^ Thanks for the clip. I skipped that part when I watched AKBINGO and when you posted it, I was like; 'really?! HiMari?!'

It's rare to see them paired up. Loved it when
Miichan I mean, Hinata

twirled the tall Mariko-sama. That's so cute!

I'm fine by the way! I'm a bit stressed, but that's normal. Thanks for asking.

I'm kinda regretting naming the antagonist Yuu. Damn homophones.

Am I late again on updating this time?
This chapter was sooooo long. Longest chapter I've done so far.

Full of exaggerations too like most of the previous chapter. So please just bear with my exaggerations.

This is now Chapter 20 since it's pretty much like the other chapters. I really hadn't thought that it would be this long.
Oh and yeah...
Thanks so much for everything! Seriously! 9000 hits is like
So thanks so much!!!

Nuff said. Hope you guys enjoy this!
***************Chapter 20Nami’s POVWe arrived at Studio 5 and noticed that they still haven’t finished recording. Everybody seems engrossed at the recording that they haven’t noticed me in a monkey suit and my side kick enter the room.
I turned to the stage and found Okuma Yuu being interviewed by the hosts. I growled when I saw him laughing.
I can’t believe Yuu are so gay.
“Any idea on how to implant that to him?” I asked my partner and frowned when she didn’t respond. I turned my heavy head to see where she is and found her talking to some guy. I watch as Yuko handed a bunch of cookies to the guy and the guy pays her for it. Is she…?
“RIPMF you dummy! Don’t sell that! That’s just props and that’s mine!” Hinata whined. She’s too late though as Yuko ran towards me beaming.
“Look! I sold some cookies!” Yuko said as she showed me the money the guy gave her. I face palmed my heavy head.
“We’re not really here to sell cookies.” I reminded her as she shrugged looking around. I think she’s looking for other customers or something. I pulled her to me and forgot that I had a big head so she bumped her face onto my monkey head.
“Itai.” Yuko rubbed her nose. I bowed to apologize and hit her in the head. I couldn’t help but chuckle as she glared at me.
“Sorry. Anyway, do you have any idea on how to implant the device on Okuma?”
“Leave it to me.” Yuko waved off and it was then I noticed that she’s chewing a gum. Before I question her about that, she took my monkey hand and pulled me.
“C’mon. Let’s sell some more cookies. We still got…five boxes anyway.” She grinned.
“Yuko!!!” It’s either Yuko doesn’t hear Hinata yelling or she’s just ignoring the girl. Luckily we heard the director say cut ending Okuma’s recording. I sighed in relief as she stopped dragging me. We stood and watched Okuma Yuu talking to a bunch of people.
What now?
I turned to Yuko and saw her pull out the gum she’s been chewing. She pulled out a small portion and placed the small tracking device that looks like a chip in it. I knew she’s going to use that gum of hers.
“I take it you’ve been playing espionage games too huh?” I asked and she nodded in reply. Maybe I should play those kinds of games more often.
“Good thinking RIPMF!” Hinata praised her making her narrow her eyes. I guess her earpiece does work she’s just ignoring the voices in her head. Tch. At least the voices inside her head are temporary, not like Inner Mariko-sama that I can’t seem to turn off.
‘You’ll miss me if I’m gone you know.’ Inner Mariko-sama said giving me a knowing smile.
Yeah, I guess.
I turned my attention back to Okuma Yuu and found him heading towards me, beaming. Wh-what’s up with him?
“Monkey man! How goes it?” He grinned and pats my monkey head. I so want to punch him with my monkey fist right now.
“Ahh! It’s Okuma Yuu!” Yuko suddenly screamed making me and Okuma flinch at the suddenness and loudness. She hugged the guy squealing like a fan girl. I grinned knowing that she’s probably putting the gum on him right now. We have one clever squirrel don’t we?
“Uh…h-hey.” Okuma smiled nervously as he pats Yuko lightly in the back. He looks…uncomfortable. Is it because she’s holding him or it’s because she’s a girl? Hmm. I think I’ll go with the latter since Yuu is gay.
She pulled away from him and gave him her usual bright smile.
“I’m such a fan of yours!” Yeah, you do sound like a big fan of jerk face.
“My name is Ylava and this is Takamina.” She motioned to her then at me giving him that bright smile of hers. Okuma nodded and smiled awkwardly. Ylava? Seriously? What happened to RIPMF? I liked that.
“She can’t speak because she’s mute. Poor girl.” Yuko shook her head looking at me sadly. Luckily they can’t see me as I stare at Yuko impressed at how she’s doing.
“Wow, Yuko is good. She really is a good actress.” Hinata said. I couldn’t help but nod and agree.
“And a good liar.” Mariko-sama added chuckling. I could hear Asahi protesting in the background. Well, Mariko-sama does have a point.
“Oh. That’s too bad monkey girl.” He said sadly as he caressed my monkey head. We have to burn this suit now that it’s contaminated with jerk virus.
“Yeah, but that’s life. Anyway, can we offer you a box of monkey cookies?” She smiled sweetly at him. I showed him a box and held it out for him. He smiled at me.
“Is that what you want monkey girl?” No, what I want is for you to drop dead. But I can’t say that can I? I’ll just nod my head.
“Okay, I’ll buy two.” He grinned as he reached for his wallet.
“Nooooooo! There’s no poison there! Don’t give him poison less cookies!” Hinata cried. I agree with her. This could have been the perfect opportunity to poison the guy. Too bad. Now we won’t get to engrave RIPMF in his grave.
We gave him two boxes of cookies and thanked him. I wanted to get out immediately, but Yuko decided to fan girl for a bit, talking about his work and his single. He looked genuinely sad when Yuko made up some story about my abusive dad. She told him that he cut my tongue out when I was a kid while I was sleeping which was why I’m mute now. It was a disturbing story that I can’t help but be thankful that they can’t see my face throughout her telling it. Where did Yuko got that story from anyway?
Thankfully, Okuma’s manager called out to him stopping Yuko from telling him how my mom would tie me up in the backyard like a dog making me eat dog food as well. That’s some crazy imagination. She’s like…Hinata in some way. Scary.
He pats both our heads as he said goodbye to us. We both stared at his back as he walked away. You know, talking to him like this, he’s actually not that bad. He really looked genuinely sad as Yuko told him all those lies. Maybe…maybe he’s really a good person.
‘I think you’re becoming a real monkey for you to think that.’ Inner Mariko-sama sighed.
She’s right. What am I thinking?! I got to get out of this!
I quickly took Yuko’s hand and dragged her away.
“You are one smart squirrel, Ylava. Now let’s get out of here.” I said to her as I grinned.
“Aye aye, Takamina.” She chuckled.
***************“You know, I never realized that Okuma Yuu is good looking.” Yukarin nodded remembering the image of Okuma patting Nami’s monkey head. Three pair of eyes stared at her angrily. Maybe saying that wasn’t a smart thing to do since everybody is an L inside the van. Minus Jiro since he’s…Jiro.
“You really are straight.” Hinata shook her head and turned back to the screen. Yukarin smiled nervously.
“I think he’s good looking too. But I know you guys won’t listen because apparently…I’m going to be an L.” Mariko mumbled frustratedly as she looked back at the screen. Yukarin comforted the girl as she pats her back, smiling sympathetically. Asahi just giggled finding it funny that Mariko is still bothered by Hinata telling her that she’s an L. Well it’s understandable for her to be bothered by it since there is a high possibility that Hinata is right. The girl had been right a couple of times now so…maybe she’s right about Mariko’s sexuality too. But then again, it’s also possible that she’s wrong. It is still a big fat MAYBE anyway so Mariko shouldn’t worry too much.
Or should she…?
Asahi then noticed Jiro frowning as he looked at her. He was looking at her like he’s studying her or something. It’s making her feel a bit uneasy.
