Scroll 3 : MASTER IS CARING“Ahhh… that was a nice game!”
“Yeah! Too bad it’s history after this…”
A group of second year’s girls are inside the locker room after a vigorous exercise and volleyball game on their PE class. Jurina is one of them, of course. As the girls are talking and gossiping around about nothing, Jurina keeps herself on guard. Her head turns to the right and left, her eyes scanning with hawk’s vision every nooks and corners of the locker room for a certain raven hair girl. She lets out a relieved sigh as there’s no sign of the perverted ninja…
“Are you okay, Jurina?”
“Aaahh… Yes! I’m fine!”
Jurina wears a big forced grin before turning away facing her locker. In an explicit but censored scene, Jurina takes off her sweaty shirt over her head, leaving her upper body with only a single clothing to cover her assets. She grabs a towel to dab some of the sticky substance on her glistening skin. She was about to undo her bloomer when one of her classmate shrieks before hiding behind the slightly bare almighty Jurina.
“KYAAAH!”“W-what’s wrong?
“What happened, Ego-chan?”
All the girls surround her as she points to the dark corner of the lockers.
“T-there… t-t-tt-there’s s-something over there!!!”
“EEHHH???!!”“The eyes… they were…
“Is it… a ghost?”
“It’s daylight, you idiot!”
“But it’s dark…over there…”
EEEEEP!!!The girls all scamper behind Jurina, pushing her closer to the dark corner where a shadow of something can be seen crouching with slight long hair visibly hanging beside the locker at the end.
“W-why are you guys hiding behind me?!”
“We don’t care! Do something!”
GULP…Jurina resolves to brave herself after being pushed quite annoyingly on her back numerous times. She bits her lower lip as she gets closer…
…and closer…
…step by step…
Jurina raises her brow as a familiar pair of eyes with glimmering stars stare at her. The eyes belong to the accused ghost turns to normal as she sees the girl she’s been stalking all this while is in front of her. Her eyes drop on Jurina’s exposed upper body with a piece of clothing, studying the hidden shapes before landing back on Jurina’s eyes again. A small smile creepily forms on her pale face…
“Ah! Jurina-sama, that’s a nice br-“
Before Rena could finish her sentence, Jurina had swing her long hand mightily across the frail girl’s cheek.
It is lunch time and Jurina is sitting opposite of Rena in her class with their lunches on the table. The girl crosses her arms while scrutinizing her ninja’s face. A big high-five mark of Jurina’s strong hand printed on her red pale cheek.
“What were you doing in there?”
“I was watching over you, Jurina-sama.” Rena said with a serious determined face.
“Well, next time don’t ever scare people like that again…”
“I will, Jurina-sama.”
Jurina feels guilty with her action. Her slap really did leave a great mark as Rena's cheek had become painfully swollen and red with the shape of her hand.
“Does it hurt?”
“Not at all! I’m glad to have been marked by you, Jurina-sama!”
GRRRR…THWACK!Now, there’s even a round lump on top of Rena’s head slowly rising like a bread dough being baked in the oven.
“Don’t ever say things like that!”
“Very well. You can hit me wherever you want, Jurina-sama. I’ll eagerly accept all the love you give me!”
A red blush forms on both Jurina’s already rosy cheeks. She doesn’t know if Rena is being serious like serious serious or… serious. Does that make sense? No, that’s what Jurina’s mind is playing at too. Being with Rena made her thinks of all the unthinkable things that can’t even be think by normal kid. She should be one of the normal teenage girls but Rena is making her do the impossible. Trying to distract herself from thinking too much of the ninja, Jurina opens her lunch box. She was about to take a bite of the heavenly smell tamagoyaki when the sound of plastic being ripped destroyed her mood. She stares at Rena taking a bite of the huge crusty looking bread. They have been regularly eating lunch together and until today, that is the only and only lunch Rena ever had.
“Does the term “nutritional balance” not appear in your dictionary?”
“Not unless it’s listed under “I TOTALLY LOVE MELON PAN”!”
This girl is not serious, is she guys? Nope. She is serious, Jurina. You should have known better as Rena’s master than us. We are merely humble peasants.
“But there’s nothing more important tool than the body for a ninja!”
“I’ll overcome through pure spirit, somehow or another.”
Jurina can’t stand the sight of Rena having another melon pan for her lunch so she thought of some brilliant ideas with her smart brain.
“How about I get mom to make lunch for you too?”
“No! I wouldn’t dream of being a bother to her!”
Hmmm… think Jurina… think!“Ah! How about I make one for you?”
The serious face of Rena suddenly turns gloom with a cloud of devastation and misery hanging above her head.
“Oh…n-no, no! I couldn’t possibly ask such thing of you, Jurina-sama!” Rena said with her head and hands shaking altogether in refusal of the kind and slight worrying offer of her master.
Jurina saw the severely worried face Rena showed for a second there but she won’t have it any other way for Rena to reject her courteous effort of a charity, even if the girl had to die from her cooking.
Rena could only swallowed a large gulp of her spit with whatever doom waiting for her tomorrow, in courtesy of her persistent master.
4 in the morning… (by gwen Stefani
)Jurina sluggishly wears the apron while yawning with her big mouth. She had cooked before and she surely knows how to make a bento from her mom guidance. She definitely remembers her mom and dad giving thumbs up for the great delicious homemade lunch… only that was almost 10 years ago. That was the last time she had ever been to the kitchen to help her mother prepare food.
