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Author Topic: -Deal- (Hiatus)  (Read 21953 times)

Offline KaoriChan

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-Deal- (Hiatus)
« on: March 30, 2014, 12:15:29 PM »
Chapter 1

"Finally i can buy that building and start may cafe business"

She's walking alone in parking lot in middle of the night holding her prize money but suddenly she feel something sharp in her back.

"Give me all your money or i'll kill you"

"Can we talk about this you know i really need this money"

"No more talk give me that money"

"How about share, half for you and half for me??"

The Bad guy never got a chance to replay, someone talk behind them.

"What's going on here??"

When she saw that the bad guy is distracted she try to escape but the bad guy is faster than her and snatch her bag and run faster.

"Hey, Come back here, bring back my money!!"

She's trying to run after the bad guy but suddenly she feels that the other guy is hugging her behind and she look back.

'He's good looking' She thought.

"Are you crazy miss? You're safe now and still trying to chase him? the guy said.

"Of course Did you know how much that money?? It's a Big amount enough to run a business my dream business.."

"Fine go ahead chase him, i don't care if something bad happen to you again"

After the guy said that he is starting to walk away leaving the girl alone but the girl talk again.

"Go ahead?? Do you think i can chase him again he is already gone"

But the guy ignore her.

"Hey stop walking do you think you can escape, you need to pay to me!!"

"pay you?? Do you think you can fool me??"

"Well you are the reason that's why that bad guy escape!!"

"And now im the one who is responsible here and need to pay you after i help you?"

"I don't need your help, i need you pay to me!!"

And the guy walking approaching her and laugh.

"Hahaha Miss Do you know who i am??"

"No i don't know you, and i don't care who you are, all want is you pay me"

"I'm Takahashi Kai, and did you see that building that's mine. So do you think you can fool with your plan? I know that happen lately is an acting"

"Plan?Acting?Like i said i don't care who you are and that is not my plan also not an acting, now you need to pa-!"

the girl didn't finish her word because someone interrupt.

"Is there a problem here Mam and Sir?"Police said.

"Yes this girl keep asking that i need to give her money"

"Huh??Wait, wait!! are you believing that guy??Look to my face am i look like a bad person??Don't believe him!!"

When she look back again the small guy already got far. and the police grab.

"you need come with me miss"

"You will pay for this someday Takahashi Kai"The girl said in her mind


[It's summer break now!! :cow: and i want to do something, that's why i write this since it keeps running in my head but I'm still thinking how to continue this fic. hehe :mon sweat:
my writing skill is not that good :(, I'm reaaly sorry if my grammars and spellings are wrong, I'm still practising and hope to improve]

 :mon bye: :mon bye:
« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 10:13:17 AM by KaoriChan »

Offline Sydney W

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2014, 01:03:43 PM »
Another atsumina or should I say kai x atsuko. Hope you could update frequently.

Offline prof.j

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2014, 01:45:57 PM »
new kaixacchan fic

looking forward to next update :D

Offline AtsuminaForever

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2014, 02:05:30 PM »
OH YEAAHH!! KaiAcchan all the way!!! hehehe Update soon author-san!!  :deco: :deco: Love love your fic..  :cathappy: :cathappy:

Offline KaoriChan

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-Deal- [KaixAtsuko]
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2014, 03:44:56 PM »
Chapter 2

"What we're you thinking Atsuko? Are you crazy?? What did you do huh??He's Takahashi and they are the reason that's why our Maeda Comp. is well known"

Atsuko's brother said and it's look like anytime he want to kill her younger sister and the poor girl keep silent.

"You are always like this a troublemaker but this time not a simple trouble!!"

"Are you bored in your life and did that thing?? Everything that you want i give it to you is there something you want that i can't give??"

After their parents died in a car accident her brother became overprotective to her, She can't do what she want in her life that's why she became rebellious.

"Nothing, Can i go to my room now?? i'm really tired" Atsuko's answer with cold tone.

She's taking the upstair but her brother shout.

"Maeda Atsuko!!"

"Yes!!"Atsuko answered and stop walking.

"I don't know what to do with you anymore, Atsuko!!"Her brother shout "At first i think i don't need to continue that planned but you're giving me no choice,"

"Huh!!What planned??" Atsuko said and feels bad about this plan.

"You're going to marry Takahashi Kai, just as our dad and uncle Takahashi planned years a ago."

