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Author Topic: More Than One Story...[111016 Loving You Forever]  (Read 238342 times)

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Epilogue]
« Reply #480 on: May 25, 2009, 03:47:51 PM »
@Sukoshi-chan: Wiki it, wiki it! Tell me after you have found out about sleeping turtles that swim :D

@stefy: The epilogue answers that question :)

@Kuji: Let me know if you find that time machine? I really want one XD Munchkin makes me think of food. Or maybe it's cuz I'm hungry :lol:

@Hotaru: You command and I shall obey :P


Glass Slipper

"Where am I?"

There was nothing but whiteness for as far as the naked eye could see. And Eri didn't like it one bit. She felt scared, alone and uneasy. Where was everyone? The last thing she remembered was being in the ocean and swimming for shore when she felt something hard smack into her head. She didn't know what happened next as her memory blanked out. Did she get hurt? Did someone rescue her? And there was Gaki. Where was he?

"Looking for me?"

The abrupt voice startled her and Eri spun around rapidly to face the person who had spoken. Her eyes widened to twice their usual size and she gaped with disbelief when she recognized the new arrival.


Dressed in a crisp white shirt and black pants, he strolled towards her with a wide smile on his gorgeous face. His appearance was exactly the same as the first time she saw him at the Glass Slipper. His long brown hair was pulled back in a low pony-tail and his fringe partially covered his face.


Before Eri could ask him where they were and how they had ended up at this strange place, Gaki had clasped his hand over hers and brought it up to his lips. Kissing the back of her hand tenderly, he gazed deeply into her eyes.

"Forgive me for making you wait so long."

With his free hand, he ran his fingers over her ear before snapping them, producing a gleaming piece of jewelry. Gasping at seeing his actions, Eri's right hand flew to the spot on her chest above her heart. Discovering that the ring she had been wearing on a chain ever since it came into her possession missing, she uttered in surprise.

"How did you..."

"That's not important. I just want to know one thing. Will you marry me?"

Her vision began to blur and there was a stinging sensation in her nose. Eri knew she was about to cry and surely enough, tears sprang to her eyes and fell from the twin orbs, landing squarely on their entwined hands.

"I've been waiting for this day for too long!"

Throwing both arms around his neck, Eri tightened her hold on Gaki, pressing her body against him. Resting her head on his shoulder, she wept tears of joy when she took in the familiar and comforting scent of his cologne and felt the soothing warmth emitted from his hands on her waist. He was back, Gaki was back and she knew he wouldn't leave her behind again, right?

"I can't believe this is happening. I'm not dreaming am I?"

Drawing away from him slightly, Eri tilted her head to meet Gaki's gaze, unconsciously holding her breath as she waited for his reply. Although she was afraid the answer would be confirm her fears, she needed to know how much time she had before she awoken from this alternative reality.

"There is no way you're getting rid of me."

Pulling on her left arm to free it from encircling his neck, Gaki shifted Eri's hand down across his chest until he was able to grasp it in between them. Slipping on the ring he had given her in the brief duration they shared in the car after her kidnapping, he spent a moment admiring how perfectly it sat on her fourth finger. Subsequently, he took a step backwards and bowed down. Facing his palm skywards, he requested with a grin.

"I don't think we've ever had a proper dance. Shall we?"

"Now? But there's no music."

The starting notes of a waltz echoed through the vicinity as soon as those words left her mouth. Gliding across the floor in sync with the melody, a gentle breeze picked up and flowers sprouted from the ground in great numbers to surround the pair in a ring of flowers.

The change in scenery which had occurred without anyone manipulating them bewildered Eri completely fueling her curiosity as to how they happened. However, spending time with Gaki took priority over wondering about such things. Hence, driving that thought to the back of her mind, Eri leaned into Gaki and snuggled against him. Then sighing contentedly, she murmured.

"I love you."

"Me too Eri-chan. Me too."


"Mamoru-chan! You have to give in to your future bride to be."

Reprimanding his two year old son in an attempt to groom him into a gentleman, Kuu pushed his glasses higher up his nose with the tip of his forefinger. It was only when the boy dutifully dragged the red plastic pail back to where he had taken off with it did his father squat down to pat him on the head.

