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Author Topic: Memories (KojiYuu) -Part 7- [COMPLETE]  (Read 26941 times)

Offline anonymousstalker

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Memories (KojiYuu) -Part 7- [COMPLETE]
« on: November 14, 2013, 03:36:16 PM »
A/N: Because I read too much angst lately... I ended up making one.... :sweatdrop: I blame a certain pokemon for this...


Every morning, Oshima Yuko has the same dream, images from that night. They move so fast and she has to fight to remember them when she wakes up. They are all in black suits and their faces were blurry, and she can't make out what's happening. Then the dream ends with a flash of light and she panics. She wants to remember the dream, she's certain that it's important – it has to be. Because everything is so familiar, like she's seen it before.

It's been happening for almost two years now.... or one year, eleven months and 15 days to be exact. She doesn't remember if there was something that needs to remember, doesn't even remember the dream. But this morning is different, though. Just after the flash, and the panic, she wakes up. Eyes still closed, she wonders why she's breathing hard....
« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 12:03:17 PM by anonymousstalker »

Milky: “With Sayaka… I’ve been wondering what she thinks of me.“It’s not that type of relationship, but I wanted to figure out what she thought of me so… I kind of tried to seduce her. And she blushed.”

Sayanee: “I did not!” || Milky: “You did.”

Sayaka: “I actually wasn’t though! I didn’t know what she was trying to convey with that in the first place.” || Milky: “She was kind of shifting around in her seat and looking really puzzled so it was fun.”

Offline chichay12

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Re: Memories (KojiYuu)
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2013, 03:47:53 PM »
A/N: Because I read too much angst lately... I ended up making one.... :sweatdrop: I blame a certain pokemon for this...
i think i know who's that pokemon XD

stalker-san update soon :on gay:

Offline ptrd3009

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Re: Memories (KojiYuu)
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2013, 06:15:45 PM »
another kojiyuu and nice intro :thumbup
can't wait for next chapter stalker-san XD

Offline abcari

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Re: Memories (KojiYuu)
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2013, 06:15:14 AM »
Kojiyuu! you make me happy tonight! >w< waiting for the first one C:

Offline anonymousstalker

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Re: Memories (KojiYuu)
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2013, 05:14:47 PM »

A/N: Because I read too much angst lately... I ended up making one.... :sweatdrop: I blame a certain pokemon for this...
i think i know who's that pokemon XD

stalker-san update soon :on gay:

It's a pokemon with ***** attack :rofl:faby  :heart:

Part 1

Yuko's eyes opens, and she sees a flash of light; then she sees herself, bundled up, and it's cold, very cold, and all black and white outside. She’s walking down a street probably going home, and she's really happy about something…something she just bought. Then, she senses… people—three of them. She goes to check who it was, but they're fast.  And suddenly someone hit her on the head and then –

Nothing. Just black. Then a white ceiling…

Slowly, she sits up, confused. Her bed sheets are white, she's wearing a plain pants and a shirt. And she's not sure on what’s happening around her, but one thing she's pretty close to sure is that she's not home or either at her office.

She looks around the room, and there's more. White walls, a grey chair, a black table with a book, an apple and a pen. Everything is black or white or in between. Except the picture frame next to her bed with a group of girls in it. She cannot recognize each of them and has no idea what the picture is about…

She also knows there's something very, very wrong with all the black and white, but she can't remember what. There should be…more, she thinks, but she can't think. The only furniture in the room is a bed, a table, a chair, and a nightstand. She frowns, noting that a single chair means she doesn't have much company.

Then she notices a window and goes to look out. The picture before her is a sea with houses and rooftops around, so she knows that she’s probably on a high place. Above some things, but still beneath others. But as she tries to think again her head starts to throb.

She sits down on the bed, and the door she hadn't noticed suddenly opens. A tired tall-looking woman walks in, and Yuko blinks in surprise. She's also wearing a plain blouse and pants, underneath a white coat. Her long brown hair – that she knows is not quite right – is tied up in a bun. Yuko knows she's beautiful – just by looking at her.

Haruna then smiles at her, with a clipboard and a pen on hand.

"Good morning, Oshima-chan," she says, looking at the clipboard. "How are you feeling?"

