Thanks again for the thanks, the replies and the pms!

Sorry about the lateness though.

I'm thanking YUI's songs for bringing me back to life though.

Oh yeah, I purposely didn't explain what happened to Yuko when she fainted just to add that to the side story somehow. I'll let Asahi tell you what happened at that time.
Next chapter would be the climax...although this chapter is a bit of a climax as well...

Thanks again!
Chapter 11“Are you sure you don’t want us to spend the night?” Nami asked at Ray who was sitting on her bed. Ray turned to her then looked away blushing holding the bridge of her nose.
“I said ‘us’. Don’t replace that to ‘me’ please.” Nami said as she rolled her eyes at the diva who obviously liked the idea of Nami spending the night at her house. She only imagines Nami spending the night ignoring the other three standing in front of her waiting for her answer. Mariko sighed and shook her head knowing that her friend is once again in lala Nami land.
“C’mon. She’s obviously fine now. Let’s go.” Mariko said as she pushed Asahi and Hinata and took hold of Nami’s hand and led them out of the room. It was then Ray’s dream world bursts.
“Bye Ray! We’ll call you up later!” Mariko yelled as she pushed the three towards the front door. They stepped out of the diva’s house except for Nami who tugged back. Mariko turned to her confused. Hinata grinned at her and did her perverted man look at Nami.
“Oooh. It looks like Nami-chan wants to spend the night with her girlfriend.”
Asahi giggled while Mariko released Nami’s hand and grinned. Nami rolled her eyes at the three.
“No. I just forgot to put the fruits I bought to her fridge.”
“Rrrrriiiiiiggghhhhtttt.” Hinata said wiggling her eyebrow.
“Wanna die?” Nami growled at Hinata who immediately hid behind Asahi. Mariko shook her head still grinning.
“Just go do your thing. And hurry up.”
“Why does it feel like you don’t believe me?” Nami said as she raised her eyebrow.
“Does it really matter?” Mariko shrugged as Nami just stared at her. Somehow Nami was reminded of her inner Mariko-sama when she heard that. They really are so alike.
“Just go and hurry up. I wanna go home and sleep.” Mariko pushed her inside the diva’s house.
“Alright. Alright. I’ll be just a second.”
With that, Nami quietly walked inside the diva’s room where she placed the fruits that she bought by the diva’s bed. She peeked inside the diva’s room and noticed her getting ready to lie down in her bed. Nami eyes the plastic bag by Ray’s bed. She didn’t want to be seen by Ray but she guess it’s inevitable since the girl is still awake. Waiting for her to fall asleep would just annoy Mariko who wants to go home.
Ray was already sitting on her bed with the sheets covering her waist downward when she heard Nami sigh. She looked at the open door surprised.
“Nami-chan? I thought you already left.”
“Yeah well, I just forgot something. Don’t mind me.” Nami said as she picked up the plastic bag full of fruits.
“Oh. So you aren’t going to spend the night?” Ray asked pouting.
“Do you want me to?”
Ray’s eyes widen then quickly nodded upon hearing Nami’s question. She does want Nami to spend the night. No doubt about that.
“Then no. I’m not spending the night.” Nami said smirking when Ray frowned at her grumbling out a ‘meanie.’
“Well, I guess I’ll be seeing you. Take care of yourself alright? No more overdoing things. Anyway, Good night Ray.”
“No good night kisses?” Ray asked. Nami who was walking towards the door stopped and turned to Ray.
“Do you want me to kiss you?” Nami asked and Ray blushed at the question. She remembered Nami asking something similar just seconds ago and thinking that it was another trick question, she hesitantly shook her head no.
“Eh. Too bad.” Nami said as she shrugged then walked out of her room. Nami couldn’t help but chuckle as she heard Ray call her a meanie once again.
Nami walked towards Ray’s kitchen smiling. She opened the diva’s fridge and placed the fruits inside. With that done, she walked towards the front door but stopped when she heard some buzzing sound.
It was Ray’s phone vibrating on the living room table. Someone must be calling her.
Nami curiously walked towards it and looked at the name flashing. She frowned disturbed to see the unexpected name flashing on the screen of Ray’s cell phone. She picked up the phone and stared at it.
Okuma Yuu was calling Ray.
End of FlashbackNami suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder which brought her back from her thoughts. She turned and saw Maeda looking at her worriedly.
“Are you okay?” Maeda asked as she squeezed the other girls’ shoulder.
