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Author Topic: Nametag - Chapter 9 (WMatsui fanfic) - COMPLETED  (Read 25128 times)

Offline menamarco96

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Nametag - Chapter 9 (WMatsui fanfic) - COMPLETED
« on: April 20, 2014, 04:55:00 AM »


        Onishii Kita High School bell rang. Everyone hurried out of the class to the cafeteria while Jurina walked with her friend Mayu and Sae. The three of them today brought their own bento and decided to ate lunch at the rooftop. Eventhough it was the middle of November, and the weather is chilly, they still decided to have their lunch there.
        “ Bleargh , tempura again!?,” ranted Mayu while playing with her food, “ I don’t know how many times I told my mom not to make a tempura bento.”
        “ Here, you can have my macaroni cheese, “ said Sae, holding out her bento towards Mayu.
        “ Gee, thanks Sae-chan , “ said Mayu, accepting the offer.
        “ Ah ! I almost forgot, “ said Sae, searching and ruffling her coat. She fished out a slightly wrinkled letter and gave it to Jurina. “ It’s from one of your fans. Again.”
        Jurina who was stuffing her hungry stomach with melonpan, just muffled, “ You can p-paekkit”
        “ Eh ?? ,” said a slightly confused Sae.

        Jurina swallowed her final bits of melonpan and said, “ You. Can. Take. It.”
       “Nandero? Why would I take it? Its yours by the way. And hey, if you’re tired of getting love letters from people, why don’t you date someone? I mean, if you date someone, eventually the letters will stop, won’t it?” suggested Sae.

        Mayu snorted and said, “ Tch. As if she’s interested. My suggestion is you stop being too nice to all the girls out there. Try and be a tsundere like me.”
        “ Hey, I’m not just nice to the girls okay. I’m an all-rounder. Besides, it’s not that I’m tired of the love letters or anything. Its just that my bag is full with letters and gifts and I think my bag is gonna torn off soon,” sighed Jurina.
         They walk back halfway downstairs when Jurina forgets that she left her handkerchief at the rooftop.
         “ You guys go ahead. I left my handkerchief. Catch you both later,” said Jurina and she walked back to the direction she came from when suddenly a girl infront of her was running with a pile of books in her hands, hit Jurina and basically the stereotype thing that always happen, the book and the girl carrying it , fell.
         “ Are you okay?,” asked Jurina, while helping the shoulder-length hair girl picking up her books.
          The girl’s hair covered her face so Jurina couldn’t take a full look on the girl. The girl grabbed the book from Jurina’s hand and keep bowing and saying “ Thank you” and something about need to hurry to the lab and the girl immediately rushed down the stairs, leaving Jurina scrouching down at the stairs alone. The girl seems to have left her nametag and shockingly, the name written at the nametag spells  “Matsui Rena” .

          Wow, same family name, thought Jurina. She picked up the nametag and kept it in her pocket. She thought the girl might knew her since Jurina is famous throughout the school. The girl might come back and asked for her nametag. But she was wrong. After several days, the girl did not even came to her. Neither Jurina could find the “rushing” girl. For all Jurina could remember is her hair and her pale white skin, plus, her name, Matsui Rena.
          It was Thursday and Thursday meant club activities day after school. Every Thursday, all of the students finish their lessons at 2.30pm so that they can prepare for their club activities at 3.30pm. Jurina always stayback at school because her apartment is a little far from her school. Jurina is the Vice President for the swimming club and usually a lot of girls would skipped their club activities just to watch Jurina and several good looking boys swimming at their school pool.
          Jurina walked through the door leading to the pool place and was welcomed with like 6 or 7 girls waving and shrieking crazily at her. Some were even holding a board saying “ Jurina Ganbatte”. Jurina managed a smile and slightly wave back at the girls, receiving another loud shrieking from them. She went to her personal V.P room and saw the Secretary of the Swimming Club, Kenji, arranging a pile of papers.
         “ Oh , hey boss,” said Kenji cheerfully while shoving the papers to Jurina, “ Here’s the new namelist for the new intake for the swimming club. We only chose 10 over the 40 people who came for tryouts.”
         “ Gee, thanks Kenji,” said  Jurina while scanning the names. Jurina paused at the last name. The 10th member who managed to enter the club. Matsui Rena.
           Kenji was a few steps away from the door when Jurina asked, “ Hey, is everyone in this namelist here?”