"I must say I'm rather shocked that Mamoru is so obedient."

"Of course. I teach him well."

Flashing Taka a smug sideways smirk, Kuu studied the miniature castle that the children were building. It was coming up nicely on a spot some distance away from the roaring sea. The coastline was virtually empty of tourists on this cloudy day except for the two families which had intentionally made a trip down.

"Where are our wives? Why are we the ones looking after the kids?"

There was a hint of indignance in his tone as Kuu scanned the area for the women who had requested their husbands to ferry them to the location. Noting two figures standing in the water about a mile down, Taka replied.

"They are over there."


The rhythmic rush of waves up the shore cooled their feet and shifted the sand beneath their soles. The uneven ground caused both Sayumi and Reina to sway slightly in their stance. Nevertheless, neither of them made a move to walk further back inland.

"Taka confessed something to me and I feel you have the right to know as well."

Observing that Reina sounded relatively peculiar as compared to her normal disposition, Sayumi channeled her undivided attention to her friend.

"Eri was violated the night she was forced to meet her fiancé. Taka’s uncle was behind it and… and Taka was…he was the person who..."


Sayumi had heard more than enough to put two and two together. She couldn't believe that Eri had endured such a horrifying episode by herself with no one by her side to comfort and protect her. Internally, Usagi-chan, as Kuu so affectionately calls her, was torn apart by guilt. How could she have not realized Eri’s predicament earlier? As her best friend, she wasn't there for Eri when the demons of that vile experience engulfed her wholly.

"Is that why you named her what you did?"

Pointing to the girl who was currently sprinting across the white sands with her playmate hot on her heels, Sayumi watched in silence as Mamoru tackled her to the ground, sending swirls of sand into the air. Tumbling wildly as they struggled with one another, it was clear that the one year old's eyes sparkled with a brightness and innocence which reminded the women of someone they held close to their heart.

"I don't want to forget her Sayu."


Latching her tiny arms onto Reina's thigh, the only child tiptoed to reach her mother’s outstretched hands. It was what she did whenever she wanted to be carried. Lifting her up, Reina permitted the baby to wrap her legs around her stomach and grab onto her outfit.

"Are you watching us? Be happy, because we are."

Beside her, Sayumi had started sobbing into her hands. The reason for wanting to come here today was to reminisce. On this day the previous year, the group of closely knitted friends had lost two of their own. A young couple whom they could never see again.

"I miss you Eririn."

Sniffing loudly, Sayumi yelled at the top of her lungs and allowed the howling winds to carry her voice into the distance.


Pinching at the infant’s cheek lovingly, Reina muttered with a sad smile.
"Mummy will give Eri-chan the happiest childhood."

« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 06:21:29 AM by lil_hamz »

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Epilogue]
« Reply #481 on: May 25, 2009, 06:52:42 PM »
.... :(

you killed them both!!!

whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


Offline KonaKaga

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Epilogue]
« Reply #482 on: May 25, 2009, 08:56:04 PM »
 :cry: :cry: :cry:
GakiKame are dead! :cry:
Well *sniffle* since they're together then I guess *sniffle* it's okay....
"Is that why you named her what you did?"

Pointing to the girl who was currently sprinting across the white sands with her playmate hot on her heels, Sayumi watched in silence as Mamoru tackled her to the ground, sending swirls of sand into the air. Tumbling wildly as they struggled with one another, it was clear that the one year old's eyes sparkled with a brightness and innocence which reminded the women of someone they held close to their heart.