“Yeah. Sorry about that. I was just thinking about something.” Nami said smiling slightly. Maeda kept her gaze on her. She knew that something was troubling the girl since she had been calling Nami for awhile now, but somehow Nami kept her gaze on her phone that she’s holding. It’s like she’s waiting for something to appear in her phone.
A certain call or mail from someone perhaps?
“They said our table is ready, we should go now.”
“Uh…Y-yeah. Sure.” Nami said as she looked at the restaurant and nodded following Maeda inside. She tried to focus but thoughts of Okuma Yuu and Ray keep plaguing her mind.
***Meanwhile***“Why are we here?” Mariko asked as she narrowed her eyes looking at the person in front of her. Ray was obviously ignoring her as she sneaks a look at the other table. Mariko shook her head and sighed.
Mariko, Asahi and Hinata were exempted from their practice by Akimoto-san saying that the three are picked by a well-known person in the entertainment industry for them to observe how that person handles her job professionally. Everyone seemed jealous at the fact that they were chosen. The three were surprised and at the same time thrilled thinking that they could somehow use the pointers that they’re going to learn from this well-known person. All thoughts of learning something suddenly flew away when Ray suddenly walked inside their rehearsal room wearing her sweet, brilliant but fake smile.
“You lucky girls are going to learn from the diva herself. I’m sure you three will learn a lot from her.”The three stared astonished at the appearance of the diva for awhile. If you observe them closely, you’d see that they look like their excitement and energy got sucked out by the diva’s appearance. The diva gave them a smile.
“Oh I’m sure they’re going to learn a lot from me.”They shivered knowing that that the diva’s smile would entail something Nami related. Since Nami and Maeda are out of town for work related purposes and are going to spend the night there…together…in a hotel…alone…TOGETHER.
“I think I’ll change my question since the answer is so blatantly obvious. So I’ll change my question to; why the hell are we dressed like this?!” Mariko asked as she looked at what she’s wearing. She was disguised as a man complete with a wig and glasses.
“Shh! Stop whining or they’ll hear us.” Ray said as she fixed her fake mustache. Ray was also dressed up as a man as she wears a wig, a hat, sunglasses and her fake mustache which she seems to be touching most of the time.
“They won’t hear us. They’re two tables away from us you know.” Mariko mumbled as she rolled her eyes.
“Well uh…don’t you think that dressing up like this just to spy on Nami and Acchan seems a little bit over the top?” Asahi asked as she herself looked at the clothes she’s wearing. She was dressed as a girl. Her hair was tied in a pigtail as she wears a beret and aviator glasses. She was playing the role of Mariko’s girlfriend. At least that’s what Ray told them to be.
Mariko looked at her and frowned.
“At least you’re not dressed like this you know.”
“Don’t forget that we DID dress up like that a couple of months ago. So we kinda know how it feels.” Hinata said as she took a bite of the bread that she’s holding. She was also dressed up as a girl wearing a long blonde wig with a military cap on and sunglasses covering her eyes. She was playing the role of Ray’s girlfriend.
Ray was opposed to the idea at first thinking that Hinata as her girlfriend would be too much for her to handle. The girl’s unpredictability seems to be a cause of trouble most of the time. You’d never know when she’ll blow up with her crazy ideas or antics. At least that’s what she heard from Mariko back then. But Ray eventually gave in to the idea since Mariko angrily told her that if she has a pretend girlfriend Ray should have one too. So Ray is stuck having Hinata as her pretend girlfriend.
“She’s right. They did dress up as guys back then. So why are WE the one’s dressed up as guys now?” Mariko asked frowning at Ray. It was Ray’s idea that she and Mariko dressed up as guys and Asahi and Hinata dressed up as girls.
“Oh please. You just want to see your pretend girlfriend there to dress up as Riku again.” Ray said as she crossed her arm and looked challengingly at Mariko. Hinata and Asahi stared at Ray shocked. Did Ray just say that Mariko…..?
“SHUT UP!” Mariko yelled as she slammed both her hands on their table standing up. She was blushing furiously as she glared at Ray. Her outburst definitely earned the attention of everyone inside the restaurant including Maeda and Nami who turned to look at the commotion. Mariko flinched when she saw Nami and Maeda looking at her two tables away from them.
“G-Gomen.” Mariko said to everyone who was looking at her in her pretend male voice as she bowed.
“Nice going Mari-chan. You almost blew our cover.” Ray hissed as Mariko sat down giving Ray a sinister glare. Ray seems unfazed by the glare Mariko is giving her as she just rolled her eyes and slouched at her seat. Hinata found it funny that the great Mariko likes/liked Riku. She was about to say something to tease the tall girl when Mariko’s glare turned to her.
