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Author Topic: Everyone Has Their Own Problem||Multiple Pairings||[GB] Ch. 11 update! 23.06.17  (Read 67238 times)

Offline Bakamina_Oshi

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Thanks for the update!
I hope that kojiharu will forgive Yuu soon

Offline niineechan

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U make it into pairings instead of group this time.
Nice move! :thumbs up:

Offline Raizel

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Nice..  Koyumi-chan.. :thumbsup
I love the drawing..  :inlove: And everyone looks cool.. But I like Jun the best.. XD
For the girls you dont try to draw them? I read in this chapter that Rena has a twintail hairstyle, Hope you can make her have a long hair instead.. :panic:
Can't wait for the next.. :twothumbs
Thnx for update..

Offline purnamazaki

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Thankss author-san ..
I cant wait for the next ...

Offline Koyumichan~

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Chapter 3 is here minna-san~~ this is the fastest time I updated, I guess :on asmo: :on asmo: Well, thanks to holidays~ :nya: :nya: I hope you like this and sorry for errors and typos if you find later. If you are in holidays too, then happy holiday~~ :mon trudge:
Ps, next chapter will reveal yuiparu and wmatsui so stay tune! 8)

@Bakamina_oshi: you are welcome! :hip smile: kojiyuu will revealed on chapter 5 ;)
@niineechan: yep hehehe because if I make into group, there will be a group with our 6 charas and the other one with 4 charas only :D thank you! XD
@Raizel: you like the drawing? Seriously? XD I thought it looks not good X3 I'm so happy you like it :D I draw them but not finished yet. I promise next chapter I will post the girls drawing ^^ Rena does have long hair but the hairstyle is twintail. Later she will change it so don't worry XD
@purnamazaki: you're welcome~ :cow: here is the update :3

Everyone Has Their Own Problem
Chapter 3: Takahashi Spying Time On Maeda

Break Time
Normal POV

Our boys were having their lunch at the center of cafeteria, their usual place in the middle of students. Their place was near with pretty girls and that is one out of million reasons to refuse why the boys agree to sit there. The fact is, Yuu was the one who wanted it so he can eat while see his beloved Haruna. Now the circumstances were different. Pretty girls especially Yuki glared at them as if they want to eat them alive. The boys just pretending they are ghosts trying to scare. Currently there were only 3 of them, Yuma, Jun, and Yuu.

Minami and Yuizo came, meals on their hand. "Hey midget and P2, why you two so slow! We can't wait to share our experiences in English class!" Yuu complained.

"That nickname..." Takamina and Yuizo said in unison. Yuizo added. "What is P2? I kinda forgot."

Yuma made a click sound of mouth. "Too many things must handle in student council that you can forget the nickname we created special for you?"

"Oy cyborg, you forgotten 'it' too. Don't push him too hard." Takamina reminded.

"Alright alright, stop it guys. Okay Mr. President. P2 is Pervert President~ I called you with that nickname again because I just remember you haven't returned some of my 'collections'" Yuu grinned ear to ear.

"Okay sorry for that. By the way, how was your time with that salty girl, Yuizo?" Yuma asked.

"Just ordinary I think? She said she can't understand me. I don't know what does she mean by it."

"Maybe she meant you are too smart that she can't understand what you mean or say." Yuu raised a brow. "How about you with your fiancée, brother?"

"Nothing but silence. Jun?" Yuma remarked and asked for the second time.

"The worst thing happened in my life. How about you, Yuu?" Jun replied lazily.

"I felt hopeless." He laughed bitterly.

Before Yuizo could ask Takamina, their moment interrupted by Takamina's girl friends came and pulled him to somewhere. Those girls stated it was important. Our boys exclude Yuizo rolled their eyes. They knew well that those girls will bring him to a girl who wants to confess. Like they don't know he already taken with Ray. "Ohhh 'that' thing. I remember now," Yuizo smiled. "Takamina borrowed half of it. I will ask him after school, how about it?"

"You are da best my pervert partner." Yuu winked.