"Don't you usually wear more fashionable than this?" Yuko says, and she's not sure where it came from, but she knows she’s right.

Haruna was stunned, and her heart skips a beat. It's been the same for two years, two long years and she has a fleeting moment of both joy and panic because this day is different..

Two years ago Yuko was brought to Akihabara Hospital that one cold winter night and was brought to the eight level—ICU department. She'll never forget reading the diagnosis in her chart.  And it is forever burned into her memory.

Coma; Permanent brain damage.

She took Yuko as her patient, and every morning since she has regain consciousness, she has followed the same routine. She goes into her room, says hello, and asks her a series of questions. Specialist said that the time she became conscious she has acquired a certain memory disorder wherein she has loss the ability to create new memories and unable to remember anything about her recent past due to the injury she acquired; also sustained a short term memory loss that happens day-to-day.

To be able to help her somehow, they list certain questions that is strictly followed:

(1) How are you feeling this morning?

(2) What is the last thing you remember?

(3) How much do you remember before this?

(4) Do you know who you are?

(5) Where are you?

And the answers were usually similar every day, some identical.

(1) Fine; okay; confused; tired.

(2) Miichan, at AKB High, her last year; she was yelling at her because she refused to have a skin ship.

(3) Some things; vague images; everything.

(4) No; yes.

(5) I don't know.

Then she would become frustrated and she would leave. Yuko was always watched, so they knew that she would become angry, and throw things, and yell, but they would bring her lunch after she calmed down. She’d eat and then read her book for a few hours – always the same book at the same time every day.

Then she'd become restless and pace, finally going to the window and staring outside for a while. Haruna would return, or Atsuko, who also worked on her case, though not as closely as Haruna did, who spends a little more time with her.

Sometimes Yuko asked questions, and Haruna told her anything she wanted to know. Well, almost anything. Haruna had tried telling her certain things, and was only hurt in return, so she didn't tell her again.

Sometimes they played a game or stayed for dinner. And then she'd go home and cry herself to sleep. Yuko would read until she fell asleep. And the next day, they would do it all again, with only slight variations. It had become too much for her, and she'd told her senior she needed a transfer. The older consultant only smiled sympathetically and said okay.

Today was Dr. Kojima Haruna's last day with Yuko, and Dr. Shinoda was taking her out to dinner to celebrate. It was symbolic of her putting Yuko behind her and trying to move forward. Because she’d been told, over and over again, that she would never get better.

In reality, their friends were fine; it was she who was having a hard time moving on. Mariko had asked her out over a year ago and it took her asking ten times for Haruna to finally say yes. And Mariko had been very patient with her, but she knew she was running out of patience. Which was part of why she was going to say goodbye to Yuko today.

One last goodbye, that she wouldn't remember and that's what matters to her. So her comment on her attire shakes her off guard.

"I’ve been fashionable often," she says, sitting in the chair, calm, cool, and collected front.

Yuko shrugs.

"So, Oshima-chan. Tell me how you're feeling this morning."

Yuko moves back out the window and watches the glass fog up beneath her breath. And there's a flash of light, and she remembers a foggy night. Just an impression, and she figures it's important. So she holds onto it, as tight as she can; but it's gone in an instant.

"Something is wrong with this room," Yuko says.

"Is it too hot? Too cold?" Haruna asks, not letting this new twist mean anything to her.

Yuko simply shakes her head.

Haruna thinks about how soft Yuko’s hair is. She tries to remember the last time she touches it, running her fingers through it, but she can't.

"It's nothing like that," Yuko says. Then she looks at her. "Is everything supposed to be like this? I mean, why is that there's only one book here?" she asks, pointing to it. "And that picture frame with girls?" Now pointing to the frame. "And your wearing?"

Suddenly Haruna’s heart beats furiously. This is completely new.

"What book?" she asks, unable to think what she meant by her last question.

Yuko goes to it and glances the title, and there's another flash, and she hears a laugh, and someone says to give the book back, and so she does, and the flash ends. Haruna is looking at her strangely, Yuko then arm extends her hand with book in hand.

Haruna takes the book and looks at it, and Yuko sees her eyes get wet, but she doesn't know why.

"I don't know why this book is here," Haruna says, still looking at it.

