CHAPTER 1After 3 years…In the dark alley, a light from a cigarette lit can be seen with puff of smokes coming from its end. The scruffy figure blows the smokes into the air still with the stick inside his mouth, polluting the fresh air of the crispy cold night with the hazardous smoke. He rubs his hands to gather some heat from the friction when a sleek motorcycle screeched to a stop beside him. A slim figure of a female steps down from the roaring bike, clad in a denim jacket and worn out jeans. She pulls her helmet off, releasing the shoulder-length hair trapped inside before approaching the scruffy looking guy. She glides a hand through her messy silky hair, a golden bracelet gleams on her right wrist reflected by the flashing, broken street lamp on the road. Upon the girl’s arrival who seriously despises a heavy smoker like him, he throws away the remaining half on the ground, stepping on it in the process.
“What’s up?”
“Got news… bad and good.”
The girl scans the surrounding before leaning on the wall beside the guy. Even with her relaxed state, the guy knew she is actually paying a very wary attention of the place with her keen eyes and trained ears. This girl is not normal and he had confronted her skills before, which had made him depressed for a year for getting beaten up by a girl. She is well trained in the field of information gathering and stealth with top notch fighting skills.
“Spill it.”
“They’ve found her.”
He took a glance at the startled girl. She gulped as she felt her heart starts beating faster inside her chest. Her breathing becoming shallow and hitched but she conceals them with her usual calm front.
“She’s in a secret facility somewhere in the suburb area. I’ve transferred the map into your device.”
The girl nods her head. Puffs of air formed from her mouth as she asked the next question that had been nagging her mind since she got the call from the guy.
“What’s the bad news?”
“Well… the president is on the move.”
“What?!” She snapped her head sideway, her eyes widen with the information.
“Yeah… they know. And they want her dead… again.”
The girl balls her hand into a fist inside her jacket’s pocket, her teeth gritted in anger. Even after all those years, the president is still with his crazy thoughts of killing a single girl who is not at all to be blame for the disaster that took place almost 10 years ago. Doesn’t he have enough of hurting others? She walks back to her motorbike before wearing the helmet. Opening the cover of the shade, she turns her attention to the guy with fiery, glaring eyes…
“That won’t happen again…” the engine roars as she clutched the accelerator, “Not when I’m still alive.”
- - - - - - - - - - -
Yuki stifles a yawn as she typed in the report for the day. As always, the room she works in is dark like there isn’t any light source installed in there. There are plenty of lights in the room but she prefers to work in the dark. It has something to do with her brain productivity or something, so it seems… A twin-tailed girl slowly crept inside her dark and cluttered workplace. Well, she didn’t actually crept inside but after knocking the door for the nth time with no response, the girl gave up in making her presence known to Yuki who is too immersed in her work. The girl is holding a cup of freshly brewed coffee from Yuki’s favorite café. She ordered the usual, espresso with cream, just the way Yuki likes it. She had calculated earlier that Yuki might still be working at this hour and the latter definitely needs her coffee… especially at this time of the night.
She noticed the single movement of Yuki trying to reach for the already empty cup on her table. Turning into stealth mode, the girl switched the cup with the one she brought. Unaware with her friend’s presence and her sly actions, Yuki grabbed the cup and put it on her mouth, sipping the drink in one gulp.
“Oh crap!” The girl thought out loud as she forgot the coffee is still hot and fresh.
“ACK!!!” Yuki screamed as she feels the hot liquid scalds her tongue. With quick reflexes, the girl pops a mint candy into Yuki’s mouth to ease the burning sensation on her tongue. Yuki was shocked when she felt the candy being shoved into her mouth by an unknown presence. Turning to her side, Yuki wears a surprised face as she sees a grinning Mayu swaying her hand to greet her.
“Hu herfived hee!” Yuki glares as she spats out incoherent words that could only be understand by Mayu, with a hand rubbing her chest to ease the wild thumping of her heart from surprise.
“How’s your tongue? Better? Let me kiss you to lessen the burn-“ Mayu puckered her lips playfully before a book met her face with a loud smack.
“DON’T YOU DARE!” “Oww! I was just kidding… I don’t think bringing a coffee with good intention to your partner could get painful as this.”
Mayu rubs her cheek with a frown. Feeling the minty candy soothing the burning sensation on her scalding tongue, Yuki grabs the sad girl’s hand with guilt apparent on her eyes.
“I’m sorry… and thanks.”