         “ Yeah, I think so,” said Kenji , “ I told them to make a good impression towards the swimming clubs boards since its their first time. Why?”
         “ Can you help me?” asked Jurina, still staring at the name in the paper.
           Jurina waited for several minutes. For some reason, she felt like hours. And for some weird reason, she felt her heart beats fast. What the heck is wrong with you Jurina? asked herself in her thoughts. Calm down. You just wanna give back that nametag. Why are you being so nervo---
           The door slowly opened. The same shoulder length hair girl, but now wearing a blue suit and tracks entered the room. Her eyes looking downwards and her head slightly bowing, closed the door.
         “ S-sumimasen, the secretary  told me that you call—“
         “ Matsui Rena?” Jurina blurted out, cutting the girl.

           The girl looked up and at that moment, Jurina knew, she is falling head over heels on this girl who shared the same family name as her.

      ~to be continued

Offline DC2805

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Re: Nametag Chapter 1 (WMatsui)
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2014, 06:33:44 AM »
Could this be... Love at first sight... Of the nametag?  :lol:

Let's see how the shy rena (she kept bowing) is going to catch the heart of Ms Popular!  :inlove:
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline Zhen

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Re: Nametag Chapter 1 (WMatsui)
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2014, 11:46:22 AM »
Finallyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :deco:
Next next next next!!!  :D :panic: :panic: :panic:

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Re: Nametag Chapter 1 (WMatsui)
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2014, 04:29:48 PM »

Offline River1721

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Re: Nametag Chapter 1 (WMatsui)
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2014, 08:51:23 PM »
Aw~ this is so cute! :inlove:
Jurina found Rena's nametag and fell in love with her~ :wub:
I definitely agree  :twothumbs
Lets see what Rena and Jurina will do after they properly introduce each other? :w00t:
Will Rena also fall for Jurina? :?
Update soon~ :thumbsup :D

Offline menamarco96

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Re: Nametag Chapter 2 (WMatsui)
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2014, 02:50:46 AM »

" D-did you called me?," asked Rena, slowly approaching the table Jurina's sitting, " Umm--senpai?"

Jurina snapped into reality, "'re Matsui Rena, right?

Rena nodded, her head still bowing a little, trying to avert eyes.

" You left this," Jurina hold out the nametag infront of Rena. Rena looked at the thing Jurina was holding in disbelief and said, " Eee? I've been searching this everywhere. I thought I lost it. I was also afraid if the prefects will caught me not wearing the name--"

Rena abruptly stop in her words when she heard Jurina's laugh. Rena's cheeks turn crimson red and her head bowed again.
Jurina can't contain her feelings on seeing Rena talking so fast suddenly and her reaction on seeing her nametag. It was too cute she ended up laughing. Rena kept looking at her every few seconds, wondering why the senpai infront of her is laughing suddenly.

"Sorry, I just--y-you're cute," said Jurina. There, said it, thought Jurina. Now, its her turn to turn red apple. " D-Dont lose it anymore, okay? Even if you knocked someone or fell down at school, your nametag is the first thing you search."

Rena suddenly turn wide eye and kept bowing vigorously, " I am sorry senpai. I didn't thought it was you. I w-was in a hurry at that time. I lost my way. I'm s--"

"Hey relax, I'm not mad at you? I mean, why would I?" asked Jurina, scratching her head.

Rena nodded and she tooked her nametag, " Thanks. I guess I'll go outside now."

", " said Jurina, feeling a little happy and sad at the same time. Happy because its the first conversation she had with this kawaii shy girl infront of her but sad she is walking away already. I really need to see this girl again, thought Jurina firmly.

The swimming practice was held and as usual, screams of support from the stands could be heard everytime Jurina and some other famous swimmers started swimming. Out of the corner of her eye, Jurina kept checking on Rena. She seemed shy, but at the same time she works really hard swimming back and forth 100metres using different swimming techniques. Jurina rest at the edge of the pool for a while, amazed at Rena's determination, eventhough she's still a newbie in the swimming club.

The president blew the whistle to signal that practice is over. Everyone hurled out of the pool. Jurina was immediately offered with a blue towel from one of her "fans" , Annin. 

" Here, take this," said Annin with her bright smile, holding out the towel.

" Thanks Annin, " said Jurina. She patted Annin's shoulder in a friendly way to show her thankfulness and immediately when to the shower room. She took a warm shower and later started packing up her things to go back home. She kept her towel in the locker. Sighing at the sight of piles of towels stacking in her locker. All given by some of her fans.

