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Author Topic: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Nami/Ray, Nami/Acchan) - COMPLETED  (Read 184320 times)

Offline bou-j525

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #140 on: January 08, 2011, 05:16:26 PM »
Haha Thank for keeping your promise!
And you know what? I might be a bit crazy and you probably won't believe me, but I think I'll read it only when you'll finish the second part XD Coz waiting for this update was really the most horrible thing in my life since everything I did was working during holidays and yesterday while I finally did something fun, I kinda realize that I was fine with waiting... And I know if I read the first part I will die while waiting for the second one, so I'll probably just read... Nothing XD So yeah... Sorry for the drama in the other thread.  :grin:
But maybe it's just my stupid brain coz I just woke up five minute ago and I haven't realized how impatient I am....
Anyways, I "thank you" even so XD

Offline dark-atrox

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #141 on: January 08, 2011, 07:10:05 PM »
gah! Dr. Yuu is such an evil being..... :panic: :panic: :panic: so, should i leave it to Ray's still unknown mysterious mission? together with shachou?  :? :? :?
to save the world? :P and Ray herself so she could live happily ever after with Nami-chan?  :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

ah...finally they meet again. XD Ray and Nami....acting cute and shy again :inlove: though it pains me how they hold back their feelings to each other.  :cry:

and hey, poor sarukawa....Ray should be uhm maybe a lil considerate about him?  :nervous

I'm gonna say it again, Yuu sure is pure evil if he isn't scared with that photos........(poor jiro, his sacrificed was in vain  :twisted:)

PS: I'm so happy  XD really really looking forward for the next chapter.
Is it going to end? its makes me sad just thinking about it....and still waiting for the KojiYuu  :P :P :P

Offline LiLith

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #142 on: January 08, 2011, 07:52:26 PM »
Awesome chapter, as expected from FoF-sama :P
Aww... And I want the next part so bad... I'm hoping for NamixRay happy ending! Poor them. They're so cute together :( I was hoping they would get back together in this chapter but now... waiting for the next... hm...  :lol:

Offline immo

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #143 on: January 09, 2011, 03:37:12 AM »
awesome. :D Now don't make us wait forever for the next one. feels like things are dragging a bit with the gags a little bit though... help a sistah out here, FoF. lol. waiting to see what you're gonna pull in the next chapter!

Offline ra-nyan

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #144 on: January 09, 2011, 08:18:32 AM »
ahaha.. That was a cool half-a-chapter.. I bet Yuu is up to nothing.. I mean I think he accepts defeat already.. That's just the feeling I get since he's all like "Guess you showed me huh?... That there’s love in this business." and all.. Cool that Ray and Nami had a bit of an interaction before the conference.. I really miss them together now..

Thanks for the update :).. Can't wait for the next half.. and as always, YAY Hinata  :twothumbs

Offline alexiel17

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #145 on: January 09, 2011, 09:47:48 AM »
Umm.. I really don't know what to say....  I'm actually a bit embarrass for leaving a comment here....  (Maybe because of what happened with your other fic...  :on cloudeye: )

I'm really truly sorry about it.... ( you know, you could beat me up :mon slapself: and I'll end up lookin' like this.... :on beatup... hehe :] just joking :] Pfft..  :mon evillaff:, I remembered your pm that jokes are half meant and all... HAHAHA! :on lol:)

Anyway, thanks soo  much for accepting my apology (you really did surprise me about it.  :lol:  :mon star:)

from bou-j525
« on: Jan 09 at 12:16:26 AM : I think I'll read it only when you'll finish the second part XD Coz waiting for this update was really the most horrible thing in my life since everything I did was working during holidays and yesterday while I finally did something fun, I kinda realize that I was fine with waiting... And I know if I read the first part I will die while waiting for the second one, so I'll probably just read... Nothing XD

I'll so do the same because, umm.. well, bou-j525 is so damn right!!!  :mon thumb:  I need to be more patient.  For me, this will serve as my punishment for well, beacause of what I've done...  :kneelbow: Truly gomenasai  FoFsama...  :kneelbow: (I think this is one of the worst punishment I'll do... )

Thanks so much for the update :]  :grin:
« Last Edit: January 16, 2011, 04:51:03 PM by alexiel17 »

Offline FoF

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #146 on: January 21, 2011, 06:19:29 PM »
Two easons to kill FoF
Reason number 1: I'm late...I know.  :banghead:
                           I've been through hell and back...and well I'm going back to hell in a little bit after this update.  :nervous
                           Sorry about that. I've been busy it's not even funny anymore.  :cry:
                           I can't even read the new fics and updated fics!  :cry: Again, not funny anymore.  :cry:

Reason number 2: Due to being so busy lately, I have yet to finish this chapter which means...there's a part 3.  :nervous
                           I honestly don't want to rush this anyway...although it does feel rushed towards the end  :lol:
                           Plus it's kinda good to have a part three what with how I ended it and all. So...
                           Yeaaahhhh...kill me now.  :nervous :nervous  :lol:

Thanks for everything, seriously. Hopefully hell would ease up and let me have a break. I'll try to update again next week. And if hell freezes for awhile, maybe I can get on with Asahi and Yuko side story. Let's cross our fingers people!  :lol: As usual, this chapter contains exaggerations and uh...weirdness.  :nervous Please bear with it. If you can't...then tell me about it. Thanks again!  :bow: :bow: :bow:


Chapter 21 (Part 2)

Sarukawa took the mic in front him.

“Okay, so you guys are probably wondering why we called for a conference.” Sarukawa said looking at the reporters and spectators watching. Most of them nodded their head while others somehow looked like that they already know why they were gathered.

“Well, the thing is, I really don’t know myself.” Sarukawa smiled nervously as he scratched his head. Flashes from the cameras of the reporters started flashing at him, making him even more nervous. He silently hopes that he wouldn’t make the front page of the newspaper with a tagline that says; ‘the man who doesn’t know anything.’

Now that would be…embarrassing.

“So, I’m going to give the mic to Ray. Please refrain from asking questions while she’s speaking. Your questions will be answered after she uh…says everything she wants to say.” With that said Sarukawa turned off his mic and looked at Ray who was staring at the table.

“Ray...” Sarukawa whispered as he tries to get his prized talent’s attention. Ray turned to him, frowning slightly.

“Please, don’t say or do anything that’ll jeopardize your career. Please.” Sarukawa pleaded making Ray narrow her eyes at him. What’s Sarukawa worried about? It’s not like she already did something that jeopardized her career!

‘I think…’ Ray thought as she tilted her head slightly. She hadn’t done anything to ruin her career…right?

She sighed and took hold of the mic in front of her, pulling it closer to her. She glanced at Okuma and found him smiling softly at her. Looking at him makes her want to puke so she decided to look away. Now that would make her look bad if ever she puked in front of all these people, though it’ll definitely make an interesting front page on a newspaper. She’d be ‘the diva who puked at the sight of Okuma.’

Not bad. Not bad at all.