“Y-you and…Shinoda-san…kissed…?” Jiro stammered as he pointed at her and Mariko who turned to look at him with her eyebrow raised. He’s probably still shook up when he heard Yuko say something about it earlier.
“Oh that’s nothing compared to the fact that Asahi and Yuko are a couple.” Hinata informed the oblivious Jiro who was now staring at Asahi in shock, his mouth agape. Asahi and Yuko-san are…?!
Asahi groaned. She was going to break that news to Jiro gently but Hinata once again can’t keep her mouth shut. Now Jiro is looking at her like he’s not functioning as he stares at her with his eyes wide, frozen.
“I think I’ll give you guys some privacy.” Mariko said as she turned to look at the screen again. Yukarin who was glancing decided to follow the tall girl and turned back to the screen. The two were acting like they’re engrossed on what they’re seeing but still kept a sharp ear to hear what Asahi is going to say to Jiro.
Asahi sighed and glanced at the three looking at the screen. What privacy is Mariko talking about when they’re all cramped inside the van? They could still hear them for God’s sake!
Asahi grabbed Jiro’s hand and was about to drag him outside when Hinata suddenly cried out,
“Takamina! Watch out for the—“ The three flinched when they heard a loud noise as Nami fell to the floor.
“…Door.” The three simultaneously said as they looked at the screen wherein the ceiling is shown. They could hear Nami groan and Yuko calling out to her.
“We have one monkey down, people.” Hinata sighed.
***************Nami’s POVThat…hurts. What the…?!
“Takamina, are you okay?” Yuko asked as she looked down at me. She’s shaking me a little too.
“Takamina, do we need to send a paramedic?” Hinata asked. I groaned shaking my heavy head a little. I could hear Mariko-sama asking Hinata if we have a paramedic. If I wasn’t in a bit of pain, I would’ve asked her that too. Do WE have a paramedic?
“Are you okay?” I froze and I hear Hinata gasp. Is that…?
“Here, I’ll help you up.” She held my arm in one hand and wrapped her other arm around my waist with Yuko doing the same thing on my other side. Both of them helped me up and then…I was staring at her.
“I’m sorry about that. For some odd reason, that door opens in the wrong way.” She explained as she smiled slightly. I noticed that she still hadn’t let go of my waist. It feels like…it’s been a long time since I’ve seen or heard her. It makes me realize how much I missed her. I missed those eyes of hers. But they don’t hold the usual warmness it carries as she stares at me. No…her eyes stare at me in confusion. I smiled slightly feeling the familiar warmness.
And the pain?
I can still feel the pain, but somehow it lessened when I finally realized why she said all those things. Why she pushed me away. That doesn’t mean everything is okay though. No…it’s still not okay. I don’t think it will ever be. I can’t tell her that. I can’t even bring myself to talk to her.
This time…I really am a mute.
I moved away from her and bowed as if apologizing. I can’t see Yuko what with me bowing but maybe she’s doing the same thing as she apologized to Ray.
“I apologized on her behalf because my friend here is a…a mute.” Maybe I’m imagining it, but I swear I could hear sadness in Yuko’s voice.
“Oh. Uh…You don’t need to apologize since it is my fault. I shouldn’t have opened it that wide.” She reasoned. I stood up straight and looked at her smiling straight at me. Her smile seemed a bit…sad. It’s probably because of the mute thing.
Somehow, I wanted to erase that sad smile hers, so I held out a box of cookies for her to take.
“I guess…she wants you to have some cookies.” Yuko explained.
“For…me?” She asked as she pointed at herself. I replied by nodding excessively knowing my monkey head is smiling at her. She hesitantly took the offered cookies and gave me a bright smile. I smiled back even if all she can see is the smiling monkey head.
That’s more like it.
“Thank you.” She bowed and I bowed back in return.
“Is it okay if I see the face of the person who’s giving me the present?” She asked smiling at me. Yuko and I seemed to be taken aback by her sudden request. Oh hell no.
“Uh…th-that’s not…uh…” Yuko stammered as I shook my head and performed some ridiculous actions telling her that I’m shy. I covered my hands to my face, peeking every now and then. Yuko didn’t seem to get what I’m trying to say.
“Uh…she’s saying that she’s…uh…afraid?” I shook my head. I did it again adding a few actions.
“Shivering?” She answered looking like she’s enjoying herself. Damn it Yuko. We’re not playing charades here!
“We can’t see but I have a feeling she’s saying that she’s shy.” Mariko-sama sighed and I nodded my head.
“Ohhhh!” Yuko nodded looking amazed.
“She’s shivering inside that costume?” Ray asked frowning slightly. I shook my head and face palmed my heavy head. Yuko turned to her and finally told her what I was trying to say.
“No, she’s saying that she’s shy.” Yuko beamed at her and I nod my head once again.
“Oh.” Ray said as she looked at me finally getting what I was trying to say. She let out a giggle making my heart beat fast as I missed the sound of it. Mission accomplished for monkey girl and her side kick I guess.
“You know I could’ve gotten that if you acted it out nicely.” Yuko grumbled as she frowned. I rolled my eyes underneath the monkey head. We really aren’t playing charades here Yuko.
“You know, you look…familiar. Do I…know you?” Ray frowned slightly as she looked at Yuko. Her head slightly tilted as she stares at Yuko. Uh…not good.
“N-no. I’ve never met the top selling diva yet. Ever. Th-this is actually my first time to meet you. Nope, never met you yet. Although I’m honored right now. I mean, it’s my first time talking to the diva and all. So yeah. No you don’t know me.” Yuko babbled nervously as she waved her hand.
“She might recognize you Ylava. Abort! I repeat, abort and head to headquarters immediately.” Hinata commanded. Headquarters? Does she mean the van? Ridiculous, but she is right. Ray might recognize Yuko.
I pointed at my invisible watch on my wrist trying to tell her that it’s time to go, but again she didn’t seem to get it.
“What is it? Is your wrist hurting?” I slapped her in the head making her groan as she rubs her head. Okay’s it’s official, Yuko sucks at charades.
“She’s telling you that it’s time to go.” Mariko-sama said annoyingly. I need to remind myself to pick Mariko-sama as my partner if ever we’re going to play charades.
“Oh. I’m sorry Ray-san, but Takamina says we have to go. Sorry for taking up your time and thank you for saving the world.” She beamed at her and I just rolled my eyes as she added that world thing at the end. Ray gave us a tight smile and a nod as we walked away bowing every now and then. I took Yuko’s hand and dragged her away. I glanced back and saw Ray walking away scratching her head probably confused about what Yuko said and about our sudden departure.
I smiled remembering her giggling earlier. Hearing that is enough.
“Even though you sucked back there…thanks.” I said sincerely to Yuko as I dragged her.
“I don’t think that’s even close to what you did for me…and Asahi.” She replied softly. I smiled slightly. It doesn’t? Because it sure feel like it does.
***************Asahi smiled at the small exchange from her best friend and girlfriend. Even though she still has no idea just what Nami did or say for Yuko to finally stop running from her feelings, still she feels thankful for the little girl for what she did. Like Yuko, she feels that she owe Nami for the happiness that she’s feeling right now. That’s why she and Yuko would do anything just to see her happy as well.
It’s the least that they could do.
She suddenly felt a hand on hers, tugging her slightly towards the van’s door. It was Jiro. Knowing that they should talk, she followed him as they both stepped out of the van. Mariko, Yukarin and Hinata pretended to be engrossed at the screen when they stepped out. Once the door of the van closes, the three let out a sigh of relief.
“Do us all a favor. Next time, just shut up!” Mariko growled at Hinata who looked at the side pouting.
Outside, Jiro drags Asahi away from the van. Jiro turned to her, frowning when he stopped dragging the girl.
“So you and…Yuko-san…?”
