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Author Topic: PJ48 Gakuen - chapter 11 (Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon) - 20/12/2013  (Read 98077 times)

Offline Sayuki

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Title: PJ48 Gakuen
Author: Sayuki
Rating: T (maybe some lemon screen but i'm not sure)
Pairings: WMatsui (main), Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon and other pairings.
Genre: supernatural, shojou-ai, romance, tragedy, action.

Note: This is one of my fictions about AKB48, not my first time writing a fiction though. Also, pardon me from my grammar mistakes and other mistakes in the story since English isn't my first language >"< Well, I have recovered from the heart-attack, caused by the tragedy Team Shuffle TT ^ TT. I'm still quite depressed though but I'll try my best to get back on tracks since I have many things to do, especially helping yuukimoko-san with the translating things :)

Anyways, please enjoy~


To you, what is called, “Love”?

Love is a kind of feeling which is pure, voluntary and comes from two sympathetic people without bothering age, gender or status.

That is what I always heard when I asked someone that question.

You would think that I’m crazy when I’m sitting here alone and talking to a diary.

Of course that’s not true.

This is not a normal diary.

It is my life, my soul, my will.

This diary is my answer.

If only I had read it before that day then… everything would have changed.

I had been so stupid when I had already found my answer but yet declined it and lost it.

Now, after I’ve realized how stupid I was, it’s already too late.

Tell me I’m crazy, stupid.

But just let me tell you.

I will not give in.

I will not give up my hope and keep waiting.

Waiting for someday… My answer will once again be found.

Love… will come one more….

My story along with the diary began from that destined day, the day when I officially transferred to PJ48 Gakuen.


During night of a normal day, I and my cousin just got off the train from Nagoya and arrived in Tokyo. Why did we take a long trip to the most developed and modern city in Japan at midnight? Well, if the school’s letter wasn’t sent to the wrong address then we wouldn’t have to take a train at 8 pm and wait for 3 hours to come here. We had to go to our new school on the next day so this couldn’t be helped.

Oh right, I forgot. My name is Matsui Rena, age of 18, senior of high school. Brief introduction only, if you want to know more about me, just wait then.

“Rena-nee-chan, when will those two people come? It’s almost midnight. I don’t want to be late on our first day of school.”

My cousin who was standing next to me complained. Kimoto Kanon, age of 15, senior of junior high school, very lazy, love soccer or sport in general. She’s really cute, energetic, easy going but sometimes she acts like those old ladies from the Edo era. If it was back from Nagoya, I would scold her being too impatient but this time, I had to agree with her when my two best friends from elementary school made us to wait for almost an hour. In this cold of the first few days of spring, standing here was just a torture.

“Non-chan, I have to agree with you, these girls are too slow.”

“Why do we have to wait for them?”

“They said that it would be dangerous for us to come to their place at midnight so they want to pick us up.”

“But as I can see, it’s way more dangerous to stand here. The chance of dying because of the cold is pretty high.” Another complaint from “grandma” but she had her point. It was really cold. My body started shaking already.

Well, seemed that we still had our luck. Right after Kanon had finished her sentences, two figures were running toward us in hurry. Even though I hadn’t seen them for over 3 years, I still remembered my two best friends, Kashiwagi Yuki and Maeda Atsuko.

“S-sorry… We’re a little bit late….” Yuki said breathlessly with her hands placed on her knees. Next to her, Atsuko’s condition was not any better… Something was wrong… Those red dots on their jackets looked familiar…

“When did you leave home to come here?” I asked them even though I equivocally know the reason why they came late.

“Sorry. We did make it in time. But on the way, we got into some troubles so it took us some time to get here.” Atsuko said after she had regained her energy.

“So the dangerous thing you told us earlier is them?” Out of sudden, Kanon asked them. By looking at her anxious and serious face, I knew she had seen those red dots on their jackets and also had the same thought as mine. “I thought you two were talking about some perverted old men. Those “goats” are more difficult to deal with.” Out of the topic…

“Surprisingly, Tokyo has even more of them than Nagoya.” I said while waiting for an answer from my best friends.

