I'm back in this fic to update~ MUAHAHAHAHA

Lemme repeat, this is an action fic and it will feature lots of members of the 48 family...
And this fic has lots of deaths! I REPEAT : LOTS OF DEATHS
If you're not sure of what a Judgement, Spectres and Cybers are, you can always re-read the prologue of this fic

Well, without further ado, here's officially Chapter 1 of Ultimatum.

CHAPTER 1 : Girl With The Hood“Hmm....” A girl looked at the boxes of jewelries encased in a glass panel as she rubbed her chin, thinking about something deeply. She then looked at the shopkeeper and pointed at a necklace. “Excuse me, can I take a look at that?”
The shopkeeper took the necklace out of the glass panel and placed it on top, revealing the shiny necklace to the interested girl. “You have a good taste, young lady. This is one of our best necklace around.”
“Sure is... Even my eyes are blinded by its light reflection.” The girl smiled a little. She then pointed at another necklace at the other end of the casing and smiled again. “Can I take a look at that as well? That looks nice as well.”
“Sure. Hang on a minute.” The shopkeeper went and took out the other necklace and walked back over to her. “Here you go, young lady.”
“Hmm... Maybe I’ll come back again later?” The girl started walking backwards while continue smiling back at the shopkeeper.
“Sure. Anytime.” The shopkeeper smiled back at the girl as she kept back the necklaces.
“So....yeah.. Bye!” The girl turned around and immediately bumped onto someone. She then took a closer look at the person and it had her mouth dangling open. “H-Hi, Y-Yukirin sensei.... W-What’re you doing here?”
Yuki, who was standing there silently with her arms crossed, held out her right hand as she looked back at the girl’s face blankly, wanting something back from her.
“H-Huh?” The girl acted dumb.
“Take it out, Paru. From your left pocket. Before you get caught by the shopkeeper..” Yuki pointed at the girl’s left pocket as she whispered.
“....” Paru pouted a little and secretly took out what seemed to be a complete replica of the diamond necklace she saw earlier.
“I saw the whole thing, Paru. You replaced the real necklace with a replica and took the real one when you asked the shopkeeper to grab the other necklace out. The one in your pocket is the real diamond necklace. You think nobody was watching you? You guessed wrong. Give it to me now.” Yuki gestured with her fingers for Paru to hand over the real diamond necklace.
Paru reluctantly placed the diamond necklace on Yuki’s palm and mumbled to herself. “Of all times, why do I have to meet her right here....”
“Did you say something?” Yuki asked.
“N-Nothing” Paru immediately answered.
Yuki walked over to the shopkeeper and returned the real necklace to her before apologizing in Paru’s behalf. Luckily the shopkeeper was easy going and very understanding about the matter. She decided to just call it off since the real necklace is returned anyway. Yuki thanked the shopkeeper and walked back to Paru and looked at her again for the longest time.
“You’re burning a hole in my face... At least say something.” Paru said with a low voice, feeling guilty with her own action.
Instead of receiving a scolding, Yui placed an arm on Paru’s shoulder. “You have a great talent in the Quick&Silent approach, Paru. You could probably be the best in the academy who could actually infiltrate the enemy’s base without being detected. But you’re using it for the wrong reasons. Stealing diamond necklaces?? I mean, come on.. I know you’re so much better than this, Paru.”
“.....” Paru looked down in guilt and asked in a soft and guilty manner. “Are you gonna punish me for this..?”
“Punish you for this? We’re not in the Legion Academy right now, Paru. Nor are we in the battlefield. We’re just outside in a shopping center. Here, I’m not your lecturer, so I have no power over you. I’m just telling you all these as a dear friend.”
“Are you really not gonna punish me for this?” This time, Paru looked up at Yuki, feeling relieved.
Yuki smiled and sighed loudly. “Do you want me to? You do know how harsh my punishments are back in the Academy, right?”
Just thinking about it made Paru tremble and swallowed her own saliva. “I don’t want any of it, please.”
“Good. Let’s go back to the Academy now. It’s almost 10pm.” Yuki placed an arm over Paru’s shoulder and smiled brightly at her.