"I don't want to forget her Sayu."
Reina.... :(

OMG I still can't get over how amazing this story has been. You are an awesome writer Hamzy  :wub: I am going to print out this whole story so that way I can take it with me wherever I go. This should seriously be an actual book. I would buy all of the copies. :w00t:
*still crying over GakiKame* :cry:

Credit to Clamy-san!
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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Epilogue]
« Reply #483 on: May 25, 2009, 09:07:39 PM »
*pouts with lip quivering, tears threatening to fall* killed them, Hammy... :cry: I still love you but killed them. :shocked I guess b/c they died together, it's not AS bad as it would be if they were apart and never got to love each other again.
On a different, less depressed note, AWWWW at the cute little families~~~~ :wub:
Great job, Hammy! :thumbsup It's sad to see something as awesome as this story is ending but I love it. :heart:

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Epilogue]
« Reply #484 on: May 25, 2009, 09:10:34 PM »
*pops empty video in* Time to read! :D *records*

 :twothumbs... :eek:... :OMG:... :fainted:... :frustrated:... :luvluv2:... :shy1:... :shock:... :tantrum:... :on cloudeye:... :mon waterworks:

OMG HAMMY WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!? *cries* One of the most beautiful stories I've ever read, truly. GAWDAMMIT I NEED A MOVIE OF THIS NOW. :cry:


"Where am I?"

There was nothing but whiteness for as far as the naked eye could see. And Eri didn't like it one bit. She felt scared, alone and uneasy. Where was everyone? The last thing she remembered was being in the ocean and swimming for shore when she felt something hard smack into her head. She didn't know what happened next as her memory blanked out. Did she get hurt? Did someone rescue her? And there was Gaki. Where was he?

OH NO THEY REALLY ARE GONE.  *wails more*  :mon waterworks:  GakiKame...RIP. *dabs eyes with shirt sleeve since she lacks tissues*

*SayuReina talk*

"Is that why you named her what you did?"

"Mummy will give Eri-chan the happiest childhood."
*completely breaks down* WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. *sniffle sniffle* HAMMY WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!?!?

I still love you, even more than ever, but... *goes off to sulk as she continues crying* :cry:

Offline JFC

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Epilogue]
« Reply #485 on: May 26, 2009, 03:57:29 AM »
:gyaaah: :gyaaah: :gyaaah:

:pleeease: :pleeease: :pleeease:

:mon waterworks: :mon waterworks: :mon waterworks:

At least they'll be together for eternity. :cry:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Epilogue]
« Reply #486 on: May 26, 2009, 02:22:10 PM »
okay so wiki was a little too much for my brain at this hour but you were right XD  they can drown XD

okay so while reading I was certain that it was gonna be a happy ending!  Why I even had this mental check list going. 

signs of a happy ending:

white light?  she's either gone blind or is in heaven!  :O
but wait she's not blind! yay!  and no memory lost either! yay!  and a ring! yay yay!  :tama-lotsaluv: :tama-laff:  and gaki is as dashing as ever~! love love!  :wub:

and then.....this happened:

The starting notes of a waltz echoed through the vicinity as soon as those words left her mouth. Gliding across the floor in sync with the melody, a gentle breeze picked up and flowers sprouted from the ground in great numbers to surround the pair in a ring of flowers.

flowers sprouting?!  XD

no sight lost, no memory lost, but definitely a little delusional XD or maybe she.....Ugh you did not! 

Crud! You did!  Whenever the girls are standing in the water and there's crying involved it's never a good sign!

Awww I've been had!  this is what we get for thinking GS is for sure a happy ending XD

burning marshmallows! fire!  wait...that's just the equivalent of sending you s'mores!

well then.  time to wallow in the corner.  :on cloudeye:  *sniffle*  *sniffle*

PS. Baby Eririn and Mamoru chan~ kawaii~  :wub:

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Epilogue]
« Reply #487 on: May 26, 2009, 05:55:53 PM »
At first I thought ‘Gaki must be really a good magician’ – the ring... and ‘Yay best friends are helping him out’ – the music... and at the near end part ‘Holy cow they’re already dead?!’  :OMG:  :depressed:  but at least they're now together in that 'white' place and happy for eternity Yay!  :gmon twirl:  and they don't have to feel awkward whenever they’re all around considering the thing that happened to Eri and Taka

"Where are our wives? Why are we the ones looking after the kids?"


It’s a very sad, I was touched, and a very good epilogue, made me smile and content  :)   :twothumbs  :bow:

Thanks for the awesome fic  :kneelbow:

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Epilogue]
« Reply #488 on: May 27, 2009, 07:53:33 AM »
I'm planning on stealing Ai's time machine when she gets back from her romp into the future. When I have it, I'll go back in time to...


