AND NOW~ CHAPTER 2 is here~ Hope you guys enjoy it. Please leave some comment and feedback.
A/N from embee : Please excuse any grammar mistakes since I told Pokemon here to do the editing but since she's waaay too lazy...
A/N from Zhen : NYAHAHAHA

Please give some love to this fic and to the both of us too~ Don't forget to click THANK YOU~

share the love~

I rushed my way to the door, only to find a smiling Yui standing innocently at the hallway with a carton of beers in her hand.
“Can I come in?”
I wasn’t expecting to see my bestfriend that I haven’t seen for the past 6 months, appearing in front of my apartment. No wonder the knocking on my door. Only Yui would do that to annoy the heck out of me. I squeeze the hell out of her as I hug her tightly with my strong arms.
“Huuurk! C-can’t b-b-reathe!”
“Oppps! Sorry…”
“Looks like you miss me that much, huh? Even wanting to strangle me to death…”
“Well... if only you could stop embarrassing me in the hallway, I would gladly fill you with all the details!”
Yui scratches her head as she looked left and right, afraid if my outburst might catch the neighbors’ attention this late at night. With a grin, I pull the girl into my house.
“Ow ow OWW! Sayaka! Can’t you be more gentle to me?! You’re hurting me...”
“This is payback for ditching me for almost half a year! Your fault!”
“Owww! Okay! I’m sorry, alright! Geez...” Yui rubs her red wrist, resulted from my death grip.
“Just a few months I left you, this is what you have become?”
I give her the glare of the month with lasers shooting out from my eyes. But Yui just shrugged her shoulders like it’s not big of a deal for her. Damn… this is why bestfriends are so annoying. Thank god I love her too much to stop myself from kicking her ass out of my home. She roams around my apartment as I store some of the beers in the fridge for later.
“Oh, yeah… make yourself at home.”
“You live here alone?”
“Yup… I need some privacy for my work.”
She nods her head slowly as she continues observing my place when suddenly, she stops on my working table…
With my laptop on…
Showing the forum…
With unfinished message of Milky…
Hold on... Oh no!
"What are you doing, Sayanee?" As her eyes staring at my laptop screen, I tried to run my slow legs to keep Yui from reading the message, but...
"Milky? Who is that? Wait... Are you sending a message to her? Wow! The great YAMAMOTO SAYAKA is sending a message! That’s something new... What else?"
Aaaagh!!! Why do you hate me so much, Kami-sama?! Hmph! Well, better act normal than be obvious about it… Keep your cool, Sayaka!
“Yeah, yeah... I’m sending a message. Got a problem? Stop looking at my laptop.” I walk towards her calmly and close the laptop.
“Now I’m expecting you to tell me... Why did you leave?” I stare deep into her eyes but after a while she averts her eyes off of me while opening the bottle.
“Wellllllllll… You know...”
“Wellllllllll… Nope, I don’t. Spill it out!”
Yui heaved a sigh as she turns at me with a serious face.
“Just getting tired of your face. I wanted to make new friends so I went travel all around the world and backpacking. That’s all.” She said with a nonchalant face as she sits on the couch like a boss...
“Oh my God. Yui... Such good friend you are. Why didn’t you bring me?! You are so mean... I want to make new friendddddssss too.” I said it with the same indifferent face as Yui. Yep, I’m being sarcastic here.
“Tsk. I can’t hide anything from you, huh....”
“Duh! What do you think being 10 years of friends with you means? I KNOW EVERYTHING.”
“Really? Then you should have known where I have been then.” A smirk formed on her face.
I pause my action from seeing her smirk. She’s trying to break the limit of my patience here. Well done, Yui… Well done. I’ll ignore what you’re trying to do to me, Yui. I decided to give Yui the silent treatment. After about 1 minute of silence, my mind suddenly remembered something...
“Ah! What time is it?” Yui suddenly asked me as I walk to my laptop.
“Ummm… Half past 11?” I look at my watch and said.
“Really? Hey! There’s a movie I wanted to see in TV. Let’s watch together!”
“WAIT!!!! Let me reply the message first.” I quickly rushed to my laptop.
“Hmm? Oh….. I want to meet that Milky-san~” Again! THAT SMIRK! SHE JUST HAD TO!
“Hmmm? Why?”
“Just because!”
“Just because?”
“Hmmm. Do I look I care?” She keeps walking toward me.
“Yui… Don’t make me turn all gay on youuuu...” I said it with threatening voice.
