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Author Topic: More Than One Story...[111016 Loving You Forever]  (Read 238355 times)

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: More Than One Story... [Midnight: Chapter 1 - Encounter]
« Reply #440 on: April 12, 2009, 11:50:16 PM »
My thought process as I read this:

Guy? It's gotta be Gaki. :D
Aww, poor dude's hurt. :cry:
Ooo, and the girl? Eri!?  :huhuh
...Raven haired... *goes through list* ...SAYU?! IS THIS A GAKISAYU??? It's crack...but good crack.
...Already betrothed to a king... KING TAKA(HASHI)?? Eri!? (Aka opposite of Sukoshi)

You've pulled me in. :D I can't wait to read more. I wonder how the heck you come up with such things. I'm so uncreative... :sweatdrop:

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Re: More Than One Story... [Midnight: Chapter 1 - Encounter]
« Reply #441 on: April 13, 2009, 03:36:41 AM »
IT'S THE RETURN OF MANLY!GAKI!!! or male!Gaki really but whatevs. XD It's still awesome.

Hmm... who is the girl Gaki is in love with that's betrothed to her King?

“You can't even hold yourself up. Let me take her.”

Shifting his gaze from her unconscious face to look into his best friend's eyes, he whispered.

“I can't, or she’ll die.”

The knight had arrived seconds before with a lady in toil. Raking his fingers through his hair in exasperation, he watched as the kneeling man refused to sever his physical connection with the raven haired woman.
So from here we see that of the two people who arrive on this scene, one is the best friend (knight) and one is the love interest (King's fiancee). I would guess that the two that arrive are Ai and Eri as the best friend and love interest respectively, thereby eliminating the two of them as the king. Oddly, this makes me picture Reina as the king... which is really WEIRD but makes sense if I only consider the more common pairings of ReinAi, Tanakame and TakaGaki. ...But the King was mentioned as being RELIABLE though. @____@ I'm so confused! Yossi would be a great king though but then the pairings are really weird. D:

Later Sayu mentions that she is already in a relationship and therefore cannot start one with Gaki. Hmm... who is usually paired with Sayu? Erm... the Turtle. v_v Boy, Kame gets around. Since currently I've eliminated Kame as a possibility I have no clue who that could be - preferably someone I don't care enough to be with Sayumi so I can cheerfully fan the flames of GakiShige. :P

Of course we also need to have the enemy clan. Since we have Sayu from that camp, I'm thinking we can expect some other H!P girls making up that side too. ...For some reason, the idea of King Makoto entered my brain and I can't stop giggling laughing at it (Hotaru...). Still, it had to have been someone pretty sneaky and unhonourable to use that switcheroo trick. O___O MIKITTY IS THAT YOUUUU? Or maybe she's just a lackey and Ayaya's behind the curtain going 'gomen ne' at the Gaki-stabbing. T____T

Wah... this chapter has me thinking all sorts of things... not much of which make sense but yeah. It's a good start for sure! Manly!Gaki forevurrrr!

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: More Than One Story... [Midnight: Chapter 1 - Encounter]
« Reply #442 on: April 13, 2009, 05:35:46 AM »
...Already betrothed to a king... KING TAKA(HASHI)?? Eri!? (Aka opposite of Sukoshi)

LOL I resent that!  I'm not the opposite of Eri!  I'm just as bokeboke most days!

okay, I'm just teasing  :P  but you know it can be read both ways~ XD

and Kuji once again has my brain swirling with new theories....must not get brainwashed....I'll have to stick to my guesses and see how it turns out XD

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: More Than One Story... [Midnight: Chapter 1 - Encounter]
« Reply #443 on: April 19, 2009, 10:35:36 AM »
GS 17
@Shiichan: LOL, that was one big reaction :lol: You could even rival Risa's, I think.

@KK: Oh no, I can't let anything happen to you. So does that mean Gaki lives? :D

@SBK: Do you consider that a proposal? Kinda bad huh with no flowers and gimmicks :P

@ringo-hime: Wahhhhh all those adorable peaches. They are momo(s)...right? So cute. Me likey :yossi:

@Sukoshi-chan: *imagines rolling you down a hill* Tee hee, that's funny. I like the colors you used. Kept me mesmerized for some minutes. Copy and paste x 2?? Gosh, you are so hilariously cute. And about that equation. Did I tell you I'm bad at Math? So maybe I don't understand that too well XD

@stefy: No...*lies* That's not true at all ;)

@.Mikoto: Really? My fic can evoke so many feelings in you? Wow, that makes me really happy :)

@Hotaru-chan: Yay, another comment with the cute wriggly thingies :otomerika:

@kRisZ: *Gasps* I didn't know having a preggers Sayu would put anyone off a fic :doh: So sorry about that. Glad you decided to continue reading.

@JFC: Nope, Sayu and Reina's parents don't know each other but Reina has met (and disliked) Sayu's parents :yep:

@Kuji: A fellow TakaGaki fan!! *hugs* I'm a fan of your writing btw. Do keep updating so I can satisfy my Ai x Risa cravings. Oh and thank you so much for the extrremely detailed review of GA. I enjoyed reading every word :twothumbs
GA 8
@ringo-hime: I agree that Risa should not remember if all those memories bring is pain :cry:

@KK: Any new updates for ya fic in the horizon? I NEED a new chapter :banghead:<--- Me when seeing no updates.

