CHAPTER 2 - Zombies?! ...what's that?
“GYAAAAAAAAAH!!!”The surrounding suddenly became a little bit dark resulted from the sun being covered by a stray, dark cumulus cloud up in the air. A grueling scream sounded from outside the gate… Jurina gulps before turning around to see what had just happened. She was thinking maybe that guy was actually ill and she had no other choice than to help him. But boy, how wrong she was…
What Jurina saw outside wasn’t the frail, sick looking guy she bumped just now. Instead, it was something else. Something that can’t be called a human…
“W-What… What the heck is that?!”
She didn’t know if it was the same guy from before but it sure wears the same school uniform. Suddenly, that thing turns to her direction. Her heart was beating so fast as their eyes fall on one another. They keep staring at each other, just waiting for any action or movement from either of them. Jurina could make out from afar the disfigured face of the man with red bloodshed eyes and falling nose. He was standing in a weird stance, like his legs were broken or something… Jurina couldn’t say. There was a sizzling sound with slight smoke coming out from his body and that’s when Jurina could smell the foul odor of rotten meat being burnt.
His hand rose slowly with a pointed finger pointing straight at Jurina. That’s when her mind started to scream for her legs to run. As per command, Jurina runs back into the building. She slams the door entrance before pushing the green trash can to block the door. But she knows that poor trash can won’t hold for a long time before that… thing could break through.
Jurina runs through the hallway towards her class. She thought that maybe this was all just a dream and someone would wake her up. She purposely bumps her hand quite hard on the wall.
“OWW! Damn it’s real!”
Jurina hissed at the realistic pain she felt. Whatever that thing is… it is indeed a factual and real thing. Jurina was about to warn whoever that is still inside her classroom as she reached her class but it was empty. Of course, it’s almost half past 5 in the evening. Everyone should be home by now. Not wasting much time, she quickly picks up her things. She stops at the door to think of a place she could run away to save herself.
“Wait… where am I supposed to go to?”
Jurina slams her forehead with her fist lightly. There’s no place she could run to. But then her mind starts to think of an escape plan. Jurina is fast enough. If she can outrun that one guy at the front, then perhaps she could escape from this school and away from that thing. She takes a look outside the window to the front gate of the school. That's when Jurina felt shivers running through her bones…
There wasn’t only one. There are like dozens of them right now, strolling and pacing in slow movement with hunched state on the school’s ground. Most of them are wearing her school’s uniform while the others are most probably some public workers. Jurina could only stare with her jaw hanging… How on earth is she going to run through all those weird things now?
A sound of slow steps and grumbling woke Jurina from her stun. With brave steps, Jurina neared the classroom door to take a look at the hallway. Her eyes widen from the sight of a man wandering the hallway with a pale face. It was one of her teacher. Jurina recognizes him with his pink tie he always wore just because his wife told him so. Knowing there is someone else here beside her, Jurina calls out for him.
The man raised his pale face. A frown shown as Jurina neared him.
“Are you okay, sensei?”
“W-what are you still… doing h-here, Matsui?”
“I was running around the school when-… Sensei! You don’t look so good!”
“Ah… what a diligent girl you are, Matsui.”
“Sensei, let me help-“
Jurina was shocked with his outburst. She backs away a few steps to give him some space…
“Just… stay a-away from me. I don’t f-feel so good I might puke on you…”
Jurina managed a smile at her sensei’s effort of trying to lighten things up. He still managed to do a joke at this kind of state…
“Sensei, what is happening…?”
The man wears a grim face before he answer his student…
“It seems like t-there’s a zombie disease g-going on…”
“Yes… “
Jurina grips her fists tightly with the revelation.
What on earth is going on? Zombies don’t exist… do they?
Jurina was so lost in her thoughts when her sensei suddenly coughs uncontrollably.
“S-sensei? Nee, you need help… let’s go to-“
“NO! I don’t n-need help… I’m not o-one of them. I’m not! They are t-the ones who need h-help!”
A trail of blood flowed out of his mouth, the crimson liquid dripping down his scruffy chin as it stained his white shirt and pink tie. Jurina could sense something is definitely wrong with her sensei. She slowly steps backward, trying to gain some distance from his sensei who’s acting kind of weird at the moment.
“W-where are you… g-going, Matsui?”
Jurina halted her step in shock. Her sensei is biting his nails with blood dripping from his hands. Jurina wants to scream. She wants to scream and run away from him but her feet wouldn’t obey her. Looking at the distressed face of his student, he grins in a sickening manner.
“Aaah… y-you know… I always e-envy you, Matsui…”