“If you say a word about it, I swear I’ll shove those bread into your mouth until you choke to death.” Mariko snarled which made Hinata shut her mouth, gulping nervously. Asahi couldn’t help but smirk when she saw Hinata’s scared face. She froze though when Mariko glared at her.
Angry Mariko is scary.
Asahi turned her attention back to the two that they were spying on and saw that Nami was looking at them frowning. She moved closer to Mariko who was still glaring at Ray and whispered.
“Nami is looking at us.” Mariko upon hearing Asahi, Mariko glanced at Nami and Maeda’s table and saw that Nami was indeed looking at them. She immediately wrapped her arm over Asahi’s shoulder as she saw Nami telling Maeda something then standing up heading towards their table.
“Sh-she’s coming here.” Mariko said as Hinata and Ray glanced back and saw that Nami was indeed heading their way frowning.
“Wh-what do we do?” Ray asked frantically. If Nami catches them, they’re dead!
“I know.” Hinata said as she took hold of Ray’s collar jacket and pulled her closer to her.
“Kiss me.” Hinata ordered the diva pretending to be her boyfriend. Even though they were both wearing sunglasses, Hinata could still see the diva’s eyes doubled in size.
“Wh-what?! No wa-urrrrrmmmmppphhh….?”
Mariko and Asahi stared in shock as Hinata and Ray kissed. Asahi noticed Nami getting near and immediately wrapped her arms on her pretend boyfriend’s slim waist and placed her head on her shoulder. Mariko stiffened but then saw Nami and decided to play along.
***********Nami didn’t know why, but the guy who just made the outburst feels familiar somehow. Like she’d seen him earlier a couple of times. Were they…following them?
She stood up and excused herself to Maeda as she decided to check things out. She walked towards the couples’ table and saw that one couple was kissing while the other was cuddling. She stopped near their table frowning as she felt like she’s intruding on their…couple time.
The blonde girl who was kissing her boyfriend pulled away from the kiss and stared at Nami.
“Yes? Can I help you?” The blonde girl asked. Somehow Nami thinks that the girl is a foreigner what with the distinct accent in her voice and her hair blonde.
“Uh…no it’s nothing. I just thought that I knew you from somewhere. My mistake.” Nami shook her head and smiled nervously.
“Yeah? Well then get lost. My woman seems to be uncomfortable with you staring at us like that.” The man with the glasses said which made his girlfriend whimper in delight nuzzling her face to her boyfriend’s neck.
Nami suddenly felt uncomfortable seeing couples this close being lovey-dovey. She bowed at them and apologized.
“Gomen for disturbing you.” With that said she turned back and walked away from the table. She frowned wondering why she felt that they were familiar to her earlier.
‘Maybe I’m just imagining it.’ Nami thought as she went back to her and Maeda’s table.
***********The three girls sighed in relief as they watch Nami walk away. Asahi and Mariko glanced at each other then quickly put some space between them when they noticed the position that they were still in. Both were blushing slightly.
“D-don’t do that again!” Mariko said. She was trying so hard not to shiver when Asahi nuzzled her face to her neck. It was so uncomfortable for the tall girl.
“Don’t worry, I don’t plan on repeating that performance ever.” Asahi said also feeling awkward with their earlier position. She only did that to somehow fool Nami into believing that Mariko and she are really a couple since they are disguised as one.
“You two are actually pretty convincing. Good job!” Hinata said grinning as she gave Mariko and Asahi a thumbs up.
“I wouldn’t be grinning like that if I were you.” Mariko pointed out as she noticed Ray glaring and gritting her teeth at Hinata. She just came out of her shock from the kiss that Hinata gave her. Ray surprised Hinata when she grabbed her shirt and shook the pretend blonde girl hard.
“How dare you kiss me!! HOW. DARE. YOU!”
“I…w-was just…t-trying…to be…c-c-convincing to…N-N-Nami…and w-w-well…I-I’m getting…d-d-d-izzy…” Hinata said as Ray kept on shaking her. Mariko and Asahi stood up and pulled the two away from each other. They were causing a scene to the people near them as they stared at the four.
“You’re probably going to look at me like I’m insane for saying this but…I think you should thank Hinata for that quick thinking she did.” Mariko sighed as she held Ray by her shoulder trying to move the girl away from Hinata. Ray really did look at her like she’s insane for saying that. How could she say that she should thank Hinata for…for kissing her! Her! No one can kiss her…besides Nami that is.
“Okay, first…shut up because you’re causing a scene here.” Mariko said as she smiled and bowed at the people looking at them. She took Hinata’s seat and sat down. Hinata took Mariko’s seat as she sat down beside Asahi.
