eyebrows at Sayanee.

"Now, tell me why do you call me out here in the evening. And don't use some polite reasons on me, I'm not easy to be fooled"

Sayanee let out a smile. Everyone might not know but Milky actually a rather smart girl. She can read the atmosphere around pretty good.

"Alright, I just want to ask you about something. Do you hang out with Akari?"

"Not much, we're a bit similar so others tended to think we hang out a lots. But the truth is Akari and I didn't have much chance to go out or eat with each other."

Sayanee almost facepalmed herself right away. Things that she's never noticed.

"But if you want to ask me about her, I think I can give you a decent answer. I think I know her more or less. Again, we do similar in some sort of way"

Milky's answer gave Sayanee more hope about this. Those girls indeed understand each other.

"Really? Then..."

"But first, tell me, why do you want to know about Akari? Interested in her perhaps? "

Milky asked with her leering eyes.

"No no, of course not. Just for some friend."

"That good then, I still have a chance."

Sayanee blushed at Milky's flirting. Sometimes she swear Milky just too good with her job. But Sayaka did promise to not fall for her trick, especially after Milky admitted she just tried joked flirting with Sayanee.

"So ... what kind of girl is Akari?"

"I must say, typical but original. First look at her and you may think she just one of those typical pretty, sassy girl you see on the movie or often seen in high school, which she did have a bit like that but not all. I always find Akari as someone that hide her trueself deep inside. And she did it very successful. She keep trying to build up a character for herself. She tried to held up on her pride, always smiling cheerfully  and show her positive side ... but all just to cover for her sensitive personality. The different is while everyone put on a show in front of everyone and back to their trueself when they're alone. Akari didn't, she wasn't put it as a show at all, but she tried to convince herself to believe that's what her true nature. I think she refused her truth until she found someone that can relied on."

"Wow, that's quite details ... do you think she found the one that she want?"

"I'm not sure about that. I didn't have much chance to notice it anyway "

Sayanee just silently nodded her head in agreement.

"Why don't you ask Rika-chan about Akari? Aren't that more reasonable?"

A little surprised with Milky sudden question. Sayanee just took her time to come up with a sensible answer. But Milky's voice rang out again,

"Don't tell me you're really into Akari and didn't want Rika-chan to know? Rika won't be happy about this"

"Trust me, that'll be the last thing I want to do with my life"

"It's funny though... even it's seem like Rika-chan has no rival at all since I don't think anyone else showed their interested towards Akari. But it's take Rika more than 3 years but still going nowhere beside being Akari's sister. I wonder what it will be like if Rika has one though."

Sayanee raised an eyebrow towards Milky

"I think the differ. I think with 3 years of faithful feeling towards Akari, Kishino will finally have a chance with her. Akari will realize that eventually and choose Rika anyway."

"You must know nothing about girls then. If Akari wanted Rika then she would just pick Rika-chan long time ago. Not lead her on and let her hanging that long. She'll choose Rika, after she realizes she couldn't find anyone else better, or after she being dumped by someone. That's what typical girl would do.
Those faithful and feelings thingies is what made Akari decided to keep Rika beside her. She knew Rika-chan is a good girls but that doesn't mean she gonna love Rika for it."

The talk with Milky so far has opened Sayaka's point of views a lots. She think she should stop reading shounen and taping mangas already. Girls are indeed complicate.

"That's very frankly, a bit harsh to be honest. Wasn't that made Akari such a bitch or something?"

Milky just shrugged her shoulder

"No, like I said, that what typical girls do. Akari didn't do anything wrong, it's just she knows what to do for her best, it was also a way that girls use to protect herself. You should learn from this though"

"Eh? Me? No thank you! This is sound a lot like selfish to me"

"Nope, because you're a girl, this is understandable. You have the right to choose what's best for you. That why even if I'm close to Rika, I still don't want to say anything about this. It's their story anyway. "

Milky talked again as a matter fact. Sayanee put on her not bad reaction. Whatever this is true or not. The way Milky talked about it showed her true thought. It's nice to know more about other opinions. Especially Milky... to Sayanee, of course.

"What's about Keicchi? "

"Eh? ..."

"What do you think about her?"

"This getting more like an interview, I should have some more money for this"

"Order anything you like, it's on me"

"Then I won't hold back."