“W-what are you talking about, sensei?”
“You… the g-girl that has always b-become the talk of s-school. E-everyone loves y-you, Matsui…”
Jurina backs away slowly as he steps closer towards her but the wall at her back prevented her from moving away from him.
“I d-despise girl like y-you… always playing t-the trump card. The ace of sports c-club... T-he most a-adored girl i-in school… I feel like c-crushing you!”
“S-sensei… stop this, please!”
“B-but now… I can f-finally have y-you… I’ll t-treat you well, M-Matsui… hehehe.”
Jurina could feel tears building up in her eyes. The frightening view of her once most respected sensei turned into a zombie made her paralyzed on the spot. She couldn’t do anything. Her mind isn’t working, her body is numb. She backs up on the wall, her whole body had literally glued on the cold surface.
“AAAARGH!!!”She closed her eyes for whatever that is about to happen while silently praying for anything, anyone to save her right now...
Jurina opens her eyes at the sound of her sensei being hit by something. As if granting her prayers, a person with hair tied in a high pony-tail clad in their school uniform appears before her eyes. She stared in awe at the person’s back as the latter stands in front of her valiantly while confronting her sensei.
“Get a hold of yourself!”
“I don’t want to lose another person so get your mind straight!”
“Grrr… y-you’re on my way, b-bitch!”
The man launched himself at the girl while swaying his bloody hands on her face but the girl steadily steps aside to avoid his attack. With a calm movement, the girl swings her bokken to give some strong blows straight onto his body. After the third strong blow straight to the gut, the man collapsed on the floor. The girl lets out a relieved sigh before turning around to face Jurina.
“Nee, are you alright…?”
That’s when Jurina turned breathless. Once again, her heart beats the abnormal rhythm she always had when she neared the dojo at the back of school... She know she shouldn’t be thinking of trivial matters like this at the moment when there are zombies loitering about on their school ground. But she can’t help to admire this wonderful creation in front of her. Never had she thought they would be meeting in a heroic way like this… it was the girl she had wanting to see all this while. The kendo girl with beautiful, flaming eyes. It was her… Matsui Rena.
“Are you okay?”
“Here, let me help you.” Rena reached out a hand but the latter shook her head in response.
“Ah! I-its fine! I can stand on my own!”
“Are you sure?”
Jurina nods her head firmly while trying to stand on both feet. She could feel her legs still trembling from the shocking scene just now but then her eyes went wide.
“What’s wro-”
“WATCH OUT!”In a quick reflex, Jurina pushed her senpai to the side as she rolls herself to the other. Her disfigured sensei had just barely managed to pounce on both of them when Jurina caught sight of him standing behind her senpai.
By now, she couldn’t make out the face of her sensei. It’s like he had fully turned himself into a zombie with those whitish eyes and bloody mouth. Trying to distract the creature from attacking her senpai who’s still trying to pull herself back together from the fall due to Jurina’s strong, unintentional push, she brave herself to kick the creature’s back before running into a classroom.
“Hey! You want a piece of me? Come and get me!”
GULPS…“Oh boy… bad move!”
Indeed, Jurina’s mind just decided to start working right now when the full view of the hideous creature is facing her inside the class. Grabbing the nearest chair, she slammed it on top of his head but it only managed to break the chair.
“What the… you got an iron head or something?”
She grabs another chair to defend herself from the zombie's continuous clawing and biting while subsequently trying to hit it back.
“Hey, Juritan! Catch this!”
Turning to the voice of her bestfriend, Jurina reached out her hand to grab hold of a… broom?
“Airin! I’m really glad to see you and all… but WHAT THE HECK SHOULD I DO WITH THIS?!”
“Stick the sharp end through his head!”
Still defending herself from the creature, Jurina wore a ridiculous face as she turns to Airi…
Ugh… not that I have any better idea…Following her friend’s not-so-trusting idea, Jurina push the end of the broom’s handle straight into the creature’s distorted face that cannot be called a face at all with all her might.
Sensei, I'm sorry...SPLURT!Her eyes widen with the way the handle poke through the creature’s head with splatters of his remains and blood gushing out of the hole and some splashed on her face and clothes…
“Woohoo! Attagirl!”
Jurina turns to her friend who’s jumping at the door frame like a monkey…
“You do realize I just killed a sensei-turned-zombie, right?”
“He wouldn't want it any other way, Juritan. We're freeing him from the suffer of being a zombie...”
Then, the face of her senpai appeared in between Airi and the door.
“We got to go now! It seems there’s more heading this way!”
Rena pointed at the school’s windows behind her back as she stares at the horrifying scene unfolding down below. Jurina and Airi join her side as they gulps with the way those zombies are walking around the neighborhood…