“Hai!” Paru became all cheerful again.
As they were walking back to the Legion Academy, Yuki asked. “So... Why were you stealing?”
“So I could sell it for money.”
“Everything you need is provided in the Legion Academy. And there is just very minimal annual fees. So what’re you gonna use the money for?” Yuki asked.
“To buy a puppy...” Paru answered.
“Ah, yes..” Yuki nodded. “You once told me that you wanted a puppy before..”
“Yeah.. I wanted a friend who I could share all my secrets with.”
“But why a puppy? Why not get a human friend to share your secrets with?”
“Because a puppy wouldn’t spill secrets. They can’t speak.” Paru looked down a little. “I’ve lost all trust in humans... As long as they have a mouth, they will backstab you by spilling all your secrets sooner or later..”
“You might not have best friends but at least you still have some friends, right?” Yuki looked on at Paru’s dejected expression. “Including me?”
Paru looked back at Yuki and smiled. “You and a few in the class are an exception, Yuki-sensei....” She then lost her smile once again. “But....”
“I get it, Paru. You still can’t trust us completely even though we’re close. That’s actually a good mindset you’re having given the world we’re living in right now. Betrayals everywhere.. Friends selling each other out just so that they could be saved from the Spectres and Cybers. How unsightly..”
At that time, Paru stopped walking and had her head held down. Her hand curled up into a fist. Yuki knew that Paru’s dad died because his very best friend sold their hiding position out just to stay alive from some Spectres, whom in the end still got killed. Paru’s mother also died from betrayal few years back. That was what drove her into joining The Legion. That is why Yuki understands that Paru has some trust issues. She walked back to Paru and tilted her head down to look at Paru. “You alright?”
“....” No answers from Paru as she just brushed her arms over her eyes to clear off the wetness in her eyes.
Yuki then placed her hand below Paru’s chin and pushed it up to meet with her eyes. “Lift your head up, Paru. Your parents wouldn’t want to see you crying over them like this. I’ve been through this too.. I know how it felt to have lost a family member. But I wouldn’t let that hold myself back. I just keep moving forward and become stronger day by day..”
“I swear to god I’m going to rid this Earth off the Spectres and Cybers....”
Hearing this from Paru made Yuki smile. “We will do it together, Paru. But first, you have to graduate from Legion Academy before you’re given your first mission on field.”
Paru nodded. “I will graduate with flying colors.”
“You’re already on that path, Paru. All you need to do now is just keep it up.” Yuki smiled. “Let’s head back.. You have class tomorrow.”
Paru nodded her head and smiled once again as they headed back to the academy.
Yuki strapped on her cloak to her neck and tightened it, allowing her hood and her cape to flow down her back. She then interlocked her own fingers to tighten her leather gloves before reaching towards her utility belt and fastening it. Yuki reached for her Judgement and strapped it on her utility belt. After letting out a loud breath, Yuki looked at herself in the mirror. “Time for class.”
The Legion Academy is an academy where people who decided to join the organization to fight against Spectres and Cybers learn the basics of fighting. The students of the academy can be as young as 7. When it comes to The Legion, age doesn’t matter. It’s the effort that you put in and the results that show how capable of a Reaper you are. As Yuki opened the classroom door, there were loud noises coming from within as kids were playing and running around while some teenagers were busy chatting. Despite Yuki coming into the class and stood in front of her table, nobody seemed to take notice of her as they continued chatting around and playing. That was until Yuki slammed her fist on the table hard, immediately silencing the class. “Those who doesn’t get back to their seat in 5 seconds, you will be punished. ONE! TWO! THREE!”
That countdown literally made the whole class panic as they fidgeted around and ran back to their respective places. Nobody would want to receive a punishment from Yuki sensei. Her punishment was one of the worst among all the other lecturers in The Legion. She’s not holding the third rank in Legion for no reason. Yuki could be friendly most of the times outside of The Legion, but when it comes to her class, nobody would dare to mess with her. Luckily for the students, they all managed to get back to their seats before Yuki finished her countdown or something really bad might happen. The students silently looked back at Yuki with their eyes wide open. Yuki then smiled back at them. “Good.”
