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Author Topic: More Than One Story...[111016 Loving You Forever]  (Read 238344 times)

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 2 - Awakened]
« Reply #240 on: November 09, 2008, 11:58:22 AM »
oh wow!  it's the return of Glass Slipper!  I'm gonna be away for a few days so this is like the perfect gift <3

This chapter was a lot of fun to read.  I like how the hosts seem to be really enjoying themselves and the girls too! 
The sailormoon comment was the best!  I was so in love with tuxedo mask in the past XD 

hehe Eri talking to herself in the bathroom cracked me up.  I sure had my eyebrows raised XD   oh and prince gaki!  well do I really need to comment on him?  he's just totally  :wub:

Offline ringo-hime

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 2 - Awakened]
« Reply #241 on: November 09, 2008, 03:07:54 PM »
wow, finally~ <3

Mahn Taka-sama is so cool~ <3

XD @ sailormoon XD hehehe..OSAM.

GakiKame is so cute... :wub: :wub:

cnt wait for moar~ >______<

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 2 - Awakened]
« Reply #242 on: November 09, 2008, 07:20:24 PM »
love your fic I hope you update soon again! lol  :D I really like the story idea you have here and plot.  :on GJ:

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 2 - Awakened]
« Reply #243 on: November 10, 2008, 02:35:58 PM »
So... you finally updated that story... i've anticipating that for a LONG time now. Glad you finally got around to doing it XD!
Yeah the reinai was hot and sayu/kuu as disturbing as it is... it's kinda cute... the flower in the hair thing KILLED ME. I believe that's one of the cutest things that can be done to a girl :yep: :heart:

I desperately hope you update this soon =(
Rika <3 So funneh

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 2 - Awakened]
« Reply #244 on: November 12, 2008, 07:25:06 AM »

Chapter 2 - Awakened
Not quite sure of the link between this chapter and the first one as of yet. But it sure has some potentially interesting twists by the looks of it. :D

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 2 - Awakened]
« Reply #245 on: November 12, 2008, 10:50:09 AM »

@Sukoshi: I know that RR07 drawing! Yeah, it does fit doesn’t it? If only I knew Ai-chan in real life, I’ll make sure she gives Risa a real special present :mon mischief:

@SBK: You found it romantic? Perfect, since I was trying to make it seem that way :gmon flowers:

@SxY: I had that happen a few times. Once I got all teary eyed. Guess why? Cus you made Eri die~~ :mon hanky: Well what can I say…I love me Gaki-san :gmon love2:

@JFC: It’s amazing how you manage to find the emoticons for every situation :mon fyeah:

@sweeety: Thanks for the comment :nya: Me is a happy hammy.

@ringo-hime: I’m not good at writing that. You’re gonna have to see if LLPG is willing to grant us a new perv fic some time soon. Ah yes the epilogue. You’ll be getting it. Just not yet :mon evillaff:

If I’m Not in Love

@SxY: Don’t say that, I like your comments. They are just fine :mon squee:

@Sukoshi: I noticed that too. Sayu should trash Koha’s desk so she can move hers over. I’m was wondering if Yuna Ito’s song was the Japanese version of this. Guess I’m right. One of the main reasons why I attempted a KameShige fic was to thank you for relentlessly translating Konya. See, I appreciate what you do a lot :mon love:

@SKB: Don’t the images in Love Letter come to mind when you imagine Sayu writing in her dairy? :k-inlove:

@meowz: Exactly. Sayu has turned into so much more than a narcissist. I’m really liking her now :gmon love:

@JFC: Tee hee, I could pull out those teeth for you if you like? I know a really sturdy door :hee:

@Yankii Heart: Arigatou :kneelbow: Hoped that story left you with a nice impression.

She Gathers Rain

@Sukoshi: I know you know :gmon sweet: Hey look, ya banner has Eri holding an umbrella.

@SBK: Right back at you. You’re one writer who I look forward to having new stories. Though my excited meter hits a higher mark when it’s a TakaGaki story, I still enjoy reading the rest :gmon heartu:

@SxY: Have I somehow influences readers to start liking the rain now? :gmon twirl:

@katatsumuri: Yep, I deliberately dropped quite a few hints :k-great:   

@stefy: I’m not gonna burst ya bubble so think of them as whoever you like :glasses:

@shokokame: Did you think this was a continuous fic? :mon sweat: I’m sorry but it was meant as a one-shot. Thanks for R&R though. I hope you like my other stories too.

@JFC: That door offer is still open. I think the door knob is good enough to attach a string with the other end to your tooth :mon evil: Just kidding, tee hee. 

