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Author Topic: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Nami/Ray, Nami/Acchan) - COMPLETED  (Read 184350 times)

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epi 1 UP)
« Reply #200 on: October 10, 2011, 01:07:51 AM »
Please do a sequel to TPoF! Can you imagine the epic battle between Ray and Acchan to win Nami's love?  :rofl: I wouldn't know who side to take but it would be a nice closure to the fic.

Offline Hart

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epi 1 UP)
« Reply #201 on: October 10, 2011, 02:24:02 AM »
Well it's about time, FoF-sama.

Acchan knowing about Ray & Nami's relationship was a surprise, unless I missed something earlier. (Might have to re-read this all over again. Not that it's a bad thing, of course.  :D  )

Of course the flower admirer is Ray.

Who was that couple in the beginning? I'd be surprised if it was actually Jiro.  :lol:

It better not take more than half a year to get the second part of the epilogue out. Oh yeah, immo also needs to release the last chapter of another great Mendol fanfic.

Who will claim to be the first author to complete a Mendol fanfic? FoF or immo?

We'll find out.....hopefully before the year ends.  :lol:

Offline Japanime1

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epi 1 UP)
« Reply #202 on: October 10, 2011, 05:38:59 PM »
OH FoF-sama!!! :bow: :bow: :bow:

I shall take this gift with the most joy. d(T^T)b THANK YOU!!! :deco:

---PS: I saw your comment on my blog earlier, lol. I vow to dedicate that oneshot to you whenever it's up. :thumbsup

Offline haruhi16

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epi 1 UP)
« Reply #203 on: October 10, 2011, 07:22:11 PM »
Nice chapter <3

You should write more Kojiyuu <3

please update soon..

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epi 1 UP)
« Reply #204 on: October 11, 2011, 04:42:50 PM »
this seems like the start of a sequel already, FoF. Keep going with it. :D

Offline Hart

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epi 1 UP)
« Reply #205 on: October 13, 2011, 12:16:25 PM »
^ Still waiting for your last chapter to be posted.  :P

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epi 1 UP)
« Reply #206 on: October 13, 2011, 05:05:29 PM »
hahah... riiiiight. I better get on that. :P Since FoF has updated, I guess I should, too.

Offline yanling

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epi 1 UP)
« Reply #207 on: October 21, 2011, 03:15:51 PM »
 :wub:FoFsama,I’m the first time in reply here,just so love your story,it' so amazing~!!!
en,I want to translate your story,I'm Chinese.Just want share your story to Takamina's fans.
If you don’t like,I'm sorry to disturb you.I will continue to support your story,you are one of my favorites~!!

Offline FoF

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epi 1 UP)
« Reply #208 on: November 22, 2011, 05:04:53 PM »
Nearing it...



Epilogue Part 2

‘Night shift once again. My life sucks.’ A nurse sighs as she sat at the nurse station. It sucks to be in the night shift. The hospital is just…dead at night. Well that and somehow she doesn’t have much of a social life nowadays what with her friends working in the morning and partying in the evening.

She can’t party in the morning now can she?

Sighing, she turned on the television and started beating the remote looking for a good show to watch. She frowned and stopped pressing the buttons when she heard a clanking sound coming from the hallway. It was getting louder and louder which means someone is about to head her way.

The sound it's like the sound of someone wearing...high heels...?

Frowning, the nurse stood up and leaned to the counter to see who was heading her way. Her eyebrow raised when she saw a stylish looking woman wearing a hoodie dress with its hood over her head and sunglasses covering her eyes. The woman was carrying a bouquet of flowers cradling it in her arm, obviously with an intent to give it to someone who is currently residing in the hospital.

"Excuse me, but visiting hours ended a couple of hours ago." The nurse said to the unknown woman as she neared the nurse station. Despite being polite, the woman still ignored the nurse as she walked passed her.

"H-hey! Y-you can't just--"

"I'm sorry for the disturbance, but this is only going to take a little while." A voice suddenly cut her off, surprising her. She turned towards the voice and found a huge man near her, smiling apologetically.

When did this monstrous man get here without her hearing it?!


"Please just let her visit. Please. Have mercy." The nurse was taken aback as huge hands were suddenly holding hers. It felt weird to see a man such as this person in front of her pleading. It makes her wonder what kind of woman his boss is for him to beg as if his life depended on it. And is that unshed tears she sees in his eyes?

The nurse sighs defeatedly.



Ray stood in front of the door, clutching the bouquet of flowers tightly. Her nerves were acting up as she thought of the person inside. The thought of seeing her again, made her feel anxious. She longed to see the girl again. She had dreamt countless of times about seeing her. But, given the situation, she didn't want to see her this way. It never entered her mind to see Nami in a hospital.

To her, this is probably a nightmare.

She breathed deep, trying to calm her pounding heart as she reached for the doorknob. She stared at it for awhile praying that Gori's report about Nami being given something to make her sleep and that no one was inside besides the girl was accurate.

If not, then Gori's going to be in big trouble. BIG trouble.

Slowly and quietly, Ray opened the door, revealing the room where Nami is. Only the hum of the AC could be heard as she stepped inside, not bothering to close the door and turn on the lights as there was a night light on near Nami's bed. She slowly made her way to where the little girl is sleeping, her heart clenched at the sight. The girl was sleeping peacefully, her head tilted slightly to her right. The sight of the girls' hand connected to an IV made her feel heavy.

Tears began to form in her eyes.


End of Flashback

Ray blinked back as she felt a hand rest on her shoulder. She looked up, finding the owner of the hand looking at her worriedly.

"Are you alright my dear?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Ray smiled, assuring the old woman. That didn't seem to work though as the old woman stared at her with worried eyes.

"I'm fine, Obaachan. I was just thinking about something."

"Maybe you shouldn't go back then."

"I have to." Ray slowly stood up from where she's sitting. Still wearing a smile on her face as she looked at her grandmother, she added;

"I don't want to miss this concert for the world."


"I'm telling you it'd be awesome! Can you imagine the hype it'll create if it were to happen? I'm sure Japan would love it! Heck, even people around the world would pay to watch it! Who wouldn't want to see mascots fight to the death right?! Wouldn't you want to see Kenketsu-chan and Pipo-kun get it on in a caged ring?! That would be so coool! Personally, I think Kenketsu-chan would win it though since she is the 'blood donation girl.' She'd probably suck Pipo-kun's blood using some syringe. And how about Gachapin and Morizo fighting to see who's the greenest of them all! Right? Right?!" Hinata babbled as she beamed. Leaning on all fours up the stage, she crawled towards the two members whom she's talking to.

Tomochin stared at her with her eyebrow raised while Maeda smiled awkwardly.

"Right?" Hinata asked again, wanting for the two to agree to her. Tomochin turned to Maeda still with her eyebrow raised.

"Why are we listening to her again?" Tomochin said in a bored tone, pointing at Hinata.

"Tomochin..." Maeda scolded, slightly hitting Tomochin on the arm.

"How rude." Hinata pouts as she pulled away and sat back. She crossed her arm to her chest, frowning at Tomochin who sighed and shook her head.

"But to answer your're listening to me because I don't have anyone to talk to. Apparently, my two best friends are currently in their own world right now." Hinata added, looking to the side with a pout and a frown on her face.

"Asahi's too busy with Yuko..." Hinata pointed behind her wherein Asahi is trying to push a reluctant Yuko away from her. Though they are together, there are still times wherein Asahi can't take Yuko's perversion.

Like right now as Yuko suddenly wanted to feel her boobs.

"Nami's too busy  practicing with Sayaka." Hinata pointed towards the backstage entrance where she knows Nami is. As she's sitting indian style, Hinata rests her right elbow to her right knee. She rests her head on her hand and sighed.

"Sometimes I think Nami has a crush on Sayaka or something." She grumbled, earning another confused look from the two in front of her. Seeing their confused stares, Hinata was about to say some evidences about Nami crushing Sayaka but was cut off as someone slapped her head.

"Ittai~!" Hinata groaned. She looked up and saw the little captain looking down at her with her eyes narrowed dangerously.

"What was that for?!" Hinata pouted, knowing quite well that Nami didn't hear what she said.

Or did she...?

"I just had a feeling that you were doing something Hinata-like again." Nami said as she sat beside her.

"Had to stop you, you know." She added, chuckling. Surprisingly, Hinata pushed her and crawled towards Maeda and Tomochin, placing herself between the two.

"Whatever! I'm just going to inform you, in case you didn't know..." Hinata placed her arm around the two who looked confused as Nami.

"I've got new besties now. So run along now to your gorilla." Hinata stuck out her tongue to Nami who shook her head, smiling slightly, amused that Hinata is jealous.


Somehow seeing Nami smiling annoyed Hinata. She removed her arm on Tomochin and placed it to Maeda, hugging her by the shoulder.

"And I'm proposing to Acchan right now to be my wife!" She added, frowning at Nami. The latter girl raised her eyebrow while Maeda looked at Hinata a bit surprised.

Proposing? Wife?

"Are you high on something?" Nami asked. Instead of answering the little captain, Hinata removed her hold on Maeda and grabbed both her hands. She turned to the surprised girl, looking her seriously in the eyes.

"Maeda Atsuko, will do me the honor of being my wife?" She squeezed Maeda's hands with her own.

"E-ehhh?" Maeda looked at Hinata then their hands, back and forth. How did their conversation quickly turned into something like this?? It was pretty confusing for the ace.

"Scratch that. You ARE high on something." Nami sighed, facepalming herself. Tomochin on the other hand pulled out her phone and took a picture of the two, clearly amused at what was happening. She chuckled as she looked at the photo she took. This was definitely blog worthy.

"Who's high on something?" Yukarin asked as she makes her way towards the group. She sat down beside Nami, placing her bag beside her.

"Our genius over here just proposed to Acchan." Nami answered, pointing at Hinata. Yukarin frowned slightly as she looked at Maeda and Hinata.

"Oh really? I thought you were more on to the 'HiMari' coupling?" Yukarin asked, tapping her lips as if in though. Nami raised her eyebrow at the taller girl wondering why she'd bring that up.

Nami never thought that Yukarin is a fan of the oh so famous, imaginary 'HiMari' coupling. But then again, she's probably just enjoying the Hinata and Mariko interaction. It is fun for the girl to see the exasperation look of Mariko whenever Hinata torments her. Nami could agree to that. Watching Mariko loose her coolness is nice to see as it feels like their seeing Mariko pull down her walls. Makes her more...human.

But Nami will definitely not going to say that out loud in fear for her life.

"'HiMari?'" Tomochin tilted her head slightly, a bit confused. She had heard AKB48 couplings before but hearing the coupling name HiMari is definitely new to her. Is that supposed to be Hinata and Mariko?? Since when did they form a coupling together?

"Don't ask." The little captain waved her hand dismissively.

"The HiMari coupling will live on in the hearts of many!" Hinata retorted, frowning at Yukari.

'Many hearts aren't even aware of that coupling you know.' Nami sighed as she shook her head.

"Is that so? I'm sure Mariko would be crushed to hear about your proposal though." Yukarin shook her head, smiling slightly.

"She...will?" Hinata softly said sounding a bit...hopeful?

Mariko would be...?

'No she's not.' Nami and Yukarin thought simultaneously knowing quite well that the taller girl would celebrate her somewhat freedom from that imaginary coupling of theirs. Hinata is the only one who's dedicated to that coupling anyway.

For what reasons? The two need not want to know again for its ridiculousness.

"I don't want to hurt Mariko..." Hinata slowly lowered hers and Maeda's hands placing them on Maeda's knees.

'You won't.' Nami and Yukarin narrowed their eyes, not surprised that Hinata fell for it. Hinata looked at Maeda, smiling slightly.

"I'm sorry Acchan...but...I can't accept your proposal. I can't be your wife." Yukarin and Nami glanced at each other, still with their eyes narrowed. They're doing the narrowing for Mariko's sake. Although, knowing how sadistic Mariko is, she'd probably kick Hinata's ass instead of narrow her eyes at the girl.

Good thing she's not here then.

"I guess...the 'Hitsuko' just wouldn't work out." Hinata shook her head, uttering the new coupling name she came up with.


