hello~ ._.
another chapter of Different right now! it's not really long and not too short either so, well...
sorry for any grammar and typing mistakes, i feel too lazy to checking the spelling

Today I will have a practice in Mayu’s house. Since I never like it when somebody coming in to my house, how if she found that picture of us and her picture in my room? Fortunately that time when she collapsed at that dark alley, Kora-san brought her to the guest room. I don't know how to explain that to her. She will think that I’m her stalker, and she will stop befriend with me. Uwah! It will be the end of the world for me!
Finally, Mayu’s house! Actually her house is not that far from my apartement. Just a few blocks away, no need to bring my motorcycle, a bike will be fine.
I knocked the door,
“Please wait for a second!”
The door opened,
“Ah, Yuki! Please come in.”
Nothing changed. It just look like the last time I was here. As always, it’s clean and tidy. Since her mom a clean person, I believe she doesn’t want her sweet home being dirty and messy.
“So, what kind of instruments do you play?” Mayu asked me while walking, I follow her behind,
“I can play guitar, piano, and also drum. My favorite is drum, but since it’s a duet, maybe we can use piano or guitar.”
“Ahh, I got it. Just choose what you want. But in my opinion, how about piano?”
She guided me to the piano.
“Here it is. Well, It’s kinda old and dusty since I’ve not play it since 1 year ago, but I think it’s still as good as the new one.”
I touch the piano keys while reach the seat and sit down in front of the piano. Ahh~ it’s been a long time since my last time touching a piano. Maybe... when I’m at 13? That was before I know about drum. I really love to play piano that time while hearing my mom voices. Sometimes Sakura-chan will singing too, but Rino always interupted us with his voice calling Sakura-chan.
“So... How is it?”
“It’s still good as the new one like what you said.”
“Great then!”
After that we played many song, I played the piano while Mayu singing along the melody of the piano. Sometimes I’ll go singing to since Mayu insisted me to do that. W-Well, it’s really embarassing actually. My voice isn’t that good, but she told me it’s really good though. And her voice is really beautiful. Such a melody in my ears.
If just she’s remember everything. I really want to hug her thightly and kiss her deeply. I miss the time when we can do everything together. Even when that time I’m such a badboy, she always be there for me. Even when my love for her look like a joke, she believe it and keep going on with me. Even when my father tried to kill her that time, she keep insisted to always be with me.
All of these feeling. Love, hurt, everything mixed right now. If just I can save her.
“Yuki-kun?” I’m not realizing that Mayu calling me for a few times just now, and somehow right now her face just a few inches away from my face.
“Ah-Eh? Y-Yeah?”
“Is there anything wrong? You’re spacing out just now.”
“N-No, E-Everything is okay.”
“Hmm, okay then.” She back to her seat,
“Ano, Yuki-kun, we’re not yet deciding the song that will be our song at the school festival.” Ahh, yeah, we’re not yet decide that.
“I think every song is okay.” I said
“Eto, actually these few weeks I really love this song. I just, love it.”
“Go on.”
“How about we sing that song?”
“Ne, Mayu, I wonder why you really close to Yuki-kun these few days. Are you already become a couple with him?” Jurina said while we walking to go to school.
“W-What? No!” I immediately answered her words,
“Ne, how far are you both already?”
“Jurina, I’ve said to you I’m not her girlfriend!”
“Well, maybe not yet~”
I speeding up my step so I was a few meters away from Jurina. She immediately running to me when realized that I’ve left her.
“Oi, I was joking you know.”
“Whatever you said, Jurina.”
“But, you both looks like a couple, you know? After Kai-kun choose you both for that school festival duet, you never being so far to Yuki-kun. At class, break time, and even after school ended you will be with him.”
“We’re trained ourself for school festival.”
“But why you always blushed when you’re around him?”
“Hey! I’m just trying to ask you about that. I-Wait, so it means you like him, don’t you?”
“Just shut up or I’ll punch you so you can’t go meet Ren-senpai this Saturday.”
“Mayu-chan is in love~~”
“Shut. Up.”
“My child is grown up right now~~”
“I told you to shut up.”
Actually, I don't know what is this feelings that I’ve felt everytime I’m with Yuki. And that feeling that I’ve know him for many years, I don't know but, I’m sure I’ve met him before.
“But, hey, he’s a good boy. He’s smart, kind, and handsome. Even if he’s not as great as Ren-kun, he’s capable for you.” Jurina saidwhile we keep walking,
“you just want to say that no one is better than Ren-senpai.” I said with monotone voice
“Hey, hey, I’m just joking you know. And look at him, anyone who saw you with him will believe that you both is a couple, his way looking at you, there’s love when he look at you. There’s someting I can’t described.” Jurina said while holding her chin, I keep walking.
“Since when you become this poetic?”
“I’m being serious right now, Mayu. And hey, do you remember that you said there’s something missing in your life? I just realized that I feel that too. And when I saw Yuki, I’m feeling that I’ve know him. And you feel that too, right? You know my instict never false.” Jurina stop me from walking ahead from her with her hand holding my arm.