“Oh no. Their population just increased lately.” Yuki answered immediately. “According to what we know, there is a small group of them from Nagoya had settled in Tokyo few year ago. From the time that group arrived, they have been more aggressive. This wasn’t happened when we first came here.”

“Hmm… That’s weird… So the reason why I and Kanon were transferred here is to help you two take care of this case?”

“True.” Atsuko nodded. “Currently, only two of us can’t handle this Akibahara area. The Nagoya group settled here so we really need you two’s helps.”

“Haiz… I knew it. There must be a reason for sensei to kick us out of Nagoya and drag us here.” Kanon sighed quietly.  I told her to stay quiet then turned to ask.

“So do you know anything about that Nagoya group?”

“Not much but we know that they are from the high class. Those vampires…” Yuki hesitated. “… They can walk under the sun… not like the vampire we usually see in the neighborhood.”

They, who we had been talking about, were vampires. You did not mishear it. Yukirin was talking about vampires. Vampires in Tokyo and many places around Japan were like a small community mixed up with our human world. They were active at night, sucking blood from animals or any unlucky people who got into their hunting areas. That was why an organization was found with many branches in all the large cities. The members in the organization were strictly selected and trained to become a vampire killer, having only one mission, which was killing vampires and protecting the humankind. We were called, Hunter.

“Hmm… It’s possible for them to have some internal problems. The low-class vampires always follow the high class’s orders. They wouldn’t be this aggressive unless those nobility vampires order them.” I said and it seemed that the others also agreed with my opinion.

“We’re following that Nagoya group recently. Even though we haven’t had the accurate number of the high-class vampires but we have detected two of them. Also it’s quite convenient that they are studying at the same school with us so it’s easier for us to find the others.” Atsuko said. She didn’t look so happy. Well, of course she wouldn’t be that happy when we had been taught that vampires were blood-thirst monsters. No hesitation or heart, they would kill any human that was in their sight. That was why we really hated them and showed no mercy toward those monsters. And the same thing with this mission, I had decided that I would kill all of those high-class vampires without mercy. They had to pay for what they did.

Whatever happened, I wouldn’t be allowed to fail this mission.

“Good. We will start from those two vampires. It’s no use to be rushed anyways.” I smiled to calm Atsuko and Yuki.

“Do you know their names?” Kanon quickly asked.

“Of course.” Yuki nodded, took out her small notebook from her pocket and started reading it. She always carried it with her, didn’t she? What a weird girl. “The first one is a first-year high school girl; quite popular in the campus and her name is Watanabe Mayu. The second one is her cousin, third-year junior high, also quite popular in the school. Even though this one is younger than her cousin but she is actually very strong and experienced, just like her cousin.”

“Have you fought her or something?” I raised one of my eyebrow and looked at Yuki surprisingly.

“Nope. We can’t show our identities in public, the same with those vampires because of some reasons we don’t know. I know that they are strong because my intuition told me so… She has strong dark aura around her and her cold eyes… are just like a professional assassin.” Yuki’s body started shaking gently.

“Nonsense. I don’t believe in intuition anyways. I’ll test her strength later on, and also her cousin, Watanabe. Ah right… What’s her name?”

“About that… it’s quite interesting though… I was wondering if you are related to vampire or not.” Yuki chuckled softly, which pissed me off a little bit.

“What do you mean by that?”

“I don’t know how many people with the name of Matsui there are in Nagoya… Anyways, her name is Matsui Jurina. And just to remind you, she’s a high-class vampire.”

Please give me some reviews so that I can improve my writing and ideas and provide you with a better update :) Thanks for spending time to read my poor-quality fiction.

Offline Kamen Knight

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen | Sayuki [Prologue] Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2012, 06:19:51 PM »
the prologue is interesting.. A bit surprised it's vampire themed since the beginning is like that..  I'm looking forward for the next chapter!