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 2 - Awakened]
« Reply #246 on: November 17, 2008, 07:34:22 AM »
Glass Slipper:
Chapter 3 – Magic

The hours whizzed past and in the twinkling of an eye, the hands of the clock approached 7.35 am. The surroundings seemed rather hazy to Eri and she wondered if it was due to the effects of the liquor she had drunk. While the amount consumed wasn’t significant, it left a permanent blush on her cheeks. Recognizing how alcohol intolerant she was at the grand old age of nearly twenty, Eri decided she had to start picking up a few pointers from Reina, the frequent pub trawler of the trio. If she was lucky, Reina would most likely offer an entire VIP room in one of the establishments her family owned as a venue for Eri’s learning session.

About an hour or so before, Eri learnt from Reina’s impromptu drunken speech how the hosts at this club made their commissions from deducting off a percentage of the patron’s orders. Judging from what Eri was drinking, she was clearly costing Gaki a substantial pay packet which could have been effortlessly earned if he was accompanying another customer. Feeling remorseful after the lecture, Eri bravely proposed an order that would turn things around.

“Bring me the most expensive bottle on the list!”

Noting Eri’s progressively reddening face, Gaki grew increasingly anxious. He felt responsible for Eri’s predicament and blamed himself for accepting her unexpected order. He should have remained firm and refused her kind intention no matter what she said. Noticing how cute she looked with her pinkish cheeks and drooping eyes, he couldn’t resist the smile that tugged at his lips. It had taken some time for Eri to warm up to him after her visit to the washroom. And when she finally did, she told him everything. Well almost everything. She related how she met Sayumi and Reina, what modules she was taking at school, her hobbies outside of projects and assignments, her love for sour foods and how it was like growing up as an only child. The only detail she left out was that of her family background.

Chatting with Gaki was a relaxing experience and Eri realized she could speak without inhibitions. He was a good listener and hardly cut her off when she was in the middle of saying something. He was sweet, funny, sensitive and awfully considerate. He would observe things which she didn’t express verbally. When she rubbed her hands, he knew she was feeling chilly and immediately removed his jacket to drape it over her shoulders. Voluntarily exchanging places with her, he went the extra mile to ensure she wasn’t in the direct path of the air-con vent.


Rising from her seat, Eri stretched her arms out to liberate her aching muscles after being restricted in a sitting position for an extended period of time. She didn’t open her eyes as the world seemed slanted at an angle whenever she did and the lopsided image gave her a slight headache. Seeing Eri’s actions, a thought appeared in Gaki’s mind. He hesitated carrying it out as he didn’t know how Eri would respond to the abrupt and fairly intrusive deed. However, recalling that he could possibly never see her again after their time together was up, Gaki ignored his apprehension and reached his hand out to grab at Eri’s wrist with a forceful pull. Literally falling in to his lap, Eri found herself looking down into a pair of mesmerizing brown eyes. She couldn’t tear her sight away from the face which was merely inches away and soon her mouth was totally covered by a pair of succulent lips. For a young man, Gaki had surprisingly thick lips which had repeatedly attracted Eri’s attention. 

It took some time for Eri to realize what was happening and it was only when Gaki’s touch left her hand and materialized again at her waist area and the small of her back did her mind begin to function. In a normal solution under similar circumstances, Eri would have screamed bloody murder and started kicking and clawing at the antagonist. Except that presently, she didn’t feel the need to display any of those violent reactions. Instead, for the first time in her life, Eri understood what it was like kissing a real person in place of an inanimate object. The countless times she had secretly practiced in her bedroom with a fluffy pillow whilst the rest of the household slept had at last come in handy. Wrapping her shaking hands around Gaki’s neck, she drew him closer and unconsciously, her fingers played with his hair.

Magic to Eri had always been David Copperfield performances she had seen from television programmes and more recently, the amateurish tricks Taka utilized to impress Reina. If you asked her at this moment what magic meant to her, Eri’s reply would come instantaneously.

Magic, was the sensation generated as Gaki kissed her.
And this magic, was one which Eri never wanted to end.


"I'm sorry ladies, we're closing for the day. It was our pleasure having each and every one of you here. Don't forget to visit again. We'll be waiting."

A voice boomed over the speakers and all eyes turned to look at the figure standing proudly on the stage positioned against one wall of the dance floor.
"Jun! You're so handsome!!"

“Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~! Jun-sama, I love you!”
Adoring shrieks of desire and lust erupted from the group of women gathered at the foot of the podium. When Prince Jun stepped down from the wooden structure, he was immediately encircled by the multitude of office ladies. Pecking him on the cheek, a woman dressed in a slim-cut navy blue pant suit clung onto his arm possessively. The smug grin on her face as if asserting triumphantly her victory at securing Jun’s companionship that night.
Back at the pumpkin booth, a tipsy Sayumi was being supported to stand up by Kuu who was holding onto her upper arms. Taka had excused himself to make payment with Reina’s midnight black American Express credit card. And in his absence, Kuu openly admired the sleeping face of Sayumi. He would not admit it when she enquired but he had fallen under her spell and was utterly besotted with her. At his relatively young age, he has yet to fall in love with anyone though hordes of girls at school had declared their unwavering affections for him. Regardless of seniority, even older students at the institution have professed their interest. Nevertheless, none have aroused his interest to further appreciate the female species. That was before Michishige Sayumi entered his life. To Kuu, she was the only woman he wanted to become acquainted with.

When Taka returned, he slipped the plastic piece into Reina’s purse and subsequently heaved her motionless form rather unglamorously onto his right shoulder. Leading the way out of the club into the elevator and down to the entrance of the building where the club was situated, he set her heavily onto the backseat of the awaiting cab. Following at a distance behind, Kuu maneuvered Sayumi into the passenger seat and buckled her up. Alert to the driver’s gaze centered on him, he suppressed the urge to kiss Sayumi goodbye and settled for caressing her face.

“I look forward to seeing you soon usagi-chan..”

Looking around the area, Taka wondered where Gaki and Eri were. Scratching the back of his head, he tapped his fingers on the roof of the vehicle. Concluding that his buddy was probably still finishing up with his customer, a playful smirk appeared on Taka’s handsome face as he thought of how much fun he was going to have teasing Gaki later.


Upstairs, the stream of customers began trickling out and a scarce few lingered on, evidently unwilling to be separated from the hosts they have selected.

“Will I see you again?”

Breaking the silence between them, Gaki questioned, an intense passion burning in his eyes.

“I don’t usually visit clubs…”

“I see..”

The regret lacing his voice was unmistakable and Eri hated herself for disappointing him. Still, she chose to press on, fully aware that things would never work out between them. Perhaps if she wasn’t a member of the Kamei family, suppose he wasn’t a host, maybe ….

"I have to go."
She was extremely reluctant, nonetheless Eri had to leave. It would be better to end things now and risk breaking his heart than to become caught in a situation later where there was no turning back. Sensing her resolve, Gaki could only go along with her decision. Having been attentive to Eri’s inebriated condition, he deduced she would have difficulty covering the distance to the main exit of the building.   

“Let me.”

The short statement was all he said before he scooped her smoothly into his arms. The elevator took its time to rise from the ground floor and during that duration, Eri leaned her head on Gaki’s shoulder and closed her eyes to take in deep breathes of his refreshing cologne. If she was never going to see him again, then Eri hoped that she could at least remember his scent. Desperate to etch in her memory what it was like to be held by him, Eri clutched at the front of his shirt so tightly that her knuckles turned white from the effort.

I wish I could. I’m sorry Gaki.


The elevator doors glided open with ease and Eri reluctantly opened her eyes when the cool morning breeze made contact with her skin. After distinguishing their presence from a distance, Taka stuck his head into the taxi, presumably to tell the driver instructions on where to send the three.

Bending to lower Eri carefully into the automobile, Gaki unhurriedly strapped the seatbelt across her slim figure. As he slammed the door shut, Eri detected a sad longing in his eyes. Biting onto her bottom lip, she determinedly hardened her heart. Positive that Gaki could no longer see her after the automobile had travelled a certain distance, Eri twisted her body in the backseat to try and catch a glimpse of him through the rear windshield. As she watched helplessly the silhouettes of the boys diminish gradually, she found herself missing him already. She yearned to see Gaki again, to relive the feeling of his intoxicating kisses trailing her jaw line.

Is this true love, she didn't know, but there was one thing she was convinced of. As Eri turned back to sit properly, her hands made their way up to her chest. Beneath the area which her hands were positioned over, she could feel her heart thumping intensely.

Kamei Eri's heart threatened to burst from the lack of space within.
Kamei Eri's heart could never allow another.
Kamei Eri was head over heels in love, with one Prince Gaki.


@SBK: You're not the only one. I want a Prince Gaki too~~~!!! :ding:

@SxY: I REALLY wanted to finish this chapter and post it within the 2 days after your birthday. But I failed. Still, I wanna present you chapter 3 as a birthday present. Happy Birthday! (super belated wishing here) :mon sweat:

@stefy: Yaaaaaaaaaa~~~~ I didn't realized that sentence could sound so wrong :on bleed:

@Sukoshi: How was the trip? Did you have a good time? Presuming it was a trip to have fun. :mon scooter:

@ringo-hime: I'm delighted you like this fic. I don't think many can imagine the girls as male characters :mon mischief:

@writerjunkie: Thanks, thanks. I hope you enjoyed this chapter too :gmon heartu:

@poets: You finally make an appearance :gmon hi: I agree about the flower in hair thingy. That's why I put it in.

