Sorry about this late update >< My reasons are all explained on chapter 10 update of It started in a wedding...
And sorry again because this chapter don't add much on the story...
Kahem: Thank you for reading~ Yeah, poor Rena. I hope they end up well ><
Kuro_808: Rena is not a guy, she is just disguised, it's a part of her work. I hope that too about Jurina^^ Thank you for reading o/
Haruhi16: Thank you
Freakymonday: Thanks! I will, I will! Next chapter is kojiyuu again, my hands are already scratching to do it 8D And yeah sometimes I'm with inspiration and nice things like this came out ^^"
Elo: Sorry for the long time without update! Rena always blush =p Yeah try to guess what Yuko will write for the contest

thank you for reading o/
Warr: Thank you! Sorry for the long wait ><
ZeriusLei: This is an unexpected compliment, thank you! Does this means you always have high and good hopes on my fics?

When it comes to AKB, I don't know how, but comedy comes out naturally. Sorry for the long wait and thank you for reading o/
Angeldarke: Hey, thanks! hehe Jurina touching Rena should always be hilarious

Here is the chapter o/
Everyone: Thank you for everyone who actually read this! Thank you, silent readers and also to the ones who gives 'thank you's.
This time a friend helped me with suggestions to easy few of grammatical errors and others, but please forgive any possible mistake

Chapter 3
Infuriated, I hung up the call before she had time to reply. I kept starring at my phone thinking about how reckless my sister was. Really?! Why in heaven did I have to deliver her food? At least she would pay.
“Are you ok, Rena?” My coworker and friend Airi asked, startling me a bit.
“I’m fine. It’s just that sometimes Yuko pisses me off.” I answered massaging my temples.
It was always like that, since we were little. As I’m the younger one, mother always asked Yuko to take care of me; but in the end I was the one who took care of her. It was always troublesome to leave her by herself in the streets. She would always defend with all her might the idols she loved. Other than that, she is always looking at girls with perverted eyes, so someone has to keep an eye on her to make sure she won’t attack any poor girl.
On the other hand, she is a quite funny person. She likes to tease the everyone around her. Yuko tends to tease me with my work and with the idol I have a crush on. It’s kind of stupid, right? To have a crush on an idol. But lots of people have crushes on idols.
Why Yuuchan teases me about her? Because the idol I love, Jurina, is six years younger than me. Since I’m twenty now, she is fourteen. I know she is young, ok? It’s just that she is too cute. I’m also aware that she has a playful side. She is a MC of a variety program and she always tries to hit on the guests. If the boy is handsome or if the girl is cute, she will do it for sure. And because of that, no one takes her seriously.
“Rena!” Airin called snapping her fingers in front of my eyes, making me return to reality. I raised my both eyebrows, making my eyes pop a bit. “What Yuko-san wanted?”
“She wanted me to deliver food since she forgot her bentou at home.” My tone was still harsh. Airin opened a large smile. What in the world was passing through her mind?
“Wonderful! That can be your chance to meet Jurina in flash and bones. Didn’t Yuko say she befriended with her?” What Airin said made me blush.
“Stop dream, Airin! Let’s get back to work!” I said in an almost scolding tone. At the same time the door opened and a cute girl with a yellow canary entered in the café. The canary flew from the girl’s head to Airin’s shoulder and gently bite her ear lobe, making her blush. I giggled with that sight. “I guess that there is a costumer for you.” Airin blushed more, then fixed her wig carefully to not scare the yellow bird and headed to the table the girl sat at.
The girl and her bird always come here in the morning, usually right after we open. She orders hot chocolate with cream and cookies of grain. And while she takes her meal, she keeps starring at Airin. I think she should confess soon/already.
As time passed by more costumers appeared and made my mind busy. I work at a danso café and I really love it. My dream is to open one for myself. As I can’t do it yet, I work in this one to gather money. Presently I’m working as the café manager. This is giving me experience for when I open my own.
The canary girl had left for a while now and I was cleaning the counter, trying to ignore a few girls sighing over me. I was so concentrated that I didn’t notice Airin approaching.
“Nee, Rena-chan, isn’t about time to deliver Yuko-san’s food?” She asked making me jump. Oh my god! I had totally forgotten about that! I stopped what I was doing and ran to the kitchen. Kobayashi Ami, our cooker, got surprised with my action.
“Koami, do you have any dish ready?!” I asked a bit desperate. She just smiled.