...well, as long as they're together, I guess it's okay. .__.

At least Gaki's alive in your other story even though she and Eri aren't together. Oh geez, I shouldn't think about this story and then go read that one because then it makes me transfer my pairing loyalties over the stories... O_O Whoa. I am going to stop the thoughts going in that direction right now.

*steals GakiKame munchkin that never had a chance to exist* T__T Poor mini-Aika... you lost your future husband before he was even born. Now there will probably be a mini-Aika, Kuu Jr. (Mamoru) and Eri II triangle in the future and Aika will be dismayed at her daughter's taste in narcissistic guys that can only talk about themselves.  /silliness

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: More Than One Story... [HWTD]
« Reply #489 on: June 18, 2009, 09:15:52 AM »
Hee hee no replies to comments? But I can explain. See, I'm supposed to be heading out but I have not even started getting ready *hides* :P



The lights were turned low and soothing music played softly in the background. Scented candles and their flickering flames danced in the half darkness while the calming sounds from the miniature water feature trickled droplets into a pool. Standing by herself in the quiet room, Kamei Eri was alone and felt extremely self-conscious in this foreign environment.

"Why did I agree to this?"

Muttering dejectedly, Eri lamented to herself for being so easily convinced. She wondered how her initial reservations could have been so easily dissolved by her radio show partner.

"This better be as good as she says."

Determined to weasel an expensive shabu shabu meal out of her senpai regardless of the outcome of today's experience, Eri grinned to herself as she picked up the dark green colored satin bathrobe which had been folded into a neat square. Feeling the cool and smooth material in her hands, she laid it down again before transferring her undivided attention to her outfit.

Moving her fingers deftly, she undid the plastic buttons sewn on her blouse in order to remove the garment. Next, she started to unclasp the metallic button and draw down the zip of her well fitting jeans. In less than a second, they were off and fell into a heap on the floor around her bare feet. The final item in the form of a white lacy bra dropped onto the top of the pile and Eri moved the entire mould to a spot under the raised platform with her toes.    

Shivering uncontrollably when the air conditioning unit blasted out a gust of chilly wind, Eri quickly slipped on the bathrobe and sat down on the edge of the mattress covered in pure white sheets. A clicking sound was heard prior to the door opening and although Eri couldn't see the face of the new arrival entering the small space, she knew this was the person she was going to spend the subsequent hour with.

"Take off the robe and lie down on your front."

The voice was somewhat familiar and Eri would have succeeded in pinpointing exactly where she had heard it before if not for the explosion of a thousand butterflies which had erupted in the pit of her tummy. Deciding to get this over and done with, Eri kept her eyes lowered as she pulled the bathrobe off her shoulders. Then crawling onto the alleviated bed on all fours, she paused for a second, freezing somewhat unnaturally in that position. Her pose was undoubtedly similar to the one she had flawlessly performed so many times before in her numerous photobooks.

"Are you shy? You don't have to be. I'm a girl too."

Noticing Eri's frightened demeanor, the one standing assured.

"T-tha-thank you."

Eri's voice trembled and she blushed at the obvious hint of uneasiness evident in her tone.  


Firm hands laden with warm aromatic oils found their way onto Eri's tired shoulders and the rhythmic and skillful kneading worked at loosening her tense muscles. Slowly, they travelled along her spine and massaged at her waist area. Closing her eyes, Eri allowed herself to savor every moment of the comfortable physical therapy she was receiving. Apparently she didn't make a mistake in coming here.

Gradually drifting off to dreamland as her entire body gave in to the lulling motions and peaceful atmosphere, Eri would haven fallen asleep if not for the unexpected whisper which had made its way into her ear. Flinching at the heated breath which tickled ever so slightly, Eri's eyes widened when she heard what was being said.  

"How do you like the service?"

Realization hit Eri like a trundling truck carrying a ton of vegetables when it suddenly occurred to the typically slow turtle the true identity of the voice’s owner. Pushing herself up on her elbows, Eri twisted her upper body around to get a clearer view of the speaker.


