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Author Topic: Best Friend (KojiYuu, AtsuYuu, AtsuMina) Chapter 6 -UPDATE- [06-20-16]  (Read 13780 times)

Offline Thirdysaur

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Yo! I'm back! Mwahahaha. Hope you like it. XD


Chapter 5

Yuko’s POV

It’s been awhile ever since I asked Acchan to be my girlfriend. A month perhaps? I can’t remember. Well anyways, I am happy, I am really happy to see Acchan happy being with me. I have been almost spending all of my time and mostly day offs with her. Of course, she is my girlfriend after all so I should. Don’t get me wrong though I love Acchan. I really do. It’s just that I’m still trying to adjust to this whole new relationship thingy with her. I never knew it could be like this. I mean, at first I thought that being in a relationship with someone you love will always be natural but I don’t know, being with her is fun but kind of rough since Acchan is the jealous-clingy kind type of girl but I’m totally cool with it. Honest. Anyway, the more time I spent with her. The less time I spent with the others. I know I should only be focusing on Acchan and her only but I miss spending time with others too. Don’t get me wrong again ok. I like spending time with Acchan. It’s just that I barely talk and spend time with the others anymore like I used to. Especially my Nyannyan.


Ever since Acchan and I got together Nyannyan and I never got the chance to spend time with each other at all. Unlike before all of this happened. Nyannyan was the person I spent all of my time with. Be it cleaning her house during her day offs just to be with her since it’s hard to drag her out of her beloved house or accompanying her to her shopping spree and carry all the bags for her like her personal butler or just sit lazily on her couch all day and talk about almost all of the most random things in the world yet no matter how much all of it doesn’t make any sense at all, it never gets boring.

I noticed how Nyannyan and Takamina have been close lately. I mean, extremely close. I know they are close being fellow 1st generation members and not to mention being in the same unit too so it’s unenviable to always see those two together. But I don’t why up until now I feel so uncomfortable about it. Maybe I’m just being childish here. Maybe I’m just so used to Nyannyan being always with me before. This is not jealousy. I am definitely not jealous. How could I? Especially that I’m with someone right now.

Dammit! What’s with this confusing feeling bugging my chest right now? But I exactly know what this is. But NO! Hell no! Am I jealous? NO NO NO. I can’t be jealous. That’s impossible. I am way over Nyannyan. I moved on already for pete’s sake.

Truth to be told. I did fall in love with Nyannyan one point in my life. She was the first person I ever fell in love with. She is my first and greatest love of all. You can pretty much say its love at first sight and obviously a one-sided love too. It all began when we, the 2nd generation was first introduced to the 1st generation members. I knew right from that very moment that she’s the one. She’s the one I want to spend the rest of my forever with.

But things never go the way as I want and hoped it to be. Eventually, after years and years and years of trying to make Nyannyan aware of my unrequited love. I failed. It never reached her. As the years go by, I went by the title of being her best friend. So slowly I started to accept the fact that she will never see me the way I see her, that she will never see more than as her best friend and her best friend only. So, I decided to move on and luckily for me Acchan was there every step of the way and until finally one day I realized that I am maybe slowly but surely falling in love with her. Atsuko is not just for rebound if that’s what you’re thinking. I am slowly having real and deep feelings for her too you know. I love her too. But not as much as I loved Nyannyan though. Not even close. But I am getting there. Hopefully.

Oh right. The only people who knew about the whole truth of how I feel for Nyannyan before were Mariko and Atsuko herself.

So yeah, I may have lied to Nyannyan about the real details of how Acchan and I ended up together nor how I fell in love with Acchan in the first place and there is no way I’m gonna tell her the truth. Especially now that I realized that I have growing feelings for Acchan and the fact that she’s already my girlfriend now.

But honestly am I really happy being with Acchan. I mean yes I do have feelings for her and all but is it really enough for me? Is it just me proving to the whole wide world that I finally moved on from Nyannyan. Or something else?

GODDAMMIT OSHIMA!! You have Acchan now. Why the hell are you still thinking of Haruna? Do you really want to get hurt again? Do you really wanna experience that hell again? YOU HAVE MOVED ON ALREADY. I REPEAT YOU ALREADY HAVE MOVED ON.