After School
Yuizo POV

I have informed student council members that today I cancelled the gathering. Takamina could be seen packing his stuffs with fast motion. His movements rather strange as he panicked when Maeda get out of class. I let him go because I knew he had something to do. So here I was, to the place that I usually visit if there is no activity after school.
Minami POV

After school ended I didn’t go home immediately. I left my shinny sporty car in school parking lot and decided to start the mission from Akimoto-sensei today. Stalking, that is what I was doing. I followed her step by step and carefully. Luckily when I met my girl friends, they didn’t talk to me just greet me so I can keep her track. What make me shocked was, that unspoken girl still reading her book while walking. She could bump on someone! But I guess I’m worried too much. When she passed the school gate all students opened her a way. As we walking together (the right word is I was behind her being her stalker) we have arrived at the crossroads near Shibuya 109 tower. There were a lot of inhabitants waiting to cross and their backs blocking my view upon her. The traffic light became red and soon they ruled the street spreading like disturbed ants. I almost lost her tracks because of that. After we walked for some minutes, we arrived at a quiet alley. There were some tough talking men there and when Atsuko came they stopped talking. I hid behind a wall. One of those men got closer to her then whispered. I’m afraid he wants to rape her but I waited for the right moment to show myself. The man who got closer to Atsuko talk to her without whispering some seconds after he finished whispering.

“So, where are my moneys? Your father always avoids me when I ask him about it.” Would Atsuko answer his question? It was making me nervous! I wanted to see and hear she speak!

“......I don’t know.” WHAA—?! Atsuko had spoken! I couldn’t believe what I heard and saw! The blank expression never left her face. I wonder how would she look like when she smiles. I want to see it, too.

“Ha?! I need my moneys now!” He shouted angrily to Atsuko made me gritting my teeth.

“Sorry, I don’t have some money now. Could you give us more time?”

“You b*tch! I need it now!! Just let some rich guys f**k you and you will get moneys! How stupid you are, a matter like this can't be solved quick. Do you know how long you borrow it huh?!"

Oh really I wanted to punch him right now because of what he said to Atsuko! I kept my anger and tried my best to calm. Atsuko didn’t reply of what he said. She was just staring at him with blank expression. Suddenly the man couldn’t keep his anger and punched her. My eyes grew big as the punch sound hit my ears loudly. She didn’t shield herself, let her face got punched! Her lips was bleeding. I could see she was trying to keep her balance but ended up failed. She fell right in front of the man. The other men were grinning while looking at her pitifully. I clenched my fists. Calm down....calm down....calm down Takahashi Minami.

“This is punishment for you being too cocky!” After he said that, he laughed together with his underlings. Atsuko whipped the blood on her lips. She stood up and stared at them still with blank expression.

“Woah this cocky girl is strong about we test you again hm?”

His underlings immediately cornered her. Silence for a while but it didn't happen long as the man clapped his hand and his underlings start their action. Punching, kicking, and pulling her hair...I could not stand it for some more! Again, Atsuko didn’t protect herself just let them punched and kicked her. I saw her collapsed on the ground but the man underlings keep continue their actions. Unconsciously my foot dragged me to them. I did my revenge as the same of what they did to Atsuko. Finally his underlings defeated, I kicked the man's head hardly. He fell and wanted to get up but before he could do that I kicked him on his stomach. I sat on his tummy, punched him on the face nonstop until I heard a little groan from Atsuko. I turned my head to her but unfortunately I didn’t notice the man had gotten his strength back. He pushed me onto the surface and punched me hard on face. I returned the punch with kick thus he fell again. I took out my wallet off my pants pocket. Glaring.

“How much do you want huh?!”