Offline mo-chan

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen | Sayuki [Prologue] Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2012, 06:22:01 PM »
wow I really love this fic  :wriggly:
 it's really interesting Sayuki-san  :glasses:
there is Wmatsui and Mayuki my best pairing  :shy2:
Mayu and Jurina are vampire I like it it suits them I think  :nya:
Yuki will kill Mayu and Jurina  :scared: :stoned:
first chapter please I can't wait to know the next
           :whistle: :on gay: :onioncheer:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: PJ48 Gakuen | Sayuki [Prologue] Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2012, 06:23:04 PM »

You decided to translate your fic and post it here?! Im sooooo~ happy!!!!!

This is interesting! I want to try doing one with vampires too but later. And Wmatsui is the main pair with Mayuki the second?!

yeyyyy~ IM SO HAPPY~~~!!!!

I didnt see any wrong grammar, but thats because I was to interested in the story to look after the grammar so forgive me....

you have thing wrong when you said 'mistakes in the sotry' I think it was 'story' but its okay because I have a lot of mistakes like this too! when I write I dont see what my fingers are doing and sometimes I write the words strange~ putting the end first....

Please update soon!!!!
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Re: PJ48 Gakuen | Sayuki [Prologue] Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2012, 07:00:11 PM »
ahh...another vampire theme...and they become the bad guy poor fellow children of the night...

anyway...I'll look forward for the next chapter...

until then,"Even in death may you be triumphat"
« Last Edit: August 28, 2012, 07:26:52 PM by bunny_rabbit »

Offline kuronekosan

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen | Sayuki [Prologue] Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2012, 07:17:35 PM »
wow! Another vampire fic! Hooray! :twothumbs I think your story is great! More original than mine. Tragedy? Gasp! And I noticed you out romance in the genre twice. Was that on purpose? XD Hehe.

I'm looking forward to what happens next. Ganbare! :onioncheer:

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen | Sayuki [Prologue] Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2012, 09:35:08 PM »
Atsumina is here~~~
Wmatsui is here~~
Mayuki is here~~

 :on gay:  :on gay:  :on gay:

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen | Sayuki [Prologue] Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2012, 10:35:33 PM »
Vampire??!!!! Awesome!!!!!!!  :luvluv1:

A vampirexHunter is always an enjoyable classic haha.  :ding:

Your writing style is neat too by the way, much better quality I have to say. That's what get's me all excited to read.  :farofflook:

Most of my favorite pairings are in this too, Wmatsui, Atsuina,& Mayuki Mmmm sounds sexy lol.  :hehehe:

They're gonna fall for the vampires hahah, I already know it. I wonder who's going to be doing the seducing^^ This'll be interesting whoohoo.  :on ksweat:

Can't wait for the star-crossed fated meeting, it's goin' down! ...Down and dirty lmfao (Excuse my perverted self, you can just ignore it haha.)  :kekeke:

Please update soon! I will be patiently waiting, this fic is definitely promising.  :glasses:

Offline kahem

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen | Sayuki [Prologue] Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2012, 11:43:40 PM »
YAY! Vampire and hunter! It means fight!!!!

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen | Sayuki [Prologue] Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2012, 02:55:59 AM »
Vampires! ;___;//

Omg, so...that means, they fight, fall in love, and have some fun-*is shot*

This looks very interesting Sayu-chan~ I can't wait for the next chapter!~

 :heart: :heart: :heart:

P.S I loved the prologue :3
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Re: PJ48 Gakuen | Sayuki [Prologue] Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2012, 10:39:08 AM »
Ohw. . .vampires...i like it! Please update soon..
Who knows how long I've been lost in the dark?

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen | Sayuki [Prologue] Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2012, 10:53:38 AM »
love story between vampire and hunter.. aww...

