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Author Topic: Travel To A Distant World: The Recruitment (Mayuki) [side story] (Dec 29 2013)  (Read 127983 times)

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On her way to practice, Takahashi Minami falls into a river and is pulled downward by a strange force. When she awakens, she realizes she is no longer in the Akihabara she knew. In this place, a war is going on between the citizens and the corrupted government. A group of rebels called AKB were formed in order to fight for the civilians.

While back in the known Akihabara, another girl, resembling Takashi Minami, emerges from the river and realizes something had seriously gone wrong. The AKB she knew is not the same, and here they are an idol group, and once she begins to piece together what had possibly occurred, she fears the person who was sent to where she is from is in great danger.

What is going on? Will this girl be able to go back to where she is from? And what about the idol groups’ leader Takahashi Minami, will she be alright?


I thought something like this would be fun to write, so that up there is a small synopsis to give you an idea of what the story will be about :)

Let me know what you think and if it's something you'd be interested in reading! If so I'll try to get started on writing the first chapter :D

(Edit: It will involve a couple AKB members, at least as many as I can include, and also to answer a question, yes, there will be some pairings!)
« Last Edit: December 29, 2013, 02:58:33 PM by arrow27 »

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Re: Travle To A Distant World - Synopsis (2013/06/01)
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2013, 11:00:24 PM »
This looks awesome! can't wait til your update ^.^

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Re: Travle To A Distant World - Synopsis (2013/06/01)
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2013, 11:04:19 PM »
This seems interesting~ alternate universes~ yay~
will this be no pairings?
hrm... I wonder how the AKBs will reacte

Offline sakura_drop_

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Re: Travle To A Distant World - Synopsis (2013/06/01)
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2013, 11:18:21 PM »
I wanna read the first chapter ASAP!!!!

OMG, this sounds really interesting!!!  :wub:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: Travle To A Distant World - Synopsis (2013/06/01)
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2013, 05:15:04 AM »
Interesting idea there...

What's going to happen with the leader of idol takamina and rebel Takamina...?

Was the rebel Takamina be able to lead AKB idol group?

Would Idol Takamina be able to lead the rebel?

Can't wait

Thank you for the interesting synopsis

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline bunny_rabbit

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Re: Travle To A Distant World - Synopsis (2013/06/01)
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2013, 05:22:38 AM »
a paralel universe? a brand new theme for a fic...nice one :on GJ:

since they came from two diferent worlds, I wonder how they will interact with people from the new world and what kind of new things they will learn from the new world...

will they be able to get back to their original world in the end? many question on my head now...

Offline chichay12

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Re: Travle To A Distant World - Synopsis (2013/06/01)
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2013, 05:26:25 AM »
i think im gonna love it :on gay:
i cant wait to read your chapter 1...

Offline blakwhite

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Re: Travle To A Distant World - Synopsis (2013/06/01)
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2013, 05:50:13 AM »
hmm intresting  :thumbup

i hope there some atsumina  :grin:
im looking forward to the chapter 1

Offline Dieyg48

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Re: Travle To A Distant World - Synopsis (2013/06/01)
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2013, 06:00:55 AM »
Yay!! Hey, you should continue on this fanfics!!!
 :yep: :heart: :twothumbs

~It's awesome when i read it!! I got fired up!!!
 XD :lol: :w00t:

~And about the pairings...I really hope there is AtsuMina and KojiYuu in it!!
 :inlove: :wub: :)

~Maybe some TakaYuu too? Nah...I'm just requesting, no need to accept it~heheh
 :? :D :yep:

~Anyway, pls continue it!! It's really attract my heart!! I'm waiting!!~
 :twothumbs :thumbsup :wub:

Takamina forever in my heart!!!
AtsuMina KojiYuu KaiAcchan TakaYuu AtsuYuu!!!
In FanFic...Anything is possible!!!
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[Note: I'm on HIATUS right now...For a very long time!! T__T''']

Offline Rachel431

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Re: Travle To A Distant World - Synopsis (2013/06/01)
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2013, 06:29:15 AM »
Can't wait to see what's happens :P You basically know how to write all type of fics, you are amazing  :twothumbs

Offline arrow27

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Travle To A Distant World-Chapter 1-the switch (2013/06/02)
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2013, 02:13:19 PM »
Thanks for the positive comments everyone :D To regard all your questions for the story, the answers will reveal themselves in due time :) In celebration to your awesomeness, here is chapter 1! ENJOY!


