Sorry about the delay. I was supposed to finish writing yesterday but I couldn't for some reason. And now I'm not feeling well.

Anyway, thanks again for the thanks and for reading!
Chapter 6***Nami's POV***
“Ugh! Why do we have to go out in our day off?! It’s a day off! You know, a day wherein you just be off and lie in bed all day doing nothing.”
I’m whining as Asahi drags me while we’re heading towards the bus station. I was planning on staying in bed all day, but apparently Asahi and Hinata had other plans as they drag me out of bed…literally. It was only when Hinata started undressing me did I finally give in. If you’ve seen her face while she was undressing me you’d probably give in too if you were in my situation.
“Shouldn’t we be saying that since we practiced yesterday and you didn’t? Plus you’ve been sleeping for at least 12 hours.”
True. After the whole ordeal with Ray, I explained to sensei about Mariko-sama’s fake condition. You should have seen her face when she was facing sensei. She had this ‘look at me, I’m in pain’ kind of look while she faced sensei. I was tempted to just roll my eyes when I looked at her, but I resisted the urge because sensei might pick up that we’re lying to her. Although, I have a feeling that she didn’t believe us. She sighed defeatedly and told us to just sit and watch until practice is over. We obeyed and just sat in front watching them practice. I had fun watching mainly because Mariko-sama kept on whispering silly things.
After that, we went home and I explained to Asahi and Hinata the whole Ray thing. I also apologized for making them worry which made them use their sandwich attack on me again. Maybe I should avoid thanking and saying sorry to them just so they won’t use that attack anymore. I think I’ll make a mental note regarding that one.
Hinata was frowning at me after my explanation and when I asked her why she’s frowning she said…
“I can’t believe you just dumped her.”I honestly didn’t expect that. I was thinking that she’s somewhat disturbed about the whole Mariko-sama thing. That Mariko-sama might know that we three are Persona. But no…she’s more disturbed that I dumped Ray…which I didn’t do. I explained to her that Ray and I were never together so no dumping occurred. Plus, I’m still not an L. Asahi retaliated by asking…
“But do you think there’s a chance that you two…might be together in the future? I mean, that is what she wants…”That left me speechless. It all goes back to what I want again…which I don’t know what. That’s why I told Ray that we should be friends first…because I need to find out if I can feel for her…what she feels for me. In short, or rather in Hinata’s term, I don’t know if I’m an L or not.
Asahi seems to understand my silence as she changed the subject. Thankfully Hinata seems to get it and just pestered me with other things, like getting some of my food when she has hers. It was really weird. When I was choking her, she seemed happy. Normally she would run away and hide. But yesterday, she accepted her punishment and looked like she enjoyed it. I think she’s becoming a masochist. I should add another mental note that I shouldn’t beat her up so much.
I slept early yesterday feeling drained at the events that occurred. I was hoping for a days rest for our day off. But apparently, these two had other plans.
“But I need more sleep to grow!” I said pouting at her. Hinata, who was walking beside Asahi, placed her hand on Asahi’s shoulder and smiled.
“She’s right you know. Although, I don’t think sleeping for more than 12 hours is going to help your situation Nami.”
“What did you say?!”
I glared at Hinata challenging her to say it again so I can beat her up. She hid beside Asahi and sticks out her tongue provoking me even more to beat her up. Asahi held me in place though and it was only then that I realized that we stopped walking.
“Hm? No one’s here yet.” Asahi said as she looked around. Hinata and I also looked. There were a couple of people around but no one we knew.
“I guess we’re the first one to arrive.”
Asahi said as I took a sit at a bench. She followed shortly after. Hinata had other plans though as she ran away saying that she wants to buy some snacks. I sighed and leaned back as I turned to Asahi who was sitting beside me.
“Who are we waiting for anyway?”
“The usual people.” She said as she smiled. I know she usually smile but why is it that it feels like she’s hiding something? There’s that unusual glint in her eyes that I rarely see. Don’t tell me…
“You hooked up with Yuko didn’t you?!”
I exclaimed grinning at her. She jumped a little surprised at my sudden outburst…or maybe at my question. I don’t know. She is looking at me like she couldn’t believe I asked something like that though.
“What?! No! Where did that come from?”
I shrugged. It was actually the first thought I had when I saw her smiling.
“I just assumed that you two hooked up. You guys are always groping each other.”
Ain’t that the truth? From the blush that I’m seeing from Asahi, I guess it is.
“I’m not groping her! She’s groping me!”
Embarrassed Asahi is…cute especially when she’s pouting and blushing at the same time. I couldn’t help but smirk.
“What’s up with you two anyway?”
I’m always wondering what’s up with them. I know Yuko is the groping type. I mean she gropes almost half of the members really but not as much as she gropes Asahi. It’s like whenever she sees Asahi, she gets this urge to touch her constantly. If I were Asahi and Yuko gropes me, which did happened a couple of times, I’d beat her up and threaten her until she stops. Don’t get me wrong, Asahi resists Yuko’s attacks but it’s like she’s not resisting in full force. I get the feeling that a part of her secretly likes it….
Or maybe I’m wrong?
She was about to say something but stopped as a slight frown formed on her face. She’s looking at something behind me.
“Is that…Mariko?”
I turned to where she’s looking and couldn’t help but frown at what I’m seeing. It was Mariko-sama…and she’s running towards us as another girl was dragging her. They stopped when they were a couple of feet from us. Mariko-sama was panting, bent down holding both her knee for support. Both Asahi and I stood up looking at both of them.
She glared at the girl next to her and it was then that I noticed that her hand was handcuffed together with the other girl. The girl looked down on her with her hands on her hips.
“Honestly Mari-chan, I thought you had more stamina that that.”
Wait…Mari-chan? And that familiar voice…could only mean one thing. I suddenly felt the familiar chill from my body when the girl turned to me giving me a smile then suddenly hugging me.
Yep. The chills I felt was right. It was Ray. Her hugging me also pulled Mariko-sama closer to her. I looked at her incredulously while Ray was still hugging me. I can’t believe she invited Ray! Mariko-sama got the look that I had given her. She glared at Ray then at the handcuff that she’s wearing with Ray then shrugged and sighed defeatedly as if saying; ‘Like I have a choice! She handcuffed me and dragged me here!’
And I can’t believe we’re communicating like this.
I didn’t get to ask Mariko-sama about Persona and Ray. When she came back from sending Ray off, Maeda was with me. Maeda was with us until we went to sensei. I was kinda hoping that this would be the time to ask her about it if ever she would join us. I was planning on dragging her somewhere and ask her about it. But now that Ray is here…I guess I’ll ask Mariko-sama some other time.
Ray broke the hug still smiling. I was looking at her from head to toe noting why I didn’t recognize her. She has her hair tied in a loose ponytail wearing a black slouchy beret, thick rimmed glasses, a cowl neck top and tight fitting jeans…with no make-up! There’s no white in what she’s wearing. It was so unlike the diva Ray that we used to see. This was a different person in front of me.
Different person…same smile. Same chills too…
She noticed me looking at her.
“You like?”
She asked turning around to show her clothes.
“Uh…I didn’t recognize you.”
“That’s the idea.”
Mariko-sama pushed Ray glaring at her.
“Get this off now!”
She growled at Ray and Ray just rolled her eyes. She picked the key that I didn’t notice was dangling in her beret and released Mariko-sama. She put the key there?? Once released, Mariko-sama rubbed her wrist glaring at Ray.
“That’s a dangerous place to hide a key don’t you think? What would you do if you lost it?”
I asked Ray and she just shrugged not really caring. I think I get why they’re friends now…
“Damn it. That really hurts.”
“Well I wouldn’t have to do that if you just let me join you guys.”
I think I’m getting the whole picture. Since Mariko-sama didn’t invite her, she probably planned the whole handcuff thing just so Mariko-sama didn’t have a choice. She probably saw Mariko-sama heading out then immediately handcuffed her and ran all the way here dragging poor Mariko-sama. Somehow, I feel bad for Mariko-sama.