"Maybe in another alternative universe we can marry each other." Hinata added, smiling sadly.

"Uh...." Maeda answered confused. She can't help but give an awkward smile not knowing what she should say to the other girl.

Should she agree or what?

Somehow the poor excuse of a dorama stopped when the four heard a scoff coming out of Tomochin. They all turned to Tomochin and found the little fashionista covering her mouth trying to hold her laughter.

"You guys sure are an interesting bunch." Tomochin giggled. Nami sighed while Yukarin chuckled silently agreeing to what Tomochin said. Hinata turned to Tomochin, releasing Maeda's hand from her hold.

"Of course we are!" She beamed. Maeda blinked back the confusion then smiled genuinely at the beaming girl, knowing quite well that they are indeed an interesting bunch.

"That reminds me though." Nami suddenly said as if noticing something missing in the picture. Four pair of eyes turned to her.

"Where's Mariko-sama? Practice will begin any minute now." Nami looked at the watch on her wrist. It was odd since Mariko would come a bit earlier when it's time for practice.

"Oh...about that." All eyes turned to Yukarin as she scratches her head.


Ray pushed her sunglasses further up the bridge of her nose, fixed her hat and hoodie then pulled her luggage, heading towards the exit of the airport. There she saw Gori waiting for her. She looked around sighing in relief when she found that there were no reporters around.

She really doesn't need them right now.

A genuine smile graced her lips as she stepped out of the automatic door, glad that she's back in Tokyo. She really missed the city.

"Welcome back miss. How was your flight?" Gori greeted, bowing to his boss.

"It was fine." Ray replied, handing Gori her luggage. Gori walked towards the luxury car with Ray following a few feet away.

"Everything okay while I was away?" Ray asked, a hidden question behind what she said.

Is Nami okay?

Gori couldn't help but smile slightly as he opened the trunk and placing his boss luggage inside it. He obviously got her hidden question. It was so obvious since it is the one thing that her boss is constantly thinking about.

The one thing that made her come back.

"Everything is okay." Gori said as he turned to look at her boss, smiling slightly. Ray stared at his expression for awhile until she looked away, nodding her head, giving her bodyguard to see her smile shyly at the ground.

"Good." She said softly. It's good to hear that...everything is okay.

Taking a deep breath, Gori made his way towards the car and opened the car door. Ray frowned as she noticed Gori's sudden change of demeanor. It's like...he's nervous or something. She can even see sweat coming from his forehead. It wasn't that hot right now so...

...what's he nervous about?

Shaking her head, she ignored Gori's sudden change and made her way towards the car. Once she stepped inside, she removed her sunglasses and gasped as it finally dawned to her why Gori was nervous.

Her biggest fear.

There in her full glory was none other than Shinoda Mariko, her best friend, grinning at her.

"No phone call or a blasted mail for 7 months huh." Mariko said as she clenched her skinny fist that definitely pack a punch. Ray gulped upon seeing that and turned to get out of the car but...

...Gori closed the door.

He is so dead.

But then again, looking at the person beside her gritting her teeth with her fists clenched... is she.


Nami frowned as she closed her phone. Still no mail or a phone call from Mariko when she at least sent 20 messages and kept calling the taller girl asking where she is and if she's alright. She can't help but worry. Something must have come up for her to miss morning practice.

'Just who called her up anyway?' Nami sighed, putting her phone back to her pocket, remembering Yukarin saying that Mariko received a mysterious phone call while they were walking and all of a sudden, began running away telling Yukarin that she'll catch up.

Just what was that about?

"Still nothing?" Asahi asked as she walked towards the captain wearing her costume much like Nami is.

"Yeah. She's not answering any of my messages or phone calls." Nami said, worry evident on her voice. Asahi smiled slightly, placing a hand on the little captain's shoulder trying to console her.

"I'm sure she's fine."

"Yeah." Another sigh. Nami just wished that Mariko would let them know that she is indeed okay. She just wanted some assurance.

"Mariko-sama!" Both turned to see Hinata moving in to hug the tall girl who just entered the backstage door.

"Ugh! Don't even think about it!" Mariko growled pushing Hinata's head away from her. The latter girl's arms still reaching for the taller girl regardless of the painful pushing the taller girl is doing. Both Asahi and Nami walked towards the two. Asahi couldn't help but smile painfully at the sight. It was oh so familiar.

"Where were you?! Didn't you know how worried we were?!" Nami looked pissed, placing her hands on her waist as she glared at the tall girl who pushed the persistent Hinata away from her, making the latter stumble a bit.

Hinata pouted as she rubbed her face. Mariko just rolled her eyes then turned to Nami.

"I had a feeling since you bombarded me with messages and phone calls." Mariko said nonchalantly, making Nami even more pissed off.

"Yet you didn't even bother to reply to any of them?! What's up with that?!"

Mariko raised her eyebrow, hearing the usual tone of captain Nami of Team A whenever she's pissed off. She knew Nami was a little bit pissed that she's neglecting her responsibilities as a member of AKB48 by not showing up at morning practice since the concert is going to be held tonight. But then again, it felt like she was more worried about how Mariko didn't inform them...or rather her...that she was alright. Obviously, the little like her little friend was a lot more worried about Mariko's welfare than her being irresponsible. The messages that she sent were not only evidence of that, but also the way her friend is confronting her right now could attest to how worried Nami is for Mariko.

This is Nami, her friend speaking...not the captain of Team A.

Seeing her friend like this, it was rather flattering for the tall girl that she couldn't help but smile at her pissed off friend. Somehow, seeing the warm smile coming from Mariko, confuses the little girl.

"Wh-what are you smiling about?" Nami stammered, raising her eyebrow. Her confused state falter a bit as she felt Mariko pet her head, slightly messing her hair. She felt even more confused by it especially with the warm look Mariko is giving her. Mariko looked almost like a...mother. But then again, if Nami looked at her closely, she'd definitely see the mischievous glint in the taller girls eyes.

"I know I made a mistake of not informing you of my whereabouts. Sure...go ahead and rant about it. Yell at me, hate me now..." Mariko's hand, the one who was caressing the little captain's head, slowly made its way to Nami's collar. The taller girl took hold of it then pulled it towards her, surprising its owner. Their faces were only inches from each other, foreheads touching.

Mariko grinned. Nami gulped.

"...but I tell you, later are SO going to thank me." Mariko growled dangerously. Sure Nami should be terrified, but then again she couldn't help but frown noticing the look on the taller girl.

Mariko looked...happy...?

With a smirk, Mariko pushed Nami away and walked away leaving Nami a bit baffled by what happened.

"Wh-what was that about?" Nami asked, looking at Mariko's back as she walked away.

"Who knows. It is Mariko and all." Hinata replied, standing next to Nami with her arms crossed to her chest. Nami turned to her, frowning when she found the ex-loli girl wearing a knowing smile.

"You sound like you know what that is about."

"But of course! You seem to forget..." Hinata beamed and turned to Nami.

"...I am General Miichan, remember?" The ex-loli girl gave her bestfriend a wink then strolled off, leaving the little captain to narrow her eyes at her back.

"General Miichan huh...?"

"She has a point though." Asahi said, her usual smile plastered on her face. Nami noticed it and frowned slightly.

"Don't tell me you know something about that too."

"I'm the airhead type. How should I know?" Asahi shrugged as she tilted her head, her eyes twinkling in delight. Nami sighed, knowing quite well that her friends are now planning something and apparently, she's being kept in the dark about it. The question is, why...

...and what?


The's noisier than ever. You could hear them chanting for us. Looking at the glow sticks waving for us, it's like a dream. It feels surreal. I never once thought that we'd be here.

Our first ever Budokan concert...I it'll turn out?
I'm not dreaming, am I?

You know, if I was a cry baby, I'd probably cry my eyes out for performing here. It is Budokan and all. I wonder though, when you had your first concert here...did you cry? Or were you just like me, who's just swelling up with pride?

I wonder...what were you like back then.

"You okay Nami-chan?" Maeda asked, placing a hand on Nami's shoulder. The latter girl looked away from the crowd and turned to the worried ace, smiling slightly.

"Yeah...I'm just...a bit nervous you know." The little bit was an understatement. She wasn't just 'a bit' nervous. Nami was nervous as hell but she didn't want to voice it out to Maeda knowing quite well that it might also affect the ace. Maeda could see it though. It was visible in Nami's eyes that she was nervous. Frightened even. She wonders if someone pointed it out to Nami before.

That she has such beautiful expressive eyes.

The ace finds it quite attractive. But sometimes she feels a bit bad for reading the little captain through her eyes. It feels like...she's invading Nami's privacy or something. But then again, if she didn't read her through her eyes, she wouldn't know how the little captain truly felt. How she longed for someone.

The top selling diva.

"I can understand that." Her reply both agreeing to what the little captain said and for her thoughts about a certain diva. Not knowing that there was another meaning behind Maeda's reply, Nami nodded her head and turned back to look at the crowd. Maeda followed suit, looking at the crowd, smiling slightly.

"I'm a bit nervous as well. But you know..." Maeda trailed, her eyes still glued at the crowd while Nami's slowly made it's way back to hers.

"...just thinking about how many people we'd get to entertain right now, calms me. People who like us, love us and care for us." Maeda slowly turned to Nami still wearing that comforting smile of hers.

"Thinking how much they'll be happy to see us's fulfilling." Maeda squeezed her hand that was still resting on Nami's shoulder.

"And maybe...just maybe there's also that one person special to us watching. Doesn't that just make you feel like you should do your best? For them?" Nami stared at the ace for awhile, feeling a bit confused at what the ace is telling her.
Her special person? That would be...

'No way.' Nami sighed, looking at the floor, dejectedly.

'She wouldn't be...'

"Think about those and it'll definitely give you the courage. Someone did say that 'being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage' right?" Maeda said. Nami turned to look at Maeda again. She stared at the smiling ace for a few seconds until she herself smiled back.

"Want to take my place as captain of team A?" The little girl offered the ace. Maeda shook her head.

"Nah. You're more suitable for it than I am."

"Really? Because I swear that's one of the best pep talk I've heard in awhile." Nami teases the ace who raised her eyebrow, both her hands on her waist, looking a bit playful.

"Yeah? But is it working?"

"Yeah...yeah it is. Thanks." Nami answered softly, feeling her nervousness slowly fading because of the ace in front of her. Hearing those words...Maeda's pep talk...that was all she needed to hear. Maeda removed her hands to her waist, resting it to her side, a smile on her face.

"Anytime." Maeda answered just as softly as she nods her head. Both the ace and the captain stared at each other for awhile, happy that they can count on each other as the overtures could be heard.

Acchan was right.
It was amazing.

The concert...even though it felt like I was getting tired...there's a part of me that didn't want it to end. Hearing their chants...their yell...their applause... just seeing the happy faces when we performed somehow gives me strength to give it our all. Gives everyone of us strength to perform our very best.

But...was Acchan also right that my special someone is watching?
Were you watching me?
Were you there while we were performing our very best?
While I was looking around...did my eyes miss yours?
It's weird...but somehow...somehow I felt it.

I felt you.

It's were there...chanting for me.
Yelling for my name over and over again, giving me that wide smile of yours.
Or's just wishful thinking.
Yeah that's probably it.
If that is the case...
Then maybe...

...Acchan wasn't right.


Mariko, who was standing beside Nami, nudge her with her skinny elbow making the little girl look at her, frowning.


The tall girl rolled her eyes and motioned her head towards all the members of AKB48 who where waiting for the usual end of the performance speech from the little captain.

"Oh. Right." Nami smiled sheepishly as she scratched the back of her head making Mariko roll her eyes once again, a smile tugging at her lips. Maeda chuckled while her two best friends, Asahi and Hinata just smiled, their eyes encouraging the little girl.

"You guys were all great! Our first Budokan concert is a success!" Nami beamed making everyone smile back. Some even let out a cheer happy about their success.

"I'm sure you guys are just bursting with energy! At least...I am!" Some members nodded their head while the others just smiled.

"Well, I'm actually pretty tired." Mariko said, smiling. Only those near her heard her making them chuckle.