As a veteran Reaper of the Legion for 16 years, Yuki was appointed as a lecturer of the best class in the Legion Academy. Only those who got past 90% in the theory examination can get into the best class where Yuki will personally coach. Anybody who came into The Legion will definitely want Yuki to be their lecturer because she had a really good reputation as both a Reaper in field and a lecturer in class.
“Alright, class. Who can tell me the regenerative rate of a Spectre?” Yuki started. Everybody in the class just looked at one another silently except for one.
“Me! Me! Me!” A girl waved her hands excitedly.
“Yes, Paru.” Yuki pointed at a cheerful looking girl.
“The regenerative rate of a Spectre is exceptionally fast. They can regenerate small wounds within seconds and slightly larger wounds within minutes.” Paru smiled and answered. Paru was the best student in Yuki’s class with full marks for every test and quizes. That is one of the reason why Yuki favor Paru the most in her class.
“That will be dangerous for us if the battle is prolonged, don’t you think? So how do you ensure that a Spectre does not regenerate at that rate?” Yuki continued asking.
“You have to attack their vital spots.”
“Which is?”
“Their joints would take the longest time to regenerate. So it will be the most harmful part of their body where the Spectre takes most damage.”
“Not bad, Paru. Without a doubt you are the best in the class..” Paru started cheering for herself in her mind.
Some chattering at the back of the class caught Yuki’s attention as she looked at the back of the class and pointed out in a serious tone. “You two. Come out.”
Two girls at the back of the class were stunned at Yuki pointing out at both of them. One of them whisper to another. “How did she hear us? Didn’t we whisper really softly?”
To their horror, Yuki was the one who answered the question instead. “I can hear you very clearly. We Reapers are not trained for nothing. I’ve been holding it in since the start of the class.. You both were talking about having lunch at McDonalds while I was asking questions up here.”
“H-How did...”
“Up front, two of you..” Yuki called out once again. As the two girls walked up front, they had their heads down to the ground as Yuki just stared at them. “If you have no interest in class, you can just get out. We don’t need people who have no interest here.”
“We’re sorry, Yuki-sensei.. We promise not to do it again..” The plummer girl apologized.
“Yeah.. We’re sorry. We’ll not do it again..” The other girl apologized as well.
“Shimada Haruka and Oba Mina, right? You both will be a lesson to learn for everyone in the class.” Yuki said with her face wearing a blank expression. “Both of you. Down to the track. Run till you drop.”
“But!” Shimada tried to retaliate until she was silenced by a slam on the table.
“Run.Till.You.Drop!” Yuki repeated once again in a louder tone before looking at another student. “Takeuchi. Bring them down to the track and keep an eye on them...” Yuki then emphasized on the next sentence. “Make sure they run till they drop, get it?”
“Yes, Yuki sensei!” Takeuchi brought both the girls down to the track as the class continued as if nothing happened.
“Traitor...” Shimada squinted her eyes at Takeuchi as she stepped onto the track.
“Yeah.. Traitor...” Minarun squinted her eyes at her as well.
“I’m sorry, you guys... You know I can’t disobey Yuki sensei.. So I think you both should start running..” Takeuchi felt really sorry for supervising her friends to run till they drop.
It’s already been few hours since they started running and god knows how many rounds have they made. Run till you drop... That is the reason why Yuki’s punishment must be avoided at all costs. Because it’s the only punishment that will ensure you to end up in suffering. Minarun and Shimada were showing signs of giving up. It was already dinner time and the sun was almost down. By that time, all classes were already over. Takeuchi who felt really bad for doing this to her friends fidgeted in her seat all these time and suddenly stood up. Both her friends look over at her as they were panting heavily from the tiredness. Without a moment of hesitation, she ran into the track and ran together with them. She smiled at both of them. “I’ll run with you..”
Minarun gave a little smile at her. “Trying to make us forgive you?”
Shimada smiled as well. “You should stop acting so nice, Takeuchi..”