Ray turned to me again and noticed Asahi beside me.
“Ah. You’re Nami-chan’s friend. A fan of Ray right?”
“She knows you’re Ray you know.”
Mariko-sama said rolling her eyes. She’s just stating the obvious. Asahi clearly knows that the person standing in front of us is Ray. You can tell from her pained smile.
“Oh. Then please don’t call me Ray. Dressed like this, I’m Fukushima Reiko, nice to meet you.”
Fukushima Reiko? Is that her real name? Now that I think about it, I don’t know Ray’s real name. I know Ray is her stage name and well, in interviews she never mentions her real name. She often says that it’s a secret. Even her management has their lips sealed probably noticing the impact it has on people. Reporters and her fans are finding ways to know what her real name is. There are countless names that popped up, but Ray and her management made no confirmation on it. It’s the talk in the cyber world for awhile now too. It’s a nice strategy really.
“Well, in case you didn’t remember my name the other day…”
And I’m sure she doesn’t remember, Asahi. She is Ray you know.
“…I’m Wakamatsu Asahi, nice to meet you.”
Watching them bow at each other, I can’t help but wonder if Ray also remembers that Asahi is Riku. She did ask the other day when she saw Hinata and Asahi if they were Kuu and Riku. Speaking of Kuu, seems Hinata is finished from buying snacks as she walks towards us noticing Mariko-sama.
“Hey Mariko, what’s up? Oh…you have a friend with you.”
She said as she smiled at Ray who smiled in return. Asahi, Mariko-sama and I were silent for a second wondering if Hinata will notice that the person smiling at her is Ray.
“Uh…yeah. Her name, if I’m not mistaken, seems to be Fukushima REI-ko.”
Mariko-sama said motioning for Ray.
“Hey! I’m Otawa Hinata, nice to meet you.”
She gave Ray a friendly wave which Ray returned enthusiastically. Again we were silent for awhile looking at Hinata. She noticed and looked at us confused.
“What? What’s with the look?”
The three of us said at the same time. Hinata clearly doesn’t realize that Reiko is Ray even though Mariko-sama somehow gave her a slight hint on her introduction to Reiko. I’m not going to tell Hinata about it. I think I’ll leave that to Mariko-sama and Asahi. But looking at both them, I think they don’t want to tell Hinata either. So I guess that leaves Hinata to find out herself. I wonder how long that’ll take?
“Where is Yukarin? Isn’t she coming?”
“About that, she called me earlier and told me that she has some errands to do, so she said that we should go on ahead and she’ll meet us there after she’s done with her errands.”
Mariko-sama explained. Hinata nodded then looked at Asahi.
“How about Yuko?”
She asked as we all turn to look at Asahi.
“Why are you asking me about her?”
Asahi growled giving us a glare which surprised us. Asahi angry…is scary. I guess I’m to blame on this.
“Uh…I…I-I j-just thought that…you might know…”
She even made Hinata stutter. Asahi glared at her for awhile then looked away frowning.
“I invited Sayaka and Sae yesterday and they told me that they have plans with Yuko so they can’t come.”
“So you didn’t invite Yuko personally?”
Big mistake on Mariko-sama on asking that because if looks could kill she’d be six feet under now what with the look Asahi is giving her. She held up her hand defensively as if taming Asahi’s wild side while laughing nervously.
“N-Not that it matters…because it doesn’t…really.”
And she also made Mariko-sama nervous. Ray was watching with interest at what’s happening that she couldn’t help but ask…
“Who’s Yuko? Is she your girlmrrrpppphhhh?”
Mariko-sama quickly covered Ray’s mouth. She’s adding so much fuel to the fire. So much that you can literally see flames surrounding Asahi now. Nah, there’s no flames. But I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s foaming from the mouth now. Since…I guess it’s my fault for Asahi to be like this…although I don’t know why since I was just asking her harmless questions about Yuko earlier…I’d better ease the tension or else she’d kill all of us here.
“Ahahaha so anyway…m-maybe we should go now. Since I guess we’re not waiting for anyone anymore. Yeah so let’s go…to wherever.”
Hinata and Mariko-sama nodded their head nervously. With her hand still covering Ray’s mouth, Mariko-sama, Hinata and I started walking but stopped when we heard Asahi.
We slowly turned to her and noticed she’s back to normal. Schizo much?
“There’s actually one more person we’re waiting for.”
She smiled shyly.
She answered with her usual bright smile as she looked behind us waving at someone. We turned to see who she’s waving at to see Maeda walking towards us. She stopped a couple of feet away giving us a shy smile.
“Sorry I’m late.”
Asahi shook her head and walked to stand beside me.
“No. You’re right on time.”
“You’re going with us Acchan?”
She gave me her slight frown and a smile as she looks at me, silently scolding me for calling her Acchan. I couldn’t help but smirk.
Yesterday while waiting for Mariko-sama I told Maeda about the nickname that she gave me during the Music 10. I told her that I hated that nickname and that my mom would always call me that. She ended up laughing at that. In the end I decided to give her a nickname too. At first it’s supposed to be At-chan…but it sounds more like Acchan don’t you think? So I just decided on Acchan. She’s not very fond of her new nickname though.
It was then I felt everyone’s eyes on me. I raised my eyebrow at them confused with the looks they’re giving me.
Ray said as she removed Mariko-sama’s hand covering her mouth. She’s looking like she couldn’t believe that I called Maeda that while the others are looking at me like I’m suddenly interesting to them.
I shrugged.
“Well she gave me a nickname so it’s only fair that I gave her a nickname in return.”
That’s true. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. Ray seems to disagree though as she’s frowning and pouting while she looks at me. What???
“Right…so Acchan, I’d like you to meet a friend of mine. This is…uh…Fuku…? Fushu…? What’s your name again?”
Nice Mariko-sama…nice. I chuckled though finding it funny as Acchan looks confused and a bit weirded out. Ray shook her head looking at Mariko-sama then turned to Acchan giving her a slight smile.
“Ignore her. She’s just kidding. I’m Fukushima Reiko, nice to meet you.”
“I’m Maeda Atsuko, nice to meet you as well.”
After bowing at each other, Hinata placed her arm around Acchan and grinned at her.
“Well Acchan, I get a feeling we’ll be having so much fun today!”
She grinned looking at me.
“Interesting…I was thinking the same thing too…”
Mariko-sama said as she rubbed her chin in a thinking manner smiling that evil smile of hers. Asahi let out a ‘Yeah’ as she pumped her fists smiling brightly. Ray, Acchan and I were just looking at them wondering what this fun of them would entail.
***Inside the Bus***
Nami and Maeda were seated together talking. Ray…or in this case…Reiko was watching them frowning. They were seated a few seats away from her and Mariko but her eyes were glued to them. Her frown intensified when she saw Nami laughing at what Maeda was saying.
“Who invited her anyway?” She asked still looking at them. Mariko glanced at her with her eyebrow raised.
“Shouldn’t I be asking the same question to you?”
“I invited myself. That’s different.”
“Yeah. She got invited and you didn’t.” Mariko mumbled looking out the window.
“So who invited her?”
“I’m guessing Asahi for obvious reasons.”
Upon hearing the name of the culprit, Reiko turned to where Hinata and Asahi were seated. They were talking. Hinata noticed Reko looking at them and nudged Asahi when Reiko pointed at her. Asahi turned wondering what was up when she saw Reiko glaring at her. Reiko pointed at her then made a motion of slicing her throat with her thumb making a crackling sound. Asahi cringe then smiled nervously.
“I think she likes you since she’s asking if your throat is okay.”
Hinata whispered to Asahi who just sighed and closed her eyes. Only Hinata would think that Reiko was thinking of Asahi’s welfare after inviting Maeda.
Reiko turned to look at Nami and Maeda again. She crossed her arm and slouched at her seat pouting.
“Why are they even sitting together? I wanna seat next to Nami-chan.”
Mariko glanced at her for awhile then turned to the window again smiling.
