@ EVERYONE: THANK YOU; THANK YOU; THANK YOU!@ sakura_drop: I'm happy that you liked it that much. Yuko is not a doctor though... I hope she'll turn out to be a cool character nevertheless!Yeah
@ arrow27: I'm glad that you like my writing style, I'm not always sure about the grammar and such but I try!
@ O r i g a m i: Still awesome? Then I have to try to live up to that expectation, huh?
@ Haruko: You're free to do so because I'm certainly not good at writing them. But it makes me glad if it works with your imagination
@ ikun1216: Your first post?

I'm feeling honored...
@ ChoyShinhwa: I'll try to keep it interesting, I promise.
@ hidden_player: The meeting of those two was actally the first thing i had in mind and then it turned into a full-grown fic...
@ Crossing Crossroads: Yeah... sorry 'bout that but sacrifices are inevitable to keep this story going. Aamin just showed up in this fic while I was writing (at first the secretary was someone else) but then I thought: "Oh that's good, that's good!" and here she is.
@ TakaminaBG: She is, yes. And Mariko wants a plastic bag because Acchan is hyperventilating. She's one of the main characters, I need her pretty much alive, so fear nothing! (Okay, that sounded stupid)
@ dark48: Thank you! I'll try to keep it that way!
@ miayaka: Two words: Thank you!
@ Wmatsui22: Hello! Thank you so much!
@ Pdpond: And you get your new update! Here we go!
Chapter 2In front of Kuramochi Travels, 06:05 PMMinami’s headache hadn’t vanished as she had hoped. Sighing she looked up at the office building she just left. Work had literally been hell today, also because of those people who claimed to be her only friends.
“Takahashi! Takahashi!”
And here we go.
“Are you trying to ignore us or something?”
Kind of? Why so persistent Miyazaki-san?“Oh hey. I didn’t see you there” Minami said, trying to sound cool.
“Isn’t that something the old creep says in that porn movie, you know which one I mean?” Miyuki questioned Yuki.
“What???? Honestly, Milky, I have no idea what you’re talking about”
Minami felt her face getting hot.
“You’re a man after all” Miho announced and put an arm around her surprised co-worker. “Where shall we go then? A restaurant? Bar? Club?”
“Well, you don’t want to go back to that greedy and clingy girlfriend of yours in an instance right?” Yuki explained as she saw Minami’s dumbfounded expression.
What have I gotten myself into now?“Great! Let’s go then!” Miho smiled, grabbed Minami with one hand and Ami who just stood by awkwardly with the other and dragged them along.
“I’m just going to text my cousin. I promised to spend some time with her. Is it fine if she comes along?” Miyuki asked.
“Of course! The more the merrier!”
Miho sure was in high spirits. Ami was giggling out of some weird reason, Miyuki busy texting and Yuki was humming to herself. Minami was simply dragged along and she was not sure if she shouldn’t wish that there really was some annoying girlfriend who could save her from those people.
Restaurant The Old Coin, 06:50 PM
Minami was glad that her friends didn’t drag her to some weird pub. The restaurant they finally decided on was located not far away from Minami’s home, something she was certainly glad for, just in case she needed to escape quickly. It was a small smoke filled room that mainly served western food and although it tended to look a tiny little bit weird it was pretty tasty. Minami recommended it because nobody seemed to be able to come up with a better idea.
She greeted the owner as they walked in.
Don’t embarrass me old friend.“Good evening, Miichan”
“Takamiiiina!” Minegishi Minami came out from behind the counter to give said girl a bear hug, resulting in the smaller girl’s feet being lifted off the ground.
“Who’re your friends?”
Maybe I shouldn’t have come here.“Miyazaki Miho, Kashiwagi Yuki, Maeda Ami, Watanabe Miyuki and…” Minami stopped as she spotted a person clinging to Miyuki’s arm she had never seen before.
She wasn’t there a second ago, I swear…“I’m Watanabe Mayu, Milky’s cousin, nice to meet you! Call me Mayuyu!” The girl bowed with a smile plastered on her face that would be described as sweet yet seemed somewhat emotionless to Minami. No, even dangerous.