'Oh great i want to die now!!' Atsuko scream in her mind
"No, I don't think this is fair, I admit that i'm a troublemaker  but going to marry that guy as your punishment is not fair"

"I don't have a choice Atsuko i don't think you will change anymore, and i want to tell you something if you are not going to marry him you will never recieve anything from me that's why you're going to marry him wether you like or not."

"Fine whatever" Atsuko said and continue to walk upstair she don't want to argue to her brother she know what ever happen she can't win over him.


Gomennasai if it's short update... :mon POd:

and thank you for the comment minna :mon love:


Offline prof.j

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2014, 04:22:58 PM »
really fast update  :w00t: I like it  :thumbsup

Interesting  XD
I always liked arranged marriage story  :P hehehe

looking forward to the next chapter  :grin:

Offline cisda83

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2014, 07:55:17 PM »
Ah... Kai is so....?????

Poor Atsuko to lose her money just like that

And now she need to marry Kai

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the nice chapters

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Haruko

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2014, 05:16:16 AM »
good fic! thanx

Offline KaoriChan

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-Deal- [KaixAtsuko] Chapter 3~
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2014, 12:09:53 PM »
Chapter 3

"Wait wait.. What do you mean by that?? you will sell this building to other client??"Atsuko asked

"But Acchan last week you said to me this day you will give the half price of this building"

"Yes i said that and i really already have the money but there is something happen, please can you give me more time again i really want this building please" Atsuko said.

"Fine, i'll give you a more but as soon as possible pay half of the price or whole you know the owner really want to sell this because they are going out of country"

"Promise i will pay you, i can assure you that"

"Okay but if not i will really give this building to other client and he is willing to double the price."

"Don't worry, i will pay this building"

"But Acchan i'm curious, Your family is rich, Maeda is one of the richest in this country but why you need to search money to pay."

"My family has nothing to do with this"Atsuko said 'I want to prove to my brother i can do this without his help' she said in her mind

"Fine, fine...that's your personal life. Surely pay as soon as possible or else i will have no choice to give this building to Takahashi"

"Ehh Takahashi again??' "Did you said Takahashi,right??" Atsuko asked.

"Yes Takahashi. Kai Takahashi..the owner of Takahashi Company and i think he's planning to have an business extension"

"Can i ask something, What do you know about that guy??"

"So you're interested to him?? All i know is he's single and there's so many girl wants to be her girlfriend but that guy it looks like don't have an interest.....He's rich and don't forget to mention he's also a good looking guy and i think he's already have an girlfriend or else he's a gay hahaha"

'last time i saw him, i don't think he's a gay' Atsuko though.

"I think he's not a gay"

"Well just kidding Acchan but i'm sure he's already have girlfriend and for some reason they still keep it in secret."

"You know you have an potential to become one of the annoying paparazzi hahaha"

"Well i still love my job now..but i think it's time to me leave now i need to meet the other client.. Bye Acchan"

"Bye, Thank you so much"

'Takahashi Kai' Atsuko smile 'It's time to payback'


Next day..

"It's been a long the last time i wear this kind of dress" Atsuko said while looking to herself in mirror.

After her parents died she's contented to wear jeans and t shirt, but this time she needs to wear knee length dress and make up because she have an mission.

-Takahashi Company-

She enter the building and walking towards the elevator but the receptionist asked her.

"Excuse me Mam, Where are you going??"

"I'm here to see Takahashi Kai " She said with sophisticated tone.

"Do you have an appointment to Takahashi-San?? Takahashi-San don't want to be disturb"

"I don't need an appointment, Because I'm his fiance"

Atsuko leave the receptionist having a shock in face and she think it will take times before it will recover from what she said.

'Don't want to be disturb huh' Atsuko thought.And Atsuko continue to walk and stand in front of the elevator waiting to open but someone talk to her.

"Excuse me Miss are you a Model or something? I mean you know even if I'm a gay you can get my attention you look so beautiful..*give calling card* contact me if you want to become a model"

"No, I'm not a model or anything but thank you for the compliment...and i will think about that offer*smile*.....hmmm Can i ask you??"

"Yes what it is?"

"Do you know what floor is Takahashi Kai office??"

"It is located top floor of this building..Are you his friend??"

Suddenly the elevator open.. "No" and Atsuko enter inside and press the top floor (A/N: I don't know what no. of the floor ^-^) before the door finally close she said again "I'm his fiance"

Atsuko saw the face of the man and it's look he saw a ghost,


Top Floor/Takahashi Office

'This office it's look like a condominium, and it's a timing 12:02pm his secretary is in break..'Atsuko thought.