‘I wonder what you would do now…’
***A couple of minutes later***
Reiko was fuming with jealousy as she looks at Nami and Maeda walking ahead of them to the amusement park. She was planning on spending some time with Nami that’s why she’s so adamant on going with them today. It was supposed to be her sitting with Nami in that crowded bus! Her and Nami walking together out of the bus! Her and Nami walking towards the amusement park! Her and not that Acchan girl! Instead she’s walking with these three who are discussing what they would ride first.
‘Life is just so unfair.’ Reiko thought as she crossed her arm pouting.
Nami and Maeda turned to them noticing their distance.
“Hey! Since you guys are so slow…me and Acchan are going to check on the price of the ticket!”
Mariko waved them off. Reiko watched them run towards the ticket both. She fumed even more when she saw Nami holding Maeda’s arm. Deciding that she had enough of seeing them together, feeling herself turn green with envy, she stood in front of the three girls and faced them.
“I need you three to disappear together with that…Acchan girl.”
“What?” Mariko asked looking confused as Hinata and Asahi are. It didn’t escape Mariko that Reiko said Maeda’s name in a scornful manner. She knew sooner or later that Reiko would get jealous.
“I need some alone time with Nami-chan. And you guys…and that…that Acchan are in the way. Here this should cover you guys.” She said as she got some money out of her wallet. She held it up for them to take earning a glare from Hinata.
“We’re not leaving you with Nami even if you bribe us with your money!”
Asahi and Mariko looked at Hinata surprised and a bit proud that she didn’t take the bait. It goes to show where Hinata’s loyalty lies. Reiko just rolled her eyes and took out more money and held it out again. Hinata eyed the money for awhile then immediately took it nodding her head.
“She’s good.”
“What? It’s free money! With this we can ride anything and eat anything!”
The two sighed shaking their head disappointedly. Mariko noticed that Hinata was counting the money together with Asahi. Rolling her eyes, she looked back at Reiko.
“Look here, we plan on spending time with Nami too. So I don’t think your…….?”
She stopped talking as Hinata leaned at her and whispered the amount Reiko had given them. She turned back to Reiko, her eyes on the side as she said in a flat voice…
“Okay, we’ll give you an hour.”
“1 and a half…”
“Fine. Two hours for your alone time. After that, we’ll be crashing in on your alone time.”
Reiko nodded and shook hands with Mariko in agreement. With the deal set, the four sought out the other two who were near the entrance. They bought the tickets and entered the park. They walked for a couple of minutes as Hinata and Asahi excitedly pointed out where they should go. Both pushed Nami and Maeda to walk faster leaving the other two to follow behind.
“So? When is my alone time going to be?” Reiko asked glancing at Mariko.
“You know the saying, patience is a virtue? You should try it.” Although she said it, she doubts that Reiko would follow it. Reiko is insane when it comes to Nami. Giving them that much money is proof of that.
“You know what I’m like when it comes to her…” Reiko sighed looking at Nami who was chasing a laughing Hinata.
“Crazy in love. I get it. Heard it on the radio a couple of times.” Mariko shrugged.
“I just want her to want me.” Reiko said wistfully.
Mariko glanced at her for awhile watching her friend look at Nami longingly. She truly was crazy in love and insane. Though Reiko was always irrational when it comes to Nami…sometimes even being stupid…she still felt that she should help her. It is her duty as her best friend.
‘Sucky duty really. But someone has to do it…’ Mariko thought as she sighed defeatedly. She grabbed Reiko’s arm and dragged her to where the others are.
“Give us a couple of minutes. We’ll get you your alone time by then. I just don’t want it to be too obvious for Nami.” Mariko said to Reiko softly as they walked towards the others.
They rode a couple of rides for awhile. The 6 of them were having fun. Or maybe just the five of them since Reiko seems to be a bit uncomfortable. Mariko noticed it too. Reiko seems to be less responsive in their conversation. Although Maeda seems to be shy as well with them, it’s quite different for Reiko. She knows that Reiko feels a bit left out what with her being the outsider of the group unlike Maeda who can somehow relate since she is a member of akb48. So she tried to include her by asking her questions here and there. It seems that Nami was also aware of Reiko’s situation as she talks to her often and even walked beside her even though Mariko can see Nami was a bit tense when it comes to Reiko.
It was in those moments that Mariko understood how Reiko can fall for Nami.
Not that she’s also falling for Nami. Nami is way out of her league. Way way out…
Finding that it was time for Reiko and Nami’s alone time to happen, Mariko pulled Hinata to walk with her as they were walking towards another ride.
“We have to give them their alone time. Got any plans?” Mariko said as she motioned to Reiko and Nami who was walking together with Asahi and Maeda.
“Oh I already got a plan.”
“Really?” Mariko asked surprised to hear that Hinata already had a plan.
“Yeah. I’ll go distract Nami then you grab both Asahi and Acchan and make a run for it.”
Mariko’s eyes narrowed upon hearing Hinata’s plan. She knew she had made a mistake on pulling Hinata rather than Asahi to talk about plans. Hinata’s plans are just plain crazy sometimes…no…make that all the time.
“Trust me. It’ll work.” Hinata said confidently that Mariko decided to just give in.
“Okay. So what’s your distraction plan? Don’t tell me you’re going to stand in front of Nami and point to the sky and say; ‘Ohh what’s that?’ and just make a run for it.”
“The thought did cross my mind.”
‘Why am I not surprised?’ Mariko thought as she sighed.
“But no. I’m not going to do that. I have a better distraction plan.” Hinata grinned and wiggled her eyebrow at Mariko. Hinata’s wiggling eyebrow somehow made Mariko nervous because usually her wiggling eyebrow would consist of something perverted. Mariko just hopes that whatever Hinata’s distraction plan does not kill her.
Hinata and Mariko walked towards the unsuspecting four. Mariko walked behind Asahi and Maeda while Hinata walked behind Nami. Hinata gave Mariko a thumbs up and a grin which Mariko returned hesitantly.
‘This better work.’ Mariko thought as Hinata tapped Nami who looked at Hinata confused.
“Can I see your bag Nami?” Hinata said smiling brightly at Nami who stopped walking and raised her eyebrow.
“I just want to confirm something.”
Nami frowned wondering what is up. Reiko, Asahi and Maeda were intrigued as well. Nami glanced at Mariko who just shrugged. Nami knew something is up…but she didn’t know what. The only way to find out is to give in to what Hinata wants. So she did. She hesitantly gave Hinata her bag. Hinata took it and started rummaging its contents.
“Ohhhh. I see.” Hinata looked awed at what she saw which confused Nami even more. Nothing is special inside her bag, so why is Hinata looking at it like there is?
A few seconds later, she closed Nami’s bag and smiled.
“What is it?” Nami asked curiously.
All of them waited for Hinata’s explanation on why or what she found inside Nami’s bag. Hinata surprised them when she threw Nami’s bag away with all her might. All eyes were on Nami’s bag except for Hinata who was preparing to make a run for it. Mariko quickly noticed Hinata and quickly grabbed Asahi and Maeda’s hand. As if in slow motion, Hinata and Mariko quickly made a run for it dragging the confused Asahi and Maeda along. You can hear Hinata cry out as they ran away.
Nami’s bag plopped down on the ground a few distance away from them. The old woman was surprised when a bag dropped down beside her. She turned to look at where the bag came from to see a girl running towards it.
‘Kids nowadays.’ The old woman thought as she walked away shaking her head mumbling how weird kids nowadays are.
Nami quickly picked up her bag and turned glaring to look at Hinata prepared to beat the crap out of her when she noticed that four of her friends were nowhere to be found.
The missing four were panting as they leaned at a wall trying to catch their breath.
“That…was your distraction plan?” Mariko asked as she frowned at Hinata who shrugged.
Surprisingly, it did. A bit gung-ho but at least they were able to leave those two alone which was their main goal.
“Why do we have to run away from them?” Maeda asked as she looked at the three. She was confused. She thought that this whole day was supposed to be for Nami to have fun. But she knew that Nami wouldn’t have fun without her friends beside her.