She looked around noticing the reporter’s gazes and cameras aimed at her, anticipating whatever it is that she’s going to say. This is a normal scene to her. When she’s about to speak, everyone shuts up and listens intently. But this time, it feels different. This time…SHE’S here watching. Ray feels nervous and confident at the same time as those eyes stare at her. She wants to look at those eyes forever if she could…but…

…that’s something that can never happen now…ever.

“First, I’d like to thank everyone for coming here. I know it’s a bit sudden, but I guess…I just needed to get this out of me…or I’ll explode.” Ray smiled softly as she looks around, ignoring the flashes of the cameras.

“I know everyone is aware of my recent breakup with…Kai.” She looked sadly at the table, her voice filled with pain as she said the blonde Persona’s name.

Nami, decided to keep her gaze at the diva. No matter how painful it’ll be…she’ll continue to look at the diva because…that’s all she can do now.

To watch and do nothing.

‘Pathetic.’ Okuma thought as he glanced at both of them, his soft fake smile still on his face. The bitchy diva he knew…is now in a pathetic state just because she had fallen in love with the naïve girl. It’s sickening for Okuma.

“I was the one who broke up with him. It broke my heart because…he’s my first love.” Her hand gripped the mic tight.

“But…I just had to do it. He has his dream…and I have mine. It just wouldn’t work. I realized that and…I broke up with him. It’s over between us.” Ray sighed sadly. It doesn’t feel like she was telling it to the whole world…rather it just feel like she was telling it to one person who was sitting with the audience.

Ray looked at everyone, ignoring the blinding flashes of the cameras as she finally say what Okuma wanted her to say.

“Yuu-san had been a great friend to me these past few months while Kai was away. We became good friends as he was always there for me when I needed someone.” Ray said as she looked at everyone, her face calm. She lied in front of the many reporters listening to her. She lied in front of her best friend, her friends and most importantly, she lied to the one person that had completely captured her heart.

That one person whom she didn’t know was hurting just as she is.

“That day when I broke up with Kai, Yuu-san visited me. He comforted me and told me how he felt about me. I wanted to move on and forget about Kai…so I decided to date…Okuma Yuu.” It got a bit noisy as the reporters started asking questions. The blinding lights doubled that Ray and the other three with her had trouble looking at the reporters. Ray even had to cover her eyes from the disturbing lights.

“Settle down people! Settle down!” Sarukawa said through his mic, trying to calm the reporters down.

Nami finally averted her gaze from the diva as she looked at the floor, frowning. Hearing Ray actually say that she’s dating Okuma somehow doubled the pain she’s feeling. Asahi noticed and placed her hand on Nami’s, squeezing it.

“It’s not over yet.” She assured the little captain. Nami smiled slightly as thanks, trying to hide the fact that it really is over between her and the diva.

It’s been over since she realized that they can never be together.

Once the reporters settled down, Sarukawa asked Ray if she has anything to add to her revelation. Ray answers as she shook her head negatively, staring at the table. He sighs and turned to look at Okuma who was looking at Ray with a worried look, his hand on the diva’s shoulder. Sarukawa can’t help but wonder if Okuma really is worried for his prized talent or he’s just acting.

“What about you Okuma-san. Aren’t you going to say something?” Sarukawa asked.

“Can I?”

“You should.” Sarukawa nodded. Ray glanced at Okuma who gave her a soft smile. Again, she wants to puke.

Okuma pulled the mic closer to him, looking around. The reporters were once again quiet as they saw that it Okuma’s turn to talk.

“I guess it’s my turn huh.” Okuma said. Nami quickly turned to look at Okuma, wondering just what it is that he’s going to say. Could it be that he’s going to deny his and Ray’s relationship because of the blackmail pictures? Or could it be that he’ll…blurt out about Kai’s real identity. If Okuma tells about Kai’s secret…then Nami has no choice but to counter it with the blackmail photos. She was dead serious about that.

The latter seems to be making the three Akb48 members nervous.

Okuma took a deep breath. So did the four Akb48 members, anticipating whatever it is Okuma is going to say.

“First things first…I’m gay.” He revealed as he shrugged making everyone’s jaw drop. Everybody was dead silent for awhile, shocked at Okuma’s revelation. It seemed like time stopped inside the room as everyone stared at him.

Did he just admit that he’s…?

It took a couple of seconds for the reporters to once again take pictures and ask questions to Okuma, making the room once again noisy. Sarukawa, Ray and Okuma’s manger continue to look at him, stunned.

‘Maybe asking him to say something is a bad idea after all.’ Sarukawa thought as he scratched his head. This will definitely wound Ray’s career as a girl who’s dating a gay guy.


The four members still hadn’t recuperated as their jaw was still dropped. This was really…unexpected. Okuma admitted that he’s…gay?!

It’s a WTF moment right there, people.

“I am gay.” Okuma repeated not helping the four members in their recovery.

“I’m gay before I met Ray. And now, I don’t see myself as gay anymore…not when I’ve fallen for her.” He added as he smiled lovingly at the frowning Ray. He took her hand and squeezed it making Ray smile awkwardly at him. The reporters feasted on them as they blinded them once again with flashes from their cameras.

Still a WTF moment right there, people.

“That’s actually pretty smart.” Hinata whispered as she finally recovered from the jaw dropping revelation. She begins to rubs her imaginary beard on her chin as if thinking. The three turned to Hinata, urging her to explain. And that’s exactly what Hinata did, her genius self once again resurfacing.

“Admitting to everyone that he’s gay…or rather WAS gay…is his way to repel the future leakage of the blackmail photos. It’s his way of saying; ‘Yes I was gay. So there’s no need for everybody to be shocked if there WERE gay photos or videos of me taken.’” Hinata explained nodding her head. This was one scenario she hadn’t thought of. It made her wonder if Okuma knew that Nami would do something or he just thought about it earlier after Nami blackmailed him. Or maybe…he was waiting for a certain diva to do the blackmail herself.

One thing Hinata is certain though…Okuma seems to be prepared for the worse.

“Are you saying that telling everyone that he is gay won’t endanger his career? Are the photos completely useless against this…revelation of his?” Asahi asked, whispering.

“You already know how being labeled as gay would be like, right?” Hinata glanced at Asahi who narrowed her eyes. Oh right. She experienced that first hand.

“Now that Hinata mentions it, you had a gay scandal as well back in your boyhood days. How did you get out of that one anyway?” Mariko narrowed her eyes at Asahi remembering when the leader of Persona had a gay scandal. Of course Mariko would remember it since she was the one who took the pictures. But…Nami is the only one who knows that. So there’s no need to tell it to others.

Especially when she remembers how mad Nami was when she told her about it.

“Oh, uh…we brought back Wataaru’s relations to Japan?” Asahi answered somewhat unsure.

“That’s it?” Mariko asked flatly as Asahi shrugged. That’s how Persona solved the gay scandal problem??