“Oh, you’re cute!” Miichan grinned. “And Milky is cute as well” she quickly added as the other girl started pouting.
“Yay!” the two girls said, clapping their hands and smiling brightly.
“Anyway, what can I get you? Cutlets? Steak? The pasta is good as well, oh and don’t get me started about the pizza! Or maybe fish? No, no wait! The specialty of the house: Shrimp Creole ” Miichan looked at everyone with a smile full of expectations. Yuki smiled politely before she asked:
“What about assigning us a table first? And you sure have a menu don’t you?”
“Eh? Oh, of course! Yeah, sure, sure, this way please, this way!” Miichan happily ran through the restaurant, pushing chairs out of her way not caring if people sat on it. Minami could have sworn that a little boy dipped in his plate with his head as Miichan pushed him out of the way. However she decided that it was better not to look back to see if her eyes had deceived her or not.
“Is this table fine with you?”
“It’s great” Minami smiled at Miichan and gave an approving nod before looking at the others “It’s alright, isn’t it?”
They nodded and sat down.
“So… it’s Takamina?” Mayu asked curiously. “Nice to meet you!”
“It’s actually Takahashi Minami. Minegishi Minami is a good friend since kindergarten, that’s why she’s calling me by that name” Minami quickly explained, feeling uncomfortable with all of her friends staring at her.
“Cute” Miho said with a smirk plastered on her face. “Guess you have friends after all, right Takahashi? But there’s no way, I’ll believe that story about a girlfriend”
Aaahhh, here we go again. Why? Why me?“A girlfriend?” Mayu asked. Suddenly her curiousness was awoken. “Really?”
“Y- yeah” Minami muttered shyly. She was quite shocked at the younger girl’s bluntness; after all she just met her.
“Ah, that’s cool! You know, I’ve been thinking about getting a girlfriend as well!”
“Eeeeehhhhh?” Yuki stared at the girl in confusion. “Really?”
“Yeah! You interested Kashiwagi-san?”
“What? No! Not at all!” Yuki blushed deep red and for once Minami was quite satisfied to see her perfect co-worker totally flustered, although she didn’t like the whole awkward situation at all.
Seems like I won’t be the one who’s getting embarrassed tonight.“Back to Takahashi then”
Someone save me?Suddenly a loud voice rang through the restaurant.
“Raise your hands everyone! Police!”
That’s not exactly what I meant. Just my luck I guess.Suddenly a troop of policemen appeared in the door. All of them were heavily armed and had raised their weapons. Customers jumped up from their tables, the waitress dropped the plates she was carrying and a drunk man threw his glass through the room. A small woman who had her head resting on the counter looked up and sighed annoyed before going back to her half-sleep. Ami, Miyuki and Yuki stared at the policemen wide-eyed, Miichan was nowhere to be seen, Miho was on the floor curled up as a ball and seemed to be screaming and Mayu… well, Mayu didn’t care at all. She barely flinched, making her seem even creepier than before to Minami.
“Everyone! Against the wall!”
Minami quickly pulled Miho up and shoved her against the wall closest to their seats. Miichan came crawling out from underneath the table were she had been hiding and Mayu took her chance to grab Yuki’s butt in the common confusion. Everything was even worse than Minami could have imagined. Miho was staining her shirt with tears of fear as she pressed her face into the smaller woman’s shoulder. She was a coward after all. Silently Minami patted her head while observing the policemen. They were obviously controlling the people closest to the door but didn’t find whatever they were looking for because they stepped farther into the room.
“What’s this?” Ami whispered.
“They are looking for something or someone” Mayu explained “Probably following an anonymous hint. That hasn’t been planned for long. See? They don’t know how to properly handle their guns, the way this guy is holding it is completely wrong. If this was planned they would have gotten well-trained people to do the job. Seems urgent.”
Everyone gaped at Mayu.
“Why do you know these things about guns?” Minami asked in a small voice. She earned a chuckle and a sugar-coated smile but didn’t get a proper answer.