“If it wasn’t for Hinata, we could have blown our cover by now. Nami’s a shy girl…believe it or not…and well, I’m sure she must’ve been uncomfortable witnessing couples being all coupley earlier. Probably one of the reasons why she left. Plus she prevented you from being gaga over Nami.” Mariko glanced at Hinata and noticed her smug smile. She rolled her eyes upon seeing that.
“Are you saying that I can’t act?” Ray asked glaring at Mariko. How can she be a bad actress when she had a couple of commercials, drama guestings and even music videos wherein she is required to act? You can’t even hear any complaints or bad reviews from anyone based on her acting! So for Mariko to say that she can’t act was like a slap to her diva face.
“No. I was implying that you can’t act when you’re in front of Nami.”
“Is that a challenge?” Ray asked as she grits her teeth.
“If by challenge you mean you’re going to head over to Nami and Acchan’s table and prove to us that you are the Goddess of all actresses in Japan…then no. I’m not challenging you.” Mariko said as she rolled her eyes.
“Just so you know…I don’t like you very much right now…” Ray narrows her eyes dangerously at Mariko.
“Well, the feeling is mutual.” Mariko glared at her remembering when Ray somewhat outed her about Riku.
“Okay, okay. I think we should all just calm down and focus on why we’re here rather than kill each other.” Asahi suggested not believing that she just said that since she really didn’t want to spy on Nami anymore. They have been following the two since morning and well, they’re really not doing anything that exciting.
“Yeah? Well I suggest we just go home. They’re just doing promotional stuff. It’s not something that you should get all green with envy.” Mariko sighed and shook her head. Both Hinata and Asahi nodded their head in approval. They turned to Ray hoping that she’d approve. She is their ticket home like literally since she has their plane ticket.
“No. We have to watch them. I’m sure something will happen. I’m sure that Acchan isn’t going to let this time pass without doing something to my Nami.” Mariko rolled her eyes at what Ray said. Nothing’s going to change if they continue to sit here and discuss the possessiveness of Ray has on Nami. Without any second thoughts, Mariko stood up, took Ray’s hand and dragged her towards the exit.
“We’re going and that’s that. This is getting ridiculous really.”
“No! Nothing is going to happen to them. Stop being so paranoid when it comes to Nami and Acchan. Nami isn’t the type of girl to do something that would jeopardize your non-existing romantic relationship with her. And stop thinking that Acchan is like the wall in your Romeo and Juliet delusional fantasy you have with Nami.”
Getting annoyed, Mariko stopped dragging Ray when they were near the exit and faced her.
“Fine. Tell me one good reason why we shouldn’t get out of here and continue this whole stalking business.”
“…We haven’t paid for our meal yet.” Ray said as she rolled her eyes. Mariko shrugged realizing that what Ray said was true. She dragged Ray to a waiter in order for them to pay for their meal with Hinata and Asahi following them.
Hinata who was beside Asahi as they wait for Ray to pay for their meal, turned to Nami and Maeda’s table. She grinned and decided to head over there and have some fun.
“Where are you going?” Asahi asked as she watches Hinata walk away.
“I’ll be right back.”
*********Nami and Maeda were laughing when the blonde girl from earlier stopped at their table. Nami quickly stood up and apologized once again.
“Ah. I’m sorry again for what happened earlier.” Nami said as she bowed politely. Maeda looks at Nami confused as to why the girl was apologizing. She did imitate her friend and bowed at the girl too.
“Forget it. Anyway, I just realized something. I think I’ve seen you two in TV before. You’re from Ahabra88 right?” The blonde girl asked with that same accent Nami heard earlier.
“Uh…it’s actually akb48. Short for Akihabara48.” Maeda explained smiling slightly. Nami smiled as well.
“Whatever. Anyway, I saw the cutest girl there and well, I wanted to know if you are good friends with her.”
“Uh…what’s her name?” Nami asked feeling a little uncomfortable but she still kept her smile.
“I think her name was…what was her name again? I know it starts with an H.” The blonde taps her finger on her chin as if recalling the member’s name. Nami and Maeda looked at each other. There are a lot of members with their name starting with an H in akb48 so they were clueless as to who the girl was talking about.
“She’s quite a beauty. I think her name has a ‘na’ or something.” The blonde hopes that they finally get her name. But looking at the faces of the two, they still don’t know the girl she’s talking about.
“There’s a ‘ta’ at the end?” Still nothing. Still blank stares from the two. Can you hear the crickets? Apparently Hinata can. The pretend blonde girl was getting a little frustrated.
