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Author Topic: Game: Hope and Despair's Resurrection - chap 2 (KojiYuu, SayaMilky, MiruFuu)  (Read 6646 times)

Offline GinkoX

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I have to survive

I said as the unforgiving ocean slowly pulls me to its depths. This is not what I pictured, this wouldn't happen if only she didn't leave. I continued grasping at the formless water though I know that this wouldn't save me, I have to swim but I can't. I've been shot, that weary shot brought me to this point. I can't do anything, that girl's already grown up, she's grown much stronger than me. I never knew that in such a few months our happy family will turn like this. My bullets and rifle also puts me down. Damn it, I should've known the advantages and disadvantages. I can't think right. My mind's in haze, the informations are jumbled. All I know is that I have to survive to win this game, I have to save HOPE and DESPAIR. I have to save them.

My eyes slowly closes, is this my end?

Why do it have to end like this?

What an Idiot I am. I opened my mouth in the water.

I tried to reach out my hands, as if someone would save me. I've fallen quite deep already.

Does this mean I lost?

Does this mean I wouldn't be able to save them?

Does this mean... we won't be able to meet again?

No, I won't give up. I will fight 'till this nonsense game ends!

I dropped my rifle and bullets. As I regained myself, I swam back to the shore.

They were there, the ones who've been waiting for my comeback, the ones who trusted me, the ones who've given me the resolve to win.

"She came back!"

"Yes! Thank the gods!"

I smiled after hearing their remarks. I grabbed my throwing knives from my pocket and looked at the opponent that was once my friend.

"Hey! The real battle begins now!" I said with my voice which I knew that provoked her.


50 members have been chosen to participate in the game that the management just started.
The game has several stages, the game also involves killing, poisoning, and etc.

Those who fail on killing the designated player given by the mysterious daily machine will be punished,
while those who succeeds receives a gift.

To kill a designated person, you will be given a week, the game's appearance changes everyday, making it
a pain for the players to kill each other.

« Last Edit: October 24, 2017, 01:53:37 PM by sophcaro »

Offline ChibiRine

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As I promised, this is my spot. :mon XD:

ASDFGHJKL~~!! The long wait is finally over! (Not really long, but still! It's finally over! :mon zoom:

I guess there are some characters that betrayed their friends for the sake of winning eh? :dunno:

Reminds me of D.O.A though. :mon geek:

Waiting for the next update, GinkoX-san! :on gay:
« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 06:02:45 PM by ChibiRine »


君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

Offline Claito

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I wonder who's the MC here...
Will there be a winner?   :sweatdrop:
Last man standing? XD  :nervous

It's not right in the kokoro, it's right in the OSHIRI!

Offline GinkoX

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As I promised, this is my spot. :mon XD:

ASDFGHJKL~~!! The long wait is finally over! (Not really long, but still! It's finally over! :mon zoom:

I guess there are some characters that betrayed their friends for the sake of winning eh? :dunno:

Reminds me of D.O.A though. :mon geek:

Waiting for the next update, GinkoX-san! :on gay:

What's D.O.A ? :v weeeeee! Thankies~!

I wonder who's the MC here...
Will there be a winner?   :sweatdrop:
Last man standing? XD  :nervous

I actually wrote this on the MC's POV, lol of course this will have 10-15 povs I think? :v

All is left in your imagination. :3

Offline Megumi

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Danganronpa?  :w00t:
Okey, I can't wait for author-san to update next this perks my interest.
Arígatou :kneelbow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline kuro808

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The image is more Battle Royale than anything else.

I feel uncertain how things will come out with this one... I'm going to follow this because of the intrigue :)
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline GinkoX

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« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2015, 04:54:26 PM »
Chapter 01 – To Survive is?

Sounds of the clasping blades envelope the whole area, the castle was very quiet. No traces of its owners, the gasps of the two females fighting with their swords are the only sounds you can hear. The longhaired girl – Kojima Haruna crossed her throwing knives as her foot dances along with her movements. She defends herself from her opponent who kept jumping up and spinning in the air, trying to kick her on the face.