“We should find out what they want, right?” Ami whispered as one of the men approached them. Yuki nodded.
“Milky and I will take care of that”
“Miss, could you empty your pockets please?” the officer addressed Miyuki who quickly obeyed. She handed him her huge purse as well.
“Don’t be surprised because of what you might find” she gave the man a beaming smile. “I have no idea what I put in there. Guess I’m a messy girl after all… But there’s nothing that could shock you, right? After all… an officer like you… young and strong… you’ve seen it all, haven’t you?” She tilted her head and fluttered with her eyelids.
“Uhm, I guess?” the man answered, not sure how to react to the obviously flirting girl.
“I knew it! Yay!” she clapped her hands as if she just won in a quiz show. “You’re so… I have no words” she sighed.
Minami was fascinated and disgusted at the same time by the interaction between the two people.
So that’s how you do it. The officer had even forgotten about the purse he still held in his hand. Instead his eyes were wandering up and down on Miyuki’s body.
“Oh. Thank you, I guess but I’m on duty now, so… But later I could…”
He blushed and started to roam through Miyuki’s bag.
“Was that an invitation? I’m so happy! Isn’t it great, Yuki?”
“It is, it is!” Yuki stepped forward and bowed in front of the officer, allowing him to get a great view at her cleavage. “I’m almost jealous” she said jokingly and startled the poor guy completely. He wasn’t able to comprehend that suddenly there were two hot girls flirting with him.
“Say, would you mind to tell us what’s going on?” Yuki asked and tilted her head to the side.
“I’m sorry, I’m not authorized to tell anything. Your bag is clean Miss. May I ask for the other bags too?”
“Oh thank you” Miyuki purred. “I’m glad you didn’t mind the mess”
“You can check my bag” Yuki offered. The man nodded and quickly took it accidentally brushing the woman’s hand. “Eh? Your hands are so cold!”
“Oh… that… yeah”
“It must be tiring to check all of the stuff” Miyuki mused. “Is it really necessary? I wonder what is going on here…”
“As I said, I’m not authorized…”
“Of course! We understand, we understand!” Yuki cut him off “I just wondered if it will be alright to walk home alone tonight”
“Do you live around here? If so it could be dangerous”
“Eeeeeehhhh?” Minami stared at the man. “Why?”
A sharp pain in her leg interrupted her.
That hurts!“Aaah! What-“
“Don’t interrupt their information-gathering” Mayu hissed into Minami’s ear and gave her a dark look that caused the midget-sized girl to close her mouth immediately.
“A- Italian pizza, I want to order pizza, I mean that’s it. That’s what I just said. I wasn’t hurt or anything, so wasn’t. Yeah. That’s it… Miichan! Pizza!” Minami mumbled and tried to rub her leg without catching any attention.
Did this Cyborg-girl just kick me? What have I done?“Anyway…” the officer looked at her and the crying Miho who was still clinging to her. “Seems like you guys are clean. I see you later?” he shyly asked Miyuki who gave him a beaming smile that changed into an angry expression as soon as he turned around.
“You messed up Takahashi- san!”
“I did?”
So that’s why they are the ones handling the customers and not me. Damn. I fail.CoF Headquarters, 08:07 PMAtsuko counted the cracks in the ceiling. Just to take her mind off things. Mariko had put her to bed rest after she had broken down and claimed that she needed time to mourn. To Atsuko this idea seemed really bad. Mourning meant drowning in sadness, in the waters of an endless ocean of tears that pressed on her chest and cut her breath. Hell, she hated it.
“78, 79, 80. Or did I count that one already? I wonder… 81, 82, 83… oh forget it!”
Can’t sit still, got to move, got to run, to fight and sweat, and to forget.She massaged her temples and sat up in her bed. Her room looked like a luxurious prison cell; it was small, there were no windows and only a naked light bulb hanging from the ceiling, but the concrete floor was covered with a stylish black carpet and the furniture hadn’t been cheap either.
The CoF Headquarters were located on the third floor of an old factory. The lower floors were abandoned just in case somebody stumbled in by accident. It had been decided after an incident with a few teenagers who had come in as a test of courage that hadn’t gone well.