Chapter 1 – The Switch!

Takahashi Minami’s POV

      I’d left my apartment in the morning and began my walk along the riverside for a change. It was a beautiful day and the sun was just beginning to rise. I looked at my watch and saw it was 5:30 am, and still had an hour till practice began at the theatre. However, I’d promised to meet up with Miichan at the station not too far from here. Continuing my walk, I began to hum our latest AKB single, sayanora crawl.

      Before continuing on my way, a loud bang forced me to halt all movements. Turing around frantically, I tried to pinpoint the origin of the noise. My gaze was instantly drawn to the river on my left side. The water near the edge seemed to be glowing. Curious, I slowly and cautiously walked over to the edge and knelt down by the water. Instead of seeing my reflection, the glowing in the water instead showed a strange silhouette of a city, but it was too blurry to get a clear view. Thinking I must be losing it, I stood up and rubbed my eyes. Just as I was about to take a step back to move away, my foot slipped on the edge and I fell into the river. “Woah!” I plunged in head first and the water engulfed and wrapped around me. I could feel myself somehow being pulled deeper in the water regardless of my struggling. What’s going on! The river isn’t even this deep! I panicked, but there was nothing I could do. Slowly I was suffocating and losing my consciousness. With no energy left to resist, I let the water pull me into the darkness.


   “It’s not like Minami to be late” Miichan said as she checked the time on her cell phone. It was 5:50 and the leader had promised to meet her at the station. “She must’ve gotten distracted by something on her way here...Then again that’s not like her, but even she has her moments” The young girl sighed and decided to walk in the direction of the leader’s apartment, hoping to run into her half way. The variety idol kept making her way down the sidewalk, and after a few minutes, she suddenly stopped when the sound of coughing caught her attention.  She looked down and saw someone emerging from the river. Said girl lifted herself up from the water, crashed to all fours on the ground, coughing and gasping. Miichan figured she should go see if the girl needed help. Regardless of just coming out of the water, the girl looked pretty dirty, at least her clothes did. The girls light brown hair was long and dishevelled. She wore a black leather jacket that was cut in some areas and a white shirt stained with dirt and... Is that blood!? Is she hurt? Miichan ran down the nearby stairs and headed towards the girl. “Hey! Are you all right?” the variety idol called out and stopped dead in her tracks when the girl raised her head. “Ta..Takamina!?”

   As I dove out of the water, I began to violently cough, attempting to catch my breath. This is what happens when I trusted idiots to build the machine. Safe landing my ass. I cursed as I got my breathing under control.

   “Hey! Are you all right?” I heard a familiar voice yell as footsteps approached. Looking up, I was surprised to see Minegishi Minami, who seemed equally as surprised as she called out. I reacted first as I quickly stood up and reached behind my jacket for my hidden gun. Before I could make anymore movements however, the girl crossed her arms and glared at me, shouting. “Geez what the heck were you doing in the river! Don’t tell me you fell in? And did you get into a fight with a wild dog or something, because that’s what it looks like.” She said.

        I was too baffled and stopped reaching for my weapon. Minegishi sighed and then looked perplexed, she reached out with her right hand towards my hair but I defensively slapped it away. “What are you up to!?” I said guarded.

       “I should be asking you that! Though I admit as messy as your hair is, it looks nice. When did you get extensions?” she asked. I momentarily dropped my guard and raised an eyebrow at her,

       “Did you hit your head or something? Or is this a trap?”

       “Stop messing around Takamina, we’re going to be late for practice...Ah, that’s right! Did you get hurt or something, there’s blood on your shirt” she yelled as she stepped closer, actually seeming concerned. What the hell. I figured she’d do nothing but rejoice if she saw my blood spill. I was about to express that out loud but stopped when I noticed the genuine concern in her eyes, which caught me off guard. A look I hadn’t seen from her for a long while. I calmed my expression and reassured her.