“Maybe, you two are reincarnation of someone in the past that being together?”
“Don't be so stupid, you know that I never believe about something like that.”
“We never know if it’s true or not. Hey! Stop walking ahead like that!”
But maybe, Jurina is right. Yuki is somehow...his exstence felt really familiar for me. I mean, he’s the first guy that I feel comfortable with, even I already close with him since our first meeting.
There’s... Something about him that I forgot. And maybe he himself forgot it too. Something that really important. But, why can’t I even get a clue? I’m not remember everything about him except when our first meeting until now.
It just, who is him actually?
“Huwahh, we’re done!”
Yuki was lied down under a big tree in the park. He put his hand under his head and he closed his eyes. Yeah, we’re in the park right now. Since the school festival will be in 1 week from now, so we must practice harder. Sometimes we will practice here in the park like this and sometimes in my house since Yuki always reject me if I tell that we must go to his house sometimes, I don't know why. If in the park like this, we usually practice with a guitar while if in my house we will use piano. Because we will perform with a piano, we just practice in the park 2 or 3 times.
“Ne, Mayu, isn’t it already dark? You should go home right now, right?” Yuki said while raised his body to sit.
“Eh, really? I must go home right now!” I quickly stood up and took my bag,
“Wanna have a ride?”
Yuki kinda scratch his head,
“Well, you can go home with me since I bring my motorcycle right now. I-It just if you want to.”
“Eh, is it really fine?”
“Yeah, furthermore I’m the one who make you always go home this dark.”
So, in the end, I’m going home with Yuki. Actually I’m not really want to bother him with drive me to my home. But he insisted me to go with him, so I just follow what he want though. In the way, we just keep silent. My hand circling his waist. Since he told me to do that and, hey, his way bringing this motorcycle is ‘almost’ crazy! It’s really fast! But maybe he realized that he’s too fast, so he slowing his motorcycle.
And now, we’re right in front of my house.
“Thank you for ride me home.”
“No problem at all, my apartement is near your house, and I’m insisted you to go with me though. So it’s really okay.”
“Well, even it’s like that, thank you again.”
“Okay then, I’m going now, see you tomorrow.”
After he start his motorcycle and going home, I entered my house. It’s looks like Kaoru already at house. As what I said sometimes ago, Kaoru’s parents always going on a overseas trip because of bussiness. And now, because he almost spend his time in Tokyo, my parents suggest to just let him live with us in Tokyo. And well, his parents agree so he can have friends at house.
“Mayu Nee-chan, okaeri!!” Kaoru suddenly coming from nowhere then hugging me,
“Hmm, hmm, now what do you want?” I said while patting his head,
“Nothing, Minami-sensei said to me that if today I meet someone I love, I must hug them!” he said excitedly while jumping.
“Okay then, I’m going to my room now, I’m really tired~~”
“You’re going with Yuki Nii-chan, right? Hehe~ I want to hear your song with him, it’s reeeaaalllyyy good!”
“Sometimes when he’s here again, okay?”
I pat his head again and start walking to the stairs. But again, he stop me.
“Ne, Mayu Nee-chan, is Yuki Nii-chan already confess to you?”
I turned back and saw Kaoru just put his wide smile while facing me,
“He said that he will be your boyfriend when he come here again, so is he already confess to you?”
“Gzz, you’re the one who make him said that.”
“But it just maybe he will do that. And it looks like you like him to, ne?”
“For the god sake, Kaoru, you just a little kid. Who told you about it?”
“Minami-sensei had a boyfriend and he always drive Minami-sensei to my kindergarten and fetch her. Sometimes he will help Minami-sensei when teaching us and telling someting about her, and he said ‘your Minami-sensei became my girlfriend because she love me, and so do i.’ And maybe Yuki Nii-chan love you and he’ll become your boyfriend!”
What the heck is he tell about?! Is he don't know that’s a kindergarten, not a highschool.
“Forget it, I’m going to my room.”
I start climbing the stairs and go to my room. I throw my self to the bed immediately after I go inside my room. Huwahh~ I’m so tired~ But actually being with him always fun! He’s funny.
Thinking about him made me remember something that Jurina tell me in the morning.
Yuki surely had a familiar face for me. All about him is familiar to me. Really familiar. And then, he almost call me Mayu in our first meeting. Well, he’s true about I’m at the first place at the final test. But, I think that’s not an important thing for a new student, right? Or it just my thought?
Even when I feel... I don't know, when I feel like there’s butterflies in my stomatch, it’s seem familiar too. Jurina once said to me that if you feel butterfiles in your stomatch, that means you’re in love. But hey, that means I already familiar with these feeling, I already familiar with loving him.
Hey, so I’m in love with Yuki right now?
Ahh, I don't know! All of these thing is just confused me!
so, how? feel free to coment~~