“Anyway, like Riku, Okuma would definitely be hated since he has female fans and all. But for him, it’ll just be like a flesh wound if the blackmail pictures were to be leaked out. If you think about it, a wound can be cured just by waiting for it to heal or you can put an ointment on it to fasten the healing process.”

The three raised their eyebrow at Hinata who looked serious as she stares at Okuma and Ray.

“The thing is…Okuma’s miracle ointment for that wound will be…the charismatic diva, Ray.” Hinata crossed her arms to her chest. It makes perfect sense. Okuma was probably thinking that him being gay would just be a flesh wound that can be easily cured if he’s in a ‘relationship’ with the diva. After all, everybody in Japan loves the darling bitchy diva.

Well there are a bunch of haters, but that’s not the point is it?

“But it still depends right? I mean for all we know, Okuma might get hated for dating Ray.” Asahi reasoned. Since Ray has a lot of male fans, it might be possible that Okuma might get hated by almost all of them.

“Were you hated?” Mariko asked Nami who scratched her head.

“W-well yeah. At first I received some hate mails here and there but that gradually stopped in time. I guess that’s just natural.” Nami shrugged. She remembers when Shachou gave her her first fan mail. She excitedly opened it only to find out that it was a hate mail from a fan of Ray. It was really a disappointment and well…soon after, she received quite a lot of hate mails. Almost all of her ‘fan letters’ were hate mails from Ray’s devoted fans. Though, when she thinks about it, it’s only natural for Ray’s fans to hate someone who’s going out with her since she is their idol and all. It’s kinda sad for her since at that time, Kai and Ray weren’t really a couple. It was one big misunderstanding.

A misunderstanding that seems to please Shachou at that time.

“So…it might gradually disappear too?” Asahi asked hesitantly. She sighed when Hinata nodded.

“If he’s with the top selling diva…then yes, there’s a possibility that it might disappear. Ray’s fans might either ignore him or support them as a couple.”

“But don’t you think it’s odd? I mean, he says he’s gay. And now…he’s not? Can a gay guy suddenly become straight?” Asahi asked frowning.

“Well if you ask him that…he’d probably say what he said to Sado.”

“That ‘love is love’ right?” Mariko said as she remembered what Okuma said at that time of the mission. It seems like it’s something that Okuma would definitely say just so the reporters would somehow get off his back about the gay thing.

“Right. He can also add some sappy lines like how he can’t help but fall for her and that she makes him a better person and all those crap.” Hinata sighed defeatedly. It feels like they are playing a chess game here and that Okuma had captured them as they’re unable to make a move. Okuma admitting he’s gay seems like a crushing move for them. Hinata can’t seem to think of a way to counter that.

Was this a checkmate for Okuma?

Hinata stared at Ray who frowned slightly as Okuma whispers something to her.

Or maybe…just maybe…the queen has something up her sleeves.

“Damn it! So what? That’s it? Our mission was for…nothing?!” Nami angrily said as she looked at her lap, her hand balled into a fist.

“We can’t save…Ray…?” She added as she grits her teeth. Asahi wrapped her arms around her friend trying to somehow comfort her. She can’t help but feel frustrated as well. They were so sure that they’ll win…and now this?!

‘I don’t think this battle is all about saving Ray anymore…since Okuma can freely say Kai’s real identity without any problem.’ Hinata thought as she glanced at Nami.

Is it…really all in vain…? Was their mission really…all for nothing…?

Hinata stared at Okuma and Ray, thinking of something that they could do. Nami’s secret seems to be the root of all this. It’s the one holding Ray back from getting free from Okuma. If they want to save Ray, they have to save Nami’s secret first. But how can they do that now when blackmailing Okuma didn’t work? Was there…no other way to finish this…?

Hinata frowned as she heard Mariko smirk. She glanced at her.

“I wouldn’t start the pity party if I were you since…there is one way to turn this whole situation in our favor.” Mariko said as she rubs her chin looking at the stage as Sarukawa tells the reporters to settle down again. It seems that the question and answer portion is about to start.

The three turned to her, hopeful. Mariko turned to Hinata, her eyes had those mischievous glint in them. Those mischievous and confident eyes that is so…Mariko-sama.

“You said that the gay issue would gradually disappear and that Ray might help fasten…the ‘healing process.’”

“Well…yeah. That’s my theory.” Hinata nodded.

“Okay…then how about I counter that theory of yours by asking a what if question.” Mariko challenged as she grinned.

“Ohhhkaaayyy. Hit me.” Hinata frowned slightly.

“What if Okuma does something inappropriate…like cheat while he’s dating Ray?”

Hinata’s frown deepened. It makes her wonder as to why Mariko is asking that simple question. Surely she already knows what the outcome would be if ever Okuma did that to Ray. Mariko isn’t stupid. So why is she asking that?

“Well, his career would definitely be doomed. People would probably think that Okuma just used the diva just for his selfishness. ” Hinata shrugged.

“Then we can still use the blackmail pictures to defeat him…since well…Okuma was INDEED cheating on Ray with another man while they were dating.” Mariko winked. The three frowned at her for awhile, not getting what she’s saying.

When did Okuma…wait…is Mariko implying…?

Mariko couldn’t help but chuckle as the confused stares slowly turns into a stunned look. Looks like they finally get what she’s talking about.

“This is great. We CAN really defeat him if that is the case.” Asahi nodded smiling excitedly.

“I can’t believe Okuma hadn’t thought of that.” Hinata said.

“Well he doesn’t know when those photos were taken…so it’s understandable he didn’t realize this flaw.” Mariko said.

“Maybe he panicked when I showed him the blackmail photos.” Nami nodded. Okuma probably dismissed the idea that it was two days ago, when he got drunk, that their team made the ‘Mission Gaypossible.’ He was in a period wherein he and Ray were dating, so technically…he was cheating on Ray with Jiro. Sadly, he wasn’t aware of it because he’s drunk, making it his biggest flaw.

“Maybe. Hmm. This time, it’ll be a major wound for him since he cheated on Ray. And I don’t think Ray’s reputation is going to help him if that is the case.” Hinata muttered as she looks at the floor. It seems like it’s the only way to bring down Okuma. It was worth a try…but…

Hinata glanced at Nami who has her eyes glued at Ray, a sad look on her face.

…doing what Mariko is implying will only save Ray. The thing is, by doing that, it’ll endanger Nami’s career even more since there is a possibility that Okuma might reveal her secret if the photos were leaked. They really need to save Nami’s secret first BEFORE saving Ray.

So…is this really a good idea?

Nami, suddenly broke her gaze as she felt her phone vibrate inside her pocket. She slowly fished for it and found an unknown number calling her. Who’s calling her??

Hinata frowned slightly as she turned to Nami who answered her phone.

“M-Moshimoshi.” Nami stammered to the unknown caller. She looked stunned as she heard the familiar voice of the person on the other end. Hinata, who was watching her, raised her eyebrow confused, wondering who’s calling Nami for her to react like that.