"Of course you'd be tired. Blame it on ol-mmpprrrrrff." Asahi quickly covered Hinata's mouth knowing quite well what her bestfriend was about to say. If she let Hinata finish, for sure the usual bickering of the 'HiMari' coupling would start again.

Now's not the time for that really.

Nami gave Asahi a 'thank you' look knowing quite well what might've happened if she didn't intervene with Hinata's big mouth. Turning back to the awaiting members, Nami continued her speech.

"Anyway, with this success, I want you guys to remember the different kinds of feelings you had while performing or before performing. That fear, excitement and joy you all felt. Those feelings that make you feel alive. You should all yearn for it. Be it performing in the theater or another concert, never forget that feeling because with that feeling, I'm sure we'd reach another success along this road that we are all taking." Nami smiled as she looked at each member. She still wasn't used to the whole leadership thing, but seeing them listening quietly, nodding their heads and smiling brightly made her hope that what she's it stupid or embarrassing...would somehow motivate them.

Because...that's how a leader should be, right? Motivating your team.

"So let's continue to do our best alright?!"

"YEAH!" Was the thunderous reply of every member, agreeing to their captain who smiled widely.

"We're going to conquer Japan!!" Hinata suddenly yelled as she pumped her fist in the air. Every member, except Mariko, Asahi and Nami, gave another thunderous 'yeah' as they too pumped their fists in the air. Mariko narrowed her eyes while Nami smiled slightly as they looked at Asahi who gave an apologetic look feeling a bit guilty for removing her hand from Hinata's mouth.

Clearly she didn't know that Hinata would say that.

Apparently, their crazy friend wasn't finished as she decided to yell again.

"And let's all support the HiMmmmrphhhh!" Asahi and even Mariko quickly covered the girls mouth wanting to stop the girls attempt to plug her and Mariko's imaginary pairing. Mariko definitely don't want everyone to know about their imaginary pairing regardless of it being imaginary. She just...doesn't want to lose cool points or respect you know.

She is Mariko-sama and all.

The members stared at a struggling Hinata, wondering what it is she was about to say so they could all go yell 'yeah' again. Noticing the confusion, Nami decided to step up to ease the confusion...

" Yeah. That's right...God!"


Confusion arises once again at what their captain said. Some were looking at each other, their eyebrow raised while some just looked at her completely and utterly confused.

They should...all support...God? Should they all yell yeah for that too?

'God? Seriously? That's what you came up with?' Nami's inner Mariko asked the lame queen who gave her inner self a shrug. Nami noticed the looks from her friends as well obviously feeling the same as her inner Mariko.

All hail the queen of lameness, Nami.

Luckily for her, Sayaka and Yuki decided to help the little captain up. Both stood beside her.

"Anyway, as Nami said earlier, we did a great job! We should all be proud of that!" Yuki said, smiling.

"Yeah, let's keep it up from now on, okay?!" Sayaka yelled, pumping her fist up. Somehow it worked as they replied with another loud 'yeah.' Nami turned to Yuki and Sayaka giving them a smile of thanks. Both gave the little captain a nod, smiling. The three captains looked at each other having a silent conversation until the three stepped forward and yelled simultaneously, bowing.

"Otsukaresama deshita!"

Every member followed suit.


With every member doing their own thing, Nami looked for her friends as she walked around. It was odd. after the whole speech thing...that almost failed because of the God thing...Marilyn immediately smothered the little captain in a hug much to Nami's protest.

She was sweaty and all.

Saeko walked towards the two soon after, telling her that she did a good job and that she should keep it up. The three talked for awhile...well mostly Saeko as she reminds Nami of what was in store form them tomorrow. The energy she felt earlier soon wears off as she listens to Saeko.

She just finished a concert and now she had to work all day tomorrow? Great. There's really no rest for the wicked huh?

After agreeing half heartedly to whatever busy schedule Saeko is saying, Nami decided to look for her friends who, oddly enough, mysteriously disappeared. 

'Where are they?' Nami frowned as she looked around the backstage. While walking around, she had a few conversation with some of the members and the staff. She asked them about their missing friends and frowned when they answered that they hadn't seen them since the whole end of the performance speech.

If that is the case...should she be...worried?

Before she could contemplate on whatever reason why she couldn't find her friends, in an empty hallway, a hand surprises her coming from behind, covering her mouth. She turned to look at the owner, her eyes widen as she found...

for the last time.  :nervous


AN: Sorry bout that. Have to cut it again since I have no idea how I'll play out the last scene. It's all jumbled out in my head thus the big cliff hanger. I actually even had a hard time writing Nami's speech. I've been writing all day in my room! :lol: Odd thing is, this is probably the closest chapter that felt like I was writing POF again. Obviously I forgot how to write it because of the mini hiatus I did.  :smhid Anyway, give me a few hours for El Fin. You guys should check out immo's El Fin as well in!  XD

Thanks and later guys! :)

Offline haruhi16

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epilogue Part 2 UP)
« Reply #209 on: November 22, 2011, 05:30:45 PM »
Omg! an update! FINALLY!! Yay their first Budokan concert was a success!  :cow: GO girls! you will conquer the Japan!!  :otomerika:

LOL at MariMii/HiMari pairing! I seriously love those two! I hope they'll end up together! And Mariko should stop being so cold to her Gachapin..and of course Miichan is being childish again! Ughh! Aww come on!  Take it seriously you guys!

Thanks for the update! I hope you update soon! I love this chapter!!  :heart: :heart:

Offline Sydney W

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epilogue Part 2 UP)
« Reply #210 on: November 22, 2011, 05:35:21 PM »
douzo...... please update....... i want to know the next storyline...... thank you.......

Offline kahem

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epilogue Part 2 UP)
« Reply #211 on: November 22, 2011, 07:21:02 PM »
Ahhhhhhh! You cut at the best part!

Offline CrimsonGrxy

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epilogue Part 2 UP)
« Reply #212 on: November 23, 2011, 12:08:47 AM »
pls do update!  :bow:

Offline dee1711

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epilogue Part 2 UP)
« Reply #213 on: November 23, 2011, 02:49:24 AM »
Urrrrrggg.. even I hate you for hang it right then and there.. but still.. I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH FOR UPDATE SO I CANT EVEN HATE YOU  :heart: :heart:

I wIlling to wait  :bow:  :bow: You know that, don't you  :bow:  :bow: I follow this since the beginning already.. I need happy endinggggg  :inlove:  :inlove:

otherwise I'll flood your page by my tear  :panic:  :panic: (just kidding)

Thank you  :bow:  :bow:

Offline bou-j525

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epilogue Part 2 UP)
« Reply #214 on: November 23, 2011, 05:58:28 AM »
Hinata, you're adorable XD ---->Hitsuko<----

That explains how much tired I am. And even so, I did read your second part. Twice. And I'm about to read it again.
I can't believe you cut at the most important part. I could hear the endless "Nooooooooooooooooooo" in my head XD

Well, waiting for your next update  :grin: I MISSED YOUR STORY SO MUCH ;;_____;;

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epilogue Part 2 UP)
« Reply #215 on: November 23, 2011, 09:59:03 PM »
Somehow I think the way Nami got herself back in the hospital isn't as serious as it seems.

How will this story end? Will the 'HiMari' couple become real?

Offline FoF

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (COMPLETED)
« Reply #216 on: January 05, 2012, 09:14:02 AM »

Better late than never I always say.  :nervous


Can you believe it actually took me a month to write this? No, really. I think I must've written this 50 times as I just change it every time I read it. There are a bunch of scenes that would look good or better for the final but...I guess this'll do.  :nervous
I'm not really that happy about this really. I'm happy that it ends though.  :nervous

Hope you guys like it. No really, I really hope you guys would like it.  :nervous

 :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:


Epilogue: Final

She felt her heart beat fast as a hand covered her mouth, surprising her. Hands then wrapped around her shoulder making her jump slightly. A kidnapper? But their hand seemed feminine and their hands aren't gripping her at all. It's a little bit...loose. So who...?

Nami slowly turned to look over her shoulder. Her eyes widen for a few seconds then narrowed when she found a familiar face beaming at her.

"Scared ya didn't I?" Yukarin wiggled her eyebrows, Hinata style. Grumbling, Nami took hold of Yukarin's hand covering her mouth and removed it. She stepped out of the taller girl's embrace and faced her, frowning.

"No you didn't!" Nami denied making the other girl narrow her eyes grinning. Clearly Yukarin doesn't believe her.

"There you are. We've been looking all over the place for you." Mariko growled, walking towards the two.

"Shouldn't I be the one saying that since I've been wandering around loo--" Nami was suddenly cut off by Mariko yanking her arm, not giving her a chance to retort back her frustrations for their disappearance.

"Yeah, yeah. C'mon, I think we found your secret admirer."

"Uh...wh-what?" Nami turned to Yukarin who gave her a grin and a nod.

Her...secret admirer?

"The one who keeps giving me flowers?"

"Is there any other secret admirer that you're keeping from us?" Yukarin grinned at the little captain, leaning close to her, a teasing smile on her face.

"N-no!" Nami blushed, shaking her head vigorously. There's no one besides her flower admirer that seemed so...hardcore for her. That person kept on giving her flowers after every performance she has leaving only a card that says, 'To my lovely Nami, soon...' No initials from who sent it. Just those words. It was somewhat creepy for the little girl to the point that she pondered if she should take up Hinata's advice about calling the police and make them scan the card for fingerprints to nail her flower admirer.

Yes, she was THAT creeped out about it.

"C'mon then." Mariko yanked Nami's arm again but the little captain kept her feet rooted to the spot, preventing them to move forward.


"The girl obviously wants to see you personally, duh." Mariko rolled her eyes and yanked again.

"It's a...girl?" Nami tilted her head. Sure her friends dubbed her mysterious fan as a girl, saying that it seemed fitting that it would be a girl what with Nami being an L and all...which somehow doesn't really make sense to Nami finding their theory to be weird...but somehow hearing from Mariko that it is indeed a girl was still a bit...surprising. This revelation somehow made her heart beat a little bit faster.

Could it be...?

Nah. Impossible.

Nami shook her head, eyes downcast, somehow trying to remove the burning hope inside of her. Mariko saw that familiar look across Nami's face again. For the past 7 months, she'd been seeing that look from Nami and every time she sees that, a part of her wants to punch her little friend out just so she won't see Nami looking like it's getting hard for her to live everyday. That's how much she hates the depression that's oozing out of the girl whenever she thinks of the diva.

But this time, instead of her usual urge to kick her friends ass, Mariko felt...different. It felt different, knowing that there's a chance to end Nami's depression.

'Hopefully, it will be different.' Mariko thought, her eyes still trained at her little friend, a smile adoring her face.

"Remember earlier, I told you you'd thank me?" Mariko squeezed her friend's arm, making the other to look at her, frowning slightly.

"For what?"

"You'll see." Mariko answered grinning. A full frown was now seen on Nami's face as she lets the two drag her. Mariko pulled her while Yukarin pushed her from behind.

Nami sighed defeatedly.

"Why are you guys so insistent on me meeting her anyway?" 

"She's your fan...and she's giving you flowers all the time! The least you could do is thank her for it." Yukarin replied behind her.

"Or you can tell her to stop being creepy and that she should lay off on the bouquet of flowers because you apartment looks like a flower shop now." Mariko smirked, glancing at the little girl behind her who looked at the side obviously agreeing to her.

"Quoted for truth!" Yukarin giggled. Nami sighed again looking unsure of whether or not she should go inside or not. There's something inside her that's holding her back, making her feel the need to run away. She just have this weird...feeling that she's not going to like whoever it is that she's going to meet.

Nonetheless, that didn't stop her from following the two.


Nami's POV

It's weird. I can easily get out of their grasp, yet I'm here, following them. A part of me wants to see this fan of mine but another part...just wants to run away from all of this. I mean, c'mon, you have to agree at what Mariko-sama said right? It is a bit creepy you know. And yes, our apartment looks a little bit like flower shop right now what with us keeping some of the flowers inside. Some of them were disposed by Hinata as she knocked on every occupant living in our building and gave them some flowers, probably smiling like she wants them to vote for her or something. Asahi and I didn't know as we were out of the house that time. When we arrived, we were surprised that some of the flowers around were gone and Hinata, who was sitting on the couch reading some manga,  shrugged nonchalantly upon looking at our confused look telling us how she disposed some of the flowers.