@JFC: Interesting excuse to explain Reina's abscene. Though it just might work :D

@Shiichan: You're right about having plenty of possibilities. I'm still deciding on which course to take ;)

@Fenrir: Are you sure its only a triangle XD

@Sukoshi-chan: I keep forgetting to watch Virgin Snow. Is it any good? More importantly, will it make me lose H2O? The scene with Ai x Eri and Reina in the plane are happening simultaneously. Don't worry, Reina will make it. No one dies on this flight :P Sayu's speech is getting better that's why I didn't have her stutter in the later part of that section. Can't have her talking funny forever right.

@Kuji: That's nothing to be sorry for. Your review/non-review was awesome! I loved it :D I did consider having Risa finding out about Ai from the internet but man, that would be a horrible way to discover her past no? :(

@SBK: I want TakaGaki too.. BUT... I'm not giving away any more :D

@kRisZ: What's gonna happen when Reina comes back? And will TakaGaki ever reunite?? *says this in a trailer-like voice* That was fun to do XD
Midnight 1
@Sukoshi-chan: First commenter! It's been ages since you got to be the one. I'll take that you liked this chapter. Hopefully I won't disappoint you after your amazing comment. LOL at your reply to Kuji. I'm sure you are bokoboke if you have sliding doors bullying you and all. Just include the jacket falling into the toilet bowl bit and you're all set for advanced levels of BKBK :D

@SBK: Ah har! You see, Gaki doesn't know Sayu is from the enemy clan. And being the devious bunny she is, Sayu intends to keep it that way :twisted:

@ringo-hime: The other knight will be revealed in the next chapter :)

@JFC: Can you imagine GakiShige? I hope so :oops:

@Fenrir: Oh I don't think there will be that many triangles in this fic XD

@Shiichan: Nah, don't put yourself down. Do you want me to head over to your place and tell it to you in person? :grin: You write incredible fics!

@Kuji: Your comment sure had me thinking all sorts of things too! In fact there are some stuff I never thought of and you did :? I might use something. Lemme think this through again.
The Only Way

The usually busy road was vastly different from its usual state. There were no joyous children playing on the sidewalk or barking dogs running in circles around their owners. Every single resident living within this block were hiding in their houses, quaking behind locked doors as they waited with batted breath for the unraveling of the scene taking place in the late afternoon of this warm summer day.
An armed man had butchered several people in cold blood inside a coffee joint prior to hijacking an ambulance. Out on routine patrol, they were the first to chance upon the stolen vehicle currently parked on the lane they were standing on. The two had called for back up but reinforcements had not yet arrive. Crouching behind a large tree, they trained their pistols on the van ready to shoot should the crazed murderer make a move.
Unexpectently, a gun shot rang out, startling a flock of birds which had settled in a nearby tree. Resting their forefingers on the curved trigger of their respective weapons, the pair inched closer apprehensively until they reached the back of the red and white vehicle. The taller of the two grasped at the handle of the panel doors with trembling hands and readied herself. Pausing for a moment, she casted her partner a long look, indicating her to go ahead and fire should the need arise.
On three.
Mentally counting down the seconds in their minds, the pair worked seamlessly together.
The double doors were burst wide open and in that instant, Risa cocked her revolver and squeezed the trigger, almost releasing a lethal cartridge from its cylinder until she realized the criminal was dead and lifeless. He had taken his own life with a shot to his mouth. The ambulance driver lay motionless near his feet, presumably killed some time ago. Exchanging glances, the girls grinned at each other, heaving relieved signs that neither of them was hurt in the handling of this case.
Suddenly, a faint ticking sound was emitted from the far corner of the van. Climbing into the vehicle, Risa flipped open the blanket obscuring a small bulk. Her worst fears were realized when the unmistakable red figures of a digital clock stared back at her, revealing the numbers of 4 and 58. There was barely 5 minutes left before the bomb would detonate, obliterating anyone and anything within close range.
Considering her options, Risa jumped out of the back portion of the ambulance, pulling her partner along behind her. Slamming the doors shut again, she dashed around the side of the vehicle, tugged open hastily the entry to the driver's seat and slid inside. Extending her arm to press down the lock in the passenger door, she ignored her colleague's pleas to let her in. Gunning the engine and flooring the accelerator, she sped the vehicle down the street, heading towards the nearest empty clearing.
Beads of sweat trickled down Risa's temple and dripped from the edge of her jaw as the seconds flew past. Stealing periodic glimpses at the man-made bomb, she prayed that she would make it in time.   
Feeling the recurring vibrations of her cell phone in her jeans pocket, Risa fished the device out with one hand, keeping the other firmly gripped on the steering wheel. She initiated the speaker function on the gadget before letting it clatter about on the dashboard.   
“Why is it always you?! Why do you have to do this?!”
Eri’s voice cried out over the connection, visibly distraught and shaken.  Keeping her eyes on the road flashing past, Risa yelled back.
“Do you know what you are Kame?”
“Don’t do this Risa. Get out of there, PLEASE!”
Hardening her heart and disregarding Eri’s sobs, Risa concentrated on weaving the ambulance through the rush hour traffic.
“You are what keeps me grounded, you are the reason I look forward to each day.”
“Risa! Gaki-san! Listen to me!”
Making a sharp turn into an abandoned estate, the twenty year old raced the ambulance in the direction of vacant land.
“Kame if I don’t make it, know that you mean everything to me.”
BOOM (Sorry for the bad sound effect XD)
“Gaki-san? Risa? RISA!!!”
Dropping her phone onto the pavement with a thud, Eri took off in a heartbeat, running to the venue she knew Risa would drive the vehicle. There was a deserted wasteland in this area and it was the perfect place to leave the hazardous threat.
You can’t leave me behind. You can’t!
Her breathing pounded in her ears and her chest ached from the prolonged sprinting but Eri didn’t care. All she could think of was Risa’s safety and the overwhelming need to see her again. She had to know for sure that she was alright.
Rounding the final bend where the wasteland stood, Eri noticed the person she had secretly loved but didn’t dare acknowledge dragging her right leg as she limped with difficulty away from the explosion of massive orange flames.
“Oh god, Risa!”
Catching Risa in her arms when the older girl fell forward, Eri cradled her tightly, lifting one hand to caress her cheek stained with dirt and grime.
“You’re injured.”
Wrapping her fingers around Eri’s wrist cupping her face, Risa smiled at her reassuringly, comforting the shivering turtle despite the pain coursing through her leg and the throbbing hammering at her head.
“Better me than you.”
Seeing the crimson blood streaked across Risa’s face, Eri started crying, her sobbing becoming louder and more incessant.
“Why must you always put yourself at risk? Stop making me worry for you!”
This wasn't the first time Risa had gone off and faced the eminent danger on her own while leaving Eri behind. Although her actions might seem as if she was trying to claim exclusive credit for solving a case successfully, that had never been Risa's intention. Excluding Eri and keeping her out of harm's way was the only manner by which she knew how to display her deep affections for Kamei. Leaning her head against Eri’s chest and closing her eyes with exhaustion, Risa replied.
“Because I can't let you get hurt. Promise me Kame, don't ever stop me from protecting you.”
The sirens from a couple of police cars emerged in the distance and Eri knew help would arrive soon. Planting a gentle kiss on Risa’s broken lip, Eri whispered.
“Gaki-san…I love you too.”
« Last Edit: April 19, 2009, 11:04:36 AM by lil_hamz »