“I’m sorry. I was going to tell you…but I was looking for the right time.” Asahi sighed as she averted her eyes from his.
“You know, I honestly hoped that we would be…together again, someday.” Jiro sighed as he let go of Asahi’s hand. When Asahi broke up with him because of her work, he had told himself that he was going to wait for the girl. But perhaps waiting wasn’t such a good idea...since Asahi obviously found someone else.
“But I guess that’s just a crazy fantasy huh?” He laughed nervously as he scratched his head.
“I’m glad that you found someone, seriously. I can tell that you care deeply for Yuko-san.”
Asahi finally turned to look at him straight in the eyes. She could see the sadness in them, but she also could see the happiness in them. He truly is happy for Asahi to find someone the he knows could own her heart fully. Something that he knew he never had. And now, something he could never have.
“Yes, I do care for her deeply.” She answered him truthfully. Even though Yuko is a pain in the ass most of the time, she still can’t help but fall for her. She is falling for her, but she doesn’t need to say it to Jiro since...
…she knows Jiro can see it in her eyes.
“Good. Now I know why Yuko-san was glaring at me earlier.” Jiro chuckled.
“Yeah, she’s actually like that too when she met Katsuyuki-san.”
“The executive director that you turned gay?” Jiro asked.
Asahi sighed as she shook her head. Why should she always be reminded of the embarrassment of turning someone gay? Is that something to gloat about?
“Now that I think about it, did I turn you gay?” Jiro asked nervously, dreading Asahi’s answer. Since he is the last man Asahi went out with and now she’s in an L relationship with Yuko, then there’s a possibility that he turned Asahi gay. He hopes not…because that would be embarrassing, especially for a man!
He flinched when Asahi grinned at him evilly.
“Yes.” Was her short but deadly answer. Jiro stared at her with his shoulder slumped and jaw dropped slightly. He…he turned Asahi…gay?!
Asahi smirked. Serves him right for reminding her of how she turned Katsuyuki gay.
“Nyan-Nyan!” She turned and found a smiling Yuko running towards her, monkey girl was following shortly behind. Yuko glomped at Asahi wrapping her arms around her waist. Asahi was pulling her away as Yuko tried to place her head between her breasts.
“Uh…what are you guys doing outside?” Nami asked as she finally took off the heavy head. She looked at Jiro then back at Asahi who was struggling with her perverted squirrel.
“We…we’re just…talki—Yuko! Let go!” Asahi growled. Yuko suddenly stopped her assault when she realized that her Nyan-Nyan wasn’t alone. She turned and saw the frozen Jiro staring at her Nyan-Nyan.
“You and him were talking? Why?” Yuko frowned ignoring Hinata telling her to get back to headquarters. Asahi rolled her eyes knowing that Yuko was once again getting jealous.
“C’mon, let’s get out of here and make out.” She took Yuko’s hand dragging her back towards the van leaving Nami and Jiro alone.
“R-really?!” Yuko looked at her Nyan-Nyan excitedly as she let her drag her. Asahi rolled her eyes as Yuko is practically salivating right now. Maybe she shouldn’t make that kind of joke to her.
Nami tilted her head confused and glanced at Jiro who was still frozen, wonder what happened. She shrugged and put the monkey head on Jiro just for the fun of it. She smirked when it didn’t help the guy get out of his frozen state and decided to leave the guy alone.
Whatever Asahi did or said to him must’ve been deadly for the poor guy.
***************“Good work men. The device is working perfectly.” Hinata gave them the thumbs up. Nami and Mariko rolled their eyes.
“Yukarin is listening to Okuma talking to someone right now.” Hinata added motioning at Yukarin who was wearing headphones while playing her PSP. Can she really hear anything Okuma Yuu related or is that just connected to the game she’s playing?
Asahi shook her head and glanced at Yuko who was counting the money she made. Hinata seeing Yuko counting and not listening to her, quickly took the money.
“Hey! That’s mine!” Yuko said, pouting.
“I’m confiscating this for being a distraction. We don’t need distractions when we’re in mission mode.” Hinata reasoned as she puts the money inside her pocket. So money is a distraction for General Hinata while the PSP that Yukarin is currently playing isn’t.
Somehow Nami, Mariko and Asahi were thinking the same thing as they narrowed their eyes at Hinata.
“We should head to the Phase 2 of our mission to prepare. Where’s our driver anyway?” Hinata asked as she frowned, looking around. Where’s Jiro?
“Jiro is still outside, frozen stiff.” Nami said flatly as she pointed at the window. Hinata turned to look and found Jiro wearing the monkey head still in same spot and same position as where Nami left him. There were a bunch of kids poking him but that seem to unfreeze him.
“Just what did you say to the poor guy?” Mariko asked as she looked at the pathetic state Jiro is in. Asahi shrugged grinning. It’s Jiro’s fault anyway.
“Uh…I think you guys need to hear this…but…” Yukarin said as she removed the headphone slightly, her eyes darting to Nami and Hinata. Nami instantly knew that it was something related to Ray. Okuma Yuu was probably talking to Ray.
“Let’s hear it.” Nami said seriously.
Yukarin looked at Hinata who was glancing at Nami, gauging her reaction. Hinata was somewhat worried for her friend. She was even beating herself up when Nami accidentally bumped into Ray earlier. Clearly, she didn’t think about that ahead. She just didn’t want Nami to remember the hurt she’s feeling when it comes to Ray, that’s why she’s keeping everything in a non-serious manner what with them joking around and all. But right now…she can’t do anything about it can she? Not when Nami looks determined. Nope, nothing can stop a determined Nami.
Hinata looked at Yukarin who was waiting for her decision. She gave her a nod in reply to her silent question. Seeing the approval of their General, Yukarin unplugged the headphones to let the others hear the conversation between Ray and Okuma Yuu.
***************“So?” Okuma asked from the couch at the diva’s new dressing room. It looks the same as her old one. The only difference here is the floor where her new dressing room is located. It confused Yuu as to why the diva moved but decided to just brush that question off thinking that it was probably just a girl thing. Girls are confusing creatures to him.
“So…what?” Ray growled as she made her way towards the mirror. It pisses her off that Okuma is inside her dressing room before her and that he can enter anytime he wants. These are special privileges that only Nami should have! Not him!
“When are we going to hold that conference wherein we’ll declare our undying love for each other?” Okuma smirked. Ray kept on having excuses trying to hold the conference off. He was getting impatient with the diva’s constant excuses. That’s why he decided to confront her.
“Don’t make me puke, please.” Ray gagged as she sat down facing the mirror. She placed the box of cookies in front of her.
“Still prefer cutie girl huh? Shouldn’t you be singing a different tune now since I am your boyfriend now and all?”
“Please, being dead is much more enjoyable than being with you.” Ray rolled her eyes.
“Really? Well, if you died, then you won’t mind me telling the world about Nami’s little secret right?” Okuma looked at the mirror grinning. Ray glared at him through the mirror.
“I’m sure Nami’s truth will set her free…free from the entertainment business that is.” Okuma let out a laugh at what he said. Obviously he’s the only one enjoying his own joke.
“Get out.” Ray snarled giving Okuma a murderous glare.
“Geez. I’m just having fun. Are you having your period or something?”
“OUT!” Ray barked as she stood up and faced the disgusting man. He shrugged and stood up. He obviously can’t talk to the diva properly now. He took hold of the doorknob but didn’t turn it as he turned towards the diva who was still glaring at him.
“Two days from now. That’s when we’ll have the conference. If you can’t comply with that, I’ll just make my own ruckus on how the ladies man, Kai of Persona, isn’t really a man. Got it?” He threatened as he winked. He didn’t wait for the diva’s response as he opened the door and walked out of the dressing room. Maybe he can contact Akb48’s producer tomorrow to allow Nami to witness the press conference. He did promise the girl front seats and all.
He grinned.
