Gek Geki : yeah, so do I. I don't know why she avoid Jurina too

Embee5442 : she can be anything she wants

Koneki : I don't have many fans (is there even any?) yet I already ahve a hater

A/N : This one suddenly become too long. Maybe I was motivated by Koneki-san's words .... But LOL, thanks for the comments. Sorry for the lack update and bad grammar and bad writing skill. Anyway, please enjoy

School's Lunch Break 7
Days became weeks. Jurina already did her best to ask Rena what was her problem, why she ignored Jurina. Jurina still didn't get any clear answer except her own thought.
Today, she sat again under the old sakura tree where she used to be stayed in her old lunch break times.
"*Sigh* Here's my real place," Jurina sat on the bench. Putting on the headphone.
Hmm, I'm kinda miss this place. Quiet, peaceful, like it used to be.Jurina again, back to her old times. She lost her patience in demanding Rena the answer. She still ignored her. Came back to the old place, the old times, might be better. At least that was what she thought about it.
The old Jurina back again.
Today's sandwich was her best friend's made. Airi was always good at taking care of her. Her childish attitude, but sometimes she looked cool, and sometimes she would be like a horse. Airin already met all of her forms. Never did once Airin got angry at her. She was just really kind. More than a best friend could be.
That feeling came again.
But Jurina tried hard to clear her mind from anything. She brought her mind back to reality. Looked at the still-in-one-piece sandwich on her right hand. Taking another long sigh, Jurina bite the sandwich. There was something strange. So she took another bite. Again, she felt something really strange. She took another bites until the very last bite of her sandwich. But she couldn't get what feeling was that.
Was it the feeling of loneliness...? Meanwhile at the cafetaria...Mariko stood in front of the counter table. She folded her hands in front of her chest. She walked to and fro. Once in a while she would bring her eyes to roamed in every corner of the cafetaria.
She looked frustrated. So much burden. Her collegue then approached her.
"Why are you acting like that? It's so annoying," said the girl who sat on the seat while reading her favorite fashion magazine.
"Nothing," Mariko answered shortly.
Another same action was shown by the taller girl. She looked desperate about something, but she didn't share it to anyone, including her collegue.
"Hey, stop being stupid! What are you doing? It's really annoying!" the girl stood up and yelled. For some seconds she made all costumers looking at her direction.
"Nothing's wrong people, just go eat your food, okay... Heheee..." Mariko and her lame excuse.
Mariko glared at her collegue with a sharp look, but it seemed Haruna's eyes were more piercing than hers. "Explain," Haruna said.
"Look, I feel bad about Jurina-chan. She never come here anymore to eat. Moreover, Airi-chan told me that Jurina looked sad these past weeks. I'm sure there is something involving Rena-chan too," Mariko said. She looked so much troubled by this. She thought that it happenned since the day she made those two get sick.
Haruna didn't know what should she told her any problem solver, a tight hug maybe enough to washed away Mariko's worries. "Don't blame yourself. Why don't you just visit those two? Maybe you'll know something," she blurted out.
"As always, you help me with your surprising way. Thanks," Mariko kissed Haruna's cheek only to got Haruna's face redden.
The next day, it was Detective Mariko's investigating day. Since it was weekend, she visited her so-called client.
First she went to Jurina's house.
She knocked the door. But no one came out to open the door. She kept knocking the door for a few minutes. She then facepalmed looking at the doorbell.
"I should've used it in the first place," she sighed as she pressed the doorbell.
A few seconds later Airi came out to greeted her at the front door. Airi was quite surprised by Mariko's visit. But then Mariko explained her reason.
"Yeah, she's back like she used to be. She eat a little, only bring 2 slices of sandwich and eat them under the Sakura tree behind the school building every lunch break. I wish she'll find her apetites again," Airin said to Mariko. Airin was really thankful for her help and she was really counting on Mariko. She left Mariko in front of Jurina's room.
She knocked the door. "I'm sure there's no doorbell here, why is she taking a long time just to open the door?" Mariko thought.
But then after knocking for another times, there was a loud thud could be heard behind the door, following by a yelp by the certain girl.
"Jurina, open the door please," Mariko said.
Then the door flailed open revealing a messy Matsui Jurina in her pajama. Her eyes still closed as she yawned.
"It's 10 a.m for God's sake, why are you still on your pajama?" Mariko said irritatingly.
Hearing that voice, Jurina's eyes immediately openned in a bulge size. "Eh? Mariko-sama? Why are you here?" she asked. Suddenly her sleepiness gone away.
Mariko just smirked and pushed the girl inside her room.
"Where are you taking me to?" the now-already-dressed-in-nice-clothing Jurina asked as Mariko drove somewhere she never knew. She got no response from Mariko so she laid her body back to the seat. Somehow Jurina felt really new with the path they were taking. And not long after, Mariko stopped and asked Jurina to just wait in the car.