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: More Than One Story... [The Only Way]
« Reply #444 on: April 19, 2009, 12:24:03 PM »
ho ho ho!  First again  :w00t:   Competition has been quite steep with all your adoring fans, good thing I have the advantage of the night  :D

@hammy san: jacket in the toilet bowl?  No thanks XD  That one is all yours XD 

oh my gosh!  you still haven't watched Virgin Snow?!  WATCH IT!  It'll make you laugh and cry and fall in love!  :wub:  Don't worry about the crying's not the type of movie that makes you curl up and want to die XD  It's got a great ending and it's one of my favourite movies so watch it la~

and what's this I hear?  Reina's gonna make it in GA and Sayu's getting better?  I'm so relieved!   :vv:  *hug hug*


The Only Way

Armed man...killings....  :on freeze:

I can see Gaki as a manly cop and Eri as a traffic cop XD

wah a bomb?  majide?   :O  lol I can so imagine you sitting there plotting out new creative ways to do away with our dear Gaki XD
My first reaction to the bomb was to drive the ambulance away at over 50 miles per hour...and maybe Eri disarming it while Gaki's driving...I soon realized I was thinking of the movie Speed XD

The count down part felt very much like an action movie.  I think I was on the edge of my seat~  but lol at you for laughing at your own sound effect XD  It was all tense and then that cracked me up...I think I'm a horrible influence since I always crack jokes at the dramatic scenes of stories  :lol:

Dropping her phone onto the pavement with a thud, Eri took off in a heartbeat, running to the venue she knew Risa would drive the vehicle. There was a deserted wasteland in this area and it was the perfect place to leave the hazardous threat.

Two thoughts.  One.  Oh that poor phone.  Two.  ugh...wasteland..what a horrible place to get killed off XD

Okay...for one of your future fics, like a superhero story, you have to give Risa the ability to regenerate.  I think you owe her that much after all injuries she's been taking XD

as for the ending  :luvluv2:


*hug hug*

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: More Than One Story... [The Only Way]
« Reply #445 on: April 19, 2009, 07:35:35 PM »
So can I call second? Unfortunately, I'm awake when you're asleep and vice versa. :sweatdrop:

Seeing them as cops is quite interesting... I really do wonder how Eri would work as one. xD I love how you laughed at your own "boom". XD Great for a laugh in the middle of some drama. But still...Poor Gaki-san. :( I'm glad to see that she's okay (somewhat) though. I didn't want you killing her off again. Poor girl gets enough from you. :P But ending was sweet...very sweet. <3

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Re: More Than One Story... [The Only Way]
« Reply #446 on: April 20, 2009, 12:12:38 AM »
The Only Way
Damn, you scared the shit out of me there for a second.
:mon scare:

But YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY GakiKame raburabu wins! :cow:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: More Than One Story... [The Only Way]
« Reply #447 on: April 20, 2009, 02:35:50 AM »
Ok, when I started reading this, I was so confused. XD But as I read on, I started to piece things together and by the time I got to the end, I was like :grin: Glad Gaki didn't die~

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Re: More Than One Story... [The Only Way]
« Reply #448 on: April 20, 2009, 07:56:17 AM »
Gaki-san gets beat up quite a bit in your fics. :lol: Poor girl.

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Re: More Than One Story... [The Only Way]
« Reply #449 on: April 20, 2009, 09:45:58 AM »
lol... for a second there, I thought Gaki drove off in another car leaving Eri behind with the bomb. Gomen read wrongly! But sweet ending~ .. even tho it's GakiKame..

