Hey guys I'm back! I'm having free class when I post this so yeah

Okay I know I should update Lips Taster but this story keep popping in my head. This story supposed to be two or three shots. Let's just see...
Okay! Enjoy this story, as usual sorry for grammar mistakes and typos

Is It Good or Bad?
There is no all-good thing in this world. Something must have its good side and bad side itself. I wonder if what I have done were good? All this time I always obey my parents will although their requests were not purely I like sometimes. For the sake of my own good, I was willing to do their order. My parents are strict when it comes to bad things but they are kind enough. I guess they are average as parents. Like I said above, they are one out of million examples in real life, they have good side and bad side.
Currently I'm still finding my own path and the answer of good or bad. As I grow up, I decide to live by my own at the same time realizing that both goals of mine. At first my parents bombarded some questions to me; my purpose, the place I will stay at, will it disturbing my studies or not, how I maintain myself, et cetera. Fortunately I could assure them as I said I decide to move near my college. The last question they asked to me was how my relationship with my girlfriend will be going if I move. Oh yeah I almost forgotten her.
Iriyama Anna—as known as Annin—and I were dating for 2 years already. My mother absolutely chose her, claiming she will be a good soulmate for me. She was so sure about it. Annin is a pretty smart mother-like type girl. Again, like I said before, for the sake of my own good I started this relationship. To be honest, I have no feeling toward Annin. I didn't feel the sensation of heart pounding whenever we spend time together. But still, we keep going. In addition of that I'm trying to love her.
Days passed by I moved to Tokyo, the capital city of the country where I was born at. The city—where I lived before which is Nagoya—compared to Tokyo, Tokyo looks more crowded than Nagoya. As expected from the capital city. I walked around the city to memorize new places despite I study here I was not visiting some places during my free times. It causes my vision and brain to conclude that all of them are still unfamiliar.
After satisfied, I go to my new home, a small apartment located in the corner of the city. I basically like serenity thus this apartment corresponding my category, quiet and quite far from the center of the city. As I arrived in front of my apartment at evening, the key belongs to my apartment door was inserted, turned around the key hole, and then I can see the things inside. The interior, the furnitures, the wall color, all of them are not bad, not my taste either. In the middle. I stepped inside to have a clearer look. The best thing I could see is my bedroom, painted in green pastel which is my favorite color, a big puppy soft toy placed on my bed, and lastly there is a glass window in front of my working desk. I think this is not a bad new home, is it?
When I was staring outside the window, my phone rang indicating a call is receiving. The caller's name displayed on the screen and it's written 'Iriyama Anna'. I sighed before picking up the call. "What is it?"
"Have you arrived?"
"Yeah." I have no desire to talk with her at this time, honestly.
"Okay, take care sweetheart. I love you."
"Hm, love you too."
She hung up first. I bet she doesn't want to waste her study time. What a bookworm girlfriend I have. If we get married I imagine the worst scene where she reads book all day and doesn't give a damn about the house and our baby. I chuckled slightly. My stomach growls in sudden as I glance at the clock. I pat it and chuckle once more. This is the time for a new journey to discover one or some good restaurant to eat, I think? I headed to bathroom to clean myself first. Finished with bathing I put a simple attire. A white t-shirt with a quote "I wanna be young forever" printed on it, a grey varsity with black strips on the sleeves and J letter on the front right top, denim pants, and finally a pair of red converse sneakers finishing my dress up. I didn't miss my wallet and earphone (just in case it's boring there). This time I won't bother to bring a purse or small bag, I simply put my wallet and earphone inside my jeans pocket.
I was about to step outside my apartment but my phone rang again. Immediately I answer the call without seeing the caller.
"Heyho my cheery kouhai! I heard you moved out to Tokyo, is it true?"
I recognize this voice! "Sae-san! Yeah I moved to Tokyo. You're also here right?"
"Un! What brought you here?"
"I attend Tokyo University and I decide to move near there so it'll be easy to go to class" I grinned.
"I see I see. Anyway are you free now? I held a birthday party~ Come here!"
"I want to meet you but...Sae-san everything here is still new to me. Can you describe me the place in general? After that you text me the address. Is it okay?"
"Okay no problem! The place is a club bla bla bla bla...."
A club she said? Suddenly a flash of memory appeared in my mind. It was a time on Saturday night when my parents and I had dinner together in our house. For my father who is a businessman, it's a routine for him to go home and spend time with his little family every weekend. Rare right? Usually someone became a businessman won't have time to go home, only care about his pile of works. My father is different. Every weekend he taught me not to smoke, consume drugs, go party to the club, be friends with rebel, wear a limited-of-cloth outfit, and many more. Every time he taught me those, he always squints his eyes and shot a piercing look. Scary...how if I go to the club for real? He will kill me for sure!