I really am going insane.

Speaking of Mariko, she’s kind of late. As I am meeting her today.

“Sorry I’m late.” Mariko said and sat in front of me.

“It’s ok. I didn’t wait that long. Besides you’re paying so it’s fine.” I said as I cheekily smiled at her.

After we ordered Mariko looked at me and started getting serious. I mean, way serious. If I don’t know any better I bet she’s planning on trolling me. Again. But this time it feels different.

“So why did you suddenly called me? Something wrong?”

“Nee, do you know what’s going on between Takamina and Nyannyan?”

Mariko looked at me sharply. So sharp that I might even be cut into little pieces. And then she grinned. Like how the Grinch do. Oh no. That look. The mockery. I can feel it coming my way.

“Hmmm. Why do you ask?”

“W-ell uhhh. Nothing just curious. Nyannyan is still my best friend after all.”

“Oh yeah? Really? So why don’t you ask her instead since she is your ‘best friend’”

“Dammit Mariko. I moved on already ok. So just answer the question. And please wipe that stupid grin off of your face.”

“Ok ok. Geez. I’m just teasing you. Anyway, aside from them getting closer each day I don’t see anything else. Why?”


 YOKATTA?? What the hell Oshima?? Stupid stupid!!

“Err Yuko you ok?”

“Eh? Yeah I’m fine. Nothing I’m just worried about Nyannyan though. We rarely talk to each other now and I barely spend time with her anymore. Especially after when Acchan and I got together.”

Honestly, the real reason why I called out Mariko here today was because of what I witnessed/heard a few days ago. You see, after Acchan accepted my love as I confessed to her that day. I went to find Nyannyan to know what she thinks of my little act. I never really got a hold of Nyannyan after that day though since Acchan won’t let me go and Nyannyan went home early. So after I cleverly talked my way out of Acchan I secretly followed Nyannyan and to my surprise I saw her and Takamina enter a bar. And I was bewildered. Why the hell are they meeting up and especially in a bar? I know damn well that Nyannyan is not a fan of alcohol so why? What the hell are these two doing here?

I stealthily followed them as they sat at the furthest corner of the bar. I honestly feel like a creepy stalker for doing this right now but what choice do I have? It’s either be a ninja and follow them or know nothing about why they are here. I really can’t clearly hear what they’re talking about as the music in here keeps getting louder and louder by the second. I almost gave up eavesdropping and leave them alone as I can’t really hear anything when suddenly Nyannyan shouted. It’s a good thing the music was loud enough to cover Nyannyan’s voice and nobody noticed except for me.

“No Takamina please no.”

Nyannyan said as she suddenly hugged Takamina tightly while crying. What the hell? Why is my Nyannyan hugging that midget and more importantly why the hell is she crying? Did Takamina do something bad to her? I swear to God that whoever made my Nyannyan cry will face my deadly and hellish wrath. And I don’t give a shit even if it’s Takamina.

I got a little closer enough to them to eavesdrop still without them noticing. And what I heard next made me confused as hell as I saw my whole world crash and burn in front of me.

“Please don’t leave me like Yuko did.”



Hope you don't find it too boring.  XD


Offline Claito

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Are you Red? XD

Nyahahahaha. I smell jealousy and trouble.  :lol:

It's not right in the kokoro, it's right in the OSHIRI!

Offline sadrilim

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I sure  your story is very interesting and I love to read it.  But I really need to know author san. What pairing will you use for the ending.

I am not sure I will continue to see if it was atsuyuu in the end of your story. :catglare:

I am Atsumina Shipper anyway. :cathappy:

hope you can answer my question author san. :cow:

Offline ubulubulbilu

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Any ship, i'll accept it!  but, I need a story of atsuko's side Author san
thx for this great fanfic

Offline Redyta_Sas

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First thing I wanna say is

Haaah,,,, now Yuko know that she's still love Haruna,,, Poor Yuko,,, :cry:

But yeah,,  the stupidest thing is Now Haruna will try to Move on Yuko,,,

and I wondering how if  Atsuko know that Yuko Still love Haruna,,,??