The three looked at each other for awhile silently asking what they should tell Maeda. They were clearly focusing on keeping the deal that they made to Reiko that they forgot what they would tell Maeda. They could tell Maeda about the deal, but she’ll surely ask why Reiko would want Nami alone for awhile that she had to pay them.
Finally, Asahi decided to offer Maeda a simpler explanation. She smiled at Maeda nervously saying…
“Uh…it’s because Reiko and Nami…fought a couple of days ago and just made up yesterday. We thought I’d be nice for them to uh…clear some tension between them for a couple of hours.”
‘It’s not the whole truth…but it’s not entirely a lie either. It’ll do.’ Mariko thought as she nodded. Mariko was a bit impressed at what Asahi came up with. It was a perfect explanation for Maeda who seems to understand as she nodded her head.
“Alright, so we’ll give them their alone time. In the mean time, let’s go and have some fun now!” Hinata exclaimed.
***Nami’s POV***
“Where did they go?”
I asked Ray frowning as I looked around. No sign of them anywhere. What the hell are they planning now? Are we playing hide and seek or something? Because if we are…there is no way I’m playing. This park is too big for us to play hide and seek. Are they crazy? Oh right…Hinata is with them…I guess they are.
I sighed then noticed Ray’s nervous about something. She was looking away and was playing with her hands. She’s like a kid who got caught stealing some cookies. I guess she knows what’s going on.
I know she said that her name is Reiko…but since we’re alone now, I prefer to call her Ray. That is what I’m used too. She seemed surprised though that I called her that.
“Do you know why they suddenly disappeared?”
She said as she looked away. I’m trying not to smile or laugh here as I find her nervousness… entertaining. Ever since I met her again she’s been showing emotions that she rarely shows back then in our Persona days. It goes to show that she changed a lot. I’m curious to find out how much she changed these past few months….
…and at the same time…I’m a bit scared to find out…
After a few seconds of silence, she finally gave in and told me what she knew.
“I…told them…that I want some alone time with you…so…”
She still hadn’t looked at me when she said that. She was frowning slightly and was blushing a bit probably from embarrassment. I guess I should have expected her to do something like this. I can’t help but blush a little though. Luckily she’s not looking my way so she won’t notice.
“Oh…I see.”
And that’s all I can say to that. Honestly, why is it that whenever Ray says something like that it always leaves me at a loss for words? Probably because no one’s liked me this much before. That’s a sad thought…
“Well…I guess it’s okay…since we are getting to know each other…”
I said scratching my head nervously. She quickly looked at me surprised at what I said. What’s so surprising at what I said? I just told her that it’s okay since we are getting to know each other…….
“Uh…as f-friends! N-not like a d-d-date or something…well it could be a date…but a friendly date…yeah…a date among friends…you know…that type of date…yes…right…”
I’m looking away from her feeling the heat of my face intensified. Why must I say stupid things? Really now.
“Okay. Well…I have to tell you something. Please don’t be mad…”
Hearing her say that last sentence softly somehow made me stop scolding myself to turn to her and listen.
“I…I kinda…paid them for it.”
What? She paid them…so that they would leave the two of us alone? That’s messed up!
“You paid them?! Are you crazy?!”
She cringed hearing my voice a bit louder than usual. I’m not mad though. Just a bit surprised. Although it is Ray…I should have expected that. Ray does have an evil side to her. She was the one responsible for spreading that picture of Katsuyuki-san and Riku being a gay couple. I did get mad at her for that when I found out. I guess she learned her lesson from that since she’s being truthful now. I guess…she did change a bit…
“Tch. How much?”
I asked with my eyebrow raised and my arms crossed. She sighed and told me the amount she had given them. The amount she told me left me dumbfounded. She gave them that much?! I feel like I’m in some kind of escort service or something with that kind of amount. She’s clearly insane. But I can’t help but feel bad for her. It feels like those three robbed her off or something. Those three are so dead for this.
“Okay, since you paid that much…and I feel somewhat bad for it…let’s make a deal.”
She answered by looking at me confused.
“I’ll do whatever you want me to. I’ll be your slave for the day.”
I said smiling at her. It confused me when she covers her mouth and a bit of her nose with her hand. She was frowning slightly and was blushing furiously mumbling...
“I think…I’m going to faint...”
And I suddenly realized what she’s thinking…
“N-not like that you…hentai!”
I said looking away from her feeling myself blushing. Damn Ray and her perverted thoughts. I never thought of anything perverted when I offered her that deal. I just felt bad for my friends taking her money that I thought it’d be nice to offer her my companionship since she did spent that much. But no…Ray had to think of something perverted.
We were silent for awhile focused in our own thoughts. I glanced at her and saw her glancing at me too. I quickly looked away scolding myself for glancing at her. This is so awkward. She somehow eased the awkward situation when she started giggling. I raised my eyebrow at her.
What is so funny all of a sudden?
She stopped giggling, leaned towards me and raised her eyebrow at me while smiling.
“So, since you said that you’d do anything I want…if I want you to give me a kiss…you’d give me one?”
She said tapping her lips with her finger as if she’s challenging me. Like I’ll fall for that…
“Don’t push it.”
I said to her flatly. She giggled though and looped her arm to mine and started dragging me.
“Then let’s make the most out of this deal. C’mon slave!”
“And don’t call me that!”
I’ve been dragged around by Ray to wherever she wants to go. We’ve rode a couple of rides but most of the time she’s dragging me inside a store. Whenever we’re inside a store, she’d be pointing things for me to look at and looking at it like it’s the first time she’d seen it. She’s like a child that was sheltered most of her life only to be released and find the world was so full of colors. I guess she’s finding it hard to enjoy life what with her busy schedules and all. Looking at her now, I’m sort of…glad she went with us today.
I find it…cute…especially when she’s trying to be silly just so I could laugh at her. Who would have thought that Ray would be the silly type? I’m actually trying not to laugh or smile just so she could continue being silly. I can’t believe I’m enjoying Ray’s company.
This…isn’t a date date…right?
Shaking that thought away, I decided to ask her something.
“So…is Fukushima Reiko your real name?”
I asked glancing at her as we walk around. She was walking with a bright smile on her face. She’s been carrying that smile of hers for awhile now. I can’t help but smile slightly just seeing it. I guess she’s enjoying this as well compared to earlier when she’s a bit uncomfortable being around the others.
“What do you think?”
“I’m thinking…no.”
“What made you think that?” She asked as she looked at me curiously.
“Earlier when Mariko-sama introduced you to Acchan, she couldn’t remember the name you’ve given. You told her she was kidding…but I had a feeling that she’s not.”
Did she just frown when I mentioned Acchan’s name? It was gone in a blink of an eye. Maybe I’m just imagining it.
“What makes you so sure that Mari-chan knows my real name?”
I shrugged.
“She’s your best friend. I think that’s reason enough to believe that she knows it.”
“Good point…and yes that’s not my real name.”
I knew it.
“So…what’s your real name?”
She paused for awhile as if to think then smiled at me.
“Give me a kiss and I’ll tell you.”
She said as a slight blush forms in her face. I looked away and decided to move away from her.
“No way. I don’t think I want to know anymore…”
She quickly pulled me to her again keeping a firm hold on my arm as she pouts.
“You’re still my slave and as your master, I command you to stay.”
Master? I narrowed my eyes at her.
“I think you’re taking this slave thing a little bit too far.”
“I don’t think so since we’re not making out in a dark corner.”
She mumbled softly as she looked away blushing. I placed a hand on face hiding the fact that I’m blushing as well as I heard what she said. God, I think she’s worse than Yuko. Oh…no wait. She’s not groping me so I guess she’s not worse. She’s getting there though.
“Stop saying such hentai things!”
Why must she torment me in saying such things? She shrugged and I suddenly had a mental image of Mariko-sama shrugging saying;
‘She’s just saying…’
Okay…why is my inner self taking the form of Mariko-sama?! Ugh…probably from spending too much time with her yesterday.
“So…you still want to know my real name?”