Suddenly she wondered if Rena was in the locker room to. She turned around to no avail. There was just Yukirin fixing her hair while looking at the mirror. Of course, thought Jurina, who would still be here, its almost 6pm. Jurina is the kind of person who likes to take long showers and sometimes, will make some pretty hard life decisions there.

" I'm going now shoujo!," said Yukirin while wearing her coat. " You really need to take less time showering. Plus, its cold outside."

" I'll try," smirked Jurina and she picked up her coat, wear her beanie and plugged in her earphones. Jurina cringed due to the coldness outside. Its -1 degree celcius outside and she kinda regret on staying in the shower for too long. She nod to several girls who was giving their best-seductive-smile to Jurina and headed to the train station.

Jurina hunched and started to wear her gloves. It's freaking cold, thought Jurina, I need beeeeeed. There wasn't many people much at that time and Jurina looked to her right and found a familiar looking girl, like 30 metres on her right, reading a book. Her white skin became more paler exposed to the cold.

"Ren--" her call out to the girl was cut because the train had just arrived. They board the train and both of them were standing near but separated with an aunt standing between them. Rena was staring outside, still didn't noticed Jurina, who was looking every few second at her. Jurina starts to wonder where Rena is staying. As for Jurina, she's just two stops from the place she boarded.

" Attention this is Takasaki Station. Passengers may go out from the right side door."

Several peope including Jurina started to scrambled out from the train and shockingly Rena went out too. Jurina was heading to her apartment. She lived there alone since her parents are both working in London. They bought a luxurious apartment called I-Park which had a nice view of Tokyo. While walking, Jurina kept looking at the back of Rena who's still walking a few metres infront of her. She really has a nice body, thought Jurina, staring at the slender figure. What the heck are you thinking! Urghhhh, Jurina let out a small growl which suddenly made the figure infront of her turned around.

"Ju-Jurina senpai?," Rena said in a shock tone. She started to slow down on her pace so that Jurina could catch up with her.

" Ah..yeah. I wasn't s-stalking you or anything--" stuttered Jurina. Do I look like a stalker, Jurina thought again.

"You live in this area?" Rena asked while they walk. She didn't met Jurina's eyes though. Rena's cheek was getting redder too. Maybe its because of the cold wind though.

"Yeah, I'm staying at I-Park. You live there too ?" asked Jurina hopefully. She doesn't know why but she's half-hoping Rena is staying there too.

"No," answered Rena

"Oh, I th--" Jurina sounded like a flat tyre

"But, I'm staying nearby. Just across the park, " said Rena quickly, glancing quite a few times at Jurina.

They reached a T-Junction and there's only two ways, if it's the right way, you could already see a tall building 100metres from where their standing. That's I-Park. If they turn left, there's housing area and the middle is the park.

"I guess, I'll  be going then.."said Rena in a low tone while bowing to Jurina.

"Uh..yeah. Ashita matane !," said Jurina confidently. Well she's trying to.

Rena suddenly winced when Jurina said that, " H-Hai."

Rena turned left and walked away.  Jurina still stood there looking like some dumbfounded person who lost their way home, staring at Rena's back going further away. She doesn't know why, but she felt kinda lonely now that Rena had gone back home.

She slowly dragged her feet to her apartment. Push the 7th floor button in the elevator. Reached her room and punched out the passwords on her door.
"Okaeri, " muttered Jurina under her breath. She immediately sanked to the comfortable sofa. Thinking about what happened today. She thought of Rena and this might sound mushy and weird, but there's this sudden feel like an electric moving inside her body, giving her heart some electric shocks. This tingling feeling, thought Jurina, could it be....

Jurina suddenly nudged up when her phone vibrated. She took out from her pocket and discovered 2 missed calls from Mayu and 5 text messages from Mayu, Sae and some of her friends. I'll call her later, thought Jurina. She logged in to her twitter account and start scrolling down the newsfeed. Her "mentions" were too many for her to replied so she just read and replied to few people.

Jurina felt like tweeting suddenly. She tweeted, "Nametag really has nice eyes"

Just by that tweet, she'd received a lot of RT-s and favourites and a jumble ofquestions. Jurina chuckled at a few comments about her tweet. Some of her fans are really like the I-want-to-know-it-all type. Then, a DM just blopped out from Mayu.