“Give it up Jurina, you’re a coward!” Haruna grabbed her rifle from her back and used it as shield, throwing her Majou-sen, her throwing knife on her opponent, Matsui Jurina who’s still in the mid-air trying to kick her upper body to make her lost the balance. As fast as a thunder, the blade passed on Jurina’s face and left her a wound.

“No, I’m not!” She grabbed her Answeller, her two-handed sword that she’s been carrying for awhile now, it’s really unbelievable that she managed to jump high with that big sword on her back, it’s a modified cloud sword after all.

Two ladies battling for the success, this was the first battle in the Survival game that the management made them play. This was just the first day, you’ll be given a big reward if you finished your opponent by one day, if it’s hard for both of them to kill each other, they will do it for the sake of the prize that was waiting for the winner.

Playing her knives around her fingers, Haruna was jogging backwards to evade Jurina’s swinging blade. The sword is like controlling Jurina, like Jurina was the weapon, not the wielder.

Jurina swung the sword as if she’s being one with the wind passing through Haruna, a part of her hair got cut-off. Breathing heavily, her hands hardened as fists, made her knives ready to be thrown. “Nobody messes with my hair.” Dashing forward, she made her arms dance with the knives she was holding.

What she is doing, what’s happening, it doesn’t matter anymore. It’s just to finish the girl that destroyed her treasure. Jumping in the mid-air, she kicked her face numerous times until the shorthaired girl fell on the ground, she grabbed her rifle, Steyr AUG A1 and pointed it to Jurina and changed ammos.

“Iron bullets or Tranquilizers?” She smirked when the shorthair gave her an agonizing look. “Then, iron bullets here we go.” Haruna pulled the trigger after pinpointing her weak point that can cause her death. The blood splattered everywhere in the castle’s ballroom as she shot her in the forehead, with the rifle’s mouth girded on her forehead, she died with her eyes open.

The girl felt a slight guilt inside her. She killed a teammate, she killed someone who’s been with her years already.

‘to survive, means to throw it all.’

“Jurina…” the SKE members are lamenting over their center’s death. While Rena and Yuria, are still quiet.

“Rena... Why aren’t you saying something? Jurina just died…” Suda Akari was knelt on the floor while holding Jurina’s cold lifeless body.

“We don’t need to lament over a useless death.” Rena whispered. “Because to survive is to betray ‘em all.” Yuria leaned on the ballroom’s pillar and crossed her fingers.

“What are you saying?” Sae grabbed Rena and Yuria by the collar. “Our friend just died, Jurina’s not a puppet! She’s our friend, our comrade!” Sae pushed them into a corner, the two just emotionless and staring at her blankly.

“If you can’t ignore her death, then you’re weak as heck.” Yuria removed Sae’s grasp from her collar and walked away.

“You can’t survive if you can’t treat the deaths as trash. This is just the first death, what more if all our teammates get killed?” With her hand getting shaky, Rena walked away.

“What happened to them?” Akari watched the two girl’s figures fade away. Those two seems to know more about this game, she thought. With tears running down her cheeks, Kimoto Kanon wiped them. “It’s okay to cry, don’t worry we’ll avenge Jurina and we’ll show those two what real strength is.” She too is just stopping her tears.

“Everyone, let’s go. The clean up team has arrived.” All of them walked away in sadness, they knew they wouldn’t forget Jurina.


“Kojipa, are you sure you’re all right?” It was Yuko on the phone, Haruna knew that bringing phones in this ‘trip’ is forbidden, but since she knew she won’t last a day without a phone, she brought it secretly, hidden in her sanitary materials, and t-shirts, Haruna knew no one would notice, even their General Manager, never noticed.