While looking around she saw a door that slightly open when she look inside. She saw Kai with other girl.

'I thought he's a single'

"What do you mean Kai??" the girl said.

"You know what i mean, Ray I'm asking you marry me."

Atsuko step back 'Huh!!Marry??' and look again 'Isn't it Ray the Diva??"

"You already know i can't accept your offer"

"But why not??"

"what will happen to my career, and there's so many i want to do in my life."

'How can i marry this guy is he's already inlove with someone' Atsuko thought, and she saw Ray hug Kai from behind.

"Just give me a little more time Kai. because this time it is International movie"

"Fine,after that movie we can marry??"

Ray didn't answer the question but break the hug and kiss him on the lips.When Atsuko saw this she feels something new to her.
'What happened to you Atsuko?' Asked to herself.

When she look back again she saw Kai looking at her direction and Atsuko hide in a faster way.

"I may not be there anymore Ray" Kai said.

"What do you me-" and Ray phone ring

"Kai it was my manager i need to go"

when Ray get out the room she saw Atsuko sitting one of the chair.

"Who are you and what are you doing here??"

Atsuko never got a chance to answer that question because Ray's phone ring again and leave the office.. 'That Diva choose her career than someone she love' she thought

"Who are you and what are you doing here in my office??" Kai asked

But Atsuko didn't say anything.

"Again i will ask you, who are you?? are you here sell your body to me or something??"

"No, I don't need to sell myself to you, I'm here to tell you that leave the Chenesis Building"

Kai smile"Miss, I don't who you are, you came here in my office and acting like a crazy woman"

"You don't remember me Takahashi Kai, Im the girl that you accused and put in a jail nights ago!!"


-Kai is kinda bad here.. :err:
-I hope everyone will understand I'm really sorry if grammars and spellings are wrong in this fic :mon whimper:

 :byebye: :byebye:
« Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 12:47:25 PM by KaoriChan »

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-Deal- [KaixAtsuko]
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2014, 03:25:39 PM »
i like your aachan's character..
kai's probably dense here right?
omoshiroi ne! :) keep it up!

Offline cisda83

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2014, 03:28:55 PM »
AH... Ray and Kai.... together....

Kai wanted to marry Ray but Ray prefer her career here....

Interesting twist, differ from the one in Mendol

What would Kai do now to Atsuko?

Did Kai even know about his supposed fiancee?

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2014, 03:36:16 PM »
thanks for update :)

so, Ray is here..

Acchan is very daring
I wonder what will happen next   :roll:

and about the spelling and grammar I think there is no problem  :D
*actually I also wondering if you can understand what I'm saying  :lol: :sweatdrop:

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2014, 04:31:41 PM »
I shall.. follow this fan fiction.
Don't mind me, just random stalking.  :ding:
-Escape  :mon trudge: -
ll The Idol MatchMake ll ;

ll One-shot collection ll"

One does not simply update without inspiration .

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2014, 08:39:07 PM »
Nice!! Kai atsuko !!! Cant wait for the nextttttttt >,<

Offline Justqle

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2014, 11:58:32 PM »
Yohohohohooooo, I really like these fanfics KaixAtsuko  :nya:

i'll be waiting for an update  :twothumbs

Offline KaoriChan

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-Deal- [KaixAtsuko] Chapter 4~
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2014, 04:06:13 PM »
Minna I'm really sorry if i can't answer your questions because i really don't know how can i answer:badluck:

Chapter 4

"Ah you are that girl haha, So you're good with your words or better, maybe you offered yourself to the police that you can get out of the jail??'

'I will kill this guy!!Do you want to play with me huh' Atsuko said in her mind

"Yes, you're right I offered myself to the police but it work didn't it?? and now i'm here in front of you."

"So you are not a thief also a kind of woman selling their body"

"And actually i can also a b*tch whenever i like it."

"What do you mean??"

"Leave the Chenesis Building or else"

"Or else what?"

"I will tell to media everything,about your relationship and proposal to Ray"

"Don't you dare to do that"

"What if i do that?"

"I will put you in jail again and i will make sure that you can't get out of there"

"Isn't that cruel thing to say that to your future wife??"

"What did you say??"

Atsuko never got a chance to talk again because someone open the door. it is her brother and Kai's father

"Kai!!, Atsuko!! ehh wait Atsuko?"old man said. "Ryuu-kun this beatiful girl infront of us is this your younger sister right?"

