Here the last Valentine OS~
Katsuo's journey ended here...
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Valentine OS
#Katsuo X Mayu#
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Watanabe Mayu, is a well-known doctor in Japan. She is Persona’s private doctors and Yuko’s cousin. Although she has a sweet face and soft character, she doesn’t like kids. She hates kids the most when they’re crying.
Watanabe private hospitalMayu walked into her office and put the coffee on her desk. She saw the note which Yuko left and read it, “I leave Katsuo here for your care, will take him back tomorrow morning. Happy valentine~ from the prettiest reporter - Yuko”
“What the hell is…” Mayu automatically turn her head to look at her chair and found Katsuo sleeps soundly on it. She paused and staring at Katsuo.
// I hate kids… //After minutes, Mayu still stands there like a statue. Katsuo began to feel uncomfortable with the chair and moved a bit, made Yuko’s coat fell to the ground. Mayu turn her gaze on the coat… after thinking for minutes, she decided to pick up the coat and put it on Katsuo. As she did that, Katsuo’s hands suddenly grab hers.
“Katsudon~” Katsuo is sleep talking again and is going to bite Mayu’s thumb.
“EH?!” Mayu automatically pulled her hands away from Katsuo. But her action makes Katsuo fall down from the chair.
THUMPKatsuo landed with his head on the floor, he gets up and began to cry, “Hurt…
hiks…hiks… Mama…”
Mayu went panic and walks around in her office. She doesn’t know how to approach Katsuo, “Katsuo? Please… don’t cry, I’m sorry… I’m sorry” she kneeled down and bows at Katsuo, pleading at him not to cry anymore. But Katsuo can’t stop crying, don’t know what to do… Mayu cries too… they both crying in the office.
Atsuko House“Kai, I think I heard Katsuo’s crying…”
“I have a bad feeling too. Let’s call Mariko-sama” Kai took out his phone and call Mariko.
“Mariko-sama, How is Katsuo?”
[Umm…] Mariko paused, and there’s another voice interrupt
[Kai! Katsuo is with Riku, bye~!
Tut tut tut tut ]
Kai redial Mariko’s number, [Sorry, the number you are calling is not active…]
Atsuko and Kai face each other and began to worry about Katsuo. Kai dial Riku’s number immediately, “Riku! Is Katsuo with you now?”
[Umm… I’m busy right now, Katsuo is with Mayu. Bye~!]
Tut tut tut tut…“What?!” Both Kai and Atsuko hurriedly get clothes and get ready to pick Katsuo.
Watanabe private hospitalKai and Atsuko burst into Mayu’s office and saw the crying Katsuo chasing the crying Mayu around in the room. They both sweet dropped to watch the scene before them.
“Mayu-chan… don’t hate me…”
“I don’t hate you… I just don’t like kids…”
Hiks… don’t chasing me again. I’m tired…”
Kai and Atsuko can’t stand it and laugh loudly at the door. Mayu spotted them and rushed behind Atsuko. “Don’t laugh at me! Get Katsuo away from me” Mayu begged.
“Katsu, come here” Atsuko called.
“Mama~!” Katsuo runs into his mother embrace happily.
“Those two bastards, they pass Katsuo like a ball!!” Kai growled.
He dragged Mayu at a distance from Atsuko and whispered, “By the way, Mayu… do you have some kind of medicine that can make people having diarrhea all day?” Kai asked.
Mayu answered Kai with wicked smile, “Of course, you can take as much as you want?”
Kai smile evilly at Mayu, “I want enough portions for those two idiots, Riku and Kuu…”
Mayu gestured Kai to follow her, “Come here~”
Atsuko gulp, “Evil Kai is awake… better call Riku and Kuu to be aware from him tomorrow”
Kai and Mayu went back into her office. She took a box of chocolates and poured a bottle of transparent liquid, mixing it. They both laughed wickedly while mixing it. "
“This is revenge for Katsuo” Kai said with an evil face.
Mayu took a bottle of liquid again and pour into it, “This is for my revenge, who told them to leave Katsuo in my office”
“Happy valentine, Mayuyu~ Sorry I was late” a young man figure walked inside the office to where Mayu was, “Wah~ are these chocolates for me? I know you love me”
“Jurina, N–” Before Mayu could finish her words, Jurina ate the chocolate.
EH?!” Both Kai and Mayu freeze on their spot.
“Hmm? What’s wrong?” Jurina licked his fingers, “This chocolate is delicious~ you’re such a good housewife, Mayuyu~”
Mayu called the nurses to get emergency room in ready. She pushed Jurina down to the rolling bed and dashed out from her office to the emergency room. "Jurina, HANG IN THERE!"
“Is that my fault?” Kai asked himself while picking up the leftover chocolates.
"Absolutely..." Atsuko answered.
“Katsu, remember, ‘Never eat chocolate from hospital’, understand?”
Valentine Special OS End.
Thanks for reading~