“It’s definitely a zombie apocalypse, alright…”
The three are walking down the hallway of classes to reach the stairs going down to the gate at the school’s backyard.
“Why are you still here, Airin? I thought your club meeting was cancelled?”
“Yeah but the president need some help for the next release of his manga so he asked me for some editing… I was about to run for the gate but then I saw you two fighting off the crazy sensei.”
“How did you know how to kill those zombies?”
“Pssh... Everyone knows that! It’s written in the zombies survival guide...”
“Ummm… what?”
“It’s a book… Wait! Don’t tell me you've never heard of it?”
Jurina shakes her head. Airi looked at Rena who shakes her head too… she heaves a sigh.
“Indeed, normal people are hopeless…”
Jurina nods her head as they continue walking in silence, still wary of any sounds or movements around them. Suddenly, she felt a nudge on her side… she raise a brow as she turns to Airi who at the moment is making some weird faces before they communicate telepathically.
‘Your left! Look to your left!’Jurina turn her head to her left, only to receive a smile from the taller girl. She quickly averts her eyes to face Airi again.
‘It’s just Matsui-senpai!’
‘Talk to her, you idiot!’
‘YES WAY! Oh come on! Just say anything…!’
‘NO! Why don’t you just-‘
Jurina just got shoved to her left quite hard by her idiot bestfriend as she bumps into her senpai.
“Whoa, there! Are you okay?”
“U-uh… yeah! I’m okay! Ahahaha… I guess my foot was just a little bit tired, you know… from running and all…”
Jurina scratches her head timidly before shooting a glare at Airi who’s playing dumb at the moment.
“We can rest for a while if you want.”
“No! I don’t want to get eaten by those scary guys…”
“You got a point there…”
Again… silence. But Jurina wants to know more about this cool senpai who had just saved her life earlier so she decided to be brave and act like she always do with everyone.
Both of them got startled as they both start speaking at the same time. They shared a giggle…
“You first, senpai.”
“No, no! You go first!”
"You sure?"
"Of course!"
“Well, ummm... I just wanted to thank you for saving me from Ito- ummm the zombie. I think I owe you one, senpai…”
“But I think you saved me too… And you did well with killing the zombie! I didn’t think we owe each other anything.”
Rena said with a smile on her face. But for Jurina, even if the smile is, well… just a smile, she couldn’t help to feel her heart fluttering in joy.
“Oh, I think we need some introductions here. I’m Matsui Rena, a third year student.”
“Matsui Jurina, a second year. And this is my bestfriend, Furukawa Airi.”
Hearing her name being said, Airi turns to them while standing straight like those SNK characters always did.
“Furukawa, at your service! But please do call me Airin, Matsui-san… It’s a pleasure to meet you!”
Rena lets out a giggle from Airi’s otaku way of introducing herself, “Nice to meet you guys too. But please drop the formalities… Rena is fine.”
“Sure, Rena-san.”
“I hope we can work together as a team, Jurina.”
Rena reaches out a hand towards Jurina for a handshake and the girl timidly accepts it with a slight tinge on her face as she holds the soft hand while admiring the beautiful smiling face of her senpai…
“O-Of course… Rena-senpai.”
They both stare at each other with smiles on their faces, still with their hands connected. Airi was about to whistle from the scene but another sound beats her to it...
“KYAAAAAAH!!!”A scream from one of the room broke their actions and thoughts. Recognizing the familiar voice of her friend, Rena immediately dash to the source of the scream.
“Wait, Rena-senpai!”
The two friends follow the already running Rena closely behind her as they reach a closet room filled with two zombies and two normal people who’s blocking the creature with a broken table.
“Rena-chan?! RENA-CHAN!!! HELP US!”
Hearing the commotion behind them, one of the zombies turns to them with an eye hanging out from its socket.
“Oh God, how can you see with an eye on the ground?!”
With the broom handle she used earlier, Jurina smacks the zombie straight on its face before kicking it to the ground. Focusing her eyes on the pitiful face of the zombie, she directed the end of the sharpened handle straight in between its forehead. Pulling away the stick, the brain followed along as it splattered on the floor.
“Eww gross… Can’t you be clean with the killing, Jurina?” Airi comments with a grimace but Jurina just stand there with a glorious stance while holding the broom stick on her shoulder with bits of brain and blood dripping from its end…
“This… is killing with style, dude.”
Meanwhile, seeing the distressed shout of her friend, Rena hit the zombie on his shoulder to get its attention to get out of the cramped room. After the zombie steps out of the room, Rena quickly whacks hard on its head with her wooden sword, cracking the skull and brain inside the hideous looking creature.
Rena steps in the room to help her friend and the other girl out of the closet. The bestfriend hug each other, glad that they are safe while another girl stood there with a huge bag on her back. Airi kicks the deformed body out of the way as Jurina approach the other girl.