“Don’t mention it…”
Pulling her hand away slowly, Mayu grabbed the nearest chair for her to sit. Yuki raised a brow with the girl’s action. She knows Mayu liked to be spoiled with full attention given to her, added with some skinships... she won't resist those gestures from Yuki even if the latter is pretty irked with them but just now, the latter had actually pulled away from Yuki with the usual cyborg expression of hers. Yuki wanted to ask but shrugged it seeing that her work is more important than trivial matters like that.
“Still working on the report?”
“I’m finishing the last words…”
“You know… I can’t believe we’ve been doing this for the whole 3 years.”
“It’s that long?” Yuki paused her writing before shrugging her shoulders, “Well, not that I mind…”
“Yeah… and I can’t believe you stood me up tonight to be with these pile of papers.”
Yuki turns her attention to Mayu in confusion but the latter just look at her with the same deadpan expression.
“I bet you don’t remember that too…”
Yuki tried to rake her brain for the meaning behind Mayu’s words when realization hit her hard.
“Ah! Tonight’s dinner!”
A sigh escaped from the shorter girl. Mayu had been courting for Yuki’s heart since the first day she laid eyes on the tall, frail girl. There has been countless of times Mayu had been asking the latter for a lunch or dinner… Well, not like a date. Just hanging out like friends always do but Yuki, being the workaholic professor she is, rejected all of Mayu’s offers. However, the day before today had been the happiest day for Mayu. Yuki had actually, for once, asked her out for dinner together that night. She was all hyper with the dinner, even arriving early to pick up the girl from their work place but after 3 hours of waiting outside the building, Mayu decided to drove to the café they always frequent to get a well-deserved late dinner all by herself.
Mayu averts her eyes from the guilt-stricken face of her crush. She is hopeless. She should be mad, maybe even yelling at Yuki right now for breaking their promise, but she can’t. She knows the latter won’t look at her the same way she looks at Yuki. But here she is falling deeper and deeper each day for the young professor. She had always admired Yuki’s determination and willpower but at the same time, she wants to uncover the other side of Yuki. The hidden, frail, weak side of the girl that was never shown to others. Mayu wants to be the one to discover that side of her. She turns her gaze to the large tube situated at the center of the room. The comatose person floating inside was the one that took Yuki’s heart first. Even if the person is in a comatose state, but the mere presence alone intimidates Mayu to no end. She had been thinking of pulling away from the project but she can’t give up on her dreams. To be the first doctor to successfully revive a dead person with cryonic regeneration and to make her crush realize the deep feeling she harbored for her… There’s no way she would give up.
“I think there’s a flaw with the formula.”
“Eh?” Yuki was caught startled with the random words coming out of her partner. “W-what are you saying?”
“Your formula. I think there’s a problem with one of them…”
“N-no way! There’s no way my mother’s research had flaws in it. You’ve seen the way they revived the first subject back to life…”
“He lived for two days, Yuki…”
“Look… we’re not talking about the survival rate of living after the resurrection. We’re talking about the success of bringing a dead animal to life! That is a totally different thing, Mayu…”
“Animals and humans are different.”
“But orang utan bears the most resemblance of a human!”
“We’re not talking about the revolution theory again, are we?”
“Wha… What are you trying to say here, Mayu?”
Yuki rubs her forehead with the way Mayu is playing with her questions. She knows the latter was just trying to mess up Yuki’s head once again with her nonsense theory and perhaps just to annoy her for revenge for disregarding their dinner date. Mayu lets out a long sigh. Feeling guilty for increasing the stress for the already worn out professor, Mayu stands on her feet to give Yuki a small massage on her shoulder when a sudden movement inside the tube halt her action.
“Look… I’m sorry for forgetting about the dinner.”
“I know I shouldn’t have been too preoccupied with my work…”
“Listen, Yuki-“
“It’s okay, Mayu. You don’t have to do the explaining. I deserve it-“
Mayu grabbed Yuki’s shoulder, shaking her body with every syllable, making the latter mum with wide eyes. Mayu turns Yuki’s chair around to make her face the large tube in the middle of the room.
“Your girl…” Mayu points a finger at the person inside the tube who already had her eyes open, “…she’s awake.”
- - - - - - - - - -
Everything is white.
Even Rena’s clothes are white.
The girl is lying on a field of grass, her eyes close with a hand swaying in the air without a care in the world… well, perhaps heaven is a better word. There is no sight of other living things in this place except her. The sky is blue with no clouds rolling about. Rena is enjoying the soft breeze of the cool wind with a serene smile on her face when suddenly she felt a familiar presence looming above her head…
“You’re lazy.”