“I’m running with you both whether you like it or not. We’re friends.. And friends go through bad times together right?” Takeuchi smiled brightly. Minarun and Shimada who heard this from her friend, had their spirits boosted up and continued running.
“Count me in.” Suddenly a fourth voice sounded from behind them as they heard running steps as well. The three of them looked back and saw Paru running together with the three of them.
“Paru??” The three of them were shocked with the presence of Paru.
“What’re you doing here?” Minarun asked as she continued running.
“Yeah.. Aren’t you Yuki-sensei’s best student?” Shimada panted.
“Exactly.. What’s the best student doing here with us?” Takeuchi asked.
“Like you said, friends go through bad times together.. We’re not in the class right now. So I’m nobody’s best student. I know the three of you are better than me in the track. So, if you don’t want me to be the best in the tracks as well, try keeping up.” Paru sped up, taking over the three of them.
“That’s not fair! We already ran for a few hours! Of course you’ll win this time!” Shimada voiced out.
“There’s no such thing as fair in the real battlefield, Shimada. The real enemies will not wait for you to recover before they strike.” Paru explained.
“Fair enough!” Minarun sped up.
“I’ll not lose to you on the tracks, Paru!” Shimada sped up as well.
“Don’t leave me behind!” Takeuchi screamed as she was the only one left behind.
Yuki leaned against the lamp post as she smirked at the four girls running their lives out at the track before concentrating her sight on Paru. “It’s hard to believe that girl actually still doesn’t trust those friends of hers completely despite going as far as joining them for punishments. But still... Quite admirable...” After looking at them for a few minutes, Yuki finally called out to the four of them. “Paru! Takeuchi! Shimada! Oba! Come over here.”
Shimada and Minarun were definitely relieved that they were able to stop running finally. They walked over to Yuki and greeted her politely. Yuki then took out four bento box. “Here’s your dinner.”
“Yay!! Food!” Shimada ruffled over the bento boxes and grabbed the one she liked the most.
“Really admirable of you both to join in your friends’ punishment.” Yuki voiced out to Takeuchi and Paru. They were both smiling before Yuki continued her sentence. “Don’t be too happy about it yet. Since the four of you had your dinner, you should be able to continue for another few hours.”
“Including us??” Takeuchi pointed at herself.
“Yes, you and Paru will be joining Shimada and Oba in their punishment. Since you both were willing to join them earlier, might as well join them till the punishment ends..” Yuki smiled at them. “Oh, and that doesn’t mean you can skip class tomorrow. You still have to come for the morning class.”
“What?? But-” Shimada was gonna say something once again until she got cut off.
“No buts Shimada. I’ll be out to get some supplies. You four better be running your ass off when I come later.” Yuki warned as she started leaving the place.
Soon after, she got to the place that she wanted to go. “It’s really crowded here today...” Yuki had to squeeze through some people just to get to her destination. She was sweating from the amount of heat released from her body thanks to the Legion cloak which must be worn at all times out of the Legion dorm. As she was walking, a hooded figure accidentally knocked onto her and Yuki got a glimpse of what she looked like. That person was wearing a Legion cloak as well but with the hood on, covering most parts of her face. If that girl is wearing a Legion cloak, it means that Yuki should have definitely seen her before. But no. Something doesn’t seem right. Yuki didn’t recognize the one wearing the cloak at all. She frowned at the lady making her way down the road with the hooded Legion cloak.
“Excuse me.” Yuki called out to her. The person stopped at Yuki’s call. “If you don’t mind, could you please turn around?”
“....” The hooded figure merely turned her face a little so Yuki couldn’t really get a closer look at her face. The fact that she didn’t turn around to reveal herself completely proved that something was really really wrong. If that person is really from The Legion, she should have known Yuki and greeted her on the spot. So why didn’t she?
“Turn around, miss. Just for a moment.” Yuki asked again as she slowly slided her cloak to the side and her hand reaching for her Judgement. Yuki already knew something’s off with her.
“....” The figure slowly slided her cloak as well.