“Yuko-san’s lunch?” I widened my eyes a bit and nodded. How could she know? “Airin ordered it together with the bird girl’s order. Here, hurry and don’t split it.” She handed me a box.
“Thank you!” Then I hurried to the exit door. Passing through Airin I said “Thank you! I don’t know what I would do without you!” I could hear laughing and reply.
“I know you love, darling!” I smiled and finally faced the streets.
To my lucky, the TV Tohto building wasn’t so far from the café. I took the train and a stop later, there I was. I had to identify myself at the entrance. The guards gave me a guest ID card and the direction to find Morikawa-san’s office.
While I recalled the instructions and walked the way there I saw few famous people and wondered if I would find Hana-chan. I like her. She is a great model and actress. She also sings, but she didn’t focus her career on that. And I’m not saying this because she is oneechan’s friend, or because she often goes to the café. When I noticed, I was a few meters away from the room I was looking for.
But together with the room my eyes caught a figure I knew by heart. I guess my brain wasn’t processing very well, since that figure looked straight to me and flashed a perverted cat-like smile. After I blinked a few times inn confusion, she was jumping at my direction. In an involuntary movement the hand holding the food box moved away from my body while the girl I thought it was a mirage jumped onto me making me scream in a girly way.
“Yeey! I caught a handsome guy!” Shouted a much known voice to me. Oh my god! My favorite idol is clinging on me! She is touching me! My mind stopped. And I’m sure I widened my eyes. Airin was right! Oh, wait! Did she say ‘guy’?
When I opened my mouth to say something, Yuko appeared at the door trying to say my name. She stopped halfway because Jurina assumed that my name was Ren. I can’t believe I forgot to change before coming here! Baka Rena! I’m sure that my face was already red. And then Jurina tried to kiss me! How come she tries to do that with a stranger?! It added more on how much I wanted to hit my sister badly.
Putting my free hand on her face, I helpless tried to push the clingy Jurina away from me. I growled an “oneechan” just to show Yuko I was pissed, and asked her to pick her food. Yes! Pissed! How come she didn’t tell me Jurina would be here today? I could show up here wearing my true self clothes. I just didn’t want to meet Jurina in danso.
But Yuuchan could clarify this misunderstanding, right? She could say ‘oh, no. That is my little sister in man’s clothes!’ Wait! Yuko already told her she have a younger sister?! Oh, my mind isn’t working well. Maybe Yuuchan told me a couple of times that she talked about me to my favorite idol. She approached and placed an arm on my shoulder.
What?! Yuuchan, are you insane?! Why are you saying that I’m your younger brother?! Why are you doing this to me?! Even when I gave her an angry look, she kept with her lie. Without say a word, I tossed the food box on my ungrateful big sister and turned my body, leaving the two there. Yuko was with a confusion expression, but Jurina followed me, yelling she wanted my number. Ignoring her, I just made the way back to the entrance of the building. When I was almost there a security guard stopped me. I gave him a killing look
"Y... You can't leave the building yet." He kind of stuttered.
"Why?" My tone was cold and dry.
"Ren-kun! Why you have to walk so fast? Come on, come on! Give me your number won't be that much!" Jurina said half painting. Yes, it will! I don't want to give my number to a girl that think I'm a guy! Especially if this girl is you!
"You see..." The guard looked at my visitant id card on my chest. "Matsui-san..." He was now confused with something. Then he looked at my face, and Jurina's, and back to mine again. He shook his head like he was trying to forget a stupid thought. "You have to return the id card."
"First you have to give me you number!" Jurina insisted. "Or I'll ask it to Yuuchan and plus make tons of questions about you!" Oh my god! Am I hearing well? This child just threatened me! The guard just looked at us with questioning eyes. Closing my eyes and sighing, I pondered. If I give her the number, there is the possibility that she still would ask Yuko about me. If I don't, she will definitely fill Yuko with questions. I hate to admit, it is better to give her the number because I don't know what my naughty sister would tell her.
"Fine. Make sure to take notes because I won't repeat it." I said roughly. Jurina opened a large smile while I took off the id on my chest. I spelled every number so she could understand it well. After that, I landed the id card to the guard and left the building as fast as I could.
Only when I was in the train back to my work place I realized that I forgot to get the payment with Yuko. Oh, let it be. She will pay for that eventually, whether she wants it or not.
