Thank you for your thanks and comments minna-san

My life became worse than before when I knew Kai already have a girlfriend.I remembered how Kai’s girlfriend introduced herself to me,shaked our hands,and how she said ‘nice to meet you’to me in a cute tone.Her full name is Kojima Haruna,in the same school and class with Kai,and dating Kai for 3 months.I’m getting hate that voice,even she acted nice to me.Kai,Haruna,and I hung out after meet each other in the park,she keep talked to me while us walking.She guided me and asked me nonstop,Kai ever talked to me and he just silent.It making me sad.They took me home with Kai’s car,I didn’t even know Kai can drive.In my room I lay on my bed and crying,I felt lonely right away.
*knock knock*
Immedietely I wiped my tears and rubbed my eyes.That must be mommy.
“Come in”
“Acchan,are you okay?Let’s have dinner,your dad has waiting in the dining room”
“Okay mom,wait a sec where’s my stick?”
“Here my dear,let me guide you”With that said my mom guided me until we arrived in the dining room.My mom said,she cooked my favourite meals.She prepared all the foods and after finishing it she sat.
“Mom,Dad.Can I get one thing?”I opened a conversation between us,hope they will accept my offer.
“What is it acchan?”My dad turned back a question to me.Before answer it,I prepared my heart to ready if they reject it.
“I want to do eyes surgery,please”
“We were talking about this for many times,Acchan.Your father didn’t allow you to do it.Please respect him”My mom intterupted while my dad did not say anything.The air became heavy since then.
“Could I know the reasons?”
“Enough Acchan!You couldn’t understand if we tell the reasons,this is for your own good!”I startled when my dad hitted the desk,this is the first time he shouted to me too.Before I realized,my tears was dropped out.I hurriedly ran to my room and lock myslef.Somehow I heard my mom tried to stop me.
“Acchan,you looks confused.There is something bother you?”
“Yuu sensei.....what would you do if I wanted to do eyes surgery?”
“Of course I’ll allow you.Well,even if you will stop the lesson with me,we can be still friends right?”
Yuu sensei....he warmed my heart with his word.This is the first time I told my problems to him,as expected he answered it great.I wonder,why don’t I borrow his money for do eyes surgery then if it succesful I’ll paid it and tell my parents do eyes surgery isn’t bad?But first I wanna asked one person left,the person is Kai.
I waiting Kai in the same park after finished my lesson,I sat on the swing too.
3 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
30 minutes
Kai...where are you?