Hinata can be awesome sometimes, really. Not going to admit that to her though. Knowing Hinata, she'd probably get a big head for that.

Anyway, I obviously got mixed feelings about this whole meeting thing. Don't get me wrong. I don't usually feel this uncertainty whenever I'm going to meet a fan. No...I'm actually glad that I meet some of my fans. I'm ecstatic that I even have fans to begin with!

Me! Kawachi Nami! Not wearing my alter ego, Kai! Just plain ole me! Has fans! Can you believe it?!

'Obviously you don't believe it what with that tone you have.' Inner Mariko-sama scoffed.

It just feels like all of this still just a dream you know? Like any minute now, I'd wake up and find myself in my room back home worrying about finding a job or something. Honestly...that thought just...scares me sometimes.

Inner Mariko-sama sighed and shook her head, not saying anything.

We reached another empty hallway, the three of us stood in front of a door, panting slightly. I looked around wondering where we are. This place was a lot secluded than the other areas around. Just how far are we from the place where the other members are? Are we still even inside Budokan??

"You ready?" Mariko-sama asked, her hand on my wrist tightened slightly. I glanced at her and found her staring at the closed door, an odd expression across her face. Seeing that made me feel...nervous. I looked at the floor, my eyes focusing on the light coming underneath the door.

"Do...I have to?" I asked, my voice only a whisper. I could feel her looking at me now, but I kept my eyes on the floor.

"What am I to you, Nami?" She sighed. I wasn't expecting that she'd answer my question with another question. A rather un-Mariko-sama-like-question that is. I turned to her, frowning, a bit confused.

" that a trick question?" I scratched my cheek making her to look at me with her usual deadpanned narrowed eyes.

"Just answer the question."

"Okay...well...uh..." What Mariko-sama is to me huh. Hmmm. What is she to me?

"God, Nami. I'm not asking you to solve an equation or whatever you know." She said, looking a bit exasperated. Well excuse me for wanting to answer it right! No need to say that to her though. She'd probably say something to insult me or worse...beat me up. Just thinking about that, I finally came up with a right answer to Mariko-sama's question.

What is she to me?

"You're my antagonistic friend." I answered. Looking at her, she looked a bit taken aback. What? It's true!

"Antagonistic...friend? Really?" She raised her eyebrow while I nodded my head.

"Yeah. You're the kind of person that would tell us directly if we're being un-idol-like...which is...most of the time." I couldn't help but chuckle while Yukarin smirked silently agreeing to me. I glanced at Mariko-sama and found her looking a bit...disturbed.

"Don't think of it as a bad thing. It's actually a good thing what with our craziness often resurfacing. You don't sugarcoat on things, always telling us what we needed to hear, not what we want to hear. We need that sometimes, you know. It brings us back to the real world. Makes everything real." I smiled at the stunned looking Mariko-sama, obviously not expecting an answer like that. Everything I said is true though. Even Yukarin agrees as I see her in the corner of my eye nodding her head, a wide smile on her face.

That's Mariko-sama for me. My antagonistic real friend.

Mariko-sama looked away from my gaze, a slight blush across her face. I couldn't help but grin at that. Looks like I got you there Mariko-sama.

"What about me?" Yukarin asked, pointing at herself. I turned to her still keeping my grin.

"You're my on-the-go-versatile friend."

"Really?! Thanks!" She said as she hugged me. Funny how she didn't even bother letting me explain why I dubbed her as such. Oh well.

Mariko-sama cleared her throat making Yukarin and I to turn at her. Yukarin still kept her hold on me.

"The bottom line is Nami, we're your friends...regardless of what kind or type of friend we are to you."

"What's your point?" Yukarin suddenly asked. I felt her stiffen and tightened her hold on me as Mariko-sama glared at her. Shouldn't I be asking Mariko-sama that?

"That is my point. We're her friends. As friends, we would never endanger her in any way. That she can trust us in saying that...that she needs this." Mariko-sama released her hold on my wrist then rests her hand on my shoulder, looking at me seriously.

"You need this." Mariko-sama said softly. Hearing her say that...somehow I have a feeling...that I know who I'm going to meet behind this closed door. My eyes turned to the floor once again.

"Good point then." I hear Yukarin say as she released me from her hold. I kept my eyes on the floor not looking at both of them. That feeling that wants me to run and get away intensifies as I thought of the person I'm going to meet. Lots of questions entered my mind all of a sudden as I frowned slightly at the floor, eyes focused once again at the light beneath the door.

"C'mon now." Mariko-sama squeezed my shoulder for a few second then opened the door. It was as if everything was in slow motion as I listened at the sound of the door opening. My eyes were still trained at the floor, the light from underneath the door slowly expands. Oddly enough, I can't seem to look away from it.

No...rather...I'm afraid to look at anything else besides the floor.

I tried to swallow down my nervousness as the sound of the door opening stops, indicating that Mariko-sama fully opened the door. My heart feels like it would burst from my chest, breathing was a bit ragged, hands were shaking slightly as I clenched it feeling its coldness.

A panic attack.
I think...I'm having a freaking panic attack.
I...I'm freakingly freaking out!

'Relax. Just do or say what you always rehearse in your head.' Inner Mariko-sama reminds me making me to frown slightly on the floor.

'You do remember right? The one that you'd play over and over in your head for the past months after she suddenly disappeared? The one that I'm sick of seeing everyday that if I were real, I'd kill myself or maybe you?'

That last one wasn't necessary but...okay...I get it.

With my Inner self in the form of Mariko-sama reminding me of what I should do, I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. Those scenarios once again entered my mind giving me enough courage to finally look up and...raise my eyebrow at what I'm seeing.
The rest of the black ops is there, even Shachou and Marilyn. But that wasn't the thing that made me feel a bit disturbed.

Well...maybe seeing Shachou and Marilyn there added the whole disturbed feeling since now I know they were on it too but that really isn't the point.

The point is, Hinata seems to be straddling someone in a chair and Asahi is tugging Hinata's shirt, trying to somehow pull her away. Shachou, Marilyn and Yuko just stood at the side, watching. Hinata's back was facing us so we couldn't see who is sitting on the chair but I can tell that she's holding the other person's collar in a threatening manner. Probably the reason Asahi decided to intervene. I can see a few flowers indicating that the person Hinata was straddling is my supposed fan. Oh and I can see she's wearing designer boots. Other than that...I still wasn't sure who she is.

Well, maybe I was only 1% unsure of who she is. I mean come on, it's obvious where this is going right?

"What are you doing?" Mariko-sama asked in a tired tone. Sure she's all weirded out as I am about what we're seeing but...c'mon! It's not like it's anything new. We've had countless of weird Hinata moments before. And the answer to every weird moments concerning Hinata?

It's Hinata and well...Hinata = unexpected craziness, deal with it. No other explanation is needed. That formula is just so right for her.

"Don't worry, I'm just having a friendly chat." Hinata said, amusement evident in her voice. Asahi turned to us, smiling painfully as she sighs. I offered her a sympathetic smile, thinking that she's doing well in TRYING to restrain Hinata. The straddling girl turned to look at us over her shoulder, grinning.

"No need to get jealous, kay?" Hinata flirtily added as she winked at Mariko-sama. I don't need to look at Mariko-sama to know that she too had narrowed her eyes at the girl like me and probably Yukarin too.

Say hello to delusional Hinata. She's here every Monday to Sunday to please and annoy you with her antics.

"Hey Nami-chan! Glad you finally joined us!" She waved at me, still straddling the poor girl who seemed to jump slightly either from Hinata's loud voice...or because she heard my name and know that I'm inside the room now.

I'm not sure which is which. But...that'd probably change if I could see who she is.

"Yeah, well...Mariko-sama and Yukarin told me that a fan of mine wanted to meet" I shrugged nonchalantly, like I wasn't panicking inside. I have to act calm. I have to. No need to let them see how much I want to run right now.

"Uh-huh." Hinata said as she stared at me for a few seconds, a knowing look across her face. I guess I'm not much of an actress then as I have a feeling that everyone knows I'm just putting up a front. They're giving me these looks you know.

Those looks that tells me that it'll be okay.

"Right." Hinata nodded her head to me, grinning slightly. She then turned back to my fangirl, patting her shoulder.

"Just remember what I said and everything will be okay. Got that?"

"I got it. Can you now get off of me? You are a bit heavy." My 'fangirl' said. Hearing that bitchy made me smile slightly. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss hearing that voice of hers. Because...I do miss much. much.

Hinata looked like she was about to retort on being called heavy but Asahi and Yuko  quickly stopped her, pulling her away from my 'fangirl'. I let out a sigh, my half smile gone as Hinata moved away and I saw her. That 1% of doubt immediately shattered the moment our eyes met.

Honestly? Seeing her...I felt...relieved. It's like...I've been carrying something heavy behind my back since she disappeared and now...seeing her...looking all beautiful and a bit nervous, standing up, clutching that bouquet of flowers in her felt like I can...breathe easy again.

I guess...despite busying myself in idol stuff just to keep myself from thinking about her...which if I'm honest to myself, didn't actually worked because I still kept thinking about her. That...that can't be helped right? I mean if you were in my position I'm sure--

'Just get to the point Nami.'

Uh...right. Anyway, I also kept on dodging questions and looks of worry from my friends...and well, despite all that...I guess...deep inside...I was worried about her. I mean, she just suddenly disappeared without any word to anyone, even to Mariko-sama, her bestfriend.

Even to me...her.....her...

What am I to her now that we've...?

I suddenly felt hands on my back, pushing me forward. I looked over my shoulder and found Yukarin grinning at me.

"Wh-wha...?" I stammered to ask but she just replied with a wink, continuing to push me. She only stopped when I was in the middle of the room. I glanced back at her, my eyebrow raised slightly as she gives me a pat in the back and stepped to the side where Asahi, Yuko, Hinata and Mariko-sama are...lined up, facing me. Out of the corner of my eye, stood Marilyn and Shachou. Looking at all of them...they're all...smiling at if encouraging me.

If you think about it, I wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for them. I'm actually feeling torn if I should kick their butts or kiss them for this.

Maybe I should do both later on?

"Nami..." I hear that soft familiar voice making me freeze as it sounded like she's only a few feet away from me. Gulping, I slowly turned towards her, my eyes downcast to the floor. I was right. She was only a few feet away from me as I stare at her designer boots.

When did she...?

I probably didn't hear her walking towards me because of my pounding heart. It's beating hard, loud and a bit fast. It's a bit...disturbing really. It's like...I'm about to perform for the first time up on a stage again. It's like what I felt earlier...before our performance.

Now that I think about it, seeing her here...Acchan was right wasn't she?

That thought somehow brought a small smile on my face. Slowly, my eyes traveled upwards as if I was sizing her up, looking at her ripped jeans, her white shirt underneath her jacket, her collar bone, her long neck, her pinkish lips, her nose, that mole on her left cheek near the bridge of her nose, until finally, I reached her eyes. Those strong eyes that reflects fear and nervousness in them.

Seeing all of her...those few seconds that my eyes traveled to reach its destination...after 7 months of not seeing each other...I feel that familiar warmth inside me telling me how much...I miss her. To her bitchiness, selfishness, sweetness, persistency...all of her...I miss her so damn much.

My special someone...

"Ray..." I sigh her name out loud for the first time after all these months. She smiled at me, her eyes bright as tears begins to form in her eyes. My smile disappeared when I saw those tears because I know...

...those tears...I'd probably make them fall again...won't I...?



Saeko shifted her eyes to Ray then to Nami who were staring at each other. The taller one looked genuinely happy while the other, her talent, has that look...that look of finality in her eyes. Seeing that look her talent has, Saeko has a feeling this meeting wouldn't end well.

Maybe they should just leave what with this meeting being useless. It's stupid for them to think that these two would get the happy ending they deserve.

She sighed and was about to cross her arms to her chest when she felt a soft and warm hand took hold of hers, squeezing it. She glanced at the owner of the hand beside her to find Marilyn looking at the two, smiling. From the looks of it, Marilyn isn't aware of what Nami is thinking. Now that she sees it, even Nami's merry friends looked like they have no clue as they too have that smile on their faces.