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen | Sayuki [Prologue] Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2012, 11:00:46 AM »
Interesting, this story. Please update soon
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen | Sayuki [Prologue] Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2012, 12:33:00 PM »
 :glasses: Hmm~
A vampire-themed fic eh~?  :hehehe:

I've always been interested in supernatural fics, especially those that contains vampires, so you can be assured that I'll be a loyal reader...
:sweat: Though I'll be lurker at most times. Even then, I'll try my best to comment on your following updates, Sayuki-san. :hee:

Can't wait to read the next chapter! :mon beam:
« Last Edit: September 05, 2012, 01:48:26 PM by karomuwi »
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen | Sayuki [Prologue] Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2012, 01:26:12 PM »
Vampire is trending LOLOL

Please update soon~
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen | Sayuki [Prologue] Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2012, 01:49:49 PM »




I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline Sayuki

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen | Sayuki [Prologue] Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2012, 06:01:09 PM »
@Kamen Knight: Yeah, i knew some people wouldn't expect the story to me vampire-themed xD Thanks for reading my story.

@mo-chan: haha Mayuki and Wmatsui are my fav OPT too ^^. Well, I don't think Yuki would kill Mayu or Jurina but who knows? xD Just wait and read. Thaks for reading my story.

@yuuki: Hehe~ It's called typo. I make lots of typos when i'm typing anything. I'll work on other one-shots very soon :) Wait for my good news, ok? xD Thanks for reading my story.

@bunny_rabbit: No they won't xD It's all explained in the next chapter so hold on and keep reading. Thanks for reading my story~

@kuronekosan: Well, it was a mistake ^^' I didn't know that I type romance twice. Thanks for pointing that out. And yeah, It would be a sad ending but I'm currently planning on making a bonus if everyone prefers Happy ending to the sad one. It depends xD Anyways, thanks for reading my story.

@miayaka: xD I guess those three OPTs are your fav right? They are mine too. Thanks for reading my story~

@anonymousdowner: Thanks for the review. I'll try my best to make it different from the classical script about vampire-hunter. But the falling in ove part will remains the same xDDDD At least you want me to put drama in the story ;) Thanks for reading my story~

@kahem: Haha, you seem to love fight right? Don't worry, there will be some fight screens, not to many though since i sucks at writing those :( Thanks for reading my story.

@Nyanoha: Hahaha~ Thanks for the comment, Nanoha xD I'm not planning to make lemon but if anyone asks for it, maybe I'll consider to make one, not posting on here though since it's banned. Thanks for reading my lame fiction~ :)

@Dreamstalker: Here is your update :) Thanks for reading my story~

@msst28: I'll try to make it interesting, not too cheesy xD I kinda eat too much cheese these day so my love story could be very cheese sometimes. Thanks for reading my story~

@sakura_drop_: Here is your update ;) Thanks for reading my lame fiction.

@karomuwi: It's fine. I'm glad to have you as my reader :) I'll try my best not to disappoint you. Thanks for reading my story.

@ChuuuPuffss: xDDD Vampires is a very classical theme. I'll try to make something different from other vampire-themed stories. Thankd for reading my lame fiction.

@Wmatsui22: LOL, i can see that from your account's name and your avatar xDDD I won't drop this fic and I'll try my best to update as soon as I can. Thanks for reading my story.

So here is the first chapter. Thank you all for your comments~ They gave me lots of inspiration to continue this fic and all the future translating work :) I won't let you guys down~

A little note for you readers, the story is written in Rena's POV and what is written in the diary that I've mentioned in the prologue so when you see a section which has the beginning of "Day... Month... Year...", it means it is what written in the diary. I think by now, you all know who the diary belongs to, right? xDDD