“Good luck, Jurina… I’ll continue sleeping so call me if you need anything, honey…”
if I can wake up from my dreams… Jurina’s mom heads back to her room after Jurina confidently said she can handle everything perfectly… bad.
“How do I crack the eggs? Oh! Just smash them on the bowl… Easy!”
Jurina literally smashes the eggs on the edge of the bowl but it’s not as easy as it seems…
“Ah! Oh no! The shells got in…”
She tried to move the bowl but because there’s a certain klutz genetic running in her blood, she just had to whack the bowl out of her hands….
A girl who had already worn her school uniform swiftly catches the bowl of eggs before placing it on top of the kitchen counter.
“It’s bad to waste these…”
ZOOM!Jurina just blinks her eyes indifferently, already getting used to Rena’s unpredictable appearance before continuing to prepare for the next ingredient. She placed a round orangey pumpkin on top of the chopping board with a dangerously sharp knife on her hand. Her hand is shaking a little but nothing can stop her from cutting the big pumpkin. If her mom can do it, of course she can! She carefully puts the knife on top of the pumpkin, putting a bit of pressure slowly and precisely when…
…the orange vegetable slipped from her grasp.
“Ah! It flew!”
And again, the ninja appears on Jurina’s sight. Rena flies in the air before catching the round pumpkin with both hands like a professional goalkeeper. She softly lands on the floor while handing the pumpkin to her master in a kneeling position.
“Your pumpkin, Jurina-sama?”
Jurina is getting fed up with Rena’s antics and she wants no disturbance to complete the almost impossible ultimate task.
“Geez… do you have to always be around? Let me do it alone!”
“However, Jurina-sama… this place is truly a danger zone for you.”
Before they can start arguing, Jurina’s mom comes into view from the ruckus and obviously worrying scene. She can’t have her sleep anyway if she’s been thinking of her daughter’s safety all night.
“Jurina, in this world, there is an existence of wonders such as these!”
Jurina’s mom holds out packets of frozen foods with gleaming eyes with background of flowers and rainbows behind her like some commercial ads.
“Uwooh! Cooking will be a snap with these treasures… Thanks, mom!”
Jurina’s mom gives a peace sign before dragging the worried Rena out of the kitchen to the living room. They took a seat beside the table with teas already prepared for them.
“Did you make these, Rena-san? You sure work things fast.”
“It’s one of the secret ninja skills, Jurina-sama’s mom.”
Jurina’s mom nods with a beautiful smile that resembles her daughter’s. Rena should be mesmerized with the smile but not when she is fidgeting around in her seat, her mind troubled with Jurina’s well-being. Jurina’s mom took notice of the ninja’s anxiety and decided to give some adult advice to her.
“Rena-san… I know the kitchen is a worrying place. But let’s trust Jurina with this one.”
Rena keeps mum as she stares at Jurina’s mom full with interest and curiosity.
“Sometimes, even as ninja, to watch over someone vigilantly means to patiently watch from the sidelines.”
“Patience…” Rena mutters the word as her brain tries to work some sense from Jurina’s mom advice. Her eyes sparkle as she finally understands the true meaning of it.
“I see! This is like endurance-style ninjutsu! It could serve as a test for me and as excellent training too… Splendid, Jurina-sama’s mom!”
Jurina’s mom laughs seeing the enthusiastic face of Rena.
“It’s nothing much, Rena-san… oh! Just call me Jurina-mama. The name you called me is too long.”
“I will, Jurina-mama!”
“I did it!” Jurina interrupts their moments as she brings along the already finished bento for showcase.
“Here! A nutritionally-balanced lunch specially custom-made for Rena!”
Rena’s eyes once again sparkles from the extravagant lunch box she had never had before made specially for her.
“Waaah! It looks delicious! Can I have a taste?”
“Well, you should wait for lunch but since this is yours anyway, you can taste it!”
“Yatta! Ittadakimassu~”
CHOMP! MUNCH MUNCH…“It’s very tasty!” Rena beams after she swallowed the tamagoyaki. Jurina too is affected with the beam as she too shines from the praise.
“It is? Thank goodness! Now I can enjoy my precious time sitting opposite of Rena with the joy I bring to you.”
Rena slightly blushes from Jurina’s words. She never knew her master always think of her welfare, even with the simplest thing such as lunch.
“Thank you very much, Jurina-sama.”
Even if there’s an egg shell inside her tamagoyaki, even if the pumpkin is noticeably oily, even if the vegetables are half cooked, she won’t mind eating any of that. If it means she can see her master beaming and smiling with joy and happiness, Rena would do anything for her master’s sake. Even to suffer from stomachache the next morning.
“Alright! Now help me clean, Rena!”
“Ah, I refuse! I must patiently watch from the sidelines. This is also a part of training. Right, Jurina-mama?”
“Just as you said, Rena-san~”
A/N: Here you go~ I'm sorry if there's no action scene goin on...YET! Just be patient~ I'm just warming up my writings...

Btw, I think i'll be updating on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only and if you're lucky I might add up on other days as well~ so, if you don't see any updates on those days, please do spank some sense in me!

I'll gladly accept them~!!
Oh god I'm such an M

REPLIES:@Kirozoro: Ahaha Jurina is cute~ Thanks for reading~
@River1721: Noo you haven't see Rena's normal self yet hahaha just wait~ Thanks you~
@DC2805: Rena's wish is my command!