She asked smiling slightly, her eyes ahead as we walked. I glanced at her with my eyebrow raised.
“Are you going to tell it?”
She stopped walking and I stopped as well. I felt her squeeze my arm and I frowned slightly as she turned to look at me.
“Not now. I think I’ll tell it to you…once you figured out what you want.”
She’s smiling but her eyes shows a different emotion. I couldn’t get what emotion they were telling me as she masked it quickly with her bright smile tugging me again to walk. I was frowning looking at the ground while we’re walking wondering what was up with that look she gave me. The only time I looked up was when I felt her stop and tug my arm again.
“Hey…is that…a purikura?”
I looked at where she’s pointing and shrugged seeing a bunch of purikura booths.
“Yeah. I guess it is.”
She let out a squeal of delight and started dragging me towards it. It’s like it is her first time seeing a purikura with the smile she’s wearing. She’s even jumping excitedly when we entered the booth. She kept on pulling me to her as we posed in front of the camera. We did a lot of wacky poses. She was clearly having fun as she kept on laughing. Hearing her laugh is contagious and I found myself laughing as well.
On the last shot she said that we should make it plain rather than doing wacky stuff. Being a good slave, I followed her and smiled through the lens showing a peace sign. She surprised me though when I suddenly felt her lips on my cheek. Then I heard the machine click.
I pulled away from her and she smiled and gave me a wink then walked out of the booth. I stood there for awhile stunned. It’s actually the first time she initiated something since yesterday. She’s been friendly with me throughout the day. Teasing me here and there but she doesn’t go beyond that. Well except for that mumbled thing she said about making out…and the kiss me thing. That was way beyond friendship…
But still, that kiss she gave me…it’s harmless right? I mean…friends kiss each other on the cheek. So that’s okay…right?
‘You’re thinking too much again. Does it really matter?’
Inner Mariko-sama said as she shrugs. It’s official. My inner self has taken the form of Mariko-sama. This is just great.
I sighed and walked out of the booth to find Ray happily doodling at our pictures. I watch her doodle. She added some crazy stuff making our pictures funny looking. She even wrote ‘my slave’ on one of the pictures that I can’t help but groan. I didn’t tell her to erase them though. I think I’m just going to let her have some fun on it.
And when the last picture came, she stared at it for awhile smiling. Looking at it, it turned out pretty well. In the picture, I was glancing at her with my mouth slightly opened as she’s leaning at me giving me a kiss with her eyes closed. I’m really amazed that it turned out that well as I was surprised by what she did.
She picked up the pen then started doodling some stuff. She kept it simple though unlike the other pictures. She drew a speech bubble for both of us. Hers had a heart inside while mine just contained ellipsis then added stars as backgrounds. She printed two copies each and gave me a copy as she smiles.
“Here. It’s our remembrance as master and slave.”
I narrowed my eyes looking at her. She’s clearly enjoying the slave thing. I didn’t say anything though and just took the picture from her hand. She looped her arm on mine again and dragged me. While walking, I can’t help but stare at the picture at my hand…
…especially the last photo….
Three girls were sitting on a bench. The one on the left is clutching her head groaning. The middle one was covering her mouth with her hand as if she was about to barf. The one on the right has her head bowed down. Another girl appeared in front of them. Her hands on her hips as she looks at the state her friends are.
“Oh, c’mon! Don’t tell me you guys are out of it already?” Hinata asked looking unimpressed.
The one who was clutching her head, Mariko, glared at Hinata.
“Can you blame us?! We rode that monstrous thing 3 times in a row?!” She said as she points at the roller coaster.
“I think…I’m going to be…sick…” Asahi said as she made some barfing sounds. Mariko rubbed Asahi’s back trying to make her feel better. Hinata looked at Asahi disgustingly as she let out a barfing sound. She decided to look away just so she wouldn’t feel like barfing herself. It was then she noticed Maeda’s head wasn’t bowed down anymore and she looked normal compared to the other two.
“Ha! Acchan doesn’t seem out of it though!” She said as she pointed at Maeda who smiled slightly.
“Please don’t talk to me for awhile. I may look like this…but I’m this close to throwing up.” She said. She does seem to be sweating a lot.
Hinata sighed defeatedly and decided to buy them water and if ever, some medicine. She is responsible for them being sick since she’s the one who forced the three to ride the roller coaster thrice with her. So it’s only right to take care of the three.
Though she couldn’t understand how the three could easily get sick. Well, she didn’t…
It took a couple of minutes for the three to feel better.
“Mou…you guys are so lame. Getting dizzy just because of that.” Hinata said as she pouted sitting next to Mariko.
“Well excuse us for being human.” Mariko said as she glared at Hinata. She couldn’t understand how Hinata could be fine by riding a roller coaster thrice and even wants to ride it for the fourth time.
‘Clearly, she’s not human.’ Mariko thought.
The four were silent for awhile resting. They had been riding rides nonstop for an hour now as Hinata dragged them from one ride to another. She didn’t take no for an answer as she pushed them to the ride she wanted insisting that it would be fun. She was clearly a dangerous person to be with in an amusement park.
Maeda’s phone ringing suddenly interrupted their quiet time. The three glanced at her as she looked at her phone.
“Oh. It’s Tomochin. I have to take this call. Excuse me.” She said as she stood up and walked away while answering her phone leaving the three to watch her walk away.
“You know, she’s not that bad. A bit shy…but if we just unscrew her a bit, I’d bet she’d be wild.” Hinata said grinning at the two and wiggling her eyebrows.
The two narrowed their eyes as they look at her.
“I’m not letting you go near her ever again.” Mariko concluded as shook her head as Hinata shrugged.
“But you know, I’m glad that she came with us. She’s fun to be with even though she’s a bit shy.” Asahi said as she smiled.
“Yeah. I thought she’d be a bit of the princess type since she’s the face of the akb48. But when you get to know her, she’s really not that bad.”
Mariko agrees to what Hinata and Asahi said. Even though they’d been working with Maeda for a couple of months now, they still don’t know much about her. She just seems…closed off to people. It’s like she’s in her own world most of the time and she prefers it that way.
‘I guess she just need a little push...or maybe shove for her to open up. No unscrewing like Hinata wants. I don’t think we need another Hinata or Yuko.’ Mariko thought as she looks at Maeda in the distance talking to her phone.
“Speaking of the princess type, your friend Reiko seems to be one. She’s weird too. I mean, why would she want some alone time with Nami? And even pay us that much for that? Does she like her or something? She just met her today for goodness sake!”
The two looked at Hinata for awhile trying to see if she seriously doesn’t know that Reiko is Ray.
“That friend of yours is so an L. Man, Nami sure is an L magnet. Not only did she get Ray…but also Reiko.” Hinata said as she started laughing unaware that the two were shaking their head mumbling how slow Hinata is.
“Reiko is Ray you know…”
Hinata stopped laughing as she heard Asahi. She turned to Mariko for confirmation who rolled her eyes and nodded. Then she looked ahead for while as if she’s trying to put the pieces together. A few seconds later, she shrugged.
“Oh I knew that. I was just checking if you guys knew it.”
Asahi smirked while Mariko rolled her eyes smiling slightly. Only Hinata would cover up her mistake with such obviousness.
“Hey look! That’s them right?” Hinata said as she pointed at Nami and Reiko who were walking together. Reiko was holding a cotton candy trying to feed a protesting Nami. Nami was trying to get away from Reiko but Reiko was holding Nami’s arm tightly. She kept on pulling Nami close to her. It was a familiar sight to see for Hinata and Asahi. The only difference would be that Nami wasn’t wearing her Persona disguise.
“Even if they’re both girls…they still look like a couple huh?” Asahi smiled slightly. Seeing the two like this made her remember those times Ray was clinging on Kai. Ah…those were the uncomfortable days…
“Well to me, Nami looks like she’s abducted by a crazed lunatic.” Mariko sighed shaking her head.
“Ray is pretty crazy when it comes to Nami. I wonder what she sees in her.” Hinata asked curiously still watching the two. Nami was pushing Reiko away as Reiko still tries to feed her.