Okuma kept his soft smile as the flashes continues. The flashes were blinding, but that doesn’t seem to bother Okuma at all since he’s definitely enjoying the attention. He definitely could get used to this.

He glanced at the diva and noticed her giving a shy smile at the cameras. Thinking that it would be a good picture if they were all coupley, he wrapped his arm around Ray’s shoulder and pulled her to him making the flashes intensify. He felt the diva stiffen at his touch making him grin slightly. He leaned towards the diva to whisper.

“Lighten up, babe…and smile.”

Ray glanced at him, wanting so much to glare for calling her ‘babe’ and break his arm off. She was really boiling inside, her hand resting on her lap turned into a fist. Somehow the pain she felt from her fist as her long nails digs into her palm helps restrain the anger inside of her. Plus…thinking about Nami’s safety somehow calms her too.

Ray gave Okuma her fake smile making him chuckle. He could see the fire in her eyes as she stares at him. There is no doubt in Okuma’s mind that Ray does not like this situation one bit.

That didn’t stop him from winking at the girl though.

“Okay, now that we’ve…uh…clear that up, let’s get all your questions answered alright?” Sarukawa said as he scratched his head and looked at Okuma’s manager who was frowning, obviously not pleased at what his talent just revealed. If Okuma was Sarukawa’s talent, he’d have a fit as well. Admitting that you’re gay is something that should really be discussed to your manager first since there is a chance that it might ruin your career. But then again, since Ray IS dating him, there is a chance that it could also ruin her career as well.

Sarukawa hopes not.

He sighs feeling a bit nervous on what the reporters might ask to the ‘couple’ what with Okuma admitting he’s gay. But thinking about it, it’s good for the two to clarify things to the press. At least that’s what Ray said to him earlier. Makes him wonder why she suddenly wanted to answer questions when back then she didn’t want to.

With the flash lessening as the reporters somehow settles down, Okuma finally glanced at Nami and found her talking to the other girls. He wanted to grin as Nami looked helpless, listening to the other girl sitting next to her.

‘Bet you didn’t know I’d say that huh? Looks like I won.’ He thought, laughing evilly inside. He was prepared for the worse. He knew that his sexuality was going to come up in the conference, that someone would definitely blackmail him for that. But he never once thought…that it would be the naïve little Nami who would do it. He was expecting the diva to do the blackmail…not the goody goody Nami.

Watching Nami conversing to the other girls makes Okuma wonder if those girls helped Nami with the blackmail photos. Nami couldn’t have done it alone, he was sure of that…so…could it be that those girls are with her?

‘If they are part of it…then surely they know Nami’s secret. Interesting.’ He smiled wondering what Nami’s group is going to do now. Would Nami release the blackmail photos? Would she ruin both their careers just so she can save the damsel in distress?

‘Probably not what with her looking so pitiful over there.’ Okuma smirked.

“What the hell are you thinking admitting that you’re a…that…without first consulting me?” His manager leaned to whisper harshly. He was really not expecting his talent to announce he’s gay...which he has no clue about by the way. Okuma only told him that they’re going to announce that the diva and him are dating! So he assumed it was okay to go through with this.

But it seems that he assumed wrong.

“Just chill old man. Geez.” Okuma whispered back turning to his manager and removing his arms from Ray’s shoulder making the diva sigh in relief. His manager glared at him for awhile until finally leaned back to his chair thinking that it was better to just discuss it later.

That is…if Okuma still has a career later.

Okuma leaned back to his seat and noticed Nami talking to someone on the phone, a disturbed look across her face. He frowned when Nami suddenly stood up and left the room still talking to someone on the phone. Two of her friends followed her while a girl with short hair talks to their manager for awhile as if to ask his permission to go with the other girls. Without waiting for their manager’s answer, the tall girl quickly walked out to join the others, their manager stared at her retreating back with a confused look.

‘Hmm? Wonder what’s that about?’ He wonders feeling a bit disappointed that he wouldn’t get to see Nami looking so heartbroken as he answers some of the questions about him and Ray’s relationship. It’s such a waste since he was planning on answering as mushy as he can.

He sighs as Sarukawa picked a man holding a pen and paper among the reporters. Without standing up, the man asked his question as he looked at Ray.

“Uh…where is Kai-san now?”

Everyone turned to Ray who glanced at where Nami sat earlier. She sighs sadly as she found the seat empty.

“W-well…I guess he’s out of the country right now.” She smiled sadly at the man who nodded his head and jotted down her answer. Sarukawa picked another reporter who raised his hand.

“So it’s true that he’s studying outside of the country?”

“You could say that.” She smiled nervously. It’s okay to let that lie about Kai studying outside of Japan out right? No harm on everybody believing that. It might even make Kai look good to others.

Though…that doesn’t matter now does it?

“This is for Okuma-san.” Another reporter said. Sarukawa nodded for him to go on.

“Since Ray-san said that she’s dating you, just so she could get over Kai-san, is it okay for you, Okuma-san, to be the rebound guy?”

“Good question.” Sarukawa mumbled as he nodded his head. He glanced at Okuma who smiled at the man.

“It doesn’t bother me if I’m just a rebound guy. You see, I think another reason that Ray-san broke up with Kai-san is because she didn’t feel special anymore when she’s with him.” Okuma turned to Ray and without asking permission, took her hand and stared at her lovingly.

“So I’m planning on making her feel like she’s the most special person in the whole world…because…for me…she is.” Okuma smiled lovingly at Ray making her smile slightly, her left eye twitching a bit. There were squeals coming from a few female spectators. It makes Sarukawa wonder if they were listening earlier when Okuma just revealed that he’s gay.

Or was gay. Either way it’s the same for him.

Sighing, Sarukawa looked at the reporters who raised their hands again to ask their questions to the couple. A male reporter who was raising his hand exaggeratedly caught his eye. The man was almost jumping at his seat as he raised his hand, determination etched on his face. Sarukawa took pity and decided to choose him.

“Uh…the man with the mustache and hat.” He smiled nervously as he pointed towards the man who sighed in relief. Although the man didn’t need to stand up, he still did earning him a few gazes from the reporters. He smiled at Okuma as he asked his question.

“So Okuma-san, how long have you been gay?” He asked as he taps his pen on his notebook.

“I don’t think it’s necessary to know that. All that matters is that…I’m not gay anymore because…I’ve fallen for Ray-san...right?” Okuma answers as he turned to Ray again squeezing her hand. Ray gave him her fake smile again as flashes from the cameras aimed at them.

‘He’s actually pretty good at avoiding heated questions huh?’ Sarukawa thought. It’s a good thing though. For Ray’s sake that is.

“True, but…isn’t there a chance for you to be gay again?”

The four people up the stage looked stunned at the sudden question of the reporter.

“I mean, if it’s that easy for you to be straight, wouldn’t it be easier for you to be gay again too?” The man added as he shrugged. The people around him started murmuring, some agreeing to the reporters’ question.