He stuttered. “¥500.000 p-please...” Seems like he wanted me to give mercy to him. Meh...he acted strong but inside like a sissy. I gave him my credit card and ordered him to stop asking Atsuko about his moneys. In my credit card was ¥1.500.000 so that debt has been paid. He nodded and then ran away with his underlings. I walked towards Atsuko who was lying on the ground. She is fainted due to the punch and kick they gave to her. I called my two drivers, one to take me home and another one to take my car in school. I was waiting them while carrying Atsuko with bridal style. She was so pretty although  there were blood and bruises on her face. I stared at her for minutes. The voice of my drivers called my name stopping me. He wanted to help me carrying Atsuko but I refused. I gave one of them my car key after that we head to my house.
Minami's house

I carried her to my room and I treated her bruises. Since my father is a doctor I can do simple treatments. Somehow the book that she always read popping out of her bag and distracting me. The book that everyone scared to even glance at it, I took it and it turns out it was...a nursing book?! I'm sure because my father has this book in his library. I placed it back to its respect position and resumed my current activity. It was time to clean the blood on the corner of her lips. Our faces were only inches apart. I stopped the treatment when realized it. Don’t know why but my face started getting closer to her. Closer...closer...closer...1 cm...

She coughed! I quickly turned away my face also closed the medicine box. She opened her eyes then stared at me with her famous blank expression. Urrgghh why she always shows that kind of expression!?

“ were fainted in a quiet alley when I passed it after shopping in a store near there...” lying again. Sometimes I hate myself. Why didn’t I be honest to her? But if I did, our mission will be known. This complicated things! I prefer lied.

“........”She ignored me again. I think she will not speak unless it’s necessary.

“Why did you faint there? With bruises and blood on your face?”


“Atsuko, please answer my question. I really want to become your friend. If you have some problems, share it to me don’t keep it only by yourself.” A pleading stare was a great way to persuade girl in my version. My girl friends also couldn’t resist it, similar with Jun's puppy eyes attack. Well probably it is different for Atsuko but I tried anyway. Apparently she wanted to get up from my bed. She literally did and walked to the door. She stopped and swiveled her head.

“......Thank you...”I froze on my spot. Oh my Kami-sama finally she spoke to me! I screaming inside my head but it's gone after I realize it was already late for girl to go home alone and she has got out! I hurriedly chase her. Fortunately she was still here going downstairs.

“Atsuko! wait wait it’s already late for you to go home alone, let me take you home.” I grabbed her shoulder. She still in her blank expression looking at me. Some minutes went away because she didn’t answer me. After 5 minutes in silence, she nodded to me then continued going downstairs. I mumbled ‘Yipie’ and after that we went inside my car. For tomorrow, I will tell Shinoda-sensei that Maeda Atsuko had talked to me. That means we will know her more after this.

Offline ChrunchyCream

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Finally an update I've been waiting for this Author-chin~~~~  :gmon tears:

Offline vickystar

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Well well :welcome
I'm waiting for wmatsui tune :tama-mad:
Glad to see you updayoute it fast like this  :cow:
WMatsui in my heart <3
Kamaoshi : M.Rena

Offline Bakamina_Oshi

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Yay Acchan finally spoke to takamina.

Can't wait for Wmatsui and Kojiyuu soon

Offline Minami-chan

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I guess that Bakamina player will fall hard for Atsuko..
Thx for updating, update soon :bow:

Offline Raizel

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Nice.. koyumi-chan. :w00t:
I will stay tune, can't wait the next chapter is wmatsui and yuiparu,, :inlove:
Thnx for update.. :twothumbs

Offline purnamazaki

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I cant wait for wmatsui ..
Pleasee update fast author-san lol ..
Thanks for update author-san

Offline Kairi65

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update soon! ;)


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author-san please update! i cant wait for mayuki^^

Offline cisda83

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Well luckily, Minami was stalking Atsuko after school

If not, I would not want to imagine what would happen to Atsuko

What's going to happen to Atsuko and Minami next?

Would they become lover in the future?

What about the rest of the other guys with their girls?