“Heh? Umm…I don’t mind. But no, thanks..” She turns around and walk away. I swear I could see her face turned pale for a second there. Must be my imagination, though. Oh well…
I open my laptop again. Before I reply Milky message, I see a new unread message. Um? Being curious, I click on it.
Hey, Sayaka.
Are you still there? Well, it’s kinda late so maybe you’re asleep.
Just want to tell you it is nice meeting you… here. LOL
I hope we could talk again like this. You are funny and interesting.
But it is unlikely for me to continue writing so I hope you don’t mind that…
Well, have a good sleep. Bye!
Sweet dream~
Now I turn back to the unfinished message and start typing. I could feel Yui staring at me while sipping her beer from time to time.
Yo! Milky!
Haha… Is this better? 
Em. True. I want to be famous! I think. Haha. Do you want to be?
I KNOW! I love her because of that too!
I didn’t think that there are people that thinks of her like that too! I’m so lucky to know you!
I love her guitar skill the most! I wish my skills were like hers. :/
I like... Of course Yamamoto-san!
So, from my cool deduction and instinct, the story really did happened?
If it is, then I’m so sorry. I didn't know.
Em…. If you don’t mind you could share with me. That is if you want to...
Don’t worry! I always keep secrets safe with me! Cross my heart!
Sorry for the late reply. My friend came over my house without notice so….. late reply.
I don’t mind talking with you at all! I hope that we could be friends too!
I guess you are heading to bed now.
See you again! Well... I mean, chat with you again? 
Sweet dream to you too
Good nite, Milky. One click and send…I’m done!
“That is one quite long message you wrote there, Sayanee…”
“Yeah…” I nod my head slowly with a smile on my face… when Yui’s face appearing by my side caught me surprised. “HEY!”
“I thought it was an essay about your LIFE since you were a baby...”
“What are you doing here?! I thought I told you to stay there!”
“I got bored… Besides, I’ve been thinking. Is a gay Sayaka hot?”
That’s it! With a smirk on my face and a motion of groping, I chased after Yui who’s laughing out loud while trying to run away from my pervert gay side… This scene reminded me of the time we had together during high school. Being stupid and crazy like there’s not even a care in the world. I didn’t realized we had passed out in the middle of the night as we lay on the couch with empty bottles as our pillows and the static television on without anyone to watch…
Just like old times…..
The next day... I’m sleepy. This is all because of Yui. If only she hadn’t barged into my apartment last night, I wouldn’t be as sleepy as right now. AND THE SONG! GREAT…GOOD JOB Sayaka! After throwing away the bag of garbage together with Yui earlier that morning, I sit on the stool opposite of my guitar.…..
“Nee…” I caress my guitar gently. “Why can’t I make a new song like before…?”
It seems like I’m crazy, talking by myself with a guitar. But me and my guitar share a unique relationship. I always talk to my guitar whenever I’m feeling happy or sad. She’s like my bestfriend… Wait, screw that. Yui’s face came to my mind when I said bestfriend. Her face just ruined my mood. Well... I don’t know what she is, but I do know she is important in my life and I wouldn’t have been here if not for her. It’s like we’re connected with each other…
“I owe you a lot, G.”
I turn to my laptop when a beep sound came from it. Moving away from my guitar, I sit on the chair of my working table.
Morning! Sorry I fell asleep yesterday night after sending you the message.
I just read it. Ummm… you don’t have to feel sorry about it.
I mean, everyone has their own sad story, right? Mine is just as unfortunate...
It’s nothing much actually. I just… got dumped by my boyfriend.
Well, actually… I was the one who dumped him. Cause he have another girlfriend behind my back.
And guess who?
It’s my BESTFRIEND. Sucks, isn’t it… I mean, I trusted them both but…
Sorry I got carried away… haha. Ummm… nevermind.
Wow… to be treated with a sad story first thing in the morning. You shouldn’t be sad early in the morning. Looks like I need to do something here. Mission Making-Milky-Cheered-Up commencing… now!
Morning Milky. 
Umm. True everyone have their own story. Hey…. Cheer up.
I don’t want to see a pretty girl like you to get sad.
Maybe the starting of your story is unfortunate
But that doesn’t mean the ending will be the same too..