Milky said with a fake-dangerous smile that made them 2 broke out in laughter.

"... but about Keicchi then... I like her being nice towards everyone and her player side that flirts and acts sweet. Only because it's just a way for her to interact with others. We can both joke about it together too. But if she ever to get serious, I don't know if that a good thing"


"Eh? I'm just get that feeling that she won't be such a good lover. I don't think that she know what it is. That's why she chose to be single, even if she flirts with everyone, she didn't dated them because she doesn't want it. So I think she won't be a good one"

"Funny, I thought you would say the contrary. Because she's so good with girl, she supposed to be a great lover or something "

"Yeah, people mind tend to twisted like that. I think I'm just have weirder thought than others"

Milky pouted out her lip, and Sayaka let out a chuckle

"It good being different though. You're unique "

"Thank you"

And from there Sayanee decided that apart from her comrades like Ripopo and Maachun, there's always Milky that more than just enough for sharing thought ands bring her the feeling that she could believe her. Well, they're SayaMilky combi anyway. Should made the word came to life right?

To be continued

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Re: [NMB48's fanfic]How to get a girl? - Chapter 7
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2014, 12:54:56 PM »
Sayanee consulting the rest to get a true sense of the situation at hand but the point is still Keicchi's words and actions to actually hold up until then :nervous
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Re: [NMB48's fanfic] How to get a girl? - Chapter 8
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2014, 01:11:02 AM »
==== Chapter 8 ====

As time gone by as usual, everyone on the team noticed how attached Akari with Rika lately and almost everyone was glad about it.
What's not to? Rika was a very nice person, very mature and reliable too. Especially with how long she had held her love for Akari, she deserved a reward.
On Rika's part, of course she's extremely happy about it. Imagine the girl you loved for so long finally open up to you and get closer to you. It's just like a dream comes true for her.
But yet, not everyone is pleased.

"I saw you getting along with Uuka and Yuuri lately, the plan of getting our manager didn't work out well I presume?"

Akari threw up a sudden question at Keicchi, her voice couldn't hidden somewhat sarcasm inside.

"I'm just play along with our kouhais, they're cute."

Kei shrugged her shoulder, wondering why there's this time when she had to go alone with Akari. But again, with their position in the new team N and in the senbatsu, they'll always have to stay next to each other. How ironic.

"Still keep it up Mirurun and Airi-chan too?"

Another question rang out made Keicchi a little uncomfortable.

"Uhm, still good"
Murmured an answer and put in her earphone to give Akari the sign that she might not hearing anything else now. But Akari was faster than her at that point

"But you still decided to call it off with me"

Keicchi sighed ... to tell the truth it's took a lot of herself to stop it all with Akari, and she no longer want to go back that road again. It wasn't good for both of them, especially Akari.

"How are you and Rika-chan?"

"Great to say the least. Rika-chan is a rather nice partner. She spoils me anything I want as always. Always thoughtful and very mature. Do you know she'll soon have her own car?"

"Sound perfect, congratulations "

Keicchi attempted to cut down the conversation once again. Even she's willing to let Akari go, that doesn't mean she wanted to know detail about it anyway.
So she put on her earphones, opened some random song at the max volume and close her eyes.
That's until she fell a pair of arms sneaked around her waist and scent of Akari's hair when she pulled Keicchi in and rest her head on Kei's shoulder.
Didn't know what she should do at that situation. Should she shrugged her out or just let it be? This could just be a friendly gertrude only, right? Nothing serious.
A sea of thought flooded over Kei's head for a moment, until she fought back to her sense and shook her body a little. Made Akari, who was getting fit with both their body position at that time seem to be not amused at all.
She raised up her head, looked at Kei with an unhappy question looks just to find Keicchi avoided her gazed. But when she about to get back with the previously situation. Kei's hand was there to stop her head and another tried to de-interlaced Akari's hands around Keicchi's waist.

"I'm sorry if I'm bothering your sleep, I will sat a bit further to give you more space"

Keicchi said with the calmest voice she could muttered at that time, still didn't dare to look at Akari because she know the bigger girl must have somewhat hurtful and hatred look for her right now.
But they really have to have a visible border now. No more playing in between.

"Fine! Whatever you want"

Akari flung her arms out of frustrated and sat herself closer to the window, stayed away from Keicchi as possible and closed her eyes.