Looking forward for this,,,,  so please update SOON!

Offline cisda83

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What would Yuko do about Haruna and Takamina situation?

Would she be jealous?

How about Atsuko?

Would Haruna and Takamina try to move on?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Praying for kojiyuu and atsumina  :wub:

Offline youroddobsession

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Re: Best Friend (KojiYuu, AtsuYuu, AtsuMina) Chapter 5 -UPDATE- [06-25-15]
« Reply #27 on: March 17, 2016, 03:01:18 AM »
wonder how the ending will go :S

Will yuko stay with Acchan? or will she choose to fight for what she really wanted/LOVED!!

Author-san my life is in your hands  :panic:

Offline rightsaver143

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Oh my God!!! :shocked

What will happen to kojiyuu and atsumina :cry: :(

Update it please :bow: :bow: :bow:

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3rd: Mayuki (Watanabe Mayu x Kashiwagi Yuki)
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“No Takamina please no.”

Nyannyan said as she suddenly hugged Takamina tightly while crying. What the hell? Why is my Nyannyan hugging that midget and more importantly why the hell is she crying? Did Takamina do something bad to her? I swear to God that whoever made my Nyannyan cry will face my deadly and hellish wrath. And I don’t give a shit even if it’s Takamina.

I got a little closer enough to them to eavesdrop still without them noticing. And what I heard next made me confused as hell as I saw my whole world crash and burn in front of me.

“Please don’t leave me like Yuko did.”

 :grr: KUSO! YUKO :mon mad: :scolding: :angry: :angry: can't you see that you still love nyannyan :smhid wake up :angry: :scolding:
You're feeling all those thoughts or emotions because your jealous of takamina becoming closer to 'your' :luvluv2: nyannyan

why'd you stop :gyaaah: :pleeease: :scared: :tantrum:
I really love this story :on GJ: (Kojiyuu and atsumina :shy2: :shy1: :on woohoo:)
Please update it please!!!!!   :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :mon cry:
46 Group
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Kami oshi: Kojima Haruna & Oshima Yuko😘
Oshimen: Watanabe Mayu

1st: Nanamai (Nishino Nanase x Shiraishi Mai)
2nd: Kojiyuu (Kojima Haruna x Oshima Yuko)
3rd: Mayuki (Watanabe Mayu x Kashiwagi Yuki)
4th: Atsumina ( Maeda Atsuko x Takahashi Minami)

Offline Thirdysaur

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Hey guys. Wow I just realized that it's been a year since I updated this. Anyway, sorry for the long wait.

Spoiler: This chapter will be the turn over of the events  :lol:


PS: Nyannyan just announced her graduation and it still breaks my heart. And to make it worst Yuko was there too (such a supportive girlfriend isn't she?)


Chapter 6

“Please don’t leave me like Yuko did.”

“Please don’t leave me like Yuko did.”

“Please don’t leave me like Yuko did.”


“Please don’t leave me like Yuko did.”

“Please don’t leave me like Yuko did.”

“Please don’t leave me like Yuko did.”

“Hey Yuko”

“Please don’t leave me like Yuko did.”

“Please don’t leave me like Yuko did.”

“Please don’t leave me like Yuko did.”


“What? Huh?”

“Are you okay? I’ve been calling you for a while. You seemed spaced out? Is something wrong?”

Here I am shopping with my girlfriend Atsuko and yet all I can think about is Nyannyan and what I’ve overheard a few weeks ago. Honestly, it’s really bugging me out and I have no idea why. Why did it hurt hearing it? When did I leave her? Did I really leave her? Why does it bother me so much? Why did she sound so hurt? Am I the reason why she’s crying? I have no idea and it's driving me nuts!

“Sorry. I’m just tired I guess.”

“Do you wanna go home?” No matter how good of an actress Atsuko is she still can't hide the fact that she sounds and looks upset. It’s been a while that we went on an actual date ever since we got together. Blame it on our hectic schedules and work outside AKB. But for me. I don’t really think that’s not the only reason.

“Oh no no. I’m okay. Have you picked yet?”