I’m sure you will meet someone worth of you. 
Maybe someone like... me? Haha. Joking. 
It’s okay. From now on! I’ll be your bestfriend!
I’ll be a person that listen to all your worries and problem 
You can trust me. Cross my heart! (I’m DEAD
Now, it’s time for practice!
In the studio…“Hey! Get your hands off my guitar!”
“Ugh... It was an accident! I didn’t even touch it like… touch it!”
I was about to enter the studio when a commotion happened inside. Oh! If it isn’t Jurina and her arc nemesis...
“Like I care! Move aside!”
“Geez… Chill, will you? I was just about to talk with Rena-senpai.”
Ooookay… wrong move, Tani. You just pour oil to a small fire. This is gonna turn out very ugly… Jurina taps Tani’s shoulder, trying to get the girl’s attention to face her wrath.
“That…” Jurina points at her guitar, “... is my precious guitar! No one touches it except me and ME only!”
“Pssh. It’s just a guitar…”
“What did you say…?”
Greaaaat… She did not just said that!
Jurina slowly approaches Tani in a threatening manner. She holds the girl’s collar, pulling Tani’s face closer to hers as she whispered a death threat. Wait… isn’t there someone who’s going to stop these two?! I see Rena sitting at the couch silently, watching them fight with worried face. I walk towards her and motion for her to stop them before the fourth world war happens.
“Why you…”
Both of them turn their heads and look at the person who said that. It was Rena who’s walking towards them right now..
“Can’t both of you get along?”
“No way!”
“Never!” Both of them shouted.
Rena just sigh, “Jurina... why are you being so sensitive about your guitar?”
Jurina gave a quick glance at Rena with sadness in her eyes.
“You don’t understand… None of you will understand.” After that, she just storms out of the room, leaving us dumbfounded with her outburst.
“Eh? Did I say something wrong?” Rena points at herself as she asked us..
I mentally facepalm. Rena doesn’t remember that she bought the guitar together with Jurina… Things just got worst. However, Yuki abruptly hit the cymbal loudly, catching everyone’s attention to face her gloom feature.
“Tani... You shouldn’t have said that to Jurina. That guitar means a lot to her. Every instrument we play plays an important role in our lives. Like my drum kit, it’s a symbol of independence for me as I bought it with my own pocket money. Each one has a story of it’s own, including Jurina’s precious guitar. I don’t think you would understand, but at least try to respect that… okay?”
Just after Yuki finished with her unusual philosophy way of explaining things, Rena run out of the room.
Jurina’s POVThat girl! How could she had forgotten about it? Maybe it’s only important to me... Why did I even fall for her! That stupid dense egg head…
I punch the wall, unconsciously making a small dent on the innocent surface. Well… not that I care. My fist starts to become painful from the impact of the punch but I ignore it. This pain is nothing compared to the feeling I have in my heart. However, a hoarse but subtle voice of someone from behind had made my heart beat wildly, making it more painful than ever...
“Jurina...” Why did she have to chase after me?
“What?” I tried to sound as cold as I can despite the fast beating of my heart at the moment.
“I’m sorry...” She said in a slow voice.
“For what? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“But…I forgo-” I cut her words before she could finish it. I can’t bear to hear those words from her.
“Just go back. Tani must be worried…” I turn around and walk pass her without a care on shown on my face.
I yelled out unconsciously as I turn back at her. I can see her flinched from my action. Her body is trembling with fear as she ducks her head low to the ground. Oh great… Don’t tell me she’s gonna cry? I was about to walk away but something in the back of my mind is telling me to not leave Rena here…
Dude… what are you doing? Can’t you see she’s sad?
Eeh… Just walk away, kiddo. She doesn’t need your sympathy.
A kind heart with a kind soul won’t leave a helpless person like that, Jurina.
Don’t listen to that damn Angie, Kiddo. She’s been breaking your heart every second and every day… That CryBaby deserves it!
Hey, Devi! Shut up for a second! I’m trying to save Jurina’s heart here!
Eh~ like it works everytime. PLEASEEEEE.
At least I’m trying! Not like you, lazy ass… GRRR…
