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Author Topic: POSTWHORING AWARENESS DAY!! (2018/08/22)  (Read 6343 times)

Offline daigong

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« on: August 22, 2018, 08:03:14 AM »

HEY JPHIPSTARZ HiPPers STARZ Man They Took HiPsters and made it WACK XD BUT ITS JPHIP BABE.  :hip smile:

I know we have been going for Postwhoring Olympics the past few years but shit been getting a lil topsy turvyfreeezeee lappper fuckk or sit in sweaty comp room in ghetto 118 ave...BUTT FOR NOW!

Let's crack one open and reflect on what 8/22 is all about. The Spirit of Postwhoring. The Spirit of Being Who We Wanna Be. And that's what Fushi ( embodied. WHO is that you say?

fIRST AND foremost. I wanna recognize this day for Fushi aka Fushidigane. She was a fun loving beautiful Finnish girl of H!P Fandoms whom I had the pleasure of knowing during my hANGRY & ANGRY tours around the globe. We lost her five years ago yet her spirit remains in just beiing silly and WHY SO SERIUS , she is seen with our dear friends in France too. Seen with ChrNo  :deco:

We have all been blessed to have known her and stroke dat FLAME HARRRRD as we keep up with her awesome ways.

To have members all over the world reppin a site that gets traffic in the TOP 50,000 HOW YES ITS YOU JPH!P KEEP IT UP!!

So August 22nd was when we rebranded as :hipheart: and we set forth our motion to be WHATEVA WE WANNA BE but RESPECT others and just have a take, don't be a weiner. Too much wack shit, let's help one another and just chat freely like how ya wanna be treated ya know?

Postwhore Awareness Day I'll call it. Just state all the joys of posting. Starting threads and waiting for those all important pity posts and/or checkin the views with 0 replies XD
Answer this PWAD Quiiz ONLY at :hipheart:

What's your favourite thing about postwhoring?

Have you ever stayed up way too late to postwhore or missed the school bus?

What do you like most about reading posts? Making posts?

Have you ever been hesitant to postwhore?

If Yes. Why?

What would you think would better improve the postwhoring at :hipheart:

Or if you wanna send in anonymous replies I'll make a google form or survey shit  :lol:



:hipheart: does not data mine or sell your data!! JUST FOR FUN BABY.

If this is a cheap excuse to TELL YOU. GET YOU. to post. You got me.  :jphip:

Offline kuro808

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« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2018, 02:57:37 AM »
What's your favourite thing about postwhoring? Honestly it is more of a stress relief adaptation. As humans, we should be able to say stuff that is on our minds and Twitter can do that but with 280 characters still limits the purpose and saying it here is quite fun to express different ideas as well.

Have you ever stayed up way too late to postwhore or missed the school bus? When I was in college, yes. Now, I think I have been more responsible :P

What do you like most about reading posts? Making posts? The expression of ideas. Also, a way to communicate to others how you feel and how others feel as well especially when they have a bad day. Why not just post out frustrations rather than do some bad stuff

Have you ever been hesitant to postwhore? No

If Yes. Why?

What would you think would better improve the postwhoring at :hipheart: If anything is to get more people involved. We all want to yet as long as we have the general idea, it needs to spread like wildfire. In a civil manner, of course.

I do it more to reflect ideas and will post now  :lol:
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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