Can't wait to find out more

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Koyumichan~

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I update fast again minna-san :mon hi: (do I? XD) because someone who helped me, Mrs. K, was excited too much to read Yuiparu :wahaha: Enjoy and sorry for errors and typos. See you later with Kojiyuu and Mayuki! :on gay: :on gay: :on gay:
Ps, for Raizel here is the finished drawing. I'm no good at drawing girls so I'm sorry if its look bad <(>_<)> from left to right are Acchan, Harunyan, Yukirin, Rena, and Paruru. Later, I will make the different Acchan and Rena after they realize love muehehehe *smirk*
@ChrunchyCream: author-chin is a cute nickname XD here is the next update :cow:
@vickystar: alright~~ here is the WMatsui tune 8) do I update fast again? :D
@Bakamina_oshi: yes she did :hip smile: here is the Wmatsui and please keep reading for Kojiyuu :D
@Minami-chan: Thank you so much! :hip smile: :hip smile:
@niineechan: well keep reading to make sure :P you are welcome~ here is the update :3
@Raizel: Thank you! XD here is the update :cathappy:
@purnamazaki: I update fast for now XD here is the update and you're welcome :lol:
@Kairi65: here is the update mrs. K~ MaYuki will be on next chapter so stay tune ne! ;)
@cisda83: yep hehehe XD next is still a secret~ so keep reading okay muahahaha XD you are welcome~

Everyone Has Their Own Problem
Chapter 4: The Salty Princess's Curiosity and Matsui Spying Time on Matsui

After School
At The Same Time With Minami Spying Time
Haruka POV

If I go home I'm sure there will be no activities that I could do. While clearing my goods, my mind could not stop thinking about after school activities. Unfortunately I did not get an interesting activity to do. Actually I have piano lessons at 5 PM but once truant will not create disaster. Moreover, my parents are always busy with work so they will not know. Yuki and Haruna invited me to come to the mall as a means of refreshing their mind of the dizzying things that happened today. They promised we will back before 5 PM but I still refused. I've decided to truant and look for something new on the outside. Alone. Fortunately they did not ask why I refused. They went not long afterwards.

I'm still busy with my stuff but stalled because....somehow I remembered Yokoyama Yuizo. His deceitful smile, I looked around and found him still in the classroom. He also was cleared away his things while looking at Takamina. He looked at him quite intense. Don't tell me...he likes Takamina? Currently Takamina out, he had finished clearing the goods. Somehow my hand became faster. When he came out, I'm done and got out but I tried to be unnoticed as much as possible. His legs move quickly. I could barely keep up. Arriving in front of the school yard, there are a few guys came over.

"Haruka-chan, it's rare you're not with Yuki-chan and Haruna-chan."

"Do you want to go somewhere? We can take you ~"

"He's right, Haruka-chan. It's dangerous if you go alone."

And much more. I wanted to go from here but they circled me. Oh anyone help me!

"Do not bother her."

I turned to the source of the sound and turns out it was...Yokoyama Yuizo?! The boys became furious based from the look of their expression and clenched hands. I could hear them muttering 'Who is he for Haruka-chan'. Even so they stay away because they do not want to deal with the president of the student council. After they left, he came up with a smile. Again that smile. "Shimazaki, you're not together with your two friends?"

"They have gone ahead."

"Then, come with me?" He held out his hand without removing the smile on his face. He backs the setting sun so that he looks radiant. There is something strange in me ...

"Give me one good reason why I should accept your invitation." I answered.

"'re not home with your driver and it looks like you have no activity. So if you come with me, you will not be bothered anymore."

"I say just one. Why did you give three."

He laughed. "Nothing's wrong, right? Let's go but walk. Is it okay?"

To me it does not matter but I do not say it. I just shut up and walk first. Ignoring his hand. He was not a rich man but his family wealthy. No wonder that he often walk home. He said he wants to be healthy. Whereas I know his home is far enough and his family was able to buy a car. We walked in silence until we arrived at a sweetshop. He bought a few kinds of candy and chatting with the cashier. Looks like they know each other well. Out of the store, suddenly he told me to go home. Very weird.

"So you took me up here alone?" I asked with a little irritated.

"I'm sorry but I had a business. Come home soon and be careful on the road."

"What's wrong with you? You bring me here. I thought you would..."

He realized I did not pass on my words. "I would...?"