“Yes. I just kinda felt uneasy after I killed Jurina.” Haruna laid herself on her bunk, by tomorrow, the second pair for battle will be chosen. She just wishes it wasn’t her since she doesn’t feel that well after killing a person for the first time.

“Kojipa, take care of yourself. I don’t want to lose the person I’m going to marry.” Yuko was laughing on the other line.

“Hey! I haven’t even said yes.” Haruna smiled, this girl could surely lift her worries up with her voice and her words. She is the very special person in her life.

“Well, I gotta hung up. Your phone might lose battery. I love you.” They both hung up and Haruna was left alone again. She was facing the wall on the side of the bunk she was laying. “What kind of game is this?” she muttered.

“Why did the management fooled us into going to this trip?”
“Why…?” her hand balled into a fist. She was looking at her fist the entire time.


“Maachun, how are you?” Yamamoto Sayaka asked her friend, Ogasawara Mayu. It was obvious why she asked her the question. “I’m alright. Right now I’m eager to win this fucked up game, I have to go back alive to Ripopo. Or else, I might never be able to tell her about this selfish feelings.” The older girl’s eyes widened. She quickly got a read of the situation; she knew as the captain, she should try to meet her member’s expectations.

“Maachun, if ever we become opponents, I’ll make you win. Even if you have to kill me or what.” Sayaka smiled at Maachun.  “Eh? Are you serious?” Mayu’s voice suddenly turned slightly nervous, should she be happy or not?

“Yes,” Sayaka gulped. “I have nothing to live for anyway.” She stood up and left Mayu in the open-hallway.

‘I hope I get picked… I want to die now… I’m so scared…’ Sayaka’s hands became numb she’s scared. “It’s better to die than be punished…” she curled up into a ball when she arrived in her room, she was lying on her bunk.

“Miru, what do you think we need to survive this cruel world?” Yagura Fuko and Shiroma Miru is lying on the grassland outside the lodge that the NMB members and SKE members are staying in.

“I don’t know. I don’t seem to remember how the heck did we enter this kind of world. All I remember is, they somehow made us enter a giant fitness ball-like figure. After that there is nothing that I could remember. I just woke up inside my room. Beside my bag.” She chuckled.

“I think, to survive, we need to trust no one but us…” Fuko held Miru’s hand very tight. “To survive is to betray them all, eh?” Miru kissed Fuko’s slender hands, “I’ll betray everyone but you.” They both whispered.


“S-Sasshi-san, is it alright if we all slept in the same room?”  Anai Chihiro was with all the HKT members when they went to Sashihara Rino’s room. Rino was also, of course, stressed of the sudden turn of events. A happy trip became it’s parallel.

“Y-yes, it’s alright!” She nodded while hugging her pillow. It became more comfortable with her since she’ll be with the kids she loves.


“Y-Yamamoto… Sayaka..?” Mayu dropped the paper she was holding in front of the mysterious daily machine. Sayaka is the player that she is designated to kill, and Sayaka too, knows that she’s designated to kill Mayu. Looking at each other, the older girl gave the younger one a forced smile.

The members who got blank papers from the machine looked at the two of them.

Today’s stage was a rather scary stage; it was the forest stage. Sayaka started to pack her things to be used in her first battle. They have to fight because Haruna finished her fight with in a day, so they have to follow for the sake of the management.

The happening is being broadcasted in the whole world, the girls never knew.

At the start of the battle, Sayaka made sure that she’ll lose once she meets Mayu, she didn’t use any of her equipment, they are all hidden on her bag. Only her fist gear, the Shinsa Bakenutsu Sho or the Power Glove, is the only gear she wore.

“I got you!” She heard Mayu’s voice and footsteps, in the automatic timing, her hands moved as if the gloves were controlling them. “Maachun, look out!” The spike from her power glove torn her gear, she glared at Sayaka. “You big fucking liar!” she cussed.