Leaned her back on the sit and let out another sighed. Keicchi casted a look at Akari at the corner of the bench. She murmured a soft sorry that didn't know if Akari could hear it or not

"I'm sorry that my shoulder won't ever be big enough for you to lean on"

With that said and she herself tried to get some sleep.
She'll never know the tears Akari let out after those words. But at the same time, does it have any meaning at all?


Times after that are quite hard for both of them, the works that them both involved were not helping at all. Of course Akari and Kei still professional enough to hold on their best smile in front of cameras. But behind it, they tried to avoid each other as much as they can. This also go not unnoticed by Sayaka.
To saw those awkward situation between those two made her want to ask Kei if she's ok. But then she realized Jonishi has to take responsible for everything she caused. At least their lack of interaction showed that Keicchi did mean it when she said she called it off with Akari. Sayanee fell like have some faith in Keicchi again, even there's something that still bother her, but she wasn't sure what is it.

In Akari's part, she still good at catching up with everything. The moment she get involved with Keicchi was the moment when she had told herself to not have any hope about whatever between them. Knowing Keicchi, she would never stayed long with the same girl, but she still let herself fall into that trap. To be honest, to keep their status that long was something surprised her enough.
Of course throughout those times, there're a lot of up and down. But she didn't know if she's the only who has to go through that feeling.
True to say, what's going on between them was almost similar to nothing. No sign of love, no sign of feeling from Kei. All is just Keicchi will be there if Akari called for her, or sometimes Keicchi will be the one that call for her. After a restless night, Kei would be the one who left early and showed no signs of the previous night activities. Gradually, Akari did cope up with that and even adopted that habit.

Again, it's what she chose. She willing to have such a relationship with Kei more than having no Kei near her at all. At least with that kind of relationship she knew she still has some more privileges than any other girls. But at the same time, thanks to Kei, she taught her that, the only person you only need to look at is yourself. If anything is good for you then don't let it go just because you're distracted by another. That's why even when she hopeless with Kei, she still hold on to Rika-chan.

But recently, Akarin wondered why did Kei tend to mention Rika in their sessions. Keicchi would talked about how great Rika-chan as a person and it's even more wonderful if she's a lover. It's like Kei tried to tell her to choose Rika.

Everyone in NMB48 know Rika-chan likes Akari. But it's not the same case for Akari, she just didn't see Rika-chan that way, the older girl to her is just like a big sister. That's why Akari used to let it go whenever Rika's name was mentioned.

At the same time, it did hurt her that the one she has feeling for, even dedicated her body for, trying to tell her to pick someone else. She knew Keicchi would soon break it all with her, but then again, Akari has into Kei too much, so she still tried to hold on till the last time.

The night Keicchi went to her house to stop everything. She had to hold herself back a lot to not burst out crying in front of Keicchi. But she didn't want to show Kei that she's weak. That she really love Kei. She rather acted as an equal player on their game than being the failure one in Keicchi's love. Her pride won't allowed it anyway. But after Kei left, she's sure a mess. Never once she fell so lonely and weak like that, just all by herself curled up a corner with silent tears that couldn't stop flowing. She then lied to herself that what Keicchi said doesn't mean anything and soon Kei would forgot about it and everything will be just fine.
Until that time on the car, hearing those words from Kei made her wondered, in the end, what did Kei really think about her?
At first she's so sure that what she had is just one sided love. For no more further pain, she decided to never ask Keicchi about feeling at all. But this time when it came to an end like this. She thinks at least after sometimes, she's now prepared enough for whatever the answer.

In a sleepless night, she decided to call Kei.

"Moshi moshi"

"Keicchi, we need to talk! I need you to come over right now"

"Can't you say it through the phone?"

"No! I need to tell it face-to-face"

"It's late! I'm tired! Just text me or write a letter or something"

"If you don't come here now I swear I'll tell everything between us for Rika-chan tomorrow"

"What are you saying!... are you mad or something"

"Don't dare me"

"Okay okay, I'm coming over"

To be continued

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Re: [NMB48's fanfic] How to get a girl? - Chapter 8
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2014, 01:25:53 AM »
Akari is sure pulling the log that will cause the avalanche because she can't say her true true feelings toward Rika :nervous
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