Starring vaguely to the waiting room ceiling I sighed deeply. It was the first time I was like that. I know I'm sounding like an old woman that never fell in love before, but I'm actually pretty young. I'm just a teenager. Teenagers are supposed to fall in love every day. I thought I fell in love every day with handsome guys and cute girls. But I was wrong! That guy, Yuuchan's brother, he was something else. Why I can't let him go of my mind? Is it possible that I truly fell for him?
"Juju-chan, are you ok?" Asked a voice of a friend. My lips curved into a smile while I turned to look at the person who talked to me.
"Hina-chan!" I said cheerfully and run to hug her. It was Hinata, from the idol group No3b. I liked her. She is a good friend and the fact she is a touchy person like me is just a plus. Today we were going to shoot an episode together, in the afternoon. "I'm ok. I met Yuuchan's brother at the lunch time. That's all."
"Who is Yuuchan?" It surprised me that Hinata didn't know who was Yuuchan. I mean, Yuuchan was a big fan of them. She was like the president of the national fanclub.
"Yuko, Morikawa-sensei's assistant. I can't believe you don't know her!" My voice was like stating the obvious.
"You mean Oshima-chan? Of course I know her. She is the president of our fanclub. She was present in every No3b event ever since we debuted. I'm also aware that she drools over Asahi. I bet she have tons of Asahi's posters over her room." We both laughed in the end. We were still laughing, but stand still was tiring me. So I pulled her to a nearby couch and we continued our chat.
"Woah! You really know her! I like her, she is a good person; passionate and funny. And has a big heart. I said leaning my head on Hina-chan's lap. She smiled at me and started to stroke my hair.
"I'm glad to hear that of a fan if mine. She seems to be a simple person. She looked like the happiest person in the world when we shook hands with her this morning. She is also very professional." It was almost like she was talking to herself. Then, she looked at me with a playful smile. "Talking about this morning, there were moments in the commercial shoot that she kept starring at Asahi. In the break, I noticed she was starring at us. Almost drooling. We were talking about the last update of a fanfic we read at a certain forum, and that it had a funny cute moment when someone makes fun of Nami's height and the fact that her reaction was so realistic. As she denied, I pinched her cheeks and said that that is as fact as Asahi is in love with Korisu. Nami kept denying, but Asahi just blushed. Hehe it's so good to make her blush! Then, to give Oshima-chan a moment to squeak over, I hugged Asahi and kissed her cheeks. When we three turned to look at her, she averted her gaze and pretended to pay attention on her boss, but she was all red." Oh! I missed a blushing Yuuchan! What a shame. I would laugh my butts off if I had seen that. But it made me laugh anyways.
"Yuuchan didn't mention that on lunch. Instead, she kept talking about the script contest. She will apply. Oh yeah, who is this Korisu you talked about? Indifferent Asahi actually loves some being besides her dog?" Yes! That part surprised me a lot. I've known those three for two years now and this is the first time I hear something like that.
"Korisu is a global moderator, and one of the founders, of a forum we three stick around. She is a great fan of us. And the funny part of it is that she is also our friend without knowing it. I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up being Oshima-chan." Interesting. Yuuchan really runs a forum. She is always talking about that.
"Nee, what would you do if you discover they are the same?" I was really curious about that.
"I would be happy. I like Oshima-chan. Well, well. Let's stop talking about Oshima-chan and start talking about her brother." Her sudden change of subject made me blush. "Tell me all about it! Is he really that handsome?"
"He is!" I said standing up fast. "He is so charming and elegant! Looks like a prince! Really a piece of art!" I started to walk to one side to another gesticulating. Hinata was just laughing. "But he was so cold. I still can't believe that my cuteness didn't melt him! It was so hard to make him give me his number. I had to say that I would ask Yuuchan for it to make him agree." I whimpered this last part.
"Oh, Juju-chan, I can't believe you threatened him!" Hinata was only half surprised. It was like she knew me well to know I would do such thing.
"He left me no choice..." I pouted. Hina-chan just smiled.
"I understand you." She was sure having fun. Then she looked at the clock at the wall. "Juju, I have to go. Just passed by to see how you was." She said standing up. With a hug, she left me alone in the room again.
As it would still take a while to go onstage, I took my phone to make a post on my blog. Without noticing, that post turned to be about the cool and prince-like food delivery guy. Since I never mentioned Yuuchan on my blog, I decide to hide the fact that he was her brother.
I hope it was at least enjoyable ><
I can't promise anything about when comes next chapter, but I promise I won't drop the fic =]
Thank you for reading! See ya on the next update o/