Grinning devilishly at the stunned figure, Risa wiped off her hands on a towel before tossing it casually aside. Advancing towards Eri, the particularly excited bean head shed her own clothes with incredible speed.

"Did you like your surprise? Happy World Turtle Day Kame-chin."

Addressing her girlfriend with the latest nickname she had given her, Risa snuggled closer to Eri's perfect body so that she could hold her in a tight embrace.


Sighing contentedly, Eri nuzzled her nose against Risa's neck and shifted her arms to cradle the older girl's slender waist. Their naked bodies fitted each other’s curves perfectly and like this, the same aged girls fell asleep clinging tightly onto one another as a single thought ran through both their minds.

Suki dayou.


It just struck me that you could substitute HWTD for Happy World Bunny/Neko/Mame/Yankii etc day too XD
« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 06:23:11 AM by lil_hamz »

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Re: More Than One Story... [18/06 HWTD]
« Reply #490 on: June 18, 2009, 01:02:33 PM »
 :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
(I'll make a better comment when I get home from school, but that basically sums up my feelings XD)

Credit to Clamy-san!
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Re: More Than One Story... [18/06 HWTD]
« Reply #491 on: June 18, 2009, 01:27:40 PM »
Yay! cute  :wub:

Offline ringo-hime

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Re: More Than One Story... [18/06 HWTD]
« Reply #492 on: June 18, 2009, 03:42:58 PM »
So adorably cute... :luvluv2:
like;re so osam!!!  :farofflook:

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Re: More Than One Story... [18/06 HWTD]
« Reply #493 on: June 18, 2009, 03:51:40 PM »
"How do you like the service?"

Where can I sign up?

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Re: More Than One Story... [18/06 HWTD]
« Reply #494 on: June 19, 2009, 01:06:05 AM »

Is nice...but you still have a lot to answer for after you killed them in the other fic. :yep:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: More Than One Story... [18/06 HWTD]
« Reply #495 on: June 19, 2009, 03:24:30 AM »
The massage part got me all excited! XD But I loved it, I really did~ Fluffy goodness. :wub:

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Re: More Than One Story... [18/06 HWTD]
« Reply #496 on: June 22, 2009, 12:04:12 PM »
hehe HWTD just made it HSD for me  :heart:

I was fooled for a second XD  no, I knew it was about a massage but I was fooled cause of JFC! XD  I meant to hit page 25 first so I could avoid spoilers from comments... but I hit 26 by mistake.  I just hate it when I can't stop myself from scanning over the comments when the page loads...which is precisely what happened.  and thanks to my selective reading I only picked up the words: fluff. after you killed them. before I managed to click the previous page.  I thought people were gonna die in HWTD! XD  How messed up is that! XD

but anywho~  that was super cute~  :oops:  Sukoshi's a happy camper  :D

(PS.  really sorry it took me until now to read this!  I blame the opv contest XD)

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: More Than One Story... [24/06 GA: Chapter 9 - When Night Becomes Day]
« Reply #497 on: June 24, 2009, 01:02:50 PM »
Glass Slipper: Epilogue

@stefy: Well. yeah, hee hee. It was inevitable :P

@KK: Oh KK, thank you so much for this incredible comment. I think having a reader want to print their fic out is really the ultimate encouragement  :oops:

@SBK: Awww I love you too SKB. I also love the fact that you started writing again. Please keep it up, I miss reading your works. GanbaReina :twothumbs

@Shiichan: Likewise Shiichan. I'll do anything for a KameMame movie. Ehhhh well maybe not everything but yeah :P I should really DHL a dozen tissue boxes over to you. And no, this isn't a hint for what might happen in future chapters of any of my fics XD Has there even been any doubt about how much I like you and your fics

@JFC: LOL, oh gosh JFC, your comments always make me laugh :lol:

@Sukoshi-chan: A delusional Eri. You know, that might be kinda cute  I don't mind some s'mores. I'm actually feeling a little hungry at the moment *rubs tummy* :lol:

@kRisZ: You were touched? OH YAY!!! That was what I was aiming for. You don't have to thank me for the fic, I should thank you for reading and commenting :) Arigatou!!
@Kuji-san: Can I hitch a ride? There are so many things I wanna do back in the past XD Oh, GS makes you wanna transfer loyalties? In GA or MGR? This is an interesting reaction. Tell me more :D LOL at the possible Merry-Go-Round that might exist with the GS kids. It is fun to imagine what's gonna happen. I know, you could write a fic about that Kuji-san :P

@KK: People say a picture tells a thousand words. I guess in this case it works too :lol:

@kRisZ: Thank you! I seem to tell you that a lot eh :D

@ringo-hime: And like always, you are totally awesome and nice as well  :wub:

@badsaints: Good question. I would like to know the answer to that too XD

@JFC: How many fluff fics to go before I can make it up for killing the turtle and bean? XD

@SBK: I figured having some fluff once in a while would be a nice change from the usual doom and gloom :D

@Sukoshi-chan: Urm, what's HSD? I'm slow :P No, I don't kill people all the time. Don't make me out to be so bad Sukoshi XD *GASPS* You made a Breakin Out OPV?!?!?! AWESOME! I shall go watch it *rolls away*


Guardian Angel
Chapter 9: When Night Becomes Day

Five Kanji words appeared on the screen as she typed away at the keyboard. Pressing on the ‘enter’ key when she had finished inputting the crucial terms to obtain the necessary search results, she waited with bated breath for the page to load. What kind of things would she discover about the mystery woman who was so adamant about knowing her? From her manner of speech and behavior, it was apparent that their relationship went beyond that of mere acquaintances. Intrigued by the connection they could have possibly shared, the female working as a translator taking on ad hoc jobs decided to turn to the World Wide Web to seek the answers she so desperately needed.  

More than a couple of links popped up within the search engine and with trembling hands, she maneuvered the mouse to scroll over the first website which seemed to provide the answer to her queries. The picture that emerged shocked her to the very core of her soul. In the dated photo were four girls in their teens with tear streaked faces. She recognized two of them immediately as her former band mates and proceeded to read the names beneath the picture softly, skipping over her own.

“Konno Asami, Ogawa Makoto…Takahashi Ai.”


In the following instant, an explosion of white light blinded her and various images sped through her mind’s eye in flashes, replaying the missing portions of her forgotten life.

The fifth generation audition, the solo line at the beginning of Ai no Big Band ~ Mr Moonlight, the sixth generations' entry, Sakuragumi, her first photo book shooting, Koharu, Ribon no Kishi the Musical, being sub-leader and the accident.

The blast of light from the oncoming vehicle, the plummet down the ravine, the crunching sounds of metal, shattering of glass, burnt smell of rubber and the body crashing through the windscreen.

“Sayumin, did she survive? Was she alright?”

Realizing that she needed to get a hold on Eri to find out more about the bunny’s situation, she located her flat mate’s number in her cell phone and dialed it. One ring, two. She didn’t know how many rings have gone by but it was obvious that no one was going to pick up. Abandoning her original plan, she decided to try another number.

As she waited for the call to connect, she couldn’t help thinking about the person whom she had just remembered. How did she spend the last two years, did she still adore Takarazuka, was her worn red blanket still a requirement for her to fall asleep every night? What about her tastes in food? Was it still strictly 100% orange juice? But the most vital question of all was if she was attached. Did Ai have a boyfriend or did she already wed.  

It doesn't matter whom you are with, it doesn't matter where you are going.

Do you know I'm still waiting here for you?


Sayumi curled her body in a tight ball and sobbed quietly into the sheets which accompanied her daily. Ever since Reina had left the country for the Morning Musume concert tour in Korea, she had been alone. Sure, Eri visited her regularly although she couldn’t drop by everyday. There were also the ever caring nurses and her kindly doctor. But it wasn’t the same. It wasn’t the same without Reina’s comforting voice telling her stories about the clumsy performance of the newer members, Koharu and Lin Lin’s blossoming relationship and how Jun Jun had finally confessed her feelings to a talent whom she had cooperated with on a stint as a voice actress for an anime.    

“I miss you Reina.”