   “No...I’m fine. It’s not my blood...It’s nothing” Once I said that, she looked relieved, then grabbed my hand.

   “Fake blood huh, your sense of fashion never seizes to amaze me. Now come on, it’d look bad if the leader of AKB showed up late to practice” she said as she began to drag me along.

         Leader of AKB? Wait, does that mean the machine worked...I thought maybe nothing had changed and it failed...but if I’m still the leader then it must’ve worked. Then... why do things seem so different? Did the machine somehow screw up the timeline? In any case, since I’m here now, I have to do what I came here to do. Minegishi kept dragging me through the streets. Everything did look different. More peaceful. Something wasn’t right. Even in the past things were never like this. What’s going on?

         Minegishi lead me to a train, something I hadn’t ridden in awhile, not counting the ones I stowed away in that sent deliveries to the prefectures. After getting off the train, she said we made it to the practice in time. Must be performing some practice drills then.

         However, the building we approached was foreign to me, and so was the writing displayed. “Japan’s most sophisticated show? Wait what?”

         I was dragged in before I could protest and Minegishi stopped in front of two large doors and opened them. When she did, I stood dumbfounded at the site before me. The girls were dancing on the stage. Although I did recognize all the familiar faces present.
         “Boo! You all started early.” Minegishi accused as she walked up to...Oshima! There the girls all stopped practicing and made their way down the stage. I stood at the doors, to afraid and freaked out to move. There they all were, looking so... happy and energetic. When they turned and noticed me at the door, there was no hate in their eyes.

         “You’re always the first one here leader. Heard from Miichan just now that you fell into the river, never thought you were that big of a klutz” Oshima laughed.
         “And you got extensions. That’s a surprise” Itano spoke up.
         “Well we’re all here now. Why don’t you go get cleaned up and dry off in the change room before we resume practice Minami” Shinoda smiled.
         “Yah your clothes are still kind of wet but at least the sun dried off most of it” Minegishi said.
         “Uh, earth to Takamina, you with us?” Kojima asked.
         “Takamina san, are you okay?” Shimazaki asked.
         “She’s still not responding, Miichan what did you do” Sashihara joked.

         I snapped out of it, and looked to them all, finally gaining back my senses. “What are you all doing?! How can you be dancing and singing when there are more important things to do?” I yelled. They all stopped chatting to stare at me.

         “What else would we be doing? We have to practice for our concert. Top idols remember, it’s important to practice to give our fans the best show.” Miyazawa answered.

        Concert? Idols? Fans? Oh no... I started to panic as I held out my left wrist and clicked at my watch, trying to see what my location was displayed as. This can’t be right! It still says it’s June 1st 2013, but that’s the day I left...then that means...I didn’t successfully travel back in time! ...but then...where the hell am I? I looked up to see all the girls staring back worriedly. What did I do...? After a short moment of silence, I cleared by throat and decided to speak out. “So AKB is an idol group? What about the government, what are they doing?” I asked.
         Everyone exchanged glances again. “How are we supposed to know? Government related things I guess; it’s not really our concern. You’re really getting into this politician thing though” Oshima answered.

         I gulped. My suspicions slowly being realized. I screwed up! I need to get back! ... But wait...If I’m right about what’s happened then... I looked over to Minegishi, “Try calling house phone or cell phone” I instructed.

         She raised an eyebrow, “Why would I? You’re standing right here”
         “Just do it please”
         She shrugged and dialled. She said no answer at the house, and rang the cell phone but said that wasn’t being answered to.   
        “Weird, I thought your cell was on you. Did you drop it in the river maybe?”

         I took a deep breath. This wasn’t good. If I was here....then that meant...’she’ is there. If I don’t find a way back soon and fix this...then the person who should be here instead of me will most likley die.