“Hinata?” The blonde girl said in a flat voice. Both Nami and Maeda finally knew the girl she’s talking about as they smiled and nodded their head.
“Oh Hinata! Yeah, we’re good friends.” Nami said as she gave the blonde girl a genuine smile.
“Really?” The blonde asked not really believing the small girl since she does beat the other girl a lot. So it’s a little bit understandable that the blonde girl…who is Hinata in disguise…is a bit doubtful. But there is such a thing as tough love you know.
“Yeah. She’s one of my best friends and I really hope would be one of my forever friends in the future.”
Somehow hearing those from Nami made the blonde girl falter. Nami never told Hinata that…and well, to say that to a stranger without knowing that the stranger that she’s talking to was in fact Hinata…it’s…well…flattering. It’s Nami afterall. Nami who seldom say mushy stuff. That Nami! And to say it with a loving smile in her face made the blonde girl shake slightly wanting to hug the girl.
“She’s a great friend...even if she’s insane most of the time” Nami added as she chuckled. The blonde couldn’t take it anymore. Nami was just so cute and the things that she’s saying makes her feel those warm fuzzies in her stomach. She can almost feel her eyes tearing up. Thankfully she’s wearing sunglasses.
She was about to lunge at the girl for her cuteness when an arm quickly wrap around her shoulder preventing her from moving. She looked and saw that it was Mariko.
“Hey. Are you sweet talking my girl here?” Male Mariko asked with his/her male voice and his/her eyes narrowed.
“Uh. Isn’t the girl wearing the beret your girl?” Nami asked as she clearly remembers that the blonde was making out with a different man and the glasses guy was holding the beret girl earlier.
Mariko seems to be taken aback by the question. Nami was right. Asahi was her pretend girlfriend…not Hinata.
“She’s right you know.” Blonde girl Hinata whispered to Mariko.
“Uh w-well…we often trade girlfriends…so you know.” Mariko shrugged nervously. Both she and Hinata laugh nervously hoping Nami doesn’t find that suspicious.
“Oh…uh…that’s nice…” Nami said as she smiled uncomfortably at the two. It’s the first time she heard of trading lovers. She’s trying to not make a face when she heard that. She glanced at Maeda and found her smiling and frowning slightly at the same time. Goes to show that she too found what the man said weird.
“Well as much as we want to stay and chat about…uhm…our trading system…” Nami was tempted to narrow her eyes at that. She really didn’t want to know their trading system when it comes to their lovers.
“…we have a plane to catch. So, it’s nice talking to you guys. Have a lovely meal.” Mariko said as she waved her hand at the two dragging Hinata by her shoulder. She stopped suddenly after a couple of steps then turned back as if she remembered something.
“Oh yeah. That Shinoda chick with you guys? She’s hot!” Male Mariko said as she grinned and gave them a thumbs up. Nami and Maeda nodded while laughing nervously as they watch the two walk away again. These were the days when they wish their manager joined them to eat.
“Tell that Hinata girl she’s cute!” Blonde girl Hinata said as she waved at the two. They watch as the two walked towards their other two companions and exits the restaurant except for the guy with the beard. He stared Nami and Maeda for awhile then hesitantly walked outside to join the three.
Nami frowned wondering what was up with that man. Was that man looking at her or at Maeda? Nami couldn’t tell what with his sunglasses covering the man’s eyes.
“You know, you have a way of attracting people.” Maeda said as she sat back down smiling.
“You make it sound like it’s a bad thing.” Nami said chuckling as she sat down.
“No…I actually think it’s a good thing.” Maeda said still smiling as she looked at the exit.
*******“Uwaaaaaaaahhhhhh!” Nami moaned as she stretched her arms upward. She then rests her head on the table using her arm as a pillow. She had been writing in her diary for an hour now while waiting for Maeda who suddenly had a meeting with some TV producer. Of course Nami was asked to go back to their room rather than wait for the girl. She didn’t argue since she was a bit tired. They had been doing promotions and going around looking at the location where their next PV is going to be filmed.
It was an odd request coming from Akimoto-san. Usually he was the one to look over the location, not members. Luckily the director was nice even if he was really mad at what happened while they were shooting their previous PV. He was somewhat surprised when they saw the two of them though.
‘I wonder what’s up with that.’ Nami thought as she sighed. Her eyes were getting drowsy as she stares at her phone beside her. She groaned when her phone suddenly vibrates. She lazily reached for it and flipped it open.
Ray sent her a mail.