“I’ve been here talking about which one you like the most but you’re not even paying attention. Nevermind. Let’s just go.” She said while putting back two dresses on the rack. A white and a pink one. She walked away from me while grumbling “If Takamina was here she would probably answer in a heartbeat.”

“I’m sorry Acchan. Come on. Don’t be like this. I’m really sorry okay.” I chase after her and grabbed her hand and looked her in the eyes. Oh my charming eyes. Please do your magic. “I’m sorry. I know we barely have time for each other now. Please don’t be mad. Let’s continue shopping okay?” She nodded and looked at me softly. Yes! It worked. Mwahahaha.

“You know we rarely go out anymore and I really want to spend more time with you. I just feel like whenever where together your mind is somewhere.”


“What? That’s nonsense. I’m just tired. I swear. Now come on. Let’s get that dress that you want.” I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek which caused her to blush and dragged her back to rack. Sheees. I need to stop spacing out whenever I’m with Atsuko. Get your shit together Oshima. Yosh!

“Which one do you think will suit me?” Acchan asked as she grabbed the dresses.

“I think the white one.”

“Really? I’ll get this one then.”

“But then again. Pink suits you more.”


“What? Let me think okay. I wonder, which of it will suit my very beautiful but short tempered girlfriend the best? Hmmmm.”

 “Hey! I’m not short tempered” She said as she playfully hit me on the shoulders. “Come on. Just pick already. I’m hungry.”

“I can’t decide. Both of it looks good on you. Let’s just get both of them.” I said as I grabbed both dresses and dashed my way to the counter leaving Atsuko behind.

“Wait! Yuko. Hey!”

By the time Atsuko caught up to me I have already paid for the dresses.

“My my Acchan you should exercise more. You’re like Nyannyan. Hahahaha.” I stopped laughing when I realized I just said Nyannyan’s name. “Err. I mean both of you are really non-athletic. Like Takamina too. Hehe” I said as I mentally face palmed myself for my own stupidity. Geez. I’m digging my own grave.

It’s not like it’s a taboo to say Nyannyan’s name or even mention her. I just feel like it’s insensitive of me to even bring her up after all that happened. So I always try avoid it. But seems like the more I avoid it the more it keeps creeping up on me. Geez. I can’t help it okay. There’s just a lot of things that reminds me of her.

“I hate you. You’re making fun of me. Even Takamina never does that. But since I’m nice and as you said beautiful. I forgive you.”

Finally after hours and hours of shopping Acchan finally seemed satisfied with everything she bought.

“Are you even gonna wear all of this?” I said as I started gesturing to the bags that contains the clothes that she bought as I swing it back and forth. “Some of it are not even your size.”

“I’m giving it to Takamina.”

I don’t even need to ask why. Takamina really need someone like Acchan in her life. Mainly in the fashion department.

“Nee Yuko, do you know or even have an idea on what’s going on between Takamina and Nyannyan. Are they like together or something?”

Wow. The same question I asked Mariko.

“Hmmm. I really don’t know. I’ve been really busy lately and I haven’t talked to Nyannyan ever since we got together.”

“Me too. Damn our hectic schedules. I haven’t spent that much time with Takamina either. Such a best friend I am. I really really miss her Yuko. We haven’t been talking like we used to ever since we got together. I always message and call her whenever I got the chance but she’s not replying like before.”

Acchan looked genuinely sad. I mean extremely sad. Then I realized something. Maybe it’s normal for us to miss our bestfriends? I mean Acchan said it out loud here people. So I guess there’s nothing wrong with me for missing Nyannyan as well? 

“Wait. You message and call Takamina all the time?”


But she barely even text me. It’s not that I’m jealous but, shouldn’t your girlfriend be your priority on everything? Because that’s what I’ve been doing to her. Or trying to do at least.

“Hey. I’m not jealous or anything but how come you text and call Takamina all the time yet you barely text me at all?”

Seems Acchan realized what she said and went into panic mode.

“No no. it’s not like that. I don’t know. I mean I do know but. I’m just used to do that to Takamina. And I know you’re busy a lot too so I thought that maybe I’ll just bother you if I did that and maybe you’ll get mad at me for being too clingy.”