Heaving a deep sigh, I blow air to both sides of my shoulders, blowing away the Devil and Angel of mine. Feeling a weight being lifted from my shoulders, I took a deep breath before walking towards Rena.
“Come on. Let’s go.”
I said without facing her with both hands in hidden in the pockets of my pants. I take some glances at her direction, but that stupid girl won’t even budge from her spot.
“Are you deaf?”
“Huh?” She whimpers slightly from my question.
“I said, let’s go.”
“Ummm… w-where?” I could hear her voice cracked, trying to control herself from crying I guess.
Oh, damn. She’s not just deaf, but an absolute baka too. Letting out an exasperated sigh, I grab whatever I can reach from her and drags her back to the studio. I don’t know what came to me but this thing happened out of my will. I mean… I never have any intention to help her or anything but we have a comeback to deal with and our time for practice is limited. I don’t want to face a barking angry Mayu if something bad happens to the group because of our petty fights.
We soon reach the room after having a long and deafening travel of silence back to the room. I slam the door open, casually making my way inside. But the scrutinizing eyes of everyone makes me feel conscious of myself.
I asked with irritation obvious in my voice but they continue to look at the direction of my hands. I followed their gaze and found out that my left hand is somehow connected to Rena’s right wrist. I was about to release my grip but someone had already snatched my hand away with a strong force.
“What are you doing?!”
Tani had came to Rena’s side, exchanging my hold on Rena with her own hand. I could only watch helplessly as Tani protectively holds Rena’s hands that was in mine earlier. A sudden rush of emptiness could be felt in my hand.
“Why are you doing this to Rena?!”
Tani’s annoying loud voice is seriously making my anger rising up to another level. I take a step forward towards the punk, overshadowing her with my height and stature.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, don’t act like you know nothing! You just hurt Rena, didn’t you?
My day just can’t be any worst. Helping Rena brings nothing but trouble to me.
“Em… T-tani...” Rena calls her with a soft and cracked voice which resulted in Tani turning around to face her senpai.
“Rena-senpai! Did she make you cry too?”
“Umm… Actua-”
“That’s it! Let’s go, Rena-senpai... We don’t have time to face a selfish and arrogant person like her.”
“Hey! Where are you guys going?! We have practice to do!” Sayaka shouted.
“Sorry, Sayanee-san… not today.”
Both of them left the studio, leaving us speechless with the unexpected turns of events. For the first time, I don’t have any comebacks for that annoying brat. For the first time, my mind is on a blank state. And for the first time, I suddenly feel lonely for the loss of warmth as I stare at my hand...
Sayaka’s POVYuki had asked for Mayu’s permission to end the practice session early today due to the scene that had happened earlier. I felt sorry for Jurina. I can see her feeling a bit down after the commotion. It’s like she’s out of spirit, unlike the other two… Somehow, I can sense Mayu being a little bit giddy after giving us the permission to leave early. Wonder if she’s been seeing someone in secret… Hmm… Nah! It can’t be! I shake my thoughts away… She’s a scary person, no one can stand her attitude.
IT’S TIME! Home sweet home! I quickly rush to my laptop and turn it on. I really need to work on our new single right now. Ugh... It’s been like forever! If only I have Aki-P’s brain in my head, I won’t be struggling like this for a simple, short, 3-minutes length song!
LOADING…….(very slow internet….again)
Great….. can’t my internet be any fast? Even my grandma can move faster than this!
As I wait for the computer to load, I reach for my guitar and started to strum some random patterns of chords just for the fun of it. My mind starts to swirl into another world filled with sadness and sorrows as I play a sad tune. However, I can’t seem to put my feeling into the random song as I lost my concentration in less than a minute. Usually I would play any songs till the end but right now I’m stuck in the middle. It’s like there’s something missing in the tune… Something that can be related to me...
One unread message.Finally! I carefully put down my guitar and face the computer. A smile unconsciously formed on my face as a new message pops out on the screen.