“Probably because of Nami’s manly side.” Mariko shrugged. She refused to ask Ray what she sees on Nami thinking that she’ll once again babble everything she could think of that makes Nami great like a love sick person she is.
‘She’d be talking all day if I ask her that.’ Mariko thought.
“So you mean to say…that if Nami were to be girly…Ray wouldn’t like her?” Asahi asked as she looked at Mariko who shrugged. Somehow hearing that gave Hinata a great idea.
“I know! Let’s play game!” She exclaimed as she stood up and faced the two who was sitting down looking at her confused.
“A game?”
“Yeah. A game wherein each one of has to show Nami’s girly side without them knowing. We’ll call it; ‘Girly Nami Game!’”
“Girly Nami…Game??” Both Mariko and Asahi said with their eyebrow raised.
“Well you said that Ray might like Nami because of her boyish side. So what if Ray sees Nami’s girly side? She might get turned off when she sees her like that and just back off.” Hinata excitedly explained. Truthfully, she doesn’t believe that Ray would back off once she saw Nami acting all girly. She just wanted to have fun with those two.
“Hmm. It sounds interesting. Okay. Count me in.” Mariko grinned curious to see what a girly Nami would look like.
“Well…I guess it’s okay.” Asahi added thinking that it would be fun to see Nami being girly. Hinata began jumping excitedly happy to hear that the two approved of her game.
Maeda, who just finished talking to Tomochin, approached them confused as to why Hinata was jumping.
“Finished with your talk?” Mariko asked as she saw Maeda approach them.
“Yeah. Tomochin is in a photo shoot and wondered what I was doing. I told her that I’m in the amusement park with you guys. She asked if it’s okay if she tags along after her photo shoot and I said yes. It is…okay right?” She asked shyly.
“Yeah it’s okay. The more the merrier right?” Asahi replied with a smile. Hinata and Mariko nodded as well. Seeing them agree somehow eased Maeda as she smiled back.
“So Acchan. We’re planning on having a contest. Wanna join?” Hinata asked as she wrapped her arms around Maeda’s shoulder grinning at her.
“What kind of contest?”
“It’s a contest wherein you show Nami’s girly side. Whoever wins…gets a prize.”
Maeda paused for awhile thinking of what Hinata said. Though she didn’t know Hinata that much, she can still tell that this was somehow Hinata’s way of saying; ‘let’s play a prank on Nami.’ She’d seen them play a prank on Nami a couple of times now. And each one of them ended up running away as Nami chases them. She didn’t want that.
“Uh…I think I’ll pass.”
“Aww. Okay. Then you’ll be the judge then.” Hinata said smiling. She didn’t want to force Maeda into doing something that she doesn’t want. Although now that she thinks about it, she did force Maeda to ride the roller coaster earlier when she pleaded to Hinata that she doesn’t want to ride anymore. That didn’t stop her from pushing her though.
‘Oh well, past is past.’ Hinata thought.
“So what’s the prize anyway?”
“It’s a secret!” Hinata said as she frowned at Asahi.
“You don’t know do you?” Mariko sighed as she looked at Hinata.
“How should I know, I’m one of the contestant.” Hinata pouted and Mariko just rolled her eyes.
Nami and Reiko were walking unaware that their four friends are following them. The four suddenly hid around a corner when a man bumped to Nami making her stumble a bit.
“I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking at where I’m going. Are you okay?” The young man asked as she looked at Nami.
“Yeah…I’m fine.” Nami said as she rotates her shoulder. The guy bumped her quite hard.
“Does it hurt?” Reiko asked as she looked at Nami worriedly watching as the other girl rotate her shoulder.
“I’m so so sorry.” The man bowed to Reiko who shook her head. Nami frowned slightly upon seeing it. Why was the man apologizing to Reiko now since she’s the one he bumped?
“If there’s anything I could do…like we could go to a hospital or something…”
“I don’t think that’s necessary. Nami-chan is stronger than she looks.” Reiko giggled and the man smiled at her charmingly.
“Really. Well it sounds like Nami-chan is quite a person eh?”
“Yeah she is.”
Nami glanced at the two disturbed that the two of them are talking about her like she’s not standing beside them. The four was watching the scene with interest. Asahi groaned when she saw the man talking to Reiko ignoring Nami.
“I told him to flirt with Nami! Not Reiko.” Asahi said as she pouted.
“So that’s why you suddenly talked to that guy.” Hinata nodded. She wondered earlier why Asahi told them to wait for awhile as she talked to the young man.
“That’s your plan? Let some guy flirt with Nami?” Mariko asked with her eyebrow raised.
“Well yeah. Girls often turn girly when boys flirt with them right?”
“Well yeah. But that guy is flirting with the wrong girl.” Maeda pointed out. Asahi sighed and shook her head. The guy was flirting with the wrong girl. She asked him to flirt with the short girl as she pointed towards Nami and Reiko. But it seems the man was more interested in Reiko rather than Nami.
The four watched curiously as Nami walked away saying something to Reiko who was suddenly looked alarmed. They watch as Reiko bowed down to the guy saying her goodbye and quickly sought out Nami by grabbing her arm again. They can hear them arguing as Nami was pushing Reiko away. Reiko was giggling though and looks like she’s teasing Nami as well.
Asahi’s attempt = FailedThe three sighed as they stepped out of their hiding place. The young man saw them and approached them.
“I did what you asked. Can I have your phone number now?” He grinned at her. Asahi glared at him.
“No way! I told you to flirt with the short one. And from what I could tell, the one you flirted with is nowhere being short. No deal.”
With that being said, Asahi grabbed Maeda’s hand and dragged her away. Mariko followed with Hinata sticking out her tongue to the guy who was grumbling.
Next up was Hinata who told the three to wait for her as she buys the things she need. The three nodded as they sat at a café waiting for Hinata. Nami and Reiko were sitting by the bench a few distances away from them. They had their back turned so they wouldn’t see the three of them. Hinata immediately brought out the things she bought when she arrived. She bought a cheap small remote controlled car and some brown clay. She began to work with it while the three watched her.
“Tadaaa! Hinata’s work at its best!” Hinata grinned as she held out her finished product. She molded the clay on top of the toy car and put some design to it. The three looked at it confused wondering what it is. Asahi smiled as she finally realized what Hinata’s plan is.
“I know! You’ll show Nami poop and then she’ll let out a girly scream right?”
“You’ll show her…a moving poop??” Mariko asked incredulously as she finds Hinata’s plan weird.
“It’s not poop! It’s a rat! A rat!” She exclaimed earning alarmed gazes from the other customers. Mariko upon seeing the alarmed faces of some of the customers of the café, smiled at them apologetically saying…
“Don’t blame her. She’s just mentally challenged.” That earned her some glares as they got back to whatever it is they were doing. Mariko glared at Hinata who shrugged.
“Anyway…it’s a rat. I’ll move it to them and Nami will scream a girly scream at it saying, ‘Ahhh! A rat! Help me!’ Genius right?” Hinata said wiggling her eyebrows.
“It still looks like poop to me. And what’s with the ‘help me’ thing? It’s not like the poop is going to eat her or anything.” Mariko rolled her eyes as Hinata glared at her.
“Um…is Nami afraid of rats?” Maeda asked curiously. If Nami wasn’t afraid of rats, Hinata’s plan would obviously fail. Somehow that didn’t cross Hinata’s mind as she tilted her head thinking.
“I’m not sure really. Only one way to find out right?” She grinned. With that the four placed themselves in position wherein they can’t be seen by Nami and Reiko who were still sitting at a bench. Reiko was eating some ice cream offering some to Nami who was moving away from her.
Hinata sets her poop…I mean rat…her rat looking poop in motion maneuvering it towards the two. Nami noticed it first as it moves around them.
“Huh…? What the…?”
Reiko turned to look and saw the moving brown thing. She screamed tossing her ice cream away as she clung to Nami’s waist tightly.
“Wha…G-get off me!”