***************Everyone was quiet inside the van.
Asahi’s clenched her jaw tightly. Yuko crossed her arm to her chest. Yukarin gripped her PSP tight. Mariko’s hand formed into a fist. Hinata grits her teeth in anger. Nami stares at the floor.
All have different ways to show the anger that they’re feeling. The only similarity among them?
The seething anger in their eyes.
Hinata plugged the headphone back to its place not wanting to hear Okuma Yuu’s voice for now. With the anger that she’s feeling, she might run inside Tohto TV and do a solo assassination mission on Okuma Yuu. Hell, looking at everyone’s faces, it looks like everyone is thinking about doing the same thing.
“I think that’s enough motivation to nail the guy.” Hinata said as she looks at everyone.
“Why don’t we just nail the guy…literally.” Mariko snarled as she punched the van hard. Yuko and Yukarin seem to agree with her idea as both nodded their head.
“I’ll get the hammer.” Yukarin nodded.
“I’ll get a big screw. It’s much painful than a nail.” Yuko growled.
“Tempting, but let’s not. Let’s just go with Hinata’s idea.” Asahi said, her voice was calm compared to the others. Don’t get her wrong, her voice may be calm, but inside she too wants to nail the guy.
“Nyan-Nyan is right! Let’s go with Hinata’s idea about calmly asking the bastard and then hit him in the head until his head opens and—“ Yuko trailed but Asahi quickly cut her off as she slapped her arm.
“That’s not what I meant! I meant the mission. Let’s just go with our original plan.” Asahi sighed. Clearly the gang is in murder mode once again.
“Asahi is right. We’ll just go with the original plan. That’s the only thing we can do.” Nami sighed feeling a bit helpless and guilty. She too wants to murder the guy for what he’s doing at Ray, but she really can’t do that can’t she.
Nami turned to Hinata when she felt her hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t worry, we’ll save her…” She squeezed Nami’s shoulder then turned to look at everyone and gave them an encouraging smile.
“…and the world.” She added making Nami chuckle. Asahi, Yukarin and Yuko nodded, smiling at their General. Mariko snorted but smiled at the lameness. For her, that’s probably the best thing she heard Hinata say today, even if it is kind of lame.
“With that said, let’s go to the Phase 2 of our mission and nail the bastard! Alright troops?!”
“Yes sir!” Yuko, Asahi and Nami exclaimed loudly as they gave their General a salute. Everyone was grinning, feeling pumped up on defeating the evil adversary Dr. Yuu. They were going to save the diva and the world!
But…in order to do that…
“Okay one of you go fetch our driver.” Hinata waved off as she looked at her troops.
“Mariko should do it since she didn’t give you the salute.” Yuko pointed out. Mariko glared at her.
“She’s right. Go fetch our driver, Sado.” Hinata waved her off. Yuko sticks out her tongue at Mariko who just rolled her eyes. Clearly Yuko still has some bad blood on Mariko for kissing her Nyan-Nyan. Well that or Mariko called her a good liar earlier.
Mariko sighed as she got out of the van walking towards Jiro who was now sitting on the floor still wearing the monkey head. He was tracing something on the ground using his finger but stopped when Mariko stood in front of him. He looked up at Mariko.
“We’re going now. So get up.” Mariko said as she raised her eyebrow. She started walking back towards the van and glanced at Jiro when she heard him run to catch up to her. They walked side by side with Jiro still wearing the monkey head.
“Ano…if I asked you out…you’ll go out with me right?” Jiro asked in a timid manner at the tall girl as he looked at her. Mariko looked at him, his monkey head smiling at her. Asahi obviously said something to wound what’s left of his manly ego. She somehow pities the guy, but she really shouldn’t lie.
“I’m sorry, but I’m going to be an L in the future.” She said flatly. Jiro once again seemed to freeze as he stopped walking and placed his hands on his monkey head.
“Oh God! I turned another one.” Jiro cried out feeling miserable once again. He’s cursed! Cursed to turn girls into an L! What is he going to do now?!
Mariko rolled her eyes not knowing what is happening to the man. She just took hold of his arm and dragged him towards the van. She could hear laughter coming from inside the van.
Apparently, they forgot monkey head had a spy camera in its forehead.
***************Okuma Yuu was walking towards the exit of Tohto TV wanting to get something to drink when he noticed Katsuyuki standing near the exit. When Katsuyuki saw him, he smiled and made his way towards him.
“Okuma-san, I knew I’d catch you here. You do remember me right?” Katsuyuki asked as he smiled charmingly at Yuu.
“Of course. You’re Miyoshi-san, the famous executive director of Sunny Music.” Yuu replied as he offered his hand for Katsuyuki to shake. Katsuyuki didn’t hesitate in shaking the man’s hand.
“Call me Katsuyuki. Miyoshi-san is too formal for my taste.” He chuckled as he let go of the other man’s hand.
“Okay, Katsuyuki-san it is. You can call me Yuu in return.” Okuma said as he smiled. Katsuyuki couldn’t tell if Yuu was flirting or not. Somehow he can’t tell if Yuu really is gay. His gaydar doesn’t seem to tingle not like Hinata said about her friends. But then again, maybe it’s too early to determine if the guy is gay. That or he’s a gay guy without a gaydar. In Hinata’s words…he’s an idiot.
‘Nope it’s just too early to determine Yuu’s sexuality. Yes that’s it.’ Katsuyuki thought trying to assure himself that he isn’t an idiot.
“My manager said that you wanted to see me?” Yuu frowned slightly. He found it odd that the executive director would want to see him since they barely met. He met him briefly back then as he was introduced to him by his manager because his debut single is under Sunny Music. Other than that…well there is today where Katsuyuki seem to want to meet him again.
“You see, I have this tradition to treat new artists and well, I remembered that I didn’t get to do that tradition to you. So I was wondering if I could offer you…a drink perhaps?” Katsuyuki asked using his usual pick up line to guys. He made up the whole tradition thing, although he did have that kind of tradition back then wherein he’ll send new male artists to a hustle bar. Kind of what he did to Persona. But after Persona, he stopped doing that and just focused on being gay in the gay world. He don’t usually pick up guys in the entertainment business as he’s not out being gay and all, but in this case, it’s different. He needed to know if this guy is gay or not.
“I see…” Okuma stared at him for awhile as if he’s trying to read him. Katsuyuki just kept his smile silently praying that Yuu would take the bait.
“Okay. I’ll go with your tradition. I’m itching for a drink anyway.” He shrugged, grinning at Katsuyuki who grinned back happy that Yuu took the bait.
Now let’s go to Phase 2.
***************“Wow Katsuyuki-san seems to be flirting with him but he’s all just doing the straight man responses towards him.” Hinata nodded as she rubs her chin as if she has a beard.
“Did it not occur to you that he might be straight after all?” Nami sighed. She still has her doubts on this…Yuu being gay. Sure there are rumors about him being gay and Hinata’s somewhat accurate theory on him, but that’s still not enough to pin the guy as a gay man.
“She has a point, Hinata.” Asahi nodded as she agrees with Nami. There’s always an ‘or’ to a yes or no question you know.
“First, I’m Miichan for today.” Hinata pointed out as Asahi and Nami rolled their eyes.
“Second, it did occur to me. That’s why I have a secret weapon.” Hinata grinned as she still rubs her invisible beard.
“Secret…” Nami raised her eyebrow.
“…weapon?” Asahi tilted her head slightly. Hinata ignored the questioning gazes thrown at her and began to laugh by herself. Nami rolled her eyes while Asahi shook her head. She noticed Jiro playing Yukarin’s PSP mumbling how the women in the PSP are much better than the women in real life because they’re not turning L. He’s probably still bothered by the fact that he turned Asahi gay and well…probably Mariko as well. At least that’s what he thinks. And now, he’s trying to redeem his manly ego by playing dating games.