@JFC: Actually, I'm not that sure myself :gmon blonde: I'm just writing whatever comes to mind.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 11:27:07 AM by lil_hamz »

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 3 - Magic]
« Reply #247 on: November 17, 2008, 08:09:18 AM »
KIIIIIIIIIIIIIYAAAAAAAAAAA~~~~~~~~~~  :shy2: :nya: :wriggly: *fangirlish cry here* Oh my god I haven't squealed like that in ages! XD This chapter was amazingly sweet and...and...and...crap I'm out of words to use. Or rather, my brain is still in shock, so I can't think of any. Belated birthday present? HECK THIS BEATS MY ON-TIME PRESENTS. <33 But now I feel all sad for Kamei...  :fainted: Oh, and I forgot to mention... Prince Jun? xD Zomg, my love for this fic went up another level...if that's possible.

Though I have a question:  are you just making Eri an only child for the fic's purpose?

*grins goofily at her computer screen* Thank goodness Mom and Dad are asleep... :mon sweat: *scrolls back up to read again* ^^;
« Last Edit: November 17, 2008, 08:20:46 AM by ShikyoxYaiba »

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 3 - Magic]
« Reply #248 on: November 17, 2008, 03:03:55 PM »

Kamei~ the kiss part was cute~..hehe, when u mentioned that she practiced with inanimate objects~ XD

awww... So only Kuu and Gaki feels something for the girls huh?
what about RenAi?  :lol:

cnt wait for the next chappie.

hehe, imagining them as guys is easy for me XD...  :cow: i've got a good sense of imagination..  :D

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 3 - Magic]
« Reply #249 on: November 18, 2008, 04:07:06 AM »
Chapter 3 – Magic
Whoa, am I seeing a host falling for his customer?

"Jun! You're so handsome!!"

“Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~! Jun-sama, I love you!”
Adoring shrieks of desire and lust erupted from the group of women gathered at the foot of the podium. When Prince Jun stepped down from the wooden structure, he was immediately encircled by the multitude of office ladies. Pecking him on the cheek, a woman dressed in a slim-cut navy blue pant suit clung onto his arm possessively. The smug grin on her face as if asserting triumphantly her victory at securing Jun’s companionship that night.
Now I'm curious as to who that girl is that "got" Jun. ;D

Kuu openly admired the sleeping face of Sayumi. He would not admit it when she enquired but he had fallen under her spell and was utterly besotted with her. At his relatively young age, he has yet to fall in love with anyone though hordes of girls at school had declared their unwavering affections for him. Regardless of seniority, even older students at the institution have professed their interest. Nevertheless, none have aroused his interest to further appreciate the female species. That was before Michishige Sayumi entered his life. To Kuu, she was the only woman he wanted to become acquainted with.
Dang, Kuu too?

They'd better not let the boss find out about this.  :pimp:

Kamei Eri was head over heels in love, with one Prince Gaki.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 3 - Magic]
« Reply #250 on: November 18, 2008, 11:57:08 AM »
ah my trip was a lot of fun!  It was like an early bday trip....nothing like hearing the sound of cling cling cling 24/7 (vegas slot machines).   I even heard the sound in my sleep @__@!  It's funny...even though I would leave the hotel bright and early..I don't recall seeing the sun very much XD


lol Taka just taking Reina's credit card and throwing Reina over his's funny that it's all business with him XD  Kuu cracks me up for the opposite reason.

Instead, for the first time in her life, Eri understood what it was like kissing a real person in place of an inanimate object. The countless times she had secretly practiced in her bedroom with a fluffy pillow whilst the rest of the household slept had at last come in handy.