"Ehh, Ahh right she's Atsuko" Her brother look at her.

"Atsuko-Chan I'm Hiro Takahashi Kai's father but call me Uncle Hiro"

"Nice to meet you Uncle Hiro"

"It's look like you already know each other, Why don't we discuss about your wedding, you already know about this Kai right??"

"Dad there's no need to rush-" Kai said but Atsuko cut her.

"You're right Uncle Hiro, We don't need to waste time" Atsuko said smile at Kai.

"Good It's settled then. How about we talk about this wedding tonight in our house, and your mom Kai will be happy about this" Hiro said.

"That's great Uncle, and I know Atsuko is not busy tonight Right??" Ryuu said and look to his sister *I'm warning you*

"Yes i'm not busy *smile* and I wouldn't miss it" Atsuko said.

"Kai, are you free tonight??" Kai's father asked.

"Actually no, i have an appointment"

"and I'm sure he can cancel, Right Kai??" Atsuko asked innocently.

"You're right Atsuko, What can be more important than planning your own wedding, I think we need to go Ryuu-kun leave this two ALONE haha"
Kai's father.

'this is perfect torture to him' Atsuko said in her mind.


"Why didn't you disagree?" Atsuko asked

"Will make any difference if i disagree? they've planning this wedding for a decade and you why did you agree and it's look like you are excited"Kai said.

"I have my own reason"

"Which are??"

"None of your business"and then Kai smile "I didn't expect you are Maeda Atsuko, Maeda's princess, all of woman in this world you will be may wife"

"And you, all of men in this world you, you that the most crazy guy will be my husband"

"But we can have an divorce"

"Which is i will never sign if you didn't give the Chenesis building"

"Why do you want it so much??"

"and again, none of your business"

"Fine, i will buy that building under your name but don't you dare to tell to media what happened lately"

'Yes! I think i win in this game haha' Atsuko said in her mind


"And we will have divorce once it is yours" Kai said.

"Exactly. After 6 months we will file divorce...."

"....we will act we are getting know each other but nothing will change that's why we choose to have an divorce" Atsuko said.

"Right. We will have our freedom after 6 months. But..."

"But..What?" Atsuko asked.

"I'll agree with all of this but what will i get after divorce you have the Chenesis building and this is unfair if i don't get anything right" and Kai

"Fine, W-What do you want??" Atsuko asked nervously.

"Great Hot Sex" (A/N: It is okay to write that word, right?? )

'Wait, Whaaat!!!what will i to do now?? is this a karma??' Atsuko said in her mind.

"What??What do you think of me. That the most-?"

"Why you so shocked?? and acting like you're some kind of a virgin? remember you offer yourself to police you are the who said that."

"I know. But-"

"But what soon-to-be-wife"Kai said with insulting voice.

"Nothing. Okay!! That one all you want fine"

"Don't worry, i'll never let you get pregnant, you're not my type to spend the rest of my life."

"Same goes from me" 'Ouch its really hurt,how dare you to say that, i really want to kill this guy'

"So we're just going to get married because of sex. No emotional attachment..."
"....and No falling in love with each other"Kai said.

"Of course..But what if one of us fall in love??" Atsuko asked.

"Then he or she will have to face the consequences then"Kai answered.

"Deal"Atsuko said.

"Deal" Kai walk toward to door but before he left he look back again

"And Atsuko?" Kaid said.


"If I'm not satisfied with will never have that Building..." Kaid said and left the room.


 :byebye: :byebye:

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2014, 04:14:02 PM »
Oh..  Woah!
Go for it Kai! I mean..
EH. I really hope one of them fall in love to each other soon..
Update soon Kay? (≧▽≦)/~
ll The Idol MatchMake ll ;

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Offline cisda83

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2014, 05:21:25 PM »
EH... Kai wanted to have sex with Atsuko when he was just proposed to Ray

Talk about a weird moral

What would Kai do about Ray when she heard about this?

Would Atsuko and Kai do the deed?

Would Atsuko get pregnant?

How are they going to get together?

Would they fall in love with each other?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]
« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2014, 12:21:09 AM »
Kai ?? o_O

the story becomes more exciting XD

can't wait to the next  :grin:

Offline AtsuminaForever

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2014, 02:41:59 AM »
I love the fic very much!!! :D But, of course, I'll never do it in reality haahaha.. Demo, this is a fic so, author-san update soooon!!! ^_____^

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