Yuko sits on the bed and studies her, and it's strange, because she knows she knows her, but that's about all she knows. It's all so – foggy – and it's frustrating her.

"I'd like to ask you some questions," Haruna says, looking at her clipboard and returning the book to the table.

"Okay," Yuko response, fidgeting with her sheet. Only, it shouldn't be white; she frowns; it should be – green?

"What is the last thing you remember?"

Yuko frowns, because she's been trying to figure that out all morning. And things seem – layered – to her, like she's done all this before. Like she's looked out that window a hundred times or more. It's a feeling, and she can't be sure, but at the same time, she is. Yuko knows some things, but not how or why. Or what they meant.

Like she knows Haruna takes her for tea with two lumps of sugar and no cream. And why on earth would she know that?

"What's wrong with me?" Yuko asks, and Haruna seems startled.

"What do you mean?"

"I feel – stuck. Like this has happened before, and I want it to stop, but it never will. I know something is wrong."

Haruna takes a deep breath and says, "You're in a hospital. And I’m one of your Doctors, you were hit a long time ago and that injury affected your memory. Every day you forget the previous day; you start over, so to speak."

"How long?" Yuko asks, calmly, not really surprised. Like she's heard it before.

"One year, eleven months and 15 days.."

That's not new either. "Tell me something you've never told me before."

Haruna frowns. "Well, let's see. I like sushi."

Yuko waves dismissively. "I know that. Tell me something I don't know." Haruna’s eyes get wet again, and it sends a pang through her, of something familiar, and Yuko suddenly gets scared. "This isn't usual, is it?" Yuko asks, and Haruna shakes her head. "Tell me."

Another deep breath. Then, "I was here when they brought you." Haruna answered.

But Yuko knew that too. "No. Something I absolutely do not know." she's getting annoyed; why wouldn't she  just – comply?

"Acchan’s getting married."

Ah-hah! Yuko can tell that was different. she doesn't know that. Haruna's looking at her expectantly, and there's another flash, and Yuko sees her, laughing, her long brown hair flowing, and a scarf around her neck,  and she's bundled, and they're walking hand in hand through a park, it's autumn, and there are colors all around – colors – that match her, and her smile is warm and full of –

Flash end... and Haruna’s frowning at her. "So. Who’s the guy?" she continued.

"Um….biologically she’s not a man but I think she’s just hiding the truth from us." Haruna smiles.

"It’s Takamina, right." Yuko looks at her, and again Haruna was surprised.

"Tell me more," Yuko says. "We were – friends, weren't we?"

She nods, hesitantly.

"Only, we were more. I'm right, aren't I?" Yuko ask.

Haruna freezes, her eyes looked shock, and her lips partly slight.

"Nyanyan…." Yuko says, and somehow she remembers her.


P.S. sorry if I'm not really good with angst  :banghead:
« Last Edit: November 15, 2013, 05:23:55 PM by anonymousstalker »

Milky: “With Sayaka… I’ve been wondering what she thinks of me.“It’s not that type of relationship, but I wanted to figure out what she thought of me so… I kind of tried to seduce her. And she blushed.”

Sayanee: “I did not!” || Milky: “You did.”

Sayaka: “I actually wasn’t though! I didn’t know what she was trying to convey with that in the first place.” || Milky: “She was kind of shifting around in her seat and looking really puzzled so it was fun.”

Offline olive29

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Re: Memories (KojiYuu)
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2013, 05:30:14 PM »
It's good...  :thumbsup

Yuko starts to remember, but Haruna is with Mariko now and she's planning to leave Yuko..

What will happen next??

Will Haruna stay?? Or she's still leaving?

What will Mariko do when she find out about it?? She'll be freaking out, I guess..

Update soon, please... :bow:

Offline ptrd3009

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Re: Memories (KojiYuu) -Part 1- 11/15
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2013, 07:28:01 PM »
so good :thumbup what will haruna do?
leave yuko or stay with her :(

Offline Tam_atsu

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Re: Memories (KojiYuu) -Part 1- 11/15
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2013, 12:22:00 AM »
nyannyan please dont leave yuko! she's already remembering some of her past she needs you  :cry: :bow: :bow: :heart: :heart:

Silent reader for now

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Re: Memories (KojiYuu) -Part 1- 11/15
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2013, 04:20:36 AM »
Its so good i want more  :drool:
A TakaYuu Here, An AtsuYuu there and A KojiYuu everywhere

ALL THESE HUGS ... i want one :cry:

Offline abcari

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Re: Memories (KojiYuu) -Part 1- 11/15
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2013, 04:48:51 AM »
omg omg omg omg omg

This is getting really good!!!