The first line sounded soo wrong XD  the second line made it better....guess pillow wasn't the first thing that came to my mind  :sweat:

SxY is so luck~  Such a nice bday present~  *cough* Sukoshi's bday is coming up sunday *cough*

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 3 - Magic]
« Reply #251 on: November 19, 2008, 01:42:31 AM »
^EEEEEEEEEEHHH?! *had no knowledge of this* Well then, expect a gift from me. <3

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 3 - Magic]
« Reply #252 on: November 19, 2008, 03:32:19 AM »
Whoa, now THIS was romantic to the bazillionth degree!! :wub: GakiKame are falling for each other!! :w00t: Prince Gaki is like :inlove: Eri's such a lucky duck!! Gotta admit, Kuu and Sayu are pretty adorable too!!! :lol: As for Taka and Reina, well, I need to see some more to make my final decision. :P Yum, Jun-sama~~ :drool: Now "he" sounds pretty hot too!! :lol: C'mon, Eri!! I'm sure Reina and Sayu will be thrilled to come back too!! Or you could come alone and spend some precious time with Prince Gaki.... :P

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 3 - Magic]
« Reply #253 on: November 23, 2008, 09:15:28 AM »
Happy birthday Sukoshi-chan!!! This is my present to you. It's still on time right? :D And as always, I hope you and all my other faithful readers cum commenters (you know who you are :) ) enjoyed this chapter :oops:

Guardian Angel:
Chapter 5 - Before Sunrise

Studying the young woman sitting across her in the somewhat cramped booth, Eri smiled. It was one of the rare occasions in recent times when she had smiled so genuinely.

The season’s latest make-up colors, check.

Super short, almost non-existent skirt, check.

Star-like attitude, check.

Reina was still the same even after two years and Eri felt a sense of familiarity towards the younger. She missed her, she missed the past where the most pressing problem was how to comb a hairstyle that wouldn’t clash with another member’s for the duration of their many concert tours.

"How have you been?"

Starting the ball rolling in a conversation had never been Eri’s forte. But things were different now and she had been forced to learn. Without Sayumi by her side, she could no longer rely on her faithful assistance. And then there was Gaki-san...

"The same."

"And you?"

Reina replied truthfully. There was no reason to say more for she was certain she had stayed unchanged throughout these 700 or so days. The only noticeably difference was her alteration of position to Morning Musume’s leader. It was no secret that she had yearned for this time in the spotlight, to weld the power which could control and dictate the actions of fifty something younger charges. Except that Reina didn’t covet the influential role if it meant the determination of the current state of affairs. She would gladly forsake this post in exchange for more important things, things like the revival of Sayumi.

"Better than before."

There was an awkward silence following Eri’s last words and the atmosphere in the booth where they were sitting in felt thick and heavy. The thankful appearance of the waitress gave them a chance to divert their directionless attention.

The spread of American food on the table ten to fifteen minutes after the girls have placed their orders was a welcome memory of how they had spent numerous days hanging out at this American food diner for meals or just enjoying ice-cream.

"Look at that couple. I think the guy is going to make his move tonight."

"Eewwww Reina! Don't say things like that!"

Reina’s comment on a random couple broke the ice and chiding her in a good hearted manner, Eri giggled delightedly as she turned in her seat to observe for herself the aforementioned couple.

Believing that Eri’s mood was serene enough, Reina decided this was the best opportunity to bring up a topic which had been weighing on her mind. As Eri munched happily on her hamburger, Reina discretely took in a sharp intake of air.

"She’s coming back."

At hearing Reina's words, Eri froze in mid-action. Taking a moment to recover, she pretended to be unaffected and persisted in chewing on the French fry balanced between her thumb and fore finger.

“You can’t keep it from her forever.”

Still Eri didn’t reply and Reina pressed on in her one-sided conversation.

“She has a right to know.”

Incapable of holding back the indigence of what she felt was an undue reprimand by Reina, Eri lashed out angrily.

“Don’t talk to me about rights! She lost them the day she left. We don’t need her anymore. Gaki-san doesn’t need her anymore.”

“You can’t make that choice for her. Gaki-san would have wanted her to know.”

Trying to explain matters to a clearly agitated Eri, Reina spoke in a soothing tone.

“You don’t know what Gaki-san wants. No one knows her needs better than I. It has constantly been just the two of us and it will always remain that way!”

Her words cut through Reina like a cold steel knife. The two of us? Wasn’t Reina her friend too? Granted, she didn’t have much time for her in between juggling the role of leader and taking care of Sayumi. Nonetheless she did call to ask about her at some point in those two years, though the phone calls never did span for more than an hour. Recalling her insufficient concern, Reina regretted it immensely. She hadn’t been there for Eri when she struggled with physiotherapy sessions. None of them were there at the most trying stage of Eri’s life. Not Ai, not herself but Risa. Risa was the one who accompanied her on those daily trips to the orthopedic department in the hospital. It was Risa who had gotten her to resume treatment when Eri had lost every ounce of optimism in regaining the use of her leg. In that way, Reina couldn’t blame Eri for her current behavior. Perhaps Risa had become more than a mere pillar of strength.   


What Reina didn’t anticipate was the older’s decision to cut short their spontaneous reunion. Throwing down some dollar bills onto the table top, Eri grabbed her purse from the chair with rigid resolve. The bitterness in her eyes was unmistakable as she accused through gritted teeth.

