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Author Topic: Red Sky at Night [MaYuki] Part 2  (Read 5642 times)

Offline aki99

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Red Sky at Night [MaYuki] Part 2
« on: August 04, 2011, 08:02:00 AM »
I just began to appreciate MaYuki today.  :cow:
So after reading one or two fanfics about them I was inspired to write a oneshot.
I'm sleepy and haven't written fanfics in years so please be kind. Critiques are very welcome though.  :thumbup

I know it's short and not that creative but I need to restart somewhere...
Still not sure if I'll write more of this or just use it as warm up to write something else.
Seems like I'm going to go ahead and keep writing this.

Red Sky at Night

I wonder if you could even imagine the darkness rotting in my heart, or the torment that wracks my skin. Such an innocent girl, teasing me while your dancing eyes dare me to do my worst. Of course I play along, saying the familiar frank words that mark this usually comforting ritual of friendship. But despite my efforts, the hollowness of my words hangs painfully in the air.

“Yukirin,” Mayu whispers in worry, “are you feeling okay?” Before I can react, I can already smell her light perfume as she presses the back of her cool hand against my forehead. “You’ve seemed off today.”

“Mm, don’t worry about it.” I try to pull away but there’s a box of costumes behind me. “I was just distracted by the scene we’re filming tomorrow.”

Unfortunately, the concern on her face only deepens. “We’re not filming a scene tomorrow… or for the next two days actually.” Never turning her gaze away from my eyes, she slides her hand down my face until she’s cupping my blushing cheek with her soft palm. “Yuki, you need to take care of yourself properly. I know you’re a captain but remember that it’ll be worst in the long run if you don’t rest now. Plus...” She pretends to suddenly find the embroidery on my lapel deeply fascinating. “P-plus a lot of people will be worried if you get sick you know.”

“Wait Mayu,” I try to explain, but she glares at me.

“So that means don’t go around acting all tough.” Pausing thoughtfully for a moment, her frown softens and turns into a sheepish grin as she slides her arm around mine. “Come on you black-hearted Yukirin, let’s go find your manager.”
« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 09:27:16 AM by aki99 »

Offline cmze

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Re: Red Sky at Night [MaYuki]
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2011, 08:38:14 AM »
it's cool ..! :thumbsup

i love mayuki..! :heart:

hope you update soon..! :cow:

Offline ShibuyaDokiDoki

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Re: Red Sky at Night [MaYuki]
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2011, 08:58:38 AM »
I like it~!!!!

I love MaYuki~! 8D

Please do continue~!

Offline immortal_K

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Re: Red Sky at Night [MaYuki]
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2011, 09:40:56 AM »
Thanks for the Mayuki  :twothumbs

Please continue  :thumbsup

Offline blughise

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Re: Red Sky at Night [MaYuki]
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2011, 03:17:05 PM »
Nice....wanna know more
update soon

Offline pattinium

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Re: Red Sky at Night [MaYuki]
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2011, 08:06:45 PM »
Great Start !! >//<
Cant wait more of Mayuki !! haha
Thx for writing this ^__^

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Red Sky at Night [MaYuki]
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2011, 10:41:33 PM »
MAYUKI~!!  :wub:

Please write more~  :bow:

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Re: Red Sky at Night [MaYuki]
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2011, 11:38:13 PM »
I was superbly expecting Mayuyu to say something real sweet?(Or so) at her last sentence. Wuh, I guess I'll be reading my sweet expectations on your future updates then.

Hehe, by the way I know the feeling of getting lost in touch to write a story. Hope you do continue this.
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Offline aki99

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Re: Red Sky at Night [MaYuki]
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2011, 09:18:29 AM »
I've somehow created an elaborate plot for what was just a simple one shot.
I wonder if I'll be alright. :sweatdrop: Or if things will work out in the end.

Today's update didn't really follow what I had planned but before I knew it, this Yuki was already acting on her own.
I'm uneasy temporarily leaving it like this but it also feels a bit wrong to rewrite it.

Maybe once it's progressed more, I might go back, edit some scenes and tidy it all up into nice chapters. But for now, I hope this will be okay. ^^"
Thank you for your support everyone and please continue to feel free to critique!

Part 2

“Mayuyu,” Yuki whispered to herself, “You’ve really grown, haven’t you?” She had been quietly staring out the van’s window for more than 30 minutes now but she hadn’t seen an inch of the beautiful summer scenery waiting outside. Her thoughts were back on this morning at the studio, on how her cute kouhai had been so serious and confident as she explained the situation to the manager and the other staff. Although Yuki had tried to convince them she really wasn’t sick, her earlier behaviour worked against her. The cause may have been wrong, but it was obvious to everyone that Yuki hadn’t been her usual self at rehearsal.