Mariko-sama had put up the newspaper article that dealt with their deaths right across the toilet so everyone had the headline “Furukawa A. (18), Takayanagi A. (16) and Hata S. (19) found dead after claiming to have found proof of supernatural activity in old factory!” right in front of their eyes a few times each day. It was a constant reminder to keep a low profile and Mariko’s way of paying a tribute to her organization’s victims. Atsuko hadn’t been a part of the troupe at that point of time but she knew that it had caused a lot of problems and even brought her mentor Oshima Yuko to jail. She didn’t stay there for a long time though.
Afterwards the stairs to the third floor had been hidden and as the windows were bricked up, nobody was able to tell that a secret community had claimed the building. The occasional noises people could hear when the assassins were experimenting with grenades in the basement quickly earned the factory the reputation of being haunted, successfully keeping the neighbors out.
To Atsuko the place was the home she never had and even though she would never admit it she felt that the people living and working here were her family. Well, anyone but that new annoying girl who just knocked at the door of her room.
“Go away” Atsuko ordered.
“Mariko-sama sent me to bring you dinner” the voice sounded awfully cheerful regarding the situation and made Atsuko seriously think about getting up and landing a harsh punch on that blabbering mouth.
“Tell her to send anyone but you and maybe I’ll eat”
For a moment silence filled the air but then the steps hurried away.
Why didn’t you pick a fight? Haruka would’ve talked back at me in her adorable oblivious way and you are not even able to occupy my mind for a brief minute. Sighing Atsuko went back to counting the cracks. When she arrived at 134 and couldn’t find anymore cracks to count and all she could do was thinking about getting a handyman to fix it she finally heard another voice calling her.
Surprised she raised an eyebrow.
“Didn’t you say something about drowning your mind in alcohol?” she asked.
“I did, but the police searched the entire restaurant. Don’t know who gave them the hint that I was there. Can I come in?”
“Yeah” Atsuko answered, knowing that this woman was much more persistent than anyone else around. She heard the door open and closed her eyes. Sometimes listening was better than seeing. The plate flapped as it was placed on the single table in the small room.
“I got you something from that restaurant. It looks disgusting but it’s good”
“It is?” Atsuko answered, her eyes still closed as she felt the other woman sit on the bed next to her.
“If you don’t eat it now, it’ll get cold. Come on, I’ll keep you company”
The woman patted Atsuko’s head and ran her fingers through her hair.
“Really? Are your underlings actually alright if you aren’t with them?”
“Oh, the Twin Towers will be fine by themselves. They actually need some private time to work some things out, trust me. Yeah, I can imagine what they are doing… together… alone…”
“You’re such a pervert Yuko”
“Of course I am. But you should really eat now”
“No” Atsuko opened her eyes to look at her friend. “I don’t feel like it. Just let me stay here and go back to your underlings. You don’t know how much time you’ll have left together” She smiled bitterly.
“You never know” Yuko said quietly, an unusual serious, even sad expression on her face. “After all that’s our job, right? Our victims… they too have people to mourn for them. It’s only fair if we experience the same pain”
It’s not. It’s not fair. It can’ be.“But life has to go on. You’ll get a new partner in no time, Umechan isn’t that bad actually and then you’ll fight and you’ll forget and somehow the throbbing pain will become numb and you’ll bear with it and accept it as a part of yourself. Trust me; I know what I’m talking about”
“I don’t like the new girl” Atsuko answered, successfully ignoring Yuko’s other comments. “She’s small and way too lively”
“Sounds like me” Yuko got up from the bed and yawned. “Since I can’t get drunk, I might as well go to sleep. Or take a peek at my Twin Towers…. Tempting, tempting… Enjoy your meal, Acchan” she winked at the girl and disappeared into the corridor, silently and carefully closing the door. Once again everything was quiet.
Atsuko continued to stare at the door even after Yuko had already left for five minutes. There was no way she could eat now, but sleeping wasn’t an opinion either. She was restless and before she even realized what she was doing she was heading out. In the hallway she bumped into Kumi who gave her a worried look but for once was smart enough to keep her mouth shut.