That smile that reflects...hope.

Saeko looked at the floor momentarily, a small smile on her face. Those five friends of Nami definitely has something up their sleeves if ever Nami decided to bail out. If anyone could persuade Nami to change her mind, it's definitely those five who can do it.

Looks like Nami's going to have that happy ending after all...whether she likes it or not.

Mariko stepped up and walked towards Nami, standing beside her as she faced Ray. She placed a hand on Nami's shoulder, squeezing it slightly.

" This isn't Ray standing in front of you right now." Mariko said making Nami to look at her frowning slightly. The taller girl gave her friend a wink then motioned her hand to the other girl holding the bouquet of flowers.

"Nami, I'd like you to meet your number one fan, Takigawa Hanako."

Nami kept her frown at Mariko not really understanding what she's trying to say. It took her a few seconds until she finally realized what the taller girl meant. Her eyes widen slightly as she turned back to Ray or rather...

...Hanako. Ray's real name.

"She wanted to meet you for quite some time now corny as this's like fate was against it...until now." Mariko added glancing at the others who were either grinning or smiling. Well...except for Hinata who looked...confused.

"What is Mariko saying? Isn't that Ray?" Mariko heard Hinata whisper to Yukarin making her narrow her eyes. She glanced at the two and noticed Yukarin wearing a deadpan expression, ignoring the confused Hinata.

Only Hinata would think that 'Ray' is a complete name of a person.

"It''s nice to meet you...finally." Hanako said as she took a step toward Nami who has her eyes on the floor, frowning slightly. Ignoring the yelp that came from Mariko as Asahi pulled her away from the two, Hanako held out the bouquet of flowers for Nami.

"You were great out there." She added, wishing for the girl in front of her to say something or look back at her. It took all her strength not to glomp the girl earlier when she said her name. It was so much like when she's dreaming of her. But this isn't a dream isn't it? She won't wake up in her grandparents home to find herself completely broken, living a half life. No...this time it's different.

This time...Nami won't disappear right in front of her.

Somehow Hanako's wish was granted as Nami sighed, staring at the bouquet being offered to her.

"Takigawa...Hanako..." Nami whispered as if testing how it sounds coming out from her. In Hanako's sounded wonderful as she always wanted the other girl to call her by her real name. Don't get her wrong, she likes Nami calling her Ray as well. It's just that...hearing Nami say her name...feels real for Hanako. Like the other girl is acknowledging her not as Japan's top selling Diva, but as a normal person.

Inside this room...both of them are normal, equal, stripped of being called idols. Right now, they're just Hanako and Nami.

"Why now...?" Nami asked softly, making Hanako to frown slightly, a bit confused. She was stunned when Nami finally looked at her, her expresion...unreadable.

"I'm not going to give you a kiss, I haven't even told you what I why tell me your real name?" Nami added as she remember the time when she asked the other girls' real name back then when they were in the amusement park. Sure Hanako remembers but...she still can't help but be stunned by Nami's tone.

In her ears, Nami seemed a bit...cold.

Fear suddenly creeps inside her as she stares at Nami for awhile. Only when she glanced at Mariko did it disappeared as the girl was glaring at her. Okay so maybe her fear didn't disappear when she saw the murderous glare directed at her by Mariko. But somehow, seeing that glare, it somehow feels like her best friend is urging her to not give up. 

That she'd beat her up again if she did give up.

Remembering the pain and bruise in her arm, she gripped the bouquet in her hands, trying to find the courage and the right words to say. She turned back to the girl in front of her as she remember a certain someone's advice to her.

"Because someone once told me...that if Ray and Nami doesn't work...maybe...maybe Hanako and Nami would." Saeko couldn't help but grin at what Hanako said. It was definitely the right answer as it looked like Nami she was taken aback as she stares at the flowers.

'Looks like the ball is in Nami's hands. But then again, it's already in her hands since the beginning.' Saeko thought as she smiled sadly at Nami who looked a bit torn, still staring at the flowers.

"Is that...what you want?" Nami sighed as her eyes found Hanako's for the third time today, still wearing that unreadable expression that makes Hanako nervous. Still, she won't give up.

"You know what I want. Despite all the months of pretending and running...I still can't let go. I tried..." Hanako smiled sadly as she too stared at the flowers in her hands.

"But you guys are getting popular nowadays...appearing on TV...countless of articles in magazines...making it even harder for me to let go..."

"You make it sound like it's a bad thing." Nami narrowed her eyes and looked at the side.

"No! It's not a bad thing! It's a good thing! You guys deserve it! Really!" Hanako frantically said as she shook her head making the other girl to smile slightly. Seeing Nami lighten up a little bit brought a slight relief to Hanako as she thought that she somewhat offended the girl. She really didn't mean to make it sound like she's complaining about them getting popular and all. No. In fact, she was quite happy that the group was getting all the attention they deserve. She was so happy that she ended up recording every interviews, commercials and performance the group has on TV. Or rather, she ended up recording every appearance Nami has on TV. Somehow that reminds her to buy another external hard drive as she doesn't have any place for Nami's future appearances on TV.

Hanako definitely is a hardcore wota of Nami. Sure being Nami's wota is a good thing. But...there's also a bad thing on being Nami's wota. At least for Hanako.

"I'd always watch you guys on TV...or even in the internet...that sometimes I see some girls flocking you...kissing and hugging you...even nibbling your ears..." Hanako growled, looking at the side. Hearing that somehow brought a slight blush on Nami's face and a noise that sounded like a smirk coming from Hinata who immediately covered her mouth. Yukarin was also fighting not to laugh as she pursed her lips tight. She and Hinata were also doing those things to Nami as well. Minus the nibbling of her ears. That's pure Kuramochi. That's sort of...Kuramochi's signature move, you know.

Nami glared at the others as they looked amused at what Hanako said. She can't help but wonder why they were still inside when they should be giving them some privacy though. But then again, they're probably still here to prevent her from running away or maybe to see that they get the outcome that they want from the two.

"I know I don't have any right to be jealous. I mean, the last time we saw each other...I was determined to let you matter what. To protect you..." Hanako whispered the last part as she sighs. Somehow hearing that, Nami finally let herself go as she looked at her for the third time today. Hanako noticed but still kept her eyes to the side.

"But seeing those things being done to you...hearing about that silly AtsuNami pairing you have with Maeda, who by the way I will strangle if she blogs about you being her boyfriend again..." Nami narrowed her eyes as she saw murder in Hanako's eyes when she mentioned Maeda. Figures she'd be mad about that. It also figures that she'd read or maybe stalk Maeda's blog. No surprise there really.

Hanako looked at her with fire in her eyes.

"I really really wanted to beat the crap out of them and tell them that you're mine." Again, no surprise there. But Nami eyes widen slightly at Hanako's honesty.

"You see? The fact that I want to rip their heads off...the fact that I'm jealous means that I still want you. It hasn't changed. I can't forget. I don't want to forget." Hanako took another step forward, her determined eyes still trained at Nami.

"You're still what I want. But...I don't want don't want. I don't want to force you to want what I want." Hanako added, wishing that somehow Nami's cold demeanor would shatter with her words.

Mariko narrowed her eyes at the two. This is so cheesy and mushy for her taste. She definitely have that urge to walk away as she stares at her best friend silently pleading to Nami to take her back.

Her best friend huh....

Looking at her best friend like honestly felt like she doesn't know her. This person in front of her is a completely different person compared to the one she grew up with. It amazes Mariko that Hanako would change this much. She doesn't mind the changes though. Why would it mind her when Nami makes her a better person.

A cheesy, sappy, mushy better person. Key word: better. Other icky words thrown, she can tolerate. What kind of best friend would she be if she didn't right? Hanako definitely lucky to have her as her best friend.

Mariko let out a sigh then glanced at the person beside her who was looking at the two, a sad look across her face. She somehow had the urge to console the girl but a certain someone beat her to it as she saw Yuko took hold of Asahi's hand, squeezing it. She watched as Asahi's sad face instantly disappeared as the two shared a smile. Looking at her two friends, staring lovingly at each other, sharing looks and knowing smiles, it makes Mariko wonder...

...would she also have that with someone? Would she too, change for the better because of that someone?

She stares at Asahi for a few seconds, a look of longing in her eyes until another person caught her eye. Hinata was glancing at her through the corner of her eye, a knowing smile across her face. She gave the taller girl a wink making the latter to look away, her eyes narrowed.

Or maybe...she already has.

........Nah. No way.

"It always comes back to that, doesn't it? What I want." Nami said softly, a frown across her face as she looked at the floor. She clearly doesn't like the ball being in her hands. But she doesn't have a choice, does she? If Hanako is the one to choose what would become of them, surely she'd say that they should be together. It was that easy for Hanako as she looks like she's determined to stick to her choice now. If Nami was being honest, she'd like that too. That they'd be together. She wants that too...but...'s not always about the wants, isn't it?

She learned that first hand from what happened back then. Sometimes giving in to selfish desires would only bring trouble. Trouble that would make you lose everything. And...she didn't want that to happen to Hanako. She promised herself to prevent that from happening. Even if it cost them...the happy ending that they all wanted.

"It's your choice always has been since the beginning."

"What if I tell you that I don't want to be with you...and that it's foolish to even think we could be together?" Nami growled as she looked at the side, keeping her frown. It was like everything felt cold as everyone stared at Nami for awhile. Somehow, they weren't surprised that Nami decided to take this sad, lonely route. It was...predictable what with how Nami acts when they mentioned the name 'Ray' to her back when she suddenly disappeared. She always seemed cold and would always brush them off whenever she hears the diva's name. But regardless of that cold look she has, everyone could still see the pain and sad look she has for a brief second until that cold Nami appears. Cold and bitter Nami was only a facade...sad Nami was the real Nami for them. That's probably the main reason they decided to make this meeting happen. For them, Nami needs closure. Be it happy...or sad. And from the looks of it, Nami's going to the sad one. Sure they'll respect her decision...

...or maybe they'll respect Nami's decision if she told them why she decided that. If they didn't like Nami's reason, then they surely wouldn't just stand there and do the whole respect thing. They definitely won't allow these two to go their separate ways because of stupid reasons. They'll probably just beat some sense to both of them if that is the case. That's what friends do, right?

Hanako took another step towards Nami, stepping into the other girls personal space. Nami's eyebrow twitched but didn't look at the girl in front of her, keeping her eyes to the side.

But then again, looking at Hanako, maybe they didn't need the whole beating thing.

"Then look me in the eye and tell me that directly." Hanako said, her voice hard...determined making Nami's eyes widen slightly. The urge to push the girl away as she invades her personal space was strong as Hanako placed a hand on her chest, trying to feel her...heart that was beating hard. Nami frowned at the hand on her chest.

"Tell me you don't want this and I won't bother you anymore. I'll throw this away forever and just think of you as nothing but a rival to compete with in this business. A rival, nothing more, nothing less. You can tell me anything to want, just let me see it in your eyes that you truly want it and say it to me directly like you mean it."

Mariko was impressed and stunned. In fact, everyone seemed stunned...except for Hinata who seems to be taking down notes but that's not the point and clearly needs to be ignored. The fact that Hanako said that regardless of the tears forming in her eyes stunned everyone.

Even Nami who looked torned, her eyes shifting, avoiding Hanako's unwavering ones.

"Let me hear, see and feel it Nami. Tell me what you want." Hanako sighed, pressing the palm of her hand slightly hard in Nami's warm chest. Nami's heart...was pounding hard and fast beneath her hand. She wonders if Nami could feel her heart as well beating through her hand.

As it is beating hard and fast just as hers is.

Nami gulped, her hands formed a fist on her side, her eyes still shifting, she looked a bit shaken at Hanako's request. Could she possibly...? But if she does...Hanako would...?

Images of 'Ray' ignoring her, treating her like a stranger enters her mind. She then sees an image of 'Ray' dating a faceless man, clutching to his arm, looking happy as she stood on the far side, watching them. She clenched her jaw tight as various images of 'Ray' being happy and moving on without her enters her mind.

Seeing that...made her feel...cold...empty...

Will she be able to take that?

Is that...what she wants...?