You really know how to cheer me up. But how do you know I’m pretty?
Are you perhaps… been stalking me? ( O////O)
Well, I don’t think I want to experience love anymore…
If all I’m going to get is pain, then I’d rather not fall in love at all.
But perhaps… Maybe, just maybe…
If someone can open up my heart again, I might give love a chance one more time. 
Perhaps, a bestfriend...maybe?
Do you really want to be my bestfriend?
I’m a girl that’s really hard to handle… and a bit picky.
Somehow I’m looking forward to every message Milky sent to me. I wonder why... I’ve never been into these forums sites of idols or artists made by fans. It’s a waste of time for me and I’m pretty much preoccupied with my band’s work so got no time for it. This Milky, though… this person had captured my attention. Well, I’m really hooked up with her story cause she is such a talented writer but I never imagined us messaging every day like this. It’s a new thing for me. I don’t mind having a cyber friend like Milky. I just hope it won’t get me into trouble in the future…
RING RING!Without turning away my attention from the screen, I reach blindly for my ringing phone. I answer the call without checking for the caller’s name.
“Hey, Sayanee. Where are you?”
“At home…”
“Ah, good. I need you to come to the studio this evening. I need to discuss something with you guys.”
“Ehh? I just got back and you want me to go there in...” I took a quick glance at the clock, “... 2 hours?”
“Yes. Got a problem?”
“A-aah… No. I’ll be there.”
“Good. Don’t be late!”
“Fine, fine. I won’t! Wait… who’s this?”
“*sigh* You just had to ask at the end of the phone call, huh? It’s YOUR MANAGER!”
I quickly end the call, afraid to face Mayu’s wrath in the phone. I once again look at the clock hung on my apartment’s wall. Well, I still have two hours of free time. I should take a short nap to replenish my energy… but before that. I should reply Milky’s message. Just in case she’s online right now. Just ONE message… and then I’ll sleep!
Hey, Milky. 
Em…. Maybe I did stalk you? Haha. Are you afraid of me now?
Well, to tell you the truth I never been in love before. (。・//ε//・。)
But I know that true love will come to you one day.
You just need to be patient with Cupid’s way of making people fall in love.
Ah, talking about Cupid…
Today, things have been a bit unpleasant.
Actually, my friends been fighting, that’s why I got off early today.
It’s quite sad seeing them both. I know they have feelings for each other but they are both morons so they don’t realize it yet.
If only they know of each other’s feelings, I don’t think they will always fight.
I mean, one of them has a secret admirer? No… more like a fanatic junior who likes to cling on her senpai.
And that junior reallly annoys the other one.
Okaaaay… I don’t think you understand the whole picture cause it’s…
full of words? I’m bad at telling story T_T
Not like you, though…I’m just a reader >.<”
Sooo…. does this mean I’m already your best friend?
Wait! Picky about what? (」゜ロ゜)」After 2 hours and a half...“SAYAKA…”
“You’re late… AGAIN.”
I could only bow my head low enough to hide my face from Mayu’s killing glare. I screwed up again this time. I did said I was gonna take a short nap before coming here, right? Nooo… It’s not that I overslept. The thing is, that didn’t happen…at all! I was too engrossed in exchanging messages with Milky, I had lost count of the time. I’m not blaming Milky in this. The girl is just so much fun to talk with I can’t stop replying her message every time a new message pops up. I scratch my head timidly, trying to think of some excuses but Yuki had saved my butt this time.
“Don’t worry, Mayu. I’ll take care of Sayanee…” Yuki give a glance at me which I replied with a grateful smile.
“Well, if you said so…” Oh? Mayu is letting me go? Well this is new… Not that I mind, though.
Mayu ordered the five of us to take our seats on the old couch… Wait, five? Since when did we have another member in our group? That’s when I realized the tension going on inside the room. I can feel the dark air emanating from Jurina as she took some threatening steps towards Tani.
“What are you doing here?” Jurina asked as she forcefully nudged Tani’s shoulder with a finger.
“Hey! Watch it! You shouldn’t do that to your new member…” Tani said with a smirk as she slaps Jurina’s hand’s away.
“You? New member? Hah… you’ve got to be kidding me.” Jurina snorts in disbelief before Mayu interrupts her.