                                                                                END OF CHAPTER 1

Offline Shinoki

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Re: Travle To A Distant World-Chapter 1-the switch (2013/06/02)
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2013, 02:31:44 PM »
tackles author with full-happiness tackle~~
wow... that was great~
extensions? hrm...
ok... so there are going to be pairings...
and hrm.... nod nod nod can't wait, but no pressure

Offline arrow27

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Re: Travle To A Distant World-Chapter 1-the switch (2013/06/02)
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2013, 03:20:37 PM »
Shinoki: Lol, appreciates the tackle of happiness :P :D & appearence wise, to differntiate b/w the two Minami's, the one we know sports her usual short hair and the one who made an appearence in the first chapter sports the long hair :)

& as for pairings, they will be coming soon enough :) Thanks for reading!

Offline sakura_drop_

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Re: Travle To A Distant World-Chapter 1-the switch (2013/06/02)
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2013, 03:30:50 PM »
before I go to study... I just had to do this...

 :farofflook: :kneelbow: :shock: :shy1:

my thoughts about your update in a random order...

Just... Please update soon, okay?!
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: Travle To A Distant World-Chapter 1-the switch (2013/06/02)
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2013, 03:39:06 PM »
Amazing~ :fap

Oh no! What will happen next? Needs to uncover the mysteries! Can't wait when the story goes further.. :D

Thank you for the update.. Hope you update soon :bow:

Offline RJay

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Re: Travle To A Distant World-Chapter 1-the switch (2013/06/02)
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2013, 06:01:09 PM »
Wow! This is really interesting :).

I wonder what's going to happen to the other Minami and what will Minami(that came out of the river) will do about it. :?
So many questions to ask but I will find those out when the next chapter comes.

Please update soon! XD
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Re: Travle To A Distant World-Chapter 1-the switch (2013/06/02)
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2013, 06:04:29 PM »
This reminds me of the anime "Arata: The Legend."

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Re: Travle To A Distant World-Chapter 1-the switch (2013/06/02)
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2013, 07:06:18 PM »
you are right Rebel-Midget, you better find a way to get back to your own world and fix things up...but before you do that, there is something more important for you to do : Practice for Concert... :on lol:

man, from a rebel group leader to a popular idol group leader (and vice versa)... that's a drastic change of life style...hope both of them can cope with their 'new' life...

the next chapter will be from the idol leader POV right?

Offline arrow27

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Re: Travle To A Distant World-Chapter 1-the switch (2013/06/02)
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2013, 08:00:22 PM »

sakura_drop_: Lol thank you very much. I promise to post chapter two tomorrow :)

kenjoy12: Thank you! Indeed their are mysteries, and things will be revealed each chapter :D

RJay: Yup, you'll fidn out in chapter two, thanks for reading!

TTLuver497: lol the name is familiar, that's a new anime right. Read it's summary now :) Not surprised theres other things out there about different worlds/people. It's a concept that's most likley happened in many anime, manga and stories, but they're interesting so thought it'd be fun to write something along those lines :) I assure you this fic is different, at least I hope it is cause I don't really plan on watching  Arata: The Legend lol. Let me know if it's a good anime or not though! May start it up when i can :)

bunny_rabbit: Lol, indeed thats a tough taks for the two of them lol. And yes, in the next chapter you do get to learn about what's happened to idol Minami. The POV goes back and forth :)

Thanks again for reading everyone! I'll try update the next chapter tomorrow:D

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Re: Travle To A Distant World-Chapter 1-the switch (2013/06/02)
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2013, 08:17:32 PM »
TTLuver497: lol the name is familiar, that's a new anime right. Read it's summary now :) Not surprised theres other things out there about different worlds/people. It's a concept that's most likley happened in many anime, manga and stories, but they're interesting so thought it'd be fun to write something along those lines :) I assure you this fic is different, at least I hope it is cause I don't really plan on watching  Arata: The Legend lol. Let me know if it's a good anime or not though! May start it up when i can :)
Oh, it's good! Right now, a good place to find it and watch it is on Crunchyroll!

I definitely recommend you watch. I think it could give you some inspiration to your fic. :thumbsup

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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