“Don’t you make any sudden moves.” This time, Yuki unhooked her Judgement from her utility belt. “I wouldn’t do anything stupid if I were you.”
“....” Still no words from the hooded lady. At that very moment, she suddenly sped up her hand movement and pulled out her very own Judgement.
As Yuki noticed it, she immediately released a hook from her Judgement and shot it at the lady to grab onto her. To Yuki’s surprise, the hooded figure managed to spin around elegantly and knocked the hook away with her very own Judgement sword before it could reach her. All Yuki could do was just be stunned by how well the hooded figure could use the Judgement. “What the...”
The people started screaming and running around. As Yuki was still stunned by the hooded figure’s action, she decided to make a run for it, leaving Yuki dumbfounded. When she realized, the hooded figure was almost out of sight and she immediately chased after her. Yuki wasn’t slow at all. She could run 100m in 8 seconds at her fastest speed and could have easily caught up with anyone. The thing was, the hooded figure was running in a really strange manner, a manner that almost doesn’t seem human and what’s stranger is that she was actually increasing the distance between herself and Yuki. The hooded girl made a sharp turn around the corner and Yuki followed suit. As Yuki reached the corner, the mysterious girl was gone. “She disappeared... Just who was that....”
“I’m here now...” The mysterious girl with the Legion cloak stood right in front of a tall building and looked up.
A tiny drone sized of a coin suddenly appeared on her shoulder and voiced out in a robotic tone. “What took you so long?”
“I got into a little problem earlier..” The hooded girl replied in a low voice.
“You? Problem? That’s the first I’ve heard from you!!” A voice laughed hysterically over the drone.
“I’m gonna give you five seconds to tell me which floor the CEO is at before I destroy your drone right here and cut off the deal between us.” The girl warned as she entered the building.
“Okay.. He works at the fouty-eighth floor. The highest floor. First, you have to get past the tight security. There’s at least forty guards on this level. I’ll cut off all the cameras first. After you take them out, I’ll access the lift for you.” The drone voiced out.
The hooded girl snickered as she reached for her Judgement. “Simple.”
Minutes later, an explosion happened in the fourty-eighth floor as a man and a lady inside the room stumbled over their chair. As soon as the doors blasted open, the man and his secretary were startled by the presence of a lady wearing a Legion cloak with her hood on.
“W-Who are you!?” The CEO screamed at her.
The drone appeared on the hooded girl’s shoulder again. “That’s him, Jurina. That’s the target. The CEO.”
“Got it, Mayu.” The hooded girl answered back to the drone.
Noticing a drone on the lady’s shoulder, the man was shocked. “A-Are you a Cyber!?”
“A Cyber?” She let out a small laugh that slowly increased into a loud one. “Guess again...” Jurina walked closer and looked right into the man’s eyes this time in which he was shocked to see her eyes were red instead of Cyber’s blue eyes. If her eyes were red, it only means one thing.
“R-Red eyes?? A Spectre?? B-But the drone! That belongs to a Cyber! But.... How???” He was becoming more and more panic. “Just what is it that you want!?”
She tilted her head a little before answering. “Your life...”
“I’m calling the security!” The CEO reached for his phone and started dialing the number.
Jurina just stood there and grinned back at him with her red eyes. “You can try all you want..”
The call got through and the CEO started explaining his situation through
“....” Even after the CEO had explain the whole thing, nobody spoke out.
Suddenly, a robotic girl voice replied him instead. “Oh, looking for your security, mister? I’d rather not waste the last few minutes of my life calling for the security guards..”
“W-Where are the security?? Who are you??”
“Me? I’m the one who hacked into your system.” The robotic voice then laughed hysterically. “It says here in the data that this building has tight security system... What a joke. Oh, and your security guards? I’ll open the CCTV up just for you.”
The television in the room suddenly switched on, revealing the scene at the Ground floor. To his horror, he saw all forty security guards either pinned up on the wall or down on the ground. They were all covered in blood, but pretty sure of one thing, they were still alive because of the moans heard from all the immobile bodies. The man then let go of the phone and stumbled onto the ground. Jurina walked closer and closer towards the CEO.