Chapter 1

Rena's POV

So you all already knew who I was. I was a vampire killer, Hunter as what they called me. Of course no one knew about that except for the members in the organization and the vampires themselves. At that time, I and my mischievous cousin, Kanon, were staying with my two best friends, as well as my co-workers Yuki and Atsuko, at their place. It was because I and Kanon were transferred after the school year had already started for a week so the letter about our classes was sent toward to our house. But since I and Kanon were already too tired and sleepy to read that letter after taking a long trip, we asked Yuki to read and summarized everything we need to know in the letter so we could go to sleep early. According to what she said, I would be studying in class 6-1, the same class with her and Atsuko. For Kanon, she would study in class 3-2. Surprisingly, Yuki told us that one of the high-class vampires, Matsui Jurina, who hadn’t impressed me much except for her surname, was also studying in class 3-2. So we had decided to assign the investigating mission of Matsui Jurina to Kanon since she was in the same class.

Kanon didn’t refuse to do it. Instead, she was very excited when we gave her the mission. Seeing her like that, if Yuki and Atsuko were worried about her then I was too, ten times more than they were. It’s just because Kanon was still too young. Even though she was assessed to be a talent in the organization but her training time was shorter than us and also she was lack of experience. What would happen to an inexperienced little girl being too closed to a powerful vampire, who was hundred years older than her?

Both my parents and Kanon’s were the best Hunters in the organization. But during one night, all of them were killed by vampires when they were in a mission. From that day, the two of us lived together with the hatred for the vampires diving in our souls.

Kanon was my only family. If there was anything happen to her, maybe I couldn’t take another lost. It would be too painful and I might not stand up again. Ignoring Yuki and Atsuko, who were too afraid of our identities being discovered, I still decided to help Kanon in this mission. And about the other missions to find the hidden high-class vampires, I let the silly duo to handle them. Investigation and identification about vampires were their strength.

At last, our first day of school had come. After we had arrived at school, Yuki and Atsuko split up and went to their class while I and Kanon headed to the principal’s room. The principal was the one who invited us to study here. Somehow, he knew about the presences of vampires in his school.

“Matsui-san, Kimoto-san, I’m so glad to have you two in my school.” He cheerfully welcomed us when we entered his room.

“Good morning, sensei.” We bowed while greeting him. He smiled warmly to us as a return to our greeting.

“You don’t need to be so formal. Just take me as your family. It’s quite awkward for you to do that when I have to ask for your helps many times in the future.”

“It’s fine. It’s our job anyways.” I smiled.

“The bell will go off in any minutes so I think you two should go back to your classes. If you have something to ask about or you need any help from me, let me know. Do remember not to cause too much chaos in here. I’m not sure how long I could hide your identities.”

“We’ll remember that. Have a nice day, sensei.” We bowed one more time and then left the room.

After that, instead of going straight to my class, I went to Kanon’s class along with her so I could ensure that she would be fine there and also meet my enemy. But something was weird. Standing at the doorway of the classroom, I could get a sniff of strong vampire scent. A very strong scent, very terrible, very frightening. It was obvious that the scent must be from a high-class and powerful vampire. No wonder why Yuki was afraid of that Matsui girl. But somehow, she seemed to be quite excited and interested when it came to the Watanabe girl. Who knows what that black-soul girl was thinking about?

Back to the story. After getting too much vampire smell, I turned to Kanon and asked.

“Non-chan, do you think that… the smell of vampire is too strong here?” I whispered to her ears, not letting anyone overhear our conversation.

“Eh? Really? I don’t smell anything here.” She looked at me for awhile, taking in a deep breath. “Nothing at all. It’s true that I have some bad feelings, maybe it’s because I’ve already known there is a vampire in here. But Rena-nee-chan, I don’t smell anything.”


The scent was still there. I looked over the class to find the source of that scent but nothing seemed to be strange. The students in class were chatting normally. No one showed any weird expression or something. Was I wrong about the scent? Was I just dreaming about it? But… this scent… it was so real…

“I think you are worried too much. My teacher is coming. You should go back to your class now. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me, Ok?” Kanon dragged me out of my own thoughts. I just simply nodded at her, gave her a few advices and then went to my class.