Hinata let out a relieved sigh as she puts the little notebook she's holding inside her pocket. She smiled as she stares at her tense friend. Looks like Nami's cold demeanor is slowly crumbling into pieces.

'About damn time.' Hinata thought, grinning slightly.

"Tell me, Nami. Once and for all...tell me and I'll back off."

"I can't okay?! I can't damnit!" Nami closed her eyes tight, beating herself up inside at how weak she is. Why can't she just look her in the eye and say it?! Why?

"Why can't I...say it...?" Nami asked herself softly, her eyes opened to look at Hanako's hand on her chest. That warm hand on her chest.

"Then don't. Don't fight it." Hanako said just as softly making Nami's eyes widen for a second. The latter girl slapped Hanako's hand on her chest and stepped away. For the fourth time that day, their eyes met. Nami's fiery eyes filled with tears of frustration stares at Hanako's pleading ones.

"I thought you of all people would understand why I'm doing this! Why we shouldn't be together!"


"Two girls in this business shouldn't fall in love as it will only end in disaster." Nami gritted her teeth, keeping her eyes on Hanako stared at her, sadly. She thought Hanako would say something to make her think otherwise, but it was someone else's voice that said something to her. Something that made her want to back track on what she just said.

"I don't think you should say that, Nami." Yuko said as she frowned at Nami who turned to look at her.

"Especially not in front of us." Yuko glared at her. Nami's eyes found Asahi who was looking at her with sad painful eyes. It was then she noticed the two holding each others hand. The anger in her eyes was replaced by guilt as she stares back at Yuko's angry ones.

Yuko took a step forward.

"Take it back! Take what you said back and apologize! I don't care that you hurt me, but apologize for hurting Asahi!"

"Yuko..." Asahi gripped her hand as she tries to calm her girlfriend who looked pissed.

"I'm...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..." Nami said as she stepped towards the two. Asahi gave her a small smile, shaking her head. Yuko's glaring seemed to ease up as she saw how sorry Nami genuinely felt. She knows that the other girl wasn't aware of the hurt that she might inflict on her and Asahi...but still...she can't help but feel a little bit angry for hurting Asahi.

Nobody hurts her girlfriend and gets away with it regardless of who it is.

"Clearly this is getting out of control. Better watch what you're saying Nami and cool off." Mariko stepped up, glaring at the apologetic looking girl, her eyes on the floor now. Marilyn felt sorry for Nami that she was about to step up and say something but Saeko stopped her, pulling her hand. She frowned at her, confused.

"Stay out of it and let them handle it themselves." Saeko gave Marilyn a stern look as the other let out a sigh following her lovers' advice. She turned back to the group, her lips pursed.

"I...really am sorry to both of you. I wasn't thinking...that's why I just suddenly said that." Nami once again apologized to the two. The thought of Asahi and Yuko being in the same situation as hers and Hanako completely slipped in her mind. Her emotion clearly got the better of her that she hadn't thought that she might hurt her friends.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and willed herself to look up to Asahi who was smiling genuinely at her. The hurt in her eyes earlier quickly disappeared as if Nami hadn't hurt her, hadn't said those thoughtless words. Regardless of Asahi forgiving her, she still felt bad though.

"It's okay. I forgive you. Yuko does too, right Yuko?" Asahi glanced at Yuko who sighed and shook her head.

"I'd be lying if I said that you don't mean those words you said...but you did hurt Asahi by saying that." Yuko honestly said as she frowned at Nami who once again looked guiltily at the floor.

"Yuko!" Asahi glared at her girlfriend. Yuko ignored her glare and took a step towards Nami.

"But despite you hurting Asahi, what you're right. It will be troublesome for two girls in the entertainment business to be in a relationship." Yuko let out another sigh ignoring the confused looks directed at her.

"Most people probably won't accept it...some people would. If I say that we don't care what people would think...that'd be another lie, wouldn't it? Because we do care what other people would think. We care what our fans would think of us if ever they found out about it. Would they hate us? Accept us? Thinking about these things, it really can't helped right?" Yuko squeezed Asahi's hand and gave her a wink when she found Asahi raising her eyebrow a bit confused.

Yuko then turned her attention back to Nami who still has her eyes downcast to the floor.

"Let me ask you this Nami, are you...against us? Do you support our relationship?"

Nami quickly looked up at her, frowning like what she just asked was the stupidest question she'd ever heard, which to is a stupid question. Despite feeling that, she answered honestly.

"Of course. I'm not against it. I'm actually happy that you two are together. Both of you deserve to be happy."

Hinata couldn't help but grin at that, knowing exactly where Yuko is going.

"And you'd protect us right? Keep us safe? You won't tell anyone you don't trust about us, right?"

"Yes. I promise." Nami nodded, looking all serious. Mariko, Yukarin and Asahi grinned as well, realizing where Yuko is going with this whole questioning.

"Good. Because like you, we'd also do the same thing...for you and Hanako that is." Yuko beamed at Nami who looked dumbfounded. Is Yuko suggesting...?

"The thing is Nami, no one is going to judge you unless they found out about it." Yuko shrugged as if stating the obvious...which is well...true. It is pretty obvious. But from Nami's taken aback expression, it wasn't entirely obvious to her.

Inner Mariko-sama is probably face palming her imaginative self inside Nami.

"Exactly!" Hinata said as she wrapped an arm around Nami, grinning.

"Well, unless of course you'd want to go public about it?" Yukarin tilted her head as she taps her lips. All eyes were on Nami who jumped slightly at the question, a slight blush across her face.

"NO!" Her five friends grinned at her answer while Hanako cleared her throat, looking at the floor blushing. Somehow seeing that made her realized something, making her blush even more.

"A-and it's not like I agreed that we'd get back together..." Nami said as she looked at the side, avoiding looks of frustration being thrown at her. And here they thought Nami's finally shove her stubbornness.

Something caught Yuko's eye. She quickly took hold of Hinata's collar at the back and  pulled her away from Nami as Hanako made her way to face Nami again. Nami noticed and for the fifth time, their eyes met. She gulped feeling the familiar nervousness creep inside her as she faced Hanako who was giving her a soft smile.

"Being judged...that's really not the thing that's troubling you, isn't?"

Nami raised her eyebrow. Her eyes followed Hanako's hand as she reached for hers, grabbing it. She had and urge to pull it away from the other girls' grasp but decided against it as she realized that it's the first time in awhile that they held hands.

That warm soft hand is holding hers again bringing back that warm feeling inside her.

"Stop worrying about me. I can protect myself..." Hanako said as she squeezed Nami's hand.

"...and you." Hanako gave Nami a full smile. It's the first time in awhile she'd seen that brilliant smile of hers. She stared at the woman in front of her for awhile, wondering when she became so transparent to Hanako as she seems to read what was really the main reason she just wouldn't give in.

"I just...don't want you to lose everything you've worked hard on." Nami sighed, feeling heavy as she looked at their joined hands.

"I feel the same way towards you. And well..." Hanako looked at their hands, a sad smile across her face.

"...I'm not a fragile girl Nami. There's a side of me...that you clearly don't know of." Hanako let out a sad sigh, caressing Nami's hand with her thumb. Thoughts of the things she'd done enters her mind. Things that she wasn't proud of...things that stained her hands. That same hand that's caressing Nami's unstained ones. She didn't feel remorseful on the things she had done. She would do it all over again if it means protecting the ones that she cares for. Thinking about it...does she have any right to be with Nami, being the way she is...?

Would Nami still...?

"I think I'm aware of that other side of yours." Nami smiled slightly, remembering how bitchy and manipulative the other girl can be. Proof of that was when she tried to sabotage Persona by publishing those fake photos of Riku and Katsuyuki-san right? She's been aware of that since the very beginning, really. That's really something Hanako shouldn't worry that much about since she believes that the other girl knew her boundaries when it comes to being bitchy and manipulative.

"Are you?"

"Yeah. It's not that hard to figure out you know." Hanako looked at her, trying to read what the other girl meant. She's sure Nami has no idea what she's capable of. Even Mariko isn't completely aware of it but she promised herself that she'd tell the girl eventually. That goes for Nami as well. She has to tell her what happened to Okuma...what she had done.

Hanako squeezed Nami's hand.

But for now, she shouldn't hesitate to be with Nami. For now she'd pretend nothing is bothering her. For now she'd keep quiet. For now she'd take Nami away from Maeda. For now Nami would be hers. But...until when, she wonders.

Probably until she tells Nami everything. Both Nami and Mariko deserves to know the truth.

For now...she wants to be happy.

Hanako smiled as she remembers Mariko's words earlier about how she should be happy, that despite her being herself, she deserve to be happy. And the one in front of her is the one that makes her happy the most.

Her everything.

She frowned slightly when her everything closed her eyes and took a deep breath as if trying to relax herself. It seemed to work as she opened her eyes and looked back at Hanako. She could still see uncertainty in them, but knew that Nami just needs a little more push to break that lingering doubt she feels.

"You really want this...?" Nami asked, bringing her other hand to their joined hands. Hanako looked like a contestant who won what with her other hand cradling the bouquet of flower while her other hand was holding Nami who looked like someone congratulating her for her win. It felt like she was winning a prestigious award.

She'd rather have the one congratulating her as her prize rather than the flowers though.

Hanako grinned slightly at that thought.

"I do." The award winning moment then turned to a wedding scene making Nami's eyebrow twitch making her a bit uncomfortable. Nami shook her those thoughts away trying to be serious.

"You're not worried that something might happen again much like what happened back then with Okuma?"

"Not the slightest because I know I can take them on and protect us. And..." Hanako then turned to look at the people around them who were somewhat trying to give them privacy as they kept quiet, watching them expectantly. She offered them a small smile.

"...I think it's safe to say that everyone here feels the same way."

"Hell yeah!" Hinata pumped her fist, grinning. She had been retraining herself from saying something similar to Nami as it felt like Nami had forgotten that their team is strong. If Hanako can't...the black ops would.

No doubt about that!

Saeko let out a scoff, grinning slightly. Yuko, Asahi, Yukarin and Marilyn smiled and nodded their head as Nami scanned her eyes towards them.

"You don't have to worry about anything Nami since you have that idiot as General of our screwed up group." Mariko pointed at Hinata who beamed and nodded her head. Clearly she didn't notice the 'idiot' comment.

"That's right! Leave it to me to lead the black ops! Plus, with Shachou and Hana-chan under me, we'd be invincible!" Hinata punched her chest, a smug smile across her face.

"Who says I'm under you?" Both Saeko and Hanako growled at Hinata simultaenously. Both looked at each other, glaring.

"I'm not going to be under you either." They both said. Everyone suddenly felt the tension between the two as most of them smiled painfully as they looked at them. The evil princess versus the evil witch. If Hanako is the evil princess, Saeko is the evil witch, then what's Hinata's role?

"I don't know if I should feel relieved upon hearing that." Nami sighed as she shook her head. Hinata tilted her head pouting while Mariko narrowed her eyes. Looks like they added two troublemakers to their screwed up group. With Saeko, Hanako and Hinata in their team, things might get a lot more crazier than before.

The future looks to be chaotic in Mariko and Nami's eyes now.

"So what do you say Nami? Do you take Hana-chan as your diva to have and to hold, till a scandal tears you apart?" Hinata beamed.

"Stop calling me Hana-chan!" Hanako growled at Hinata who just shrugged.

"Not the point right now." Mariko pointed out. They all turned to Nami who was looking at their hands, a look of concentration across her face.

"I know this sounds...stupid to ask right now but...I guess I need to know..." Nami slowly looked up to look at Hanako.

"You're really not bothered by the fact that...I'm a girl...?"

Yes, Nami was right. That was a stupid question as most of them let out a scoff, trying not to laugh. Asahi looked away covering her mouth, Yuko pursed her lips tight but tears were forming in her eyes, Mariko has her hand on her face but her shoulders were trembling, Yukarin had her arm around Hinata and they were both laughing, clutching their stomachs but oddly enough, no sound came out of them.

Nami narrowed her eyes.

"Hey I did point out that it was a stupid question so stop laughing! And will you two stop laughing without a sound? It's kinda creepy!" Nami growled at her friends, a slight blush across her face as she felt stupid.