Not that it would help really.
“Hey guys, they’re near. Get on your positions and stop eating those fries!” She said through the mic hearing Mariko mumbling something. Hopefully this Phase 2 would work. If not, there’s always her secret weapon which no one but her knows about. Everybody will just have to wait for her to use that secret weapon of hers. Until then…
…it’s show time.
***************Katsuyuki and Okuma talked a little bit as Katsuyuki drove them towards the restaurant. The small talk didn’t help to reveal if he is truly gay. No tingles on his gaydar as well. He’s having doubts if the rumors were even true now. Could it be that Okuma Yuu…isn’t really gay?
If that is the case…what now?
“This is the place. It’s somewhat secluded and well, it’s a good place to have a drink.” Katsuyuki said as he motioned Okuma to enter the restaurant. They stepped inside and noticed that it was somewhat secluded as there were only three customers inside. A couple who seems to be having a serious conversation and a guy who seemed to be drunk, asleep by the bar.
“Yeah, I can see that it is a good place to drink.” Okuma smirked as he looked at the sleeping boy by the bar. Okuma and Katsuyuki sat down a few seats from him. Okuma noticed the unfinished glass of alcohol by his side. He looked kind of young to be in a drinking age. Oh well. He didn’t want to meddle in the boy’s affairs since he is probably having love problems…like the couple behind them.
Katsuyuki ordered a couple of drinks from the old bartender.
“So how are the sales in your third single? Better than the second and first I hope.” Katsuyuki smiled slightly. He then looked at the bartender and thanked him as he brought them their drinks.
“Not really. The sales of my third single had dropped a lot compared to the other two. But that doesn’t mean that I’m getting discouraged by it since…well…I have a feeling that my popularity would boost up pretty soon.” He grinned as he remembers a certain diva as he took a sip on his drink.
“That’s the spirit! I hope it’s nothing illegal though.” Katsuyuki joked as he pats Okuma’s back and let out a laugh. Inside, he’s cursing the bastard for what he’s doing, hoping that this plan that Hinata orchestrated would bring the guy down.
“If you call love illegal then yes, it might be illegal.” Okuma smirked finding it funny that he’s using such a lame word as love for what he’s doing since there is a better word for what he’s doing.
The sleeping boy suddenly groaned and shifted a little knocking his glass on the table. The bartender shook his head and sighed as he took the glass and wiped the table. Katsuyuki and Okuma looked at the boy frowning slightly.
“Why don’t you just wake the guy up and send him out?” Okuma questioned the bartender who shrugged.
“I think it’s better if I let him sleep for awhile. Let him sleep off of the alcohol.” The bartender replied as he continues wiping the table. Okuma snorts as he shook his head. The boy obviously couldn’t take alcohol that much. It’s really a pathetic sight to see. It disgusts him to see such pathetic people.
He turned back to his drink and glanced at Katusyuki when his phone started to ring.
“Hmm? I thought I told them not to contact me while I’m drinking.” Katsuyuki mumbled as he pulled his phone out. Without looking who the caller is, he answered it.
“Yes? This is Katsuyuki.”
Okuma turned back to his drink giving Katsuyuki little bit of privacy. He looked around a bit and did notice the lack of customers coming. It was a pretty cozy restaurant with a nice location. He wonders why people aren’t going inside.
“WHAT?!” Katsuyuki yelled as he slammed his hand at the table. Okuma turned to him, his eyebrow raised. Katsuyuki looked…pissed off.
“Are you stupid?! Why didn’t you double check?! It’s your job!” Katsuyuki growled. Okuma just watched him through the corner of his eyes. Looks like it’s work related.
“Alright, alright. I’ll go there and fix it myself!” With that, Katsuyuki closed his phone and sighed, holding his head with his hands. He took the glass in front of him and immediately gulped it all. He slammed the glass on the table as he grumbled.
“Damn good for nothing bastard.”
“Everything okay?” Okuma asked as he turned to the stressed looking man.
“No. The damn ass messed up in the printing of Ray’s next single and they already printed 100,000 copies.”
“Damn.” Okuma shook his head. That is a waste.
“Yeah.” Katsuyuki sighed, combing his hair with his fingers.
“Look, I need to go there and fix it but I’ll be right back okay? In the mean time, order anything you want. It’s on me.” Katsuyuki gave Okuma a tight smile as he stood up.
“Yeah, sure. No problem.” He really doesn’t mind since he was planning on drinking by himself anyway. Katsuyuki pats his back then walked out of the restaurant. When outside, he quickly went inside his car and drove off to where Hinata told him the van is.
***************The three…plus Jiro who’s still engrossed in playing the PSP…were watching Okuma talk to the bartender. They all turned to the door when Katsuyuki opened it and walked inside.
“Nice going Katsuyuki-san!” Hinata beamed at the man who scratched his head smiling slightly.
“Really? But…I didn’t get him to tell me he’s gay.” He was finding it odd that his role in the mission was so simple as to bring Okuma to the restaurant. Surely Hinata could’ve utilized his full gay potential if ever they want to find out if Okuma really is gay. But no, as soon as Katsuyuki receives a call from Hinata, he must find a good excuse to leave the restaurant immediately. It was odd…and well, it felt like Hinata was holding him back from the mission.
But…from what?
“That’s okay. You did enough.” Hinata grinned. If anyone could make Okuma Yuu confess that he is gay, it’d be Katsuyuki. Hinata doesn’t doubt that. But the thing is, Hinata didn’t want him to be exposed as a conspirator along with them. If Okuma found out that Katsuyuki was with them, then there is a possibility that he will go after him as well. Hinata didn’t want that. She is trying to avoid…well…casualties in the mission. So giving Katsuyuki a simple role in the mission is the right decision for Hinata to make in order to protect him.
Hinata sure is a great General huh?
Katsuyuki decided not to ask why he’s given a simple role. Instead he opted on asking what was bothering him earlier.
“Uh…is the drunken sleeping boy, Yuko-san?”
“Yeah.” Hinata answered as she turned his attention back to the screen.
“What is she…doing there?”
“You know, I’m wondering about that too. Care to explain about that Hi-uh…M-Miichan?” Nami narrowed her eyes when she called Hinata, Miichan. She still doesn’t know why they have to keep the codenames when no one can hear them inside the van anyway. It seemed…useless. It earned her a smile from Hinata though as she turned to her.
“She’s sleeping.”
“What?” Both Nami and Katsuyuki asked at the same time.
“That’s her role in the mission. It’s written in the script. See?” Hinata pulled out a bunch of papers and pointed towards Yuko’s name. Nami quickly took the script that she and Asahi had yet to read and stared at what was written on Yuko’s part. Both Katsuyuki and Asahi peeked at her shoulder and began to read as well.
Yuko (as a drunkard): *sleeping*
And…that’s it. There were dialogues for Mariko and Yukarin as a falling apart couple, but to Yuko…that’s it. The three raised their eyebrow at Hinata silently asking to explain herself.
“What? She’s so drunk that she’s sleeping.” Hinata shrugged.
“Tha-that’s it?” Asahi asked.
“Well, she is holding a camera in her hand. See?” Hinata pressed a button and the screen was divided into three. Camera 1, wherein you can see everything inside the room with Okuma’s back facing the camera. Camera 2, wherein you can still see everything, but it was somewhat high as it shows Okuma’s hair with his face barely visible. Camera 3, which was the one Yuko is holding, has the perfect angle of Okuma’s side of the face. They could see him clearly as he talks to the bartender.
The girls knew of Camera 1 and 2 as they helped Jiro put those up, but they had no idea that there is a Camera 3 and that Yuko was the one holding it.
“Why not just put it like the other cameras?” Nami asked.
“Well, there’s a possibility that Okuma Yuu might change seats when Katsuyuki-san leaves. If that happens, Yuko could just act drunk and go to a different seat wherein she can capture Okuma’s face clearly.” Hinata explained with a smug smile. The three looked at her in awe.