Weird. Why did I feel like something was watching me?


Day… Month… Year…

Today, I had gotten into some troubles. At first, I smelled a weird scent while I was waiting for the class to start. It was not from a normal human. It must be from those stupid Hunters. But I could say that this scent was fresh, it was not from those two Hunter in the senior year of high school. Also, if those two took any move, senpai would have told me about that.

It seemed that there was a newbie joining this war. Oh wait, there were two. There were two different scents in the air, one was weak and the other was pretty strong. If I could only judge by the scent, I would say there was a big gap between the two’s experience and strength. I would have to check it again later.

Right after I got rid of my thoughts, I saw two figures standing at the doorway. There were two girls, did not look so familiar to me. I hadn’t seen them in this school before. Maybe they were the new transferred students. It seemed that they were talking about something. It was a fortunate that vampire’s ears were more sensitive than human’s so that I could overhear their conversation. They were talking about vampires. Hmm… No doubt, they really were Hunters. The taller girl had the same badge on her uniform as the midget senpai, so my guess would be she was a senior in high school. And the shorter girl seemed to study in the same class as mine. Maybe they were sisters or something.

However… The older girl’s killing aura was way stronger than the other. With her careful attitude, she was definitely an experienced Hunter. The younger one, also my classmate, was quite strong but she didn’t seem to have much experience herself. I thought I had to watch out for the older one more. But what confused me most was that why they were here. Wasn’t it enough to have two Hunters in this school already? What were they planning to do here? Strange… I would have to tell the others about this.

Preventing is better than curing.

When the bell went off, the older girl vanished immediately. There was only the younger one who was talking to our homeroom teacher. I guessed my freedom was over from now on when I had to study with the one who was hunting me. I felt so guilty when I kept teasing my midget senpai about this. Haiz.

Few seconds later, after everyone had gone back to their seats, the teacher and the new student walked into the class. The teacher stood in front of the black board, looking at us and announcing loudly with her deep voice.

“Minna-san, I would like to introduce a new friend to our class. Please, Kimoto-san, introduce yourself.”

That girl came to the front and smiled to us.

“Ohayougozaimasu, minna-san. My name is Kimoto Kanon, age 15, from the city of Nagoya. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!”

Almost immediately, all the boys whistled rapidly, slamming the tables which made the teacher angry and tried to keep down the noise but it was no use. Then the teacher looked at me, who was sitting in the corner, with her pleading eyes. I sighed heavily. I already knew what she wanted me to do. It was so annoying, being the class monitor.

Pissed off, I slammed the table weakly but made a big slamming sound as if the table was going to break in half. I always knew if I did like the normal human then it wouldn’t be only the table, the floor would also be broken so just dared to do it lightly. But it was enough to calm those overexcited boys and the class was quiet again. The teacher nodded thankfully at me then turned back to… what was her name again? Oh… Kimoto Kanon.

“Kimoto-san, you can sit next to Matsui Jurina-san. She is the class monitor so if you have any problems, just ask her to help you.” She pointed at me while talking to the girl.

When Kimoto looked at me, her innocent eyes immediately changed. They were cold, serious and filled with hatred. Did I do something wrong to her? Why was she looking at me like that? I had been living in Nagoya for hundreds years but I had never seen her around. It was impossible that I had met her. So why did her eyes look so different from the other Hunters? They were deadly and scary. She seemed like she just wanted to make mincemeat of me.

Anyways, when Kimoto was walking to the empty seat beside me, she gave me a warning look. I just simply smiled back to tell her that I wasn’t afraid of her. I didn’t do anything wrong so why should I be afraid? Kimoto didn’t say anything back. She just sat down quietly and gave her full attention to the black board or her books during classes; she completely ignored me. Even so, the atmosphere around us was pretty heavy. It was uncomfortable when I had to sit next to a hunter and received some cold glares from her without any reasons.

Please God, Kami-sama! I promised I would stop teasing midget senpai from now on! Please, save me from this scary girl!