Jurina looked through the window that Mariko was waiting in the front door. It was quite a long time. She averted her gaze towards another direction and still questioning in her mind, wondering why Mariko came and made her wore nice clothes and taking her to she knew where.
After some times, Mariko got in her car and surprisingly brought two persons with her.
Jurina was frozen at the back seat since someone who openned the back door was someone she was yearning for answers all along.
"Mariko-sama, can-"
"Just get in," Mariko cut the girl's sentence even before she finished it.
"I can le-"
"Don't ever try to run. Sit," Mariko cut the girl's word again.
"Kojima-san--" she tried to ask for more help but didn't get anything but a small smile from Haruna.
Both girl at the back seat wonder where they were heading to. The road wasn't familiar to them. It was surely not a way to Disney Land or Mount Fuji. They have no idea but just kept silent since they were sat next to each other.
Mariko realized about their uneasiness, so she spoke up. "We're going on picnic today, my small family, hahaha," Mariko stated.
"Right, it's been a long time both of us haven't gone somewhere," Haruna added.
"Why bringing me and her?" both Jurina and Rena said at the same time.
"Whoaaaa, were you training to say that at the same time since beginning? Sugoi!" Haruna clapped her hand.
"No!" both of them said in unison again.
"Whoaaaa, again! That's cool!" Haruna stated.
Then the both girl leaned their body to the seat and still in the same time.
"Even the move!" Haruna was really amused by the sight.
The long ride continued with the two girls at the back seat kept silent and looking outside their respective window car. Once in a while Jurina would straighten her back that caused her to change her position, but when she met Rena's eyes she would just back to the cute window near her. So dis Rena, once she tilted her sore neck and met Jurina's eyes she would just stared out of the window again. Or both of them just finding excuses to looked at each other? Who knows?
"Okay my baby, sweety and honey .... Get your ass off the seat 'cause we're here!" Mariko announced.
They went out from the car and looking their surrounding. Yes, they weren't visiting Disney Land, Mount Fuji or another places people would choose to spend their weekend. It was a large green grassy hill with some colorful flowers decorating the place. Indeed, a perfcect scenery and a sunny day for a picnic.
"Don't stunned too much girls, or you guys just don't want to prepare the things? Move!" Mariko sounded like a boss pointing and asking her staffs to work.
"Hai hai," they lazily answered. They just want to enjoy the scenery a little bit more after such a super long ride they had.
After that, Jurina helped Mariko preparing the place for them. Choosing the best position to enjoy the wind and the scenery. And finally they decided the place under a big tree where the perfect spot was.
Haruna and Rena brought the meals and drinks to the place Jurina and Mariko had choosen. While Haruna and Rena preparing the meals, the other two were playing and running around the hill.
"They look like father and son, don't they?" Haruna suddenly broke the silence.
"Isn't it mother and daughter?" Rena raised her eyebrow to Haruna which she thought having a wrong conclusion.
"No, we're mother and daughter while they're father and son. Remember, we're a family," Haruna smiled to Rena which had a disbelief look on her face.
Again, the two didn't speak anything. After finishing the preparation, Haruna called the other two to join them.
"Mariko, Jurina-chan, come here and eat ~" Haruna yelled so the two would listen to her.
When the four of them finally gathered under the tree, Haruna let them eat the meals. Hearing their compliment was the most heart-warming moment for her. She smiled to the other girls eating her meals with such a pleasant expression.
"You don't eat any of these, Haruna-san?" Jurina asked looking at the older girl just watching them eating.
"Right, don't you feel hungry?" Rena continued.
Haruna looked at the two and smiled widely,"Finally both of you can talk like usual,"
Realizing Haruna's words, both of them turned into silence once again.
"What's happening to both of you? I didn't get why do you fight?" Mariko spoke. None of them dared to answer Mariko's serious mode. "Jurina? Rena?" Still, Mariko didn't get any answer nor a slight reaction from them.
"Jurina-chan, Rena-chan, Mariko and me here just wanted to help you two," Haruna gently put her hands on Jurina's and Rena's shoulder.
"I...I don't know, Haruna-san. I guess I didn't do or say any inappropriate things to her, but suddenly I got no response even I tried to talk to her and I gave up. I don't get what she wants all this long," Jurina stated. She didn't feel like to call Rena's name since that day she lost her hope to talk again to Rena.
Rena just went all quiet. She didn't fight back to Jurina's words.
"*Sigh* I'm not a love expert of something, but I know both of you are liking each other. Even until now, both of you would still steal some glances towards each other. But the two of you just to stubborn! I don't know how to help you guys, this is the last thing I could do," Mariko were a little bit pissed of them.
"Let's go home," Mariko then stood up and went to her car.