"Never mind. I hate you men." I immediately walked away and turned into a corner. Why was he insensitive? He was supposed to take me home because I was with him. What an irresponsible guy.

I did not go straight home but stopped at the corner and peered. He sighed, staring at the candy he bought. I intend to follow him and see what he meant by 'business'. He walked to the intersection. The road in front of him, there is a crosswalk. He stopped there and then put the sweets he bought. What the hell? He cupped his hands and closed his eyes after that. Visibly praying. Heavy breathing out of his mouth. Somehow his expression turned into a sad expression. I came out of my hiding place. "Yokoyama-kun, what are you doing?"

He did not answer instead rubbed his eyes. After that his expression softened but he looks depressed. "You're here."

What does it mean? He's waiting for me? Or he knows I follow? "What do you mean?"

"Come here."

I walked over and...he hugged me?! He inhaled the scent of my head and stroked it gently. Once finished he pulled back a little, looked at me with a look I'd never seen before. Sudden unexpected thing happened. He kissed my lips gently. I could not think clearly. I was silent. I do not do anything. All feel stopped.
Next day after Takahashi’s spy time
14.35 PM
In class 2B

Today is the most boring and unluckiest day I had. Why I called this day ‘the most boring and unluckiest day I had’? Because first, I got punishment from Shinoda-sensei. She saw me talking with Yuma and we were chosen to answer questions on the board. Yuma is smart so he could answer the questions easily. While me, I couldn’t answer even one of those questions and I must standing in front of class until the bell ring for us to go home. It was embarrasing! Besides, this punishment should be for elementary school student! Second, that study maniac girl staring at me all the time when I was standing there. I think she mocked me inside her head but she acted calm. Grrr I hate her more than before!

Third, Takamina reminded me to start the mission soon, make my mood fell down suddenly. Fourth, the time was so slow. I wanted the bell to ring now! Boys in this class were grinning to me too. They must be happy because the person they hate got punishment. Yuu,Takamina, Yuizo, Yuma and I were popular but we have haters. Mostly are boys. Fifth, I felt my life is flat today, sigh. While standing, I was thinking about the mission, what should I do and etc. To be honest, I just wanted to go home and relax or maybe play video games after school. This mission is sucks! aaarrgghhh!


“Okay enough the lesson for today. Matsui, you can go back to your seat.” Shinoda-sensei packed her books and waited me to go back to my seat.

Phew, finally the class is over. We greeted Shinoda sensei and then left the class. When I wanted to walk to the door, suddenly someone grabbed my shirt. It was Takamina. He didn't utter a word instead stared at me with seriousness on his eyes. I knew what was the meaning of that. I sighed and nodded to him after that he left me alone. Class became empty at such a quick time, only me here. Wait, I was not alone in this class. That study maniac girl was still here but she didn’t notice me because I am behind her. I thought this is the right time to start the mission. I sat on the back seat and opened my handphone.

To: Takamina
From: Jun
Subject: Our mission
Takamina, you have started the mission right? What did you do? And how did you get bruises on your face?


I'm waiting Takamina to reply it while looking at that study maniac girl. Her back...I didn’t know why but it shows me sadness. Looks like she carried some problems on her shoulder.


Oh God I forgot to silent my handphone! It rang loud, causing that study maniac girl looking at me suspiciously. Should I open a conversation with her? It will no use though, she is abnormal after all but she kept staring at me. It was annoying! Why didn’t she read her stupid books back?

“What are you looking for huh?” I didn’t have any choice so I ask her. Coldly. No reply come out for a while but she replied.

“What are you doing here? stalking me?”

“You’re so naïve. I'm waiting my friends ya know.” After that short conversation we just silent on our own seat. She continued reading her books and I opened the message from Takamina.

From: Takamina
To: Jun
Subject: Re: Our mission
I didn't do anything special. How I got bruises? Long story. I’m kinda busy right now so I can’t tell it here. Don’t forget to tell Shinoda-sensei what you got from today’s mission tomorrow.