Rena opens an eye to take a peek at the intruder. Raising herself to a sitting position with crossed legs, Rena sends a glare towards the only person… or being… whatever she is that dares to disturb her peaceful rest.
“It’s heaven. I can do whatever I want…”
“No. You are not in heaven… yet.”
“You’re noisy. Do you know that?”
“And you’re lazy… that’s why I’m this noisy.”
“Then give me something to do!”
The being with a pair of tiny wings on her back ponders for a while before giving a pout.
“There’s none.”
“See? And you’re saying I’m lazy…” Rena grumbles with crossed arms. “What are you doing here, anyway? Don’t you have other souls to babysit? Do your job properly, for Kami-sama’s sake…”
The angel-like girl’s face beams as she heard Rena’s complaints. “I’m here for my job, of course!”
She holds her hands on air when a small, black portal appeared out of thin air. Rena’s eyes widen with her jaw hanging open from surprise.
“W-what’s that?”
“Duh… it’s a portal.” The angel rolled her eyes from Rena’s obvious question. A sudden thought came to her mind. Rena claps her hands happily as she jumps on the spot.
“Nee, nee… am I going to heaven? Finally! You don’t know how many years I’ve wasted my time here!”
“Ummm actually…” the angel scratches her head with a guilty face, “…you’re going back.”
Before she could ask anymore question, the angel swayed her hands directly on top of Rena’s head, causing the girl to be pulled by the vortex force of the portal before the black hole narrowed itself and disappeared into thin air.
“I hope she doesn’t miss me…” the angel lets out a deep relieved sigh, “Eh… we’ll meet again someday anyway.”
Shrugging her shoulders, the angel flew into the sky with a satisfied smile… not before giving herself a self-rewarding pat on the back for successfully having done another easy, small job.
- - - - - - - - - -
Beep. Beep.
Where… am I?Beep. Beep.
What is that… sound?
Beep. Beep.
Ugh… it’s annoying…
Meanwhile, two girls in white coats stood side by side as they observe the girl’s condition after the ruckus she caused earlier from being awaken.
“How is she?” Yuki asks as Mayu wrote her observations on the clipboard.
“Still breathing so I guess she’s gonna make it.”
“That’s good…” Yuki nods her head but the disturbing scene from earlier is still haunting her and it makes her worry, “You know, after what happened just now…”
“Ah… I never knew she can do that. It requires a lot of effort to break through the thick glass for a frail girl like her.”
“Maybe it has something to do with the serum…”
“I guess…” Mayu heaved a tired sigh. “We’ll do more tests after this.”
Mayu taps the pen irritatedly on the clipboard sheets before giving a side glare at the oblivious Yuki who is tending to the girl lying on the bed.
“Geez... I had just upgraded the tube recently, though…” she mumbles to herself as she hung the clipboard back on the bed. She stole a glance at the professor standing beside her who is currently wearing a worried and anxious face with fatigue clearly shown from her eye bags.
“Hey… you should sleep, Yuki.”
“It’s okay.” Yuki shook her head which just caused Mayu to grip her fist from frustration.
“But, Yuki… it has been 5 days since you last had your sleep!”
“I can survive another day…”
“What?! You’re-“
“Hey… you guys are noisy. Would you mind lower your voice down a bit?”
Both heads snapped towards the source of the voice. They stare at the figure on the bed with their jaws hanging and eyes wide like they had just seen a ghost.
“Ummm… is there something on my face?”
Yuki was the first to gain her sense back as she pounce on top of the girl while Mayu quickly press the emergency button to call for the specialists. Yuki hugs the girl with all her might, choking the life out of her as tears of joy pours out of her weary eyes.
“Hurk! C-can’t…!” the girl flails her hand for help as she tried to release herself from the death hug.
“Yuki! You’re choking her!”
“Eh? Ah! Sorry!”
Yuki released the poor girl from her tight embrace. The latter cough uncontrollably, rubbing her neck to ease the pain she felt from the suffocating hug. A frown forms on her already scrunched face as she scans the surrounding. Yuki can make out the confusion written on her face as their eyes met.
“W-who are you?”
That’s when Yuki felt all her remaining energy drained from her body. She collapsed on the spot, shocked with the revelation that Rena is finally awaken and safe… only without a memory of her.
- - - - -
“It’s funny seeing the specialists rushing to see you first instead of our subject…” Mayu lets out a snicker with a hand on her mouth but got smacked on the head by her partner.
“Shut up…”
“I thought you can carry on another day, Yuki…”
“I said shut up.”