Frowning, she opened it and read what was probably the shortest message the diva had mailed her…ever.
‘I miss you. ’
Her sleepiness suddenly disappeared as she sat up and stared at the message. It somehow made her remember about Okuma Yuu calling the diva that time when she was sick. She wonders why she can’t get it off her mind. Why can’t she forget about it?
She turned towards the door when she heard a click. The door opened as Maeda stepped in looking tired.
“Tadaima…” Maeda said as she immediately lay down on her bed. Nami couldn’t help but chuckle at how tired Maeda sounded.
“Okaeri.” Nami said smiling as she closed her phone. Maeda turned to her and gave her a tired smile.
“So what did my wife do while I’m away?” Nami couldn’t help but laugh as she heard that. Somehow it did look like they were a married couple and Nami was the wife waiting for her husband, Maeda to come home from work. Nami decided to play along.
“I was just writing in my diary while waiting for my husband.”
“You have a diary?” Maeda asked slightly surprised. She turned to lie down on her stomach as she watches Nami lie down on her own bed.
“Yeah I know it’s surprising since we’re in the age wherein we write those things in a computer and blog it. But I prefer the old method really.”
“I’m actually more surprised about the fact that YOU have a diary.” Maeda stated as she giggled earning Nami a scowl on her face.
“Don’t get mad. I’m just saying that it’s totally the opposite of what I thought you would be.” Maeda added. Nami faced her still lying on the bed.
“Oh? Then what did you imagine me to be? Don’t tell me you also think that I’m rash and aggressive?” Nami asked remembering Mariko’s words on what her alter-ego was like. If Kai was like that, then she’s sure that Nami is the same as well. They are one in the same.
“Well…something like that I guess.” Maeda smiled not anymore feeling sleepy as she talks to Nami. Somehow talking to her friend here always brings back her energy. Maeda thinks of her as her coffee sometimes. Her everyday coffee.
“Ugh. Not you too.” Nami groaned. Somehow hearing that from Maeda was somewhat depressing. It feels like she failed on life or something. But wait…
“Uh wait…does that have to do with what you said a couple of days ago when you thanked me for helping you again?” Nami asked remembering when Maeda thanked her for comforting her that time she really needed it. She still can’t remember the time when she helped the girl other than that day when she cried. She checked her diary just to see if somehow she recorded it but found nothing. Just some things about Maeda and how she would stare at her a lot back then. She couldn’t help but smile slightly remembering those uncomfortable moments where she would find Maeda staring at her.
“Oh that. Yeah, somehow you made a great impression on me that day.”
“Being rash and aggressive is a great impression on you?” Nami asked with her eyebrow raised.
“No. Actually at that time I thought you were nice and sweet…” Maeda said as she smiled. Somehow that surprised Nami. Maeda thought that…she was sweet…?
“…and a bit rash and aggressive.” Maeda added smirking.
‘Figured she’d add that.’ Nami thought as she eyes narrowed at Maeda.
“Don’t look at me like that. I added nice and sweet right?” Maeda giggled.
“It makes me wonder what I did that I made those kind of impressions on you.” Nami sighed.
“You don’t need to wonder. I can tell it to you if you want.”
“Yeah. It’s not that great of a story anyway.” Maeda said in a soft voice. Nami probably wouldn’t think of that story as great, but Maeda…secretly think that it is. It was the day when she started noticing the little girl. It made her want to get to know the girl. It was the day she wanted to get closer to her…
“Then tell me the story Okaasan.” Nami grinned as she sat up.
“I thought I was your husband.”
“Yeah well, you’re my everything…” Nami said still grinning. Maeda was surprised at what Nami said. She couldn’t help but blush. You can’t blame her since she’s been labeled by Nami as her ‘everything’.
“…my husband, my Okaasan, my Otoosan, Oniisan, Oneesan, Oba-“ Nami added but Maeda cut her off.
“Alright alright. I get it.” Maeda said as she waved her off. Nami just had to add that. She giggled at it though finding it typical for Nami to say that. Still it was a bit sweet of her to say that Maeda is her everything…but then her sweetness went downhill when she added those silly everything that she has on mind.
Still sweet though…
“So are you going to tell me a bed time story or what?”
“You’re a persistent Mago aren’t you?” Maeda grinned as Nami shrugged. Maeda shook her head and sighed.
“It was a lot like what happened a couple of days ago when I cried my eyes off. It was a month after our debut. A magazine just featured us and well…they titled me as the face of akb48. I was talking to Akimoto-san at that time…” Maeda looked at the bed sadly remembering the day well.