"Jurina you still there?"
Great I didn't pay attention of what she said! "I'm sorry Sae-san. Ano...you know my parents are strict right? They won't be happy if their daughter go to club..."
"Oh come on Jurina you are an adult now! You've turned twenty. It's no harm to go clubbing. I promise there is no wine, vodka, and any other alcoholic drink for you. I just want to meet my special kouhai in my special day. Pleaseeeeeeee?"
I rubbed my temples in anxiety. What should I do? It's been a while since the last time I met Sae-san. I really want to meet her but out of my expectation the place we will meet is a club. In the other line I could hear she begged to me once again. Ugh she insisted...okay I guess it's okay to go there as long as I don't touch alcoholic drinks.
"Okay Sae-san—"
In reflect I put away my phone from my ear. This habit of her could make ears deaf for God's sake! I waited until she finished screaming joyfully then I put my phone back. I made a sound of clearing throat. "Have you calmed down? Geeezzzz I almost lost my hearing ability you know?" I giggled as she boo-ed me. "I go there now but you promised there will be no alcohol. If something bad happen, you take the responsibility okay? Please describe me the place once again, I wasn't listening because I was at a trance of time ehehehe..."
With that, Sae-san described the place and texted me the address. I hope this decision has no bad after effect. I hope this is a good decision.
=In the club=
=9:30 PM=I have met Sae-san, she has changed a bit though her smile is the same old one. After she graduated from high school we lost contact until today. I have no idea how she got my number but well it's not important as of now. I gave her a bear hug like I used to do then and like she used to do she ruffles my hair as payback. We kept our position like that for a few minutes, if it wasn't her friend who stop us I'm certain we will not break the hug. The next thing we did, Sae-san ordered a glass of orange juice for me. Thank goodness she is a woman with her words.
Unfortunately my presence here began to unnoticed as Sae-san have fun with her fellow college students. I tapped my index finger on the table repeatedly kind of feeling the boredom approaching. My head turned right and left searching some fun. I found nothing because people here mostly are dancing, drinking, drunk, and some making out publicly. Of course it's a BIG NO to join them, my life is at stake if do! My eyes caught a sight of a back door next to women restroom. Probably I could play games in my phone or listening to music at the back while waiting Sae-san to finish. Luckily I bring my earphone so without thinking twice I walked to the back door.
The view when the door has opened was a slender figure of woman in her twenties wearing a mini black one piece sitting on the ground. A half-burned cigarette flanked between her index finger and middle finger, near her lips covered by red lipstick. She gripping a glass handle which is containing red liquid. She has long raven hair and fair skin, looking contrast with her dress. Unconsciously I stared at her, mesmerized by how relaxing and peaceful she looks. Suddenly her gaze turned to mine revealing a pair of beautiful doe eyes. My body went stiff and I felt awkwardness engulfing me. What is this thump inside my chest? It seemed won't stop instead the pace of the thump grew faster as she stood up and coming to me. What is this burning feeling which radiate from my cheeks? She stopped right in front of me, inhaling her cigar after that blew out the smoke.
"I'm not in the mood to do that thing right now. Back off." She broke the silence.
She made me puzzled. "Huh? What do you mean?"
"Don't act all stupid, everybody here know if someone comes to me means that person gives him/herself to me, to do some fun."
"Huh...? but I'm not coming to you. I come here because I thought this is the place where there is no loud music, drunk people, dancing people, alcoholic drinks, or...people making out. Looks like you've occupied this place first so okay I back off now."
I was about to leave but she makes me paused. "Why you came in the first place? You came to a club certainly you will find those you said. Don't tell me you are underage and sneaked in because if you are I'll call the bodyguards to drag you out right away."
She released the tiny-left piece of the cigarette down, stepped it with her glamour high heel, and then took out a cell phone from the back pocket of her dress. Is she serious?! Hurriedly I'm reaching for her phone but my bad estimation causing me slipped. The unexpected thing occurred which I bumped on her body, she couldn't hold my weight, she lost her balance, and we both fell to the ground, me on the top of her. My cheeks flattered as I'm realizing how close our faces are. I felt those thumps back to me as I'm thinking just one push would close the gap between our lips.
"You're quite interesting. A paradox. Just for your info, I like people who can capture my interest."