Offline KonaKaga

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Re: More Than One Story... [The Only Way]
« Reply #450 on: April 20, 2009, 10:35:00 PM »
I don't think I need to even say what I'm thinking anymore. You probably already know. But who cares, I have to say it, I can't hold it in any longer....
This story is so cute yet angsty; perfect :twothumbs
I love how Eri said "I love you too" :heart:
@KK: Any new updates for ya fic in the horizon? I NEED a new chapter  :banghead:<--- Me when seeing no updates.

I'm sowwy! Life gets pretty hectic around this time of year with exams and all. I axctually have a one-shot which is nearly done. I have a feeling that you're going to really like it :P I gave Shicchan a tiny exerpt of it; I'm pretty sure that she'll think that you'll like it as well....
Sorry, that doesn't really help with you waiting, does it?
Just hold on until this weekend; it should be done by then.

P.S. - Look how many GakiKame fans there are now compared to this time last year. I have you and Shicchan to thank for that  :whistle:

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Offline lil_hamz

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Re: More Than One Story... [The Only Way]
« Reply #451 on: April 22, 2009, 06:56:56 PM »
As I have exams starting this Sat, I won't be able to update any of the fics till they are over :( Since I didn't want to keep you dear readers waiting too long and after seeing an almost desperate plea :P , I rushed out this chapter of GS. I apologize if it's bad. *worried* I'll reply to comments later too :oops:

Glass Slipper
Chapter 18 - Sacrifice

"You were really something back there."

Lifting her head off her knees which she was tightly hugging to gaze at the person speaking, Aika blinked back her tears. She didn't like to break down in front of others, especially when the person in question was someone whom she hadn't spoken to more than twice. Going to sit down next to her on the pavement running perpendicular to the hospital building, Jun placed a plastic bag filled to the brim with foodstuff on the ground before her. The twenty year old Chinese had gained newfound respect for the teenager who despite her tender age, considered the feelings of others before her own. She had willingly given up her right to accompany Gaki in the intensive care unit throughout this critical night so Eri could be the one by his side should the unthinkable happen.

"Pick something and eat."

Aika was hardly in the mood to fill her tummy. Her mind was fully consumed by thoughts of her brother's perilous condition. Though she had every right as his only kin to be the sole visitor who could enter the specialized ward, she couldn't find it in herself to tell Eri that. From the hysterical way Eri broke down when she heard the doctor's announcement that Gaki might die if he didn't survive the next 24 hours, the young woman knew Eri would definitely go insane if she wasn't allowed to stay with her brother.

"I'm not hungry."

Throwing down the lone sentence and ignoring Jun's compliment at her selfless act, she laid her head back down on her raised knees. This time, she could not prevent the droplets of tears which rolled down her cheeks in a steady stream. Dripping in rhythmic motion from the bottom of her chin to a spot on the tarred road, they formed a small puddle that caught the illumination of a nearby street lamp. The surface of the mini pool shimmered with an assortment of colors and their attractive shades attracted Jun's line of vision. Focusing on the intriguing light display induced by reflected wavelengths, the senior by five years felt the need to console his friend's sister in this time of need. Deciding to cheer her up no matter what it took, Jun stuck his arm out abruptly.

"What are you doing?"

Sniffing noisily, Aika rubbed at her nose with the back of her hand as she watched Jun's bizarre action with curiosity evident in her black round eyes.

"Offering my sleeve to dry your tears. You’ve already refused the food I bought you. Don't embarrass big brother here further."

Although the pit of her stomach was roiling with a mixture of emotions ranging from fear, sorrow, helplessness to indignation, Aika couldn't hide the amused grin tugging at the ends of her lips.

"Jun-san, you're a good guy."

"Please call me Jun. And I wish I weren't so good. We always finish last."

Chuckling at himself in a self-deprecating manner, Jun picked out a can of beer from the bag laying at his feet and proceeded to open it. The hissing sound emitted from the small hole pierced the silence between them and preceded loud gulping as Jun took large mouthfuls of the ice-cold alcohol.

"Are you talking about Tanaka-san?"

"Is it that obvious?"

Taking another swig from the chilled can, Jun swallowed every last drop before crushing the aluminum tin in his hand. Tossing the empty container aside, he reached for another helping.

"Drowning your sorrows in liquor isn't the behavior of a real man."

Clutching at his wrist, Aika held fast onto the limp which was midway into digging through the contents of the convenience store plastic bag.


Why hasn't anyone called. What is the situation now?

Sayumi poked repeatedly at the contents of her rice bowl unconsciously with her pair of wooden chopsticks, completely unaware that her actions had attracted the attention of her family members.

"Why aren't you eating Sayumi? These are all your favorite dishes."

"Wha--t? Oh, I'm just not very hungry mom."

Giving the older Michishige woman a reassuring smile, Sayumi scooped a spoonful of soup into her mouth. Hoping that her mother would leave her be if she saw that she was attempting to at least eat something, she subsequently chewed on a string of green vegetables. However, as soon as she swallowed the cooked dish, a nasty sensation surged in her belly and threatened to make its way up her throat. Holding her breathe instantly to fight the overwhelming wave of nausea, Sayumi's grip on the bowl intensified and her face paled significantly.

"Sayumi, are you feeling alright?"