“Just in case you guys don’t know, we’re recording the whole thing. For blackmail purposes.” Hinata winked then turned back to the screen ignoring the astonished faces of Nami and Asahi while Katsuyuki looked at her impressed.
Somehow it surprised them that this mission of theirs was well thought out. Hinata deployed Mariko, Yukarin and Yuko whom Okuma hadn’t faced to do the important task of letting Okuma confess about his gayness. If he really is gay that is. Sure Yuko faced Okuma earlier, but right now she’s indistinguishable as they disguised her as a guy. Plus Okuma can’t really see her that much what with her head resting on the table and all. Mariko was the same as she’s disguised as a guy while Yukarin has a female role as Mariko’s girlfriend. Like Yuko, they were quite unrecognizable. It really is a well thought out plan.
And…this is was all orchestrated by…Hinata! This is surreal for the two. Who would’ve thought that, Hinata…their crazed daughter…would come up with something this…creative! Appointing Hinata seemed to be the best decision the group had ever made. She really is the ultimate villain.
It really is…astonishing.
Hinata frowned when she noticed that Okuma wasn’t talking to the bartender anymore.
“Your turn Sado and Sanae. Make me proud.” Hinata said through the mic. Hinata silently prays that they get something vital in the next couple of scenes. She prays that her coupling partner would finally nail the guy.
***************Okuma smiled thankfully at the bartender as he poured him another drink. He glanced at the sleeping boy as he mumbled incoherent things. Somehow it’s disturbing him that the pathetic boy is only a few seats away.
“So that’s it?! Just like that?! 3 years down the drain?!” A woman’s voice from behind him exclaimed. He took his whisky trying to ignore the screeching of the chairs as someone from behind him stood up. Probably the woman as she is the one yelling and all.
“I’m sorry. Please just calm down and lets—“
Okuma smiled slightly as he heard a hard slap, cutting off the guy. He took a sip of his drink amused at the fighting couple. This is one interesting restaurant.
“No! I will not calm down! I ran away from home, for you! I was disowned by my family because of you! And…and this is what I get?!” The woman’s voice cracked. Okuma heard her sniffing indicating that the woman was probably crying now. This is like listening to a drama on a radio or something.
“I tried…God, I tried so much…but I just can’t…” The guy also stood up, his voice sad and somewhat hopeful that the woman would understand him. But from the look of the woman as tears runs down her face, understanding the man was far from her mind.
“Why? Is…loving me that hard…? Isn’t the love I’ve given you…enough?” It’s that word again that always makes Okuma laugh. He tried to suppress it as the drama continues.
“It’s not you…it’s me.” The guy reasoned making Okuma grin, waiting for the slap that he’s sure would come. Surely enough, the woman did slap the guy again, hard.
“That’s it?! That’s your lame excuse?!”
“I’m sorry Sanae. I…I’m sorry for hurting you.”
“You know what? I feel sorry for me too…for falling so in love with you.” The woman choked as she walked away. Okuma glanced back as the woman walked out of the door in a hurry. Maybe he should visit the restaurant more often if it’s always like this here. It amuses the hell out of him.
Okuma then glances at the guy who was staring at the floor, dejectedly. He averted his gaze when the guy, walked towards the bar, sitting just a few seats away from Okuma. He could see the red mark on the guy’s cheek caused by the two hard slaps he received.
“Want some ice for that?” The bartender smiled sympathetically at the guy.
“Yes, please.” The guy sighed rubbing his cheek. Much like the sleeping drunkard on Okuma’s side, the broken guy looked pathetic as well as he stares at the table with a sad look on his face. Somehow Okuma pities the guy and decided to play nice.
“Want some? It’ll help ease the pain.” He offered his drink to the guy who looked surprised at the offered drink.
“Accept the offer Sado, but don’t drink too much since…I think you can’t handle alcohol that much.” The voice in Sado’s head said as it chuckled. He’s trying not to narrow his eyes as Okuma is looking at him.
“Thanks.” He accepted the offer hesitantly. He decided to take a sip trying not to make a face since well he’s not used to alcohol and...he’s drinking at Okuma Yuu’s glass! That’s like…an indirect kiss right?! Eww, an indirect kiss from Okuma Yuu. The sacrifices he has to take…ugh.
“Th-thanks.” He handed the glass back to him giving him a sad smile.
“You can have it if you want.” Offering his glass back to Sado.
“Accept it.”“Thanks.” He nodded and took another sip. He hopes he won’t get intoxicated as he still has to finish the mission. The bartender came back with an ice pack in hand which he handed to Sado. He placed the ice pack to his sore cheek as Okuma once again asked for a drink. Sado watches him for awhile and when the bartender went to get his drink, he decided to take the initiative.
“You probably heard that drama huh?”
“It’s hard not to hear it what with the yelling and all.” Okuma replied nodding his thanks to the bartender again. He glanced at the bartender as he walked back inside the kitchen.
“I just…didn’t think that she’ll take it bad…you know.” Sado looked at his drink as he sighed sadly.
“If you ask me, you made a wrong move when you told her the whole, ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ bit. That’s the most common break up line ever you know.” Okuma pointed out as he took a drink.
“Well, it’s the truth. It’s because of me. I…I can’t seem to fall in love with her.” Sado clenched the glass in his hand, staring at the brown liquid.
“For three years, she’s been telling me she loves me and well…I’ve been saying it back to her…but those are just empty words.” Sado sighed. He’s unaware that the people inside the van were watching them as they eat popcorn that their General seems to have. Drunkard boy was looking at them too with his eyes slightly open. His back is aching by the way.
Okuma just took another drink of his whisky noticing that he’s lending an ear to the pathetic guy which he never does. Hmm…maybe it’s not that bad to lend an ear once in a while. Plus, he has no one to talk to until Katsuyuki-san returns anyway.
“I…I think I’m…gay too.” Sado admitted nervously. Okuma glanced at him, his eyebrow raised.
“I’ve been looking at guys like…like I would a woman.” Sado drank the whisky a little bit making him frown because of the taste. He pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.
“I’ve been fantasizing about guys whenever I’m with Sanae. I didn’t want to lie to her anymore…so I broke it off.”
Okuma sighed and shook his head, unable to say something. The restaurant was surrounded by silence for awhile as Sado contemplates his next move. Finally, he decided to go for it.
“H-how about you? I mean, have you…ever fantasized about guys? Is it like, a normal thing to feel something for a guy?” Sado asked as he turned to him, silently begging to God for Okuma to admit that he is fantasizing about guys so he could get out of here. That’s all they needed. A confession and its mission complete.
Okuma gave him his answer…and it was an ambiguous answer.
“Well, they say love is love.” Okuma shrugged. That’s not a good enough answer for Sado. He wanted something juicier than that!
“But you have felt something for a guy?” He pushes through.
He received another shrug. It was somewhat frustrating for him. Maybe he should just punch the truth out of him.
“Careful Sado, make a wrong move and he won’t talk to you anymore.” Hinata warned him. He realizes this and decides to back up the questioning.
“Maybe it’s just me then.” Sado sighed and rests his head on the table. He stares at the glass wondering what he should do next. Hinata didn’t write any dialogue for him after the whole break up scene. This was all him. Hinata somehow had faith that he…being Mariko-sama…can handle an easy task such as making Okuma confess. She appointed him of this important task, to nail Okuma. But at this point, it frustrates the hell out of him that Okuma still isn’t crying out that he is indeed gay.
Well, that’s how Sado envisioned what would happen.
Okuma glanced at him and took another drink.
“If it makes you feel better, breaking up with the girl is the right thing to do.”
No…that doesn’t make him feel better. What would make him feel better is for Okuma to admit that he is gay. Maybe the guy really isn’t gay.