“No no... Please don’t! I’m sorry! You can take all my money!! Please don’t kill me!!” The man begged for his life.
“I don’t want your dirty money, you scum..” Jurina raised her voice
“Please.... Let me go! I don’t want to die! If there anything I can do to for you to let me go, I’ll do it!”
“Oh? What if I said I’ll let you go if you sacrifice someone in your place?” The Spectre asked.
The man then looked over to his secretary and pointed at her without thinking much. “H-Her! Kill her instead! Please don’t kill me!”
Jurina then let out a wide grin, revealing her razor sharp teeth. As soon as she finished grinning, she released a sword from the Judgement and stabbed it right into the man’s face, killing him instantly without giving him a chance to let out his final scream. “I hate backstabbers the most.”
The secretary screamed in shock from the scene. Jurina mercilessly stabbed the sword right through his brain without thinking at all. She then looked over at the secretary as she pulled the Judgement out of the man’s head, causing his corpse to fall over. “Are you afraid of me?”
The secretary nodded as her whole body trembled in fear. “Y-Y-Yes..”
“You can still speak.. You’re not afraid enough...” Jurina lifted the secretary up with her collar and pulled her in closer, inches away from her face. She then opened her mouth wide, revealing her razor sharp teeth once again and let out a fierce and traumatizing screech right in front of the secretary’s face, who became completely frozen in fear. The secretary literally went crazy on the spot and Jurina placed her back on the ground. Her eyes were wide open and her saliva leaked out from her mouth, signifying that she already went insane.
“Perfect. No evidence that this was done by a Spectre.” Jurina smirked.
The drone on her shoulder voiced out again. “Why scare her till she go insane when you can straight up kill her? It’s faster. I would have go for the latter.”
“I don’t kill innocent people, Mayu. You know that.” Jurina answered back to the drone.
“Yeah, but making her insane is worse than death.” The drone answer back.
“If you think you’re better at doing this, why don’t you come up here and finish the job yourself instead of sending this drone here to order me around?”
“Nah.. Too lazy to get the job done myself. I have you to do the job for me, so why not.”
“Don’t get too full of yourself, Cyber! We are not going to be working together forever.”
“Yes I know. And please stop calling me Cyber. I have a name.” The drone answered. “We are in an alliance now. So I say deal with it. And you have to get out of there now. There are reinforcements coming up.”
“Reinforcements? Perfect timing..” Jurina grinned as she placed her hood back on and stood there, facing the windows while waiting for the security to come.
As the security arrived, then only Jurina made a move to jump out of the window just so that the security get a glimpse of the killer wearing a Legion cloak. She leaped out of the window and flew down few feet before she used the Judgement hook to pull herself onto the next building(Think spiderman). As she landed on the rooftop of the next building, she looked back at the security guards standing by the broken windows before letting out a smirk. “Imbeciles..”
“Smart move, Jurina.” The drone came back to Jurina’s sight. “But why not kill off some of them first?”
“Like I said, I don’t kill innocent people.” Jurina replied.
“Yeah, But wounding security guards till the brink of death and screaming your lungs out at an innocent lady... I’m pretty sure they wanted to choose death instead.” Mayu voiced over the drone.
“I don’t kill. That doesn’t mean I don’t hurt. I’m a Spectre.” Jurina sneered.
“Cool. Now since you’re done with this one, it’s time to move on to the next target.”
“Give me the name and the location.”
“Alright let me check the database for your next target....” Something suddenly caught her off guard. “WHAT!?”
“What’s wrong?” Jurina asked.
“Uhmm..... Maybe we should skip this one?” Mayu sounded.
“Why? You think I’m not capable of taking the target down??” Jurina got a little offended.
“Well, according to the database, your next target is Takahashi Minami.... So, yeah...”
“...” Jurina was speechless from the mention of the name.
“Yup.. Even you are speechless. That’s bad.. So, let’s skip! Off to the next target!”
“Better not be someone troublesome this time.”
“We’ll see about that.”
Chapter 1 : Girl with the hood