“I thought you would understand me. I guess I was wrong.”

The iciness in Eri's voice startled Reina. Watching helplessly the disappearing back of Eri, Reina realized that the meek and naive girl she once knew had vanished. Eri had turned into a different person, the accident snatched away more than the movement and function of her leg. It changed her...


In the early hours of the morning, a young woman decided to take a warm shower on this humid day. The practice helped relax her body and hastened the rate at which sleep was induced. Insomnia was a condition she had been grappling with on countless nights and this was ironic considering she had already been living in this foreign land for close to two years. Subsequent to the bath, she felt too lazy to blow her hair dry and instead decided to pass time by checking her email. As the Mac computer started up and the monitor flickered to life, a wallpaper with the New York City landscape appeared. Automatically clicking on specific buttons in the browser, she checked for new messages in her email and stumbled upon one that an old friend had sent. Speed reading through the letter, her mind picked up only the key information.

The plan of bringing you around has to be shelved. Morning Musume tour Korea 2010 has been extended and it’s most likely I would not be in Japan when you visit.

A few paragraphs down and she saw yet another essential line.

There is something I’ve been keeping from you all this time. It’s about Gaki-san. Something happened while you were away.

The tone of the message shocked her as the sender was hardly one who beat about the bush. If anything, she was in all probability the most straightforward member in the group. Or at least that was what she remembered of Reina’s character from all those years ago. Ignoring that thought for a moment, she read on.

Contact Eri. She can fill you in. It might be difficult at first to convince her but I believe she would open up to you in the end.

Concluding the email was Eri’s phone number and the reader noted that the figures were different from what she once knew.

No wonder I could never reach Kamei-chan.

Before signing off in the email, a final line was written, one which puzzled her further.

She had her reasons. Please forgive Eri.

Intrigued by the contents of the email and fueled by her inability to sleep, the woman opened the doors to her large wardrobe and dragged out a stiff luggage case. Putting chosen clothes and other necessities into the bag, she packed her belongings halfheartedly and reached for the cordless phone lying on the night table. Dialing some numbers, she spoke in accented English when the line connected.

“I would like to bring forward the departure date for my flight to Japan. My name is Ai Takahashi.”


On this wet and cold night, it is not definite if the late hour or the damp weather contributed to the lack of occupants in the bus. There was just one other passenger seated in the vehicle journeying between the street across the diner and Eri’s intended destination. Taking the seat in the last row, Eri gazed outside. Her action gave the impression that she was watching the passing night scenery when in actuality, she was thinking back on the earlier edgy conversation. As the bus rumbled along, the only other commuter sat sleeping in a single seat several rows ahead and his head knocked periodically against the murky glass window.

A lone figure clad in a long overcoat paced around the area adjacent to the dingy bus top, her umbrella titled at an angle as it rested on her shoulder. She raised her head intermittently from looking down at the pavement to keep an eye out for any forthcoming vehicle. At last her patience paid off when the shining headlights of a large bus approached, its noisy engine announcing its arrival. Standing on the curb and waiting for the vehicle to come to a complete standstill, she peeked in through the many windows looking for a sign of the person she was waiting for. At the very last window situated at the end of the long vehicle, she saw Eri staring off into space, her thoughts visibly a million miles away. Standing there with an amused smile, she wondered how long it was going to take before the younger realized she had arrived at her stop.

The sound of rapping knuckles on the dusty glass panel yanked Eri out of her musing and she bolted upright with a jerk. Looking around wildly, she took in her surroundings and finally realized from the sight of some recognizable landmarks that she was in the vicinity of her apartment. Hollering to the driver that she was going to get off, she bowed embarrassedly at having caused a mild disturbance. Coming down the narrow stairs, she stepped off the bus and promptly turned towards the direction of home when a voice rang out.

"Did you plan to sleep on the bus tonight?"

Whirling around to face the surprise arrival, Eri saw the puffed up cheek and playful expression on her housemate's face. Scooting over to punch her lightly on the arm, she complained.

"Quit teasing me Gaki-san."

The other’s reaction was rolling her eyeballs upwards in addition to a sideways smirk.


Handing her a jacket, Risa cocked her head and waited for Eri to put it on so they could continue on their way home. Unexpectedly, the turtle girl only stared at her wordlessly, not moving an inch. Finding her actions strange, Risa waved her free hand in front of Eri’s face.

“Hello? Earth to Kame.”

"You didn't have to come pick me up."

Her reply wasn't exactly what Risa was expecting. Nevertheless, she answered her statement.