“No! I-I…” The older girl started jogging backwards to evade her attacks. Sayaka knew that once her sword touches her, she’d die a painful death. “I’m going to win this and comeback alive to see Ripopo again!” She tightened her grip from the sword. Mayu started to move her Kenkonseki or Lava Sword aimlessly. She’ll do anything to kill her, to kill her friend.

“Maachun!” She shielded herself using her Shinsa Bakenutsu Sho or Power Glove. This time, Sayaka realized that she did something wrong, she lied to Mayu, and even to herself. She doesn’t want to die; she also doesn’t want to survive either. She lied on what she said to Mayu…

“Yes, I have nothing to live for anyway.” those words she said is a big lie.

“I’m going to kill you and skewer you alive! You fucking liar.” At this point she was still defending herself from Mayu, who is now on top of her while she is lying on the green grass of the forest, trying to build up her defense. “Mayu! I don’t want to be killed and I also don’t want to kill!” Tears started falling from her eyes. She doesn’t know what to do. Sayaka knew that if she loosens and tries to talk to Mayu, she’d be burnt alive and sliced into two.

“Looks like I’d have to die…” She said with a lower voice.

Sayaka heard a bullet fall from her bag. That’s right! Her gun!

When she pulled it while blocking Mayu with her left hand, the other girl also pulled her gun.

“I’m not going to lose.” Mayu pointed her Tokarev pistol at Sayaka, while she pointed her Sig SG550 rifle at her. “Maachun, let’s stop this.” I tried persuading her.

“No.” the only answer from Mayu.

“We can do this, we can get out of here without getting hurt!” Mayu pulled the trigger and one of the six bullets passed through Sayaka’s shoulder. “No.” she still insisted.

“Mayu-!” Another gunshot followed. Those were normal bullets; she knew Mayu only has modified tranquilizer bullets, so maybe she stole it from someone.

“Please. Listen to me.” It was the third bullet. The gloves made her hand move on its own again, it was about to pull the trigger.  She tried aiming it in a different direction, but the sound of gun…

“MAYU!” it was shot directly to her heart. “H-Hey… Mayu…” she was shaking her body. She knelt there helpless.


“Yuko… I’m scared.” Tonight was another phone call from Yuko. When Haruna saw what happened to Yamamoto Sayaka and Ogasawara Mayu’s fight, she suddenly became scared, she noticed Sayaka’s expressions when she held the gun with her gloves.

“Scared of what?” The girl on the other line asked.

“These weapons might control me.” Haruna’s voice sounded quite frightened.

“No. I’ll pray to the gods to keep you safe. We kept a promise right? We’re going to be married on Belgium. So you can’t die. Even if they’re your friends, you need to sacrifice to win, and they are the sacrifices.” This was unlikely to be said by Yuko. Haruna was just surprised. “So, can you promise me that you’ll come back alive?” Yuko asked again.

“I’ll try.” Haruna smiled, hearing her girlfriend’s voice.

“Don’t try! Do it!” It sounded like she was cheering for her.

“I got it, I got it.” She chuckled.

“Yes! Oh, someone might see you using your phone. I’ll get going now. Bye baby!” She dropped the call.

“Tomorrow’s the next selection, Sayaka also won her fight today. I’m scared…”


“Hmmm… first two days, 2 casualties. This is getting interesting.” A girl was lying on the rooftop of SKE and NMB’s lodge.

“He~y! Don’t show up like that. The members might suspect us.” Another girl sat beside her.

“No one dares to come here except for you, me and one from the other two groups.” She sat up.

“Well, we should go back to our own lodge.”



This morning, Sayaka and Haruna’s eyes widened when they saw what they got from the daily machine. Those are not blank papers!

“Yabushita… Shu?” Sayaka crumpled the paper with her left hand. ‘Are they trying to make me kill my friends?’ she thought to herself.

“Minegishi Minami… Miichan..?” her hands became numb, this is what she’s scared about. “Y-Yuko… I need you…” she whispered.