What now?
“I’m sorry Mariko, for slapping you so hard!” Yukarin suddenly said. Yukarin was probably feeling guilty about the hard slaps she gave. Which Sado has to admit, hurts a lot.
But…what does that got to do with his situation?
“What are you saying? That was actually brilliant. That scene moved me to tears.” Asahi said.
“She’s right. It was actually pretty good.” Katusyuki agreed.
“The best part was when Mariko apologized to Yukarin and Yukarin said that sad sentence.” Is that…Jiro?!
“I wrote that! I wrote that! See on the script!” Hinata cheered.
Obviously the voices in her head weren’t helping. Sado glanced at the drunkard boy and noticed him wiping his eyes. Was she moved as well?!
“Guys we have to focus here! It’s still not over.” Thank God for Nami, the voice of reason.
“I say you flirt with him. You are a guy and all.” Yukarin suggested while Hinata protested. Sado froze realizing that she’s right. He is a guy right now! If the camera captures him and Okuma flirting…or better yet kissing… then its mission accomplished! It’s actually not the greatest plan as he will have to kiss Okuma, but if it’s for her best friend…and even as Hinata says it, for the world, he’d gladly do it. No regrets…just a lot of unwanted memory of having to kiss Okuma Yuu.
Ugh. Ray better appreciates all the sacrifices that Sado is making! She better buy him some device on erasing unwanted memories! If ever there is a device like that.
Sado took a deep breath and decided to just go for it. For Ray…and the world!
“A-ano…” Sado turned to Okuma while his head is still resting on the table. Okuma glanced at him, frowning slightly.
“…will you kiss me?” Sado said in a soft voice.
Okuma seems to be taken aback by the question. Even the people at the van gasped and stared at the screen with their eyes wide. Sado…or Mariko is going for…a suicide mission?!
“What are you saying?! Stop it!” Hinata cried but Sado ignored it as he sat back up looking at Okuma seriously.
“Don’t do this Mariko! Damn it! Stop!” Hinata once again tried to persuade what the tall girl is thinking. This isn’t supposed to be happening! This wasn’t on the script! No kissing was allowed! Especially with Okuma Yuu AND her coupling partner!
“Wh-what?” Okuma stammered as he turned to Sado. Did he just say…what he thinks he just says?
“I want to know if I really am gay. And well, you’re a guy. A good looking guy if I may add. What more to know than by kissing a good looking guy.” Sado smiled softly at him. Maybe he’s imagining it or maybe it’s because of the alcohol, but he swears that Okuma was blushing slightly.
“Damn it. I have no choice. Release the secret weapon!” Hinata cried making Sado frown slightly. Secret…weapon? What?
Both of them turned to the bartender who walked back at the bar carrying a plate. It was a plate of…nachos?
“I asked the boy if he could taste something new I made for the restaurant, but he seems to be knocked out…so…” He placed the nachos on the table between the two.
“I’m hoping you two would taste it for me. I want to know someone else’s opinion on it.” He smiled at the two. Yoshida Akihiko…the owner of the restaurant AND the nachos are the secret weapon?
“Decline the offer. Tell him you’re not hungry.” Hinata growled at Sado. He eyed the nachos wondering just what Hinata put there. Surely whatever is in it IS the secret weapon.
“I’m sorry, but I’m not hungry.” He shook his head smiling slightly.
“That’s too bad. How about a taste then young man?” Yoshida picked up a piece and offered it to Okuma who looked flabbergasted. The old man, as if remembering something, picked up a jar of what appears to be a red sauce. He scooped some sauce using the nacho and offered it to Okuma.
“This is my special sauce. Try it. People seem to like it in their fries and well, I think it should go well with the nachos.”
“Uh…” He uttered as he looked at the offered piece in front of him, backing up a little.
“C’mon.” The old man smiled widely as he pushed the piece near Okuma’s lips. It looks like he has no choice as the old man looked at him with hope in his eyes. It is just one piece and maybe he could just take a little bite…so…
He reluctantly opened his mouth to take a little bite but the old man pushed the piece fully in his mouth, making him eat the whole thing. With wide eyes, he began to chew the piece and quickly stood up knocking the stool he’s been sitting on because…well…
“Oh. Uh…I think I got the wrong bottle. This is my most spicy sauce called…‘Hell.’” Yoshida scratched his head looking at the bottle. Oops.
Hell indeed.
Okuma dived to the table feeling his mouth burning like hell. He knocked his and Sado’s drink off the table making Sado jump surprised at the action. Broken glasses could be heard. He needed something to drink…FAST!
“W-w-wa…wat-er…” Okuma choked holding his neck with both of his hand. He quickly took the offered glass of water by the old man and gulped it down like he just got back to the desert, not caring if he’s making a mess of himself as water drops down his chin. The old man offered him another glass and without hesitation gulped it down as well. He slammed the glass on the table feeling the hell in his mouth subside to be replaced by something else.
He feels…funny.
“More?” The old man offered another glass which Okuma quickly took. This time Okuma drink it a bit slower. Sado frowned as he noticed Okuma swaying while he drinks the water. Sado’s eyes narrowed as Okuma didn’t get to finish his third water when he suddenly fell down on the floor with a loud thump.
“G-gwoood…wat…er…” He mumbled laughing a little as he lies on the floor.
Sado turned to Yoshida who was just smiling.
“That’s vodka on the rocks isn’t it?” Sado said flatly as she pointed at the glass Yoshida was holding.
“If it isn’t, then that’s one contaminated water huh?” Yoshida chuckled.
So that’s Hinata’s secret weapon. Typical, but smart.
***************The troops quickly infiltrated the restaurant to find Yuko stretching and Okuma sleeping on the floor with a smile on his face. Hinata’s special weapon worked.
“God, my back is killing me!” Yuko groaned as she stretches. Asahi quickly placed her hands on Yuko’s back massaging the poor girls back. Yuko moaned loving Asahi’s hands on her back. What a caring girlfriend she has.
Katsuyuki, Nami and Yukarin walked towards Okuma looking at him in awe. Hinata in the mean time, made her way towards Mariko who was looking at Okuma as well.
“What the hell was that Mariko?! Why would you even think of kissing the bastard?!” Hinata glared at Mariko obviously pissed at the taller girl’s action. Everyone’s eyes turned to both of them curious to know what may unfold. Mariko looked a bit stunned that the girl was angry at her.
“Are you THAT stupid?!” Hinata added as she yelled. Mariko glared back at the girl thinking that Hinata has no right to get mad at her since she was only doing her job.
“Why are you mad at me for?!”
“I’m mad because you almost kissed the guy!” Hinata answered back surprising everybody with her statement, Mariko was the most surprised of them all as she looked at Hinata, stunned. Is Hinata…jealous that Mariko almost kissed Okuma…?
Mariko frowned slightly as she stared at Hinata’s angry eyes. Could Hinata be…?
“A-are you…jealous?” Mariko hesitantly asked somewhat dreading the answer. Does Hinata feel something for…her? What if Hinata likes her that way…? Wh-what will happen now…? And oh God, is the ‘HiMari’ coupling going to be a real couple?!
Mariko gulped nervously anticipating Hinata’s answer. Everybody’s eyes were at Hinata waiting for…confession maybe?
“Jealous? Why would I be jealous?” Hinata asked as her angry eyes were replaced by curiosity and confusion. Why would she be jealous??
“Then why are you mad at me?” Mariko raised her eyebrow at the girl.
“You really are a stupid girl.” Hinata sighed and shook her head disappointedly as Mariko glared at her.
“You see, if you and Okuma kissed, like you, that memory will be etched inside our minds. You won’t just be ‘the girl who saved Ray and the world’ to us. Rather, you’d be ‘the girl who saved Ray and the world BY KISSING OKUMA YUU.’ Do you get what I’m saying? You’ll be tainted with Okuma’s…stench.” Hinata pointed out as she frowned at the girl who again raised her eyebrow.