“A Rat! A Rat!” Reiko clings to a struggling Nami who was looking at the brown moving thing at their feet. Without hesitating, Nami stomped the brown thing stopping it from moving. She heard it broke.
“Ahh! They broke it!” Hinata tries to move her rat but it isn’t moving anymore. They watch as Nami remove her feet from it and stared at it.
“Only you and Reiko would think of that as a rat.” Mariko said as she rolled her eyes.
Nami moved the broken thing with her feet.
“What is this…? A moving poop??”
Hinata’s attempt = Epic failureHinata pouted as she looked at the remote in her hands. She was so sure that she’d win so it disappoints her that she didn’t.
“Aww. Good attempt though.” Mariko smiled patting Hinata’s back.
“You sound like you’re sure that you’re going to win.” Hinata frowned at her. Mariko shrugged and grinned.
“But of course.” She took out her celphone and wiggled it to the three who eyed it curiously.
“This is all I need.” She glanced at the Nami and Reiko noticing them walking away.
Reiko was pouting as she and Nami were walking around. She was disappointed that she threw away her ice cream on the ground. It was the rat’s fault! Nami was about to bite on that ice cream and if it wasn’t for that…rat…Nami and her would have shared some ice cream.
“Are you that sad about your ice cream?” Nami asked glancing at Reiko.
“Well…you didn’t get to eat it.” Reiko pouted.
“Shall we get some then?” Nami asked sighing. Reiko was stunned for awhile. Nami was asking if they should buy some. She dragged Nami to get that ice cream and a cotton candy and offered Nami some. She refused though but she bought one for herself thinking that Nami would change her mind and would want some if she saw her eating. She was thinking they could share…like lovers do…but Nami just refused as she pushed her away. So hearing Nami ask her if ‘they’ should get some feels like they were finally on a date. She blushed at the thought.
She was about to say yes to Nami when she heard her phone ringing. Frowning, they stopped walking as she pulled out her celphone to see Mariko calling her. She checked her watch.
‘I still have 30 minutes. So why is she calling…?’ Reiko thought as she frowned at her phone. Nami looked at her curiously and she just winked as she answered it.
“I want both of you to go to the haunted mansion.” Mariko said as she watched the two at a distance.
“What? Why?” Reiko asked.
Mariko covered her phone as she excused herself from the three who were listening to her talk to Reiko. She distanced herself from the three and answered back to Reiko.
“Don’t you want to cling to her some more? You can even grope her there. It is dark there.” Mariko grinned and even had the urge to wiggle her eyebrows like Hinata. She resisted though not wanting to be like her.
Reiko was silent for awhile as she glanced at Nami who was looking away as if giving her some private time. She blushed furiously as she agreed to what Mariko was suggesting.
“Okay. Tell me where it is.”
Once she told Reiko the direction, she hanged up and walked towards the three.
“That’s your plan? Nami in a haunted house?” Hinata asked.
“Yeah. Girls are girly when it comes to scary stuff right?”
“Now that I think about it. Whenever Hinata and I would watch some scary movies…Nami will just shrug off saying that she doesn’t want to watch it and would just go inside her room. Maybe she is afraid of scary stuff.” Asahi said as she titled her head thinking. It seems plausible.
Mariko was grinning now as she’s sure that she’ll win now. If what Asahi said is right, Nami’ll be screaming or even crying in fright.
‘So that means…Nami will cling to Reiko? Oh well…they’ll just cling to each other I guess.’ Mariko thought.
“Well I guess we have to go there too to find out right?” Maeda said as she smiled. Hinata and Mariko turned to her.
Reiko told Nami that they’ll buy ice cream later as they head towards the haunted mansion. Nami raised her eyebrow as they stood in front of the eerie mansion.
“You want to go there?”
“Yeah. My slave will protect me right?” Reiko smiled as Nami rolled her eyes.
“No way.”
“Aww c’mon! It’ll be fun. Don’t tell me your scared?” Reiko teased. She knows for sure that’ll make Nami come with her to the haunted mansion. It seems to work as Nami glared at her.
“I’m not scared. C’mon!” Nami said as she walked inside with Reiko following closely. Seeing the two enter the haunted mansion, Maeda and Asahi began pushing Hinata and Mariko who were shaking their head.
“This was your idea!” Asahi said pushing a resisting Mariko.
“But there’s no need for us to go inside! We can ask Reiko after!” Mariko reasoned as she closed her eyes hearing the eerie sound from the house.
“Yeah! Just ask her! Ask her!” Hinata pleaded.
“But we won’t get to see Nami being girly that way.” Maeda replied pushing Hinata.
Hearing Maeda’s explanation, they stopped struggling and clinged to each other. They do want to see Nami screaming like a girl, so they really have no choice but to go inside…even though they’re scared shitless. Seeing Mariko and Hinata surrender, Asahi and Maeda smiled as they all walked inside.
“Hurry up!” Nami said as she walked ahead of Reiko. This wasn’t Reiko’s plan. Nami was supposed to wait for her so she can cling to her! Instead she’s walking ahead as if she’s walking in a park when it’s so dark and a bit scary inside.
“W-wait up!” She said as she followed Nami. She stopped and screamed when a scary mannequin appeared out of nowhere. She crouched down covering her ears as she heard a maniacal laugh. She didn’t think it’d be this scary inside.
“Hey. You okay?”
Nami was crouching down at her looking at her worriedly. She hesitantly nodded and stood up as Nami did. Nami took her hand and intertwined their fingers together. She squeezed her hand.
“C’mon. Let’s get out of here.” Nami said as she dragged Reiko. Reiko was blushing furiously as she looked at their hands intertwined. It was a good thing that it was dark so Nami wouldn’t see her blushing and smiling lovingly. Nami had the same thought as she’s blushing slightly as well.
Meanwhile, the four was trying to catch up to the two just so they would see if being in a haunted house would make Nami girly. But because of the Hinata and Mariko cowering at every little thing, they had yet to catch up with Nami and Reiko.
“Wahhhhh! Th-This is all your fault!” Hinata said as she glared at Mariko through the dark.
“Shut up! Just walk and…….hold me.” Mariko held onto Hinata tightly as she saw an eye moving around in a corner. Asahi and Maeda were behind them holding each others arms as they walked. They all went cold stiff as they see a projected image of a white lady walk towards them. They started screaming loudly as the image edged closer to them. Mariko and Hinata quickly ran away passing through the image. Asahi was dragging Maeda following the two.
Reiko squeezed Nami’s hand tightly as she heard the screams.
“It’s okay.” Nami squeezed back reassuringly. They both stiffen when they noticed that the screams were getting louder. Like something is running towards them. Nami turned behind them as Reiko moved to Nami’s back trying to shield herself from whatever it is that is coming. Nami was getting nervous as well. Two screaming figures suddenly appeared which made Reiko scream as well. Nami closed her eyes squeezing Reiko’s hand.
She suddenly felt bodies press onto her.
“Wahhhhh! Nami!” Hinata cried as she clung to Nami’s waist. Nami opened her eyes to find Hinata on her side clinging to her waist while Mariko was hugging her from the front. Her face was pressed against Mariko’s neck as Mariko’s hands were wrapped around her chest. She tried to pull away from Mariko’s hold.
“Wha? L-Let go! Can’t…breathe!”
Mariko reluctantly let go of Nami and clung to her free arm instead. Nami sighed and saw Asahi and Maeda running towards them as well. They stopped a couple of feet away panting.
“I don’t know what’s going on…but are you guys okay?” Nami asked looking at the two of them who nodded. She glanced at Reiko and squeezed her hand. Reiko smiled nervously and squeezed back.
“Let’s all get out of here.” Nami sighed as she led the five towards the exit.
Mariko’s attempt = Do you really need to ask?***Nami’s POV***
I sat down in a bench feeling tired and glad we were out of that haunted mansion. I had a hard time walking what with Hinata and Mariko clinging to me. I don’t know why they were there in the first place. I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Nothing’s a coincidence with those three.