“It’s true. She is now one of your band members, Jurina.”
All of us, excluding Tani and Rena, were surprised with the sudden revelation. Jurina stepped forward to Mayu and yells at her face.
“Her...?! That annoying brat?! What the hell...”
“Hey! Watch your mouth!”
“Shut up! I’m not talking to you!”
“But you’re obviously talking about me!”
“What does it matter-”
Before things got worse, Mayu calmly raised a hand and clamps Jurina’s mouth.
“Both of you calm down or I swear I will disband this group and scout other members that are more favourable and obedient than you guys.”
The threat accompanied by Mayu’s cyborg face had made everyone gulps in fear. In silence, they both obediently walk back to their place. Jurina walk passed me to a lone stool beside the couch, away from the usual place she always occupy; on the couch’s hand rest beside Rena. Out of concern, I nudge Jurina to ask if she’s okay. I was expecting a yell or something harsh coming from her…but instead, she just raised a brow at me, making me respond with the same action too.
“You okay?”
“Yeah...” I can see her eyes sadly looking at the opposite side of the couch for a brief second before her face turns back to the usual cold front. “...just peachy.”
Shrugging my shoulders, I turn my attention back to Mayu.
“As you all have heard before, we’re having another member in our band and that is Tani. Don’t ask me why but this is a request by the Director. Tani is good with keyboard and you guys really need her in your band. Besides, she’s a good entertainer, I think fans would love her. This way, we can have more chances to appear in variety shows and expand our publicity.”
“Yup. And she will be our joker… A stupid joker.” Jurina mumbles softly, but everyone could still hear it.
“What did you just say?!” Tani shouts loudly as she stands up from the couch.
“I’m talking to myself… idiot.” Jurina is really pushing her limit here cause I can hear she whispered that “idiot”. I hope Tani knows what horror she will face when Jurina is pissed off.
“Tani... Calm down will you?” Rena pull Tani’s wrist to calm her down.
“Yeah… go save your lovely junior. What a bunch of morons…”
“Jurina, I expect you to at least keep your calm… or else...”
“Right… If only you hadn’t put her in this group, I would have easily calm down by now, Mayu.”
Uh-oh… I can feel dark storm about to fly by as Yuki calls Jurina’s name with her trademark Black aura.
“I was just kidding, okay?” Jurina said with a defeated sigh before stepping… or more like slamming her boot on my foot on purpose.
“What? What’s wrong, Sayanee?” Yuki ask in concern.
“N-n-nothing… Ahaha…” I quickly glance at Jurina but she just gave me a cold shoulder and stares deadly at Tani with squinted eyes. Okay. She’s mad. Better keep quiet and hold your pain to yourself, Sayaka...
“I have good news. Your comeback will be in 2 month.”
Everyone turns to the duck sound. It was Yuki, who is at the moment making a duck face while holding her phone at the front.
“Ummm… is she doing a selfie?”
“Just ignore her.”
“So... since your comeback will be delayed, I’m expecting you guys to cooperate with each other especially with Tani, since she’s new and all.”
Mayu taps down something on her book before pointing at Rena.
“I’ll be leaving Tani in your care, Rena. Since both of you are close.”
The girls cheered together, clapping hands and hugging each other like they just won a first prize competition.
“Great. Now we’re gonna be wasting more time than ever… especially with those two always acting like kids.” Jurina purposely mutters loud enough for everyone to hear. I can see Tani about to lash back at Jurina but Rena had quickly holds her down. Mayu lets out a tired sigh.
“What is your point, Jurina?”
“I’m just saying that new brat needs better supervision instead of her BELOVED senpai. Someone that can provide her good teaching and tutoring on how to become a member of a well-known band.”
Mayu nods her head, agreeing with Jurina’s opinion on this.
“Well... do you have any better suggestion, Jurina?”
“What about Yuki?” I voice out.
Everyone is silent for a minute and turn their attention to the girl who is still taking her selfie with her so called adorable face.
“Yuki? I don’t think she’s suited for that role. She has other things to take care of.”
“Yup. Mayu’s right. I’m busy being leader.”