Setting down her own crockery, her mother stood up from her seat and walked around the dining table to her daughter's side. Placing a hand on her shoulder, she was about to bend down to Sayumi's level when the expecting woman shot up from her chair and ran blindly for the nearest bathroom.

Sayumi hugged the toilet bowl as her body spasmed over and over. By the time she was finished, her clothes were soaked with sweat and her limbs trembled with weakness. Struggling to her knees, she somehow managed to get to her feet and make her way to the ceramic sink. After she had rinsed her face and mouth with enough water to clean away the foul smelling vomit, she shuffled to the door on wobbly legs, pausing to catch her breath at the exit.

You're gonna have to pay mummy back tenfold in the future kiddo.

Twisting open the door, she swung it open only to be greeted by her family members.

Deja vu much?


"Oh god!"

Staring down at his hands stained with a red sticky substance, Taka's head got a little woozy and black spots began dancing in front of his eyes. He wasn't going to faint from the sight of all the blood and gore was he? His uncle's eyes remained wide open as he stared lifeless up at the clear blue sky. His mouth hung partially open and the patch of crimson on his white shirt was spreading quickly.

What was he going to do? Though he had technically not killed his relative, his presence at the crime scene and holding a metal stake still dripping with the dead man's blood was more than enough for him to be slapped with a murder charge in what appeared to be a cruel slaying executed in cold blood.

Before Taka could decide on his next course of action, a black limo had pulled up next to him, its tires bringing up a cloud of dust. The passenger door burst open unexpectedly and a petite lady with an elfin face sprang out of the backseat rushing towards him. Taking the weapon from his shaking hand, she pushed him away, telling him to run.

"Go, NOW!"


"Didn't you hear me? I SAID GO!"


“You‘ve disgraced the family with your actions! I can‘t believe I‘ve spent the last nineteen years bringing up such a daughter!”

“Father, please forgive me!”

Getting into a kneeing position on the ground from where she had fallen after she was forcefully pushed, Sayumi pleaded with the patriarch of the family. She had to pacify him first in order to be permitted back into the house. In their household, there no other person who welded more power than her father.

“Abort the child before the news of your pregnancy gets out.”

Flabbergasted at hearing the elder man’s suggestion, Sayumi was shocked beyond words. How could her father propose such a solution? The child was innocent, not to mention it would have the blood of both Michishige and Kusumi coursing through it.

“I could never kill my own flesh and blood!”

And that was the last of the exchange between them as her father pulled his wife and older daughter into the house, ordering them to not render her help or risk having him disown them as well.

Left on her own in the relentless pouring rain, Sayumi felt a sea of dizziness assail her as the wetness seeped into her thin outfit and coldness penetrated her bones. Swaying unsteadily from side to side, she fell backwards and hit the road with a thud. As her limp form laid unmoving with her hair fanned out beneath her, the screen of her cell phone flashed ‘Kuu’ intermittently.

Pressing his mobile against his ear, he raced through the sheets of rain, his shoes pounding swiftly on the pavement. His heart felt like it was being wrenched and his breathing caught in his lungs. He didn’t know why but something told him that he had to find Sayumi, he had to seek her out before it was too late. Not getting a response from the other end of the line, he removed the gadget from his ear as he picked up speed. As the storm escalated, the words ‘Usagi-chan’ lingered on his cell phone screen.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 07:22:38 PM by lil_hamz »

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 18 - Sacrifice]
« Reply #452 on: April 22, 2009, 08:23:26 PM »
OH MY GOD. :OMG: Dammit hammy, you're throwing wave after wave of emotion at me!! :( I'm hella worried about Eri and Gaki, but dammit, now I'm totally freaking out over Sayu and Kuu. He better find her soon!!! And what about Reina!? Surely she won't take the blame...will she??

Offline KonaKaga

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 18 - Sacrifice]
« Reply #453 on: April 22, 2009, 08:44:34 PM »
GAKI!!!! :cry: :cry:

I feel so bad for Aika, but she's so kind letting Eri stay next to Gaki instead of herself. :(
Quick Kuu, before something happens to Sayu and the baby! :cry:

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 18 - Sacrifice]
« Reply #454 on: April 22, 2009, 08:48:07 PM »
Glass Slipper
Chapter 18 - Sacrifice

Aika blinked back her tears.


She had willingly given up her right to accompany Gaki in the intensive care unit throughout this critical night so Eri could be the one by his side should the unthinkable happen.
I'm actually more surprised at the fact that the hospital went along with it. Normally only immediate family would be permitted, regardless of if other arrangements had been made.

Her mind was fully consumed by thoughts of her brother's perilous condition. Though she had every right as his only kin to be the sole visitor who could enter the specialized ward, she couldn't find it in herself to tell Eri that. From the hysterical way Eri broke down when she heard the doctor's announcement that Gaki might die if he didn't survive the next 24 hours, the young woman knew Eri would definitely go insane if she wasn't allowed to stay with her brother.
:gmon tears:

Deciding to cheer her up no matter what it took, Jun stuck his arm out abruptly.

"What are you doing?"

Sniffing noisily, Aika rubbed at her nose with the back of her hand as she watched Jun's bizarre action with curiosity evident in her black round eyes.

"Offering my sleeve to dry your tears. You’ve already refused the food I bought you. Don't embarrass big brother here further."

Although the pit of her stomach was roiling with a mixture of emotions ranging from fear, sorrow, helplessness to indignation, Aika couldn't hide the amused grin tugging at the ends of her lips.
Aww.  :oops:

"Jun-san, you're a good guy."