“To survive is…”

[Ch.01 end]

Offline ChibiRine

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Well, this is my spot. Sorry. :V

I uhhh....I'M TOO SPEECHLESS. URGH. :depressed:

First, KojiYuu and MiruFuu are sweet as heck! :mon inluv:

But still, Haruna killed Jurina. :hehehe:

Hmmm, the keyword for this chapter is betrayal eh? :dunno:

Sayaka though, pressured with Maachun and such things. :frustrated:

"To survive is....." YOU HAD TO CUT UT THERE, RIGHT?! RIGHT?! :depressed:

How could you?! :mon zoom:


Thanks for the update, you really know how to make us happy! :on gay:

Will be waiting for the next chapter~ :mon XD:

Who's gonna win? Who's gonna lose? :dunno:

We'll never know about it. :mon geek:

Seriously speaking though, I feel so sorry for the girls killing their friends for the sake of surviving, living, and love. (Specially for Haruna, Fuuchan, and Mirurun) :depressed:

But, I wonder~ who's the girl laying on (in LOL) the rooftop? :hehehe:

own lodge eh? :farofflook:

I guess they have their own tribes now. u w u)

Thanks for the update, will wait for the next exciting part of it! :mon bye:


(Still wondering about Chihiro and Sasshi though. :\)
« Last Edit: June 05, 2015, 05:28:56 PM by ChibiRine »


君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

Offline Claito

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So, it was Jurina. First Kill. XD
Yuko's suspicious here...  :nervous
My gut is telling me it's Milky and... :panic:
I bet the others who are not in the game knows about this before it even started. OAO
« Last Edit: June 05, 2015, 05:17:14 PM by Claito »

It's not right in the kokoro, it's right in the OSHIRI!

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HEEEY I'M HERE  :fap :fap :fap :lol: :shakeit: :shakeit:

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kill or to be killed game kah... :yep:
interesting  :fap

Wait for new chapter author-san
~WMATSUI forever~

Offline GinkoX

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« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2015, 02:23:11 PM »
List of Participants