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Re: Memories (KojiYuu) -Part 1- 11/15
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2013, 04:56:46 AM »
Yuko why do you start remembering now?! :banghead:

Haruna should stop to give up with Yuko.

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Re: Memories (KojiYuu) -Part 1- 11/15
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2013, 09:42:05 AM »
Nyannyan! Don't you dare leave your squirrel ;;___;;
She already remember! And yeah you two are more than knowing each other ;;___;;

Feel sorry for mariko, but.....

Just waiting for your update author-san, this is good! :D

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Re: Memories (KojiYuu) -Part 1- 11/15
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2013, 11:29:39 AM »
Wow this is so well written. :grin:
Nyannyan will stay wit her. She must. PLEASE :bow: :bow: :bow:

Offline rhin12

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Re: Memories (KojiYuu) -Part 1- 11/15
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2013, 12:45:51 PM »
Perfect timing to remember everything!   :sweatdrop:

more angst please  :cow:  XD

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Re: Memories (KojiYuu) -Part 1- 11/15
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2013, 08:17:07 AM »
Stalker-san~ I'll just save space for comment later... *will edit and read later*
Btw... I'm back to my theory that this is a collab accnt. heheh.

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Memories (KojiYuu) -Part 2- 11/21
« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2013, 04:54:26 PM »

A/N: I just want to credit my good buddy who continues to give me ideas and proofreading my works in writing fics...  :deco: just so you know you still owe me that editor thingy..   8)2

Part 2

"Nyanyan…." Yuko says, and somehow she remembers her.

One moment, she hadn't, and then the next she had. She didn't remember her in the last two years and now she did but it was mostly impressions, not specific memories. Yuko knew she loved her and knowing it was much more painfully obvious. And she still does, after all, to her it has only been moments since she last consciously knew she loved her.

Haruna was stunned by what she sees in Yuko’s eyes – exactly what she saw the last night she saw her that night. And it scares her! Today is her last day, but here she is, remembering things. How was this even possible? All the Doctors and specialist in this kind of case said there was no hope, especially as time has passed. They'd tried everything they knew, and nothing broke through the walls placed around her mind by whatever disorder she'd been hit with.

Haruna's terrified. She thought she was ready to move on, to let Yuko finally go, to leave her to other Doctors, to let her live in this hospital room until… that part scared her even more.

Would she have just left her to die? Alone? After everything…

"I – I have to go," Haruna says, because she can't think of anything to say or anything to do. She only wants to run away as fast as she can. She’s having trouble in her breathing, and she feels her body is getting very hot and if she doesn't get some air she's going to pass out. So she practically runs out of the room, leaving Yuko standing there with a slight smile on her face.

Yuko knows she's right, somehow. She just does. But she also knows that Haruna already moved on. After all, it's been almost two years to her. And only one day for her, so it hurts like nothing she's ever felt before, only it's a disconnected kind of hurt. Her heart knows it should break and it does, though the pain doesn’t hurt that much, because she only remembers impressions; feelings; emotions. Like watery images viewed through a window when it's storming outside. That's how she remembers her. And them. All Yuko knows is that she loves Haruna terribly, and she's gone and moved past her.

Past them.

Yuko feels a little dizzy, so she sits on the bed. An indefinite amount of time passes, and the door opens. A woman with black hair with a skirt and blouse walks in. she's also wearing a white coat, like Haruna wore, but the only difference is she's wearing glasses.

"Yuko," she says, and Yuko noticed she's carrying a tray with her. Panic leaps through her, but the woman only smiled and then she sees that the tray holds food. Then her stomach growls, and realizes she's very hungry.

Yuko watches the woman set the tray on the little table, then turn to look at her.

"How are you feeling today?" she asks.

"The other woman before you already asked that," she says, frustrated with the unnecessary repetition.

"I know. I would like for you to answer me, if that's all right."