"Please call me Jun. And I wish I weren't so good. We always finish last."
Ain't that the truth.  :-\

"Are you talking about Tanaka-san?"

"Is it that obvious?"

Taking another swig from the chilled can, Jun swallowed every last drop before crushing the aluminum tin in his hand. Tossing the empty container aside, he reached for another helping.

"Drowning your sorrows in liquor isn't the behavior of a real man."
What she's saying here is, Jun can't just stand by and wait. He needs to be proactive, and go after Reina. Sure she might be all googly-eyes for Taka right now, but DAMMIT Jun, you can go and get her! :thumbsup

Hoping that her mother would leave her be if she saw that she was attempting to at least eat something, she subsequently chewed on a string of green vegetables. However, as soon as she swallowed the cooked dish, a nasty sensation surged in her belly and threatened to make its way up her throat. Holding her breathe instantly to fight the overwhelming wave of nausea, Sayumi's grip on the bowl intensified and her face paled significantly.

"Sayumi, are you feeling alright?"
Uh-oh...Sayu's going to have an increasingly hard time hiding the fact that she's got a bun in her oven. :O

You're gonna have to pay mummy back tenfold in the future kiddo.
She saying that to the kid, or to herself? :P

Twisting open the door, she swung it open only to be greeted by her family members.

Deja vu much?
They know, don't they?  :-X

Before Taka could decide on his next course of action, a black limo had pulled up next to him, its tires bringing up a cloud of dust. The passenger door burst open unexpectedly and a petite lady with an elfin face sprang out of the backseat rushing towards him. Taking the weapon from his shaking hand, she pushed him away, telling him to run.

"Go, NOW!"


"Didn't you hear me? I SAID GO!"
Crap, now Reina's gotten HER fingerprints on the weapon! :o

Douchebag...doing that to his daughter and grandchild. For shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame.
 :angry: :angry: :angry:

And that was the last of the exchange between them as her father pulled his wife and older daughter into the house, ordering them to not render her help or risk having him disown them as well.
Know what I would say? FUCK HIM!

He wants to "disown" his wife and kids because of this? Let him. He can do so by filing for divorce (though I believe it should be the mom who should do it, seeing as how she SHOULD be outraged at the way he's treating Sayu).  He's clearly demonstrated that he's NOT a good father...AND that he's not the type of man one would want to be grandfather to one's child.

Swaying unsteadily from side to side, she fell backwards and hit the road with a thud. As her limp form laid unmoving with her hair fanned out beneath her, the screen of her cell phone flashed ‘Kuu’ intermittently.

Pressing his mobile against his ear, he raced through the sheets of rain, his shoes pounding swiftly on the pavement. His heart felt like it was being wrenched and his breathing caught in his lungs. He didn’t know why but something told him that he had to find Sayumi, he had to seek her out before it was too late. Not getting a response from the other end of the line, he removed the gadget from his ear as he picked up speed. As the storm escalated, the words ‘Usagi-chan’ lingered on his cell phone screen.
:mon blowhorn:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 18 - Sacrifice]
« Reply #455 on: April 23, 2009, 06:47:18 AM »
Oh crud, now way you're gonna kill loads of them right?~

AWWW, Jun and Aika part. i feel bad for Jun.

Ok, then Sayu got caught??! RUN KUU! RUN!

waaa. Taka and Reina!!!! So What will Reina do next?

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 18 - Sacrifice]
« Reply #456 on: April 23, 2009, 11:38:07 AM »

A dead uncle, an almost dead Gaki, and a fainted bunny on the road?!   Wah...:O
Ugh...Jun still hung up on his sister.... :badluck:
but I'm glad you seem to be pairing him up with Aika  :sweat:

Some part of me makes me think you're gonna let Gaki live so I'm not that worried...even though common sense tells me I should be...cause you killed Gaki on at least 2 occasions  :sweat:  but I'm more worried over Reina.  I hope she's gonna get her ninjas to clean up the mess!  I hope she doesn't do something utterly stupid like taking the fall for him.  oh that would make me sooo ticked off at the uncle for dying!  But I'm hoping his death is still a good thing...the fishes in the ocean could use some food.

and...and...Sayu~~~~~~u!   :mon scare:

poor Sayu and her night sickness  :barf:

I can't believe her father!  Grrrr I'm gonna have a grudge against him for pushing her onto the ground.  All their families are so messed up!  Taka with the evil uncle, Eri with the evil obaba, Sayu with the pushy father....why Reina's family with the gangster dad and sister-loving-half-brother is looking mighty fine right about now.

Anyways, the chapter title is making me nervous~ :mon wtf:  I hope Kuu makes it on time!   :mon pray2:

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 18 - Sacrifice]
« Reply #457 on: April 24, 2009, 12:53:42 PM »

I hope Gaki will be alright 

Jun is very gentleman  :wub:

OMG what will happen to Reina and Taka?!  :O  I hope they won't become a suspect and a fugitive

Kuu better hurry up, Sayu's in trouble  :mon scare:

*Gasps* I didn't know having a preggers Sayu would put anyone off a fic  So sorry about that. Glad you decided to continue reading.