‘Let’s see you get out of that one.’ Okuma’s manager thought as he crossed his arm to his chest. He has no intention of helping his talent anymore. Okuma can crush his career for all he cares.

Okuma looked around noticing that the tables were turning for him because of the reporter’s questions. He should answer this quickly just so people wouldn’t think that he was hesitating or something.

“Well, I think it’s just a matter of meeting the right person. If you know deep in your heart that that person is the one for you…then I don’t think there’s ever going to be a chance of going back. And that’s what I feel for Ray-san. With her, there’s no going back…I just want to move forward.” He gave the reporter a confident smile as he hears the crowd mumbling again, seemingly impressed at his answer. Honestly, this is so easy for him. He couldn’t believe that being mushy could be this easy. He could do this while sleeping, really.

‘Maybe that’ll shut you up.’ Okuma thought as he looked at the reporter who was nodding his head jotting down what he said in his little notebook.

“Okay, let’s move on to another question shall we…?” Sarukawa laughed nervously as he looked around to pick another reporter, ignoring the fact that the reporter who asked the last question has yet to sit down on his seat. The said reporter raised his hand slightly as if to catch Sarukawa’s attention.

“But I’m not done yet.” The reporter reasoned making everyone’s eyes turn to him. Sarukawa raised his eyebrow at him, feeling that he is one of those persistent reporters who won’t stop until he finds something juicy to write about.

‘Probably from a tabloid or something.’ Sarukawa thought.

“Well then…go ahead and ask away. I’ll try to answer them as best as I can.” Okuma smiled as he stared at the reporter. The tone of his voice and the way he looks at the reporter feels like he was silently challenging him. It didn’t go unnoticed to the reporter as he raised his eyebrow at Okuma.

‘Cocky are we? This just proves what a noob you are.’ Sarukawa thought as he shook his head and sigh. He glanced at Okuma’s manager thinking that he should help his talent. But it looks like his manager gave up on him. Unlike Okuma’s manager, Sarukawa has no intention of giving up on Ray. If ever Ray’s career is in a pinch from the reporter’s questioning, that’s when he’ll interfere and help Okuma. Until then, he’ll just watch…

…just like what Ray seems to be doing right now.

“Okay then. Let me ask you…how long has it been since you’ve had a…uh…male partner?” The reporter asks as he looks at his notebook. Everyone turned to look at Okuma who was staring at the reporter. Ray glanced at him as well, interested to know his answer.

“Hmm. It makes me wonder why you keep insisting such questions.”

“Is that your way of avoiding my question?” The reporter replied giving his usual smile. Okuma’s smile slowly fades as his suspicion grows. Murmurs and gazes were thrown at the two as they stare at each other, challengingly.

“But just to ease your mind, I insist on such questions not only because it’s my job, but also because I’m a big fan of Ray-san.” The reporter looked at Ray and gave her a charming smile and a bow which Ray didn’t hesitate on returning feeling a bit flattered.

“You see, as a fan, I don’t want my idol to be heartbroken again. I want to be sure that you won’t break her heart. I think everyone in this room agrees with me on this one.” He turned his attention back to Okuma who looked around noticing that most people were nodding their head, agreeing to what the reporter is saying.

No surprise there since it is for the diva and all.

“With that out of the way, I think it’s your turn to ease…OUR minds by answering my question. Don’t you think so?” The unknown reporter smiled. Flashes from the cameras were not only aimed at the stage where the couple is sitting, but also at the reporter who was silently challenging Okuma. Sarukawa rubs his chin feeling like he’s watching a heated battle unfolding in front of him. It makes him wonder if this man that’s challenging Okuma is really a reporter. Though…it really doesn’t matter now is it?

Since the guy seems to be so intent in putting Okuma down to the ground without harming the diva.

“I see, so you’re just concern about Ray-san’s welfare…” Okuma said calmly as he stares at the table.

“I think it’s only natural for a fan to be concern for her welfare don’t you think?” The reporter shrugged ignoring the flashes that went his way. It seems that the reporters are feasting on him now which somehow pisses Okuma off. He really doesn’t like that cocky look in the reporter’s eyes. It was getting to him. But he’s not going to show it though.

No…because that’ll just mean he lose.

“Well, if you put it that way…then my answer would be that I haven’t been with a guy since I met Ray-san.”

“And that was?”

“A couple of months ago.”

“Okay…so do you mind telling us when did you confess your feelings to Ray-san?”

“It was when Ray-san broke up with Kai. I found her crying in her dressing room, so I comforted her.” Okuma raised his eyebrow while the reporter nodded his head and jotted down his answers. Everyone inside the room felt like they were watching a tennis match as their gazes fell to whoever is talking.

This conference really doesn’t feel like a conference at all.

“So what...were you eavesdropping on their conversation then? I mean, Kai-san suddenly walks out of the room leaving Ray-san crying and then you suddenly appeared to comfort her?!” The reporter pointed out frowning slightly as he looked at Okuma who was now glaring at him.

“No! I was walking past her dressing room when I hear her crying from the inside.” Okuma irritably answers and again, the reporter nodded his head and wrote down his answer, mumbling every now and then.

“Are we all cleared now? No more questions in your little notebook to throw?” Okuma grinned slightly, seemingly forgetting that camera’s are aimed at him. It looks like his irritation towards the reporter got the best of him.

The reporter noticed making him chuckle while Okuma raised his eyebrow at the man.

“I don’t think I need my notebook for my next question.” The reporter slowly reached for his jacket pocket and pulled out a brown envelope. Okuma’s eyes went wide, his heart leaped as he stared at what the man is holding.

Could it be…?

“I’ll base it here instead.” The man grinned as he held up a familiar brown envelope. Everyone started whispering, wondering what’s inside the envelope that shocked the cocky Okuma. Sarukawa and Okuma’s manager were frowning, wondering as well.

Just…what is going on…?

Ray, who was watching intently, glanced at Okuma, a slight frown on her face. She noticed that the confident look that Okuma had earlier suddenly disappeared to be replaced by dread. He even…looked pale.

“Hmm? Guess you know the contents of this? That’s odd.” The reporter looked confusedly at the envelope that he’s holding.

“Wh-where did you…?” Okuma asked as he shakily points at the envelope. Did Nami…?

“Some woman gave it to me earlier. She told me not to open it until I ask questions…so…” The reporter shrugged. Okuma clenched his jaw tight, glaring at the reporter who was still looking at the unopened envelope. If Nami’s blackmail pictures are indeed inside, then…he’ll just explain that those photos were taken in the past, before he met Ray. Yeah that’s it. People would understand right? Since he WAS gay and all. Still, he couldn’t help but feel nervous about it.

‘If they won’t accept or understand…then I’ll just avert the spotlight by telling them about Kai.’ Okuma thought feeling the cold sweat forming in his forehead. This was the only other way he can somehow recuperate and think of another way too—

“RAY!!!” Someone shouted accompanied by loud footsteps as that someone quickly made his way inside the room. Everyone turned to see who was causing the commotion to see yet another shocking moment right before their eyes.