Yuko shrugs. "I'm okay. Confused, though, as to why same things keeps on happening. I'm pretty sure that it shouldn’t be these way."

The woman frowns, and Yuko almost remembers her name. "No, that's not normal. You've never mentioned this kind of events ,so is this new?"

Yuko scowls. "How would I know?"

The woman reddens. "Oh, right. Of course. Forgive me."

Then Yuko remembers. "Acchan."

The woman looks at her sharply, then with a hint of excitement. "Yes, that's my name. Do you remember anything else about me?"

Yuko frowns and thinks as hard as she can. "No, sorry." It was like a pulse. Yuko pictures a long, thin cord, and pulses are carried on the cord. Those pulses are memories, or impressions, and when they come close enough to her mind, sometimes she grabs them.

"Well, eat your lunch. We'll talk afterwards."

Yuko nods, and the woman leaves her alone. Yuko moves to the table, and examines her food. It doesn't look very good, since it's not very appetizing. But Yuko eats it anyways, and while she eats, she reads her book. "Akihabara High: A History" is the title, and while she reads it, she grabs a lot of those pulses. Memories of school, of friends, of teachers, and classes, and others.  But nothing is concrete, again, just fragments of conversations or lectures, or paragraphs. And somehow, Haruna is in most of them, and she wonders just how much of her life includes her. A niggling feeling tells Yuko that in truth, Haruna hasn't been in it long, but Yuko can't be sure of anything, really.

Just those impressions of her, surrounded by colors, when she's with her. And that she loves her.


She returns after she's done eating for two hours. Yuko’s sitting on the bed, brow furrowed in concentration, because she's trying her best to remember more.

"How was lunch?" Haruna asks, and Yuko looks up at her. Some of her hair has fallen out of that bun and it flows around her face, Yuko can't seem to remember seeing anything so beautiful. But then, she can't remember a lot of things. Still, Yuko knows it's true.

Yuko shrugs. "Okay." Then one of those pulses slams directly into her brain. "Where are the clothes I was wearing when I was brought here?" she asks.

Haruna cocks her head to the side a little. "In the second drawer of the nightstand."

Yuko then reaches down and opens the drawer. She finds a heavy coat, a pair of pants, a shirt and a scarf. She pulls the coat out for some reason and smells it somehow she can still remember how Haruna smelled that night she hugged her goodbye. Like milk and honey.

There's another flash, but she's okay this time.

Then Yuko looks at her, and gives her a little smile. She finds a secret pocket in her coat, the one that's charmed to hold almost anything. She reaches in and found a small box. Yuko smiles at the memory of selecting and purchasing the contents of the box. She holds the box in her hands and opens it, careful to make sure Haruna could not see what it was. When she sees the ring that she'd had made especially for her, her heart clenches, and she's in such pain that she fights the tears. Then Yuko's frustrated that she can't remember it all, and she feels like she's hurting a ghost, not something tangible,  and not the girl sitting in the room.

"What is that?" Haruna asks, and Yuko can't help but keep smiling. She's just as curious as she always was.

"Nothing," Yuko says, though she knows she won't believe her.

Haruna stands up and walks toward her; Yuko sticks the box back in. "If it's something from the night you were injured, it might be helpful in determining what was done to you," Haruna says, somewhat annoyed, curious and broken.

"It won't, I assure you. It is nearly completely unrelated to that night." Yuko frowns. "I think."

"Perhaps you should let us Doctors decide on that," she says, and holds out her hand. There's another flash, and Yuko sees her the night she told her she loved her. They were at a dance, and she was wearing a red dress in a night gown. Yuko didn't typically like dancing, but when Haruna held out her hand to her, begging her with her sparkling eyes, she agreed. And while they danced, Yuko was hit with the full force of what Haruna meant to her, and she blurted it out right then and there. Haruna had laughed and twirled in her arms, waiting until the song is finished and to tell her that she loved her too.

"No," Yuko says, forcing the lump out of her mind that formed with that memory. "It will not be helpful."

Haruna sighs and returns to the table. "How are you doing? Since this morning, I mean. It seems as though you're making some progress," she says, trying to sound clinical and detached, and if Yuko didn't know her better, she would have fooled her.

"Third time today I've been asked that. I feel fine. Except for the fact that I can't remember much, and I know I'm supposed to, but I can't you see and you're – different."