So here she was, in a company van that was driving her home, away from the person she wanted to see the most right now. “Silly Mayu,” she sighed. She quickly looked over her peppy message to make sure there wasn’t anything there that would cause the other girl to worry. Satisfied, she gave it one final glance and pressed SEND.

Once manager Osawa had agreed it was best for Yuki to get some rest right away, the girls only had time for a hug and a brief goodbye. And as they broke apart from their short embrace, a slightly sad and apologetic look had crossed Mayu’s face. “Ne Yuki, don’t take too long to get better, okay? Team B will be lonely if you don’t come back soon.” She was so adorable, Yuki could only smile and nod in response.


Yuki arrived at her deserted house at around noon and decided she might as well get some of the rest she was sent home for. She was a bit tired after all, but that was normal for an idol. With her parents gone until late that night, she was able to have a blissfully uninterrupted 4-hour nap.

(4 hours later)

After climbing out of bed and giving her body a quick stretch, Yuki instinctively turned to her side table to check her phone. She had dozens of messages from the other members wishing her a speedy recovery yet still no reply from Mayu. She frowned. Somehow, that depressed her more than she expected but she pushed it from her mind.

They were just friends after all and Mayu had her own life to worry about. Like the photoshoot with her Warota subunit that afternoon. From the rumours going around, the man in charge today was notoriously picky and had no problem making his models redo shots over and over until they were absolutely perfect. Really, she shouldn’t be so selfish. Here she was napping the day away while Mayu was probably working overtime and hungrily waiting for the chance to have a late dinner with her friends...


Yuki could feel anxiety, worry, and jealousy rabidly waiting at the edges of her consciousness but she didn’t know what to do. She had no right to feel this way. Suddenly worn down by all the emotions coursing through her body, she crawled back into bed and hugged her pillow tightly. Seriously, she was being ridiculous. She was already twenty yet she was acting just like a thirteen year old with a school girl crush. Maybe worse. She couldn’t imagine Jurina ever acting this way.

Awake or asleep, Mayu was all she could think about. Even when she tried to meditate and empty herself of all thought, to her distress, it was only a matter of time before that smiling face came bounding back, making her feel so warm and happy.

She flipped over as silent tears came rolling down her face. “Please Kami-sama,” Yuki pleaded to the universe, finally giving voice to the truth she had been burying deep inside her.
“I love this girl.”
« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 04:34:07 PM by aki99 »

Offline cmze

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Re: Red Sky at Night [MaYuki] Part 2
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2011, 10:04:08 AM »


SOON...! :otomerika:

Offline ShibuyaDokiDoki

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Re: Red Sky at Night [MaYuki] Part 2
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2011, 10:18:53 AM »

Please do continue!!!!!

Offline pattinium

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Re: Red Sky at Night [MaYuki] Part 2
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2011, 05:10:19 PM »
I want more of Mayuki !! >///<
Pls continue I love your fanfic so muchhhh

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Red Sky at Night [MaYuki] Part 2
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2011, 12:48:54 AM »
Want more~  XD  :wub:

Please update soon~  :twothumbs

Offline kaizoku_gal

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Re: Red Sky at Night [MaYuki] Part 2
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2011, 06:38:13 AM »
Mayuki mayuki mayuki~ I can't get enough of this couple!  XD

Agree that updates should be posted soon!

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Offline kahem

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Re: Red Sky at Night [MaYuki] Part 2
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2011, 08:00:37 PM »
I read something which raised my tension up and need something to make it decrease lol. Your fic is perfect for that sweet and cute ^^

Offline BlackRockAnon

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Re: Red Sky at Night [MaYuki] Part 2
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2011, 03:16:42 PM »
This was bumped and I noticed I haven't left a comment yet after reading it again so.... Yeah. Anyway, I hope you continue this! And hopefully finish it. ^^,

Good job! o v o)b

Offline skytsuna

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Re: Red Sky at Night [MaYuki] Part 2
« Reply #16 on: November 03, 2011, 01:34:58 PM »
I :heart: Atsumina & Mayuki~~
 :wub: Mayuki are so adorable~~  :drool:  :inlove:
Hope you update soon  :love:

Offline yurin23mayuki

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Re: Red Sky at Night [MaYuki] Part 2
« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2014, 04:43:20 PM »
 :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
 :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
please continue  :)

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