"You cant answer my calls and here you are tweeting about the nametag girl -_-"

Mayu is really quick to catch up about these. So that's why Jurina never lied to Mayu. Even if she tried, Mayu wont buy it.

"I didn't notice, silly. Why were you calling?"

"I was going to ask you about the physics homework baka. What page did we need to do? Me and Sae-chan didnt jot it down earlier.

" Pg 12 - 16 . Have fun doing it! I'm off to shower."

Jurina's an all-rounder at school. Her looks are a bonus. She's known for being a top ranking student in school and she's athletic too. Despite being famous and stuff, she never dates anyone before. Well, she did met a lot of pretty and kawaii girls who's into her, but her heart just doesn't tick. But this Rena the nametag girl, everytime Jurina sees her, her stomach felt like its doing a somersault. I like her, thought Jurina.

" I like you," Jurina muttered slowly. A huge grin starts to spread on her face. So this....this is love?
         -to be continued.

Offline River1721

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Re: Nametag Chapter 1 (WMatsui)
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2014, 03:01:18 AM »
Ah~ for some reason I can't stop blushing when I was reading this! :shy2:
Yay! Jurina was finally able to talk to Rena!  :on cny1:
Jurina and Rena even live near each other~ :on cny2:
Jurina finally knows how love is~ :hee:
I hope Jurina and Rena are able to interact more next chapter :mon angel:
I love these kinds of stories! :mon determined:
Can't wait for the next chapter~ :mon XD:

Offline menamarco96

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Re: Nametag Chapter 1 (WMatsui)
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2014, 03:08:47 AM »
Ah~ for some reason I can't stop blushing when I was reading this! :shy2:
Yay! Jurina was finally able to talk to Rena!  :on cny1:
Jurina and Rena even live near each other~ :on cny2:
Jurina finally knows how love is~ :hee:
I hope Jurina and Rena are able to interact more next chapter :mon angel:
I love these kinds of stories! :mon determined:
Can't wait for the next chapter~ :mon XD:

Thanks for liking this kind of story  :lol:

Actually, this was my debut fanfic  :depressed:

And I always thought it was not really good but somehow a lot of people liked it  :on lol:

Offline DC2805

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Re: Nametag Chapter 2 (WMatsui) UPDATED
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2014, 05:48:41 AM »
hope to see more descriptions of rena's characters in the coming chapters :)
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline yabamoe

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Re: Nametag Chapter 2 (WMatsui) UPDATED
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2014, 01:42:44 PM »
This is the fic that makes me follow your tumblr posts :p
Why you not posted nametag first instead of coincidence?

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Nametag Chapter 2 (WMatsui) UPDATED
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2014, 04:27:32 PM »

Jurina has fall for Rena

I wonder how Rena feels

Updaye soon

Offline menamarco96

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Re: Nametag Chapter 2 (WMatsui) UPDATED
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2014, 03:24:05 AM »
This is the fic that makes me follow your tumblr posts :p
Why you not posted nametag first instead of coincidence?

Hahaha i was contemplating to post either nametag or coincidence

And at last i posted coincidence first hahaha idekwhy  :lol:

Offline menamarco96

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Re: Nametag Chapter 3 (WMatsui) UPDATED
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2014, 03:41:15 AM »
I forgot to mention that I have social accs such as twitter :
And tumblr :
Hehehe :grin:


The next day at school, since Jurina arrived, she kept her eyes wide open. Scanning for Rena, hoping to catch a glimpse or, maybe, you know, exchange a few conversations. But Jurina ended up in a devastated mode by the end of the day. Rena was nowhere to be found on the school grounds. Did she even came to school today?, thought Jurina while keeping her books in her bag.
        "Hey, whats with the long face today?," asked Sae coming over to Jurina's table.
        " What longface? My face has always been like this," shrugged off Jurina, standing up and slinging her bag on her shoulders.
        "Tch , " sneered Mayu, " You think I'm stupid? Its that nametag girl right? Matsui Rena?"
        "Wait, you mean the nametag girl?," asked Sae, looking back at forth at Mayu and Jurina in a questioning look.
        "What are you guys talking about? Lets go home! I've got tuition tonight," said Jurina and she went in the middle of Mayu and Sae and put her arms around their shoulders and dragged them out of the class. In the back of her mind, she really is thinking about Rena.
         Jurina had tuition to attend at 8pm till 9.30pm. Despite her, being a top scorer in her class, she still attends to extra night classes at a small instituiton. Hey, call her a nerd, but in this life, gaining and learning new knowledge is never-ending right?
        " Alright class, make sure you remember the difference between elasstic collision and inelastic collison....." trailed on their physics tutor.
          For some reason, Jurina was not focused that day. For the first time, Matsui Jurina, not focusing on what her tutor is talking about. Great, Jurina thought to herself, keep up being like this and you're gonna slack. When the tutor announce the class is over, she immediately stood up but she was called by her tutor.
        "Jurina-san, a word if you please, " said the tutor calling Jurina suddenly while all the others are slowly scurrying out of the class.
        "Yes?," asked Jurina, confused why her tutor called her.
        "Are you okay? You seemed kinda hazy today?," asked the tutor while he was packing his things on the table.
        "Yeah, I'm ok--,"
        " What is the difference between elastic collision and inelastic collision?" asked the tutor suddenly, looking at Jurina while waiting for an answer.
        "Umm..elastic is..umm," Jurina trailing off. Trying to rack her brains hard while mantaining an I-knew-the-answer expression infront of the teacher.
        "Wow, for the first time, you, Jurina, didn't manage to answer my question?," said the tutor sounding a little taken aback but amused at the same time.," Are you sure you're okay?"
        "Umm...I'm not feeling that well sensei," lied Jurina, tch, so much of not feeling well, what a downright lie, Jurina thought.
        "Must be the cold, eh?," questioned the tutor giving Jurina a worried look, " You need to take care of yourself. Dont work too hard. Get sufficient rest. I know you're balancing with your club activities and your studies, but, still, health is important too. Understood?"
        "Hai!," said Jurina, " I'll go now sensei. Kyo wa arigato gozaimasushita !"
         She bowed at the sensei and walked out of the class. While she was going downstairs, there were still few other people who just got out from the other classes. There were 2 classes going on at once tonight. One was her physics tuition for the 12th graders and the other one was maths class for the 10th graders. She walked out of the institution just to find a very very familiar girl, bidding goodbye to her friend. She was about to walk away when she look sideways and saw Jurina.
       "R-Rena-san..." muttered Jurina, stopping in her tracks, "How-I mean, do you go to this institution too?"
       "Y-yes.. senpai ?" asked Rena, sounding curious and taken aback at the same time.
       "Yeah..I've been here for a year. I m-mean, not standing here, I mean learning in this instituition." stumbled Jurina. What the heck is going on with you Jurina, she thought to herself, she couldnt remember how many times she kept face-palming in her mind.
       "Really? I've only been here for a month though, " said Rena, slightly smiling? Or maybe grinning? Jurina couldnt interpret what kind of expression is Rena having because, damn this girl infront of her is looking way too cute, even with a simple brown furry jacket.
       "Oh, really? So... besides at school, we could meet here often too eh?," suggested Jurina. Trying to sound bold.
       "I g-guess so...," said Rena slightly averting Jurina's eyes again. A tinklish pink starting to form on her cheeks.
       " must be walking back home too, right?," asked Jurina, while crossing her fingers.
       " house isn't that far. Yours aren't too, right?" replied Rena tentatively.
       "Yep. Why don't we walk together? Its better walking in packs or... with someone at night isn't it? Danger is bound to happen anytime..especially at night where a kawaii girl is walking alone..." Jurina said in a low voice at the last 6 words. Low enought for Rena to hear since she turned from pink to red.
        They walked together in silence. I mean, it wasn't an awkward silence though, and it wasn't a totally comfortable silence either. But either way, Jurina liked it. Jurina slightly glance on her left at Rena, who was still slightly red in the face. Jurina noticed Rena's hand was shaking a little. God, this girl, its -4 celcius and she's not even wearing a glove. Jurina slowly pulled out her own gloves and gave it to Rena.
       "Here, wear these," said Jurina, holding out the gloves at Rena.
Rena looked quite shock to see Jurina handing out her gloves to her, " B-but its yours. You must've been col--"
       "You need it more than I do," said Jurina, grabbing Rena's right hand and placed the gloves on her palm, "Wear it."
       "T-Thank you," said Rena and she slowly wear Jurina's glove. They continued to walk in silence once more.
Jurina can't help but to asked, " Did you came to school today?"
Rena looked at her in a puzzled look, " I did. W-why ?"
Jurina looked dumbfounded, " I didnt notice,"
       "Why were you searching for me?," asked Rena in a curious tone while avoiding eye contact with Jurina.
        "I wasn't's just that..I, umm... wondered if you wore the nametag?," replied Jurina. Thank God there's a proper excuse, must be pretty lame though, thought Jurina.
        "Oh...," said Rena, sounding a little down?," I did wore it. I couldn't bear to forget about the nametag. Its the first thing I checked before going to school."
        "Great then...." said Jurina, lost for words on what other questions she wanted to asked.
        "Well, this is my home, " said Rena stopping in her tracks. They walked in the housing areas earlier and now both of them were infront of a two storey terrace house. 2907, that must've been Rena's house number since its written at the postbox. Why oh why does it feel so short when you're with someone you like, thought Jurina.
        " I'll get going then,"said Rena looking at Jurina intently, "Oyasuminasai!"
        "Ah..yeah, " said Jurina, looking back at Rena after seeing her house, "Oyasuminasai. Hope I could see you tomorrow?"
        "H-Hai....," trailed on Rena. She opened the small gate and slightly bowed and waved at Jurina before entering.
         Jurina waved back. Feeling somehow more confident. As the gate shut, Jurina took one last glimpse of the gate and the house before walking away. While she walked back to her apartment, she remembered her gloves were at Rena. Jurina grinned while walking, at least a part of my scent stays at her, thought Jurina, chuckling alone like a fool.
         She took out her phone and tweeted , "My gloves are at 2907.." As usual, a dozen of RT's and favourites and the same jumble of questions filled her "mentions" . Jurina kept her phone back in her pocket. She reflects the things that occured today. How sad she was when she didn't found Rena at school, and how happy and giddy she was when she met Rena at the instituition. Plus, how tremendously thankful she is, that she could walk back home with Rena. So its true, thought Jurina, love... really controls how you feel throughout the day. How weird and amazing at the same time. Whatever it is, Jurina can't wait to see Rena the next day. She arrived at her place, still smiling, at just the thought of tomorrow.
         -to be continued.