Asahi shook her head smiling while Nami sighs, thinking that Hinata does have a point. But there seemed to be a jealous rage coming out of her earlier when she heard Mariko make her offer to Okuma while they were at the van. It’s either Hinata isn’t aware of it or it really is nothing and that Hinata was just angry because Mariko wasn’t listening to her. Either way, maybe it’s best not to tackle it anymore since they still haven’t taken care of Okuma.
Mariko was thinking the same thing but decided not to question any further and just…let it slide.
“Okay, whatever. Let’s just think of a way to deal with him.” Mariko sighed rubbing her forehead, still feeling a bit hot by drinking the alcohol earlier. She’s a bit tipsy, but just a little bit.
“Then let’s go to Phase 3 of our mission then.” Hinata grinned as she looked at the drunk Okuma mumbling out incoherent things.
“There’s a Phase 3?” Nami raised her eyebrow.
“But of course!” Hinata beamed.
***************“Upsy daisy.” Katsuyuki groaned as he and Jiro threw a drunken Okuma on the hotel bed. The group rented a cheap hotel room for Hinata’s Phase 3. They still have no idea what Phase 3 is, they have an inkling that it’s about taking pictures since Hinata is holding Jiro’s camera.
“So? What now?” Asahi asked.
“Now, we’re going to take blackmail photo of Okuma Yuu.” Hinata grinned.
“Blackmail photos?” Yukarin tilted her head slightly.
“Uh-huh. Blackmail photos like…THIS!” Hinata pulled out a bunch of photos as the group stared at them, their eyes wide. There were a couple of pictures of Nami and Ray being sweet, Yuko groping Asahi, Mariko and Asahi making out and many more embarrassing photos of the group.
Well minus Katsuyuki, Jiro, Yukarin and Hinata that is.
Nami quickly took the photos and began looking at them with the others looking behind or beside her. When did Hinata took these?!
Yuko took a couple of pictures of her and Asahi, smiling.
“Oh look Nyan-Nyan, there’s us in our secret place.” Yuko pointed obviously not bothered that there’s a bunch of blackmail photos of them. Though looking at it, it’s really not much of a blackmail photos isn’t it since couple do such things.
Yuko turned to another photo and glared when it shows a picture of Mariko straddling Riku, kissing him. Mariko saw it and took it quickly, gasping.
“You’re dead!” Mariko growled trying to reach out for Hinata who quickly hid behind Jiro. Yukarin held Mariko trying to calm the girl. Maybe Hinata shouldn’t have included that picture of them.
Nami, who was sadly looking at her and Ray’s photos, was quiet as Mariko shouts out profanities to Hinata. Hinata captured a bunch of photos of her and Ray before their date. She continued to look at it smiling sadly until she reached an odd photo that of four people who looked familiar.
“Who are these?” Nami held out the photo of Mariko, Asahi, Hinata and Ray that were wearing disguises. The three present in the picture stared shock at the photo Nami was holding. If Nami finds out that the three were spying on her and Maeda…they’re dead! Well, mostly Hinata that is.
Mariko quickly took the photo and smiled nervously at Nami.
“Oh uh…we met th-those one time and well…we decided to take a picture of them.”
“Yeah, th-that’s right. They were foreigner fans and all.” Asahi added laughing nervously.
“Really? I remember these guys. They were odd since they have this whole…trading system for lovers.” Nami said remembering meeting the four at a restaurant with Maeda. Nami didn’t tell her friends about the foursome couple she met because it completely went out of her mind since that was the day Maeda kissed her. But seeing their picture made her remember the four. In fact…
“You know…looking at Mariko-sama like this you kinda look like…” Nami pointed towards the picture stunning Mariko. Not good.
“Th-that’s enough. We still have to finish our mission so…enough of that.” Hinata quickly took the photos from the three and quickly placed the photos back to her pocket. She then began pushing all the girls out of the room. The group protested wondering why they were being kicked out of the room.
“If you guys want to witness nude guys then you can enter.” Hinata grinned and wiggled her eyebrow at the group. In an instant the group finally knew what is Phase 3 about. But…
“So YOU’RE okay with seeing guys nude?” Yuko pointed out raising her eyebrow at the girl.
“It’s a sacrifice I have to take, unless there’s a volunteer among you?”
After the group stared at Hinata for a couple of seconds, they immediately walked out of the room as if everything is normal. Jiro was following them but Hinata stopped him.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Hinata raised her eyebrow at the guy.
“Out.” Jiro pointed at the door.
“Oh, but you’re staying inside. You’re actually the star of this photo shoot.” Hinata grinned at him evilly.
“Wh-what?” Jiro asked nervously. Katsuyuki took hold of Jiro’s shoulder and grinned at him. Hinata locked the door, grinning.
“Now strip.”
The girls shivered when they heard Jiro squealing like a girl on the other side of the room.
Hinata sure can be scary.
***************“Mission all done?” Yoshida asked as Katsuyuki placed Okuma back to his seat on the bar. It was already late when the troops finally got their blackmail photos and video. Finally…mission accomplished!
“Hai! Thanks so much for your help!” Hinata bowed while the other followed.
“You did say it was for the world. I can’t say no to that can I?” Yoshida smiled at the group. He had fun participating in a prank. The place had become lively again thanks to them.
“Thank you!” The group cried out still bowing.
“It’s okay. Just keep your promise okay?” He reminded.
“Of course! We’ll visit always and tell the other members how great your restaurant is!” Hinata nodded giving the old man a beaming smile.
“We just hope that you won’t close your restaurant.” Nami added smiling.
“With you guys visiting, I think I’ll have to trash that idea now.” Yoshida chuckled making everyone smile. They turned to Okuma when they heard him groan. It would be trouble if Okuma finds them here.
“You guys should go now. You’ll get in trouble if your friend sees you here. Plus, it’s getting late.” The other girls smiled nervously as they heard Yoshida call Okuma friend. Yoshida actually thought that the group was friends with Okuma and that they were just doing a prank on him. That’s okay though. Yoshida doesn’t need to know the truth about Dr. Yuu’s evilness.
“Hai! Promise you won’t tell on us?”
“Of course. I’ll take it to my grave.”
“That’s not funny.” Hinata pouted at the old man who laughed at how sweet the girl is. They heard another groan from Okuma and decided to scram afraid that Okuma might wake up. They bid farewell to the old man once again and walked out of the restaurant towards their van.
Everyone was dead tired. This day tops their practices as a member of Akb48. But it was worth it since…
“MISSION ACCOMPLISHED GUYS!” Hinata cheered beaming at her friends who smiled back.
“And it’s all thanks to you, General Miichan.” Nami smiled as she placed a hand on Hinata’s shoulder. Hinata looked at everyone who was smiling at her. Sure she did all the planning, but she really couldn’t have done it without everyone. This goes to show that their group really could save the world.
“Let’s celebrate our accomplishment! Ice cream’s on Kojiharu!” Hinata beamed while Asahi raised her eyebrow.
“Why me?”
“Well it’s because that’s your role. See in the script?” Hinata pointed out at the papers wherein her name which looked like was only written a couple of minutes ago as it wasn’t there before when Asahi read it.
Well, she didn’t do anything in the mission so…
“Fine.” Asahi sighed.
“Great! Since Jiro obviously needs it as he’s still moping at the van.” Hinata pointed out as she shook her head.
In the van, Jiro was wrapped in a blanket crying.
“I feel so…violated.”
Poor him. But at least they get to save Ray and the world.
***************Gori, who was looking at the group laughing around as they enter the van, couldn’t help but smile.
“Looks like they’re alright.” He said to his companion who just replied by grunting.
TBC***************Extra Notes: Next up, the big conference! Last Nami chap!