Sensing the dark aura enveloping the girl, Mayu stops her teasing and resorts to fully pay her attention on the specialists inspecting Rena’s body and mental state.
“Hmm... I'm glad to say she is as good as a normal living human, Watanabe-san.” One of the specialists answered Mayu, “Unfortunately, as we had predicted from the previous tests, she has a memory loss.”
Yuki listens attentively from her chair as the specialists explain Rena’s state to Mayu. She wants to stand near them but her weak state is preventing her from listening to her heart’s desire. She wants to be by Rena’s side, she wants to be the one to comfort Rena after they revealed everything of her current situation but she can’t. She could only watch from the sides, praying and hoping the girl won’t freak out or anything…
“We can’t exactly say the exact span and time of her memory loss but I can assume she probably has a temporary amnesia.”
“You mean, she can regain her memory back?”
“Yes… but it’s going to take a very long time.”
Mayu nods her head with the information but a hand being raised pretty up in the air caught her attention. She neared the bed to give her attention on the innocent looking girl clutching the bed sheets like a lost kitten.
“Ano… excuse me, but why am I here?”
Mayu turns to look at Yuki but the latter was unresponsive with her eyes closed. The lack of sleep had finally taken a toll on Yuki’s brain, shutting her down for good. Taking a deep breath, Mayu decided it would be best if she take over from here.
“Hey, I’m Doctor Watanabe Mayu… You can call me Mayuyu.”
Mayu introduced herself with a smile. Rena nods her head cutely with a dumb look but the confusion is still obvious on her face.
“What’s your name?”
“Ummm… I thought you know already?”
Mayu lets out a small laugh, “Yeah I know… but I want to assure that you do know yours.”
“I’m Rena… Matsui Rena.”
Once again, Mayu nods her head with a satisfied smile… At least she knows her own name, she thought. But before Mayu can ask another question, Rena had beaten her to it.
“You didn’t answer my question earlier, Mayuyu-san.”
Getting startled from the direct question, Mayu clears her throat to think of something. With the nimble brain of hers, Mayu aligns her thoughts and words carefully to prevent the girl from getting stressed out from knowing the unbelievable truth.
“Honestly… you were in a coma for three years, Rena-san.”
The latter’s eyes widen from the revelation. She never knew she can sleep for such a long time. Even more, to even manage to be awake after a deep slumber… Mayu continue to explain every health-related matter about Rena, not including the part where they had put her into a sleeping chamber and had just resurrected her back to life. No one wants to know that she was a subject for some sort of an experiment for 3 whole years... Mayu thought that it was a blessing for them to have Rena suffering from amnesia at the moment.
“That’s… amazing.” Rena scratches her cheek before pointing at the knocked out girl slumping on the couch, “Umm… who is she?”
“Oh, Yuki? Well… it may be awkward saying this. But she’s Kashiwagi Yuki… your girl.”
“My girl?”
“Yeah… your girl.”
“As in…”
Mayu nods her head with a smile, thinking Rena caught what she’s trying to imply but the latter had actually misinterpreted her words. She puts a hand on her mouth with eyes as wide as saucer.
“You are seriously trying to get yourself in trouble, Mayu…”
A hoarse, dark voice sounded from her side, startling the cyborg girl with the unexpected presence.
“I-I thought you are sleeping, Yuki…” Mayu scratches her head timidly with a forced grin.
“I’ll take over from here… you should take some rest.”
Hearing the absolute, spooky voice of Yuki with a hint of get-out-of-here command, Mayu lets out a sigh as she walks out of the room not before waving her hand towards Rena’s direction with a smile. The girl responds with a smile before turning her gaze at the taller girl. Now, there is only the two of them in the room. Awkwardness surrounds them both with the deafening silence of the room.
“How are you feeling?” Yuki asked with a worried face.
The girl lets out a cute giggle, Yuki joining in. She walks to the bed before sitting at the edge near Rena’s waist. They both stare at each other, one with an innocent face while the other is trying to hold back the tears from falling after seeing her friend breathing like how she used to be.
“I’m… I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say… it’s all kinda confusing for me right now.”
“It’s okay… I understand, Rena-chan.”
Yuki smiled seeing the hopeless face on Rena as she tugs and scrunches the blanket with her dainty fingers. How she wished her friend would be happy seeing her, just the way Yuki is feeling right now. She can’t help to feel the sudden longing of wanting to embrace the girl, of wanting to let out all the loneliness she felt after Rena is… Yuki shook her head, not wanting to say the cursed word. She doesn't want to remember the scene of Rena being shot in the chest on that unfortunate day.