Kojima Haruna
Melee Weapon: Majou-Sen [Sleep Blade] - Throwing Knife
Firearms: Steyr AUG A1 - Rifle
Ammo: Iron Bullets/Tranquilizers
Yokoyama  Yui
Melee Weapon: Fang Tian Huaji [Light Sword] - Spear
Firearms: HK VP70Z - Shotgun
Ammo: Serpent Fangs
Mukaichi Mion
Melee Weapon: Scalpel – One-Handed Sword
Firearms: Scorpion – Machine Gun
Ammo: Silver Bullets
Miyazaki Miho
Melee Weapon: Bardiche [Plate Axe] - Axe
Firearms: M10/Ingram – Machine Gun
Ammo: 9mm Parabellum
Tano Yuka
Melee Weapon: Gymnast’s Rope - Whip
Firearms: Tokarev [38 Special] - Pistol
Ammo: Circle Bullets [Binders]
Mutou Tomu
Melee Weapon: Dirk – One-handed sword
Firearms: Tokarev [38 Special] - Pistol
Ammo: Silver Bullet
Shimazaki Haruka
Melee Weapon: Longinus [Dark Sword] - Spear
Firearms: Glock26 - Pistol
Ammo: Flashbangs [Blind shot]
Takahashi Minami
Melee Weapon: Guillotine Axe – Axe
Firearms: Randall Custom – Shotgun
Ammo: 9mm Parabellum
Oshima Ryouka
Melee Weapon: Guten Tag [Battle Axe] – Axes
Firearms: Franchi PA3 – Shotgun
Ammo: Silver Bullets
Minegishi Minami
Melee Weapon: Dagger – One-handed sword
Firearms: Randall Custom (Shotgun)
Ammo: 9mm Parabellum
Kashiwagi Yuki
Melee Weapon: Corseque [Glass Sword] – Spear
Firearms: HK MP5K – Machine Gun
Ammo: 9mm Parabellum
Watanabe Mayu
Melee Weapon: Spike Somai [Black Spike] – Throwing Knife
Firearms: M134 Vulcan – Machine Gun
Ammo: 9mm Parabellum
Okada Nana
Melee Weapon: Dubthach Lance [Sleep Sword] – Spear
Firearms: Mossberg M500 – Shotgun
Ammo: 9mm Parabellum
Kawamoto Saya
Melee Weapon: Claimh Solais [Iron Sword] – Spear
Firearms: M380 Revolver – Pistol
Ammo: 9mm Parabellum
Kojima Mako
Melee Weapon: Oniguruma [Demon Blade] – Throwing Knife
Firearms: SPAS-15 – Shotgun
Ammo: Shot Shells
Takahashi Juri
Melee Weapon: Archery Set – Bow
Firearms: Steyr TMP – Machine Gun
Ammo: Serpent Fangs [Fangs]
Sakaguchi Nagisa
Melee Weapon: Dual Axe [Two-Handed Axe] – Axe
Firearms: M10 [Ingram] – Machine Gun
Ammo: Serpent Fangs [Fangs]
Fukuoka Seina
Melee Weapon: Scalpel – One-handed sword
Firearms: Rien Henhappou – Machine Gun
Ammo: Serpent Fangs [Fangs]
Iriyama Anna
Melee Weapon: Konryumaru [Eye Sword] – Two-handed sword
Firearms: SPAS-12 – Shotgun
Ammo: Flashbang [Blind shot]
Kawaei Rina
Melee Weapon: Kenunmaru [Ice Sword] – Two-handed sword
Firearms: SPAS-15 – Shotgun
Ammo: Tranquilizer [Weary shot]
Nishino Miki
Melee Weapon: Chakram [Sand Knife] – Throwing Knife
Firearms: Gettou Shoutenhou [Mini Gun] – Machine Gun
Ammo: Mage Killer [Mute Bullets]

Kizaki Yuria
Melee Weapon: Yuuma Ankoku Shio [Holy Glove] – Fist
Firearms: M16A2 – Rifle
Ammo: Mage Killer [Mute Bullets]
Matsui Rena
Melee Weapon: Hisou Futakage [Star Sword] – Spear
Firearms: Mossberg M500 – Shotgun
Ammo: Tranquilizer/Weary Shot
Matsui Jurina
Melee Weapon: Answeller [Cloud Sword] – Two-handed sword
Firearms: Franchi PA3 – Shotgun
Ammo: Mage Killer [Mute Bullets]
Oya Masana
Melee Weapon: Kokuteki Bow [Bind Bow] – Bow
Firearms: M380 Revolver – Pistol
Ammo: Serpent Fangs [Fangs]
Kitagawa Ryoha
Melee Weapon: Yuan Rong [Laser Bow] – Bow
Firearms: Glock26 – Pistol
Ammo: Flashbangs [Blind shot]
Suda Akari
Melee Weapon: Kagirohi Maru [Light Bow] – Bow
Firearms: M134 Vulcan – Machine Gun
Ammo: Tranquilizer [Weary Shot]
Kimoto Kanon
Melee Weapon: Fauchard [Gold Sword] – Spear
Firearms: HK VP07Z – Pistol
Ammo: Circle Bullets [Binders]
Miyazawa Sae
Melee Weapon: Damascus Hand [King Glove] – Fist
Firearms: AK47 – Rifle
Ammo: Circle Bullets [Binders]