Somewhere has to be a place where I can stop thinking, somewhere I’ll feel good.Restaurant The Old Coin, 08: 44 PMMinami ate another slice of pizza knowing very well that Miichan was watching her. Aside from some regulars she and her colleagues were the only customers to stay after the police incident. Miichan had begged them to stay because she wouldn’t have any business otherwise and since Minami couldn’t see her childhood friend sad she had convinced the others. Miho had not wanted to look like a coward as soon as she had wiped her tears away and Mayu seemed to be more than pleased and so they agreed.
“It’s tasty, isn’t it Takamina?” Miichan said enthusiastically.
“Great” Minami mumbled. It actually was but Miichan seemed to weird Miyuki out and made Ami giggle. Yuki was slightly embarrassed by the girl next to her, Mayu, who kept making suggestive offers that caused her to laugh into her pasta. Minami was even more embarrassed to listen to this conversation, sometimes with Miyuki butting in, making her cousin’s advances even worse. Miho still hadn’t fully recovered and picked up her pride. She sat silently and tried to look tough by glaring at Miichan who didn’t even notice her. Minami thought that was actually somewhat adorable.
Suddenly the door opened, making Miichan jump in surprise.
“Come in, come in!” she ran straight towards her new guest and knocked another customer, a woman who was just leaving, over. The poor woman on the floor grunted before putting her oversized hat back into place. She got up and snorted into the sleeve of her shirt that had stains all over it and Minami didn’t want to know where all these came from. Somehow, the woman caught Minami’s gaze and gave her a smile. Awkwardly she smiled back but then looked away. There were always some strange people in Miichan’s restaurant and that person was definitely one of them.
“If she came running at me like that, I’d probably leave right away” Miho commented, finally recovering. Ami and Yuki burst into laughter, causing Mayu who had just been talking to Yuki to glare at Miho because she had stolen the woman’s attention.
She’s scary. I better look away, I don’t want to see anyone die here.Shifting her attention to the door, Minami found Miichan talking to an oddly familiar figure. A girl in a black leather jacket leaned on the counter and seemed to be off in her own world why the restaurant owner was probably advising her Shrimp Creole. As if she was sensing Minami’s gaze she suddenly looked up.
No way.The dark haired girl’s lips curved into a weak smile as she found Minami looking at her. Quickly, Minami lowered her head. Just to pretend she didn’t see anything. Or maybe the stranger wouldn’t recognize her at all. After all the pizza was the most interesting thing in the world. She didn’t even look up as silence fell over the table and a familiar female voice behind her asked:
“Could I sit with you?”
“Sure?” Yuki questioned.
“And who would you be?” Mayu asked as the woman who sat down next to Minami who was still staring at her plate with the last slice of pizza. Really, it was the center of her cosmos because her confusion would have overwhelmed her if she tore her gaze away.
“Get me a glass of red wine and some bread” the woman ignored Mayu’s question.
“Of course”
She’s even able to make Miichan mumble…Mayu’s question got ignored, but the girl was not going to give up that easily.
“I asked who you are” she repeated impatiently.
“A friend of hers”
She’s not pointing at me, is she?“A friend of Takahashi-san? Really?” That was Ami.
Oh yes she is pointing at me. “We are quite close”
Is it just me or does she sound down?“Really?” Yuki exclaimed. “I mean that’s great! I’m surprised!”
“Sooo… you are the mysterious girlfriend, aren’t you?” Miho mischievously asked.
Silence full of expectations.
Oh, please no.And before Minami realized what she was doing, she got up and grabbed Atsuko’s hand.
“Let’s go home” she ordered, dragged the stunned girl with her and left equally stunned friends behind while Miichan was dropping the wine bottle as they passed by. The last thing Minami heard before they left the restaurant was her childhood friend’s desperate call:
“Aren’t you going to pay?”