“Are you okay? You’re not hurt or anything, right?”
“No… I’m fine.” The girl nods her head in a gloomy way.
“You’re Masana from class 3-C… am I right?” Rena steps in after succeeding in calming her friend. The girl nods her head without any expression on her face.
“If I don’t know better, I’ll think she’s crazy…”
“Hey! Stop that…”
Shrugging her shoulder, Airi steps inside the closet room to inspect the room for anything useful they could use to fend off the zombies.
“Guys! I think you should see this!”
Everyone gets inside the closet to see what Airi had found. The room is full of brooms, buckets and mops like any janitor closet should be. But inside one of the rusted locker that Airi had managed to break open, there are plenty of useful items that can be made as a weapon in dealing with those zombies.
“Swell, Airin… these could become handy.”
Jurina said as she reaches for the new-looking baseball bat. She steps out of the room before giving it a swing a couple of times.
“This is mine!”
Airi picks up a nail gun from a corner with boxes of nails stashed around it. She took a sling-bag hanging on the wall before stuffing it with the boxes of nails.
“You know, it’s useless without an electric supply.” Churi carefully said as she picks up an axe.
“I’m saving it for later. It will come handy… soon.”
Airi shrugs the girl with a smirk before picking up a shovel and a rope. She ties the shovel with the rope before hanging it on her shoulder opposite the sling bag.
“You sure know how to do those gadget things…”
“Heh… there’s more than meets the eye with my skills, senpai.” Airi sent a playful wink at Churi as the latter smile from the girl’s playfulness.
“I’m Takayanagi Akane… or Churi as everyone calls me.”
“Furukawa Airi or Airin for short.”
Suddenly, a growl sounded from the end of the hallway.
“We should be going soon. There will be more coming…”
Jurina said as she starts walking the opposite way to reach for the stairs at the other end while swinging the baseball bat to land on her shoulder.
“But where are we supposed to go to if those zombies are everywhere?”
Jurina halts her steps as Rena’s words made some sense into her mind.
“And night will soon fall upon us…”
Masana said as she stares at the sun slowly setting away for the day still with no expression on her face.
“Well, there is one way left to go!”
Airi steps in between them before standing in front of the group...
“Where is that, Airin?”
“The only place they haven’t set foot yet…” Airi points upwards with a smirk on her face, “The rooftop.”
“Matsui-san, could you do me a favor?”
“Yes, Ito-sensei?”
“Please bring these hands outs to the class. I’ll be following you shortly soon.”
“Yes, sensei…”
Jurina bowed at her sensei as he gathers all his things for the next class.
“By the way, sensei…”
“That’s a nice tie you’re wearing. It suits you well!”
“Ah! I thought it was an embarrassing one cause my wife insists me to wear it this morning… but since you said so, Matsui… Thank you!”
“My pleasure, sir… You have a very lovely wife!”
“I’m lucky to have her in my life, honestly!”
They share a laugh before Jurina excused herself from the teacher’s room. Just as she was about to turn around after closing the door, another person appeared before her. Jurina got startled with the view in front of her. Her sight fall onto the most beautiful pairs of eyes she had ever laid upon. Her eyes were a bit round with light brown colored iris which draws her soul to get closer to the owner with her unwavering but warm gaze.
“Excuse me?”
“A-ah! Sorry…”
Jurina side stepped to allow the girl to enter the teacher’s room. She was about to walk away when a shout of the girl’s name made it into her ears. The name kept repeating inside her mind while replaying the scene of the girl holding the shinai in a cool way with those fearsome eyes, the same way Jurina had seen her before inside that old dojo. A smile unconsciously made its way on Jurina’s face as the name came out from her mouth in a whisper…
“Matsui Rena…”

Hahaha well she'll get into the story later but for now, here's chapter 2 guys!

How was it? It's nerve-wrecking trying to write an action fic while trying to satisfy your expectations. That's why we need comments!

Updates will be a little bit slow given that this is a collab work and I have another fic to settle too so heads up guys! Don't expect this story to update as fast as Ninja Trouble


REPLIES:@DC2805: Yep it was intentional

@Shinoki: Hahaha u r funny!

did u fall for the preview?

Yaaay we love SKE!!! If you do lurks in the dark, please don't forget to hit the Thank You button with ur shuriken

(I have eyes on youu~

@priest1drago: Idk if this is interesting or not...

Chills? Coz Rena's so COOL~!!

@Kirozoro: Jurina has a crush on Rena~
@River1721: Ahh still the same innocent Jurina...

I can't answer ur questions right now~

@yabamoe: Hahaha everyone's reaction with the preview...

Awww I'm still an amateur

@sakura_drop_: U like the preview don't u...

Kickass WMatsui!!!
@Zita: Hahaha WMatsui just too AWESOME!!!
@NewFans_48: Ahahaha just trying out new things~ THANKS!