Yamamoto Sayaka
Melee Weapon: Shinsa Bakenutsu Sho [Power Glove] - Fist
Firearms: SIG-SG550 - Rifle
Ammo: Silver Bullets/Serpent Fangs
Jonishi Kei
Melee Weapon: Scorpion Rope - Whip
Firearms: M41A Pulse Gun -Rifle
Ammo: Silver Bullets
Nishimura Aika
Melee Weapon: Wu Huo Shen Yan Shan [Pixie Blade] - Spear
Firearms: FA-MAS Carbine
Ammo: 9mm Parabellum
Watanabe Miyuki
Melee Weapon: Scalpel – One-handed sword
Firearms: Gepard M2 – Rifle
Ammo: Silver Bullets
Yagura Fuko
Melee Weapon: Holy Comet – Bow
Firearms: Kokonoe Raijinhou [Holy Vulcan] – Machine Gun
Ammo: Iron Bullets
Yabushita Shu
Melee Weapon: Justice Coin – Throwing Knife
Firearms: Scorpion – Machine Gun
Ammo: 9mm Parabellum
Shiroma Miru
Melee Weapon: Death Cross – Bow
Firearms: Heaven’s Gate – Rifle
Ammo: Iron Bullets
Shibuya Nagisa
Melee Weapon: Twin Bird – Throwing Knife
Firearms: HK G11 – Rifle
Ammo: 9mm Parabellum
Ogasawara Mayu
Melee Weapon: Kenkonseki [Lava Sword] – Spear
Firearms: Tokarev – Pistol
Ammo: Tranquilizer

Sashihara Rino
Melee Weapon: Kusanagi’s Sword [Machete] – One-handed sword
Firearms: Mars 133 [133 Mouse] – Rifle
Ammo: Silver Bullets
Matsuoka Natsumi
Melee Weapon: Iron Claw – Fist
Firearms: Glock26 – Pistol
Ammo: Serpent Fangs [Fangs]
Moriyasu Madoka
Melee Weapon: Shadow Needle – Throwing Knife
Firearms: HK MP5K – Machine Gun
Ammo: Serpent Fangs [Fangs]
Anai Chihiro
Melee Weapon: Mard Geer [Zamba Sword] – Spear
Firearms: M41A Pulse Gun – Rifle
Ammo: Serpent Fangs [Fangs]
Kodama Haruka
Melee Weapon: Strike Tail – Whip
Firearms: Steyr TMP
Ammo: Serpent Fangs [Fangs]
Miyawaki Sakura
Melee Weapon: Hexa Drive [Mute Bow] – Bow
Firearms: Tokarev – Pistol
Ammo: Serpent Fangs [Fangs]
Tashima Meru
Melee Weapon: Backsword – Two-handed Sword
Firearms: Gepard M2
Ammo: Serpent Fangs [Fangs]
Tomonaga Mio
Melee Weapon: Scalpel – One-handed Sword
Firearms: SPAS-12 – Shotgun
Ammo: Serpent Fangs [Fangs]
Tanaka Miku
Melee Weapon: Raydog [Cobra Axe] – Axe
Firearms: SPAS-15 – Shotgun
Ammo: Serpent Fangs [Fangs]
Yabuki Nako
Melee Weapon: Lone Sword – One-handed Sword
Firearms: Randall Custom – Shotgun
Ammo: Flashbangs [Blind shots]


+the members who received concurrency or transfers has the right to choose the group they will be joining to.

+the weapons (firearms, melee weapons, and ammo) all came from Megami Ibunroku Persona's item masterlist. All credits goes to them.


Offline ChibiRine

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Update soon, Lablab~ :mon bye:


君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

Offline GinkoX

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Update soon, Lablab~ :mon bye:

I will lablab. <3

Offline GinkoX

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Chapter 02 – Midwinter Thinking

Sayaka clenched her fists, there is no turning back, and she must end Shu’s life. Whether she likes it or not. Truth be told, she’s in a great disadvantage with Yabushita Shu. Her opponent doesn’t need to come closer to aim attacks, since she has her Justice Coin, or her Throwing knife with a French coin attached to its handle, and a Scorpion machine gun with 9mm Parabellum ammos. While she only got her SIG-SG550 rifle with Silver Bullets and Poison fangs for ammos. She’s done if those bullets ran out, as for melee weapon she has her power glove.