It’s just kind of odd for me to read that they are being paired with men  :grin:  that's just me being odd  :grin:  but when I found out it was still them, I was like 'yay very cool idea'  :wriggly:

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 18 - Sacrifice]
« Reply #458 on: April 24, 2009, 03:37:35 PM »
Wow, Aika really is a great sister. :D Letting Eri be with Gaki at a time like this. Awwww, JUN!!!! :heart: I wish Reina would give him a chance too, it's clear Taka doesn't want anything more than a professional relationship with her.
OMG Sayu's family.....knows now...... :cry:
YES! So Taka didn't die! :twothumbs Can't he say his actions were in self-defense b/c his uncle was attacking him? REINA?! :shocked:
Oshit, they disowned her? :cry: Fuck them, Sayu's decision is hers alone. I hope Kuu finds her in time, before anything happens to her. :(

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 18 - Sacrifice]
« Reply #459 on: April 30, 2009, 07:56:59 AM »
Glass Slipper
Chapter 19 - Reunion

Staring at the flames licking greedily at the material of his blood stained shirt, Taka poked at the burning outfit, shifting it every now and then so that it was totally smoldered by the fire in the metal basin. Although he was facing the makeshift bonfire, his mind was entirely filled with the happenings of what took place earlier at the warehouse.

"How could I have left her there? Argh, Taka you fool!"

Reprimanding himself out loud, Taka tugged at his messily stylish hair with both hands, leaving his fingers entangled within the tinted locks. His eyes were squeezed shut as he worried about the girl who had so readily exchanged her freedom for his. Slapping at his thigh in a sudden movement, Taka rose from his squatting position, snatching up the cell phone lying on the sink. Scrolling through the short list of contacts, he dialed the number of the person he never thought he would voluntarily call.

Leaving the television on even while not viewing was a habit Taka had acquired from the day he realized his parents were never coming home. Having the radio or goggle box emitting random sounds comforted him as he didn't like the suffocating silence weighing in the air when he was alone. Currently, the topic of a news program playing on a particular channel attracted his attention.

"A fire occurred early this morning at an unused warehouse along the dock area and the inferno escalated within minutes fueled by the store of petroleum inside. The structure has been razed to the ground and the blaze is suspected to have been caused by a stray cigarette butt which landed near some wooden crates. Police are still investigating the matter..."

Transferring his gaze from the television screen to his cell phone, Taka waited tensely for the call to connect.

"Reina! Are you alright? Can I see you?"


"Doctor! If only one of them can survive, please save my wife."

Kuu hated himself immensely for saying the words he did. Except that he had no other choice but to sacrifice his unborn child with Sayumi's life being in peril. When he had found her lying motionless on the open road, her body had been icy cold to the touch and no matter how vigorously he shook at her shoulders, she wouldn't wake. Despite having matured tremendously after getting to know his bunny, he was after all still a child and needed someone to guide him at certain times. If it wasn't for Sayumi's mother who had come running out of the house urging him to take her daughter to the hospital, he could have possibly still be kneeling in the rain embracing her unresponsive form.

When he arrived at the A&E department cradling his young bride in his arms, the water from his sodden clothes weren't the only fluid dripping on the white sterilized ground. A darker, thicker liquid with a distinct smell splattered alongside the rainwater, sprinkling an elaborate design on the floor tiles. Blood ran down the length of her legs and Sayumi bled profusely, her normally fair skin appearing many shades paler than usual. Noticing her bluish lips and the limp way her arm dangled from her side, Kuu quaked with fear.

"Somebody help! My wife, she's bleeding!"

The horrifying ordeal was something Kuu never wanted to experience ever again. Now, hours after the doctor had secured both mother and child, Kuu sat at Sayumi's bedside clasping tightly onto her chilled hand despite his arm feeling numb from remaining in the same position. When her fingers wriggled in his grasp, Kuu shot out of the chair, bending anxiously over the bed to peer at her face.

"Usagi-chan, can you hear me?"

Tilting her head towards the voice, Sayumi's eyelids fluttered open slowly.

"Am I dreaming?"

Unable to believe that Kuu was standing before her, Sayumi smiled at what she presumed was a hallucination.

"Am I dead? Are you the guardian angel who has come to get me?"

Raising her free hand feebly to graze Kuu's cheek, she ran her thumb down his strong jaw line, pausing at his lips to relish its familiar and comforting warmth.

"This is real, I am real. I've come back and I'm never leaving your side again."

Taking her hand in his own, Kuu dipped his head, crashing his lips onto Sayumi's with an urgent, aching need to taste her. Releasing the flood of emotion he had been repressing since the day he departed Japan, the second he left her, he threw himself completely into the deed, capturing her mouth in a passionate kiss. Darting his tongue pass her parted lips into her mouth, Kuu loosened his grip on her fingers, slipping one hand under her blouse and over her skin whilst his other worked at unbuttoning her clothing. As he tenderly massaged and caressed her flesh, he moved his lips from her mouth to her nose, planting light kisses as he traced downwards progressively, trailing her chin, neck, collar bone and finally stopping at a spot on her bare shoulder.

" not only look milky, you taste like it."


"Reina, I..."

Keeping his gaze fixed on Reina, Taka stammered, trying to find the words he needed to convey the many thoughts running through his mind. He had so many questions to ask her he didn't know where he should begin.

"Why did you do that? You could have been charged for murder. Or manslaughter at the very least."

"If I told you I loved you, would you believe me?"