“All that pulling made me hungry. How about we eat now?”
I asked looking at the five of them. Hinata and Mariko looks disappointed somehow. I don’t think I want to know why.
“I guess we should since it’s almost lunch time.”
Asahi said as she nodded. I stood up and stretched but stopped immediately when I saw someone running towards us dragging four people.
“Uh…is that…?”
I pointed at the direction of the running person. They all turned to look. I suddenly knew who it was that was dragging four people behind. I turned to Asahi and noticed her eye twitching indicating that she already know who was heading towards us. I smiled at her nervously.
Once Yuko and the four people she’s dragging were only a few feet away, she released the four and went straight to Asahi wrapping her arms to her waist. Asahi was back to pushing her away as Yuko kept his tight hold on her.
The four that Yuko dragged with her; Sayaka, Sae, Yukarin and Tomochin were panting trying to catch their breath.
Sayaka said as she glared at Yuko who was still busy with Asahi. The other three were giving Yuko murderous glares as well. Yuko should really pay attention if she wants to live…
“Let’s eat!”
Hinata exclaimed as she pumped up her fist trying to ease the murderous glares that Yuko is having. We pushed the four away from a still struggling Asahi and Yuko towards a restaurant. Eventually Asahi stopped struggling and just walked towards us with Yuko clinging to her waist.
We were all seated in a long table as we waited for our orders. We made sure that the four wasn’t sitting next to Yuko so that left Asahi to sit next to her. Ray introduced herself to the others as the other introduced themselves as well. She was back to being shy again. I guess she’s not used to having this much company. Makes me wonder who she usually eats with when she’s doing her job.
“You’re cute.”
Yuko said as she stared at Ray who was sitting next to her. Ray thanked her as we all watch nervously what Yuko is about to do. Usually when Yuko say that a girl is cute, she would…
…grope the girl.
“Hmm. Medium size. Feels natural. You’ve got good breasts.”
Ray stared in shock as Yuko continues to grope her. It wasn’t surprising that she slapped Yuko hard on her cheek as she blushed furiously.
“Itai!” Yuko was rubbing her cheek as she looked at Ray.
“Keep your hands to yourself you…hentai!”
“Yeah? Well compared to yours, Asahi’s breasts are perfect!”
Yuko said as she groped Asahi who was sitting beside her. Bad move on her as she gained another slap on her other cheek from Asahi.
“Iiiiitaaaaiiiiii!!” Yuko put both her hands to her cheek. She looks like she’s about to cry as she looked at Sayaka and Sae for help. They just rolled their eyes ignoring her. I guess they’re still pissed about Yuko dragging them here. They explained to us how that happened earlier. It seems that Yuko, Sayaka and Sae bumped into Yukarin as she was heading towards the bus station. Yuko asked Yukarin where she’s off too and she said that she’s going to the amusement park mentioning us……and Asahi. Upon hearing Asahi’s name, Yuko quickly grabbed Sayaka, Sae and Yukarin’s hand and dragged them towards the bus station. They saw Tomochin inside the amusement park and dragged her too.
Thinking about it, it’s amazing how Yuko’s strength seems to double when it comes to Asahi huh?
Taking pity on Yuko, Mariko decided to change seats with Reiko and Asahi changed seats with Hinata as well. I couldn’t help but smirk as Reiko sat across me still blushing. She pouted looking at me.
“What? It’s funny.” I said as I shrugged grinning. She looked away mumbling something.
A couple of minutes later, our food finally arrived. Looking at our food, we happily exclaimed…
And started digging in. We were talking while eating. Our table was a bit noisy but that’s to be expected as we are 11 in a table. Add Yuko whining as she tries to reach for Asahi with Hinata in between. Asahi and Hinata were trying to push her away so they could eat.
Yup. This is a typical lunch time for us.
The conversation suddenly turned to me as Sayaka asked.
“Hey that reminds me. Didn’t you meet Ray a couple of days ago?”
I stopped eating and glanced at Ray who was listening in interest. Actually, everyone was listening as they all turned to look at me.
“Oh yeah. She said that she wants to give you guys something right? So what did she give you guys?” Sae asked pointing at me, Asahi and Hinata.
“You didn’t tell us what she gave you. So what is it?” Yukarin asked grinning and wiggling her eyebrows at me. She’s been doing that for awhile now as she glances at me and Ray. Don’t tell me she knows too??
Dismissing the thought, I turned to Asahi and Hinata who were looking at me as well. What? Am I the only one supposed to answer that? From the looks everyone is giving me…I guess I am the only one they expect to answer.
Sighing I turned to look at Ray who was looking at me with a slight smile on her face. It’s like she’s silently reassuring me that everything’s okay. It comforted me somehow as I answered them still looking at her.
“She gave us…friendship.”
I nodded my head and turned to them smiling.
“Yeah. And I really hope that I can give her something back in return someday…”
I said softly as I turned to look at Ray. I smiled at her as she was blushing furiously her lips slightly open…
…and then she fainted.
We gasped as Ray’s head made a loud thump as her forehead bumped into the table. Mariko anticipated it that’s why she’s holding Ray’s plate away. If Mariko didn’t put her plate away, Ray’s face would have been on her plate covered with her food.
“Don’t worry. She’s just overheating since we’ve been running for awhile.” Mariko said as she waved off everybody’s worried looks. Ray slowly raised her head rubbing her forehead pouting as she looks at me.
I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw a round red spot on her forehead. Everybody soon joined as Ray continues to pout blushing.
Yep, it’s a typical fun lunch time for us. The only thing different is that Ray is with us…
That’s a good thing…right?
***A few hours later***
After riding for a couple of hours, the group decided to stop at a gift shop before they go home. They all separated in small groups as they entered the shop. Sae and Sayaka were looking at some figurines. Asahi, Hinata and Yuko were looking at some shirts and hats. It was only supposed to be Hinata and Asahi but with Yuko clinging to Asahi they decided to just bring her with them. Yukarin, Mariko, Reiko and Tomochin seems to have formed a fashion squad as they head further to the shop where some fashionable dresses were held. Nami and Maeda were just looking around.
Maeda noticed Nami eyeing something from the corner of her eyes. She turned to look and smiled dragging Nami to where she was looking at.
“Try this on.” Maeda said as she handed Nami a black ribbon. Nami stared at the ribbon for awhile then looked away blushing slightly.
“What are you saying? I’ll look ridiculous wearing that.”
“You won’t know until you try right? C’mon!” Maeda grabbed Nami’s hand and dragged her towards a dressing room. She closed the dressing room and handed Nami the ribbon again.
“Try it on. No one would see.”
“I…I don’t know how to put that on.” Nami looked away embarrassed at what she said. Maeda couldn’t help but giggle finding a blushing and embarrassed Nami to be too cute. Without hesitating, Maeda put the ribbon on Nami’s head and turned her around to face the mirror.
“See? It looks good on you.” Maeda smiled. Nami looked at herself in the mirror finding it weird that she’s wearing something girly as a ribbon. She didn’t know if it looks good on her though. But Maeda seems to think so as with the way she’s smiling.
She hesitantly reached for the ribbon and felt it through her fingertips.
“Nami? Hey Nami where are you?”
She froze hearing Mariko. She quickly grabbed the ribbon and removed it. Maeda took the ribbon, grabbed her hand and dragged her outside of the dressing room. Mariko saw them and walked towards them with Reiko behind her frowning when she saw them together.
“What were you guys doing in there?” Mariko asked tilting her head. Nami glanced at Maeda nervously.
“Oh. I just wanted to see if this ribbon would look good on me. Nami-chan was helping me put it.” Maeda smiled as Nami nodded.
“Okay. Well Yuko, Asahi and Hinata got kicked out of the store for being noisy. It seems that Yuko and Hinata were trying to undress Asahi. They’re outside along with everybody.” Mariko shrugged. Nami sighed and nodded as she walked towards the exit with Mariko and Reiko following her.
Maeda looked at the ribbon on her hand and smiled.
Maeda’s attempt = an effortless successTBC