Arrgh Takamina did not help me at all. I literally don’t know what should I do. When thinking hard, she stood up from her seat and walked away. Immediately I stalked her using my car until we arrived at bus station. I followed the bus until the bus stopped at the next station. She walked to a small path and entered a huge house. Well not as huge as my house. In the front gate of the house, there was a security station and I heard a security greeted her. “Welcome home, Rena-sama.” Then the security opened the house gate. It was tall and has sharp metal at the top. I wait until she entered the house after that walked towards the security.

“Excuse me, can I meet Matsui Rena?”

“Who are you?” Hmm I didn’t have any idea what relationship I have with her. Friend? too mainstream. Boyfriend? Hmm that’s kinda weird but I’m handsome right? He will believe me if I tell I am that study maniac girl’s boyfriend.

“I’m her boyfriend so can I entry?” The security showed me his suspicious face and entered the security station. I could see he is calling someone or maybe answering a call. I did not care about it and waiting while looking around the house area.

“Sorry sir, Rena-sama told me she does not has a boyfriend.”

Crap! I forgot a security always call people inside house first before allow somebody to enter the house. “Err...sorry I meant I am her friend, truly her friend. Don’t ask too much can you? Can I enter NOW?”

“Oh no no. I think you’re a thief! Look, you have bruises on your face. If you don’t leave, I’ll call a police!”

Oh right the bruises from her are still here on my face but his reaction...What?! He was so stupid. He tried to catch me but I ran and climbed the gate. Anyway It was not hard. The security shouted at me and ordered me to get back down. I just slipped my tongue out and continued climbing until I entered the house. Inside the house, I opened all doors. First door is just an empty bedroom. Second and third doors are the same. I went upstairs and opened the door near the stairs. There she was, that study maniac girl didn’t wear any clothes just bikini!


“I am so sorry I couldn’t stop this naughty boy, Rena-sama.”

“Next time, you must catch him faster!”

Well, that girl was really strong. She made me fainted due to her punch. I regained consciousness after hearing her argue with the security. She glared at me and crossed her arms while the security lowered his head but angry face plastered on his face. She pointed her index finger to the door, demanding me to get out of her house quick. I stood up and smirked to her, held her chin and looked into her eyes.

“Well well, for a nerd and geek girl like you, you do have an unexpected sexy body~” She widened her eyes and immediately punched me again. Her cheeks flushed.

“Just get out of here NOW!” I smirked once more and then left her house while thinking. What I got from today’s mission: her body is sexy yet her appearance in school is geeky. Do I have to tell this to Shinoda-sensei?

Offline Raizel

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Wow.. what are you talking about Koyumi-chan? You're good at drawing, and now I didn't mind that Rena has a twintail hairstyle after seeing your picture.. :fap
Because its reflect her personality, and seeing your drawing make me easier when reading your fic to imagine every character.. hehe.. :thumbsup
And thank you for drawing them cz my selfish request,.. :banghead:

On to the stories:
Wuhuu...I can't wait when Rena and Acchan fall in love to see their different side, but for now I prefer this Rena who beat the crap out of Jun.. :twisted:
Oh Jun boy you deserve those punch, how dare you sneak in to Rena's room and saw her naked,.. oops I think almost naked with her bikini.. kekeke.. :rofl:
Aww.. Yuiparu had their kiss.. But I'm curious why Yuizo suddenly do that, I think there must be stories behind them.. #acting like a detective :lol:
And for all the characters Yuizo really mysterious, I can't figure what is he thinking.. I guess not just Haruka that think that way about Yuizo.. lol XD
Thanks for updating fast koyumi-chan, I must also thanks Mrs. K that helped you.. :bow: Cant wait for the next about kojiyuu and mayuki.. :twothumbs
Ganbatte nee.. :fap

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That YuiParu moment is... EPIC!!! :lol:
Yuizo... Daisuki!!
Ups... Don't want to be Paru's rival... :P


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waa author-san arigato for the update!

ganbatte for the next update^^

Offline Kairi65

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Now i blame you that my siblings thought i was going insane!

Can't wait for next update!

Oh, and wmatsui too...Lol

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