Offline River1721

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Re: Nametag Chapter 3 (WMatsui) UPDATED
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2014, 04:54:37 AM »
Ah~ these updates just keep getting better and better Author-san!! :thumbsup
I love your stories!  :inlove:
Jurina! Nice move giving your gloves to Rena!! :w00t:
I am sure Rena will see you the next day to give you your gloves! :oops:
When will Jurina confess?!! XD
Yay~ Jurina knows Rena's address! :P
Giving of hints in your tweets.... What if Rena reads that!! :shocked
Jurina you love struck girl!! :doh:
Update soon~ :twothumbs
I'll be stopping by your tumblr~ :D

Offline teru_fi

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Re: Nametag Chapter 3 (WMatsui) UPDATED
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2014, 05:24:34 AM »
This pairing is too cute. Loved it. Thanks author-san.

Offline menamarco96

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Re: Nametag Chapter 3 (WMatsui) UPDATED
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2014, 06:10:34 AM »
Ah~ these updates just keep getting better and better Author-san!! :thumbsup
I love your stories!  :inlove:
Jurina! Nice move giving your gloves to Rena!! :w00t:
I am sure Rena will see you the next day to give you your gloves! :oops:
When will Jurina confess?!! XD
Yay~ Jurina knows Rena's address! :P
Giving of hints in your tweets.... What if Rena reads that!! :shocked
Jurina you love struck girl!! :doh:
Update soon~ :twothumbs
I'll be stopping by your tumblr~ :D

Ah thank youuuu  :ptam-shy:

Sure, do stop by my tumblr  :lol:

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Nametag Chapter 3 (WMatsui) UPDATED
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2014, 01:27:54 PM »
Kyaaa~ they walk home together

Jurina is so sweet and somehow make up lame excuse xD

Rena was so cute

Update soon

Offline DC2805

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Re: Nametag Chapter 3 (WMatsui) UPDATED
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2014, 02:25:31 PM »
Rena's behaviour shows that she is interested im her senpai too! let's see how jurina is going to capture her heart totally.
time to be more agressive, dude, before anyone else take ur cute girl away!
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We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline menamarco96

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Re: Nametag Chapter 4 (WMatsui) UPDATED
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2014, 02:45:26 AM »
I'm not sure whether I'll be updating tomorrow and a couple of days onwards because I have an interview to attend.
And me need to focus on it  :banghead:
But if you're lucky and im lucky, then i'll post lol  :catglare:



   As Rena entered her house, the living room was dark except a dim light shine at the kitchen table and a cup of ramen with a small note was left. It must be her aunt who's working on a night shift at a private hospital. Rena's aunt is a nurse and she is currently staying with her aunt since her parents is staying at Nagoya. Rena moved to Tokyo at the end of September because her mom insists her to accompany her aunt who's living alone here. Well to be honest, Rena is happy to stay with with her young aunt, since their age gap wasn't so wide, they were more like sisters rather than aunt-siblings relationship.
      "Eat this for supper if you're hungry, I know its kinda bad since you're studying and stuff. But hey, once in a while wont hurt you :)"
        Rena smiled and tried to pull out the note out from the ramen. Its hard when you're wearing gloves......... GLOVES??
       "Oh my god! It's Jurina senpai's glove!!," exclaimed Rena while pulling the gloves out. I wonder if she noticed that her gloves is at mine. Why do I burdened her so much?, thought Rena while gently knocking her head, feeling like a baka.
        Rena changed into her pyjamas and lay down on her bed. She put the gloves at her bedside table, next to the nametag, so that when she woke up, she'll see those two things first and never forgets about them. Rena recalled about what happened just now. She still think things are happening so fast. I mean, Jurina, one of the famous ikemen looking girl, just walked back home with Rena? And this wasnt their first encounter. It was fourth, if you added with the time when she knocked down all her books with Jurina. Surely, it would be a lie, if you don't feel a thing if you're talking to Jurina. I mean, literally almost the whole girls in school adores her so much. But recently, Rena have been feeling quite different. Besides respecting and admiring Jurina as a senior, she's been feeling this doki doki feeling in her heart.
        Doki doki, smirked Rena, what a childish words though. Rena yawned and switch off her bedlamp. Rena reminds herself before shutting her eyes, give back Jurina's glove, don't forget that! Rena didnt know if its a dream or her imagination is running wild, she saw Jurina smiling cheerfully and waving at her to come over. And then everything went still.
        The next day, Rena almost missed the train. She overslept. So much for the alarm clock which suddenly isnt functioning that well. Thank God when she arrived at school the bell didnt rang yet. She went straight to her locker and found her best friend , Churi chatting with Airin near her locker.
       "Rena! You were a little late today!," exclaimed Churi
       "Yeah, I overslept...My alarm clock didnt work that well," said Rena, still half panting since she ran in to the school grounds thinking that she'll be late. Rena took out the gloves from her coat pocket. Should I gave it before class starts? thought Rena, while staring at the gloves.
       "Is it your gloves?,"asked Airin in a puzzled tone, " For all I know you never wore gloves before since you ALWAYS forgets them."
        Rena gave a small laughed and was about to tell them about the gloves when Churi nudged both of them and said, " Wow look, Jurina senpai and her friends... Sae-san is so cool. Mayu's cool too,"
       "I heard Mayu's a tsundere," said Airin still staring at three  of them who's walking at the locker corridors.
        Rena who was holding the gloves, immediately shove it into her locker, and staring hard at the books inside her locker. She doesn't want Jurina to noticed her yet. She could sense the three of them footsteps getting nearer and came to a halt, when suddenly a rushing of footsteps could be heard running to the spot behind Rena.
      " Senpai.... ohayo," said a girl behind her. Rena doesn't really know who but it must be one of Jurina's fans.
       "Take this bento please.  I made it for you this morning. I even woke up early to make it," plead the girl behind her.
        Jurina accepted the bento and said "thanks" to the girl and left with her friends. By Jurina's tone, Rena knew Jurina had no choice to accept the bento since everyone's eyes was on her and.... well, Jurina is a very nice person. She won't say no for a thing. Rena suddenly feel a slight twinge of...annoyance? towards the girl. Rena turned to her right and saw Jurina and her friends went up the stairs to their class.
      "Tch , what a desperate girl, " said Churi folding her arms, " I bet Jurina senpai must be tired of those gifts."
     " Well, Annin really likes Jurina, " said Airin while observing her bangs in the mirror, " Come on lets go to class before the bell rings."
       Rena planned to make a quick dash to her locker right after the recess bell rings but as usual she couldn't be quicker than her classmates who completely ran to the cafeteria as if they've never eaten for a thousand years.
     "Rena-chan , where are you going?," asked Churi after they head out from their class.