Rena's POV

When the bell rang, I tried to run as fast as I could to escape from a bunch of fan boys in my class. After my introduction in this morning, I accidentally got myself some fan boys and they were so annoying. Yuki and Atsuko only sat in their seats, laughed while watching me running away for my life. What a friend!

While running in the hallway, I ran into my cousin, who was also trying to find a place to hide from her new fan club’s members. The crowd was coming closer so we decided to hide on the rooftop until the lunch break was over. But no one would know that we were not the only ones who would be there at that time. When I was recovering from a long running section, I heard some voice coming from the rooftop. Kanon signaled me to stay silent, listening to the conversation.

“Nee-chan~ what should I do now?” A voice came up. From the tone, I guessed it was a girl’s voice. But when I saw the look on Kanon’s face, I knew that she already knew who it was.

“Do what? You just need to be like senpai, ignore them. She’s studying with 3 Hunters! So just be like her, don’t do anything stupid in front of them. We’ll be fine when we don’t hurt any human.” A high, angelic voice came up. I could imagine that it belonged to a cute young girl.

“It’s just because senpai’s identity hasn’t been discovered yet, not like me and you. I’m sure she already knows who I am so she gave me those scary glares. We even sit next to each other, how could you expect me to watch out for any guns or knives heading to me anytime?”

“Haiz. I know but you have to bear it. This is our last place to live. If the Hunter found us, we would have to move out of Japan and I know you don’t like that idea, am I right?”

“Of course not… Fine… I’ll try then… You’re so lucky. You have your best friend as your classmate and there is no hunter in your class also.”


Suddenly, the two stopped talking. Everything was quiet. Kanon turned around to look at me worriedly. I understood her look. There was something wrong happening in here.

Yet a chill going through my spine caught me you guard up.

Automatically, I took out my silver knife hidden under my red skirt and brandished it quickly. Immediately, a hand, deadly cold, wrapped my wrist to stop the attack. I stared at the person standing in front of me in shock… This scent… it was what I smelled when I was at Kanon’s class.

It was her, Matsui Jurina, one of the high-class vampires in Nagoya.

“I didn’t know that Hunter is some kinds of sneaky people. Overhearing other’s conversation is not good at all.” A voice came from behind my back.

I glanced at the back and saw Kanon holding her black mini gun loaded with silver bullets, pointing at another girl. That girl smiled, a meaningful smile, not like the cold-like-ice person standing in front of me. The girl looked at the gun, Kanon and I then chuckled.

“I don’t know what you were taught in your organization but I’ll tell you anyways. You can’t do anything to us. Silver, cross, the sunlight, anything you was taught to be the weakness of vampires, doesn’t work on us. They only work on those low-class, degenerated vampires. To the full-blooded, high-class vampire like us, they are completely useless.”

I glanced at the girl for awhile then turned back to Jurina, not planning on withdrawing my knife. And I knew Kanon didn’t plan to do so either.

“These people… I really don’t understand you Hunters. Jurina, let go of her hand.” The girl said. Suddenly, Jurina’s eyes opened widely, looking at the girl with a shocked expression. Her golden eyes… I couldn’t stop myself from looking at those eyes…

“Jurina, it’s fine. Just let her go.” Jurina seemed to be unpleasant but the grip on my wrist loosened up. Like she was afraid of me attacking her again, Jurina took a few steps backward, out of my reach and the same went to the other girl.

Like a flash of light, the girl appeared next to Jurina. It was the ability of teleportation of vampires…  Kanon stood next to me, still pointing her gun at the two vampire girls. The short girl slowly shook her head and sighed heavily.

“How many times do I have to tell you that the thing you are holding cannot kill us?”

“…” Kanon stayed silent, tightening her grip on the gun. It seemed that her anger was growing. I also hated vampires but in this situation, the two of us had no chance to win against that duo. It was better not to attack them.