‘N-No…way…’ Okuma’s eyes went wide as he stared at the newcomer.

“K-Kai…?” Ray was stunned as she looked at the young boy panting heavily as he stood right in the middle of the room. The reporters, despite their astonishment, feasted on Kai and let out blinding flashes towards him. He couldn’t help but cover his eyes from the blinding light. Sarukawa, who was shocked to see the young boy, quickly called out securities to somehow control the crowd. He felt the need to protect the boy as some of the reporters were trying to get close to him despite the crowd barrier surrounding them.

Kai gritted his teeth as he used his arm to shield the blinding lights. He felt someone wrap their arm around him trying to pull him away. Feeling the female hand gripping his arm, he instantly knew who was pulling him away.

“C’mon Kai…let’s get out of here.” He hears Marilyn say, pulling him.

“No! I need to talk to Ray!” Kai yelled as he struggled to break free from Marilyn’s hold, squinting his eyes from the flashes that continue to blind him. He can’t even see the stage anymore what with all the flashes from the reporter’s camera going off. It was noisy too as everyone throws questions at him, squeals could be heard as well. How can he talk to Ray like this?! If everyone would just—

“SHUT UP AND SIT THE HELL DOWN!!” A woman yelled from behind them, her voice echoing inside the room. The noise instantly died down as they turned to the other newcomer who was standing by the entrance. A woman dressed in black with a bob haircut stood glaring at the reporters. She was carrying her signature whip in her hand.

“Shachou.” Kai and Marilyn uttered as they watch Saeko strut her way towards them. Some of the reporters recognize her as Persona’s manager and President of the Kamonohashi Talent Company that has only three talents.

No really. Three talents and that’s it. Hey, at least those three talents of theirs made it big right?

The sound of Saeko’s high heels clanking against the floor was the only thing that can be heard. With every clank, Sarukawa couldn’t help but flinch as he remembers his…uh… unforgettable night with Saeko which really is his band mate, Inuyama back in his Animal Crush days. He had the urge to run and scream as he saw her…or him, but decided to fight it for Ray’s sake.

Saeko stopped when she was beside Kai. She looked around still glaring at everyone making them gulp nervously. Her gaze stopped at Sarukawa who yelped, jumping slightly from his seat as their eyes met. Without thinking, he quickly took hold of Ray’s arm for comfort. The diva decided to just let him be as she narrowed her eyes at the woman.

Keeping her eyes at Sarukawa, Saeko took hold of Kai’s collar and bowed as she apologized.

“I’m sorry for the disturbance that this boy has caused. We’ll just be on our way and—“

“NO! I want to talk to Ray first!” Kai growled moving away from Saeko’s grasp. Saeko glared at him and was about to grab him again when Marilyn blocked her way, frowning at her.

“Maybe…maybe we should let him.” Marilyn pleaded. Saeko glanced at Kai who was frowning slightly at her, his eyes pleading for her to let him talk. He was determined to talk to Ray and nothing is going to stop him from doing so. Saeko could see it in his eyes. That’s why she let out a defeated sigh, silently letting the stubborn boy talk to the diva.

Nothing can stop his stubbornness anyway…so why fight it.

Marilyn turned to him and gave him a nod and an encouraging smile. He nod then turned to Ray who stared back at him, frowning slightly.

“Ray…please…give us another chance…” Kai pleaded, his voice soft and thick with emotions. He took a step forward his eyes glued at Ray.

“I get what you’re saying. Both of us have different dreams and we’re walking different paths to attain those dreams of ours. That someday we might grow apart because of it. I know you’re scared…I am too.” Kai whispered the last part, his eyes looking at the floor momentarily as he internalize what else he wants to say, ignoring the flashes and the murmurs around him. The sound of Saeko’s whip as she whipped the floor made everyone silent again.

Kai’s eyes slowly made their way to Ray again, smiling slightly.

“Regardless of how scary it may be that we’re walking different paths…the thing is…I don’t want to walk anywhere knowing you’re not with me.” Kai took another step towards Ray.

“I don’t want to dream without you. I want us…to dream together. I know with you beside me…I can dream.” He added smiling lovingly at his diva.

“So please…give us a chance to dream together again. Please give me another chance to dream with you.”

There were gasps from the crowd from the girls who were watching. Some of them tearing up from Kai’s heartfelt confession. Well it was mostly girls tearing up while the men turned off their flash just to take pictures of Kai and Ray. At least this way Saeko wouldn’t get mad right?

Everyone turned to look at the diva anticipating her answer. It was like they were witnessing a dorama right before their eyes as the leading actor is trying to win back his leading actress. Everyone is on the edge of their seats right now.

Again it didn’t feel like they were in a conference.

Ray opened her mouth to say something but stopped when Okuma laughed loudly. Everyone turned to him wondering what was so funny when Kai just confessed to the diva. What’s so funny about that? And why is it that his laugh sounded a bit villainy?

“Seriously?! Kai?! God, you crack me up.” Okuma smirked, brushing the tears from his eyes caused by laughing. Kai glared at him.

“But seriously, what are you doing here…dressed up like that again?!” Okuma motioned at Kai.

“What do you mean?”

“What do I mean?! Seriously?! Are you going to act like you don’t know what I mean?” Okuma grinned, challengingly. Does ‘Kai’ really want him to tell everyone what he means??

“Look here, I have nothing against you and that you have feelings for Ray. I get that…but the things is…SHE’S MINE SO BACK OFF!” Kai growled making Ray blush remembering the time when Kai said the same thing back then.

“Oh really?” Okuma raised his eyebrow at the boy.

“Yeah, REALLY.” Kai glared. Their gazes were locked for awhile both fighting for the diva’s ownership. Now the dorama turned into a love triangle where in the other lead male was once gay. This is turning into one awesome dorama for the spectators.

Okuma stared at Kai for awhile. It shocked him earlier to see Nami dress up as Kai again. What was Nami thinking?! Didn’t she know that by dressing up as Kai and disrupting their conference, it’ll endanger her secret even more?! Is Nami really THAT stupid?!

‘But she did send those pictures to the reporter…’ Okuma glanced at the reporter and found him looking at Kai as well. The envelope was still unopened in his hands.

‘Maybe I should turn the spotlight to ‘Kai’ then…since she did dress up and all.’ He grinned as he turned his eyes back at the glaring Kai.

“I don’t think Ray needs a cross dresser like you.” Okuma smirked as everyone let out a gasp. The dorama has once again updated as a ‘once a gay man’ and a ‘cross dresser’ are both fighting for the diva?! Just what kind of dorama is this anyway?!

Kai looked taken aback as he hears people whispering around him.

“Wh-what? I-I’m not a cross dresser! I’ve never even wore a dress before!” Kai defended, glaring at Okuma.

