WHAT A Postwhoring Olympics, the aim was to bring
MAKE JPHiP GREATER theme into the spotlight and what makes JPHiP so fuckin unique. After 11 Years in da fucking game.....NOW
JPHiP News Relaunch Part 6.969 IS HAPPENING!!
Are you a creative, enthusiastic, non-biased, thought provoking, POSITIVE writer?
Do you believe in JPHiP Style!?
Do you wanna help build the brand
Do you like to have fun?
Do you want to pad your resume with that journalism/creative writing/english degree?
If you said HELL FUCKING YES to all of the above then WE WANT YOU!
No experience required, just be motivated and enthusiastic!
This is a whole NOTHA level of
You gotta have balance.
You gotta have a life.
Even though this is a 24/7 news cycle,
Let's make the fun content we like!
We express opinions and rants when we see it, and do it WITH GREAT FUN POSITIVITY AND JUST DAT GOOD NATURE FEEL.
BENEFITS Be part of the JPHiP Writing Team that has covered major events since 2005.
Gain access to major events, just check out our reports at
http://forum.jphip.com/index.php?board=115.0 for a taste!
This is unpaid, done purely for the love of fandom and the community JPHiP!!
CREATIVE PEOPLE. PERIOD!!We are looking for content creators FOR US, BY US. Shit that amuses us. That JPHiP Magazine we talked about forever. That JPHiP TV we wet dreamed out. WE ENVISION ASSLOADS OF FUN! #NFG
aim is to bring quality harder-edged, thought provoking, fun loving content in the form of a lifestyle journal that covers the very best in art, culture, tech, vice, positive motivation, media and celebrity while uncovering the best in LIFE.
TO APPLYPM daigong on JPHiP forum, twitter, instagram, facebook, LINE, snapchat, myspace or email
admin@jphip.netPlease Provide:writing sample
write a little about yourself
what you want to write
THEN! WE WILLmeet on Line App or Google Hangouts or Skype to interview/chat/shit talk!
WE WANNA HEAR FROM YOU!!!!This is serious business. We are gonna create something amazing NOW!
Thanks to Slack for spearheading the relaunch movement, hosting the site (the last news site kept crashing the forum lol) and all the wonderful writers we had repping us across the globe: too many to mention love you ALL!
NEW JPHiP NEWS will be re-launching in a month, on
September 24, 2016Meanwhile. Enjoy the