I slowly lowered my knife and put it back under my skirt. Then I placed my hand on Kanon’s shoulder, telling her to calm down. She hesitated for awhile before withdrew her gun and hide it inside her vest. After that, I finally turned back to look at the vampires, trying my best to keep my voice as calm as possible.

“What do you want from us?”

The girl was surprised by my question. “It’s us who should be asking that question. What do YOU want form us? We only want to live peacefully, together with the humankind. But you Hunters always chase us down even when we didn’t do anything wrong.”

“You said you didn’t do anything wrong? Then explain why the low-class vampire is so aggressive since the time you came here? There were a lots of vampire attacks happening in a short time. It’s ironic that the main agency of the Hunter organization is in Tokyo but those vampires aren’t afraid of us. If it isn’t your fault, then whose is it?”

“How can we know? Ask those vampires. Even we high-class vampires disgusted those degenerated vampires. They are a shame of our race. Because of them, we’re called monsters without any reasons.”

“As if you’re not like them. You still have to drink human blood, don’t you?”

“Of course human blood tastes better but we only drink animal blood and eat human food, even though it tastes nothing. Only those low-class vampires can’t digest anything except human blood. Don’t take us like those real monsters.” I smirked at the answer. It was really interesting. I was watching a vampire protesting for her own race with unbelievable speech.

“Whatever. Like I would believe that. Now, I want to know except for you two, are there any other vampires in this school?”

“You two overheard us so I don’t think I have to answer that.” The girl shrugged.

“Then tell me their name.”

“We can tell you our name since we’ve been discovered long time ago. But telling you the others’ names is a big no. Sorry.” The girl smiled again.

“… Fine. We’ll find out soon or later and kill all of you anyways.”

“… Whatever… Well, let’s take this as a small meeting, shall we? I’m Watanabe Mayu, class 5-1. And this is Matsui Jurina, class 3-2, my cousin. You two are friends of Kashiwagi Yuki and Maeda Astuko, am I right?” That Mayu girl smiled to us again. They knew about Yuki and Atsuko but they didn’t attack them? I was taught that vampires always attack their enemies first when they felt the presence of danger in their living area, especially the Hunter. So why didn’t they do that? Were they telling the truth?

“Tell us your name.” Mayu asked. I hesitated, slowly held Kanon’s hand to calm myself and answered.

“The name is Matsui Rena, class 6-1. This is Kimoto Kanon, class 3-2, my cousin.” I finished my short introduction at the same time with the bell going off. Time did fly quickly.

“Now we have to go back to our classes. We don’t want to fight with you so don’t bother us, especially Jurina if you still want to live. She isn’t good at keeping herself calm like I do so she could be dangerous and scary sometimes. Don’t blame me not to warn you first.”

Right after Mayu had finished her sentences, both she and Jurina disappeared into the air like they never existed form the beginning. It was only me and Kanon on the rooftop, buried in our own messy thoughts about the previous conversation.

Please read and review~

Offline yuukimoko

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First chapter~  yeyyy!!!

Mayu makes her appearence and the meeting! oh, god the meeting!!! :wub:

I really cant wait for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i WANT IT NOWWWWWWWWW~ XD XD XD XD

I'm going to write what I shouldhave wrote insted of reading this amasing chapter....... :cry:

Please update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111 XD
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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So midget senpai is Bakamina, right?

And Jurina seems cool  :wub: :wub:

And Rena-sama...  :luvluv1:

This story is becoming more and more interesting, I have so many speculations in my head, but I can't seem to be able to organize them, so I'll keep them to myself for now.

Is Yuko-sama going to appear?

Update soon  :bow:

Your fiction IS NOT LAME
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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so the diary was Jurina's mmm sokka  :hee:
Mayu knows about Yuki and Atsuko mmm  :glasses:
Huntersxvampires I like it it wont be easy  :hehehe:
update soon please it's really interesting I can't wait to know the next  :ding:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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