"I worry about Kame not dressing warmly and forgetting to bring along an umbrella. Hora, I was proven right."

A pained expression flashed across Eri’s face and she took off abruptly which resulted in Risa having to quicken her pace to catch up.


Pulling on her arm to halt her advance, Risa linked her fingers with Eri's and their shoulders touched as a consequence of the proximity from sharing a single umbrella. Glancing up at the profile of her companion, Risa furrowed her brows at seeing Eri’s vexed features. Eri was bothered by something. She knew it. Aware that Risa was watching her, Eri refused to meet her gaze and instead kept her eyes straight ahead.

Don’t treat me so well Gaki-san. I don’t deserve it. I kept you and Ai-chan apart.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 12:00:22 PM by lil_hamz »

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Re: More Than One Story... [Guardian Angel: Chapter 5 - Before Sunrise]
« Reply #254 on: November 23, 2008, 10:07:56 AM »
*GASP* !!


A birthday fic for me~? :w00t:  *Shiawase* You're right on time =D  hehe you're too good to me  :gmon heartu:
thank you very much hammy san :wub:


*young woman?  wait...there's women in this story?  Eri...make-up?  hmm...what am I reading?  could this be GA?! OOOooo!  It is!  SUper happy*  (erm of course this thought occurred before the topic title got update...just in case I appear a little slow ^_^;)

hehe thank you for updating my favourite story~ <3  Not only are you so good to me but you know me so well =D


Starting the ball rolling in a conversation had never been Eri’s forte. But things were different now and she had been forced to learn. Without Sayumi by her side, she could no longer rely on her faithful assistance.

The last sentence is already so heartbreaking :cry:  Sayu~~~  :pleeease:

“You can’t make that choice for her. Gaki-san would have wanted her to know.”

OMG....why are they talking in past tense....Gaki is still alive right?!  You didn't kill off your favourite again did you?!  and what did Eri do!

>>Forward to the present

*GASP* !! ERI!  omg...I can't believe Eri kept TakaGaki apart!  but then again...I'm sure she had her reasons...unless she desperately needed someone to stay with her and that someone couldn't be sayu... I was very sad when I was reminded that Sayu hasn't gotten better...and very sad over how only Risa helped Eri through the hard times.  *I think my eyes got a little moist at that*  but on the bright side...thank god Gaki's alive ! 

I still love Reina lots though...for taking care of Sayu.  I feel bad that Eri hasn't been taking care of her the same way but I think it's because it's too painful for her.  And I was worried that Reina's original convo was going to be about Sayu's condition getting pulling the plug!  I was scared!

oh! and nice touch with the BUS.  It was a dark/cold/lonely/sweet scene...I really liked how Risa was waiting for Eri and of course, much to my relief, it just felt so much safer than a taxi XD  Hehe being my birthday and all, you know I just had to throw that one in there =D

Hammy daisuki  :gmon love2:

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Re: More Than One Story... [Guardian Angel: Chapter 5 - Before Sunrise]
« Reply #255 on: November 23, 2008, 11:27:55 AM »
...Wait, Reina and Eri are meeting up again? Wait, wait...weren't they already going to the same school? Huh? Oh wait...Wait...Chapter 5, yes... Or was the next supposed to be chapter 4...? Oh....OH... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. IT'S GA. HOLY $^(*%*&^)%!!! YEEEESSSS!!!

^Thoughts prior to reading the chapter. XD I almost mistook it for Glass Slipper. My bad. :sweatdrop: Anyway...

Oh shiznits. (Excuse my language.) Gah, Eri realizes what she's done and now...and now... UWAAAAAH. :cry: Poor Ai-chan...and Gaki-san.  Sayu's still not better, and Reina is really trying to piece things back together.  But I also feel bad that Only Risa was there for Eri during her time of recovery...

Gah, now I don't know what to do. T__T Great chapter though, hammy. <3 Looks like we both got Sukoshi a present. xD *just updated her own thread* And now I sleep...because it's about 2:30AM my time... *stayed up late because of a party*  :sweatdrop:

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Re: More Than One Story... [Guardian Angel: Chapter 5 - Before Sunrise]
« Reply #256 on: November 23, 2008, 11:38:12 PM »
I know it's really late for me to post this but here it is!!