“Don’t deny the truth that you’re a female pretending to be a guy!” Okuma stood up and pointed at Kai who was stunned at his accusations. The cameras once again aimed at Okuma as he added…

“That’s right people. Kai of Persona is a woman pretending to be a man! She fooled us and led us to think that he is male in the very beginning!” Okuma grinned finally letting out Kai’s secret to the world. Everyone was confused at Okuma’s sudden revelation. Kai of Persona…is a woman?!

“Are you digging your grave or something?! Accusing someone from Persona as a female would really end your career!” Okuma’s manager finally stood up and took hold of Okuma’s arm as everyone buzz around about Kai being a woman. Okuma shrugged his hand off and glared at him.

“Just shut up and sit down since you don’t know anything.” He whispered harshly at his manager. He turned back to look at Kai ignoring the pissed off look his manager gave him as he sat back down.

“So Kai? Still going to deny it?” Okuma grinned at Kai who glared at him.

“Calling you Kai seemed pointless now. Maybe I should call you by your real name. Right Na—“

“I would suggest you keep that mouth of yours shut.” Saeko growled and whipped the floor cutting off Okuma.

“Oh? I see. Don’t tell me you’re the ringmaster of this circus act eh? You and Sarukawa maybe?” Okuma glanced at Sarukawa who shook his head excessively. 

“You talk too much. You really are gay.” Saeko sighed as she shook her head making Okuma glare at her.

“I’m going to give you an advice since I like gay people and all.” Saeko smiled dangerously at Okuma.

“Think first before you speak and look around you...” Saeko motioned at her right.

“…because you never know who might be listening you know.” She added as she motioned at her left. Frowning, Okuma turned and his eyes went wide for the third time as he stared at a familiar person sitting down at the back.

There he saw the Akb48 members that left the room earlier…

…and Kawachi Nami was among them.


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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #147 on: January 21, 2011, 07:12:49 PM »
I'm fine with waiting for part 3, FoF. It gives me more time to absorb everything that is going on in part 2. And besides, it's better to take your time writing so that the end result looks good instead of being rushed and looking like crap.

Although, for those who haven't even read part 1, I can't guarantee that they won't kill you until you put up part 3.

I'll admit, I'm surprised at Okuma's quick-thinking after Nami showed him the blackmail photos. But he's no match to Sachou.  :lol: It's good to see her and Marilyn finally make an appearance. I wonder if this is Ray's doing.  :?

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #148 on: January 21, 2011, 08:37:10 PM »
good job buddy. glad you've come back to give us this chapter, I was waiting for this. :D Hope the next one will be soon! :D

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #149 on: January 21, 2011, 10:08:33 PM »
SAEEEE-CHOUUUU!!! AND MARIIILYNNN!!  :w00t:  :w00t:  :w00t: OMG... I'm soooo excited!! You make me actually  :panic:  :panic: when I woke up in the morning and the first thing I did is read your update. It's BRILLIANT!!

And now, ahemm..

1. For the record, Okuma, good job!. I have to say it.. He's done such a good job..until, yeah, he didn't know who he's messing with.  :angry: :angry: It's AKB48!! and the DIVA RAY!!  :lol:  :lol: I so want to wipped that jerk look out of that JERK face when he touch Ray.  :angry: :angry: Talking about it, I hope you let him out of that conference in shame, double shame! first is about insult Kai (and I now I know what is Ray's plan  :twothumbs). He's digging his own grave, like his manager said  :lol: :lol: and second, is the pictures in that reporter's hand... let's them both beat him.. YEAHHH!!

2. Mari-chan is so smart! LOL.. I've never thought of that.

3. For Ray and Nami...  :cry:  :cry:  Let's they be together.. plzzz..

4. I won't mind to wait another week or more.. but hopefully, certainS someone that decided to wait will not do anything to you..  :nervous  :nervous

5. Hope your hell give you a break.. mine is suck as well..  :smhid GANBARE FoF-san!!!

« Last Edit: January 21, 2011, 10:15:21 PM by dee1711 »

Offline bou-j525

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #150 on: January 22, 2011, 01:43:45 AM »
Although, for those who haven't even read part 1, I can't guarantee that they won't kill you until you put up part 3.
4. I won't mind to wait another week or more.. but hopefully, certainS someone that decided to wait will not do anything to you..  :nervous  :nervous

Talking about me?  :smhid

                       Yeaaahhhh...kill me now.  :nervous :nervous  :lol:

Fof's asking me to! So it's not my fault! XD

No seriously, my reactions were:
1- OMG update! I can finally read part 1&2!!!  :cow:
2- Wait a minute, part... ...3?  :shocked
2.5- PART 3?!?!?!?!?   :banghead: 
3- Damn I don't know if I should read 1&2 anyway.....  :?
4- I will wait coz I know I can do it  :thumbup
4.5- What am I so cruel to myself  :panic:  Coz after you posted part 1, everything went well, but the last two days I was like "plz plz plz update soon" because I couldn't wait anymore... and now I'm like "Okay, I need to be strong..... This is going to be hard...."
And finally: Why would I kill FoF if he/she is already in hell?  :nervous
But seriously, I've been in hell during holidays, so I kinda understand you not being able to do anything XD So yeah.... I can't believe I'm saying this but take your time and come back with a great part.... and I am praying for the part 3 to be the last one  :smhid

EDIT:You beat me, gonna read it tonight and give you a whole review of three pages when you'll post part 3.  :smhid :banghead:

« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 08:17:27 PM by bou-j525 »

Offline aoi_sora

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #151 on: January 22, 2011, 05:18:18 AM »
update! update! update!!!  :cow:
wow! nami uses kage bunshin.....
i never know nami is a ninja... hehehehe!
i thought yuu win this time, but when mariko-sama speak ah! they still have a chance
the phone call and the reporter, yuu defeated!
shachou and marilyn is back! yay! :cow:
thank you for the update!!!

Offline ra-nyan

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #152 on: January 22, 2011, 09:38:25 AM »
I read this earlier but I forgot to comment ..

That was a great 2/3 of a chapter. Here I thought Okuma would give up after the 1st part but I guess I think to nicely of him. I had a feeling that Marilyn and Sachou would pop out of this story sooner or later and they could've had a better timing. So cool. HHmmm I wonder who's impersonating Kai. (his entrance was epic btw)

So yeah. Greatly looking forward to the conclusion. Thanks for the update and YAY Hinata!! (Greatly looking forward to her special chapter too)

Offline alexiel17

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #153 on: January 22, 2011, 10:56:47 AM »
This post might look like somebody else's post already but I really have my reasons for it... hehehe :mon sweat: :]

Quote from: HartAKL85 on Today at 02:12:49 AM
Although, for those who haven't even read part 1, I can't guarantee that they won't kill you until you put up part 3.
Hmmm... I was thinking... hmm... is this for me too? :mon huh2: hehehe  :grin:

Another one :]

Quote from: dee1711 on Today at 05:08:33 AM

    4. I won't mind to wait another week or more.. but hopefully, certainS someone that decided to wait will not do anything to you..  :nervous  :nervous
Hmm... I think dee1711 san is referring it to me too....  :] :sweat:  Am I right :nervous   :grin: hehe :] Now I'm getting scared :mon scare:... 