Sudden movement on the bed beside her jolted Sayumi from her weeping and she froze unnaturally at the unforeseen disturbance.  

“Nurse Miyazato? Is that you?”

The only reply to her question came in the form of a pair of arms slipping around her waist and the heated breathing of the mysterious visitor blowing lightly against the nape of her neck.

"I should have told you this from day one. I like you, no, love. I love you Sayu."

Bringing her arms tighter around the patient's body, the unexpected caller continued.

"But I was too afraid to confess my feelings. I was scared of rejection, frightened that you would look at me differently if you knew. Then when I found out about your affections for Eri, I hated myself. Every single day I have regretted not telling you and thus losing my chance. If only I had said something earlier then maybe, things would have been different."

The startling revelation astounded Sayumi and she couldn't believe what she had just heard. For a moment, she remained silent to let the words sink in. Replaying what was said in her extremely weary mind, she knew it had to be true. The tone by which the love declaration was stated was much too solemn to be a joke or lie.

Wriggling around within the other girl's embrace, Sayumi lifted her arms to cup at the face of her admirer. Then pulling her nearer to herself, she gently planted her lips over the younger’s. Her actions stunned the shorter girl and this time it was her turn to freeze. Even though a part of her was ecstatic to have Sayumi reciprocate her feelings, she couldn't shake off the nagging sentiment that she had betrayed a friend. In spite of her guilt, what Sayumi said next shattered all reservations she previously had.  

"It took me 2 years to realize what a fool I've been. I’ve chased after another for so long when all this time the person who loved me the most had been right here. You've sacrificed too much for my sake but there is one more thing I want from you."

Pausing to suck in a deep breath of air, Sayumi gathered her courage and pressed on before she lost all nerve to ask.

"Be my eyes. Even if I do recover my sight one day."


“I’ll leave. I’ll take the next flight out of Japan as I’ve promised.”

Standing a few feet apart were two women as they kept their respective lines of sight away from the other. With her arms folded across her chest, the taller dug her fingers into her arm and gritted her teeth with unwavering determination. What she had demanded of her former friend must sound harsh and cruel now but the end result would be for the best.  

“I’ve agreed to your terms, now give me your word that you’ll agree to mine.”

Whirling her head around rapidly, she narrowed her eyes and spat out vehemently at the one dressed in a black overcoat.

“This isn’t a transaction! It’s your only option if you care about Gaki-san as much as you claim.”

“I’m not bargaining. I’m begging. Let me see her for the last time. Because after tomorrow, she’ll never know I ever existed.”


The atmosphere hanging above this particular table at the posh French restaurant was awkward. None of its three occupants spoke until the waiter arrived to note down their orders. When he had excused himself to attend to another table, Risa finally started.

“I’m very honored that you would ask me along for the meal Takahashi-san. But I wasn’t involved in the decoration of the auditorium. Credit for its success goes entirely to Kame.”

Remembering that people outside of their little circle of friends wouldn’t know about the special nickname which she uses habitually to refer to Eri, Risa promptly corrected herself with an embarrassed smile.

“I apologize for my lack of good manners. I meant Kamei-san.”

“No offence taken.”

Returning the smile with a charming one of her own, Ai gazed into Risa’s eyes and found that she couldn’t tear her sight away from those fascinating brown orbs. She had on many occasions in the past looked into those same coffee colored eyes but she had never before realized how captivating they were.

Why did I throw it all away? Why didn’t I cherish what I could have had?

Throughout their chat, Ai knew that Eri was seething in her seat. She could feel the once timid and shy girl’s intense eyes boring into the very pores of her face. Nevertheless, Ai chose to ignore the obvious displeasure emitted by Eri to focus on Risa.

The unanticipated loud ringing of the cellphone resting on the table top made Eri scoop the device up swiftly as a few disgruntled diners shot her dirty glares. Upon taking a quick glance at the lighted screen, Eri proceeded to shift her chair backwards. Standing up to her full length, she pressed the gadget to her ear.

“I need to take this call.”

Ai watched as Eri left the small establishment through its glass entry, causing the tiny silver bell hanging above the entrance to tinkle as she let the door swing shut behind her. Turning back to stare at Risa, Ai stretched out her hand so that it remained raised in the air space in front of her face.