"You can't blame them. That question is stupid since I'm quite aware that you are a girl the moment you stripped in front of me in the parking lot." Hanako giggled as Nami groaned.

"I know. God, don't remind me. I guess I'm just trying to warn and remind you that me being a girl...and you wanting to be with a girl would cause problems in the future what with us being an idol and all."

Hanako smiled as soon as Nami said 'future' and that word 'us' made her feel warm inside especially coming out from Nami's mouth. Either Nami isn't aware of those words she said...or she was finally giving in to what she wants.

To what they both want.

"If that is the case...then I don't care if you're a girl or a boy because you're mine..." Hanako then pulled Nami's hand and placed it to her chest, letting the girl feel her heart beating fast for her.

"...just like I'm yours." She added, smiling lovingly at Nami who blushed. From the blush Nami is wearing, looks like she likes that answer. Hanako can't see that uncertainty in her eyes anymore. That uncertainty was now replaced with that warm look that Hanako missed so much. That same look Hanako is giving Nami right now.

"Any more worries you want to add?" Hanako asked, placing their hands back in front of them as she squeeze Nami's hand. Nami's eyes shifted to her eyes then to their hands. She sighed defeatedly.

"I honestly can't think of anything anymore since I think all of you got it covered." All smiles could be seen at what Nami said. It is true that they got it all covered. So all Nami has to do, is say...

" that an 'I do' to the whole till a scandal tears you apart thingy?" Hinata asked as she moved in front of Hanako and Nami who were still holding each others hands.

"This isn't a wedding you know." Nami narrowed her eyes at Hinata.

"It's more fun this way, plus she's holding a bouquet right now looking like a bride you know." Hinata pointed out. Nami looked at the bouquet and remembered something that Mariko said earlier.

"That reminds me. I don't like flowers that much. So please try to lessen giving them to me every time I'm performing." She added smiling painfully at Hanako who frowned slightly.

"Oh. That's right. Our apartment looks like a morgue now because of them flowers." Mariko narrowed her eyes at the word 'morgue' that Hinata used. It's better to ignore that girl rather than correct her right now. Since when does a morgue have flowers around?

"Everytime're performing? But...I've only sent you two bouquet of flowers and that's counting this one that I'm holding. The other one is when you were hospitalized." Hanako frowned at Nami as she remembers her being hospitalized. Nami gulped at that knowing that Hanako would've known about that.

But...she said she only gave two bouquet of flowers...?

"What?" Everyone looked at Hanako, shocked.

"You're not...flower girl?" Mariko asked as she pointed at Hanako who shook her head. She wasn't the one sending Nami flowers?? They were all sure that Hanako was the one who was sending Nami flowers since it started a few days after she suddenly disappeared. It was something that the other girl would do since she is head over heels for Nami. But Hanako looked genuinely confused right now so maybe...she really isn't the flower girl. If that is the case...

...then who is Nami's mysterious flower girl??

"Someone's sending you flowers?!" Hanako looked mad as she gripped Nami's hand as if finally realizing the problem. The other girl couldn't help but flinch as she saw the jealousy coming out of her. This is not good.

"With a mysterious card saying 'soon' all the time." Yuko added. She shrugged when Nami glared at her for that. Hanako clearly doesn't need to know that right now.

"What?! It's a stalker! You're being stalked! Why are you letting my Nami being stalked?!" Hanako turned to Saeko who raised her eyebrow not liking that tone Hanako is using on her as if she wasn't doing her job properly.

Well maybe she has her moments...but that's not the point really.

"Now that I think about really isn't that important, you know." Nami waved her hand trying to ease the tension between the two. When the two glares at each other like that, it just feels like a war is going happen soon. The thought of the two being in a war with each other is a scary thought as it looked like the two are going to go all out if that happens. It's like...a nuclear war between the two and well...

...they really need to prevent that from happening.

Hanako looked at Nami incredulously.

"How can you say that?! Someone is stalking you! This is important stuff! We can't just ignore this problem. What if something happens to you because of that stalker?"

"Then I'm sure we'd do something about it like you said earlier...right...?" Nami gave her a warm smile. Seeing that smile would normally make Hanako melt, but she was far too worried about the other girls' safety right now than do some...melting.

"Well yeah...but..."

"Hanako..." Nami whispered her name for the second time, squeezing the other girls' hand as she gets her attention. Okay now she could do some melting since Nami just called her by her real name again. She could definitely get used to that.

"We'll take care of it alright? All of us would." Nami smiled at her friends who nodded. Well if they can't, there's always the police right? You can also add Akimoto-sensei and the AKB management for protection as well. So maybe they got it all covered. Besides, it's too early to determine if the one giving her the flowers is a stalker. For all they know, it's just a hardcore fan of hers.

But...isn't that like the first stage of a person becoming a stalker?

....Oh well. They can probably worry about that later.

Much later.

"Guess that means...?" Hinata looked at Nami expectantly, a grin on her face. Nami let out a defeated sigh.

"Well, it looks like I really don't have a choice don't I...?" Nami looked around her, smiling awkwardly. Mariko grinned, Yukarin and Yuko nodded their head, Asahi shrugged wearing a playful smile, Saeko and Marilyn just smiled at her. Yep. Definitely don't have a choice.

Nami looked back at Hanako, frowning slightly when she found the other girl looking all sad as she stares at their hands. Maybe saying she doesn't have a choice was a bad idea after all.

But...she can fix that. No problem.

She squeezed Hanako's hand making the other girl to look back at her.

"But...that doesn't mean that everyone is forcing me to want this. It's more like, you guys are showing me what I've been desperately hiding inside...and well...I can't say anything to deny it because...all of you can see right through me."

"Yeah, you just suck at lying." Hinata added making Nami chuckle.

"If you put it that way, yeah, I pretty much suck at lying. I guess I just wear my heart on my sleeves eh?"

"No sleeves. Just wearing your heart out."

"Right." Nami grinned at Hinata who grinned back. Mariko narrowed her eyes at the two. Is this a Hinata/Nami moment or a Hanako/Nami one? It's really quite confusing now. Thankfully Asahi noticed and cleared her throat bringing her two best friends back to the topic at hand.

"Right. Anyway I guess what I'm trying to say is...this may sound corny but..." Nami turned back to Hanako smiling as she saw tears forming in her eyes.

"I do want this. I want you. Till a scandal tears us apart..." She smiled lovingly at Hanako who looked smiled back just as lovingly at her. It was futile to resist since she has a feeling that everyone would convince her to be with Hanako no matter what she says. This is completely the opposite of what she was planning to do, what she needed to do. But...she just couldn't lie to Hanako can she? She can't lie to everyone. No...because everyone could easily see what she really wants.


That loving look was only for a second though as Nami noticed Hinata beaming in the corner of her eye. She turned to look at her.

"Though that phrase kinda sounds stupid, you know. That 'till a scandal tears us apart' thing." Nami frowned slightly. Where the hell did Hinata...oh wait...she probably invented that herself. It is Hinata after all.

"You shouldn't worry about that right now." Hinata motioned her head towards Hanako, trying to tell Nami that she should worry about the other girl instead of that phrase she just came up with. Nami understood her and as if in slow motion, she turned her head to look back at the other girl. Her eyes widen when the girl suddenly jumped towards her, knocking her back, butt first on the floor. She closed her eyes waiting for the impact as the other girl clings to her. A loud thud could be heard making the others cringe at the impact. The next thing they know, the bouquet of flowers that Hanako was holding earlier was now on Yuko's hand and  Nami is on the floor groaning with Hanako on top of her.

That definitely hurts. But hey, Hanako's hot body is on top of her. That ought to make up for the pain right? Poor lucky Nami then.

"I-Itaiiii~!" Nami groaned as she sat up, rubbing her butt with her hand, ignoring how Hanako's hands tightened around her, pressing their bodies tight. Pain before pleasure right?

"I knew she was going to do that sooner or later." Mariko smirked as she looked at the two on floor.

"It was kinda predictable." Yukarin nodded, a grin on her face.

"Look Nyan-Nyan! We're going to get married next!" The perverted squirrel beamed at her girlfriend as she showed the bouquet of flowers that she caught. Asahi tilted her head a bit confused as she looked at the bouquet.

"How did that get to you?"

Yuko shrugged not really sure how it did end up to her. Hanako probably threw it on her direction when she jumped or something.

"Awww. I wanted to catch that. Ne, let me borrow that later so I could snap a picture with Mariko while I'm holding that. For the 'HiMari' fan club." Hinata elbowed Yuko as she wiggled her eyebrow. Mariko narrowed her eyes at that. What else is new?

"H-Hanako...? Ease up...c-can't...breathe..." Nami moaned as she tries to push the other girl off of her. Hanako eased up a little bit but still kept her hold on the girl, her face on Nami's neck as if she's hiding her face from the world. Her breath felt hot on Nami's skin making the latter beet red from blushing.

Uh...what now?

"We'll be going now since everything seems settled here." Marilyn said as she crouched at the floor beside the blushing Nami, smiling. Saeko stood beside her wearing a knowing smile.

"Enjoy the rest of the night Nami because tomorrow we'll be talking about some ground rules for this. Clearly you three need it since you have respective partners now." She looked at Asahi who gave her a small smile with Yuko still gushing on how their wedding would be as she cradles the bouquet of flowers she caught. Saeko then looked at Hinata who quickly stood beside Mariko and gave Saeko a nod, a beaming smile on her face. Mariko rolled her eyes at the exchange.

"Take care and...goodluck." Marilyn gave her a wink. She stood up and was looking at the two with a smile as she and Saeko walked towards the door. Once the two were out of the room, Hinata crouched beside Nami, looking at her excitedly. Despite her blushing state, Nami couldn't help but raise her eyebrow at the girl.


"W-well what?"

"Isn't this where you...kiss the diva?"

Normally it's impossible for Nami to get redder than she already is but...that's exactly what happened, looking much like a red crayon.

"I-I'm not going to kiss her i-in f-front you guys!!" She stammered, unconsciously wrapping her arm on the diva's waist. She stiffened when she felt Hanako move, nuzzling at her neck. She could feel her lips on her neck now making her gulp.

"Aww c'mon! we've already seen the whole confession of undying...uh...want earlier. Might as well make it even more official with a kiss eh?" Hinata wiggled her eyebrow.

"No!!" Nami tightened her hold on the diva. A possessive move from Hinata's point of view. No doubt Hanako must be in heaven right now.

"C'mon. Kiss already. Preferably with some tongue action." Again with the eyebrow wiggling. Somehow that brought Mariko and Asahi's attention as they quickly pulled the girl up and began pushing everyone towards the door.

"We were all for seeing the kiss...but you just have to add that and ruin it don't cha?" Yukarin glared at Hinata who pouted stretching her hand towards Nami as they were being pushed outside the door.

"No were not. Some of you were. Not me. I can only take little sappiness. Hinata's perversion? No way." Mariko shook her head.

"I'm going to have to check if you're viewing porn on your computer. That goes for Yuko as well." Asahi said as she pushed the others with Mariko helping.

"What's wrong with what she said? It's not like she's asking them if we could see them have sex!" Yuko reasoned making the two only push harder.

"That's it! OUT! NOW!" Mariko growled. Clearly she doesn't need to hear that. That's her best friend and her friend for God's sake!

After a few struggles from the three who wanted to see some serious kissage from the two, the five finally stepped out of the room, leaving Nami and Hanako to have some alone time at last. Nami let out a relieved sigh.

But...they're alone now...?

Nami gulped.

What now...?

Hanako let out a soft whimper making Nami frown slightly. She jumped slightly when she felt something hot trickling on her neck. A hot...liquid. That bettwe not be drool. But if it isn't drool...then could it be...?

"A-are you...crying...?"

Nami felt her nod.

"Just...happy..." Hanako mumbled through her neck.

"Is this where you tell me you've been searching for me?" Nami chuckled remembering that time where they were inside Ray's dressing room, the first time they again as Nami and Ray. She can't help but remember the few similarities of that time to where they are now. There are differences on what happened then and to what is happening now.

Those differences right now are the ones that's making her feel warm, making her smile.