     "You guys go first, I left my melonpan in my locker," replied Rena. Well it wasn't a lie though, she really did left her melonpan in her locker but its okay since she's planning to take the gloves too.
     "Oh , okay, catch you later, " shrugged off Churi and she swing one arm to Airin's shoulder and left without being curious.
      The locker hall was kinda empty, there's only the janitor and a couple of girls and boys talking near their locker. Rena opened her locker and took out her melonpan and the gloves. She folded the gloves neatly and put inside her coat pocket. She locked back at her locker and heard shuffled of feets from the right and saw Jurina and her two friends talking while holding their bento, while Jurina was holding a melonpan too. Rena stood bewildered and stunned for a moment so she did not move and stood there like a stone for a while. Who wouldn't notice this awkward  girl standing like a stone near her locker staring at them.
      "Rena-san !," cried Jurina from afar. She heard Jurina said something like, "you guys go ahead", " i'll be there later". She also saw Mayu nudging Sae and they're giving this weird giggling smile to Jurina. Jurina came to Rena who stood there looking taken aback, while Mayu and Sae went upstairs to the rooftop.
     "H-hey....Rena-san?," waved Jurina infront of her eyes, " You here?"
     "H-hai...eto..your gloves," murmured Rena, while rummaging her pocket to take out the gloves.
     "Yada..... you can keep it!," said Jurina, putting one hand at the locker and the other hand in her pocket. She look so cool, thought Rena, and so close to me!
     "Eee? B-but its your gloves!, " exclaimed Rena still trying to give back Jurina's gloves, " your hands will get cold too if you don't wear them."
     "Haven't I told you last night that you need it more than I do?," said Jurina chuckling a little, "Besides, I'm 99.9% sure that you weren't wearing one since I saw you earlier this morning...and.... you were.. running?"
      Greaaaaaat , Rena thought, this is so embarassing, Jurina saw her running to school. Well she did ran like a girl being chased by a dog earlier. That must've looked weird.
    " I thought it was late already, " said Rena looking down at her shoes, too embarassed to see Jurina's twinkling eyes.
     "Did you overslept or something? Thinking to much last night?," asked Jurina. Rena wondered if Jurina was talking about their walk-back-home-together thingy or not.
     "Yeah.... my alarm clock broke down suddenly," trailed on Rena, and she slowly looked up to Jurina and see her smiling a little, " Umm ... are you sure you don't want your gloves back?"
      Jurina flapped her hands and shooked her head, " Nahh... keep it. I have another 2 pairs at home. Umm, say.... are you going back home at 3pm too, today?"
     "Y-yeah, " nodded Rena, wondering why she's asking it. Could it be--- ?
    " Umm... w-wanna go back home together?" asked Jurina, slightly stammering and blushing a little, " I mean if you're busy and you got other stuff to do, its ok. I was just aski--"
    "Ok, " Rena replied shortly, glancing quite a few times at Jurina. Well she felt her cheeks are boiling!! This is not a good sign. Well, since Rena is white, I mean like almost chalk white, and if she blush, it'll be easy to see.
    "Really?," Jurina sounded astonished and happy at the same time, " I mean, you're free?"
    " Yeah, I don't have anything to do today besides tonight's tuition again," answered Rena truthfully.
    "Awesome, then I'll see you at the front gate later. C-could you umm..wait for me if I'm slightly late?" asked Jurina, frowning a little.
    " Okay....," Rena nodded and Jurina split into a huge smile. That smile could make an ice melt, thought Rena.
    "Then, I'll see you later I suppose? You should eat that melonpan now," Jurina pointed at Rena's melonpan using her own melonpan, " Guess you like melonpan too eh?"
    "H-hai. I'll go now, " Rena bowed and made like a 3 second eye contact with Jurina before both of them blushed like crazy, Rena walked quickly heading to the cafeteria. Rena made a left turn to the washroom for a while. She clasped her cheeks, her heart having this doki doki feeling again. She thought, is this really happening? She was about to go out from the washroom after washing her hands when a group of five people came in the washroom , led by, Annin, blocking her way.
    "Where are you going so fast missy?," said Annin, slowly walking to Rena, " You'd think you'll get away with what you did earlier?"
     Rena was astounded. Did Annin saw her and Jurina earlier? Rena stared at the other four girls behind her, looking damn mean, staring at her. Rena felt like a tiny ant now. I'm doomed, thought Rena.

   -to be continued

Offline yuuyu

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Re: Nametag Chapter 4 (WMatsui) UPDATED
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2014, 05:18:11 AM »
...damn it, Rena, why you gotta be so damn cute about Jurina...


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