“Trust me, Risa-chan.”


“Doctor Nakama?”

“Niigaki-san has begun asking questions about her past in the last few treatments we have had together. Judging from her queries, it is highly possible that her dormant memories are starting to surface.”  

Speaking in hushed tones with one hand covering over the mouthpiece of her phone, Eri’s eyes darted around from side to side as she scanned the area, making sure that no one walking by was within hearing distance of the conversation she was having.  

“Is there anything you can do to prevent that from happening? Increase the dosage of the drug perhaps?”

“That is an option. However, it is not known what consequences would arise from raising the prescribed amount.”

Pursing her lips together, Eri weighed the pros and cons of such a decision. Despite her reservations about the possible side effects and their severity, Eri gave the doctor the go ahead. She was going to keep Risa by her side regardless of the sacrifices that had to be made. At this point, her judgment was utterly shrouded by one thought. Gaki-san belongs to me, for eternity.

“I understand. Please continue to administer the medication doctor. Risa must never remember.”

« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 06:18:03 AM by lil_hamz »

Offline Kuji

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Re: More Than One Story... [24/06 Guardian Angel: Chapter 9]
« Reply #498 on: June 24, 2009, 02:30:58 PM »
haha, lets ride the time machine together then! XD As for changing loyalties, it made me want to change loyalties in GA... That is until this most recent chapter I just finished reading.

I was sniffling my way through most of it. I'm so unbelievably happy for the TanaShige pair. I mean, they actually are really cute togther when you think of the occasions that they're paired up. I don't know why this pair isn't more popular. Besides, that I find it amusing for someone like Reina falling for some who self-proclaims themselves the cutest girl in the world. You get the feeling that if someone besides her girlfriend (that's what Sayu is now, RIGHT? o_o) said that she'd want to smack them. omg... it makes me sad again when I think Sayu can no longer look in the mirror every morning and say 'yosh, I'm cute today too!' ...will Reina as her 'eyes' take over this duty?

The TakaGakiKame... @____@;;; I don't know what to think! Ai was gone for so long and Eri's been taking care of Gakisan for all this time that up until this chapter I really didn't feel that Ai deserved to get Risa back... but with this recent turn of events that we've witnessed with the doctor's phonecall, I'm very torn. The thing with Ai's departure, is that though she caused a lot of people a lot of pain, the way Ai is... I truly believe that she didn't see herself as that vital for so many people so she didn't see so much havoc could have come from her leaving.

Now Ai's willingness to let Risa go for her own good directly contrasts Eri's unwillingness to let anyone else have her. Who am I supposed to root for here? Neither of them have great track records, with the abandonment and the secrets.

...I'll probably have more thoughts later. This story's made me an emotional wreck. D:

Offline KonaKaga

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Re: More Than One Story... [24/06 Guardian Angel: Chapter 9]
« Reply #499 on: June 24, 2009, 03:25:26 PM »

YAY for TanaShige rabu-rabu :wub: I approve XD

Oh no...
I agree with Kuji, I don't really think that Ai-chan deserves Risa...Eri's been looking after her through everything bad that's happened. I think Eri's become obssesive now...No, she has. She can't stand to lose someone she's loved and looked after so long then to suddenly lose because someone who just left during the hard times has come back.... :bleed eyes:
I have some theories....
1. [bgcolor=#000000]Risa and Ai-chan start going out and Eri sort of gets left behind or she might commit suicide?[/bgcolor]
2. [bgcolor=#000000]Risa keeps trying to remember things but can't and finds out that she is being given more drugs and she yells at Eri and they argue and Risa says something like "I don't need you" or "I hate you" something along those lines. Then Eri blames it all on Ai-chan and possibly kills her?[/bgcolor]
3. [bgcolor=#000000]Risa gets really ill from the side effects and gets close to death. That's when Eri realises what she did was wrong and gives Risa to Ai-chan.[/bgcolor]
« Last Edit: June 24, 2009, 03:32:18 PM by KonaKaga »

Credit to Clamy-san!
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