I was right, just one push would close our gap and shockingly it literally happens. Her hand pushed my nape and without asking further more I felt something soft pressing against my lips. She snaked her arms around my neck. Somehow she deepened the kiss not forget to mention the kiss becoming bolder. I don't know why but...my body responded her game itself as if this kissing thing is not a surprise, as if we are a long lost couple who used to do this kind of thing. In fact this is my first kiss but she had stolen it easily. I'm kissing her disbelieve.
*RING RING RING RING RING!*I flinched and backed away as my phone rang loudly. I saw the caller's ID, written with four big letters. It's my mama! Without further ado I quickly answer the call while walking steps away from her and the door, so mama won't hear the faint voice of the music inside. The person who had stolen my first kiss gets up. Her gaze following me intensely. I try to ignore it.
"Good evening mama. What is it?"
"Good evening my daughter. How is it going there? Have you eaten dinner?"
"Y-yes mama...I'm currently studying, can I hang up?"
"Hmm...well then. Talk to you tomorrow. Take care, eat and rest properly okay?"
"Okay, good night."
I pressed the red phone symbol to end the call. My mouth exhaled a relief sigh because mama didn't aware of my quiver voice. As I'm turning back I jolted because the person who kissed me just a while ago suddenly standing in from of me, staring deep into my eyes. My heartbeat increasing again. Does she put a spell on me? Why my body keeps acting odd? I diverted my gaze to avoid hers but still I took one or two glimpse at her.
It's happening like that till I saw her bleeding hand. I grabbed her hand panicky and examined it. There are three broken pieces of glass struck her hand. Apparently when we were falling she still holding the glass, when her back touched the ground the glass fell as well and shattered into pieces, her hand which holding the glass before fell hard on the ground where the broken pieces were spread. I get rid of shards of glass out of her hand slowly. A clean cloth is nowhere to be found at this place so I use my t-shirt to wipe her blood.
"Was it your girlfriend or boyfriend?" She asked out of blue
"Nope, it was my mother."
"Are you dating someone?" What is her intention of the question?
"Yeah but I don't love her." Why my tongue answered that honest to a stranger? She even did not ask whether I love Annin or not.
"My name's Rena. Your name?"
"Matsui Jurina."
"It's getting late you know, you don't go back to your home?"
I stopped my activity to see the time. This is bad, it shows eleven o'clock now. I dashed inside the club, leaving Rena without saying anything to find Sae-san. But to no avail, Sae-san has gone. I'm looking down feeling frustrated. I don't remember the way back home from here. My mistake because on my way I was not paying attention and marked a few checkpoints. I cursed myself.
"This is bad, it's impossible for me to stay a night here, isn't it?" I talked to myself while face-palming.
"Then, how about stay at my place? You haven't finished healing my wounds too."
I turned to the source of the voice which belongs to Rena. Her hand on her hip while her wounded hand hanging in front of my face. For a moment I looked at her silently. I'm observing her whether she has good side or bad side now. Her question has two meanings, firstly she is truly offering her place as a kind human being. Secondly she acted kind whereas behind it she is taking opportunity. I'm observing her through her eyes but I'm confused because her eyes show emptiness though her lips flashed a smile. I nodded in agreement in the last. That's how I met Rena.
Rena smokes.
Rena spends almost all her time in the club, drinks red wine, her most favorite of all alcoholic drinks.
Rena has a big lust.
Rena doesn't show it but she does lewd thing secretly, to do some fun, to clear her stress.
Overalls, she is a bad girl.
Rena is a kind-hearted person.
Rena is caring and tender.
Rena is a tsundere
Rena doesn't show it, she only show her smoking and drinking sides.
Overalls, she is not that bad.======================== X =========================
Rena said to me two weeks later. "I wonder why I ended up like this. Do you know? In the night I always think to change but the next day I keep the same. I simply want to be ordinary but it seems I'm not destined to be like that."
"Be weird. Be random. Be who you are. Because you never know who would love the person you hide..." I answered as I embraced her naked body.
"You're just too kind." She spoke out while leaning her head on my bare chest.
"You think so? My parents always teach me to be kind and to help people who need it. I always obey them. It's one of my weaknesses and realize that people frequently use me because of that."
"Don't let people treat you like a cigarette who only use you when they're bored and step on you when they're done. Be like a drug, let them die for you."
"For me, you're a drug," I smiled. "Starting from today I try to be a drug as well."
Now I know what was those thumps inside my chest. It was my pounding heart.
Now I know what was the burning feeling which radiate from my cheeks. I was blushing.
Now I know she is my first love.
It's kind of funny.
My parents warned me about the drugs in the streets but never the one with brown eyes and a heartbeat.
So, is this good? Or bad?