She is currently hiding behind a mossed pillar, their stage is also an advantage to Shu. There aren’t any close bush she can use to hide and use her rifle, and the stage’s weather setting is in Mid-winter . “At this rate… I may not be able to confess my feelings, Miyuki…” She grasped her rifle tight.

“Senpai… Where are you?” Yabushita Shu, on the other hand, is trying to lure Sayaka out. “Fine then, if you don’t want to listen to my plans, it’s alright. Be it.” a smirk formed on her face as she held her throwing knives, and is playing the French coin on the side. She saw her, Shu already know where she is hiding. The girl knows the situation very well, on who’s in the good side and the bad side, who’s the triumphant and the loser.

“Enough of your hide and seek, senpai!” Running corner to corner, Shu assaulted Sayaka who was hiding at the mossed pillar debris. The assaulted girl used her rifle to shield herself from the incoming attacks from her assailant. “Shu! We can talk about this!” She’s at it again, she thinks things will be fixed in a simple talk—this is what made her captain of her group, NMB48.

“Shu!” She kepts on calling her name. But Shu only cares about getting to stab her, throwing knives, trying to corner her.

The snow started falling from the sky.

The snow got Shu’s attention, stopping her series of attacks a minute ago, Sayaka saw this as an opening so she prepared her rifle for the shoot. As she pulled the trigger, the bullet made its way in a straightforward form, it’s headed for Shu’s shoulder.

“Like I’d let you.” Shu threw her knife and the bullet was sliced into two. She’s moving skillfully with the machine gun and knife in her hands.

“Shit!” Sayaka found herself running towards her assailant. Her legs won’t stop, it’s as if her body’s being controlled.

Black out.

She saw herself standing in front of the lifeless body of Shu, who was bathing in her own blood. Sayaka looked at her hands shaking, they were covered in blood with one of Shu’s knives on her left hand.


A while ago, Sayaka was going in for Shu. She grabbed the knife that was used to counter her bullet, she thought of it. If she can’t win with her weapon, then she’ll turn the tables and win with her enemy’s weapon. Sayaka’s lost, as if she is not herself, bearing a strange look, a crooked smile on her face, and lifeless eyes. She dropped her weapons before picking up Shu’s knife. Her opponent, still thought that she’s on the brighter side of the game, not until it looked like Sayaka was dancing with the knife on her left hand.

This brought an unusual smile on Shu’s face, “You want a challenging battle, huh? I’ll give it to you, bitch.” She too, started dancing with the blade. Both of them danced, as if enticing the devil to take the soul of one of them.

The captain was great, she was different as she plays the knife around her fingers.
She used a lot of her stamina, Shu was trying to find somewhere to rest. She’s tired playing death with Sayaka. She hid behind a large rock, while looking at her worn out hands.

“I’m tired.” She said. As she closed her eyes, she heard someone arrive infront of her, when she opened her eyes, Shu was startled. Sayaka’s infront of her, wearing a creepy smile.

“You’re tired right?” Sayaka stabbed Shu on the chest, ending her life.
Still on the same battlefield, the second fight was just about to start. Minegishi Minami versus Kojima Haruna.

At the mossed pillars, Minami drew her dagger and began focusing on the area, her opponent could be anywhere just preparing for her attack. On the other hand, Haruna doesn’t know what to do. She admits it, she killed Jurina without second thoughts, but that’s because she tried to kill her. She won’t be able to kill for no reason. Haruna was just there, hiding on the rockside. “At this rate, I won’t be able to do anything.” Haruna muttered. But remembering what Yuko told her, the resolve came. She want to fight till the end, she wants to fight for Yuko. Though this is not a good reason, she wants it.

She stood up from the rocks and ran towards Minami who was being cautious on the pillared path. The clashing of blades started as she approached her, the dagger against a throwing knife.


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Hurray! Snuff!

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