“I’ll tell you all the details, Rena-chan but for now… c-can I give you a hug?”
Seeing the tears about to fall from the girl, Rena opens her arms wide to welcome the girl into her embrace. Yuki once again pounce on Rena but not forgetting to loosen her hold to prevent repeating the earlier scene. Rena could feel her shoulder becoming wet from Yuki’s tears. Somehow, there’s a nagging feeling inside her mind that has been missing the warmth. She felt like they have a special connection with each other that can’t be described with words. Rena unconsciously rubs Yuki’s back to calm the girl, tightening her hold on Yuki.
“Shhh… There, there… I’m here now.”
Yuki was startled with the way Rena said those words. It was the same like how she used to pacify her when they were together 3 years ago. A sudden feeling of melancholy came rushing as she reminisces the days Rena would say comforting words when she is sad, even giving her a hug just to make her feel belonged.
Flashback...Yuki just had another fight with her father that day just because she had been returning home late for the past few days. Not that she cared because they have been having fights for the past years since Yuki's mother left them. What infuriates Yuki the most was the accusation of her hanging out with boys and friends on the mall or going to a karaoke to have fun. That had done it. She remembered that she had practically slammed the door on her father's face that night and cried by herself to sleep. She wasn't having fun with boys or girls or whoever her father had thought of... She had been studying with Rena every day after school to make up for her bad grades, to make her father feel proud with a daughter like her. A stupid, idiot and useless daughter that her father had claimed countless of times. Yuki really hates it when her father make fun of her in front of his friends and socialites... That's what made her in a bad mood today. Not to mention the girl that had been pestering her to no ends for the past few minutes. Not that she hated her presence by her side.
Yuki played dumb with a straight face, reading the book on her lap in silence as Rena tugs her sleeve several times for her attention.
"Yuki yuki yukiiriiiiin~"
A giggle came out from Yuki as she turns her attention to Rena. "What is it?"
"What's wrong?"
"Eh? What are you talking about..." Yuki averts her gaze from Rena's worried and concerned eyes, focusing her attention on the book once again. She doesn't want to tell Rena about her family problems. She can handle them on her own. Besides, Rena would surely made fun of her for acting like a spoiled girl just because she had a fight with her father. No one wants to hear her boring stories anyway...
Having enough of Rena's antics, Yuki slammed the book shut to lashed at the girl for persistently disturbing her free time.
However, before she can shout at Rena, her view was blocked from the world as a pair of arms envelops her body in a warm hug. Yuki's eyes widen with Rena's unexpected action.
"W-what are you d-doing, Rena-chan?"
Instead of answering, Rena just tightens her hold as a respond. She pats Yuki's head as if she is a small kid...
"It's okay, Yuki... I'm here..."
That's when Yuki's tough front broke from Rena's gentle voice. It was like when her mother was still alive, giving her a hug when she's feeling down or hurt. The dam of tears flooded out of her eyes as she grips Rena's shirt like her life depends on it. It has been long since she had a heart-warming hug like this and she hopes she wouldn't lose another warmth from another most caring person that had appeared like a blessing in her life. No, she won't ever let go of Rena...
End of FlashbackIndeed, Yuki had been missing the girl so much…
Suddenly, the door flung open by none other than Mayu. The latter gulped as she felt a tightening feeling in her chest with the sight of Rena and Yuki hugging each other but she shrugs it away as there are more urgent matters to deal with right now. She motioned for Yuki to approach her. The latter released Rena from the hug hesitantly as she gave an apologetic smile to the girl. Walking with heavy steps, Yuki glares at the intruder but the worried face of Mayu had made her heart beat anxiously…
“We need to go…” Mayu took a small glance at Rena before whispering in a small, desperate voice. “
They know she’s here.”
A/N: Chapter 1 up! How was it? I'm getting worried with the sudden requests of the ending pair ahahaha

Ooooh my I don't want to disappoint you guys ARRRGHH!!!

But no worries I'll make up something at the end Nyahahaha

Thanks for reading~ and do forgive the grammar mistakes or typos. I was too excited to write I just read in one go lol

Do read
this for better understanding of the plot... But I don't think it helps much

Replies: @Kirozoro: Go read the original entry!
@River1721: Again, go read the original entry!!! I've post the link up there
@kcard: Thank YOU~~~

Glad your wish do come true

I hope you'll still read this even when you know the pairing ahahaha

But who knows I might change my mind or something~