Ignoring the narrow-heads and other bad aspects of this fanart... It's The Glass Slipper cast!! xDDD

Just for you!!!  :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Re: More Than One Story... [Guardian Angel: Chapter 5 - Before Sunrise]
« Reply #257 on: November 24, 2008, 12:51:54 AM »
Aiya, I was like :w00t: when I saw it was an update but by the time I finished, I was like :cry: To me, Reina will never change, whether she becomes leader or not. Reina is Reina. But Eri has changed like whoa. I mean, Sayu being in a coma is a big change but since when did she become so....harsh-ish? :( It's sad that the accident has had this effect on her. Hold up. So Ai doesn't know that GakiKame is....GakiKame? Ah, we are getting deeper and deeper into this conflict.
Sayu, PLEASE PLEASE wake up soon. Everyone needs you. :cry:

Oh and nice fanart, Yuuyami! :heart:

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Re: More Than One Story... [Guardian Angel: Chapter 5 - Before Sunrise]
« Reply #258 on: November 25, 2008, 02:14:32 AM »
Guardian Angel: Chapter 5 - Before Sunrise
Man, I had to go back and find the previous chapters to refresh my memory as to what this fic was about (seeing as how it wasn't the next chapter for "Glass Slipper"). :P

Starting the ball rolling in a conversation had never been Eri’s forte. But things were different now and she had been forced to learn. Without Sayumi by her side, she could no longer rely on her faithful assistance. And then there was Gaki-san...
Sayu's still in a coma?

Believing that Eri’s mood was serene enough, Reina decided this was the best opportunity to bring up a topic which had been weighing on her mind. As Eri munched happily on her hamburger, Reina discretely took in a sharp intake of air.

"She’s coming back."
Eh? Who? :?

“She has a right to know.”

Incapable of holding back the indigence of what she felt was an undue reprimand by Reina, Eri lashed out angrily.

“Don’t talk to me about rights! She lost them the day she left. We don’t need her anymore. Gaki-san doesn’t need her anymore.”

“You can’t make that choice for her. Gaki-san would have wanted her to know.”'s Aichan, isn't it? By the sounds of it, there's some resentment too about her being gone.    :sweatdrop:

“You don’t know what Gaki-san wants. No one knows her needs better than I. It has constantly been just the two of us and it will always remain that way!”

Her words cut through Reina like a cold steel knife.
Ah, Eri must have been the main person that was taking care of Risa, and she probably feels that Aichan abandoned her, which (at least partially) was what lead to her current state. :(

Recalling her insufficient concern, Reina regretted it immensely. She hadn’t been there for Eri when she struggled with physiotherapy sessions. None of them were there at the most trying stage of Eri’s life. Not Ai, not herself but Risa. Risa was the one who accompanied her on those daily trips to the orthopedic department in the hospital. It was Risa who had gotten her to resume treatment when Eri had lost every ounce of optimism in regaining the use of her leg. In that way, Reina couldn’t blame Eri for her current behavior. Perhaps Risa had become more than a mere pillar of strength.
Whoa, wait. So it was the other way around? Damn, Eri was obviously more seriously hurt in that accident than we thought.

But then...what's the current deal with Risa? Is she alright, but Eri just not want her to know that Aichan's coming back, out of fear that she'll run straight back to her?

“I thought you would understand me. I guess I was wrong.”

The iciness in Eri's voice startled Reina. Watching helplessly the disappearing back of Eri, Reina realized that the meek and naive girl she once knew had vanished. Eri had turned into a different person, the accident snatched away more than the movement and function of her leg. It changed her...
Yeah, that'll happen to people. Still....

In the early hours of the morning, a young woman decided to take a warm shower on this humid day. The practice helped relax her body and hastened the rate at which sleep was induced. Insomnia was a condition she had been grappling with on countless nights and this was ironic considering she had already been living in this foreign land for close to two years.
So Aichan's been in the States? No wonder Eri's pissed at her. It's like she picked her career over her friends. :O

This must have been from Reina, right?  Man, Aichan has NO idea.  :shocked:

"Did you plan to sleep on the bus tonight?"

Whirling around to face the surprise arrival, Eri saw the puffed up cheek and playful expression on her housemate's face. Scooting over to punch her lightly on the arm, she complained.

"Quit teasing me Gaki-san."
Awwwwwwwww...even now Risa's taking care of Eri.  :oops:

Eri was bothered by something. She knew it. Aware that Risa was watching her, Eri refused to meet her gaze and instead kept her eyes straight ahead.

Don’t treat me so well Gaki-san. I don’t deserve it. I kept you and Ai-chan apart.
Hello, what now?
:mon huh2:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: More Than One Story... [Guardian Angel: Chapter 5 - Before Sunrise]
« Reply #259 on: November 25, 2008, 07:39:19 AM »
hey lil_hamz

I'm a big fan of your stuff
and boy have I been waiting on an update for this one
freaking awesome!
I think this is my first comment, since I'm more of a lurker,
but shoot, I was super excited when I saw this update, thanks!

eri's so cold to reina  :cry:

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