Nami felt Hanako shook her head. Slowly, Hanako pulled herself up to look at Nami, tears falling from her eyes, a look of blissful happiness across her face. Nami was stunned as she saw that look. She'd never seen anyone so...beautiful. Her beauty just stuns her.

"This is where I tell you that I love you." Hanako whispered softly, stunning the other girl even more. Even her words...were beautiful in Nami's ears...but...

Nami opened and closed her mouth wanting to reply to those beautiful words Hanako said to her. But she was finding it hard to say it back. It shouldn't be this way. She should be able to say it back to her. So why can't she...?

Hanako saw Nami struggling for words, clearly not ready to say the 'L' word back to her. She wasn't hurt by it. She didn't doubt the feelings that Nami has for her despite the lack of response she's getting. Rather, it made her anticipate on the day that the girl she loves would say it back to her. For now, she'd wait. For now, she'd show Nami how much she loves her. Because sometimes words aren't enough to describe how one feels. And well, in the case of Nami, who cares if she can't say it to Hanako now? All Hanako needs is to see it in her eyes.

And she does.

Hanako cupped Nami's cheek making the other girl to look back at her. Hanako could see the frustration and sorry in her eyes. Despite that, she smiled at Nami, reassuring the girl.

"It's okay. When you're ready you can tell me."

"It's not like I'm not ready...I just..." Nami struggled again. Wanting to wipe that frustrated look Nami has, she leaned towards the girl and kissed her softly, stunning Nami for a second until finally, she kissed her back.

It felt like heaven to Hanako to feel Nami's lips again. It had been so long since she last felt them. And the last time she did...wasn't exactly something she wants to remember.

Slowly, she pulled back and opened her eyes. It made her smile that Nami took her time to slowly open her eyes as if she was relishing the kiss they had. The moment Nami opened her eyes, she gave her a peck on the lips surprising the other girl a little bit. Nami blinked at that, amused.

"Sorry, can't help it."

"Do I look like I mind?" Nami chuckled. They smiled at each other until Hanako remembered something. She caressed Nami's lips with her thumb.

"Another first kiss?" Hanako sounded a bit sad as she remember their last kiss together. It was a painful memory for her that she just wants to...erase it.

Nami understood what she meant even though Hanako didn't say it directly. She placed her hand on the hand that's caressing her, giving it a light squeeze.

"It better be the last first kiss then." She growled.

"Our last first kiss among the millions in the future." Hanako looked back at her, smiling. Nami sighed and narrowed her eyes at that.

"If you say it like sound much like Yuko."

"Oh I think I'm far more worse than Yuko." She winked. Nami still narrowed her eyes making Hanako giggle. It made Nami smile to see her laugh like that even if it is because of that warning Hanako just made. But then, she noticed her cheeks streaked with tears. Her hand instantly went to it, wiping them with her thumb. Hanako stopped giggling as she watched Nami, a soft smile across her face.

"I knew I'd make these fall. But I didn't think it'd be happy tears."

"It's good then?"

" is. It's all good." Nami pulled Hanako to her, their lips meeting again for the second time. Their second kiss among the millions in the future. She definitely should stop counting if that's the case.

Hanako pulled back, panting slightly.

"I wasn't kidding when I said I'm far worse than Yuko." Hanako grinned her hands going under Nami's shirt, her finger touching the skin of her stomach.


'Aww c'mon. Like you didn't know that'll happen?' Inner Mariko rolled her eyes.

What else is new?


"Yuko, stop being a sexual influence on Hinata!" Asahi glared at her girlfriend as they walked inside the Budokan towards the exit.

"What?! She's the one teaching me things!" Yuko pointed out. Hinata looked at her feigning a shocked face and shook her head denying the accusation.

"Well, I never!"

"She's the one who told me to do--" Yuko began to explain but was cut off by her angry girl friend who was oddly enough, blushing.

"I don't want to hear it!" Probably because it's related to her.

"Well I do." Yukarin grinned.

"Yukarin! You're not helping!" Asahi glared at her. The bantering continues with Mariko walking far behind the four. Knowing that she was out of earshot of the four, plus the four were damn noisy that they probably won't hear her, she pulled out her phone from her pocket and scanned her phonebook to call someone. She pressed the call button and puts her phone to her ear, waiting for the other person to pick up. Within three rings, she heard the familiar voice.


"Hey. It's done." Mariko heard the other person chuckle.

"I figured as much."

"You could've joined us, you know."

"Nah, it's better this way. Ray-san wouldn't like me to be there anyway."


"You didn't tell them right?"

"No, I didn't. Why won't you let them know that you're the mastermind of this whole thing anyway?" Mariko frowned.

"I just...don't. You don't like taking the credit?"

"Yes. Especially if the credit isn't rightfully mine to begin with."

"Oh. You have a point."

"I'm not going to force you to tell though. If you don't want to, it's your choice."


"I should be the one thanking you."

"You'd do the same thing if you had the chance."

"Yeah. I would...but you did."

"I just want to see her happy. I hate mopey Nami."

Mariko laughed at that. She couldn't agree more.

"Hey Mariko! Hurry up your wrinkled old butt! I'm getting hungry!" Hinata shouted at her as she waved in the distance. She could see Yukarin and Yuko laughing their ass off while Asahi face palmed herself at what Hinata said.

Dead girl waving.

"Looks like you guys are going out to celebrate." The person on the other side chuckled.

"Wanna join us?"

"No thanks. I am pretty tired you know."

Mariko smiled. She was pretty tired as well but...she still felt like they should celebrate this day. A lot of things happened that needs celebrating. And well, she wanted the other girl to join them since she was one of the reason why they should celebrate. feels like something is holding the other girl back from her joining them. Maybe she's just shy or something?

If that's the case, they could probably do some pushing for the other girl to join them.

She heard the other girl let out a sigh, making her frown slightly.

"Why won't you ask me that?"

Mariko smirked as she understood the question.

"Do I need to?"

"I just find it weird that you instantly went with my plan without asking me what I knew and how I knew things."

"Honestly, if you tell me the answer to that? I wouldn't be surprised. So I didn't bother asking." Mariko looked at her four friends talking and laughing as Hinata and Yuko were making faces. Looking at them, knowing what kind of people they are, the things that they endured together, their secrets? Yup, nothing surprises her anymore.

"I see."

"Yeah. Hey, I gotta go. Hinata's kinda taunting me right now for being slow." Mariko narrowed her eyes at Hinata who was spanking her butt that's facing Mariko. That's real idol-like Hinata. Real idol-like.

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry."

"No prob just...thanks you know. For making them both happy."

"It's okay. I wanted to. Plus, us team Edward got to stick together right?"

"Uh...yeah...Go team Edward." Whoever that is. Mariko really needs to kill Asahi now for spewing unnecessary lies to this girl. Just what the hell is team Edward?! Is that related to that damn book that she forced Asahi to read for her? Probably is.

"You better go Mariko. I'll see you soon."

"Yeah. Thanks again Acchan. See you soon. Bye." She closed her phone, staring at it for awhile, a genuine smile on her face. Thoughts of Maeda being in their group soon enters her mind. She wonders what that'll be like. What would their screwed up group be like if someone like Maeda enters?

She looked back at the four as she heard Asahi squealing. Hinata and Yuko were trying to kiss the girl as Yukarin held up her phone to take a picture.

Mariko is sure then, upon seeing the four, that no matter who enters their group, it won't erase the fact that they're still screwed up.

But, if she's honest, being with a bunch of screw ups, ain't that bad.

Mariko smirks at that thought and began walking towards the four, smiling.

Meanwhile, inside her room, Maeda smiled as she closed her phone, happy that everything worked out fine. Her eyes looked at the object on her lamp side table. She smiled at the handkerchief Kai dropped.

Kai's handkerchief that has 'K. Nami' embroidered on it.

No more mopey Nami/Kai then.


Another meanwhile, on Akimoto-sensei's office. AkiP was talking to someone on his phone.

"Nice to hear from you again. How are you? Yes, we had a concert earlier. I sent you an invite didn't I? It's okay, I know you're quite busy. Yes, that's the name of the group. It stands for Akihabara 48. Oh, your sister? Yeah, I think she saw the concert earlier. Oh, you know Shinoda-san as well? Her and Shinoda-san are friends right? Yeah, they're fine. Though I'm sure your sister misses you. Probably Shinoda-san too. You're coming back? That's great!"

AkiP stood up and looked out the window, smiling.

"Your sister and Shinoda-san would definitely be surprised to see you back."



Author's Rants:

Oh my God, it ends! I'm so happy I could cry buckets right now. But that'll look weird so I'll just write what I feel.

Thank you so much to everyone who supported this silly fanfic. This story that went on for...a year and a few months?! God that long?! Geeez.

Anyway, shocking feeling aside and wondering how I can keep it up for that long, I'm really really REALLLY thankful for everything and everyone reading, clicking the thank you button, sending me pms, and commenting. You have no idea how much it helped me or motivate me to write. There are times when I just wanted to let go of this, but seeing people still reading it, made me continue writing. A sincere thank you to all of you.

I remember posting this story on the Others FanFics section as somewhat a way for me to let out my frustrations because AKB48 fanfics are pretty rare at that time. Now look at it now! We have an AKB48 Fanfic Section now!! Isn't that super late for me to be spazzing about?! Yes it is. But the point is, I'm happy that AKB48 fanfics are growing nowadays. More awesomeness to spaz about. LOL.

Sorry about that, coffee high right now.

Oh yeah, about the sequel. Already jumbled up in my head. I'm pretty surprised that it won though on my poll thingy. I was like, really??? A sequel?? Wow. I can write the prologue now or maybe just a teaser of it. I think that last bit I wrote kinda says what Nami's group is going to expect doesn't it. But I guess I can write a proper teaser for the sequel after the Hinata chapter.

So yeah, I'm writing the Hinata chapter next. Anyone want to see something crazy in that chap? I'm all ears...or eyes for that matter. I'll take it as a challenge of sort...I think.

With that, again, I bow down as thank you to all of you. It has been quite an enjoyable ride. Thank you so much!

If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, advice, rants, complaints, requests, murder intentions...please feel free to say them to me. I'll reply to all those inquiries of yours. And no...I'm not a fan of twilight. Though I know Acchan is.  :lol:


 :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 03:04:50 PM by FoF »

Offline Megumi

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (COMPLETED)
« Reply #217 on: January 05, 2012, 02:03:45 PM »
 :bow: :bow: :bow: Thank you that was a great ending...Acchan the master mind if it all what a great person she is doing for Nami even tough she also have a crush for her...

Thank you again and yes Hinata sequel I can't wait to read it!

Arígatou!  :kneelbow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline RJay

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (COMPLETED)
« Reply #218 on: January 05, 2012, 06:20:31 PM »
Omg omg omg I can't believe you updated
I wonder who's the person that AkiP was talking to
I'm looking forward for the sequel

Like to say good work, I really love this story

And please update soon for the sequel I'll be waiting
I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
Even if these feelings aren't returned, saying "I love you" to the person you love
That is the most beautiful thing in the world

Offline bou-j525

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (COMPLETED)
« Reply #219 on: January 05, 2012, 08:25:44 PM »
I've never been so happy to understand English, that is how much I love your fic  :inlove:

EDIT : *In the middle of the last part & about to kill Nami if she keeps being so...  :banghead: * Just read the following sentence... Yuko you're my hero 8D
EDIT 2: Can anyone kill Nami & her stupid question before I do it  :banghead: *Still not at the end*
EDIT 3: OMG I'M DONE! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO  :panic: I love you & your fic so much, I can't wait for Hinata chapter  :grin: Prepare to laugh :rofl:

Damn I remember when we were on the "others fanfics" section! There were like.... what... 5 AKB fics maximum? And four of them were OneShot? XD
I was searching for AKB fanfics and couldn't find any "good" fic... and then I found yours and went  :shocked It's been a long journey since then.... It's awesome how far you go! Great job :theking I like your writing style & it's probably what make me start writing here :peace:  :thumbup You better create a sequel too, even if it's in two years and I don't remember anything, count me in to read everything again  :thumbup
Until then, thank for writing this amazing & original fic   :bow:
« Last Edit: January 05, 2012, 09:52:50 PM by bou-j525 »

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