“It’s okay. I understand. I mean you’ve always been like that to Takamina right? But doesn’t Takamina complain about you bugging her like an overly attached girlfriend?”

“Hey I’m not overly attached! You’re my girlfriend but you never see me doing that to you. I only do that to Takamina. And besides she never even complained about anything at all.”

“Yeah. Makes me wonder if I should be happy or sad about it. Hahaha Poor Takamidget”


If anyone would hear us they would probably think that we’re weird. I mean, we are dating but Acchan here talks about Takamina a lot. Maybe she just misses Takamina just as much I miss Nyannyan?

But why do I have the feeling that the kind of longing Acchan has for Takamina isn’t the friendly one. It’s obvious really. How would I know you ask? Well, because it takes one to know one.


Hope you enjoy it  :)


Offline Haruko

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welcome back! I'm waiting for this! :D

Offline rightsaver143

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Welcome back :on woohoo:

I'm kinda curious about atsuko(her POV) coz it feels like she has something for takamina (atsumina :shy1:)

It seems like takamina and kojiharu will not stop drinking until they find happiness :err: :fainted:

Thanks for the update :byebye: :bingo: :kneelbow:
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3rd: Mayuki (Watanabe Mayu x Kashiwagi Yuki)
4th: Atsumina ( Maeda Atsuko x Takahashi Minami)

Offline youroddobsession

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Re: Best Friend (KojiYuu, AtsuYuu, AtsuMina) Chapter 6 -UPDATE- [06-20-16]
« Reply #34 on: August 29, 2016, 05:10:36 AM »

Wonder the how the story will go 😂 please update soon author-san 😀

Kojiyuu is forever.  :theking

Offline rightsaver143

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Re: Best Friend (KojiYuu, AtsuYuu, AtsuMina) Chapter 6 -UPDATE- [06-20-16]
« Reply #35 on: November 26, 2016, 01:12:40 PM »
Hello again author-san XD

It's been almost 2 years since you last update this fic  :cry:


PLEASE UPDATE IT!!! :inlove:

« Last Edit: April 29, 2018, 11:48:55 PM by rightsaver143 »
46 Group
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Oshimen: Oguri Yui, Mukaichi Mion, Nakai Rika

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Kami oshi: Kojima Haruna & Oshima Yuko😘
Oshimen: Watanabe Mayu

1st: Nanamai (Nishino Nanase x Shiraishi Mai)
2nd: Kojiyuu (Kojima Haruna x Oshima Yuko)
3rd: Mayuki (Watanabe Mayu x Kashiwagi Yuki)
4th: Atsumina ( Maeda Atsuko x Takahashi Minami)

Offline cisda83

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Re: Best Friend (KojiYuu, AtsuYuu, AtsuMina) Chapter 6 -UPDATE- [06-20-16]
« Reply #36 on: January 22, 2017, 02:21:36 AM »
Continue please

How is the relationship with Atsuko and Yuko going to be?

Will Atsuko and Yuko realise their real feeling for their best friend before too late?

Will Minami and Haruna move on with each other?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the updates

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline rightsaver143

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Re: Best Friend (KojiYuu, AtsuYuu, AtsuMina) Chapter 6 -UPDATE- [06-20-16]
« Reply #37 on: April 29, 2018, 11:51:26 PM »
Hello again author-san XD

It's been almost 2 years since you last update this fic  :cry: :farofflook: :fainted:


PLEASE UPDATE IT!!! :inlove: :scolding: :scolding: :scolding:
 :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow:

I really want to know what will happen to them :frustrated: :gyaaah:
46 Group
Kami oshi: Nishino Nanase & Shiraishi Mai😍
Oshimen: Saito Asuka

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Oshimen: Oguri Yui, Mukaichi Mion, Nakai Rika

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Kami oshi: Kojima Haruna & Oshima Yuko😘
Oshimen: Watanabe Mayu

1st: Nanamai (Nishino Nanase x Shiraishi Mai)
2nd: Kojiyuu (Kojima Haruna x Oshima Yuko)
3rd: Mayuki (Watanabe Mayu x Kashiwagi Yuki)
4th: Atsumina ( Maeda Atsuko x Takahashi Minami)

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