Last qoute  :P ... :]
from bou-j525:
Talking about me?  :smhid
Don't worry, you're not alone :]   looks like I'm alone now.. hehe :]  I'm dead... :imdead: :]

Oh, wait, there's another one :mon sweat:  :]

from FoFsama:  Yeaaahhhh...kill me now.  :nervous :nervous  :lol:
Why would I kill you in the first place anyway... It'll be cruel and well, unforgivable... C'mon did I ever done that to you? :mon innocent: Of course not, right?    hehehe...
Gosh, FoF sama I don't care if you're "late" (as what you've said down there, which I think you aren't for real) at least you'd try your best for updating this fic of yours.
Anyway when I read that there's part 3, I was like  :shocked *eye twitching* But really, if you really need it for your story, then it's super ok  :thumbup :mon thumb:

Sorry but I can't wait anymore, :mon cute: gonna read this even without part 3... I look stupid trying to resist temptation for reading your fic... It's difficult really :mon sweat: I looked like this :mon ghost: for what, 1 week.. (my classmates were scared too... hehehe :] )

So there, FoF sama, if you need to rest then go, nobody's gonna die without you updating anyway, it's pretty obvious since there's a lot of comment right now... (Wow you guys are really fast.  :shocked :mon wtf:)

Thanks sooo much for updating (and for making me patient  :)) Wow, because of you, I've gain values (the values of patience  :peace:!!!  :lol: :lol:) :] hahaha  :grin:


Hmm... just finished reading ch. 21 parts 1&2... Gotta say, I MISSED THIS SOOO MUCH!!! :farofflook:
I didn't made the wrong decision for reading this now even without part 3 because I soo miss this weird feelings when I'm reading your fic (or I just missed this too because last week was a terrible week for me.. reading my notes and memorizing it over and over again bec. of that blasted test of ours... :mon mad: )

Sorry just decided to put it here since it's embarrassing if I'll create another post here... (the readers might think I'm crazy seeing my name twice and all... hehe :mon sweat: )

FoF sama, arigato for creating this story of yours!!! :luvluv2:

Anyway, this came up to me ( just after reading you fic) I just want to guess again (since if you can remember, when I guessed that the one that Ray was talking to on the phone was Seako Sachou... Wow I'm good at guessing here :] hehe )

Just want to guess again, umm.. I just want you people to know that this is just pure guess ok, hahaha  :lol:
Anyway, if you can remember in ch. 15 "Nami's date with Ray" the part that they're getting to know each other ("lovey dovey" moments :] :wriggly:), their background, about their "family", Oh.. think you know what I'm talking about right now :} If you don't then I'll continue... anyway just gonna quote this and I think this will help me get my point   :nervous

“What about you? What’s your family like?” - Ray san :] (just putting this here :nervous)

She asked as she looks at me, smiling. I shrugged.  :inlove: :luvluv1: (sorry can't help it )

“They’re nothing special. Just a typical average family I guess. I have a younger brother who is somewhat like me.” - Nami chan  :yep:
hehe :] LIGHT BULB :]  :grin:

So this is just my guess, I think that the one who's impersonating Kai is Nami's little brother who's a lot like her or am I wrong? :nervous... Anyway, just guessing after all... :mon sweat: Maybe you'll do this to me next time bec. I'm guessing a lot hehe  :grin: :}

I hope you'll update fast FoF sama :] (sooo sorry that my comment was long) hehe it just means that I missed your fic that much :]
« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 08:40:07 PM by alexiel17 »

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #154 on: January 23, 2011, 12:23:50 AM »
^ I was thinking just the same thing about Nami's little brother, except it was the other way around. Nami is Kai while her brother, unfortunately for him, is forced to dress up as Nami..... this just reminded me of a fanfic that I read 3 years ago on this forum.

And there's nothing wrong with double posting. Just don't do too often.  :lol:

Offline bou-j525

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #155 on: January 23, 2011, 03:32:42 AM »
  looks like I'm alone now.. hehe :]  I'm dead... :imdead: :]

 :lol: I am the one alone now XD I changed my mind for the second time XD I just hope I made the right decision... we don't know... if ever a car hit me while I'm coming back from school Knowing how lucky I am, I wouldn't be surprised if I made the wrong decision...  To FoF: If ever you need to do a part 4, tell me about it before, OKAY ?! XD

Offline dark-atrox

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #156 on: January 23, 2011, 04:13:02 AM »
Well, i really have this feeling that this chapter wouldn't be the ending.... ;) or maybe i just don't want this fic to end  :yep: Now thinking the end word makes me sad  :cry: :cry: :cry:
And and... :cry: Shachou's appearance  :yossi: :yossi: :yossi: together with Marilyn  :otomerika: :otomerika: :otomerika: leave it to shachou to come up an idea like that eh?(and Ray  :?:twothumbs though i was wondering how the hell did they pull it of just like that? :? :? :? I'm really curious to who the person pretending to be Nami in the crowd (cause i have this feeling that it was the real Nami who barged in the press-con :huhuh) or my guess was wrong  :nervous
And the reporter guy, in disguise, hundred points for him for riling up Dr. Yuu  :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: i thought it was Mariko-sama but then you mentioned them at the last part being together... :lol: :lol:
SOoooo, :( :( :( the next chapter will be the e- Kami, i can't say it.. :cry: t-the e-end? :bleed eyes:

PS: I was like this when i saw there's an update  :w00t: then like this when i read about the part 3 thing  :shocked though I'm glad i didn't read the E word yet  :nervous
Don't take too long to update, Author-san  :bow: :bow: :bow:


@bou-j525 you're awesome  :thumbsup did you know that? it's been like what 2 or 3 weeks had past and you didn't read part 1, and then part 2 was finally awt....and wah-la what a surprise...there's a part 3.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: my respect for your patience will leveled up to a higher notch if you could still hold yourself from reading the two 0-some chapters  :lol: :lol: :lol: (cauze it was me, i'll read them in a heartbeat, just like what i did seconds ago  :P)

Offline imcutek

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #157 on: February 19, 2011, 09:22:54 PM »
this is my first time posting on this fanfic but I had to say that I am really enjoying it and I cant wait until you update it again. I check it every day to see if you have updated so please update soon  :)

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #158 on: February 26, 2011, 04:34:55 PM »
Um, hello author-sama. Don't mean to be rude, but it has been over a month and I was wonder if you are still continuing this story or not.

Offline hott3stson3

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (WIP)
« Reply #159 on: March 05, 2011, 05:49:40 AM »
please please please please please please (gasps) please please update soon!!!!!  :cry:
ur making me nuts!!!! :panic: :panic: :panic:
but aside from making me cry, panic, and check ur blog every 5 seconds too see if you updated
I love ur fanfic!!!! Its awesome, i got addicted to it the first time i read it  :twothumbs
so please....

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