Takahashi Residence, 09: 20 PMAtsuko was staring at a ceiling again but this time there were no cracks to count. Her original plan of getting drunk was ruined but this was just fine. The sadness was still almost unbearable, but the thoughts weren’t conquering her mind as cruelly as before. She looked up as the bedroom door opened. The midget came in with cookies and something that looked like tea. Still, wine would have been better.
“What’s your name?” Atsuko finally broke the silence.
“Takahashi Minami” the answer was almost not audible.
“Call me Acchan”
“Yes” Minami offered Atsuko a cookie.
“No” she shook her head.
“It’s good”
Really, what’s with this girl? Taking a stranger home to offer her cookies?“NO”
“Oh, alright” Minami stumbled, a scared look on her face. Atsuko almost felt guilty. Almost. She continued staring at the ceiling and wondered if she should make some stupid comment just to see that other woman blush, but couldn’t come up with anything. Instead she asked:
“Do you know what’s it like to feel like your dead?”
“Dead. Numb. With a head full of dark clouds. Like someone stole the sun from the sky”
What do I think I’m doing here?“I guess”
“Really?” Atsuko asked harshly but this time she didn’t scare Minami.
And that was all she said but somehow it made Atsuko feel better. After a long break with both of them staring into different directions, Minami finally gathered her courage.
“You can tell me. Sometimes it’s easier to talk to strangers, you know?”
“How would you know?” Atsuko glanced at Minami and saw a painful look on her face, but she didn’t feel like regretting what she just said.
“I … had a younger brother. He was reckless, you know? Always going too fast with his motorbike, hanging with the wrong people. He died in an illegal car race. As an older sister I should have protected him, but I failed”
Why is she telling me?“I should have seen that something was bound to happen. I could have realized where this was going to end, because people who live like that die young. Isn’t that true?”
It is. Oh, Minami, trust me I know a lot about early deaths. I’ve been the cause of some of those…“Sometimes… innocents die too” Minami continued unaware of Atsuko’s sudden attention. “Because of sickness or because there are people who just kill them. Because they are reckless and endanger others, or for their own pleasure… I really, really, hate those people, you know?”
“You do” Atsuko concluded, sighing deeply.
So you must hate me.“Yesterday” she told Minami, “There was a murder in this neighbourhood. That’s why the police showed up at this restaurant earlier today” She smiled bitterly as she saw that all color drained from her opposite’s face. She continued in a soft voice knowing that she was giving of a scary aura. “She was shot. In the head. Three times, completely accurate. Her name was Sato Amina and she had the bad luck of serving the wrong person. Isn’t it cruel?” she inched closer to Minami and brought her own face to the other girl’s. “But at the same time her murderer’s partner who tried to kill Amina’s mistress was murdered. Is the murderer allowed to grieve? Or was it fate? Tell me Minami, is this world nothing but cruel for those who die as well as for those who survived?”
Atsuko watched as Minami licked her dry lips and tried to form words.
“Where you… the murderer?”
“Ah, I’m glad. Sorry for assuming… I wouldn’t think… Ah, you wanted to scare me with that story, right?” Minami finally said and chuckled nervously. “Are you sure you don’t want a cookie? You know, they are quite good! I’m not the greatest cook whatsoever, but Miichan helped me make them and even though she may be difficult to deal with, she’s actually nice! Trust me! And my friends are nice too. Most of the time. Well, we work together but everyone gets along just fine”
Atsuko stared blankly at Minami who tried her best to talk her nervousness away, while cleaning up the room. She was quite amused when the smaller woman almost slipped on her own drawings that scattered on the floor. But she just couldn’t seem to be able to smile.
I don’t want to hurt. I don’t want to feel.“Minami?”
“Y- yes?”
“Make me happy, alright?”
“Well, I’m your girlfriend after all” Atsuko smirked.
“Oh! Oh! Oh! No, no, no… they just thought… I told them…well…” Minami trailed of, searching for any kind of correct way to express what she meant. The familiar heat was already making its way to her face.
“Do you want a cookie?”
“Are you trying to change the topic?”
“No! I’m…” Minami blushed even redder if possible “… trying to make you happy”
Atsuko stared at the cookie.
This girl is TOO weird.