Gasping in surprise at hearing her bold confession, Taka took a step back as if he had been dealt a forceful blow. Although he had always known that Reina was interested in him, he had assumed she was intrigued by a target who wouldn't reciprocate her advances. He hadn't expect her to love him. Love, does she even know what it entails? He himself had evaded the concept of love for ages. The reason behind it was that he was afraid. He was scared of losing the people he cared about. He couldn’t bear to go through again the agony of losing a loved one like how he did his parents. Hence Taka forbade himself to fall in love. Without devotion, he would not encounter lost. 

"You don't know what you're saying."

Refusing to believe the words she had so unexpectedly expressed, Taka turned away from her. Unsure of how he should react, he walked towards the window, bracing against the sill as he rested his arm on it.

"I do love you! More than life itself. I would die if you asked me to!"

Glancing at his back, Reina felt hot tears spring to her eyes. Wiping at them repeatedly, she could not halt their continuous descent. Exceedingly proud by natural, she was thoroughly embarrassed to have her affections so cruelly rejected. Truth be told, she hated herself for exhibiting such weakness before a person who didn’t cherish her. Why had she demeaned herself to the extent of throwing herself at a man who couldn't care less if she lived or died? Had she forgotten the meaning of shame?

Engrossed in her own thoughts, she didn't realize Taka had approached her and taken her into his arms until she heard him whisper in her right ear.

"I don't deserve you Reina."

Their eyes met and a powerful current arced between them. Desire flared and the intense emotion robbed Reina of her breath. When Taka’s hands framed her face, she expelled the air she had been unconsciously holding in. Her skin tingled with obvious awareness of where he had touched her.

Dropping his head to brush her lips in a tentative kiss, he pinned her with the intensity of his gaze. As they continued the searing kiss, Reina moaned with pleasure but the sound could not be heard over his growl of approval. Feeling dizzy and somewhat dazed when he lifted his lips from hers, Reina inched her face nearer his, burrowing it into his neck.

“I didn’t mean to startle you.”

Rasping out the apology, Taka said guiltily. However, Reina was not offended. Instead, she grinned at him gently, hoping her smile of encouragement would speak for her.

“Does that mean you crave more?”

Clearly understanding her expression, Taka teased naughtily. For her reply, Reina angled her head back, preparing herself for the additional kisses.


He had slid open the bamboo doors with so much force that they lay detached from their framework, leaning at an angle against the walls. Jolted awake by the commotion, a head of disheveled hair popped out from beneath the silk bedspread. When she saw the identity of the person barging into her bedroom, her wonky eyes practically budged twice their usual size and her mouth fell, gaping open and close like a goldfish.


"Forgive me Lin Lin! I was too late to stop our children from committing incest!"




Scrambling to support his bulk when he slumped forward from the entrance into the tiny restaurant, Qian Lin struggled to help him into the kitchen area. Once inside the small compound, she scuttled to dim the lights and seized the medical box which she had kept behind the counter for emergencies.

“Oh my god, there’s so much blood!”

Her voice was quivering but she fought to keep her hands steady, working swiftly and deftly on the injury. As someone who had never come face to face with a bloodied limp hacked open with razor-sharp knives welded by ruthless enemies, Lin Lin was doing considerable well. At any rate, she had not yet fainted from the gory image of fresh blood gushing from a slashed arm.

“You need to go to the hospital.”


Clutching onto her elbow, Tanaka Hiroto commanded, his piercing gaze boring into her face.

“Just let me rest here. I’ll be fine.”

With a weary sigh, he slouched back against the cupboards, sagging lower when he could no longer hold his body up from the loss of strength due to his wound. Snaking her arm around his broad shoulders, Qian Lin propped him up, letting him lean his full weight on her. And like this, they sat on the floor of the Chinese restaurant, huddled together until the following morning.

“Lin Lin.”

Cracking her eyes open groggily, Qian Lin drew in a sharp breath when she realized the proximity of their faces separated by mere centimeters.

“You’re awake.”

“Thanks to you.”

Flashing a coy grin, Qian Lin blushed, shifting her reddened cheeks awkwardly away from his scrutiny. She wasn’t used to having someone of the other gender watch her so intently.

“You’re beautiful...”

Bringing his face to her lips, he licked at the edge of it with his tongue. Her mouth was warm, wet, absolutely satisfying. Pulling her head closer, he wrapped his other arm around her waist, drawing her near to fit snugly against his body.   

“I’ve dreamt of cuddling you like this too many times.”

Gawking at him with deep fascination evident on her features, she nodded at him wordlessly, inviting him to take her further into ecstasy. Since the attraction she had for him was mutual, she no longer had to hide her feelings for the man who captivated her so.

~End of flashback~


Slamming his clenched fist against his chest, Tanaka Hiroto's voice cracked at the end of his sentence. Sinking onto his knees, his hands shook as he covered his face, repetitively apologizing to the first woman he had genuinely loved.

"Daddy what's wrong?!"

Covering her body with the blanket, Reina rolled off the bed, rushing clumsily towards her father with the sheets twisted between her feet. Crouching in front of the older man, she coaxed him to elevate his head and look at her.

"I've failed you."

Sobbing sorrowfully, he grabbed at Reina's upper arms, conflicted internally at whether he should tell her that she had been having sex with her half brother. Flicking his eyes to the queen-sized bed, he gulped back the sour bile that had surged up his throat. His only daughter's sleeping partner got up into a sitting position and matched his gaze, a sheepish smile on his face.

"'re not Jun!"

"Erm...father, this is Taka."



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