I mentally facepalm from our leader’s response. Busy being leader? More like busy being cute and adorable right now… Geez. What other things does she has to take care of? After a few seconds of silence, a smirk forms on Jurina’s face as she proudly stands and points at herself.
“Let me take care of her.” Jurina sneered, causing Tani to stand and face her enemy with a brave front.
“Bring it on!”
Jurina and Tani look at each other with sparks and lightning coming from their eyes as they reach for each hand for a handshake. More like a pact of war, I’d say...
I exchange glances with Rena who’s looking at them both anxiously. Oh no. This is getting way out of hand, I’m afraid there will be bloodbath soon coming from these two...
“Before that…” Jurina steps closer to Tani with an air of authority as she overshadows the girl. “I need you to follow my 2 simple rules.”
“What rules? I never heard of having any rules.”
“Hey! You wanna stay here… or get kick out before even being an official member?” Jurina smirks after whispering the last part to Tani. I can see Tani fuming in anger but she just nod slowly while still glaring at Jurina.
“That’s a good girl…” Jurina pats Tani’s head but the girl swats her hand away which Jurina just shrugs it.
“First rule first. You…” Jurina purposely pokes her finger on Tani’s chest. “...have to listen to me.”
“Tch… Fine!”
“Now, the second rule is….”
“You just need to follow the first rule. Easy.”
“Yukirin… am I being unfair and unsquare about this?” Jurina asked as she crosses her arms still with that deadly smirk of hers.
“Not really… I don’t see any harm in this. I got no problem with the rules… right, Mayu?”
“Anything Yukirin says~ U-umm… I mean. Since, she’s the leader… y-yeah…”
“Well… if it brings benefits to the group in terms of diligence and discipline, I’m good too.” I said with a shrug.
“Ummm… ano…” Rena was about to say something but a side glance coming from Jurina makes her cower in fear. “I’m… I’m okay as long as Tani is fine with it…”
“Well… now that that’s settled, we’re going to have a formal introduction with each other.”
Mayu stood up as she bows slightly at Tani, “As you know, my name is Watanabe Mayu, Beast Wings’ manager.”
“My full name is Yamamoto Sayaka. The songwriter and lead guitarist. I also provide supporting vocals together with Jurina. Nice to meet you again, Tani.” I said in a cool way and a salute, trying to be polite.
“You know me, Tani. Rena-chan the bassist of the group, at your service!” Rena said with both hands clasped in front of her like that of an innocent but happy girl.
“Matsui Jurina. Second in charge, lead vocalist and main guitarist.” Jurina said with both hands in her pants’ pockets. Well… that’s one hell of a cold introduction. As expected coming from Jurina.
Everyone turns to Yuki, waiting for her self introduction but the girl wasn’t even paying attention as she did multiple poses on the couch. I decided to take matters into my own hands and introduce our air-headed leader.
“The one playing with the phone is Kashiwagi Yuki or Yukirin. The leader and drummer of the band. She might act like this but you don’t want to mess with her, Tani. She’s more dangerous than the cold Jurina when she’s pissed...” Yuki just raised a hand with a slight wave before continuing her session of taking selfies.
“Mayu, let’s take a selfie.” Yuki voice out.
“Ack! Uhh… umm... y-yeah, sure!”
“Oh! Let’s take a group selfie! To commemorate our new member, Tani!” Rena said happily.
“Tch…” Both Mayu and Jurina glare at her but since Yuki agreed to it, they can’t do anything except to get on with it.
“Make it fast. We still need to practice.” Jurina grumbles loudly with irritation obvious in her voice.
Chanaline : Glad you found this story~


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And Pls. Leave a comment if you free~
menamarco96 : HAHAH. YOU ARE RITE~

They don't

BTW~ I'm still waiting for your FANFIC "EVERYDAY" UPDATE TOO~


Hope you did enjoy this chapter 2~

HAHA. Sadly, No Prize~ HAHAHA! What about I update Chapter 3 as soon as possible as a prize for you~

I wish you Luck on your exam.

PLS... Do continue giving us Feed Back.

48matama : HAHA. Really?

IS okay~ Glad that You read it though~

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akibastar : HAHA. MAYBE... MAYBE NOT...~ I WONDER~ NYAHAHA. WE TRY TO put as many scene of YuiParu as possible~

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P/s: What do you guys think about the cover photo so far?

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