***Flashback***“So you’re fine with being the face of akb48?” Akimoto-san asked smiling. He and Maeda are walking towards the theater as they talk. Maeda looked at the floor unsure.
“But…I don’t know if I can achieve your expectation. I don’t know if I’m cut out to be the face of akb48.”
“What I expect of you is to just always do your best. That’s your only task as the face of akb48.”
“But shouldn’t be the face of akb48, be able to pull the group to success?”
“That task should be done as a group. Being in akb48 means that you belong to the group. You shouldn’t carry such a heavy task by yourself. A face cannot be complete without a head and a body. You should know that.” Akimoto-san said as they stopped walking. They were in the backstage of the theater. They could hear some of the girls talking waiting for the others to show up.
Maeda understood what Akimoto-san was saying. But she still can’t help but feel uncertain about things.
“Oh my God. The face of akb48? You have got to be kidding.” A girl said loudly as she laughed. Frowning, Maeda peeped through the curtain trying to hide. She saw a girl holding the magazine that gave her the title of the face of akb48. A bunch of girls turned to look as well.
“Her? Really? C’mon! They can pick better than that! This is the girl who was too shy to say something in auditions! How can they pick her?” The girl added still laughing. Maeda gripped the curtain tight. She didn’t want to cry. No, she shouldn’t cry. As an idol, she should always take criticism…whether it’s good or bad…whether it’s degrading or not…whether it hurts or not…she should take it.
“So what? You think you’re better than her?” Someone snorted. Maeda was surprised when she heard that. She looked around wondering who said that.
“You got a problem shorty?” The girl with the magazine asked looking at someone at the bench where the audience sits. Maeda looked and saw Kawachi Nami standing up. Her two friends, Wakamatsu Asahi and Otawa Hinata were trying to prevent the girl from moving towards magazine girl.
“My problem is that when you have nothing nice to say…then don’t say anything at all.”
“What are you? Her gnome in shinning armor?” Magazine girl smirked. Somehow that just exasperates Nami even more that Asahi and Hinata are pushing or pulling the girl who was trying to move towards magazine girl.
“Oh yeah? Say that here frog face and show me what you got!”
“What did you say?!” Magazine girl stood up glaring at Nami.
“Oh…did that hurt you little Kerokeropi?” Nami said in a mocking voice.
“At least kerokeropi is cute you…domo-kun!” Most girls on magazine girl’s side was trying to push her away too as she starts walking towards Nami.
“Domo-kun is cute stupid!” Nami growled.
“So is Kerokeropi!”
“Domo-kun is much cuter than Kerokeropi!”
Maeda’s eyes narrowed as she watched the bickering continue. If this was an anime she’d have a sweat drop by now. Now they’re arguing who is cuter, Kerokeropi or Domo-kun. Maeda wonders if the two know that they’re arguing over something so little as to who’s cuter.
Maeda suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and saw Akimoto-san smiling. Somehow she forgot that he was also there.
“I want you to come back here after things have cooled down. An hour maybe.” Akimoto-san tapped her shoulder and walked out to the bickering girls. Maeda watched as all girls immediately settled down when they saw Akimoto-san. She was intrigued wondering what Nami would do when Akimoto-san asked who was the started the bickering. All girls were quiet for awhile looking at both magazine girl and Nami. Maeda stared surprised when Nami stepped forward and told Akimoto-san that she was the one who started the lame fight that they had.
She kept staring at the girl wondering what she was thinking. Why did she defend Maeda when they’re not friends? They hardly even speak to each other. So…why…?
That day changed everything. Maeda’s interest was intrigued by Nami. It was that day when her eyes would follow the small girl. It was that day when she decided that she wanted to know Kawachi Nami…
…and maybe…be friends with her…
***End of Flashback***Maeda was now lying on her back as she stared at the ceiling. There’s this part of her that didn’t want to see Nami’s face as she ends her story. She didn’t know why really. Probably because she didn’t want to see Nami having that ‘that’s it?’ face on her. Like it’s not a big deal for her because…for Maeda it is.
“I still think Domo-kun is cuter.” Nami mumbled and Maeda couldn’t help but giggle. Yeah, for Maeda, Domo-kun is cuter.
“Now I remember. That girl quit a couple of weeks ago after that right?” Nami asked as she looked at Maeda.
“Yeah. Mariko took her place instead.”
“Yeah…” Nami didn’t know why that girl quit. Nobody didn’t know why. Some say that it was because Nami was chosen as Captain and well the girl couldn’t take it. But that was just rumors.