Haruna's hurt again, and Yuko can tell it just by looking at her. Just then, the door opens and Atsuko – that's her name too – walks in. she talks quietly to Haruna, who seems at first to argue, then reluctantly nods and with a little glance at Yuko, she leaves the room.

"So, Yuko. I would like for you to give me a complete list of everything you remember." Atsuko starts diverting her attention.

Yuko looks at the other woman hard. "It's hard to explain," she says, after deciding that her desire to know what was wrong with her and fix it was stronger than her desire to be herself and tell Atsuko to shove it. Yuko smiles at the thought, though....

"I have only had a few actual flashes of memory. The rest – just sort of comes to me. It's just there, all of a sudden, where it wasn't a moment earlier. And they're mostly just impressions, or ideas. I kind of just know things, without knowing how or why."

Atsuko takes a deep breath. "Like Haruna."

Yuko stares at her and then nods.

"What exactly do you know about her?"

"Why should I share this with you? I'm quite certain it's between Me and her."

"I'm trying to help you. The more you tell me, the more we have to use to try and figure out what happened to you."

"I fail to see what knowing the specifics of my memories will do for you, other than to satisfy your curiosity."

Atsuko smiles, and chuckles. "I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I have missed your contentious attitude. Since you've been here, you've been cooperative, and pleasant – not at all like yourself. And it's good to see you being difficult again."

Yuko scowls. "Just get on with it, Maeda."

Atsuko nods. "I suppose you're right. I don't need to know what exactly you remember."

"I know I – I loved her. That's about it, right now. The rest is just foggy details, or really, the lack of details. Foggy impressions of her, and of us."

Atsuko then scribbles something on her clipboard.

"I don't want her to know this," Yuko says, warningly.

"Okay. I won't tell her."

"You mean it?"

"I mean it."

Yuko nods. "Good. Was there anything else?"

"Not really. Unless there's something else you wish to tell me."

"Nothing. Only – I think she's moved on," Yuko says, hoping for confirmation of her fears and hoping for denial, too. At this point, she doesn't really know what she wants.

Atsuko avoids looking at her. "That's something between you and her, I think." she stands. "You have the remainder of the afternoon to yourself. Haruna will come back later to say goodbye. It's her last day, today."

And then there's a sharp pain in her head, and Yuko's forced to understand exactly what Atsuko is saying. She's truly moving on. Leaving her behind. Yuko nods to Atsuko, who shuts the door behind her. It sounds so final. She’s stuck in a hospital room, while her life moved past her for almost two years. And she’s frustrated because she barely noticed that she wasn't around when it all happened.


Milky: “With Sayaka… I’ve been wondering what she thinks of me.“It’s not that type of relationship, but I wanted to figure out what she thought of me so… I kind of tried to seduce her. And she blushed.”

Sayanee: “I did not!” || Milky: “You did.”

Sayaka: “I actually wasn’t though! I didn’t know what she was trying to convey with that in the first place.” || Milky: “She was kind of shifting around in her seat and looking really puzzled so it was fun.”

Offline ptrd3009

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Re: Memories (KojiYuu) -Part 2- 11/21
« Reply #16 on: November 21, 2013, 05:57:08 PM »
Haruna gotta leave yuuchan?  :cry:
it hurts for each other
it gonna be love triangle or not?
yuko haruna and mariko?
thank for your update :bow:
« Last Edit: November 21, 2013, 06:15:42 PM by ptrd3009 »

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Re: Memories (KojiYuu) -Part 2- 11/21
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2013, 12:14:57 AM »
This story is so unique and awesome! . . .  :D :D

I kept on reading it repeatedly until you update  :) . . . .

If Haruna would see the box with a ring that Yuko intended to give her, would she change her mind? . . . .

I'm looking forward for your next chapter!! .  . . .  :D :D

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Re: Memories (KojiYuu) -Part 2- 11/21
« Reply #18 on: November 22, 2013, 07:31:13 AM »
noooo haruna!!

Offline Konoe

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Re: Memories (KojiYuu) -Part 2- 11/21
« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2013, 07:45:03 AM »
It's painful. :cry:

Will Yuko let go of Haruna? Please NOOOOOO!!!! :gyaaah:

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