Somehow, Nami was glad the girl quit though. That girl was so conceited that she hardly has any friends. But the members were civil towards her. Except Nami. They would always bicker over little things since they had that fight over Kerokeropi and Domo-kun. Those bickering would sometimes get a little bit heated and the girls would always pull them apart.
Somehow thinking about it…Nami understood why Maeda thought that she was rash and aggressive.
“Akimoto-san didn’t punish you right?”
“He didn’t. He just warned me. Now I know why.” Nami was surprised when instead of punishing her, Akimoto-san tapped her on the back and told her not to do it again. She was glad and at the same time felt weird at that time.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” Maeda asked still staring at the ceiling. Nami frowned slightly holding a pillow to her chest.
“Why did you do that?” Maeda asked in a soft voice. There’s a certain innocence in her voice that somehow reminds Nami of how a child would ask her mother about a certain thing. She smiled slightly thinking that it was cute.
“Honestly, I was a bit cranky at that time. I think that was the time Hinata ate my katsudon when I told her a hundred times not to eat it.” It was true. Nami packed it for her lunch at that time and when she took a bath it was suddenly gone. She immediately seek out Hinata who denied eating it when it fact…there was a rice on the side of her face.
“Really?” Maeda giggled.
“Yeah. But then again, that girl always rubbed me the wrong way. She was just so full of herself. She probably said that about you because she was jealous.”
“Were you…?”
“Were you…ever jealous of me having that title…?” Maeda asks timidly. Nami stares at her for awhile wondering why the sudden questioning. Somehow everything feels a little bit heavy compared to earlier when they were joking around. But something tells Nami that Maeda wants a certain assurance from Nami that she wasn’t like other girls who judge her because of her title.
“I am a little bit jealous of the attention that you are getting…” Nami smiled looking at the pillow she’s holding.
“…but when I think about it…I shouldn’t really be jealous since I got your attention instead. I mean how great is that? I got the attention of the face of akb48!” Nami smirked. It’s true that sometimes she feels a little jealous of Maeda…but that jealousy would soon disappear whenever Maeda would smile at her. It’s like an assurance to Nami that regardless of the fame Maeda is getting…she’s till looking at Nami. Their friendship is more important than the fame and the stupid title.
Nami could see Maeda smiling as she closed her eyes. Somehow that reminds Nami about the meeting Maeda had. Maybe changing the topic would make this heavy atmosphere disappear.
“Oh yeah. How was your meeting earlier?”
“They offered me to star in a dorama.”
“Wow! That’s great!”
“Yeah…” Maeda sighed sadly. Nami frowned upon hearing it. Shouldn’t be Maeda happy that she’s going to star in a dorama?
“Hey Nami-chan…can you promise me something?”
“Uh…what?” Nami frowned confused.
“Promise me that nothing will ever change between us after this day…” Maeda said softly in a tired manner as she slowly sat up, her back facing Nami who was still confused at Maeda’s sudden request.
“Just…promise me.” Maeda glanced at Nami over her shoulder. They stared for awhile until Nami nodded still unsure why Maeda seems to be acting all mysterious on her.
“Okay. I promise.” Nami said. Maeda smiled hearing Nami. She looked at the floor and sighed. Nami could see her gripping the sheet of the bed. It’s like she’s internalizing on something.
“Okay.” Maeda said as she stood up. Her voice a little bit louder than earlier. It’s like she’s gathering up her courage. Nami stared at her frowning slightly when Maeda walked towards her. She tilted her head when Maeda stopped in front of her looking down at her.
“Remember…you promised…” Maeda said her voice once again soft. Nami was about to ask her what’s up with her when Maeda sat down on her bed, cupped Nami’s cheek and surprised the hell out of Nami when she slowly kissed her…
…on her lips…
***Meanwhile***“It surprised me that you would send those two here.” The director from earlier said as he talked to Akimoto-san on the phone.
“So how was it when you saw them?”
“Well, getting past the surprise I felt at that time…I can somehow see what you told me about them having a certain something.” The director said as he frowned and looked at the picture of both Nami and Maeda that he asked someone to take. In the picture the two are laughing as they eat their lunch.
“So you saw it too.”
“Yeah. Kinda hard not to. I think you were right about them having a great partnership in your group.” The director stared at another photo wherein Nami and Maeda are talking. Somehow you can see that they’re enjoying themselves from the glow of their eyes.
‘The captain and ace huh?’ The director thought as she smiled.
Extra notes: Magazine girl is just made up. My reference would be my bitchy classmate there.

And you know, even though I'm writing this...I can't help but fall in love with Maeda here.